1 . LEBANON, OREGONjSEPTEMBER 21, 1894. VOL VIII. 1 NO. 30 TERMS OF SUB SCRIPTION. One ffJfJjJVJj; K'j; jpij'ViwJ"4" m mniitlw; i I. 1 Tlinlfe mimtlis ......... " SlnileoopteN ............. ..... , , STAJE OFFICERS. 'I' . i John H. Mitchell,! Dinger Hermann,.... Sylvester Pennoyer, flenrge W. McBrido, Phil Metsclian, K. fl. McElroy i Xmiik-.a Maker,, I. H. B. Ht-fthii. i Win. h Lord,f K, H. Bean, I ,.. Senators ,., Congressman Governor I,Seoretary of Suite .Treasurer InuU Public Inntrni'tlon ,,M..-..Btate. Primer , ....Supreme Judges COUNTY OFFICERS.' t , .. ,. l i.V. Diincim J mine,. BI,.li.ff..:1''i..!..i,.,.l.....Ji.i...i"J. MeVemn BWiool Superintendent,. Treasurer, i Assessor, ... 'jhtirveviir.,.. .A. li. Kutlierford P. 0. Morris .W. F. Pealdnr E...T. T. Fisher S. A. Jayne I John Pugh ) J. M. Waters Acoronn, ' Commissioners, CITY OFFICIALS, , 1Ayon ,IZc. B. MOW AGUE. " V ATTOttsft . M, G gp KEU.F.N'BEROEU, J, fl, KKKD. . ...Vic. TTO. . . ' 'X .1S.ICK. CltyCou,r.ilI,it-'''"tndt",,a Tuesday evenings or'lh,,,0"tb' Seorart oi."'!1"- IINK TENT, No. 1. K. 0. T, "" sk R. Hall on Thunday am Tjeiutent lr Knwhtt ara cotdlal.7 Kilo. W. Bioa, R. ' .U--' SE5ZNONUNI0.il WWW, No. M. 1. 0. AT. -St.ry D.ulai-,a.Wln tsaW. . , . J, I, Hnn mmn. Burr. ' ' I IV n. V. Mauls , Saturday evening at Odd Follow "H" 0,twep.m. ; , , "w iENHHI, . 0. B M UABl.AWi BaotlJ. " -. .nMt Mr, T 0. 0. F. ' MS 0.0. mall mt and IhW vM 1 A. ulna ' of aaeti month. HISU HAWK SIMPSON, Snot'y. lNONI)IaElo, L. .1 .n nrhnfmtha full mUl Ul Haunnay evoin .n. aaab montn. t r. ii. Miu''.,M' K. E. Hauuaci, W. M, ,.ry ruoria)' """ 0 c . BK M, w. a. jt, ...... ... r BoauM,li ;lTZL inQ. A. R. Hall, jon. Bom of V.n eIMpl ,lrd vry BatUfJay h mM,t, In. third Frl ,rd.jh on I, J Vet. day Imttad. All ti01"' , a.r,to oordlally 4ram and on mradaiof tna lliiTlMd to m eel with the ('&' q, caa, Capt. A.TMimre, rim8et. " . " . . 0. T, M, BlN'AotVBJIT m Wnnthal -. iimoiiinai th . id and. 4th. .Friday of e 0. 'a. S. Hall. Trauilent Udy Htaui m Ih r. t. , bea are oi fatally tnviura to aiwuu. A. A. Hyu, Udy R. K. BARAK 8.llI.TKAH. lAtly Com. . IPROFESSIOXAL, Sam'l M. Garland. A TTORNEY - AT - LAW. :' LEBANON. OBSOON. John M. Somsrs, ; -Attorne'-at-.Lav- Wi II praco l ' """ ' 8tnle' ATI 0 1 N p VS i AT . LAW , AT-mbwrvl in LAW, ' ALBANY, OSEOO. i h ,'. . . . , it . 'X ""! Attorijey.ait-LaWj.K.: JLEBANpN, OREGON. ; .. . """ i : i .' i Dm. Courtney & Maokev,; , t&r m iv oil i -truiici. y i li UAWvw -O LEBANON, OREOON, Calls answered day or jtlfjli.t; OB M.VpatatntBCoiBtuey'llniik. i.i "As oW m t!io hi! !" tsrii ,7'l!t,If3' WUIUIIJJ III !r nevur excei 24.v - e.l "Trie 1- led sianoD! Litr Jifgu . r l.oior -i i.he y nuly Liver f.u'f "K.iluey Refit II:e...:C'.:lf to w'u'il ' v o"u' 1 l.t:t!i lor a , c a r e. . A. m i l iV l.ixa- KiVa.-, .11 U u jumtTy -ireg" t'liile, act- I in;? dirwitly,-. on t.lie Liver . and Kid- .f. Pill J IS "' iieva. Try it" SiAd !'y all IVtiirf.viatK in Liquid, or in Powder u a.V fiili t-njdj j opn.f tt! i(i ti uji tia. T!ii lUuff of tivur Miull'dncm " ! lie . .. ii -.1 ,ii,i,rk'.liMini,ii ljlvwr Hcffll llltill ..ll'l I.i; I .inlrltym,i.!HI hit u 'xllic . tij'itf .ku,,J'lJM?1a'. K-i'iiiti'i' it a III. :;l 'llM-I II, t '.II t'r.i !l r(!f,u, W, ,IACK- v, ;i,iinii, V.'tiHliiiitii.iti, i t'l Wif fAOKAlilS-SB Ilri '.14 j Itw u In rd ul. wr!;ttis East and South . VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Of THE-- Southern facific Co. IijireaB tralm leave Portland dally! 6:111 r, M. 10:29 p. H. 10:16 A.M. I,v...I'ortland Ar. L...AHiny.. ..Ar. Ar.Han FrnndscoLv 8:20 A. M. 4:29 A. K. 7rtP.. " Theauor traina BUip at all stations from Portland to Albany lndiilve;alo Tangent, Shedd, Halscy, HarrmourK, juncuon city, Irving, Ktii lie and all nuilkim from Bone- burg to Aul land lnclmrire, - ' jt'oKebnrg mail daily : TSTa li' I l.v..;Ponlutid ...Ar. i5.ii! i' 5. 1 1. v.... Albany Ar. 4:20 p. 12:30 P.M. 7:00 A.M. ( :60 p. M. ! 'ji!,"l!Lr? Local piawniMf ifffllj Buiinny. 1:20 p. i sum r. I,v..,Albany Ar. Ar...ljplittnun....Lv, 10:21 a.m. A. M. 9.16 AMAjbajiW-.-iiLi 1:10 a. M. Lv...Ailiany Ar. 9:J6 p. M. Dining Canon Og&cn Routt, Pullman BukFET Slelpeks AND Second-Cltten Sleepii. Care At tached to all Through Trains. -Vo.t Hide Division, Bsrwaaa Pobtlakb akb Coevallu. Mall train daily (ejtceptjSunday): 7:80 A. 12:16 p. I Lv. .. Portland ...Ar. 6:86 a. Ar...0(irvallia..Lv. 1 :00 p. M. At Albonv and Corvallls connect Willi trains of Oregon Fan lie railroad. Express train-dally (except Bnn'laylt "4:40 p. m. i Lv...Fortlaud "...Ar. ! 8:25 . a. 7 :86 pji. I Ar.McMinnville Lv I 6:60 A. M. THBODGHTICKB "cS! ado and Europe can lie obtained at loweHt es from I. A. Bennett, agent, umanon. K KOKHLEK. Manager. K.P. ROGERS, Asst. O. F. & Pass. Agt. To Advertisers. If you wish to obtain the beat returns frop your Va vflla.TieW ib6n,t:FoetU'ifU the .i,(oportMrtu.tWV tbnt The Lebanon Express W tt dsnired results, us it will g' Is The Best Advertising Medium in 'Linn 'County. STATE AND COAST. Taken From Our Eachangea Through- . , out the Northwest, . . Theenrollmont in thcAshliuul school 1 420. . , ,, ., . . Bay City Is. building Bclioolhouae 'that will cost fi,506. " ' .. .i, La Graude lias aliandnned the etTort to have a rac meet this fajl. t - Plans have been prepared to rebuild the Catholic church at Gervale. Bnlter City will make an effort to secure the SlSlrlc't falrtoT ne'vt fall. The Oregon city '(iourier has heej ' sold by I. L,e Malilen to A.W. Cheney. The traveling Solvation Army mis sionary band has erected 1U tents In (Corvitlll8. i Ered iirn,w.n, mn iCharles Smith, v caped, from ,the ogtiuty jail at Dallas 1 Thursday night. A man at Corvallls refused to pay a .90 bill. (Josta tfl.25. His refusal eosthlm $8.15. " j A black bear weigiug 200 ponnds was killed near Elgin by a ball from a 82-oalHier revolver. . Spokane will pay 5 mills tax this year to pay the intereston bonilB alone. The'reault of the boom.'. - v ' B. W. Johnson, James Flettand George Paul have purchased the Cor vallls Gazette from'FTahk Connover. .( lliarlf -i WoIboU,- of the Eugene Guard, is pwispedtlng In Klamath and Lttkf oount'lee for j . ltip tlop forXnewfh; paper,' ,, . .'.C.TJ. i ."T.' .T.he.estiniate of awaterworiis s;ste'in ' fur. New berg, thatwould.sijpjjl' 172,00$ gallon of good spring water daily, li , eniyyiLOflo.;. " Economy has struck the eounty court, of Polk county, very hard. The jail yard, has . been leased for a lifery stable u(5 a month. . . The barn of Hiram Hartley, near SllVerlon'; w'ita biirded:!'5Itindai.'''It'' w'aij' Ignited from a brush liiirn threje-" qiyirtersof mijeaw(ij:v. '"u ' i' -William Walker, a boy H yeawof age, Wiiuk-d' a' Br Wee 200 feet hlghj1 near Beavfertbri'i bV61te iirTtlie top'and' taojt Itome'for a trophy1..''.'.'' '., J. HrMulford, of Ashland.'Whoidl" jpiuBftfed' twd iweAs ago in San Fram cispo, has been tiiuhij'ut the receiving hospital In J-hat city itiBai)6. v A new Howe truss bridge js toj lie M)( across tl;e I'.liuoU river, in Jose pbliie .cutiiitj', to oost 2,tKK). The'old brldg bus fa..i!7iir8. - y.fi Con IrrfefefKNWar' hii' at Cprvft! Us, bas.aiceptW 'a" call Wtb First Coti- ' Wsttghf e'r-h'rttis of tbeCrftUl)p? burn,ed'yiteidja itigh(.;t;:The lea KM," wn.ii ' TMyWi .Rfhweiier's burned. n hqrwd1-MwfWib,,ViIaj'ear M ! '.TIlb iiusiufiflB at'lieiuatti: hs;been fjjBOonliu'Uedj .iji.Wtb " iinatotn.ee,, oi Auageurw' vm.tv eMoitgh 'tyt, ' diul.-tpjKbtt f that Will MoClufe, appoiuHlients by Bp- IreBenUiMve Herinauu to tIx9:Weet iPolut academy, failed to p,B-the-ex- a'xmluaolfiItlfM4u', jreturn to Eugene. .: ;;;V ! Sam T. Crooks, a resi.ie.nt of thai porMon of Liu u county know.Ai.!auan iPoohe, wae gored by a .ball SuMWi Hiaving three tiU. 1Iau ;d.. beittg jiitberwlse injured r.i K .Hiio.'t 1 The H.lm 8c aoWBaXSetiiiait Wovi which have bt'eli ':olfeeU'!'lfiV.i-'sotiie miuitha, will resume op'ea'tloTS ft!K6t l.pt Tuesday une'er the fluifrfiBrfeist f Ffaiik Yeruag, thprVseht owner. A spark from ly ri'st.iu.t.tjicot'ii. a tlu'tsliiiig niai-hiiit' .j!) :igm work oil iw.i ;)U.i!:jj. yf'ira.ii y:i ;be farm of Mr. In uau, on l4i;g,H!' l'J ii-reek, set flied Ij the gruiji ,,imd deB i royal It. ''. ;v..tt.,.K : A lUttti niiined Hwng'giirit1,' Whfl1)' ii.lg beef to tliiiMiop-pitterit'-'iiear ;'.pringtliW, wis stopfAM tiy trt O'lliaslt- ed meu a few ulfcrHtfagw?' Iifer went through his JdckeW; and hai to lie satlslied with B-'j'atilt-kuU'e.i , iv''i Mrs. W. (J.,.JtgB,u.,adUK)1te.r6 years of age, and a younger eliiid were severely Injured-lit'- ruirawav isatw. day;' iwa'f'ifjW'f PAnyn',,l,Utiioii;pUti fy'.'"Th'e 'buK'gji.';.w:l)n'!,,.Wt '.flvjr e ordered au' at:tipti to l wimnjeuuetl hfecWr $48,000 from ex-Treasurer Fol- aord ajid his bondsmen; also-agftlnst the. rcclv,er of (ha National bank nf Pendleton, where the motiejj wa de posnea. . t ! ,, ii . .. . Tfhe. Grant's Pass Courier says hoboa are traveling both ways by the score, 'ai'id fhelr'highlly gleam'lh the railroad wnbdptlei' Tiiey have-good tlmessifig tug andeatlngooufleoated watermelons while waiting for. freight trains. The force of employes on thegovern uient Work at- the 'Cascade locks num beTafcnut 400; and these are-'prlncipnlly engagcd.n excavating .asd. stoneicut t)ig, ,It Is jtpected ,)iat, mora, men wilt be put to work very soon aqd the canal will be ru'shed" rapidly t com pletion! ' ' ' ' "' t' " -' (i! C.'W'by' irid VV.' K'H'olbert were dinting wood -In "Tolmari gulch, near ABbland, ireceutly, xl both tried to toutsb a log at tire eamctltue and place; McCoy with his hand, and.Holliert with an ax, McCoy hi-n.t Holbertjust in'tnstafii and lost' his little finger! " A vicious dog tied to a wagon lu a jho'rjyariT near Creiweli, Monday, at (lacked -some children" playing near aiid nearly killed .tbeidatighter'of. Wyatt i Wilson. He iacerated-lierface badly land for 48 boura herJiie a-as despaired :-Slie.ls.8arsold,:. (V j-,,Tlse municipality., of. Grant's Past.' pwns, a (log thatywasleft jnbe possea-. sion of Marshal Eeepan by a p,rospeo. (on The animal' Is' said to be a cross befwestt'a xVew'fritHidland hnd a setter,' he-latter strain toeing guessed from his' mbit q'f "etUng".ln .the middle of the vajk.aiid compelling. pedetrlrus to go. around him. ;- ).. n '- - : . (. ': ! '.The Corvallis Times propeeds;tOi nar fale that Pastmaster Bob Johnson ran f' fwit raoe wlllh Fred Oberer, the fire men of Corvallis, 'who won the Bre inan's race at Oregon City, and that Bob came, put ahead. ' That settles the inafter Mai h'is belhg' smartest post Waaler 'Oregon! $m 8ttmmenrljl,evy)i,ile Hrge ititajjiriinitB baggyi, al.arqe 'ycious ( hog, ran,,,)indep ,tie. horse and gashed , ,th anl mal sti severe-, ly in the stomach with his tusk that he will probably die. The wound wet dot dlsoovereij uritil fhe'b'oree'h'ad Weil UrWeh seve'ral fiitles, anii Had bled pro- fuMy. , "' : ,.ii I. y i! i,i ii-.t v v n t-.'b '-i i .' l i ftntain.vVwl, ,,o. (he. steamer . Lugeue, gaue this ooice a pleasanL pall this forenoon. He Inform lis that the steamer jq opig good , ussiu rsa tetween Portlantj and depen denceand fttt ff. soon. as the reiver, rises sufficiently the whistle of the boat (( be hearg at Kugeue lueneGu : J...K, . Phiipps, ajrestyi for cutting, li.mher op Ctavernient. , land, south o(, Boseburg, in Douglas county,., i was. brought to Portland today by Deputy United States marshal Humphrey, and pleading guilty before Judge Bellinger was'flu'e'd' flfW'it seems that Ph'fpps dif) riot iilniieil1 ptil (lis'"!! bu ygb'vleM'-llwii poi.il cu oil' gov'ernieiit lauds' liy ii na'an'under coptract ltb him. Portland Tele- thp jury In the case of Oregon VI Prof. MoFadden, of the Toledo public Sclioohj;"' affef being ou aboat.60 (purs, yetume'd' a . returned a verjjip pf (Hifif. lie'clefeudau was filled1 $li).and cos pi, aniouriting,,!" 150. The case created i:;i; :..,rll'i 'i t''i- ri .l', greui CACiieiueui. in auicuu. rioi. uai,-- Fiidden " had severely punished , Coll his -school, aha was arrested for assault and 'batiei''y:',i;kr. W.'.'Wiiglii; f :Ai(iauy,'was employed to prtisectite ilje1 defeudan't, ab'd lt Is'sjiiil ' made "oiie, of1. tWte't'efforui oVhis li'fe wh'npleaxi-i alig'to. the (ii i for the jolvIct(pn of t(e aeieuuant, ' 'George Soieiser oame't'otoSn'Tliu'rS: diiy,"s'u ys jhe So'i'a .Pi'ess.in.ij juVjg hap! .Il,i. r 1 in hflj rMuau.Hiafnn and ww wU,'.ig5itit.4...wU)l, iiiwvow,sb'6f wji . severaU of our oitins vr.'Oli'i. siderably alarmed,' flhriiig tjt'-'hej might do somiijtidy.luumi,' WWenUy his mijid' ie,ii alwipKlH Kyvchiniat a selWa KUii.flgoUiit lhdooiit-tle' pe4otfini!!lU.ihei .was .doing, some writiAig,-jiMid ij.H., Morri. took ohar(je. ef tdiaigutv-j Ijtr Siuelses went home. uirtiit.ifeiv(i,tlittt .he, will iiy-to be, lastitaliiiolK, 'He, aLUj.-prevtous period. iili(rfe)ha4l'lo be treated for inM' ily, aud he probably will probably will have to .be takeu Uf the asylum for treatment again , . ' OtlTI'Ml '"'WdoS 'Sawihg. "' ' ,,; ' nt.fi m 1t 1 will be In Lebanon within a few days vvitb my 'steam wood saw, and would solicit ,y opr., putrflnage, , I, will saw for so oeouj per coro,. E. E. Hammaok. H,iiu4!ii-..i a Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder WATERLOO OU8H. . ' Sumtnah Is ltere again.' ' "''" Town quiet all are on the hop. One has been called .from ua this) week. G. W. 'San ford bae gone' to the fair at Salem' to meet his Intended, They are to be married lu'tlie paVlllon at the fair, grennda.!. .Waterloo .niay not, be 'in, It',', wl.he.h.oriie shfffit but among.' the curio collection We) shine.' the calf" of toe cow tie Was feeding died the night left "ul of a broken heart. He has an afTeotfonate uaturei , t.. ,, 0.,, .j. , -Sunday was a day of some.'especlally the elite of. Lebanon who.caoie out!us; did those apoken. pf In hlfttqry.tq w,lt- ness the battle of Bull Run. All day! they came hi droves.'u'ud In other coii-j veyances.'tn wituess ttti raw between! Lewis and Meyerst But elan! fAr toe fpnd hopes of vata man. iln a,few seconds time Lebanon was turned fim joy k) woe, from bloated bond-holders i to paupers," so 'to' ' 'ttaMuV ' Ttii' ' with A squint in his oft eye'Wae tiio muobfortbe paper mill, and the way the. buggies, rattled over the brldge.pq their way homeward, and pot even waiting to'get a last driiik (ofsoida was a' sad' sighiE. "We wotild wager'a ftwsen' dlwri 'tag that Borne "ode'was' sorry, -that- htHspoke-W Thh ta a lrmg article on one little 2x4 raooihut-we-are truly pleased and desire banoi). to know It. this was a bad day for "cnuck" rabliig'. ?' : ; , . .v. ,,,(,. " ,1., .-,,1,1,. gpeaki.npof raoiiig reminds us of the first and last bunt we have taken part' In ftir some'yearsi 'ld an evII'Uour We' wore tempted to go gunning WrChtna birds and went. We were told that the birds had beoome great pests and the ranchers hereabout were ready, to welcome the festive gunner with open arms who would slay this enemy'to crops. Selecting a broad field as the scene of carnage we turned- Extermin ator (my frle4 dog) Jpose.nDP.tUe.. unsuspecting oovey.., up went the bird, 'bang went' the gun and "away Went my friend Mr the publlphlghway. A survey of the horHon dlsprayedrto to our gate one the genus homo known ' as the Hossback astride a barbed-wire viewing the proceedings with a wicked and not overfrieDlly look. Weamlled as we ' displayed out ' catch and asked ' the mosshaoker why bur Mend was legging ,lt ao hastily aeroaa the field..' His. )ower jw seenwd, to, drop away from his face l what some, whlkj in Jhejr pu,ps, mt carl a grin and said he guessed be was running from the strong arm of the raw. Then he ex plained bow JetJ and J. K. had fixed a. law ao that the poflr rmoottW nrotept' l)ls pt'ayd aal-aj froai from be)ng trampled Into the'earta and eaten by bird dogs without having his place adorned with notices for fear some man who could not. read passing through might thiol; . they were YJor sale" notices and not ,toP lDa epough In the state to vote. Tbeie(nour temerity asked If flogs did not km ofl coyote that destroy sheip. But be only pointea, toward the road and laid "git" and w got,! We learn since that besides killing the poor bird our load of No, 8 shot went a quarter of a mile tore away mule's Jaw. syl, dehorned a cow, our regret li that i did, not bit the post hjlls flt ttyj friend (T)wbo beguiled us Inlo the game. If any subscriber bf the? Ei rBESS' his a poor. rheumatic coyote to trade, for a good gun, let us know, through, the Agony column and we wHt rennond at once. Qu,r flblept tu getting the coyote Is to nirii It loose on Ingram Butte fbr breeding purppses. - Bx CaxaioB. ,iT ImprawthaHJvsr, irf, ,, , .Mr. Cleveland, ,4tookw8U, JljUB. engiliepr, ppt. Wand, of the steamer Eugene, came up ' from Pprtland ttdi)e(lay hlg'ht. Yesterday (hey started. down ' the ' rivet' id- a' boatto1 tuTuiute'au examination of the, fiver J BsUmats as near, as, thay. can the. probable post of wlngdami at needed tjiaoes 'to oonflne the'rlvei (a w. ahan- net., fhe goyermnnt has' appropriated' $13,000 for preliminary survey of the river, and 'Intends to improve in upper river so as to make It .naylgablai thayear . around up is far .aa Los- yallli. It la thought (bat aU that li, needed to make It so is me oojwiw tlon of wlBtdaml at several "place where the river Is out' In sevtrat cbanneli. These . men will make a careful examination pow whUe fte water is at Its lower stage. . It is to be hoped that somethlug will tie 'done soon, as With little work It is believed the nver can be npe Pdylgahlo to E gene th greater, part f the yearv- Reglster.- . v, , .)., , I t ,' 'I jr. fVlca'i Craaai Baidaaj PviW Wortd'i Nil rUis A warn SLIPPERY ENRIOHT. Hs Makes Another Bold Break jail.. Attempt to Sheriff MeFeran has In his keeping sue or two as slippery fellows as ever bore the solitude of ah Oregon prison cell., Charles Enrlght, or, Texas Jack, ,1s particularly a cunning piece pf .hp manlty. It Is only recently that be nearly succeeded in sawing his way oot. Binoe then he has beeh watched oonsUntly, and yet he came wlthln'a ,ew, hours: of liberty againi. Tuesday evening the sheriff heard a suspicious noise, and hastening in foupd Wright arid the two Henr'v Jaoksons In the icdrrldor.' Enrlght.' Wtlo! was absent. soon put loan appearance: Tbey Were placed In their cells when it was found that twq bars, In the waer closet had lieen sawed off, and Texas Jack had been reciiiinolterini overhead, 'after the fashion of Lewis, lasVwlnter. '' Th'e bars, though, had been cut In a differ ent place. As the . south skle is now occupied and locked,, It was undoubted ly the Intention to dig a hole thronrrh '(he'brlcks In the rear'bf the buitdlrig wnicn could have been done In a few moments, - when lhe; whole crowd .w.puld have made their escape. iTha sheriff and bis deputy began .hunting for. the tools, which proved an interest hig operation; A well made saw mau bfacturdd' out of a Plock spring "Was found fastened to the Inside of Texas Jack's suspender, .and, another.' one undpr a; .board in the, floor., A. long search was made for . the., file, with which the saws had been made, but without success, until filially Wright agreed to put the sheriff on the right track for, some- tobacco, , which wa agreed to, and the old jail broom was, mentioned as the hiding place. After, quite a search the file was tound driven' Into the lower end of the' broom, so as to be entirely concealed- It had to be1 broken off In order to get It out The rods of the frame surrounding the cor-, Hidor are so soft and rotten that saw- tug a bar off is a small job. Enrlgbt beams bound to get out if there is such thing; but he will he -watted con jataitly. Democrat. .. .-,,, Murdej ani Suicide. On Sunday afternoon at the south aide of Yamhill street about 100 feet from Thirteenth street In Portland.. jjohu W, Bieosele shot and Instantly Kiiien Mrs. siabel L'alvln and then l'M hlniself 'by a bullet through the" brain. He was highly respected young civil engineer tn the employ of theoity of Portland. Mrs. Calvin was a daughter of Mr. S. Forehand iiresUkint and principal owner nf the Forehands, arm company, ot Worcester, Mass.. who Is reputed to be Worth several '-, million dollars. She came to portiaua about 15 months ago for the purpose of . securing a divorce (row her husband,, and had been making her home with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jewett at 472 Pamhlll street. 8tengele had "be come aoquaiuted with Mrs. Calvin and had ah engagement to marry, her when her divorce was procured. Of late a oooldess sprung up, and hence, his violent action resulting ao tragical' An,lpsn,TlBfs. the Halsay News says that Sam Brock, who lives a few miles ' west of here, Is probably now In Tenneste, anyway he left for there last Saturday night. During last week While in a fit of rage, he attempted to do his wife bodily harm, and probably had he pot been prevented. Fearing the conse quences ot such conduct, he agreed to' e his family, provided lawful revenge wan not meted out to hlm.i This was agreed to, and he kit Tenntsee Is bis native state, he and his family coming from there to Oregon. Brook generally seemed to be BiBt-rate man, but at times his -flrey temper. would control him enough to give an jusane desire to hurt some one, It is said that at several time he has threatened to kill his ohlldren, . ' '- Masting of Trultsfc:-.;,f '-;: The meeting of the Oregon Soldiers' biuuc ooniuilseion was: held Tuesday, find all. members of the board were present, The resignation,, of Mrs. Witkiiis Strouii, as matron, was accepter and Mrs' FniiuieLatlirnp was appointed to fill the vacancy. It. Was decided to lit up the attlo -as a dormitory. There are now 61 lu mates and as a consequence the Home Is overcrowded. The board resolved that only Itlzens of the United Slates and Oregon lobe given employment at the Home, hence the Chinese cook must go.' Commandant Baldwin was granted a leave of aoseuoe, and Adjutant Walsh will fill the position during his absence, The next meeting of the board will b held on October lata.' "' 1