TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ont rr,..,. 19 00 - (If pud Id advanoa, n So per year.) Kit moutlu 1 00 Taraa nuintni .,............ so llnfwooptw.............H..M..M...i..H............H. . STATE OFFICERS. J.K.Dolph, t John H. Mitchell, ' ...Senators Blngtr Hermann, Congressman Sylvester Pennoyer .4,,,., Governor demits W. McBride,.,....,..Secretery of State Phil Metachan ........Treasuriir E. B. McElroy Sunt. Public Instruction Frank D. Baker, State Printer K.B. Strata, i Wu. t, lata, Supreme Juices it. a. tiean, I , COUNTY OFFICERS. Jutlfte,.,... .J. N, Duncan Clerk ; ;....N. Need ham Recorder,..:. ...D. F. Hardman Sheriff, ). A.. McFeron School Superintendent,.-.... R. Rutherford Treasurer, .....P. 0. Morris iuuW, .....W. F. Iteakiua Surveyor,;.., E. T. T. Fisher Coroner,.. . R- A. Jayne , , I John PiiKh Commissioners, j j. Mi Wlim CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR............ ...ZTc. B. MONTAGUE. KOORI)ER A. F. STOWE. CITY ATTORNEY 8. M. GARLAND. TREASURER ...J.F.HYDE. MARSHAL, P. W. MORGAN, f ED. KELI.ENBEROER, J. G. REM), : mnK,.TIW-v IT. O, COTTON. COCNCILMENj a ANDREWS, 8. H. MYERS, IG. W.RICE. City Council moehi an the first and third ' Tuesday evening ofeach month. Baorat toolatlaa. UKN TKNT. No. 7, X. O. T, M.-MeoU) In 0. A. K. 1UU on Thnradey evening of eaoh week. Tranalent Sir Knurtua are cordially Invited to Wttut Tint meetlnf. J. A. LiKKMon, Com, Uao.W. icl,B.K. LEBANON UNION LODGE, No. M. 1. 0. 0. T. -Xeelt even Monuay evening ta. A. R. Hall l I o'clock. . J. B. Mian, C. T. AiimiSikmos. aec'y. LlSIANuK LOUUK, KO. 7, 1,0. 0. F.-Maeta every Iauu4ar evenlni at Odd Fellowa Hall, at o'aleekvm. ?. W. MENZIE8, N. 0. it, H. eARLANU, Boct'j. KARLRKBKOCA LODGE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F. Maeta at I. 0, 0. F llat! Unt and .third Wednoa. 4ay evaolataeriwii month. MRS, 0. W, CKUBON, N. U. Him SATTIK MHMOH, IkMfjr, LEBANON LODOE No, 44 A. F. A. h. Meeti 94wilHraului, on or before the full mora In each no t. at. Mtuaa. I. E. Hauuck, W. M, HONOR LODOE, No. rf, . 0. 0, W.-Meeti erary Trwday aventat at 0. A . E.Q. CABB M. W, I. R. Boatw, Bee. UKN'l MHWM CAMP, No. U, Dlvlilon of Cje- fon, Horn of Vateraana-Maat InQ. A. R. Ilall, every Saturday eveninf, eioept the third taturday of each month, meeting the third Fri day Irutetul. All brother! of thetiona of Vet eranaandeomradeaortheti.A.R.ani cordially Invited to meet with the Canip. , K. a. Cans, Capt. A. TfcHHiY, Firat Begt. BINA M. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M. Kteta on the Id and 4th Friday of each month at a t. . at 0. A. R. Halt. Traniiant Lady Mama keel are cordially invited to attend. A. A. HVM, Lady R. K. jinn tll.imasn. Lady Oam. PROFESSIONAL, Sam'l K. Garland. ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON, ORBOON. John M. Somers, -Attorney-at-Law- Will practice in all the court of the stale. 1KB ANON, OREGON. WeatMord 4 Wyatt, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, ALBANY, OBEGON. W.RBILYEU, ATTORN -AT -LAW, ALBANY, X .OREGON. W. Jlf. BBOWrf, Attorney-at-Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Drt. Courtney & Mtuskey, Physicians & Surgeons. . Lebanon, Oregon. CaUa auawarad day or uljh., . .... ' as oiu as thehills"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Bogn jr lator is the fPfrPt9J Lker AJtsl'l'Cf ana'Kitluey medicine to which y o n can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Pills ' :' ' nevs. Try it, Sold ly all DruggiBtH in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry ormadeintoa tea. Tlie Klni of Liver Iniiolii. " I liovp nwcl yi.urHlmnioiiM Liver nm- klUKofailllverinedleinea, 1 oonaiderlt a nu-diolnfflioKi, in lielf. Oiio. W. J.vca;. ON, Ttwoina, VVuflttiiigtou, 4HIVUtT PAOSAOR-EI . Baa tlie Z atunui Is red ou amt STATE AND COAST. . Taken From Our Exchanges Through out ine jNortflwest. Curry county Is expecting a colony of 100 Texan families. Albany has a bonded debt of $76,000 and a floating debt of $10,686. The Port Orford Tribune is using a 16- Inob potato for a paper-weight. Grant's Pass refused to issue any por tion of Its $22,000 proposed funding and sewer bonds. J. C. Oliver and B. J. Baker, of La Grande, Intend starting a paper at Lakevlew,in Lake county. Four stamps were started last week crushing ore at the Bone of Conten tion mine on Williams creek. Salmon to the value of about $3,000 have already been purchased by the Emplre-caunory from Coquille fisher men. ' . Every once In a while some Gilliam county raucher reports seeing some body he thinks is .luck Hamblet, tbe murderer of.Ben Gammay, The out law Is pretty well ascertained to be In I m vvivr.vir a America Leads the World Strength A gM iW The Crowning Glory of the Age. Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian Exposition, Tbe memory of it will be a marvel for all time. The fame there acquired will Jjye for years. The manufact urers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the Exposition. The significance of the compliment, the splendid character of the indorsement, cannot be underrated. It stamps Dr, Price's as without a peer among the baking pow ders. The jury of awards, an exceptionally intelligent body, was headed by the Chief Chemist of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. They found Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and of uniform excellence. hiding In (he hills, and sallies forth in quest of plunder. A reward ia still standing for his capture, alive or dead Gilliam county is receiving bids for building s county road 80 miles long from the Burns bridge over Thirty mile creek to Condon. The first cargo of lumber to leave Ooos hay for a foreign port will be shipped on the new vessel Omega, lately built at North Bend. Mining locutions have been made at Devil's Park, at the head of the Cbetco near the California Hue. Ban Fran cisco capital is behind the enterprise. Over 10 tons of wool will he sent out on the schooner from Port Orford by the Baileys, the clip of several years, which has been held for a raise In price. Arthur Woodward, 11 years old went swimming against orders, and drowned in the Coos liver. The body was recovered an hour or so after he was missed. Tbe M. E. church South congrega tion at Dallas can have $800 from the national society If it can raise enough more to build. The effort will hardly be attempted. There are 68,000 postoffloes in the United States. About 67,000 of them do not pay running expenses. The profit on the New York pnstofflce is $4,000,000 year. The delinquent tux roll of Douglas county, has been returned to the sher iff and he will at once proceed to levy, on the property. The delinquent tax amounts to $7,051.06. The 8-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, of Umatilla, was lost in the bills near Ukiab for 26 hours last week. When the little, one was fouud, her feet and legs were badly lacerated and bleeding. A mammoth locomotive now pulls the overbtnd between Boseburg and Junctlou, lustead of two locomotive as heretofore. It Is tbe first of tbe big engines to be used regularly north of Ashland. 5 The allotment of tbe reservation (ands in severalty in Klamath county Is proceeding rapidly. Major Wordeu has already made 81 allotments, whereas be had not expected to make 40 In tbe same time. A Bad accident occurred at a point (our miles west of Pendleton last week, when a freight train ran over and killed a l'.ttle girl baby of about 16 months of age. The little child was near the crossing and was not observed 'hicetUMce 2-f 9 until the train was within five cor leugths. The body was out in two and lha entire train pasted over it. Mumfor was the name of the child's parents. Near Drain Wednesday night some wretch tied an old horse on the track and the nutti-bound overland train ran over the animal. The horse was tied both by the neck and heels to the rails. The Milton Uagle undertakes to suy, rrom the present status of the Urn. tilla county treasury muddle, that not acentoflOOO deficit of ex-Treasurer Folsom will ever be collected from him or his bondsmen. Tbe assessor of Josephine cuntv gives the following figures for the current year:' Grosu value of ail pro- lerty, 11,325,814; exemption, MMG2; total taxable nroDertv. 11.257.852: number of polls, 540. A Sunday-school convention will be held at Mtdlord, October 23 and 24, having been postponed one Week on aecount of conflicting with the meet ing of the State Horticultural Society to be held at Ashland ou the third week in, the month. In the preliminary examination held at Burns, Monday, Charles F. Potts, charged with the murder of W. H. Dickson, was held without bail for the grand jury. The murder was com mitted in the southern part of Harney county, September 2, last. A. J. Byers, whe recently figured In a highway robbery near Iudenendenc is In receipt of a letter from Washing ton, 1). U., stating that his pension has been allowed, amounting, with back pay, to $2,400. Byers served in the First Colorado regiment from Decem ber, 1861, to November, 1854. The little 2-year-old daughter of Mrs. Amelia Cook, of Salem, slipped and fell through the barbed-wire fence along the bank of the mill race. In some way her hair caught on a barb, ana mere snc hung, her feet touching the swift water, until her parents neara her cries and came to her relief. C. Swanston, of 8ucratneiito, l:,e within the Inst few days, purchased,' In Klamath county, l?5 head of beef cuttle from the Indians, 300 head in the neighborhood of Bly, and 250 head in Langell valley, making In all 725 head, for which he paid for which lie paid from 2 cents to 4 cents per pouna. A belligerent owl came to irrlef at Uianl'i fass the first of the week. Mrs. G. N. Bolt opened the barn door in the profiling aud the qw( drove her out. Then Bolt went after it with a revolver, and the owl showed spirited nght, It was finally killed with u stone, and measured 5 feet from tip to tip. A. J. Pltuer, of Halsey, w ho has been on a visit to his old home in Polk county, Missouri, has returned to (tie Oregon home. He reports limes good ill Missouri. He says they have n good corn crop and a fair wheat crop. Corn is cash at 32 cents a bushel. Fat hogs go like hot cukes at 5 cents on foot at the farmer's door, and alto gether the outlook is bright. Boh Iiijjersoll Is going for the super-" Indent of an eastern reform school, and here Is what he says: I do not believe that one brute by whipping, beating and lacerating the flesh of another can reform lilin. The lush will neither develop the Lrain nor cultivate the heart. There should tie no bruising, no scarring of the body In families, in schools, in reforma tories, or prisons. A cultivated mun doesn't believe in the methods of savagery. Brutality hits been tried for thousands of years and through all theje years It has been, a ftijlurc. From people from Telncaset, the rail road station niue miles south of Union the Scout learns that one night last week sixteen Chinamen employed by the railroad company on the section there were ordered to leave by about a dozen men who had congregated there for that purpose. The Chinamen left, but returned In the morning, but were ufraid to go to work when told to do so by the fireman. It Is not known who the nieu were who ordered, them to leave. The Chluameu were very much excited, and lost no time In getting away, fearing for their lives. It is also learned that the Chinamen ut North Powder were served in the same way. We have accepted the situation as salesman fur the Test Orchard & Nursery company of Albany, Oregon, aud any one wanting trees ure requested to give us a call and If absent Mrs. Marks will fill orders and they w 11 receive prompt alteiiilon. J. M. Mario. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. Following is the docket of the clrcu court for the term beginning on next Monday, Oct. 22: DIPT, 1. O. H. BURNETTS,, JUDOS, Thirtyrsix old cases and the following new ones : Christian Bleisch vs Gus and Lizzie rvranger, recovery of money, attach Christian Bleisch ys John and R iJurnette, recovery of money attach. Thus Taylor k Co vs H L Cranor covery of money, attachment. W......T1 ,s T"e Fanners and 'u insurance Uo, recovery of Phillip Cohen vs' Rachel and Geo W me ' re0Very 0f Smith 4 Jones vs Rachel and Geo W rnnt ' oi money, attach K B Anderson vs Geo W Luper, re coyery of money. attachmnt ' F Chevalier A Co vs H L Cranor, re coverv of monev. ' re JohnRobsonvsAL Douglas and G W Luper, recovery of money, attach- Samuel E Young vs H E and Maro E .ovovery 0i money. Knapp, Barrel! & Co vs A B Patter, son, recovery of mon, H Fartvell v. v uji clerk, netition for .rirSTJ' J """V S IT Vft.i t o 7 ""uiunUB, monev 8 " "le8 Kemy ' P A Cochran u. Tl. l? L'. , Mak.... t" n iers ana n u AT, V-A "covery of money AIrtoT,V corporation, v, Alonza, Grant and Marv X Wii J, coverv of monev. ntt.i,;.,. R ' G B Haight vs Geo W Luper and 81 Luperrecoverv of money, aTtachrnent. M.. i lhe farmers and Merchants Insurance Co, recovery of Samnel E Young v, N B F of money, attachment. r-v-rec0ry Stewart 4 Sox vs J A Zysett, recoverv of money, attachment. llrecovery Will 4 Link vs W H and H T mi Powlr Z V8 'he H.arri8brK Water mon '' corPtion, recoVery of chSJ'-sMer- I p uTr " w, recovery of monev. r.;PJchlm vs J W Ling, Ida M Ti.nAeUI'reWy of money attacht 1UC11L, - Co lllt:"" Mercantile coverv f 1 "Men, re- BEPARTMEKT 2, H, H. HKWITT. Jnno. neWa;r"oWcasesand,hefoii"8 Milton Hale vs JB.nji. .uuoaure oi mortgage. J O R.I WUW Mal80. Hvoe. foreclosure o( mortgage. Linn Pimtt.. u- . "wiuiv- nnnnno Hani. .... TV r vuuiirinacion. Lilllt pAiintu ra. .... Cornell. n- .; L ? 0 " '&. uonnrmation. ,1 " '.reiver, vs James E dark and C Clark. Confirmation p C Smith vs J II b.:a . Bridges etal. Confirmation Charles Henrv v. i v . . Confirmation. ' .neetal. G W Phillips vs II fi H... .. flrmatlon. ' B P McCormack vs wto.i n..., ment Company, Confirmation, P tane Lumber Len,,, u . ... and W H Goltra. Confirmation. l he Albany B 41. A vs Lizzie and OW r.el8. Confirmntinn 8 E Voiine et al vai r wi.. .,' ... junction suit to set asij. dMd. ' On.erWheelerv,HattleTitus. Partition. J 1 Hendnx vs C t! RaIv.. .,i t,.., tion. , L. Foley vs 8 O Walla. et ni lire of'mortgage. ."..u- Wttie Hunter vs A R Hunter. Divorce. James McCartnev v Iin.wi t- . the Cumberland Presbyterian church, Soda, ville. Foreclosii nf Uo Gerhard and Hen n..h'.i -j...,. btr.tors.v8 Geo P and Marv M WJ foreclosure of mortgage. K H Wright vs J L and Rosa E Hansard, torectosnre of mortgage. Sylvester Pennoyer'Governor" et al vs Vim Cochran and W T Cochran et !, foreclosure of mortgage. E F Wyatt vs Martha BohananandJC Bolmnan et al. Iiw,.i,,. t iw i "" '"""gage. i J Munkers vs G W Tnhn... .j P J ohnson et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Linn County National Bank vs H Hyde Francis Hyde and Sonhi inoni. u, closure of mortgage. . state of Oregon vs John Kiumlit. Lar. ceny. 0 M Buchner. vs Oiiarlrttte H rir,i, j Samuel Bissiuger. Foreclosure of mort gage. Luella Stowe vs A F Stowt. Divorce. Henry Broders vs J C Bohanan .t m Foreclosure of chattel mortgage. MW V Agnes Logan. Divorce. Wood Wanted. All who have taken subscriptions on wood or farm produce are requested to haul it in as soon as possible, for the reads will soon be In bad condition, f tne rams pqutiuue. Tel your neigh bors that they cau have the Expbbss sent to them for wood, fruit or potatot s. Sample copies will be sent free or uii plicatlon. Get your jJJ uJlMj at Miller's, HAPPY HOME ITEMS. Sunshine and showers. Farmers are buay sowing full grain. Potato digging is the order of I lie day. J. W. Gee contemplates building a new house this fail. Mnttie Qieason pdd Spring Farm 'i flying visit last week. W. H. Cummings was i I.,lino:; Monday on business. Professor Brown, teacher of t!. Happy Home school, is fl rnMt,lul Mountain View; W. H. Cumminm raided Iwunfi, is.... bushels of onions on twBi..,..',., of ground. Who can beat it? S. B. Westurn. a hmth r i. J. Cummings, who has been stopping with Mr. James Frady, near Peo,it for the past year, has returned to his oJdhomewithW.il. Cummings , Bedrock and wife have In.i .( , from a three weeks' trip. They went ... .-,u, oay, ana from thera (() t)e "' inai river, and hnn and houieny way if Cottage Grove, Creswell fepriuglield,Coliurg,Harrisburg, Peoria' Shedd, Plainview and Waterloo. Tn-y report having had a grand good time. ' Bedrock. Marriage No Foolishness. A good many cases have occurred in iun county where the wiino t,,.. in affidavits for marriage licenses that the young lady was over 18 v nf age, When in fact she wasyoumrer i some cases nn unintentional injury, "...v,. uio.reious, one case happen ing recently. The Corvallh, .ti.; ' speaks out very emphaticaliv ou H, subject. "It should not be forgotten" that the scamp who made oath befou the county clerk that Hattie Mnv Brothers was eighteen yea-s of ug.. when, -In fact she was but flfW,, swore to a falsehood. If uo other penalty ia to overtake the act, it should at least be held up.to.publiecoi,trnft Because it was to secure a marriii-e licenie is uo reason why the sin suoul.l be ovorlooked or condoned. Laxitt in this in the past has led ton n,,,,,',. girls of fifteen into a relation that htw ruined tli ir lives and ended only in unhappiness and shanio. Marriage I not a plaything to be flune aside Jh... tired of, but an enduring relation whose responsibilities no child of fifteen comprehends, or is prepared to assume, especially when the husband is a scamp whose measure of honor i his willingness to go to the altar with fraudulent license In his Docket, nn.i lie ou his lips. Cross the Plains With a Team. A father and family and married sou and family, numbering in ail thirteen souls, ollinbed out of threo travel-stained covered watrons in this ity yesterday afternoon, and for th last time unhitched their horses ou a trip that begun the second day of last May and has continued ever since ' Their trip begniuit Sioux Cilv, Iowa. nd they came across the nlniiis in th Id fashioned way that our fathers and oiucrs made the -Journey. The ' father Is O. M. Wheeler, a brother of Nelson Wheeler, of Corvallls. and they have come to stuy. They came via the National park where they tarried eight days, and renorr, u. leasaut trip. Their camp equinace ', was about worn out, but their horses were fresh as when they started, tired animals having been traded for fresh ones alouir the route. f!nrv.lil Times, The Stayton Bridge. County Judge W. C. Hubbard and Commissioner J. M. Watson were at Stayton Tuesdiy, where they met Judge Duncan, of Linn county, and they together made au examination of e bridge across the SiUitiiim there. Complaint had been made that thu auks of the floor were so worn m be dangerous to travel and that one of the piers was in danger of being under- meil. A critical examination milml substantiate lhe grounds for com plaint and the whole structure wn-i found to be In good condition. nea flooring having been laid a few days ago. btntesnian. Attacked by a Bull. Uncle Jimmy McMahou met with u severe accident Thursday. While out in the pasture after cattle his horse was charged upon by a bull aud Uncle Jimmy was thrown to the ground receiving a fracture of the ankle, which was reduced by Drs. Smith ami Geary. After being thrown to the ground he defended himself from the attacks of the enraged animal by throwing dirt in the bull's eyes, there by blinding it. It was nUnrrnw pecan furtliK did gfiithviraa. Halir iV