VOL VIII., NO. 29. LEBANON, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 14, 1894. TERMS Of IVJtCHtPTlOH. On ff;""i"'jS"i"ita III onllu....'.-iii' " ' Tbraa mnlu. -- " Z SlUfl. DOlH. ....,.,..............".-'- STATE OFFICERS. 3. V. Potph. ( ,1, button John H. tfUolill.f BliKrHwinii,.....j, .Congws.nis Sylvester Pennuyer,,..., Oorerner Oeorge W. McBrWe,,..v.rettr)rol rhll MeHekan,,.,, , ......TMMiirer X B. McBlroy,.....:i. PuMlc Initructlou Jnk O. Baker,-...!..... BWU Prluwr K. 8. BtmUn. i , Vim. P. Ira, R.B. Beau, I , J ; ,.8uraui( Judges COUNTY OFFICIO K8. . ,.....,...... .; J, Duncan j, ,N. Hwulbam Judge, Clerk 1) ..Jnh ' f . 1). F. Hardmen t aii..riir ". .-J- A. McFeron 1 Bcliool 8uiriiilnat,...A. R. Rutherford Treasurer,.. P. 0. Morrhj ,.W. F. Dnklm X T. T. Fl.Uer .....R. A. Jayne I John Push i J. M. Water. AMURnr, i . ... i Srtoi '-' S UMW Wommlionr, ' ClTV OFFICIALS. "n-oRiiiiU A. F. 8TOWK. ITV ATTORNEY. . "A""1'1 .i) v a uttii ir.il ..a. :. J. F. i...uii:. P. W. MOKdAN. fKD.lKUKSBKROIEK, J, U, KEKB, I S. H.' MYKRS. m. W. KICK. 7uley ewnluga H'"' Secret ooltl. , rnnm. 11. 0. T, M.-MwU l 0. A. - ...inlM Of wTut Mr KM". Till! la. Tent awu!. A. -GBC W. Bid. h' tTUinl U1IM1I. Mo.M, I.O.O.T. r. uauaMlivata. A. . HaU 'ITTTlook. J..U.,C.T. Audu aufnun. aee'I. LtfN0HWM(.I.8.I.ai- 4nt Baturt.r mniuf v 'olMk . . . j w UKHtm, H. 0. I. X. 6ARLAXD,fr. . iinol MO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.' L7l7l.o' O.FHaU ln Slid -"'uw,"is'Knu,w.w.o. Miga HAITI ilUK, ' IXBA110N WD0 N, A. . A. U.-UMU HiinUyl"i." """" " .whwislli. j.i.HAiiMici,W. H, r. It. tun M. t HONOR WBUf .' No. A. 0. 0. W,-H 4 I. B. Bai. Km. QEH -. m. u niuiim m (JfC UI,. v7 Mt to 0. A. B. B.H ,.i.lanl.jof.MhBinU.u Ike IhW W Z taL- AH l r v. . '....Mn,nulM0ftllG.A.B. OdrfUHj miMa to BWt with tb. "-0 ClM, opt. A. ThHHWt FiWI Hit BWAM.WWT HlVt, BO. 1. 1 0. T. M. Jtomlheadioh FiMM HM"1 r.M..ta.A.R. 1UII. iwwlwt Udl- Mow .Bioor(ll.llyliivlW4ltoMiiil. w A. A. HtW, WT B. K. SAM'L M. OAKLAND. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LKBAMOM'. e0- John M. S0mrs, -Attorney-at-w,- WUI pmotioe In H tl eoWrU o U tt. LEBANON. WfiQOy. . iMthMlotfMtt, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALBAItY. 0RK00K. w.r Bitrtu, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OBE00K. W. M, BR0WX, Attorney-iit-Law. LEBANON, OBEOOK. 1 Drt. Vowtnq Mackey, i Physicians & Surgeons, f LEBANON, 086M.. ' CtlU aoMtnal 4af or DljXit PROFESSIONAL. "Ab old as the hills" and never etceU- -edA" Tried and proven" is the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid n Pills neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea, TkKlB(orUnrlUdlolnM. " I h mti jrimr Hlmrnon. Liver Bern Mttorwd u ouuolantitHuly My it I. the ktntof all Uver nadloiaaa, I ooDaldar It a BMdletM ohaat Is Itacir. Uao. w. Jack Aw., Taooma, Waahiujctozu VBTXKT rAOKAOK-M a tk Itaaka Ib m4 am maw East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Go. Eipreai train, lean Portland daily I :1S r. . I.v...l'ortliid Ar. Lr... Albany.. ..Ar. Ar.Han KranclRcoLv 8:20 . H. 4:28 a. a. 7:001-. . 19:23 1, M. 10:15 i. M. The abuve train, .ton ut all station, from Portland to Albanv inrlii.lve;altto Tangent, Hnedd, Halnry, Hrrlburi;, J unction City, Xrvinir, Knitene and all Htutiun. from Kobd burs to Aahlond inclusive. Rowhuri; nmil daily: :! A7,Ti,y...Portland ...Ar 4:20 t.i. 1!:46 r. . I,...AIIian.v Ar. 1 12:30 P. M. 6:60 r. u. Ar.,.HowbuFt,. Lv. I 7:00 A. M. Local Sunday. paHaenger truin. daily (except 1:20 P. M. 1:0 t. M. 1:10 A. H. :00 A. M. I,v... Albany Ar. Ar..,lhanon....Lv. Lv.Abny....Ar. Ar...Ubunon ,,.Lv. 10:21 a.m. O:10 A. M. 8:26 P. M. 2:36 p. K. Dining Carl on Ogden Route. Pullman Buffet 6i.ken.r8 AND 1 Second-Class Sleeping CarB- At tached to all Through Trains. Wont Mk4tf JvIB-"- Brrirmn Poktlaiid add Uokvauu. Mailtraln-dally (exceptBunday): ?: I aTW.'I L'v...Portland ...Ar.T 6:36 A. . U:16 p. X, Ar...Corvulli..Lv. 1:00 p. h At Albanv and Corvallls connect with train, ol Urexon racinc ruurniui. Exprem train--:dally (except Sunday T:)'p7." I.v... Portland ...Ar. j '8:26 a.m. 7:86 p. x. I Ar.Mcaiinnvnie i.v i d:pua. w. ada and EuruH o II be 0Wa)"cd al lowest rates from I. A. Bennett, niit, Lebanon. R, KOKHLKK, Manages. E. P. R0UERB, Asst. ti. K. & Pas. At. To Advertisers. If you wish to obtain the b!f returne from your advertisements Don't Forget the important fact that The Lebanon Express will giv the desired results, us it Is The Best Advertising Medium iu Uuo County. STATE AND COAST. Taken rom Our Exchanges Through out the Northwest. The house ol' B. J. lVndr.t, ut Sprlng 1,(1(1, whs liurned Thursday iiiglit, Forty joIoiiIhIh rpt expected to arrive at Union on tin- 15th, to locate in Union county. Telephone connection him now been made bt-twei'i) Jcknoiivllle, Medfprd, Talent, Phoenix and Ashland. H. J. iicuman, an experienced canner, him leaned the cannery at Independence, nnil will liegin work upon fruit Immediately. The cLitest J. C. HnyeaugulnatO. W. Harrington, sheriir ol Morrow county, was termim ted ly I lie court siwtalni' g the demuiier. Nearly 55100 Iiuh been rH'si-il hy dure scripliou in BprinuAold to construct ii limukwuter In the Willamette to pro tect tin town, as I lie river Is washing awny tne Uank seriously. Lurge nuiulwrs of seals ure repoi'U-d at Hie entrance ol l.'oos liny, and it is aid liiey are pluylni; hnvoc with the uliuo.i. A move is leiug msde to kill he si als with dynamite. ' The Mi.rshliiM News suys that 1,000 people were on the Uaudou heucli lust ttcel., and that when the ruilroad to Koseuurg is compleU-d Bunuou will become a popu.ur summer resort. The plant of the Wubco County Bun has been uld and will lie removed from The Dulles to Goidendule, to be used hi priming a republicuu paper, after printing a democratic one for many years. Dr. fcharpless estimates the crop of prunes In his orchurd south of Eugene at 60,000 pounds. He lias built a large warehouse and increased the capacity of his dryers to 600 huhhels per day. Thirty hands are employed iu gather ing tile crop. A eon tract has been let Ui the Pauley jail com puny to put steel cages in the old Benton oounly jail for 2,40. The building will also be remodeled. These improvements were sadly needed, for the old jail at Corvullis is the vilest prison ieu in (he slate and a disgrace to civllizulioii. The hoard of trusties of the Oregou stute insi.p asylniu has appointed Dr. W. A. C'uslck to e visiting and con sulting pjiy .ieiun to tle insane asylum. The apppjutment uua piaile upon recommendation of Superintendent Rowland. Gold-suviug mrchliies are being suc cess! ully operated on the north fork, of the John Day river. Oood hard times wages are being made by the miners. More Gold lias been shipped to Hie United Hlates mints trout Grant county lliie year than for many years Henry Rineliurt has al his residence In the northern part La Grande a large poiid that U fed by springs While on a recent trip to his farm on the Gruude Kunile, Mr. Bhiuehart soooped up a barret of young carp which he has put Iu the pond, and expects in a short time to have fish for the millions. Cleve Pearl met with an accident yesterday evening, says the Halsey Newt, that will lay him up for a few weeks. He was helping Doug Taylor drive slock, near T. A. Powell's farm. when the horse that he was riding fell on him breaking his right arm at the wrist joint. Dr. Michener sat the arm. The Oregon City Enterprise gives the following hard bit: "It was expected that teams from all the larger towns in the state would be present mid compete In the races, but the companies of Buleui, Albany and Eugene and MeHllinyle and several others v ere unable to raise the neces sary money to defray their expenses, their towns being evidently to niggard- Awarded Hlehest Honors-World's Fair. DtX MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free (rem Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ly to deserve a good Ore company But there ls.no Rente In it, The Albany Are company is among the the best in Oregon; but it was learned several years ago that there is nothing 'in hiring professional runners in order to win tournament prize this year were the most niggardly in the history of the association. An exchange says that Albany girls have discarded the ye.low garter and the pillow stuffed witli letters, and have resorted to wearing the small bow which fastens the lining of a man's hat in their nhoee. It guaran tees a proposal In a month. A fire In A'hland Tuesday night burned the Thornton building and a portion of the Van Sant house. The losses were: Thornton building, 11300; Mrs: Mlrhip, on millinery, $2000; Van Rant building, $2000; Van Sant grocery stock, $1000, total insurance, $4300. The new water system worked ad mirably. The senate failed to act upon the nomination of Marshal Patit, of Indiana, as Indian agent at Klamath agency before adjournment. Unless the president should reappoint during the recess of emigres, the new agent can not lake charge f r several mouths yet, and Agent Matthews will likely have an opportunity to serve out his term which expires about the end of the year. According to the Times-Mountaineer, the contractors at the government works at the locks expect to put 1,000 men at work In a few days. It is reported that another electric plant will put in operation,' and gangs of men will be worked day and night. It appears to be the intention of completing the canal at the earlest possible date, and it Is expected that boats will pass through the canal in the fall of 1896. While nut hunting, near Bllverton last Sunday, Willie iialler, the 13-year- old son f Abraham Ballar, was shot and seriously injured by a companion Meyers, says the Woodburn Indepen dent. The boys discovered a covey of quail and went on opposite sides of them, When the quail rose Meyers fired, the charge striking his compan ion in the face, two shot entering one of his eyes and three of the little pellets penetrating the other. Dr. Brewer is doubtful of his recovery, and fears that permanent blindness will result from the injury. A Benton county man has received aletter from a friend In Iowa thatsays, "every thing on my farm is burned up by the drouth. I have finished dig ging an acre and half of potatoes, off of which, I got three bushels all told. There are many people here illy pre pared for the long and cold winter that is coming." 38 cent wheat and a shortened crop in Oregon is bad enough, but in comparison with the Iowa picture Oregon farmers are in hayday of prosperity Times. Parties from the mountains east of here, says the Eugene Register, report that Indians are engaged in slaughter ing large numbers of deer there. A few days ago a gentleman saw three Indians with 90 deer and three or four bear. Indians come over from the reservation every fall and kill large numbers of deer and cure the meat In different ways for winter use. The white people feel that the Indians are being granted more privileges in the matter of hunting than are granted them. Brigadier-General Compson, Colonel freeman, Captains Moore and Siemens and Lieutenant Worthlngtou, who compose the board that investigates the recent me that destroyed $2,000 worth of troop B's property, held meeting at brigade headquarters, at Klamulh Falls, Thursday, and will soon report. General Compsop gv encouragement that the troop will be refitted with new uniforms, Baddies and arms, the latter consisting of sabres ami revolvers, but no carbines. This will suit the boys very well, says the Klamath Falls Express. Charles Weaver, aged 19, was the victim of a steam wood saw accident iph wll) keep hint on his back (or some time, says the Salem Journal, He was employed by Thomas Long on tne saw, and was engaged Thursday afternoon Bawiug wood for Rev. Tern pleton, of the Cumberland Presbyter ian church. In doing the work be threw his right knee forward a little too far and It was caught iu the saw, which drew Jt under and. Inflicted a Severe wound, It entered a few inches above the knee jitnt, and mads a cut the shape of a horse .hoe down through the knee, severing and cutting off the fralllla or knee cap. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awvdal dels Mkl llulwtimr P.U, it P'Wltae. MATT SCOTT ON HOGS. He Was Interviewed in Portlan I by an Oregonian Reporter. "Ex-Sheriff Matt Bcott, of Linn county, was in the city yesterday, hav ing just disposed of a carload of hoi;i raised and fattened on the heut qnallly of wheat his Albany prairie farm pro. duces, Mr. Scott believes that iiilsiiig "porkers" will be one of the greatest Industries of the Willamette valley, Just as soon as suhicient demand is made and a market opened. "We could get 75 cents a bushel for wheat," said Mr. Bcott, "by feeding It to hogs, if we had a pork-packing es tablishment here somewhere. At this lime, however, there is market only for local wusumption. Some pork Is shipped east, but comparatively, little. I have lieen experimenting in pork raising, and I am convinced we can produce pork equal to any in America with our wheat, and as I said before, get as blgh as 75 cents a bushel in this way for the wheat. "Several old-lime farmers living near me, stood watching me pour my wheat to the 'pigs' and at once con cluded I ought to lie sent to jail for exlravngaiir-e. I didn't say anything -ut went right on sawing wilod, ami' when the time came for taking mv I'ai hogs In market, you couldn't put ene of them in a wool sack after it was killed. "I got $4.80 per hundred for my pork on pool. This pays me better than selling wheat at 40 cents a bushel. But, until there Is a big pork-packing house ip this vicinity, we can't all raise pork. I hope such uu establish ment will be founded and we can go Into the business of furnishing it with the material to work on. Pork is. now shipped from Eastern Oregon to the fcaetern market, eured .into hams. shoulders and bacon, and returned to Portland and the Willamette valley for consumption. This is not right, and something ought to be done to keep this business at home, also to give , sufficient market to Infuse the pork- .....1.1.... 1......-, ... .. packiug industry with new life." Oregonian. i The following, which is from the Albany Democrat, gives the above a different aspect: "Somewhat Padded. The Oregou- lan's interview with Ex-Sheriff Scott on hog-raislug has excited considerable Interest.: Mr. George Piper was the reporter who did the work on Mr, Scott. Mr. Scott's ideas on the value of putting wheat into hogs and of the advisability of a packing establish ment were as advanced by liim. Otherwise there was considerable pad ding. That about his experimenting Iu pork raising and about farmers watching biui pour wheat to the hogs was all in George's fertile brain. Mr. Scott lives iu Albany and does not raise hogs at all. He Is simply a buyer aud seller of hegs, sheep, etc." An Interesting Career. Mr. Pete Hensley, the hermit of the Cascades, speut Friday night in Al bany. The career of Mr. Hensley is an interesting one. When a young man he was wasting away with eonsumr. tiou, the youugest of fourteen children, so he came west and located in this county. His nature was ascetic and he settled alone at Lower Soda, but people began gathering around him, and he Bold out and went farther into the Cascades, locating In Canyon Creek which he left when he begun to have neighbors, a few years ago locating at his present home ten miles from Fish Lake, and thirty yards from the sur veyed line of the ). P., where iu the winter, without a neighbor within ten miles, he is surrounded by as much us seven feet of snow. He traps for a living, now not so extensively. Years ago he brought to Albany furs for which he received over $l,00tl iu cash. He has twenty-three varieties tu bunt for and cover., a large territory iu his wanderings. At one time years ago, after one of his changes, he had over $3,000 in gold. A business man of this city, O. C. McFarland, then a hoy, helped him put it in a belt previous to bis departure for Portland. He was not heard from for over sis years, and it was thought was murdered for his money; but be again resumed his-life in I he Cascades. While gone, among other adventures, he rode 1,000 miles down the Mississippi in a skill'. Ilia uiiuey disappeared, some of P. in, had loans never repaid, but he makes a living all right aud Is indepen-'.enl and contented. He is a confirmed bachelor but reads love stories and says lie has married fifty couples last year. Mr. 'Hensley returned hpme this mo,riing with John Shea, in a ney Btudehaker wugou and behind a fine span of mules. Democrat. jt. Price's Cream Bakjuff Powiia. World's Fair Highest Awu. COUNTY COURT. The county court was in session Wednes day and Thursday, doing the routine work. The usual number ol bridge cases were looked-ofter. Petition of A. T. Hull et al for county road heard and viewers appointed. Petition of Mark Curtis et al, for bridge across Muddy, disndssed. In the matter of claim for damages by Wni 8t John on account of accident on the road, the same was disallowed. The time for completing the assessment roll was extended to October 15. . Bond of J A McFeron as tax collector was approved. The following bills were allowed: O P Cosliow, aid Hail 6 no ( C Cooley, aid Mrs. Clark 6 00 Ladies' Aiil Society, aid poor 20 00 W K Savage, aid Cox ., jo oo O F I 'rnwfnrd, aiil Mrs Roberts 8 00 B VVIiiie.aidPersifulandKenworthy 10 00 R " Keitip, aid , ., r 5 qO Elizabeth Oshorn, aid 000 Sarull Hines, aid , , 5 00 John t'slier, janitor ., 16 00 Maltie Taylor, aid 12 00 Oliver Ciiesney, aid 7 oq P M Smith, aid O Wastio 5 00 riiard family, aid 6 of) Santiani Lumber Co 1 27' A It Knlhertord, co supt...: 08 00' It K Mil-be- or. ex teachers m no K M Adams, bounty g qq Ware vs Henry Jaeksons : ft 25 llr.I Lllill, ex insane. 5 00 Dr W P Gibson, acct poor 3 00 E Carorhers, ex teachers 18 00 G W Harris, preliminary ..., 2 75 Wm Neeley, wood 31 go I C Morgan, roads ?........'. 20 6S P G Morris, treasurer. .;, 84 55 N Needham, salary jsrj g J N Duncan, salary 100 qq Alphine Bros, acct jail 935 Sanliam Lumber Co 1935 E N McCaw, lumber. 19 59 Dr J W Cole, medical ex .'" 6 rjo H J Jones, stationery.... 12 65 J D Burkhart, aid Alberts..-. 7 jo Albany Electric LigbtCo 22SO C W Watts, printing 42 85 Mary E Davis, care poor..,. 10 00 J B Tillotson, bridges ,.A 150 00 . ueaKins, assessor 273 00 l2sh " Pr" ' H r T Fi'her surveyor. . 300 . I8 60 . 160 66 her surveyor. J A McFeron' salary .... J A McFeron, board oris..., J A. McFeron, acct jail.... 50s Downing Bros, lnmber , go 54 Fortuullei- Irving, acct rjoor.,.... 15 00 Gill Calavan, acct roads ; 7 30 BM Payne, incidentals 72 60 J M Keeney, incidentals 30 00 J J Murphy, supreme court fees 22 60 Oregon vs Peter Chance.,; 31 50 M J Cameron, lumber 20 8S F M llediield, deputy clerk 8335 D L Hardnian, office ex. 6 go II Baker, aid Vail family 10 00 A II Mcllwain, aid ACubit 9 OS PR Kelly, fees 6 00 Lee Brown, acct roads 39 30 laeksoii.it Coon, acct roaSs...'. 6 60 Pnmst, deputy sheriff,,, 00 Oil T V Curran, lumber...., in 98 Weston, Dygert & Co, books 14 60 Oregon vs Robert Foren 4 20 J (! Hardin, acct roads 9 r J W Pu(,'h, commissioner... 15 CO John Waters, commissioner, 29 00 A Good Joke on a Preacher. The best joke of the season was per petrated on Rev. Wallace last Satur day by some of the boys here. The reverend1 gentleman bought a big 81 poind chiiinift salmon and left it lay ing In front of a store while he carried some tilings up to Mr. Hawley's house, where ho waa slopping. While he was gone some of the boys, headed by the irrepressible Bob Campbell, took a three ounce vial and stuffed a scrap of paper iu it on which was a scribbled statement that the aforesaid bottle was thrown overboard from a sinking steamer in the Alaska waters last Feb ruary. The name sf the vessel was unfortunately (?) blurred so that it could not be deolphered. This bottle they slutted Into the salmon's interior und awaited developments. Mr. Preacher came back andgot his salmon und look it home to clean It, and pretty soon canio down an excited preacher exhibiting his find. The boys held their sides to keep from laughing anil looked solemn. But the best part of it came to to pass y-sterday when the Oregonian priuted a communication giving the details of the whole. And our friend Wallace will never know how he was gulled until he sees this this expose. Another funny part Is that one half of the people in the town could remember the sinking of the vessel until the joke leaked out. To ledo Lender. . Irving W. Lariniore, physical direc tor of the Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says he can conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Palu Balm to athletes, gymnasts, bicyclists, foot hall players and the profession in gen eral lor bruises, sprains aiid disloca tions; als'O for soreness aud stiffness of the muscles. Wlieu applied before the parts become swollen it will effect a cure in one half the time usually re quired. For sale by N. W. 6u)llh, druggist.