The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 31, 1894, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - roprietor.
The first-session of the fifty-tliird
congress is at an end, and it is one
that will live in history. K was
one of the longest and breeiiest on
record. And the remarkable part
til' it is tlmt after working all (he
winter, all the spring, all the sum
mer, it dui exactly what it started
in not to do. As there was but a
short interval between the special
and regular sessions, the fifty-third
congress has been in session for
more than a year. It has been a
hard-working congress, but for the
most part it has been love's labor
lost. Most of the time was devoted
to the consideration of tariff legis
lation, and at the last moment all
the work of the session was dis
carded and a bill adopted that
would have been ridiculed in the
early stages. This congress went
in on a free coinage platform and
rame out on a platform of gold
monometalism. It went in on a
free tree trade platform and came
out on a monopoly protected plat
form. It went in on a platform
pledged to retrenchment and came
out on appropriations aggregating
more than $1,000,000,000. The
truth is that after this congress got
in it was confronted with a situa
tion of which it had never dreamed
and theories had to surrender to
conditions. Then again, whether
justly or unjustly, this congress
will be forever associated with this
unparalleled era of hard times. It
will be known in the future as"the
hard times congress," although the
hard times would have been here if
congress had never assembled. But
it is all over now, and there k a pos
itive feeling of relief that congress
has adjourned. The times may not
improve, but the knowledge that
congress is not in session to help
'along with the hard times is some
consolation. Telegram.
There is soon to be a new school
text-book deal, and we hope that it
will be so managed that there will
he no suspicion of jobbery. The
people are" very jealous of every
thing connected with the adminis
tration of the public schools. But
in all the school work there is
nothing which requires more par
ticular care than the proper selec
.tion of text-books, and it should be
looked to that the' school patrons
are not imposed on either in the
price or quality of the books. ' We
do not know whether there is any
just ground for it, but we do know
that there has been a great deal of
grumbling about the present con
tract. In the future, all contracts
for furnishing school books should
not only be absolutely just, but
they should be above suspicion.
Let everything that is done be done
in the light, and let it be so fair
that no one can find ground for
complaint. Telegram.
Jt is reported that Mr. Pullman,
the palace car man, has contracted
for a thoroughbred prince for his
daughter. Just what the contract
price agreed upon is, the public
has not been informed, but the pet
will no doubt prove an expensive
one for the daughter before she gets
through with it. It is now getting
so that in order, to be counted
among the "four hundred" in Amer
ica it is necessary that some mem
ber of the family should wear a
princely title, no matter how much
dishonor or expense is necessary to
capture it. The way now is to go
west and make a fortune, then go
east and live with the bloods, mar
ry a daughter of the family off in
this manner, and go to the grave in
the bitter agony of remorse. Eu
gene Register. i
Colonel Eddy, in his speech at
Hartford, the other evening, gays
the Snohomish Democrat, told bis
audience that the democrats had
always been howling about the
thousands of trumps in this coun-1
try, but that he had observed that
more tramps had been hatched
under Cleveland's administration i
than under all other administra
titnia combined; which Mbtfarly
CMisid tremendous applause on the
republican side. But just a? the
Colonel was getting his breath to
launch forth another good one on
Democracy, a tall, lean, lank, old
populist arose in the audience and
said: "Yes, Colonel Eddy, that's
true, but if you are honest you will
admit to this audience that the
republican party was thirty years
laying the eggs." And the way the
rafters in that building trembled
wa9 a terror.
Professor Rudolph Talb, the
German meteorologist, whose nme
has been taken in vain so frequent
ly within the last few weeks, is
good natured about it, and says
that he is making no mistake. He
is quoted in the Baltimore Sun of
a recent day as saying that his
predictions of "critical days" for
1894 are divided into three classes,
and that August 30th is the first
critical day of the first class, to be
followed by September 20th and
October 28th. He aBks a suspen
sion of judgment on his predictions
until these dateB are passed. His
dates for the second olasB are Sep
tember 15th, October 14th and
Sovember 13th; for the third class,
August 16th, November 27thand
December 27th.JIt will be observed
that two dates have been passed,
August 16th, which belongs to the
third, or least important class; and
August 30th, which belongs to the
first class; and so far as we have
heard there were no unusual atmos
pheric conditions, except that Au
gust 16th was the beginning of
excessively hot weather.
The sincere desire for and pleas
ure in another's welfare are the
foundation upon which all true so
cial relations must be based. Un
til that is iu some degree experi
enced, all sorts of disputes and an
tagonisms will interfere with the
beBt success of any organization,
small or great. Every oho admits
this in the household, in the friend
ly circle, in all reformatory and
philanthropic labor. ' Without love
in the family, without affection in
friendship, without sympathy, pity
and kindliness of heart in benevo
lent efforts, we know that their
failure is imminent. Florence
The key-note to Buccess and pros
perity is now being sounded
throughout the country, and will,
if acted upon, lead to a "clearing"
in the course of time. It is simply
the admonition to every man to
keep a part of his income. If a
man is earning $10 a week, he can
spend $8 and succeed. But if he
spends $12 he will surely find
"hard times" grinding him. That
is to a great extent what is the
matter with the times now. We
have been too thoughtless of the
future. But it is gratifying to see
how, with reduced incomes, the
people are reducing their indebted
ness, slowly but surely,
When we consult statistics,
which -show the remarkable num
ber of alien immigrants into this
country during the post year, the
majority in the already overcrowd
ed East, it is no wonder their ad
vent tends to increase the poor
rates, and to heighten the struggle
for existence by home people, as
the foreigners' different ideas of
what are the necessaries of life
cause them to accept work for al
most a pittance. The policy of re
stricting foreign immigration
should be adopted, and it cannot
be established too soon. Ex.
The United States senate is ra
pidly losing ground. Its record on
the tariff legislation has lost for it
the confidence and respect of many
former admirers. The day is not
far distant when the people and
not the politicians will do the se
lecting of men for these high posi
tions. The senate used to be, in
the time of Webster, Clay and Cal
houn, the pride of the nation and
the admiration of the world. It is
now the home of vile schemes, dis
honest combinations and foul cor
ruption. The day of is usefulness
as now chosen, is past. Reform is
At a sham battle by the Missis
sippi JCiitiowrl Gtfardut M4ridiuff,
Thursday, Captain R. R. Stephens,
U. S. A. instructor, rodo his horse
at full speed into the crowd in the
effort to drive it back, and knocked
down women and children, who
were trampled upon. Much indig-
nation is expressed and an effort
will be mnde to make the officer
answer for his recklessness.
The postolliee savings banks of
Canada, for the past your ending
June 30th, have increased twenty-
six in number and now the grand
total is 690. The amount standing
to the credit of depositors is $25,-
257,868, the largest ever known
The total expense of management
of all the banks is $56,612, the
smallest amount ever known. This
will give those who favor this sys
tem of bank ing a chance to do some
The BroBsius Sewing Machine
and Motor Company has assigned.
Assets, $155,000; liabilities, $19,-
000. The ussets consist principally
of the factory and plant at Dixon,
111. The attorney for the insol
vents ascribes the failure to the fact
that the company started out on
too large a scale.
With the passage of the tariff
bill putting wool on the free list,
that staple has taken an upward
tendency of five cents a pound.
The reason is not obvious to the
ordinary individual. The Extbesb
bus no solution for the strange
coincidence, yet it seems to be true.
High tariff' papers might rise and
It is noticeable that the number
of hunting accidents and cases of
"took him for a deer" are decidedly
diminished this year in comparison
with former years. It is to be
hoped the decrease will continue,
but it may be Bufe to Bay that after
a snort period ot cautiousness,
hunters will again become reckless.
-Ex. . -
The past season has been a most
disastrous one to Northern seulerB.
Five schooners- have been lost.
Four of them sent crews to watery
graves, and so fur it is known that
a hundred live have been lost in
the hunt for seals since the season
A han has been released from
the Maryland State Penitentiary
after serving five years of an 18-year
sentence, his complete innocence of
the crime charged having been t
The Chineseand Japs are still
hard at it, fighting for the suprem
acy of the JCast. The sympathy of
civilized nations should be with
the Japs, as being less heathenish.
Like the tariff bill, the one ap
propriating money for rivers and
harbors becomes law without the
signature of the president.
Auono flowers chrysanthemums live
the longest after being cut.
An attempt is beinjr made to export
flowers from Australia, refrigerating
them as beef and milk are treated.
Tiiebe is a wild flower in Turkey
that is the exact floral image of a hum
ming bird; the breast is green, the
wings are a deep rose color, the throat
yellow, the head and beak almost
black. .
Plants often exhibit something very
much like intelligence. If a bncket of
water during a dry season be placed a
few inches from a growing pumpkin or
melon vine the latter will turn from
its course and in a day or two will get
one of its leaves in the water.
fClianfffi'l Every Week.)
Wheat 35c.
Oats 23c
Hay-W to $0 nerton.
Flour $0 63.70 per sack.
Chop $1 Ml per cwt.
Brun 75c per cwt.
Potatoes 10c.
Apples Dried, 8c per It '
Plums-Dried, 4jc.
Onions 2Je.J
Beef Dressed, fie.
Veal 46c. '
Pork Dressed, 5.
Lard-14. 1 .
linns 12J per Hi.
Shoulders 10c.
Hides lie per lb,
Geese $5 per doz.
Ducks (3 00 per doz.
Chickens $2 &',S3 50.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs 10c r doz.
Butter 12 10c per lb.
sildiwwUnwn, loi dry, lb,
You must have Cheap
the times I
ladies, we have a $3 shoe
a line of Oxford Ties at 90 eta.
comfort. '
is full und complete. WE LEAD IN LOW PRICES. We are selling 36-inch
dress goods at 15c per yard; 88-inch all wool dress goods at 40c jut yard; fine dress goods
50c, 75c, $1 per yard; fine dress cashmere, worth 35c, sell ut 25c
Calicoes. 16 yards to the dollar.
. We always have good, new styles arriving almost daily. We are closing out a fine
line of clothing cheap. We are expecting a lino of boots arvl shoes daily, the best and the
cheapest. You Bhould buy where you can got the best good;! for tlio loast money. In
order to do this, you must buy of
The Leading Dealer in General Merchandise.
Lebanon, Oregon.
"Is Your Name
Written There?"
Written where? Why, on the
subscription list of the Lebanon
Express. It you are not a eub
ecriber to this paper, and wish to
obtain reading matter for the win
ter eveninge, now is the time to
subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay
able in advance) $1.50 per year.
Administratrix' Notice.
Kniinn ta hnmhv fftvoii that the undertime!! turt
been duly appointed by the County Court o
i jnn pHtiitv. Onin. the administratrix of tbe
eiuteor Jacob Newman, decoded, nd luudulr
qualined as inch administratrix. All pert let
tuning claims wninn said estate on henbjr
warned to preeenl tbe seme, duly verified, within
month from June as, urn, to tne nnueniaiwa
the office of ttam'l V. Uailand at Lebanon
Oregon. Bjiiak E. Kirmia,
giH'L Qaud, Aaminutrairu,
Attorney for Administratrix.
Admlnliitrntrlx, Notice.
Nntir la herohv atven that the under.
slimed hat been duly appointed by county
court, of Linn county, Oregon, tbe admin
istratrix of the eatateof Alonxo Ames, de
ceaned; and haa duly qualined aa inch ad.
minislratrix. All persona having claimi
against the estftta are hereby required to
present them, with proper vouoners, Kitnin
six months from the date hereof, to the
undersigned, at the offlce of Sara'I II. Gar
land, In Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon,
Datid, this 17tb day or August, lew.
HmtirAbx Amm,
SAat'iM.GAaiAnD, Administratrix. '
Att'y lor Administratrix.
Call on M, A. MUtor for grease.
A. E. Davit for everything In the
confectionery Hue.
A Hue of both cotton and woolen
drew good, have Just arrived at Bead,
Peacock 4 Co'a. Something new.
Dr.Prk' Cream Baking rVwder
we sell for $2.50; a $2 elioe
Our $2.50 shoes boat the
; , V.
-O.ur Dry Goods Department-
The Yaquina Route.
Cha.. Clark, Reoelver,
Direct Line Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Connecting with steamer Ho-
iner hetweon Yaquina ami San
For freight and passenger rates
apply to any agont.
Chab. J. Hkndhys, Son it Co.
Nob. 2 to 8, Market Bt.,
San Francisco, Cal.
Chas. Olahk, Keceivor.
Corvullis, Oregon!
Bent Shaver!, Huir Cut or BIiiiiohh ut
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladiog Hair Dressing a Specialty.
lire uud Murine
Head Office, ,
209-271 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Orogon.
The NorthwevSt
1Ioum and Dam, I OmwiiiK Gmln,
Household Furniture, (intiu in Wnruhniue,
Hay, Ftxd ami KUK-k. Hup Kilns,
Fiurio Implements, -
The Northwest
Solicits Youk Patronage.
Beat Kflato and luuu-snvu Agto, biiAmon. Or,
Goods to suit
for only $ 1 M. We are closing
world for waring, beauty and
Albany Steam Laundry
.Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rata for
Family Washings.
FatiBfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
livlwnon, Ort'iiun.
Meat Market,
.;-a. -
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Suited Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo.
logna, and Ham,
-Bacon and Lard Alw.y. otl j.j,nd
Main Street, Leliai'.im, (jr.
D , IJiJ
sT $