The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 28, 1894, Image 1

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NO. .31
Om yesr.... ......
(If paid in advance, II tu ptii y'li.l
Hit fllOlltllH ''
Thn months .p.
J.N. Dolph, ," ,, L
'John.H. Mllol.,.nf
Bingsr Hermann,;-"
Hytve.tor I'cmnnycr,.
(Jeorgs W. MeBrido,,
,., Senators
: Conaresflnian
..... ....'.....Covi'rnor
..H'-oretary of Minir
' ' ri"IH!ll'"r
Pttlt Metiehan,
V. n M.Ktew.1 ...Sunt. M lliM-IMioll
Prank O.Hak'er .,
Wm. l:UAS Supreme J"'1
K. H. Warn, I
Ju'jRe,. . ..' '. J.'N. Duncan
)erki.,. N. Ktwdltani
Rttonlw,.: .....II. K. Mardinan
Bhcritr, ; ! J. A. McKcroii
School Superintendent A. It. lttitliarl'o-d
Treasurer, I.....
..P. (IMcnU
K. T. T. fisher
It. A. Juyne
i John I'nBii
J. M.
,..C. It. JKWTAU1U'.
A. V.
B. M. (I.ULAM.
1. K. HYDK.
I J, 0. liHHIi,
, IS. H. MY KKH.
, la. VV. KICK.
City t'min ill meets "" 'I'0 llr"' 8ml tMri
Tuesday even K ufl' nmntli.
. The following frn.n an exchange In
handed us on aocnunt f lt ' HlB
iilfloanoe: If you you desire to biromeasuo
cessful man an wletme'l iiii'm'wi' of
. wwloty llm followiiin priii'iiii'lli'iix, If
hectli'd, r niimt curtain to rerni " 'H
prollt fvnn in Imrrt time the Iwrdi-r,
pciimw llm tifttfr.
1. If 'iiu poHBlbl y cuii, ya must gut
on Willie notlve bimlncwi Btrt't bv 8
o'eliaik each morning. Uunineim l
usually well begun by (bin time. II'
yU cliauet! to mie bouic Htorekurptir
occupyliiK a ehuir In front of lila idnoe.
of bimlneim, enjoying the open ulr,
woli'b until he arlmw to wait upon a
cuittouier. Then 'Jump for the aealund
' keep It an lo ig an you can for tiie owuit
oan atund an long an yuu are enjoying
yourself. You -uiunt however, be pro
lod with a eood nupply of tobaveu,
tlu order that you may epit about the
dtorway and aldewullt, to that Indies,
In funning will be obliged to tuke to
i tiueatreetnr wude,
. 2. If you go home tf dinner be sure
gid return during the afternoon au iw
k't the flrat ohanoe to read theclaily
paper '''''e u""' "''!' p"5" '"r 11 ml
read It Uie next dayjuatm well, you
know. ,
"'8 lfvoue'"' "r "f 11,0 c'1"'1'
f-pl.torthehui ""'."1' 'Ive
Bp' g
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
California, mJW're cf the Pacific, salutes the world.
Her Midwinter Tif plosed i.i p. midsummer blaze of glory.
Second only to the CoW;jan Exposition in extent, variety
and splendor, the' coast display .mi a .'veritable triumph.
Out of li'"r ftbiuidance the state poured tie f TS asures-and
the nation of the earth came to aid her in W wbiSi
Memorable were the exhibits-of gold and silver, of
wheat and oil, of fruit arl wine, of silk and wool-pf all
that rnfl and nature could comMwt to produce. And no
exhibit attracted more attention or excited 8??? approval
than that of
DrvPrtce's Cream Baking Powder
Orfoiul lestss (stowed it to be hisfhjat in leavening; power,
purest in tiualCy, wl most cfiicient in wsjilfs 8i taking
powders made.'. : Accordingly, the Highest Award and $o$
Medal wers conferred on Dr. Friw's at the Midwinter Fair.
Ths tnumph at San Tranci.) nf!rms he victory at
CliiMiio. Tlio Midwinter Fair verdict u3tuli and vlnd!
caUs the htj1 of highest ltonow on Dr. Price by the
jury t'i winJ at &e Wo'-tCi OJumlUa Evpositibn.
"As old as
never excell-
ed. "Trie.l
and proven "
m the verdict ,
' i o f 'millions.'
Liver llcgli-
y-v l.itor is the
r?only Liver
IJvltL' M, Kidney
''' ' . medicine to
which you
can pin your
,- CJ-'j . faith for a
J nan. mild kxa-
' ' ' tivc. .' a n.d
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid-
'ney. Try it.
Sold by all
ixnfg.fU in L:quid. or in Powder
i In: taken tin orniad? uitoa tea.
Tlie Klnf of LIcwMwiIiiIih'ii.
"i :
1 u.i'.l,uurMi iohh Ijlvr
. 1 I. ni'i t'i.ciciuou ' ii i ma
i in-: 'if i. l i.vr liii'itlcjci'i'. 1 uti.'iniiUir It a
,ii. nK-!in' fluvl in llrf. yi.n, W. ,lAoa
.41. S, ...'iltnii, Yi'usllillgitiO,
,U CT'tBY I'ACH A(it!-i
.; , :iiiip In n-d
ted the 'eplttlng room outnlde, just go
In the ttore and take a aeat on the
i counter. While there you on ep
anywhere on the floor, tt attract
cuHtomera for the proprietor.
4. If you find any lelaure time from
the above, take the liberty to occupy
bin office room In lb store. If you
pleaae, look over all papers you flud
on the ileHk and in. this manner you
will bj able to keep better pouted on
hie bushiest "(fairs.
5. If the merchant happena to be a
bookseller or newsdealer, you oau road
the bonks on the "Installment plan."
Ko matter If you aoil a new book an
long ae you leave It in the store. If
there is a customer for any of their, lie
can wait.
B. fie regular in tuase habits for the'
merchant will miss you wlieii yoi are
awiiv and long for your appearance,
IlesidtK it tukeB constant applieat on
to become skilled in any art,
that of a btje.
Big Corn in Oregon.
Oregon Is generally considered n
anti-corn stale. The following trow
the Eugene Heglsetr, will tilt-Mure be
of Interest: A. W. Bond,' of Irving,
Thursday showed us sodie of the ttnexl
com we h'ave ever seen raised in Ore.
gon. It was raised oil prairie land-
Two ears were shown, one of which
had 1)30 kernel', and the other 000, all
plump and uniform. He has eight ac
res of such ooru, and be says it is rip
eu(Hgj)icley., He will have some ex
cellent fuei. There Is no d.uot but
good corn can be raiwd 'e If proper,
ly tended.
Golden Honors
from the
Golden Coast
Taken From Our Exchanges Througfh-
oui lav nunnvGH, ; '
Gervalsis figuring on an tlectiic
light system. ' ''
It oost Klamath county $450 to have
the books exported, ;
Two girls at Gervais picked thirteen
boxes ot hops m one day. ;
Hood River is agitating the queatiiiii
of holding a borticullunil fair this full.
Springfield has organized 'a bucket
brigade and honk and ladder fcotnpauy
of 30meinlier9.
The state reform school has 94
in the liwtltutiou and 55 more nidcr
its supervision.
Aocordlng hi the Enterprise, Jregon
City is manifesting considerable art
Ivlty In the building line. , ; '
A nine-year-old buy In the East a
few days ago rode a bicycle one mile In
1:14, beatlnj the H&lem time.
The cannery at Nestucca hay will be
removed to Alaska, the run offish tills
year being tn light to keep It going. '
It is said that John W. Mlnto will
be appointed ehlef of police of Portland
and that Chief Hunt will have to re
tire. v'' '
The Medford brewery will in fatiiHe
make lis own malt and will construct
niBlthopse 211x50 feet, and two stories
TheAdventist at Grants Pass will
dedicate lueir church and begin a
series of protracted njeetiugs Septem.
ber 27. ' . .'
Day'ton Is agitating the question of a
water supply. A spring In the hills
near by would supply the town by
"Don't expeotorata on the floor If
you expect to rate as a gentleman" is
a nolle posted in the .luhotion City
The run of salmon at The Dalles 1
reported very heavy. Twenty-five tubs
a day are handled, but 100 tout could
be caught.
The increased attendance at tbest.Ur
fair does not indicate much poverty.
The receipts were considerably mure
than last year.
The highest recorded price ever paid
for a horse is $150,(100; for a cow $30,001)
for a ram $8,000; for a dot; $4,000 uiid
for a ubjeken $150.
One or tuo more steamers are to be
put on the Y'jquina route at least tcm.
porarlly to mecl the Increased demand
for transportation.
Jack Parker, the survivor of the Burns
shooting aftair, has been bound over In
the sum of $1000. The evidence a-
gainst him is weak.
The "Occasional Daily Star" has be
gun to gleam upon the people of Ku.
gene and aid the other papers there in
lighting up the gloom. .
Tie Polk County District Fair Ao
ejatlou, will give tlree days of racing
beginning Thursday, on the track lie
tweeu Independence aui Ifonmouth
A suliscription for 0 bonqs td have
the new beet-sugar company estatnisn
s factory at Independence has been
)aeii,ile,(f py 1f, f. pinnoway with 50
acres of an.
The grand jury of Wallowa county
is investigating the cattle-stealin
oouiinon i tNt polity, Ii is reported
that several well-known men have
been indicted. . ..
, A farmer living near Medford has
traded his 180 aores for 200 acres i
Missouri, He will move his family to
the Mudsill state, and the Missouri
nmu will come out here.'
Oregon counties are now being bled
profusely for bounties tin the scalps of
wild animals. This a waste of public
money. As well pay a merchant for
pij-ching rids in Ms store basement.
('o'leutor (iiti;iH(ifii fjgijres n,l that
there are!)00,iKK) packs of playing cards
in the Northwest that will have to be
stamped. Deputies will go over the
field to see that the law Is enforced. '
Two-thirds Interest In the Molly Hill
ledge on Mount Reuben was sold last
w,eef fo Jacob Kamm, of Portland, for
ftiWO,' fa.eorge Kearps, of (Jrant's Pass
ud Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek,
own the other .third.
There was a thief at the state fair
Who had enterprise. He stole a buggy
at ope paie, a Imree a nupther an!?
set of harness at a fhird. These tiree
things he put together, and nothing
hnsbeen hoard of lilm sin "e. .
Mrs. Kllaalielh' H. Ii, Skinner, Wld-
ow of Ibe Jute Ji'itav A, A- kiiunef
died tit Eugei'O, Friday, nfi'd ("S years,
buv wad a pioneer of IW, cimii( In
the same train' with ex-tiovernor
Moody and Hon. S. R. Thurston.
The tax roll of Douglas county has
only Just been placed in tlie hands of
the county clerk to make the delin
quent roll. With only a few exceptions
the oounties-ot the state are being very
reasonable and lenient this year.
The Tillamook Advocate tells of a
farmer of that county who has made
$G,lXK) raising hens and selling in Han
r ranctsco. This farmer had no money
at all to start wllh only his indus
trious hands and ood home sciihc.
Hamucl 15. H. (Spurting, 05 years of
age. was found dead in his cabin in
Wallowa valley Tuesday. He was a
highly educated man, nn old Nevada
miner, and was living the life of a re
use. He had wealthy relatives in
Chicago. ,
Business is improving over in Al
bany. Within twenty four hours, be
gining at 8 o'clock last Friday night,
the clerk of Linn county issued six
marriage licences, thus breaking all
previous records made in the county.
Corvallis Gazette.
The water works of Arlington have
been bought by the city. This is a
step in the right 'direction. Mayor
Edwards and the council are entitled
to much credit for their careful and
painstaking management of the city
business, and indications are plenty
that Arlington is reviving from her
former lethargy. Arlington Record.
Telegraphic news is to the effect that
the yield of bops in the world bad
been overestimated and a great deal of
the crop is not ot a very good quality,
therefore the price of fine grade hops
isadvaucingslowly, Sherman Hayes,
of thistiity, was offered seven cents a
pound for his crop this morning and
promply refused the offer. Eugene
The sun has now passed the three.
quarter post In Its track, and the dayB
and nights Saturdy were, equal, and
tho equinoctial gale may be looked for
at any time. The farmers have their
harvest pretty generally secured, and
people who have work on band which
is liable to be. interrupted by rainy
weather are milling operations as
vigorourly as possible.
Tire Athena Press says that a young
fellow came to' town last week, and af-'
ter putting up liis porse at ("room's
liable, went to one of the saloons uud
bucked the tiger $20 Worth, which was
all the money he had. He went broke
and put (lie horse up for $8, lost that
and. weu to (he livery stable and went
to bed. wnue lime during the night
lie took bis horse and left for pastures
The Guard says: Two or three more
hold-ups are rep u ted from Hpringfleld.
Two wagon loads of hop pickers were
held up near that place last Monday
evening and robbed of their hard earn
ings. ItisaUo re parted that' an at
tempt was made to hold up the mail
carrier but failed on account of the
gentleman .reaching for his gun. It
seems to us that these amateur high
waymen ought to be eimily captured
by the officers, if due vigilance was
The big barn belonging to the Indian
institute at Cbeiuawa was burned with
afl is enuleuts, excepting (lie four
horses, atout lu o'clock Friday night.
The cause of the Are is unknown, but
it is supposed to have been the work of
incendiaries, The structure win 50x150
and two stories, tt contained 60 tons
of hay, 600, bushels of o.its and 1,000
pounds of bran. There is a good water
service at the institution, but the hy
drant aiid hose for protecting the barn
were stationed Inside, and enu,ld not bp
reached owing to the fierceness of the
flames. The loss is about iltiOO, and
there was no insurance.
A Kansas man wriliug to a Portland
paper, says: ' To bring before the
minds of the pimple east the resources
of the PjcHIc coast, you. ijillst not take
the statistics of u single year, fur they
have seen years that can beat it, but
show them what you can raise year in
and year, and they (annul help hut be
convinced of the rcsourcei and advan
tngeaof this country, iut above all
there is one tiling you must do, am
thj s q divest (he. injuria of those
people of the fe idea about the dread
ful rains here, given by people who
come here and expect to make a for
tune in a single year, fanning on adry
goods box, and teilina about te (U
props nthey I'lilscid, nnd how that as
soon as they are able they will go back
to "Hod's country." Tbi class of peo
ple would not succeed in the Garden
of Kdeu. Colorado may have her
Garden of the gods, Kanjas. lien mb
less and lo'ua ivuiaker.ea'gda, hut the
Valleys of Oregon, lype the U'llHloiis of
Kiteit to Hie pn'K'sl 8IKJ illtJSsVjU'Jo'
bmit.: '
E. H. Burnham Found Dead Near the
PresbyteriarTCburell. '
Monday night about 1130 o'clock
Carleton Sox and Clem Irylne were
accompanying some youngladios homo
from a reception at the College, when
they discovered the body pf a man
lying partly on the sidewalk uud part
ly on the raised ground beside it at the
southeast corner of the Unlttd Presby
terian' church. Thinking It was A
drunken man the young men notified
Aightwatchnian Jones, who, accom
panied by Dr. Hill and son who were
just returning home from a professional
visit, went, to the place and examined
the man who was found to be dead.
The body was taken to Nn. I's engine
house. Judge Powell, acting ascoroner
took it in charge and examined the
man's pockets. The right pantaloon
pocket was turned oul, some keys and
a pocket knife were in Hie other pocket,
a handkerchl f and $1.35 in a hip
pocket, a , pair of eye glasses, a small
mirror and a watch key .lii his vest
pocket. There was no watch. He
wore a brown suit of clotlies, nnd a
Masonic pin was fastened to his vest.
On his person were found pupersthow-
ing his name to be E. H. Burnham,
and that he formerly belonged to the
Masonic- lodgj of Corvallis. iA bullet
hole passed through his vest, which
as slightly powder burned,! and hV
shirt, just below his heart, awl ranging
into his heart. About twelve feet back
of where he was found was a revolver.
About 11 o'clock several people in the
vicinity heard a shot fired, and at
least two think they heard some one
cry for help. Mr. Walter iPeacook,
who returned home about, that time
from the College, heard a shot fired,
and awhile after saw a couple of men
run past the county. Jail. It Is doubt
ful though if it had any connection
with the shooting. Mr. Read on
returning borne awhile before saw the
man in the vicinity of the chur-h. He
bad also been seen near there during
the day and on Sunday. ' " '." .,
Mr. Burnham came from Portland
on r ridny and registered at the St.
Charles. He bad formerly ' boarded
with Mr. Giblin in CorvaliiS. There
are two torsions of the matter, one
that the man was murdered, the oilier
that he committed suicide. The latter
is probably the correct one. Burnham
had lieeu despondent and had remai ked
in the morning that he was about
broke and didu't know what tie should
do. Last yeur he worked in Chicago
on the fair buildings, being A painter
and paper banger, and bad contracted
rheumatism, which was troubling
him, as a chronic case of neuralgia.
Several circumstances Indicated that
he contemplated suicide, and It is a
peculiar fact that just before being
awakened and notified, Mr. Giblin
had dreamed that he had done the act,
the man's conduct evidently having
mude the impression on his mind. H
position when found showed. had
been no struggle; the revolver had
evidently been thrown over his head
as lie fell back, on the ground, and lie
probably cried out as if for help. He
probably had not been carrying a
watch. The weight of evidence is de
cidedly on the side of suicide, and In
flicl there, is little doubt on the sub
ject. " ' '
Burnham was nearly fifty .years of
age, He wasslngle, ond (s well spoken
of by Corvallis en who knew him
in that city. ,
Tlie following is the verdict of the
coroner's jury:
We, tho coroner's Jury, summoned
to inquire into the cause ( the death
of E. H. Burnhani, deceased, find that
the deceased came to bis death from a
gunshot wound inflicted by his own
hands 011 September 24, 1894, between
10 and 12 o'clock P. M. (Signed)
James Dannals,
W, W. ftoWKLL, ,
F. E. Allen,
F. W. Blumhuro,
John Hkush,
D, B. Montrith.
Albany Democrat.
A Tree Un tergrouru,
While deepening, a well nl Forest
Oroya, last week, at the depth of eighty
feet, in blue clay, a tree was struck and
pieces of bark brought to the surface,'
One piece was charred and as, the tree
was supposed to'tuva. grown bifore
the glac! period and the age of man,
the. only explanation of the existence
of fire is that is whs caused by the
natural agency ot'llgbinlng. The tree
was a conifer and, the twigs and bai'k
looked, j(k.e. h,e of hemlock, .
Hcglif early ttt'the academy. Tuition
in reiiionah',), Ifyouhavenn money,
don't stay away, but see the principal
and make'special ajrangeiiieius,
One Million Dollars Worth of Propsrty
Fire at the Albina terminal r.niiHte
Sunday eftcmooii destroyed the P
ciflc coast wheat elevator, warehouse
and oouteuts, the railroads- conl-'mnl:-ers
nnd contents, 11 'Vast strefch of
wharves, 60 or more 'freight can and
wheat contents, a number of cur cnu
tnioing a part of the great plrditof
the Portland General Electric Com
pany, about four miles of ralirned
trackage, and the steamer Wlilnme.te
Chief. The conflagration cmu:i n a
In round numbers $1,000,000 worlii of
property. It was pretty fully cover,
ed by Insurance. The department
could do little or nothing to slay the
flames, and they devoured everything
In their path, and subsided only Iroin
the lack of material. Tlie origin of
tlie conflagration is not definitely
known.' The disaster was alingethnr
the most serious that has vhitul Po t
land since the great fire of 1872.
The fire was discovered at 4:"0
o'clock in the afternoon in tlie Oregon
Railway & Navigation . Coinpmy'g
coal bunkers On the Albina wator
front. It quickly mistimed tho struc
ture and its contents, and spread south,
along the river, and in less than two
hours had destroyed three quarters of
a mile of water front docks and ware
house. In addition to the in ll.lii-.
tracks, trestles, docks and freigfht curg
were destroyed. Thi wllh freight
stored for shipment in .'lie warehouse,
grain in the elevator, coal in the bunk
ers, and part of an immense plant for
the.Portland General Electric Com
pany standing oh ears in the yards,
was titally destroyed. '
Three men named Anderson, Murray
and Brown, workmen at the ehvatcr,
were seen on the roof early In the fl. e;
they were not seen afterwards, aftd
are thought to have perished.
The losses .are: Pacific Cou.-t ele
vator, $450,000; Wheat iu elevator, $75,-
000; Warehouse and coutents, $40,0'J0;
40 laden wheat cars, $100,000; 20 empSy
cars ihu.uuo; Uars and oloctrlcal in
chitiery, $76,000; Coal bunkers, $i5,0t!0;
Coal, $12,500; Tracks and l.latform,
$20,000; Steamer AVillamnie t hief,
$7,500; Wharves, $150,000; Misivllna
eous, $14,000; Total loss, $1,000,000.
A House Ransacked.
A. N.Locke lives four miien north
of Corvallis and wit h his family rpent
last Thursday iu "Albany. When be
arrived home a sealelte sacquo, Ixdong.
lug to his wife, a pair of pants, hat,
juniper aud other things that ought to
have been inside the house were gone,
and about the rooms were evidences
(hat someone had ransacked the prc.n-
Search showed that the kitchen
door that had bnea securely locked
was unlocked, A Watermelon was
also missing from the kitchen table,
and out on the railroad track the re
mains of It were found. The thief
used a ".skeleton key to open the
kitchen door and undoubtedly made
bis way north on the railroad' The
value, of they stolen property n a
bout $25. Mr'. Locke wua 111 tovu
Friday mornliig.sworo out a warrant
and the sheriff went In pit suit, but
the thief ' eluded .capture. Covallla
Times. ,
Law to be Tested.
Klamath Fulls Express: County
Clerk Leavitt Is going to test I In-salary
law enacted by the last legislature, and
the result will be of Interest to every
county in the state. He oolljcijc'
157.75 for fees during July 'ami August
and deolined to pay the same over to
the treasurer, claiming he was entitled
to the fees, whereupou the court refused
to allow him his salary. Tin. matter
will be carried to the supreme court"
Reports train different pavis of the
state indicate that a batch of hogs were
elected to office last June. Sheriffs
and county clerks not only wa it the
fat salaries; but are reaching nut tor
the whole business. The law is un
doubtedly a failure so far, and will
continue to be unless county courta
display great backbone.
Wood Wanted.
All who have taken subscriptions on
wood or farm produce are requested to
haul It in as Boon us possible, for the
reads will soon be in bad condition if
the rains continue. Tell your ,ieij h
bors that they can have the Exnti 3a
sent to litem for wood, fruit or putalmia.
Sample copies will be scut free on ap
plication ' Ladies' Coats and Jackets.
T am now receiving my Ml and
whiter stock of ' ladies, misses and
children's garments. These gooila
were bought for cash and include 1107.
cities and staples of the latest patterns.
Call and see tbm.
-..; Bamcel E. Youmij,
Albany, Oregon.