VOL VIII. LEBANON, OREGON, NOVEMBER 16, 1894. NO. 33 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ann fffftF .... 92 00 (ir'piikliu advance, 11 6u par year.) Six inniitti. - 1 JJ Three milium ' Slueie uupln " TATE OFFICERS. s " J. V. Poli.li, t Senators John II. Mitclrfll,!.' '"" Ulnger Hermann,......'..... CongreMnian Sylvester Pennoyer Governor tteorge W. McBride Secretary of State Phil Motscliai - .Treasurer E, B. MrElroy Biipt. "Public Imtruction Prank i!. Hakcr Statu Printer It. S.Sfnlin. . Win. 1-. Ut Supreme Judgca I'., a. Bonn, ) ' COUNTY OFFICERS. Jndiie,.: - ......J.N. Duncan Clerk N Necdhara Ilhr-lVr" ...... ...I. F. Hardraan Rbcrlir, J. A- McKcron Behind Supirlntcndont,......A. It. Rutherford Treasurer... F- Morris Assessor ,'. W. F. Dcakina Surveyor E. T. T. Fishcr kroner R- A. Jayne I John Pugh Commissioners, j j, jj. Waters CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR.; ...C. B. MOKTAfU'E. UtDKIi , A. F. BTOWE. ...B. M. GARLAND. TltKAHriil.,H" MARSHAL J. F. HYDE. P. W. MORGAN. ',. KEU.ENBEHGER, P;, HEUI), J. O. -'i'. T.C. I'O. V il, AKDKKVi. S. II. MYERS. CTirst'U.MES ti. W.RICE. ' , City Council meets n tli tlrat and thir.. Tuesday evenings "f each month. . Secret Societies. UttN TENT, Nil. 7, K. 0. T, M .-Meets in 0. A. R Hall on Thursday evening of each week. Traimwnt Sir KiiljthW a cordially Invited to lull the lent meeting. J. A. Lumauox, Com, (;n W, Hick, U. K. tEBiSON t'NION bODOU, No. H. 1 0. 0. T. -els every aitiuday evening ai u. a. a. -Mi ici, J, B. majih, 1. 1- at o'f. SeCy. '.' Auuit 8uw ' 11! KO. 47, 1, 0. 0. F. Meetl LKBANOK L01K Mi ma ,, every Saturday evom. v o'clock p. m. j MENHEB, N.. B. tt. OAItUNU, Beefy. '., PEARLUEIIKTA LOME, SO. 47. .lectsBtl.O.O.FHall nwt and JMrd oayoveiilugii'ii'eai'h'ni'nth. " ' Mita. o. W. CRi'sm. e- MISS BATTIE 8IMPSOS, aet'y.- LF.B.'VN WliCiEKo, U. A. f. A. M.-Meeta eiiitd4?ventilg.iinortforetlie full moon in Mh snath. . , (. j. w.M, ?. M. Miu.i Sec. - 'HONOR WWt, No. I, A.O.C. W.-Meeta very Tuesday evening at G. A. K. BaU. . 0. CARit ai. w. I. It. HnltrH. Bo. ' . ' " H lMKUKMCAMF, No. l" IlWWoa of Ore- . iu of Veteraana-Meot inu. . gun, evening, eieent the third un. . .. .u ...n..,i., lha third Fri- v,v iuuuui, Saturday of t imnhnw of thoftiM of Vew aay nisteiMi. . iMo( tlie u, A. . am uuium aralw and comrai Cainn invited to meet will. 0, Cam, W- A. Iism, Flmi See. . - , . . Mi, 1IINA M. VKT 1I1VU, NOl,- i,,, of lceton tlioSd, 4t.li and Stli trk. w " "-u. '. oiviili mouth at 7S f. M. at U. A. R. atont tally Maoeabw" ate ourdlallf Invited to attend. A. A. llvua, UdyR.K. Haki M.vLTKAiuni, Lady Com. J'MOFJiSSIOJfJL. Dlt. O. W. CnEADLE, UKNTIST OlViee hours, 11 a. . to 4 r. x. Sam'l, M. Garland. , A TTAP NT F.Y - AT - LAW C A A V - . . .,f..T milKIAM I .ljU.IHIiv.'n. uw"""1 John M. Somers, -Attorney-at-Law- Will practice iu all the courts of the state. LKBAHON, OREGON. Weatuerford S Wyatt, ATTO RNEYS-AT" LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. . W. M. BROWN, Attorney.at-Law, Lebanon, oAjwo- tJiJk.C-Ia n , '.:n,-i - l txv-j-y uiu.i.s t'H'i ftysW navor c:ovU ' b l m :n n n a Iv.r I'.f!:- ..wiiifh y o " Jin pji V"'.'. fait'i fur . care, A !l. i ! il !,.XK- 1-va, and vl.tl'it!, aet iasf uir.Mt! mi tie Lhj r ' a it il i'i'i- Pills y !fy,i. Try it. IVT'l;.:.:t, I.'MC !, t;r i 1 'iiW-i( I' ll. i-i. j- ;.i.i,i, iiitt a Vi. J i .:T'.t j-H.:IL.i p :.;''-i; In rt-J i.,i n. STATE AND COAST. Yaken From Our Exchangea Through out the Northwest. A Nebruaka ayndlcate ia fattening 1 100 ' 'n Wallowa coun ty. .''' GilliaiB couu'y ta apetidlug $300 In building a new w!f "rud. """" as "Thirty Mile." A Bcott'a valley farmer rove into Med ford the other day .with J.WO pounds of honey. Douglas bounty, also, will ceaae paying wild animal bounties after the 1st of December. . A "farmers' short course" will be given at the stale agricultural college again this winter, beginning January 8. Hayford Jli others, of Lake county, have Just finished a drive of cattle to Gazelle, Cal., for shipment, which paid them 120,000. The Alota evaporator at Medford baa finished a run on 100,000 poumle of green fruit, and is just st artinn iu 0.1 jujjl husbels of apples. And. Clamn, of Ihe John Day V'orld's Fair Medal ah?J .Diploma awarded to Dr.Price Cream Baking Pwder The highest award was given on every claim, W'PJ'18111? superiority in leavening power, keeping properties, pu. ' excellence. This verdict has been given by the best )7 ever assembled for such a purpose, backed by the recommend- ' ation of the Chief Chemist of tile United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, who made an elabor ate examination and test of all the baking powders. This is pre-eminently the highest authority on such matters in America. This verdict conclusively settles the question and proves that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is superior in every way to any other brand. NoS.-Th Chief Chemist ttjected the Alum baking powders, rUting (l flu VotlA'l Flit J tut tbsi hi sjoaiiidwsd ttwai ttawbolsioai ferry, iost a Clydesdale stallion last week for which he paid $1,000 in the spring. It died suddenly from some unknown cause. Plum Cooper, of Roseburg,. will butcher 100 head of fat hogs this fall. Ho believes there is more money in bacon than in selling flogs at the cur rent price on foot. James Wlllielm has unearthed a 12-font vein of coal on Bear creek, iilniiit 11 miles from. Credswell, Lane enmity. Experts have been looking nt H and think well of the coal, A Cottage Grove boy has thirty hens, which laid 354 dozen nf eggs from Jan uary 2, 1803, to August 30, 1894, worth aliout$70. The entire cost offeeblug was $5.75. And yet some people claim that hensdo not pay. The Corvallis box factory is making out MO to 300 fruit boxes dally, most for home demand. One thousand eight hundred were recently shipped to the Yamhill County Fruit Growers' Aaaociatiou, McMinnville. . The Jacksonville -Times learns that H. C. Berry has succeeded in negotiat ing tliesule of John J. Neathammer's placer mines In Base's -creek district, to Messrs. Johnson and Noland, of Sealtle, for $15,000 The latest strange disappearance is that of Mrs. Filklns, an English woman, GO years old, who has been ntlsMiig from her home on the North Powder, since October 22. She went off without her shoes, hat and false teeth, aud foul play is feared. Nine bids fur carrying the mail from the Eugene postofflee to the depot have beeu torwarded to the department at Washington. The price formerly paid, $300, has beeu very low, but It seems there are plenty of men willing to. take the Job. Eugene Register. The niuleenth Oregon newspaper to succumb to the Inevitable during the year, was the Lafayette Ledger, which gave up the ghost last week with this obituary notice, In big display type over the title of the paper: "Dead not gone before gone behind.4' Unvernur Pennoyer will be asked for .ai'doiis for three young men sent from Jackson county to the penitenti ary last year Martin and Yourrans, of Ashland, sent up tor assault and robbery, and Godfrey, who was con victed of the UjUlog of an o!d man iieur Siskiyou. '.Junction City held her annual city flection last week. Tnere were two ticket? .in the field, and the following ticket was elected; C'junciljneiii Frank Kay lor, W. C. Washburn and Jacob The World's Tribute to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder filghsst Honors Awarded ' by theWorld'CoIum bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Huff; recoider, S. Handsnker; treas urer, J. M. Beebe; marshal, E. J. Meats. The mayor holds over this year. ' Mr. I. D. Miller, of Miller's station, has returned from a visit to his old home in Illinois. He purchased while there some Poland China stock hogs and will go into the pork busi ness here. His enterprise deserves commendation. Junction City Times: M. V. Rccs, of Thurston, passed through here Wednesday from Missouri, where lie had been for the past month for the purpose of selling his apple crop While theprices like other things are a little off this year, he cleared Just $1,600 011 his crop. Good for Mr Rees. Mrs. Lilla bhelton, of Union county, has succeeded in having the decree of divorce between herself and the late Judge Sheltou set aside on the grounds of fraud. It is seldom that an action of this kind occurs and the results are peculiar. Mrs. Shelton is thus made the legal widow of the Judge, aud the second wife, never having been a wife, is not a widow at all. A change has been made in the express runs on the railroad which reduces the force of messengers iu the service between Portland and Ashland. Only six men do the work now, each one running a trip on the overland and Roseburg local alternately. The express messengers are required to handle all the baggage as well. The output of prunes in Oregon and Washington this year, including the Italian aud French varieties, Is about 60 carloads, or 24,000 pounds each, aud, as they dry away about 3i to 1, this represents over 2,000,000 pounds of green fruit. With a good crop next year, Oregon and Washington should produce 100 carloads of dried prunes. Congressmen Hermann bus returned to Washington, after having spent but a fewdays with his friends aud neighbors at his old home. Mr. Hermann intended remaining longer, but bis visit was but short by the news from Washington as U) the "smallpox epi demic now there, and his family are there be felt uneasy as to their safety. Frank Bwett, an insurance adjuster who was accidentally shot while on a burning expedition on the St. Joe rjver, Wash., some weeks ago, aud was afterwards brought to Spokane for medical treatment, died Tuesday from the effects of the wound, The body was taken la charge by the Masonn order for shipment to the family in California. A tew days ago a Sherman county farmer drove 13 bogs into Rufus which weighed 5950 pounds, and eight of fhem weighed 600 pounus each. For these he received f peujs a pound, ant they were fed on damaged wheat that he could uot sell at any ptic. This is a very successful" experiment of feeding grain to hogs, and one thai will pay better than selling wheat at 30 cents a bushel. An old man named Newt Miller while digging a well on an IsUnd In the Willamette below Wheatland was burled at a depth of eight fri t by the caving in of the ' wall. Help was called and lifter digging for one hour and twenty minutes the mini's head was readied and he was found stand ing with his hands at his sides and his broad brimruet hat pushed over hl face. The buried man was still alive aud in twenty minutes more thoy had him out. Marion County Record. A speca' train load of Willamette valley hops, numbering 30 cars, left Portland last week over (he Southern Pacilio' Company's Shasti route. These bops are destined for. Eastern points, most of them going to New York over the sunset route. A part of the shipment, consigned to Chicago merchants, will go over the Central Paeifio and Union Pacific routes from Sucrameuto. Oregon products will be widely known II) tilt) East this year. Numerous small shipments of hops Jiave already been made, aud a large quantity of apples, prunes and fresh k-ud dried fish have betn sent to lite jjaj, and Canaiia. For p."1" '" "'e '"' t''IU8'' Is nothing so good as a piece of flanml dampened with Chamberlain'.. Pain Balm bound on oyer the seat of pain. It affords prompt and permanent relief and if used ill Uwje will often prevent a cold hull) rosuUlug in pneumonia. This tame treatment Is a aure cure for lame bunk. For Mile by N. W- Smith, druggist. pr, rrk' Cream Baking Poi--t rVirtft'rir HiahaitMaial and Ol&leiu, OBITUARY. Died, at her home near Waterloo, Oregon November 9, 1H84, wife of George Hare. She was born in hinclienstier, England, in 1820, and was united in matrimony to George Hare in 1847. They emigrated to Illinois in 1862, and in 1877 they removed to Oregon, where they have lived 17 years. The deceased was aged 74 yrs., 3 mos., 23 days. She has . raised a large family of children, 7 of whom have been laid away in their last resting places. Her time bail come, and Bhe has gone to join the circle, ivhere there will lie no more parting there. She was a noble woman with a wilting heart and a ready hand, and made friends wherever she was. Blie leaves a husband and two children, both married, a daughter Mrs. Twardell, and a son, David Hare, also a son-in-law and daughter-in-law, and a grandson. The remains were taken to the Bellinger cemetery on November 10, and were followed by the bereaved family and a large circle of friends to see her laid away. She was a wife, a mother, a grand mother, and a friend toj everybody that knew her. Weep not that her toils are done, ; ' Weep not that ahe has gone, Weep uot her race is run: God grant that we may rest as calmly, When our work, like hers, is done. Then we will yield with gladness. Our mother to htm to keep, And rejoice In the sweet assurance . "He gtveth His beloved sleep." ' A Friend. DIED. CoBtmu, Or., Nov. IT 1894. Derrell, son of George and Minnie Drury, was bom Nov. 22, 1803, and died Oct. 21, MM. "Baby" was a sweet little child to all who saw him. He was the pride of the home and the parents' fondest hopesof the future. With his presence he has ceased to brighten the home on earth and has gone to make glad the city whose "builder and malter is God. Parents, take comfort in the sWcet strains of the poets, who said: Alas! How changed that lovely Cower Which bloomed and cheered my heart; Fair, fleeting comfort of an hoar, How soon we're called to part! That once loved form, how cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; . I weep, my earthly comforts fled,. And withered all, my joys Why should I vex my heart, or fast: ito more he'll vtsitme; " ' " - My soul will mount to htm at last, And there my child I'll see. W. V. M.ti EE, Pastor. Oregon Prunes. Messrs. H. Clay Humphrey arid Sherwo.)d Burr, prominent citizens of Eugene, were in Portland "yesterday on Dusiness. Mr, Humphrey had been extensively engaged in the hop business for severaf years prior to this' "but," he says "the-outlook Is notvery promising. Before the present year hop culture was a erowlnir industry In Lane county, but a few seasons like this will kill the business. As a mat ter of fact, Lane county producers are now turning their attention to prunes. The Oregon prunes seem to be liner than any other, and to bring ton nriccH. Several carloads havo been sold at t,ugene during the past week at prices ranging from 5 to 7 cents. M v brother bus a young 40-acre prune orchard, upon which he realized tills year $3,000 clenn profit pretly good ' for bard, times. Others can do as well. They are begluitig to fjtid, it out, utid a boom In piune growing may be looked for," Oiegoulan, That Halsey Fight. The editor of the News tells about his recent tight, evidently rejoicing at huvlng secured a good Item: It is with regret that we chronicle that we, the editor of tins papor, was iti a per sonal row Sunday evening, In which we got a bruised eye, the dark blue color of the bruise being dimly visible yet. ' While we do uot honestly be lieve we were to blume for the light, we arc extremely sorry we were uot big enough to whip the other fellowj Joseph Driuknrd. SVe opened up our heart and made the city recorder a present of $5 the next morning. Dr. Michener kindly loaned us half of the V; had he not, this week's News would have been issued from Sing Slug or Joliet. We would advise all who urn thinking of fighting to be sure you can whip the other fellow before 'you start In. Profit by our bitjer experience. ' To The Public. Those that never have tried a K "' house or a cheap house, can letiru where to buy a good article cheap. The celebrated W. L. Douglass shoe, and the Barton Bros', boots and shoes are known by our Eastern friends to be the very best. We have a line of the Brown shoe company, of St. Louis, as well as ttiauy oilier lines, which are sold down to the hardest time prices. Our expenses are light aud we an prepared to sell cheap. We carry nearly every thing from a toothpick to loiioaiotlv, HlHAX BAKSR, WATERLOO RUMORS. A local institute for teachers andtiiopo . interested in the cause of education will ho held at Waterloo, beginning Friday eve, Nov, 23. Tliecounty school superintendent, Prof. Wilkes and others arccxpected. Rev. C, N. Plowman will deliver a lecture Friday eve 011 "The Importance of Education." Prof. Jones will favor us with some clioiea declamations. Topics discussed will l.n "Courso of Study," "CliangcorText-boo!'v and many others. Much credit is due .T. I', . Wirt for securing this much needed item'' for the schools in this vicinity, aud we tru-t students, patrons anil teachers will avail themselves ot the opportunity for advnuri luent. Itcv. Williams has been here, lie is una of the nicest, smoothest men we have met fur many moons. As a book agent be takes the pie. As a collector of tithes lie has 1.0 equal. As a relator of anecdotes he tv, I only one superior and ho is deadA' ? Lincoln. Come and hear Morgan's mur derers scored when you get an opportunity. . It is nice not to bo a mason or a saloon keeper, . Waterloo feels the effect of the recent great 'walkover for the 'Publicans in the East, aud the representatives of the g. o. p. here walkaroundas if the millennium were at hand. From this it is inferred that at the town election in December the offices will bo tilled with their clau from mayor t. dog-pelter. . A society for prevention of cruelty to ani mals .should organized. This should be done to protect citizensfrom bebiginvci.sled into doing what their conscience tolls them is wrong, viz: Aiding and abetting a man in his idleness. When agent or lady does nothing bat trail around and work iheir jaw, and will not labor for support when work is oH'ered, should not bo fostered in a community to the extent of furnishing su, -plies in any manner, shatie or lorin. V. e put our name on everything that coinei along, but draw the line at tombstones and cliarity-if that kind of work be charity. All-Hollow-E'en was celebrated here on Nov. 1 by the boys. The night before the small houses received their attentions and ' it was truly comical to view their wretched faces as with hammer and saw they wtnt from house to house-after a talk with the marshal and repaired the havoc created. Tin's may be fun for'an Orcgonian boy, bit we did a little different in Georgia. In answer to a letter in a feminine lumj Inquiring "why so many men and boyi congregate around country post-Oilices" we will state. TI10 only answer we can give is that they have a contract of wearing out the door sill by roosting upon it and are in a hurry to draw their salary and attention toward their angular frames. They may also be' waiting for a new brand of chewing tobacco to come out at least a few samples for they never get anything else through the mail, as their creditors have long a : 1 ceased to dun them, a too expensive luxury at 2 cents per dun. if this answer is not sufficient, get some one else to try, is the advice of Jaooeiis. TENNESSEE ITEMS. Muddy roads. Lots of potato hauling. Mr West Baltimore went to Albany lust Sunday on a visit, Mr, Eugene Ulni, who bus bei n gttlte 111 for some time will move to Sndayilie soon, Temiijseo was honored one day last WeeS by a visit from Mr. B. II. Hardmun, of Hpieer, his business was to buy potatoes. Conio again Hen on the same business, . A protracted meeting Is being held at ripleer by the South Methodist church of'tltut place. Clyde McKnight wants n posloftlco In Tennessee, Lebanon Is loo far for him to walk three -times n week for ills mull. Dick Krotik wants a new buggy, but says it must be warranted not to break down when loaded heavy. Mr. Bert Blackltiw can bow his lietid now. Bill Fronk wants to know how IV.r it Is to Liieomb. Tu-Ita-ltu-lSoom-Du-i'a, Myster Y, . Ferocious Cougars. A terrible story of I ho fate of twi small children comes from an isolated district near Vancouver. Two children aged 4 and (i years respectively, of tlui name of Brewster, were playing ill tv Held, not fill' from the house, when they were attacked by cougars umj killed. One of the bodies was almost entirely eaten up. Nothing but the skeleton, with somo pieces of Utah sticking to it, was left to tell the child's fate. The oilier body was only partly destroyed, and the mutilated remains were found some distance from where Hie other skeleton lay. The country is said to be Infested witli congars, and even older people are ufruld of them. Several ate often seen at a lime, SHILOH'B CURE is sold on a guarantee, H cures Iucipieut Con sumption. It Is the beat Cough Cure. Only one cent a AatK 25cl.., SOets,, end $).(. M by W. Smith,