HERE'S TO SOt)Mt ' "Wee the mw'.t ta Has. ' i 1 liki;1" iienrtl i- .-am Aiid i I.vim Ur:.r tin? sitsln of tlw soda r t'w mi!'. , ' Oil. tUfivfemUifucinitawncia 1 Ami iMim'rv loii clmpta V,! oiVut:mes is bringin thougtita that liiwrwith inf sou, Tlitms iwof iwiWand vanilla,. ' str-.vberrv-auti sanaparilla. TuocsiboI 1b that wumdiail oof with visions of lU'ltdot, Ami. tlm'JKU many tears have fleeted tMiipo the iimnlles I mated, ' - I'iiere'sasentlUMmtdssp seated, that good sooVs out of sight b Let others nrauj of wtlsky -. V That ciakea a teiiow frisky. ' llui eicolio Is risky stuff tn montarwlth atai:. . 1','t sli'.fr-tstruck guys make merry Over moss of Tom anil Jerry, Buig; the praise of Ellon Terry, Miss Lang- IT?, jtvumw; nail; 1-01 sai-iem duties touch glasses ' To the health of buxom lasses. ' Btflsoda Quite surpasstsali the dHuksthat make nwo tleht. It a beverage that's eheerin, , l nnrcter,tlous nepeatin. Tuliumatiltyendearin aye.ilV clearly out of sight. Hicti;! J. Donnelly lii Su Paul Globe. PRINCE AND POET. Borne Thlntrs at the Eisteddfod Waleh Hade fcasllsh Visitors Tory Weary. " "After 600 years theiPrince of Wales comes home. " So sang Lewie Morris in un ode read beforo the royal visitors to the eisteddfod at Carnarvon. The one ' was read in English,, and the Prince of Wales audibly protested to 'thoae around himithat the chronological statement in terred to was. not quite accurate, as, he tsaa been in vvalps borore, tnocgh cer tainly not in a public manner. How ever, the oiio was fairly good, awl as it was in English and landed the Prince and Princess of Wales in the fulsome fashion thatruijftt Jiave been looked for from an expectant poet lanTcate, a ver sifier who aspire to succeed Tennyson, , their royal highnesses thoroughly en joyed it and graciously accepted a bound copy of it, Lewis Morris ranks as a Welsn bard, but he was the only one of that mvstie and, truth to tell, somewhat ridiculous body who woro the clothing of nine teenth century tkiliaiiion. The others Hvero decked out in quaint garments and Drnidical, trappings and were -evidently the cause of violent delight to the t Pr-jieesa of Wales as she and her hus band sat among them on the platform in the'eistedtlf od halL The Sun report er who attendfsi the ffnrherimr in imw sorry he did so, "as he has lost all ven emrien for bards and a good deal of respect for the eisteddfod institution it- soil. Welshmen thoroughly enjoyed the whole business, but to the English visit ors, rovr.1 au4 plebeian, it was weffli stfiMWork" lisgemngo a longsnocession . of bards reciting poems in an unknown tongue. The poanis, in their translated form at any Tate, proved in Jiearly ev ery case to be sad doggerel. Bard Eos Ear, however, created much appreciated diversion by singinp or chanting in fine stylo a "peuillion," which he subse quently turned into English. -London Cor. New York Sun. ' SHE -SHOPS, BUT. PAYS NO -BILLS, Case of a ISroaklya Woman Who Indulges Iter Hania-so Others' Iliiilieiiassiiiwiil A curious mania has oome to light recentlv in Erooklvn thrrmph tha cnn. tiuuud sufiering of its indirect victims. A woman living4 in one of , the pleasant residence portions of' the city has been annoyed now for nearly three, years by the persistent appearance at her house of delivery clerks from the well known shops with C. 0. D. parcels for her number, tft not her name. The pack-" ages are always addressed to Mis." Hor ton, with tiie street and number of the woman who is not and never Was Mrs. Horton, nor. has "anyone of that name ever ir.-i Vr.t the aldress indicated. , Tiie J- are always CUD. and are of vans.: lasrchandise. One after noon last wee a large Basset of crock ery, packed in excelsior, was unpacked in her basement area, while the maid . brought np to her, mistress tho C. O. D. -bill. Hotice has been given to different stores of the transaction, and shopkeep ers have been requested not to forward that combination of 'name, address and , T, l i , i .. : . j, rj. u. element, out at irregular inter vals thoy contiirae to come, eluding the Watchfulness of the delivery depart ment. Late at night and early In the morning these mysterious packages ap pear, and,- though they are always promptly returned, there seems no way to stop them. The only plausiulesnppo-,; ninou is that the mythical "Mrs. flor-r. ton" Jias a mania for shopping that her but which is thus relieved attheex- j penw only of' timo.nmt tronble tb other .poisons. Kew York Times. . tAnotbvr Italian Bank Scanttal.' Another bauk scantlal is thriiatened in Italy which iniry pat even the Banoa Rornaua-lmo trie shade. The rumors of fraud," corruption and bribery, upon a bniie scale,, in connection with the Crcilit Jlnhiliere, which have long been enrront, have now' taken a more con crete form, a group of shareholders hav ing formally presented a petition to the tribunal at Tnrffc, bringing the gravest cuarges agamfft hignor r rascasay niana- (mr of that bank, aud demandiu u a ju didal inquiry. ' Should such an investi gation be authorized astounding rovela- jB; J iti-, nonswiiiroiiow, tor Mascasa is believed ! to have had in Bis pay some leading j po!iticiau6in Rome, inclndiiigminiaterH uu uuo uuu ueariy every 1 jonrnalist of repnte or influence iu Home, Tnrin, FJorenoc, Kaples and Vonice, spending millions of lire an . nually in"suteidies aid for concessions. Home Letter. - , , . Pliotographs of tbe noon. , The photographers of tho Parisobserv atory have just finished for the Acad. amy of Sciences the clearest view evw secured of the moon. They have photo-1" graphed her surface iii sections, which fit, making great imago & feet in di- i ameter. The work is so perfect that towns, foreeta aud rivers weald bo per- i cepnble if they esisted. i i , BOY RULERS. The Preaeat Seems to Be sas Aire of Youth 1 t With Sburopeaa Boyalty. - This may indeed be called the age of youtn witn an b-yeur old tnonaroh on the throne of Spain, a 18-yoor-old queen of Holland, a 19-yesr-old khedive in Egypt and an 18-yenr-old king at Bel grade. With regard to the latter I leum from a friend who has recently bean in Sorvia the following account of how King "Sacha" spends his day. Although rarely in bed before midnight, he is up r.irly in tha morning, and, arrayed in the undress uniform of general, re ceives hut court marshal, .his, aid-decamp in waiting and his secretaries, who present to him 'their daily .reports and take liia instructions. After glancing over the newspapers he receives his. ministers at 10 o'clock and then doll his uniform and dona raufti for luncheon, which is served in the small dining room of tho palace, and the young king usually sits opposite his father, who does all the talking. Then cqnvcrsation is generally prolonged In the smoking room after luncheon, until or S o'clock, Milan smoking in numerable cigarettes, a habit in which he is imitated by his -promising son,- a drive to his suburban palace of Topchida following. It was here that his grand father, King Milosch, was so cowardlyd pomaroed by Karageorgevicz. At 6 o'clock tho daily council of min isters takes place, at whioh the king presides, and,, at 8 o'clock dinner is served, after whioh the king generally eccompauies his father to the theater or to same greet official ball. From this it will be gathered that he has little op- portnnity for reading, exercise or, in Rrnction of any kind, and the existence that he leads can only be described as the reverse of wholesome for so. young a man. Perhaps themost unwholesome feature of it ail is his association with his fa ther, who, when his son visited hiu at Paris" a year ago, disgusted even the most cynica) and hardest of the French boulevardiers by making the lad ac quainted with the principal members of the denwnonde. hevr ork fiecordar. STILL A SISTER TO HIM. Although Annie Married Him, She Befnaed to Ilea Wife. , f- Siniply a sister to him. " . That is what Eugene F. File cays his wife has been to him since Iur marriage aad that alone. File is a leather finisher and foreman in the shops of MoDermott Howard m the eastern district" of Brooklyn. For the reason given he has begun suit forthe annulment of his marriage, which was . oelehrated eight years ego. Mrs. Moore keep a boarding house at 226 Havemeyer' street Her daughter Annie, known in the neighborhood as Miss Moore, is slemfoir. Among the boarders is Ir. File, who now claims thahe is known among Annie's friends as Mr. Moore,' her brother. In short, al though the Carriage ceremony was per formed between them Dec, 1, 168(1, he declares under oath that the ceremony ended at the church' door, gad that since then Annie has refused to play the part of wifeto him,' File says'that out of a salary of (15 a week he has paid his mother-in-law JIS part of the time and $10 the other part for the board of himself and "Sis ter Annie. " . ' A year or two ago, maddened by tie circumstances by which he was- enr rouaded, he left town. His wife per suaded him to return, bnt it was not to marital happiness, for his wife contin ued to be a sister to him, as before. At last the husband-brother got one of the" visiting cards of "Miss Annie Moore, 225 Havemeyer street" and paid a viaii to Mr. Westlotom and asked him for -criTiee. Papers were prepared and served upon the daughter. s ' - The answering affidavit was to the effect that Annie had been his wife and lived with him as rach until he left her and began proceedings. She asked the court that he be forced to pay her $ 10 a week and (300 counselte in order that she might defend the acfitau. Justice Bartiett has signed an orte'mrcctuic the plaintiff to show cause wlfcijlie should not put up the cash. New York Journal Anarchist Lftsm Lutes JalL Paul Lega, the author of the attempt on Signer Crispi's life, oconnies an iso- cell in the Carceri Kuovi, in Rome, an opening in tbe wall Hesleew welL i - -- U.VHSI' I and when awake talks to bimaelt Tiw j or mornmg'on riaing he drank thirst- ily'from his jug of water and then said ! aloud, looking about him aud beatine i his breast: "Uow I feel better. I am in I prison, it seems. AtJast I am in posse sion of a small estate. " Thnn ha to laugh aud whistle, dmmming Jj?? luigcn, iu uuie so me tune. ri7i. tbe jailer entered the cell, takin-.j,; - I bread and soup, Legasaid: ' hankyon: 1 I am better served here th m m '. all the more because I be nothinito ,pay At last IJmvesued to getting a palace-and servants of my own !"-- London KewB. i tMn' CHtlelsea Bis RewspapW Although Mr. Astor does not attempt1! mo upuuons or his parjera. he I ,ou,ur a cntiourm on i w contonts, aud his comment some- mm takes another epigrammatic form. I inatanoe, nok long ago the editor of ""v run mail paDllcatioit--I for. mouuuu wnion one-had a copy of the paper returned with, "Is this pa per written for housemaids?" inscribed all across it iu blue pencil The editor retaliated shortly afterward by return tog an artiolewritten by Mr, Astor with. .Jr?v remarl tuat "as ''declined with tliankal'' London FiMrri -London Figaro. Guarding Boyalty. Fresh precautions have beJ ai ' I England, as in other European conn- tries, for guarding royalty Scotland yard stetective now accompany -the Prince of Wales and the Dnfe. J v.t whenever they annear in nnhii ,i HER ATONEMENT, rathoU Star? of Wealthy Womb's Than, Oonfessioa aad Baasllatloa. 1 heard a 11 ttle story today that makes it seem conscience, Christianity nd self abasement are lomethiug more than mere words, after all, and it is to -nice, too, to hear such a story of a distress ingly rich woman. The heroine and (the is a genuine heroin none other could do as . she' did is the wife of a magnate whose wealth is Inestimable, whose income ia incalculable; She lives In one of the most gorgeous mansions of the metropolis and is famed for her piety and charity. But she was not al ways rich indeed ah one was actual ly poor. When she was a girl at board ing school, she had probably less pack et money than any of her classmates. One time a collection was jtnken np among the girls for a moat worthy and needy object. Our young heroine longed to help, and she was so ashamed not to be able, A schoolgirl's pride ia a dis torted, disproportionate sentiment any how. So, in a moment of temptation and weakness, she stole $5 Irom her chnm, who was the richest girl in school. The latter, with the happy careless-' neas of a petted child, who has more than she wants, never even missed the money at all. The end of the term cams, and the girls all went home. The rich irl never returned. She became lost to the ken of her former schoolmates all save one, who remembered her with agonizing and conscience quickened dis tinctness. , . Finally, in the course of many years, our poor heroine had; become the wife of one of America's richest men, and one day she heard that the girl she had never relinquished the search for was poor, ill and widow, with littiechil. dren. She hunted her up, invited her to come to dinner, and without telling her invited also 90 of the friends whose friendship and' esteem she most valued, among them bar pastor. After dinner, to every one's amaze ment, she had every servant summoned to the drawing room. There, before her most cherished friends and her paid subordinates, she confessed her petty pilfering of 80 years before and' ended her confession simply, "But I will pay back the money tonight" There wasn't a dry eye in that stately drawing room when she finished, but only very few who listened to herself abasement knew that the widowed friend took home $1, 000 for the pilfered 5, and. besides a promise of education and subsequent care for her three little children. Don't yon think my heroine had In her the spirit of the early martyrs or, indeed, I believe .it higher type of watt God bless herl Hollle Knickerbock er in Hew York Recorder. PREHISTORIC REMAINS. . tha gkatetoa of AaotherTall Mas - ty Discovered Hear Maasoaa. , Fresh discoveries of human remains, probably prehistoric, were found this week on the. Italian frontier near Men tone. Two years ago the skeleton of a man more than 8 feet high was unearth ed at the same spot under the direction of an English archssologist Workmen ia a can recently uncovered several labs of stone which seemed to form a part of a dolman. ' The earth contained many bones of animals, broken evi dently, for the extraction of the mar row, and there were indications of fir close by. Several small, pierced shells which once formed a .chaplet and row of stag's teeth were near at hand. The skeleton of a man feet II inches in height was lying on its back. The legs were crossed below the knee. Tb right arm was extended and bent back ward toward the head. The hand was clinched. The left hand was placed under the head. The same position has been frequently observed in early neo lithic burials. A fine crystal of carbon ate of lime beside the skeleton was prob ably a talisman. Further excavations in the cavern revealed Innumerable bones of animals, notably a fine verte bra) of s mammoth. Still another find is a flint implement, which appear ' be of paleolithic age: Paris Lettr : jr. To Be Tried for pulling Bible p A case of unusual inter .""taiiona. the United States is pios -1 in "blob thony Beerpaas jg de -c'or and An tried soon in the Ov .dant will be Beerpaas was vlul u"ei States court. Zbj ST. y enamored of Ce- omythe lovv J a fit o nger aad jeitl u.. jt wmta rMUm k t . letter. The girl prompt ari M letter to the proper an Kjy- '. and Beetpaas was arrested for jink obscene matter thv. ,. -Milt.. He acknowledged sending tbe , letter, but claims he cannot be made to offer for it, as every sentence In it is a quotation from tha Rit.u ,hih k. miyprovea. Toe defendant a the Bible ia mailable matter, be had 1 P6' "81" to use the mail for transmitting a few quotations from it " IrUnble "") Correspondent. ' ' ' ( looidental Marriage. "I no rose ana Mummery about tbe wedding of a Portland wom an last month. She had a job washing floors at tbe city hall, and one morning appeared with her pails and mops as 6ooa dty . and one morning " i"1 w,ul net pons and mops ai ; ",u"a " me rorenoon she snr- 9 J""tor by announcing that w" going ont for a few minutes to . uiortim, ana in jnt 40 minutes she was back, the ceremony all over, the upuai am amy attanded to, and re sumed ber scrubbing. 8be probably ap preciated the fact that some times it I easier to get husbands than employ ment. Lewiaton Journal. ' ,, ! Cbangas In the Prenak '-fnagn . The French academy has announced that 1,200 changes have been made in the French language. Among others .to nuiform formation of tbe plural T,' ,nateriaiu will become mates Iill hwh. Tbe ph will f , "L7-to " ta Potloupbie, mak- "WKfllosone. These elteiations. -it Is o into Into tbrce inmiedi. ataiv, J carnal csf EnauuM,m A MONKEY ROARING DRUNK. ', Da Bad the UciroluUoi, Kiui, liiuliidloj Ar- , rest aail a HteulleU (lend. '.' Two policemen coudnctiiig a drunken monkey to jail was one qf the unusual sights seen Sunday. The uionkoy is a member of Dod Backer's circus, but has been occupying winter quarters as a side attraction at Elston's saloon on East Water street, and was left chained during the temporary absence of the proprietor. He nianngod, however, to free himself and walked over bohind Ihe bar. He glunced in tho big looting glass tack of the row of colored bot tles, and .seeing another follow 6f his own size picked np a decanter and let it go with bis Tight, and Mr. Elston's 200 glass was a wreck. His opponent having been got rid of, the monkey proceeded to test the various liquid re freshments on hand. 'He turned on the beer and took a long, deep druf t. Then he sampled the whisky, gin, wine and various kinds of bitters. It wusnt long until he was roaring drunk. Then he tackled the cigar rase und demolished that, throwing the oigare about the room in handfnls. The monkey's screams and the noise of shattered glass attracted, a crowd about the front of ihe saloon, bnt the door was locked, and there was no wny to get in. Finally two policemen crime and boosted a bold young Fellow through the transom. After a lively tussle he managed to get a rope around the drunk en monkey, and be was hoisted through the window and escorted by the two po licemen, one on each side, to jail, and lodged in a cell. Tb nest morning the prisoner was very sick and held bis bend between bis paws. Although it wub bis second ortouse, the recorder suspended sentence, and he was led back to the saloon and chained up. The1 next timo be gets drunk the owaer will aond him to the Keeley cure at Biughamton. El mira Despatch. . THE REFORMER'S ROCKY ROAD A Temperance Agitator In Austria, Has to Tight the ldquor Man and Clovernor. American temperance agitators would not enjoy themselves in Austria, A na tive of a Bmall village after a long cat aleptic trance a year ago declared that he had been to heaven and had been commissioned by the Almighty to re turn and teach the peasants, too wicked ness or drinking spirits. Soon tho en tire village took an oath of total absti nence. The district governor commit ted the man to the .madhouse, where the doctors kept him for six months and then declared him sane. He resumed his agitation, and in a short time sevon villages had taken vows of abstinence. The result was that a number at liq- oor dealers to whom the government bad granted licenses refused to keep their contracts. The district judge gave orders tbat the dangerous agitator be arrested If caught preaching absti nence, Tbe man has not left his house for weeks. Deputations come to him from far and wide to hear his words and to repeat them when they return home. The authorities are consoling the-dealers by declaring that the peas ants must soon drink again. Vienna Letter.' , - Heirs Apparent and Matrimony. There are few ladies whom an heir apparent can marry. At present the heirs to the thrones of Austria, Boesia and Italy, not to speak of the heir to tbe throne of Belgium, the king of Sor via, and the crown prince of Montene gro, are all of a marriageable age, have not yet made their choice. r .'ra' out a chang of creed on the Vith princeasthechoiceof IbeEtK artofa Srince, outside the Rom' Jlnl"1 crown mlted to Princess M ' -Poft family, is one of the dauirhte- Jie of Greece and Montenegro. Si'' -,rBof the Prince of vian King Air Jiilarly -the young Ser sinn and Jtonder has only the Kus choosQ fr jdontcnegrin princesses to princer tun. Only 28 Roman Catholic E0er -fee, born not later than 1877, are t)- open to engagements." Five of -lese belong to the royal and ducal houses of Bavaria, three to Belgium, three to the Spanish Bonrbons, two to the Bourbons of tbe two Sicilies, four to the house of Parma, one to tho bouse of Orleans and one to tbe line of Cba tres, making altogether 11 belonging tc the Bourbons, San Francisco Argo naut ' . ' . A BaswInleaeaiHi of Napoleoat A aerie of nnpnblished letters of the first fiapoleon appeared in Paris week before last. In one characteristic epis tle the antocrat tells tbe minister of por lice taarreat Mr. Euhn, the American consul at Genoa, as a wearer of the cross of Malta given by an agent of the Brit ish government. The emperor odds; "This individual, having received a foreign decoration, is po longer an Amer ican. 1 am evarry, moreover, tbat yon communitatei with the United titates embassy. My police must not recognize embassies. I'am master cbcz moi, and when I suspect a man 1 caose him to be arrested, i would even cause the em bassador of Anstrla to be arrested if h.c plotted against the itate. " , The Overworked Lords. , At yesterday's meeting of the house of loi'ds there' were seven peers present, of wh ora one, Lord Kensington, occu pied tb e woolsack. In the upper house three pi er make a quorum. The only Dusiness was the nrst reading or the lo cal, govt s-nment bill, a formality that occupied barely half a minute. Lord Blpon th tn briefly announced that tbe bouse wo. Bid meet again on Friday, and that bewt )uld then be prepared to name adayfort ie second reading. -Bt. James Gazette. ' . . Bake tha Jmitslimnt rit tbe Crime, A Bwabian li ing at Kottwoil, in Ger many, has jnst committed an offense against tb law. The crime with which tbe man has been charged iaconveyed in the title lippearrng-. in the German law books at "Hanir,'ewerbebetriebsuus- dehnang sabgabegefaibrdotig" (Article 1 of the L w of May 28, 1UB0). London Newg, . jlt ggst! In order to make room for my . ' - . ' ' ' ' ' LARGE . FALL" STOCK ". . Which is now on tho way -hero1" from tho East, I have decided to CLOSE OUT MY lOTLlB STOCK OF si'RINGAND SUMMEK G001-S At- Cost. Jov is the time to g.-t .HAUGAJNS such as have " ' never hefore heon offered in Lemuion. It i to your advan- - tage to come and see us. Don't forget the place.' In the. Odd Fellows' r.uiklin". M. J. LEBANON, ' ! aT-h A W ' VN. ' tSALU A fc.lSJ? condition of yonra? Is your hair dryW luirsh, brir , ,f ixk. it split at the ends? has It a i'x'' jpei ranee? Docs it fall out when combed or 5 Ifiif ? '' " lullof ndruif? Does your icalp Itch ? 5 " " ,-y or in a hcui e j condition If these are some of J ur symptiimsbe wart in timeoryou will become bald. Jj rnnkiim Ti'mt Hair CxVmer f ra fif, 5 IHi&K-l 3 I V ' W .WaVVMHWd - IW.4 J I W..irclu, Kuowllrf ol ill '!1p Itii: Jmir emu k...,i ietl lo Uwillwyv- tT f v iifiinw to treat tin-m. M,k')tt(Hm"cuuiiiiN nuittior nilucfulitjorDUii, It J I f lbotalye.batft(IiillKiitfut r jot'liiitf nud mtrMhinp Tonic 1? itlDiulatln f ' U. ftiUujitt, it HoytjoUmi! iiurt Bum .witHff OHd groto hturwtiiut4 ir.M elf elwi tn tiki tV THE SKOOKU.T L." ' F f, tS E VI WW i:lWl ' rf'T 'gri F I lryourdruRKHt i ,i-r L BT Hoatll Flil i Avaaae. Mar lara, R. , -m v&VJWUWsWrVrWWW 07 ttovtk ' . '1893-4 Summer . Term Begins April 30 1894. ' For information, ask for circular at the J'oBt-oflici? )r address, : . , k ' S " A. RANDLE, Principal, LEBANON, ; - - .- - OREGON. flu- ri-guuii aillawrlpUon pflcc of the exPBtw n 6" a yeur, and the regu lar subscrlpllon- prlo of the Weekly Iregrmiun Is $1.6(1. Any one subscrlb ngf.irlli.' KxPKRWaiid paying i.iie year in advauce, can gel both the Ex press and the Weekly Oregqhiau one year for 82.00. All old subscribers their suliHcript lens'foi' iiie year lh advance will be ntl'Ued to the same offer.. iioiiiietli Panemore !bad the good fortune to receive a small bottle on ChainUerliilu's Colic, , Cholera and Diarrhoea BemedV wheir, three mem bers of lib i family was slckwlth dyseu tery. i'lris one wimll bottle cured them all nod h bad some left will oh be gave to Geo. W- Baker a promluent mer chant nf tlife pluce, Lewiaton C, cured -him of the same "com plaln',. When troubled witli4jsentei'.v diarrhoea, colic or cholera morbus, g iw tUfe reiiieoy a trlul and you will li I aulv itlun l ntttu Willi all' rcauiij r pruisettml sWUi ally foil we it in .Miluutii.ii mid Vlc has mude It ry nopiibir. U6 and 60 rainl bottles f sale by JS. W. Smith, druggist. . t BENJAMIN. J - OREGON sji I.MA-JJAVA1, -... HEADS! lAV V w savs saa. va w ll g- 1, bettthr, end fn; f mm (rrltatlafr ftmntitim. try up. H aelxul panuilio immck, wmw Jud C cannot ; it,- plr TCtl torn, direct to ct , nnti w wilt frrnriirfj t beuc. tu.tiwor, iUJU per iwttiiiO lorto.aj. boap(6cc . ROOT (iKOWbK CO., i Flit t ATeuae. New l erk, K. Y tSPT-v . L. Douglas $3 sSHOENoaouiI'Tila, , )S. CORDOVAN, . Vi5-FlNECAtf&KMm 3.WP0UCE,3 SOLES. 2.L Bmrs'SCHMLSHOEai -LADIES BROCKTCtM, 4HA3S Von oan motif t by purcbAtliif W L. Duuvlit Hhimiii Bcuh. we ate the largest niaaufaclorer off idvcriuttd ahoea in the world, and guaranta Hie value by atampiiig the name and price jm ttie bottom, which protects you ajtoinst hi((h prices and the iniddlcraan'a profita. Our aboea equal cuatom work in style, easy fitting and wearing (iimliliea. We have them in Id every, where at lower prices for the value given thou Jny other make. Tttke no auttattfute. If your ealercanuot supply you, we oau. Sold by ' 14 tram BakerJ LebanoN, M-'A. MHlt rh In recHjit f n.vtiry lurge cUK'k of It ad und oil, piira whlt& lead aud guttmutaid oil.