The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 09, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and Proprietor.
On the first Monday in Pecero
W, the citizens of Lebanon will be
called upon to elect officers for the
ensuing rear. The officers last
year have served the city to the
best ot tneir ability. The ensuing
year will be a trying one on both
the city and its officials. There
will be bills and no money to pay
with. Good financiering w'll be
necessary. The council will have
disagreeable duties to perform aud will
receive many kicks for pay. It is a
thankless job at best. But some one
will kere to serve and the very best
are needed now. The question of
bonding the city may be brougnt up.
This is uo time to divide na politics,
religion or temperance. Let men of
thorough business qualifications be
elected, aud then let the people sustain
them iu their efiorts on behalf of the
What the state needs most of
anything in the way of legislation.
is a law regulating railroad freight
rates. For years past, or even
since the Southern Pacific Com
pany obtained control of its lines
in Oregon, that corporation has
taken all the profit there was in
farming, for carrying the farmer's
products to market. This fact is
so plain and indisputable that
argument is not necessary to
establish it. For instance, it has
coat about eighteen cents a bushel
to ship wheat from Rosebbrg to
Portland, until recently a slight
reduction was made, the price be
ing so low that the company pro
bably thought it a good idea to
allow the farmer to keep enough
back to pay for his sacks, other
wise no grain might have been
shipped. These rates should be
cut in two by the legislature,
which has full power to do so. In
the middle western states the
question of railroad fares and
freight enters largely into the
election of members of the legis
lature, 'and it is high time the same
thing was agitated here. Of course,
the present legislature will be dom
inated by Joe Simon, and the
Southern Pacific Company's inter-,
ests are .afe, but two years later
the monoply should be given a
black- eye. If the press of the
state will begin the agitation now
and keep it up, the people will
rule in the session og W. Rose
burg Review.
The agricultural depression may
have some beneficial results in Ore
gon. Men will be driven to great
er and more diversified exertions.
Agricultural lands will be put to a
greatef variety of uses. Other re
sources will be more energetically
developed. Already "hogs" are
. much talked of. Oregon should
produce all the hog products, dairy
products, and poultry and eggs it
consumes. The fruit industry is
coming to the front. Except for
early fruits, California can not
compete successfully with Oregon
in the territory north and eaBt of
here. Oregon fruit is a wonder to
all eastern beholders. The "best
efforts will make this st te second
to very few in the union for fruit.
Oregon's mineral wealth is vast,
almost illimitable. It is being de
veloped as never before. The rug
ged but rich mountains and can
yons of Eastern and Southern Ore
gon contain untold millions, that
capital labor will produce and pour
out into the channels of commerce.
Lumber, .fish, live-stock and vari
ous other products, will swell the
ever grandly increasing total as
the years pass. There is no better
field for money ind muscle, brains
and industry, than Oregon. Ex
change. The great contest that will he
waged in the next session of the
Oregon legislature will be for the
re-enactment of the mortgage tax
law and exemption for honest in
debtedness. The present assess
ment laws work an injury upon
the masses in the interest of the
money lenders, and are unjust and
inequitable. The borrower, the
jroor man struggling to build him
self a home, the farmer whose
furm is mortgaged, t lies a all suffer
from double taxation. The Re
view has fought the battle of the
people upon this question for years,
and proposes to see that all that
honest efiort can do will be done
in order to get the legislature to
act in the interest of the plain
penpieofthe land, to use a favorite
expression of Abraham Lincoln.
In Douglas county, there is but
one opinion upon this subje.'t, and
evwy candidate for the legislature
gave his written pledge to work
for the re-enactment of just laws.
Roseburg Review.
The monster petition gathered
by the San Francisco Examiner
against the extension of time for
the payment ot the Southern Pa
cific railroad's indebtedness to the
government will bring the govern
mental control of railroads to the
front as leading question at the
next session of congress. There
should be but one opinion among
the people regarding the indebted
ness of this company to the gov
ernment. The debt Bhould be paid
or the toad sold. As to whether
the government should bid it in is
a momentous . issue upon which
there is much to be said on each
-side. But there can be only one
decision as to the necessity of the
government enforcing all its legal
claims and at the first opportunity.
It requires no argument to dem
onstrate that the owners never did
and do not now intend to Keep
faith with the government. Then
why parley with them? Forclose
the mortgages. Portland Sun.
Two of the largest ships on the
free list have just been chartered
to go hence in ballast to Portland
to load wieat for Europe. These
are the Ketmere and Primrose
Hill, each nearly 2,400 tons regis
ter. The farmer gets S2s 6d to
Cork for ordetB or Is 3d less direst,
and was taken by Balfour, Guthrie
& Co. The latter was chartered
by the Pacific Elevator Company
which pays towage expenses, and
gives the ship 27s fid. These are
the first on this port for wheat
tonnage for Oregon this year. It
issaid the Evesham Abby now
due here in ballast from Japan will
be ordered to load wheat for
An exciiange says: "Somebody
who wants to explain what the
editorial 'we' signifies Bays it has a
variety of meanings, varied to
Buit the circumstance; for an ex
ample: When you read that 'we
expect our wife home today,' 'we'
refers to the editor-in-chief; when
it is 'we are a little late with our
work,' it includes the whole office
force, even to the devil and the
towel; in 'we are having a boom,'
the town is meant; 'we received over
7,000,000 immigrants last yejr,'
embraces the nation; but 'we ha. c
hog cholera in our midst,' only
means that the man who takes the
paper and does not pay for it is
very ill."
The Czar Alexander is deid and
his eldest son reigns under the
title of Nicholas II. The dead
czar exerted a good effect on the
world's progress. He has done
much to better his country and
has kept Europe from a useless
war. The new ruler seems in
clined in the same way, with
probably a more kindly feeling
toward the persecuted Jews.
He is a young man of ordinary
mind, who, but for his inheritance,
would be earning his bread by the
sweat of his 'brow, like the rest of
The Eastern papers say that
money matters are getting easier,
business is begining to revive and
the factory wheels are begining to
turn throughout the manufactur
ing districts. In Iowa times have
not been better for years than they
are now. Corn, pork and beef, the
three great staples of that country,
command a good price. Prices
have about reached bedrock else
where and a general business re
vival is sure to be the logical
With the coming of manufactur
ing industries will come small
farms, diversified production and
greater prosperity for ull. Ths
same would largely result' from
building up the fruit indusUy to
whe.'e it belongs. If both were
properly fostered we would have
the wealthiest section of country
on the globe.
The stee1. range men are evident
ly doing a good business in this
county, judging by the number ol
ranges they have hud shipped in.
Ojjr home uierchunts can give bet
ter value for the money,' aud can
be depended upon for fair dealing.
Eugene Register.
It is a poor law that will t-iinviot
a single mun of adultery, but will
let a married man go free because
his wife doesn't coniplaiii. The
law is sll right in regard .to the
single man, but is at fault in deal
ing with a married man. Ex.
, The first agricultural fair ever
attempted by Indians is in prog
ress on the Oneida Reservation
seven miles wsst of Depero, Wis.
The Bhow opened with more than
two hundred entries, including a
fine display of fruit and vegetables.
The dispatches tell us that wc
are to have immigratioa by tht
train load from South Dakota
These people are seeking Oregon,
and Oregon is s -eking just such
people. Let them come; the more
the merrier.
The farmers of Nebraska are
prerairing to put iu the' biggest
crop of grain in the history of the
state. They think there vill be tin
increased demand for it nexl
Col. E. Hofer, editor of the
Salem Journal, is making political
Bpeechs in Dakota, and the native
cyclone improves the opportunity
to take a much needed vacation.
The Election Returns;
Without going into details, the whole
country seems to have been swept by a
republican eyclone, knocking out com
pletely the democratic majorities in
clow states, and lessening them in the
strongholds. This cyclone in like the
one that came two years ngo, when the
republicans .were knocked out, Two
vears hence another eyclone will likely
knock out the Republicans again.
Bfotlee JTor iulllcntlcm. -
Laud Office at Oreko city, Os.
October ti, lfcai. ,, I ,
Notiee is hereby given that the rollowinK-
named settler ban lied notiee,of bis Inlealtw lo
make Snsl proof In support of bis f laim, and
tbat said proof 1U be made before the County
Clerk of Linn county at Albany. Or., Druimber
U, U9I, sis: Frank Bedell. H. . So. 1.157 fur
taeaE&NW&ii E 8 W and tat a and
3. Section 18, Toirnablp 12 8, Range i but. lie
names the following witnesses to prove bis eon
tlnnous residence upon and cultir stton of saul
land, Til: J. I,. Ullbert, E. L. Ollliert, J. U.
Simmons, 8. P. Jobnson, aU of Lebanon, Oremn.
RoRKltT A. MllLKli,
Notice for l"ullU-u tlm.
'Laud Offtci at Oregon City, Ob. t
October's, ISM. J
Nones Is hereby given tbat the 'fotlowlng
rtamed settler has tiled notice of his Intentuio tt
make final proot in support of his euvlm, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Or., Iweember
. ISM. Tlx: Frederick W Brampton, II. E. No
MTsfortbeNJiofS EM.BE!iof , Kjif. SE'4
840f!lectlonl2. Townsliij. 12K.mlfc, Ramie 1
West. He names thefo lowing wltnesHmio prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
said land, vis: Jacob Fltswaler, James 11. Fits"
water, J. M. Lindley, J, W. Gee, all of Lebanon.
Oregon. R ibsbt A. JIillui, .
Notloe of lliBolutloii.
Notice Is hereby given that the copartner
ship herctufure existing between W. C.
Peterson and A. Umphrey, under tlie lini.
name of Peterson & Uninhrcy, doinK rfral
estate and insurance business at Manon,
Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual con.
sent, Jlr. Umphrey having disposed of hi
interest to U. 11. Hun. All occumiti due
said firm of Peterson & Cmnhrey art paya
ble to W. C. Petersen who fcotiioH resiion
sible for all indebtedness of said firm. :
Dates, this 10th day of Octoljer, iSl.
W. C. I'KTBKSOrl, i
The largest stock of custom made
boots ever brought to Albany. Also
the best selected stock -of men's,
women's, boy's, misses's and chil
dren's shoes in oil grades, at prices
to meet the times. All good
bought at our store that rip will be
repaired FREE of charge. Jf you
want your horse shod you go to b
BLACKSMITH, not a general mer
chandise store. WHY? When
YOU want to be shod come to the
only exclusive boot and shoe store
in Albany.
Klein & Dcbruille.
Or. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Mens Shoes:
$1 50.
2 00.
2 :(.
. 3.00.
5 00.
But tus agent for the Host Shoo in the World. Wo cany .large lines of shoos' from
Rarton liros., of Ivunsus ( 'itv, Iliwn inhoos Company, of M. Louis', and many other ehoe
manufacturers; and aluo carry a large line of Rubber Goods of all kinds Wo have a fine
line of Dress Goods arriving from the East which will be sold at cheap as anywhere on the
face of the 'earth. llmmlcr Wo Carry (iQOl) GOOIM
For the Least Money, .- V
HIRAM BAKER, Lebanon, Or.
C'tomied Every Week.!
Hny $4 lo (tt perton.
Flour SO uo.70 ier sack.
JIki $0 75 per vwt.
J'.ran 00c pur owt.
Middlings ill UO ptr cwt.
Potatoes Sic
Appkn I)ritd, 8c per H'
JMums Dried, 8c.
OnioiiH 2u.
Beef Dressed, Sc
Vefll 4fa,5e.
Pork Dreswd, 5.
Hums I!! per lb. '
Kltouldem Iflc.
Hides lie per lb.
Cleetse $6 ('' (tor dox,
Diteks $3 ii $2 per diz.
Chickens ft! Zj(k3 Mil.
Turkeys 8c pet Hi.
Eggs 20c nur doz. ,
B.itter lo (V; 2iV rwr Iu.
-Vide Green, 1c; dry, Se.
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Or(.'ron
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
'In Smith's IJrugKture.
XjeUunuu, - Oregon.
Will k start,'
Of Albany,
Are now in their new' store in,
the Cuaick Block, where they are
prepared to meet the wants of the
public with the finest line of jew
elry, silverware, clocks watches,
etc, in this part of the iiite.
Fitting eyes with glasses and
spectacles by I'roT. A. Ktiirk, grad
uate of the Chicago Optliulniy
College, a specialty.
the eeT.
5.5? P0LICE.3 Sous.
a can wve money by ptiwhaftlBg W. X.
Don u I ft KboH. , , .
BctUMC. we are the largtt matitifactnrcrn ol
advertised boe in the world, and Kunrantee
the value by itampinK the name una price on
the bottom, which pro'.ecU you againit hiKh
price and the middleman' profit. Ourinoef
couflt cuatom work in style, eay fitting and
wearing qiialiti.. We hve them tola every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no nbBtitute, If your
drtlercanuotiupply you, we can. gold by
.. Uinta ILikdr, Unmuwii Oregon
! ""' 'li'N Ik 1
Good Accommodations for Transients.
Special terms to regular
MRS. 11 IIAUI'ERT.rroprietress.
I have a LARGE STOCK of HKK.'K, for mile, at my
Yard, in the Kuhurhs of Lehauon, For Sale at Reasonable
Rates. All kind of mason's woi lc 'done with neatness and
dptdi. - D. W. HARDEN. ,
aaa Ilia-Mill 1 " 1 1 aaaaasaasasai m oan nMataaaarsMtMtaaasaaisaiaaaMMiMaanasW'- anaaaBHaK
Hint Hlmvi-K, Hnir Cut of HIinin'p'Ki ut
Shaving Parlor.
kextTjoohto T. (.HAKLKS '
Elegant' Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ludies Hair Dressing a Specialty,
jiud Ma fine
Hkad' Oi'fh'k,
2fii)-271 Chamber of Coiiimorce,
Portlund, Oregon,
The Northwest
Ilium- mid lliirn. , I firowliiK flmln,
IIoh,Iii)1(1 iiirulmre. llmw in WarcliouKc.
llay, Kwdaiul snk. I lliv KtltiH,
Farm 1in,lcmeiits. ':'
The Northwest
Solicits Youh Tatuonagk.
tttial kstuM and lusuruitcp Ayts, Lubauutti On
Ladies' Pine Shoes:
$1 50.
2. 50.
3 00.
4 00.
5 00.
hoarders and roomers
.aCaiaV -53av :
Meat Marked
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Eo.
logna, and Ham,
JtaTBacon and Lard Always on Hand
Miilii Ktroet, Lebanon, Or.
The Yaquina Route.
Chaa. Clark, Receiver,
Direct Lino Quick Dispatcli
Low Frcinlit Kutoo.
Connecting with ' Btimmer Hu
mor botweun Yaqtfina and Sail
.- Kur frciglit and iiiiaHciigor rates
apply to any agent. ". :
, ClIAS. J. Henukyh, finx & Co.
Noa. 2 to 8, Market St.,
Sim Francisco, Caf.
Ciui, Olahk, Receiver.
CorvalUi, Oregoni