The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 24, 1894, Image 2

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    Leoii...ii Express.
Editor - and Proprietor.
The startling intelligence onmes
over the wires that 6,000 men, wo
men and children in the notorious
city of Pullman, 111., are starving,
and that there is no help in Bight
for them. The governor of Illinois
has been corresponding with the
president of the Pullman company,
intimating that they should gladly
help the distress in its own city.
The company has refused to do
anything. Public charities have
exhausted their supplies and the
authorities are doing their utmost
to help the starving. The state of
Illinois has spent $50,000 and the
United States government a large
amount, in protecting this com-
eanv's property.. It is true that
these suffering women and children
owe their misery to the fact that
their protectors joiued the strike
against Pullman. It is likewise
true there was no suffering in that
community before the strike. For
these reasons, the company con
cludes that they are not in duty
bound to contribute money to the
families of the men who did their
works. This may be abstract jus
tice, but there is no mercy in it
Men have a right to quit work, but
they have no right to damage the j
property of their employers. They
have a right Ho strike, and thus
have their wages to stop, but they
have no right to expect their old
employers to support their families
when they have failed in that strike.
Their long and faithful services to
the company entitled them to kind
treatment by this company, but
this debt of gratitude was more
than wiped out when these men
burned the company's property.
The men have no legal or moral
claim on the company now. How
ever, Pullman has the chance to
disprove the oft-quoted saying that
'Corporations have no souls," by
making a handsome gift to help
these sufferers. The women and
children, the innocent sufferers of
this great strike, deserve our sym
pathy and help, but the striker,
who sought to enforce his command
by tire and murder, is not entitled
to sympathy or help. The men
who aided and abetted this strike
should be made to suffer the hun
ger they inflicted upon these help-
less women and children.
PausiDiiST Cleveind in a firm
veto message put a damper on in
discriminate , legislation for the
retirement of army officers, says
the Roseburg Review. A spec
act was introduced to retire Captain
Wills on the pay list, and the
president reviews his unenviable
military record and writes: "Ap
pointments to the army under
authority of the present legislation
which named the proposed appoin
tees, and the purpose of Which is
the immediate retirement of the
appointee, are open to serious ob
jections, though J confess I Lave
been persuaded through sympathy
and sentiment on a number of oc
casions to approve of such legisla
tion. When, however, it is pro
posed to make the retirement com
jmlsory and without reference to
ae or previous examination, a
most objectionable feature is intro
duced." The president very plain
ly says it 1b time to call a halt.
He, further says the numerous pre
cedents and applications for such
bills of relief, if worthy of consid
eration, should be provided for
under general or corporate pension
laws, leaving the retired list of the
army to serve the purpose for
which it was established. , The
president merits approbation for
his prompt, .decisive stand in this
Tub dispatches say it is rumored j
that China is negotiating a loan of
$50,000,000 in Germany, as sinews
of war, and that Japan is receiving!
secret aid from France, That these i
tea drinkers may receive sufficient
lacking to fitht a long time, and
,i .;m i,, ,ii f
' , r i
money .to pay good prices for our ;
products is the perhaps selQsh but j
devout wish of us all.
Colonel Robert Q. Ingersoll con
trihuted an article to a late num
ber of the New York World, in
which he took the ground that
suicide is not it sin, but under
certain circumstances is justifiable.
Of course, he handles the subject
in that plausible style for which
he is noted and flavors it with the
spice of poetry and pathos, so as to
make it a very readable article.
Colonel Ingersoll's argument, if it
can be dignified with the name of
argument, is that a person is fool
ish to endure the trials and suffer
ing of this world unless there is
compensating cheer from some
source. He sees no reason why a
person who has a competence and
home and friends, even though hiB
duties be onerous and his labors be
wearisome, should wiBh to antici
pate the natural ending of life.
But he thinks that a man or a
woman who is cast adrift in a great
city without work, without hope
and without friends, does a sensible
thing by speeding a bullet through
the brain, or by taking a dose of
morphine. He cites other in
stances where he thinks suicide is
justifiable, such as a person afflie
with an incurable disease, or a
criminal who has wrecked his own
good name and has brought dis
grace on family and friends, or a
woman who has lost caste and ib
being constantly repelled when she
tries to redeem herself. In all
these cases Colonel Ingersoll argues
that it is better and more humane
to terminate one'B life than to pro
long the misery.
The manner in which they are
carrying on their part of the Asiatic
war is thoroughly characteristic of
the Chinese. They offer rewards
for the Bcalps of Japanese soldiers,
graduated in amount according to
the rank of the Jap captured. They
will probably never rise above their
barbarous and uncivilized condition
no matter what opportunities might
he offered them. It is their nature
to abhor civilization, and they
seem to delight in being as low
and despicable as it is possible for
human beings to be. But the Jap
anese are different, they being a
race of people possessing many
noble and admirable qualities.
They have gone into the present
war relying solely upon their own
ability to cope with the enemy in
an open struggle, and as they are
a people of great nerve, it is safe
to predict that they will succeed
against greatly superior numbers.
Ex. :
The democratic prediction that
free wool meant a better price
seems to be in process of fulfill
ment. For gome reason there has
been a sudden spurt in wool since
the enactment of the new tariff
law. The price has gone np about
2 cents, with prospect of a further
rise. This is good news for the
Oregon wool growers, who have
been lamenting the passage of the
new tariff law because they feared
it would kill the wool growing in
dustry. . What precise connection
there is between tariff legislation
and the price of wool is not yet
fully determined. Lumber went
on the free list along with wool,
yet there does not seem to be any
spurt in the lumber market. If
the tariff did it iij one instance,
why not in the other? But with
out stopping to quibble over causes
we will gratefully accept results.
The activity in the wool market is
encouraging to Oregon interests,
and if the new law is responsible
for it we are willing to give credit
where credit is due. Telegram.
Captain W. B. Bridgeman,
the United States army, who has
commanded the cruiser Baltimore
for the last two years, regards the :
Oriental war as an unequal contest
with odds lar8ely in favor f JaPan
wuu;u ue m unB P'- navy
and an army as well organized as
that of any European country.
JaPn ;h thinks, i sure to win
! unleM l'mn8 &vett tlme
'war Preparations on a gigantic
scale. In his opinion the Japanese
government has been endeavoring !
? f. thu u,, in nvAar in AMr I
attention- from internal political
Congress litis at last passed a
turifl bill. Its fate rests with the
president. This bill suits no one,
and reflects but little credit on any
one. . The president s course is a
matter of conjecture. He will
probably permit the bill to become
a law. Far from being perfect, it is
hitter than the McKinley law.
The long and bitter fight over the
hill lias proven that the democrat
are not in harmony with each
other. They have no cohesion, no
well-defined course to pursuo, but
sure driven hither and thither by
contrary winds. The party ani
mosities thus engendered have
made it improbable that they will
again be in power for a long time.
They have no one to blame but
themselves, and people would not
be sorry but for the fact that it
meanB four more years republican
Governor Pennoyer has wired
the New York Herald his views of
the situation as follows: "The
general business of the country
will not be materially affected by
the new tariff. It, like theMcKin-
ley law, is a tax measure, and tax
ation does not enrich the general
public, although, to the extent that
both measures are protective, they
may enrich particular classes.
Tariff regulation may somewhat
disturb business, and should cease,
but no tariff measure can revive
universal prosperity. The present
industrial prostration is not due to
any tariff or tariff agits.tion, but to
the lack of sufficient money for the
full transaction of the country's
business. Restore silver as a stan
dard money and all our industries
will revive. The new tann is a
great improvement aver the Mc
Kinley law, and would have been
greatly improved if it had given us
free sugar and free whisky."
A gentleman of high standing
standing in the county, and a hop
raiser, has made the suggestion
that it might be well in Borne hop
yards to give pickers half the crop
for picking. This way the grower
would not be compelled to borrow
money for picking purposes, which
is very hard to do when prices are
low, and at the same time the
Dickers would be reasonably sure
of getting as good wages as they
can picking by the box at the rul
ins price, and stand a chance of
getting more. It is a suggestion
which miny hop growers night do
well to consider. Eugene Regis
Chained Brery Week. I
Wheat 35c.
Oatt 23o
Hay $4 to (6 per ton.
Flour 10 65."0 per sack.
Chop tl 00 per ewt.
Bran 75c per cwt.
Middling tl 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 40c
Apples Dried, 8c per It
Plums Dried, 4Jc
Onions 2Jc!
Beef Dressed, 6e
Veal 45e. ,
Pork Dressed, 6.
Lard 14.
Hams 12 per lb.
Shoulders 10c
Bides He per lb.
Geese 16 per doz.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens 12 253 60.
Turkey-8c per lb.
Eggs 10c "r Adz.
Bitter-10 12Je per lb.
Hides Oreen, lc; dry, 2c.
Administratrix's) r?otlo
Notice is hereby given that the umler
signed has been duly appointed by cottnty
court, of Linn county, Oregon, tbe admin
istratrix of lue estate of Alonzo Ames, de
ceased: and has duly qualified as such ad-
' IttltiMtratnc All wnnna hAvini nlafm,
against the estate an hereby required to
present them, with proper vouchers, within
six niontbs from tbe date hereof, to the
undersigned, at the ohice ofSam'llf. Gar
land, in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon.
Dated, this 17th day of August, 1. '
Hotb Ami Anas,
Bam'lM.Garlabd, Administratrix.
' Att'yfor Administratrix.
Call on M. A. Miller for grease.
, A. E. Bavla for everything in the
confectionery line,,
A Hue of hoi It cotton and woolen
dress goods have just arrived at Keud,
Peacock A Go's,
tinmetbing new.
Dr. price-. Ctetm Baklnz Powder
WorU'a Pair Mate Madatawl DIplnH. j
Has Saved His Life!
Marvelous Cure!
Hahnky, Orkuon, April 30, '1)3.
O. W. R. Mra. Co., Pttrthuid, Ore.
DtarSm: About a year ago I was
laid up with rhminnitisin. I was In a
terrible state. 1 could not turn over in
bed without assistance. An there was
no physician in tlurnoy I trhxl various
liniments, but they all foiled. Whan
my condition won very serious, as the
pain seemed to be striking near the
heart, yonr agent cuiue along und had a
bottle of Congo Oil. Hearing 1 ni ill
with rheuiuutiam, ho called iin me,
tad brought a liottle of Congo Oil. He
oommenced rubbing me with it, and in
km than five minute I waa relieved ; in
half an hour I waa uhlu to awing niv feet
oat of bed, and one hour 1 waa down
tain. He left the liottle with me and I
applied it several tiniiR. From that day
to this I have not hoeu troubled with
rheumatism. I feel that I owe my life
to the wonderful oil. All this can he
perilled by Fred Haines, of Harney, also
the landlord of the hotel and several
others. I always carry a bottle of Congo
Oil in mv grip now.
Yours vory trulv,
C. li. NORTON,
Jjnyer Burns, Harney Co., Oregon.
Price 50 cents aii $1 ner Mile.
For Bale by M. A. Miller. '
"Is Your Same
Written There?'
Written where? Why, on the
subscription list of the Lkbanon
Express. Ii you are not a Htib
scriber to this paper, and wish to
obtain reading matter for the win-
ter evenings, now is the time to
subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay
able in advance) $1.50 por year.
A.amlnltrutrlx'M Setlee,
Notice in hereby given thattlie nnderalgned has
teen duly appointed by the Counly Court o
Linn emutty, OreKtm, the administratrix ortne
ertute of Jacob Newman, deceated, and handuly
(lualiaed a such administratrix. AU parMei
having claims against said estate are hereby
warned to present the same, duly verllied, within
six months from June a, I8K1, to the undcroitmed
at the office of Sam'! M. Garland at Lebanon
Oregon. Saeah E. Kinhkb.
BjUTlM. Oabuso, Administratrix.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Racket Store.
Having' opened a racket store in Kirkpa
tr!,.i, b 'Mini;, we respectfully invite ul
to call and inspect our stock. We liny our
roods in NeV York and propose to sell at
goods in Ne-.v
eastern prices..
Head the following
Umbrellas, mod """"J,- SOC'.be. ". '
I'arasoy. sua, tw. !, i-",
IjuIIw hose, s, , . a
Meii'ssocks, 7, 9, 10 id li4.
Clrah, cotton, etc.. a JIHiieu, lOf.
(.'on!, 'lint, 70c. . ,
fhiewl, 2c; pins, 2c: n ewMS. K.
Rawhide whi. &; J.wa. whalebone, 86c., -7.101IH.
Turkish towels, tac per ,lr. 2m pair.
Men's shirts, a), 41, i: v. 'lute, 41. Jkl.
Men's umler shirts raid dr amirs, M, 38.
lilies' vests. 8,1-. lfiawlW.
tllothes imistiss, 10c: hair b rushes. Sc, !.',
Pocket bwtks, JJ, fl. and 7.
Pencils with rublwrs, le. - V '
Olher lhiits ill proportion. - :
Ciive in, a rail. ' ..
G. F. Khowibs.
gold outrlftht, no ront, no roj'-. A'1!';
ct. Viiurr iinntrr. VaMia In. every
i lu(Be,iiiioi,rtifend o(Bi. QnULoooiea-
f'll! ilnrin m. rlilillC mtma B HAlB lO)l tU
iV W. L. Hwtm Cfr, CMkE ifi, Mi
Diabetes Cured.
Wonderful Work.
A New Being Created!
DtarSin: If you could see tlio writer
of this letter and note the wonderful
ohange that has been effected In Jain rune
by taking Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver
Curo, von would certainly be astonished.
I was a most wretched snfterer lor three
years, try!;: ail kinds of Btedicino and
gutting no relief. The flow o! urine win
very excessive. I was vory (tonetipattiit
and also covered with carbuncles, and
felt at war with mysulf and the world at
large; but, thanks to your wonderful
medicine, I felt as though I was no
being, and I consider a wonderful can
baa been effected in my case.
With my boat wishes for your fiirtbrei
success, I remain
Yours reupectfully,
a. McDonald,
Ashland. Wis.
For sale by M. A. Miller.
The Yaquina Route.
Chae, Clark, Receiver,
Direct Line Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Connecting with steamer
mer between Yaquina and
For freight and passenger
apply to any agent.
Cius. J. Hgndkyb, Bon & Co.
Nun. 2 to 8, Market St.,
Kan Francisco, Cal
Chas. Oi.ahk, liuceivcr.
Corvullis, Oregon.
Best rthiivi-H, Ilnir Out or Hliaui)0 al
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
I'Mre itiitl Marine
Head Office,
2C9-271 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Orogon.
The Northwefst
Hon and nam, Growing (iraln,
Household Furniture, (Irani in Warehouse,
H.iy, Kced and atock, I lloli Kllus,
ranu iinpiemcnis, ,
The Northwest
Heal Xstats ami lusuranca akw, Lvbauua, On
- l
v Au.irx
Scrofula Cured.
(i.t!.t 1'mI nil Itir Mux n ii; hi
i. .I'linul; fir. Muir . n 1
I,)v'i ell1 S.'.Hlt'K it li. i.!fi(l
S;.r; i.- i un Ovum) ltit
It Mil t lOri4M 11 i u.
fhif' ir: Ji vet v'up mv eleventh
.(,! 1 h..? W-i' norcly tiiiittne-'I wiih
Hct u ..trirh hn Hkvii fiti uti virinui
iit,'i mv i"iy. lUe i. ut my
U' i't '' .'iu- nii"ti niKi'Krt. liwve
ktiu v. '.Jii inu i vacuum, Ijui thir
biMii. t 'in imi Hi-em ui iU uii.'uiiy K'juti,
A', in! n .'."jir iiifit I rtninit:tMl LmLi?
I.. 'ol'V s,iiitiir!lB mi't T.rnpo Ut
w.A X ( U tKui t!i? fi-rtt hoitle d jttig
ft..r I V. on unlit 1 h'L. titled
r vt-ii b -UitMi, hiu mxi nw c nnnKicly
ou -ii, i'Ei.1 lm ve never fell weil n tit
liiH, i-.rin m'vui yinri. It cfr'Minly win
h tin: .or lull, ax ilie lut rl t'(4 (tl
tne in ( imf whh oulv $5.50. I now cor
AiAily ilmm" nifiid I)r. Gmiit'ft Srif)H
nil i)K' Kiiiy Bt 1 ruiitiurt,
RibUke, Wlc
6 m SS.50L
For Bitlc by M. A. Miller.
Albany Steam Laundry
jLlbnny, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Kutifui:tion Gunrnnteed or Money
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
In Biiittlj'B JJrtigHtoro.
lkbanon, Ort-tron.
Meat Market,
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo.
logna, and Ham,
Hiy-Bcon and Lard Always on Hand
Mulu Blmit, Irt'Unoii, Or.
i to i
w Z,
(0 o1
0 B
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