The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 28, 1894, Image 4

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i Pregur of ThoM Broaght 1
from CblM a F.w Yean Ago.
Thfi kutt lw It I -umtlHari ml ftta, flM.
Felines That Live, Constantly la lThe nlstory 0f this Interesting and I Mor 8honwi Mm.
Frosting Temperature. valuable game bird on this ooaat has ' A bioycllst hag accomplished the
never been written. Everyone knowa traordliinry feat of rldlnr- from the
Throws. Their Pwpttaal inn to tt now that it waa imported by Judge most northern point of Scotland to the
VrKM Atatoipln the Aalsaals 0. N. Denny, and that it has spread extreme noutluirn point plllniflaml 1
Urn Aqutrd Umt7 CeM . throughout Oregon and Washington -elghty-aix hours and fifteen minutes,
at rar. until it is numbered by the thousands The most remarkable part of the act la
I and probably hundreds of thousands. included In the fact 'that he per
In the cold-storage warehouaea of perhaps Kb history will be formeil his task without Indulging In
Pittsburgh, aaya the Pittsburgh Ms- traced. Meanwhile the chief incidents one moment of sleep. Do was three
patch, when they were established. . Ita mner m 0j interest,- say's the dnj's. fourteen hours and fifteen mln
there were no rats or mice. The tcm Portland Oregonian. i I u tea without reclining or resting or
perature in the cold rooms was too low. j n (n lm that jUH(ro Denny then eeaslng his aotive movement of pro-,
to admit the existence of the" o . nted 8tates consul at Shanghai, t-nt1 Plsion' except for to. very briefest
turnal animals. Thekeepers of these . w nf ra,). M. ! momenta. v-. ,
places soon found 1, however, that the pheBSanto, There were seventy
Mf nra. n animal nf iaAma.vlrn.hlA inrk. ... "
TLm JLS remaroame Map- Bnd th werc 0Ter ln a
tability. The ordinary rat of the .ol,i..i i,,,. ,j
' The English Lancet point out that
the modern rage for recordibreakinp is
gratified at the cost of many shortened
lives. The healthy heart will beat M6
00( times in twenty-four hours, aecoav
UnitedStatesoameoriginallyfromNor- B1(rB, 0t h.h i..o..,w
way. In that country, naturalists say, t, ,t).i.v..iiiin I,:,,,,
Meanima.wa.muea newer prepare to jhj, M cock8 Bnd hens PinS WorK equal to lifting 123 tonl
to withstand the climate than it is in ; k t Bnd only a onefoot. liutithasrecentlybeanshown
this country were it suddenly trar serUa j. mumDer ineach crate, that oycling tells severely and specially
ported to a told climate. II any ordl-1te jjut the reshlpping was carelessly I Pn the eirciilatkra, and that the
niiry llar ratwere putinac8ge,con-. done,o that of the whole number only ! of the heart U
yeyedbyshipto SplUbergen, and re- eihteen ,urvlTCd) fifteen cooks and Rubied during such active exemise as
leased on that icy island. It would h proportion whleh the that to which the rider subjeote him-
freete to death in .few noon, "iot ,w ,,lri v ,iIt.d tn re- telf. The lowest estimate, therefore.
there are rats in Spitebergen. These TCned lw re very unwisely put the work of the heart of the reoord-
rate are fat rascals with long and very sauvic'. island, the place of all-:
breaker just mentioned would bo 312.
000 beats, with work done of 9M foot
tons. This, maintained for the speoifiied
time, was equal to more than WO tons
without repose.
setting aside the physiological bear-
thick hair, and have adapted them- (K , v:v ' , ' ,
selves to toe temperature of the region. regoHed. Ye t so industriously
It is just such rata as those of the m propaJfate that they soon
northern region that have adapted commosights in Multnomah
themselves to the cold-storage ware- . . , w.i,!t
houses. After some of these houses ' g,, crosged Columbia to togs of the performance, in suggesting
had been In operation for a few months 4, 44 f u-i,in 1 that there is somcthlnir in mraistant
toe attendants found that rats were at slnee toon tt have spread north to ' mot,on ol "e blood, sustained by vo-
work in the rooms where the tempera- the sound and in various parts of Wosh- ! lltion 01 resolute kind, which pre-
ture was constantly kept below the All the pheasants in the state TCntethe nervous system from passing
freezing point In the warehouse of rf Wa8hington are credited to this first tet0 that passive or negative state, to
the Pittsburgh Storage company, be- vgithe three hens which sur- whi the term "sleep- Is applied, it.
fore its burning last fall, two rati ,hA .h;t ' practical lesson bears on the ultimate
were killed by the employes. , They ta ... , , , , , influence of extreme exercise on the
Having heard of the bad luck which "U?.
were found to be clothed in wonder-
fully long and thick fur, even ZZT" selves the victim, of Wlf-kfllct in.
toeir tapering, anakeUkell, being STl. AP the Mhtote b
covered by a thick growth of hair. JJininVaUtoooka, These the worse Jor such feat as this, but ln
TJX ZltZmZ Pc"nd toehargl - W
the-nsdves to toe conditions Denny's.-brother, who lived' PfaltT .? " ;outraglng nature.'
under which they live, have domesti- Kington Butte, Linn county. He ??e8e J'olft strains bode in the end
cated themselves to .11 th. atorag. of toemTnd putthem ! thef pnnturedecrepUtud,
warehouses hi Pittsburgh. rlft near his place. From there they j . Tward 0 eath the best
Theprevaleofrateinto.pla. into aouthern Oregon, and, ' ht an only perform a certain me..
edtothetotro4uction ofoata. Now Jud jjenny thinks, ha4 crossed f and whether that be dona
fTjrZ -i-Wn. and appeal L-
" - - - In Eastern Oregon, while the Willam-""-" " ,u wnicunia
to WentteTr'rttevaUeyisfuUofthem. a. ' d"!: Theoretically, theae young oom-
is drifting around toe house, and to ; ' " " . . 'V. ,
wash her face with her warm, soft ! . ."la?8 ..""y. WM nome " 10M na
paw. howler, have . great .r i"f.!.
adaptability to conditions. The wild PfT? nduced Jud
cat of Africa, now extinct and living Truitt, now of Ataska, then a member
only in the form of its domestic conge-. 01 ..ho: prepare f bl" ff th?
ner, was nursed by toe Egyptians as a Protection of the pheasant. With such
timepiece, and so regulated her eye. "" fa was project received
that by glanc. at them the inhabi- lhe b d.n4l.bT unanj
Jr.: .w. tin,, mous consent through its, three read-
of day without theadventof Beth War- toB""13 V" P'Tf.41 'he T , doing without risk.
"when cats were introduced into ! tl .Pjovided absolute protection for . JUST WHO THE BABY IS,
... - thfl hirrffi fnr live vears. Tinfnrp the 1
!"?iJl! five years had expikd the protection ! p" " la-. &.th.
'.- nro n. nvTAii ffaH tiva mi-tm mnLrinrr ton in
ef toe excessive cold. It appears, in "-.-.-b
. . . ' . at! I 'Than T rtarr nraM nlonoH itn (ha
pejit who otherwise might be des
tined for ftltrag and aotive existence,
will succumbhnd break down Ions
before the sun toiy their life has
reached its meridian,' and the Lanc
states that so far this has practically
been the fate of all those who have
endeavored, under -the applause of
their unthinking comrades, to do what
nature has not constructed them to?.
the course of investigation into this
Then they were placed on the I
subject, that one cat was finally Intro- 00 l V",
duced into the rooms of the Pennsyl-, thuffh.e !fason httlf dl"eront'
vanU Storage eompsny which was able . pheasant needs ".T !
to withstandthe low temperature. She hteir B,nd a Ph M-,
was. eat of unusually thick fur and entirej hunting it for the nmrket.
she torived and grewt in quarter. Warden McGmrc , ta 1 no doubt that
where the temperature was below """ T 7 7. B .
thirty degrees. By careful nursing a
When yitnwant loliuy .suit of eloih
Ing you will save money by getting
II lit Macli's. . , . ' 1
..... ' . .'. tl. f
Hiram Bnkei's big Invoice of hoots
and hoen will urrlvt IIiIn eek dlnut
from (he Eiwl.
J. K. Adcox, agent for llm Albuiiy
steuui Itumlry, seud wnnlilngii down
on TuwdayK only.
TIiok whnputmillEe Pugli A Kluim.'
always get the brst lliere lx lu the mar
ket; at lowest prlccN. ; . .
The Ivost groceries unit, fiirnlsliiug
goods at the low est pi lot at i'ugh it
Muiisey's. Try them. ; ';.
Pilgh and Miinsvy Iwve'jiwt revolved
a new line of furuislilng goods, prlee
them befure buying elsewhere.
' You can get 20 yards of . cliallle, 10
ysrds of turkeytl eallun, or 14 yards
autlug flnniivl for $1.1X1 at Head, Peuooek
Theae hard limes we wsnt to nave nil
we can,, but of course we tiHVe to out,
still you will save some liy gelling your
groceries at S. P. Knell's.
.Hiram Bnker Is recclv'tiit 11 hlg In
voir of Calient unrt slilitlng uiid so
forth direct from the KsU
: I will lake wheat.' mils, wmHt or
huled liny on aeiinnt,
M. A. Mn.LKR.
(Jo to Hlriini lhiker's fur yiiuchop
pleklng supplKai Ui member he ear
rlcH a full line of (irm iTles, ilrygoiuls,
boots, shoes, hats mid I'lotlilng.
'Every cash purehnserof JIO worth of
goods at B. P. Iluclis store Ki t" a irriiy ; 11
portrate of thenuelvm or f.elnd fr't.
Mee sample of work In IiIk window.
A.E. AtiNorge is now miiIv 'Iii do
any repairing of urg.uis, liuving had
long experience In flrxl-elsiw fsctorK's.
Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon,
Oregon. '
Bln M. W.t Hive No. I, L. 0. T. M.
will admit members Into the order for
3 26 for the next sixty days from Aug.
M.1894. Amok Hyuk, U. K.
It you want to Miy, sell or trade n
farm, town lot, horses, cows 111 fact
anything, call i Peterson A Urn-
pbrey, slid tliey will Hud you a deal If
there Is one to be foiiuil.
Times are hard. Buy your groceries
it Perkier', and save iiiiiney.
When you want a new hat duu't for
get Pugli ami .Munsvy. TUey have the
latest styles.
Ladle shoes with cork sole at Rend,
Peacock 4 Co. Just the tiling for
Oregon's dampness.
If you want to go East write or cull
on W. C. Peterson, loosl agent of the
Northern Pacific H. K.Co,, at Lebanon
Oregon, for your tickets. The rates r.r
I854 Santiam Academy
Fall Term Commences September 24th.
Normal, College, Preparatory,
Business, Primary and ' -
Music Courses. .
Circular Contain!n(f Full Information regarding1
Tuition, Courses of Study, Text-Books, Etc. Cheer
f jlly Mailed on Application.
S. A. RANDLE, Principal.
ants Were taken in Linn county alone
Dak. end DuohMS f York.
The infant prince who has just been
born into the line of succession to the
throne has of conrso all the ancestry
of his illustrious father, and Is on his
mother's side, through, the duke of
Teck, sprung from the'reigninir house
of Wurtemrjerg ana from the early low, and accommodations are not V.
""B" rrassia. inougtt not de-.rvll.ri hvHMV road riiniilnir i,Kt.
scended from the elder branch of 8to.
art, he is a distant cousin of the prin
cess of Bavaria, who is now the head of
""'"'"IS - , , , . . . rr, ..
1 j AxlA DV popmuiiem luai. atawuii. aiiero id
r AU-I-h. ini ZirfV ttiVk money in toe sport, as the birds bring eessoi isavaria, wtio is nowthe Iwad
fa this yKhmm into stiurdy, thick- , Md & a' dMen. Thi8Unot hat lin."" also distanUy
.,. . lated to the czar of Russia.
clime. They have been distributed -l-"" ; He inherits no title, her maiestv hav-
Pittsburgh, and have created .peculiar A LOST PEOPLE.
breed of eats, adapted to toe conditions' 1
under which they must exist to find ; - "' " I"""1
theirprey. . , , .. ' Caut " Brm" '
TheM eats .are short-tailed, ehnbbv ' A lady whose home is in the south of,
- - ,- ,. - - ,t :! .v- .! . - - b.toi-kihuu
pussies, witn nair as inicn ana run 01 . TTkm none between EdwBrd III.nd Oeonre
under-fur as the wild eat. of the Cans- eently toan island on the coast of Bnt- j grandchild, wito tW-
P rjS ceptionof JamTn.,whot,S.
, imngsaooui laem is lae ueveiopawai. - b .---- -f infants of hte daughter Anne.
oi meir
hairs that
and eyebrows
mestic feline, about three inches long. .
ing some' years ago decreed that the
style of royal highness should belong
only to her own children and the chil
dren of her sons,. JNo English sov
ereign before Queen Victoria ever lived
to see a great-grandchild.' "" Indeed,
There will be u fruit social at the n
tdenee of Q. Lovelee, Tuesday evening,
Sept. 18, 1804, to which everybody is
Invited, regardless of uge, sex, color or
any other loiidlticns. There will lie
good musiftund all that goes to make a
good time. , Kefreshnieiits will lie
served. Hop checks, will be legil
While in Chicago Mr. Charles L.
Knliler, a prominent sins- merchant
Of l)e Moines, Iowu, liuil quite a f l -
oat, lliuc uf It. He took nucl) n severe
Wheelsl . Wheellrt
The Two Loador. of the World! '
Send for catilogvieti.-
Write for bargains in SMCond-liand and'93'wWek
Albany, Ogon
Also see Chas. M. Axhki!.son, at the ExpUehk Qffice.,
Paper Hanging and fouiNiw
of their "feelers." The long, stiff win rememoer u.y (kmcerninir the new nrin, i. cold Unit he eould hardlv llk ur nvl
fsL!toKlS Mere"7 a!?.?f &t ..t tJ, g,,.e. but the prompt ' of iUs
e atat Z hr0n7 lfialaud whichean be reached from the -J J " Wm i III
In the cats cultivated in the cold ware- mainland only when the water is hiBWhlr Tho ,J!5.M ..oquicklv thul iiiwat Hie lurtil
w,n. th. i. riim in t),. nla and soends hUtime in caring for his , ""',". "7H"mwwm
houses the "feelers" stow to a leneth smooth.
of five and six inches. This is probably , ton shepherd,
. only when tne water is nthm, Wh - ,,'1 it, l r j.u'J-' '"la 'l" nwnitMH l i
The L, inhabitant U lire- .SS.; followed hi, eaamplv M,d a .k.
,erd, who lives in a little hut were he,,S3Tchli: '" ordered It from the nearest drug
because the light is dim in the pUces ana spenos S"'rlu dren, Queen Vlotorift and the- duVhes. "tiire. They were urofiise In tlwlr
and aU movement, must bether-ult Jheep. of .reulZtUioAUUWr for telling lu
!,ef'J Z.STJr.'Z 'JatJoTwhta 5f Wales n4thMaoheH)of,unw , . ll!t(, fll)(1
jjouia, -tu b'"" . - --- - -- - iotk are second cousins so that the duke
the development of "feelers," toe do- uock was leeumg, auu .n, u, of York and the new prince Me. m ba.
m-lie. at .how. the alteration of Dei- toe way around a bill, on the east side . . ... ... " ",nM
w7weU-known law of thcurvival of whiihthey found the entrance toa S
of toe fittest ln toe development of tunnel. ; , is second cousin, once removed, to toe
their conditions adapted to toe envi- , This extended some distance, and its duke yi,, and therefore; wcond
The atoraire neonle sav that if one m Ante la talran IntnthftAwn. ItlavrMTlvnhft And flmires. "lOoltinff
air, particularly during this hot spell." wmewbat like wreaths and again like WRITING WITH MILK,
it will die in a few hours. It cannot coiled serpents." At the end of this Nml gabatftot 7m"ulk,' AralUkl tor
endure a high temperature, and an in-! unnel was a hall, also floored, roofed ' . au BmhIm. with Dirty Unrtrs,
trodnction to a stove would send it into and walled with the same curious!. In the course of a trial ui liano. lart
.fit . jstones,and inthe center was an altar ; yeor 0 letWt wag rad fcom num
nodiag r kMs in the M, ! tone UP wh'ch' 18 n. j named Turpin, chemist, ' under ten-1
It appears from toe annual report of . thathuman sacrifices have been offered, tence of five years! imprisonment as .
the hydrographer of toe British navy I 't he strangest pan m an m w w spy, giving directions to . feiend with
For sale by N. V. 8utitlt 'irutrKlAt.
A Brave Act.
Mrs. Hendrlukson and her dnuglil.
floor-tidesand roof were mad.ofin, iZleiSZ
of mense flat pieces of stone, covered with, new-born prince. ' dence w th a home and buggy one day
last week to visit Mrs, liendrickaon
that two hundred nckt and other dan-! tes nor rocks like those used in this a view to establishing a secret corre
gerousobiecte to navigation were dis-. tunnel can be found on the island, and spondence wit) himwhilnprtson,
covered during last year-twenty-rix ! t no place nearer than a ndd. This led to as offioial Inquiry .ow the
by surveying vessels, thirty-five by, miles inland. Who brought p hem? subject by the tVenoh .uthorftles, and
other ships belonging to toe navy, How did they come? There is no record some strange mvelatlonswere obtained
twenty-two by BritUh and foreign ves- left-et least none has been found, to from some of the convicts. ; ,
wis, one hundred and five were report- tell who these people were, or any-r ; it appears, says Chambert' Jfoura-l,
ed by colonial and foreign govern- thing about them. , ! that when Information has lo b. eon-
x j .Li-. j: I i i Tluo mttet navA lived mAnvei.nt,iirieR kvmI ly, a m4irau- f .1 14
fDenw anu uurwxm wen, uiKuvenu t " j j - r- i .... , uci .imuiuer as .ue signieu uirecuy UL
vessels striking on them. The retur-lago, but have nMe(l entirely, yet containing apparently, .nothing but a jthe man, and under her comniHiid
dnughter, Mrs, Doodmuii, of that city,
who was III. Mrs. Hendrlukson, be
ing accustomed to the use of firearms,
took with her a shotgun, thinking to
procure a pheieent on the road for her
tick daughter. As they were driving
along they saw under' tome trees ahead
uf them four dirty looking men lying
mi the ground. The men got up us
the hore approelied and ranged tlieiu-
selves alongside of the ronu, and ns
the horse got opposite one of them at
tempted lo seize I he bit, hut Mrs. Hen
ricksoti's shotgun came promptly to
ber shoulder as she sighted directly ut
veys of Spithead, Pembroke and Plym-1 their work is as perfect apparently as few trivial facts of a personal nature,
mth aonnd hunt hun iroinir on. and i when first built. ... is forwarded to the prison.: This Is read
serious obstacles were discovered '' It is thought that they niay have by the governor, who atarops .it, and
toe Welsh port, while at Plymouth it i been Druids, who came here when they allows it to be banded on ;to the man
turned out that the depth in the mala ; left Oreat Britain; others, again,, think , to whom it is addressed. The. latter,
anchorage was veiy much leu than It i that they were worshippers of the sor-! : however, is aware that ther. i. another
shown on the chart, so that the largest ; pent god called Iloa, But It is con-, letter to be read within the lines, this,
ships would be certain to touch bottom ! jecture. 'All we know is that the'.; lielug written In milk, H4 bln'stily
in some places if the water tank to it.
lowest level. Dredging baa therefor
been undertaken.
it is said that Miss Majendie, who
has just received the much-coveted po
sition of maid of honor to Queen Vic-
stones are here, strangely carved, skill- decipherable on being ubbwl over
fully put together, but of their build- with dirty finger. op.otim en
en their is no trace. ,f :: cir a bmibih,. of hUdMi;!,l
The Infant regiment with wbi6h . the
youthful king of Spain hat 'been- pro-
soap In Tllet4.
they concluded to scatter out of sight
just as quick as possible. The shot
gun argument Is pretty good one to
use on tramps, -and It It always auo.
oessful with that klnil of oaltle.
How s This!
We offer One Hundred Dollurs Itewsrd
for any esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hull's Cstsrrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY A C0 Tnii., Tnlnlo; 0.
We the umlurslKiieil linvn kuom K, i,
Therearenoveltiescvenlnsoap. The .vided to amu h)ma W 1 ,.,W' '"I. ?T?ZT .' '",C,..
test are soap tablets, that come in pret- amon the Miqueletoof Bt Sebastian, r '"".'"" T
tuuiuuuur wu vw, . ,i..j .,i Tho , . ..... t . i :. . .. T ' nm penwiiy nonnraiiie in an imiu;chs
toria, owe. her good luck to mere 'LTZ 7 ri7 i wol ViUI ' ; XT, "i? " trtntacttont and financially .able to emrV
freak of magnetic, .ttotion.'. Too Z 7 to Z a ".S! out snv obltalon made by .heir rv
queen mm her lor ;toe;flrst toM waen - , toboaning .JZSTXZZZ'JLT ZZ. ! Went Truax, I)WKhl'lWlo,
sue came to sing at tne mm WW.;:...:,.., ..ij j ! 7r-l.. . i w.uin. Kim.i sisnlu. WLni..,i
i 1 1 os ii-uj, i to Bui- ..(.,,., ,n inerovaj iaiors..anu autf.,svear . -- T-mm-.i -
Seorot Booietlet.
WNN,aT. M.-NU ,, ,
H HH wi Tlmrwluy -evsinnt li..,, .k
Tf'imwul Sir Kiiiitiiu urn corif f ,,,,,, ,0
kit llw fent miwtln:.
an. w, Kici, R, K,
A. I.AMnKiiMorf, Com.
!.EBAN0tl jios, uinnK. No tu. Til. aJf.
. tl ntl,iMV v,,,a , (j. . R. U.ill
s'.avi,I(. j. n. Mauim. r. t.
Ai oik HmnoH, sue'r.
l.KBANON I.0DI1K, NO. 47, 1,0. 0. F.-Jlm
ef 'try sstuntair eveiilnit at Oitd FuUowh llnl, si
I'elock p. m.
M. U. OARUNll.SeCl');.
VBAHLRinnWA LOWIE, NO. 7. 1. 0. 0. P.
U.lastl. 0.0. Fllsll rlhat anil third Weillux
d..TeDluitaofsc)iDioiiUi. .
MIIH. 0. W. CKUSOK, N, ti.
J .KBAN0K LODGE No, U A. F. 4 A. M.-'Mwl
Us urdsy evsnlnif, on or before the full moon In
b month.
E. E. IUhmack, W. M,
V, M.Miu,ss.Sc., .
Tory TucwiAy owning st 0. A .. k. Hall.
I. R. Bosux, Bee.
East and South
Southern Pacific Go,
Kxpresa triilna leave Portland dally
(1:16 r. M. . l.v.rortiun( Ar.
10:151 r. K. l,v.AIIiuny.. ,.Ar.
lOilfi A. tt.. Ar.Hnn FrsLclscuLv
:'t0 a, it
7:00 r. st
riie above triilna amp st slututions I'roin
Portluml to Albany incliulvejalao Tangent,
Hbeild, llnlney, Hnrrlubntft, Junction City,
Irvine, Kuirene anil all atstlons Irani Vosa.
burg to Aahlnml inelmlve,
P.oseburg mall daily:
8:10 x. M. ll.v .TPortlsnd ...Ar.
12:16 r. M. Lv,'lbsny Ar.
6:60 P. M. I Ar.ItoebiirK.. I.v.
12:.Wr. st.
7:00 a. M. ,
IjksI patseoKer trains dally (eicept
1:20 r. M. I.v...Albany Ar. j 10:21 a,
2:01) p.. m,
8:10 a. n.
0:111) a. m.
i,v..,Ali)any Ar.
Ar.,.Iitibanon ,,.Lv.
0:30 a.m.
8:26 r.M.
2:88 p.m.
MEN'L UEKWSCAMP, No. 19, DlvWon orOie
ton, Sow of Vcterasna Meet InO, A. K. Hall,
.very Saturday ovenlng, except, the llilnt
Saturday of each month, mealing the thiol Fri
day, uuwad. All brollwn of the Horn of V,:.
.rana and eomraitcnof the O. A. R. arc conlUII
Invited to mHt with the Camp.
' . s, (l, Cass, cm.
A. Tmmsy, First Eil.
HINA M. Vm HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T. M.
Mvcut on the 2d and 4th Friday of each nioinli at
N.atO. A. H. Bull. TraiiKlent Laily iliuTn
btea an cordially Invited to attend, '
,: A. A. HVM,la R.l;,
Habaii 8alijiaik, Liulr Ouin.
...L.i. O.UU..UI .way wuenivuuKUb w wuwsuw:mu. niue nnllorm ana. redcanj .uaufhlw ".mrs', iv
1 trttb toe 71 t .,,l,,,iiwi i S'lejNuiW aw arami mnwjr nfwii mm riwu
end tweet vciee. It was i
most surprise that Uw cirde, as wvjl'
the swung lady gereou
honor ilsalimed for aw.
WJ yuiiUS ""J wmu MP I'jf ,i, ., ot n
(toemccewiity for esjrryhnr nop box. nJe s4.wttUt mMm V .surface, of Uieanutni, PtH Tfcir bottle Ph,.i", UBS, "SI 'IK'
also do away with the peed of .ubalterns, u4 the orewiiMtwjj u ItoM lrJ-ulltilJjt'U. TvSlUwiti hit. .. Urtifuli't, - '
totly th. aim. M l f$illiDt
Irving W. Larltuoro, physical direc
tor of the Y. M. (), A., Oes Moiiu.
Iowa, says lie vim coiiscleutlnualy
rvmntTliend t'hiiniboilnln's Piiln Knlnj
lunthleies, gjnuiuuU, blcjqlisia, 'font
(ii It pliiyera and the profession In gen
eiii( for bruiai, firulu mid disloca
tion.; also for sorer-raa nnd stitrnets of
the imiHcles, When applied before the
parts bei,me swollen it wllletleut u
cure 111 one hull' the time iisuully re-
Dining Cart on Ogden, otet ,
' Puuman Buffet St.RSpr' B8
" ' , AND ' (
Second-Class Sleeping ' Qan j.
tftonou to ail lhrour' Traim.
Wt ld 1
Betwuux FwTULr
Ji vision.
Msll trsin-Mlitllv ,.., h i..,. (
w'f J' i:Tv"''i"'n:::v:r6:
orvnllU..l.v. 1:00 r, u. ,
trlLM,!'!,1V "'i'" 'rvollls connect with
trino(Orei!ou Hiiiii,,iir,.,..i .
-. ?xprBsbjrai n--rinlly Ipt8uiidsy)!
4:ir.M. l.C."rriisiid'...At. J l&TZ
.". I hAr.McMlni,vl. Lv 6 :80 Z i.
THROCGPi' TICKETS ,roal1 pi"'..inb.
' - -7 - - MUiern mates, Csn
ada and Jinrope mil be obtained at lowest
raios fpjm r. a. Bennott, tRent, Lebanon. '
R. K0EHLKB, Manager.
' irr. Prlce'i Cream Baking Powder
Worfd'l Pair Hluheat AVarn..T