LcinuOii Express.- H. Y. KIRKPATR1CK. Editor - arvd Proprietor. Tim war between Cliin and .Japan wiH.if continued 'long enough, be of untold benefit tS the world, And if the great powers bf J?iimpe become involved in the t ool twt even greater good will ac- i-fim Tl, fWr unit thA mnN destructive of l)um life, the more helpful will it be.' , There are many sanctimonious cranks, sentimental fanatics, disciples of conservatism that hate war "because they hate strife. However,. the killing of a . fcw hundred thousand Chinese arid the mutual extermination of the standing armies of Russia, France, England and Germany is not suffi ciently horrible to balance -the relief that would follow. The Chinese empire is overrun with on ignorant, deceitful, besotted people who fear tyran and therefore per mit it. : Europe is overrun with inhabitants nearly as degraded " who therefore permit forms'" of tyranny almost as oppressive. '. W e do not mean that there are too many people in the world, that were there fewet there would be more work and consequently more happiness and less poverty. Ko 'idea is bo ridiculous as that the world cannot support more than it cow contains, for pot one-fourth of it is yet settled. There not too many people, but too many fools. This war will be fought by armies composed of fools who are better dead than alive. China 'with a population of nearly four hundred millions w hich submits to the most hateful government on earth,' is the great breeder of foolB. Ab the Jap anese have superior firearms and leaders they will slay the Celestial bordee like rate;'tl)e more they kill fnr.lfl will lu tuft in thj world. Then if the European .powers will annihilate each other s standine armies composed of hun dreds of thousands of fools. The armies ot Europe contain the quint : essence of the tomfoolery that sub mits to incompetent governors and , continued.mlerule, for the greatest asses are those that, worship the heel that grinds their necks. These soldiers call it patriotism to glorify imbecile kings and insane war lords, whose chief duties, are to strut in gold laces aud levy taxes. They are the class always ready to fight fur the ruler against their country, the bulwarks of time-hon: orcd abuses," the' conservators of the past and the enemies of liberty.. Now that wen pons have been bcough to a high state of perfection, it is probable that .a continued war wbnld be distructive of the armies. And inasmuch as the pot of dis content ."and ambition has been sizzling for years, it is likely that a conflict would last for sometime. Thus were several millions of these European and more millions of the Chi nesefools slaughtered,theqiian ti- ty of tomfoolery would be considera bly reduced which would beequalto an increase in the average intelli-' jjence. It would mean a more in tellectual and therefore bolder public opinion, which partly iree from the clogs of conservatism would be less fearful in its demand for better government. The people of any country at any time have the power-to change their governors and correct abuses, but a low order of brains and -the consequent animal timidity, hold it in sub jection.a mightyslave to ignorance and cowardice.. Let there be war and let it spread till it becomes world-wide, devouring the foob who would fight it. When they are dead, and if others grow not to rapidly, rascality of which they are the support will fullfrom arrogance to supplication. Tomahawk.' Thehe has never been a timVin the history of this country when the common people were so aroused to public interest as they are at present. This is evidence ' that they are losing confidence in their chosen leaders. Education been made'so common, and has the facilities for the dissemination of knowledge so great, that public questions of grave and vnat import-" tance are discussed as intelligently on the streets, in the shops and on the farms as well as in the halls of Congress. This portends well 'for the tountry, provided the voter ex ercises his franchise in the ligHof reason and righteousness. The nation is fast learning the lesson that if men would be free they must put good men iu office, who will impartially represent the people, and faithfully "administer the law. So long as the saloon and the ward politician controls the ballot-box, so long may we ex pect tyranny 'and opposition. Thus the wheels of Moloch will continue to be drenched in the blood of the nation. Methodest Advocate. ThS McKinley wool triff is still in eiistance'. . It was the law lost year. Yet wool was never tip to the price of the duty last season and is from tour to five cents below the duty on that commodity . at present. Why should not the wool of our own state bring the rate of duty? "Simply because titer is no foreign or export demand and the local ' consumer dictates his .own price, and the producer must ac cept his terms. -Why is wheat down to the present low rates? Has the tariff anythiug to do with regu lating the price of wheat? Why are horses not worth anything in the market? Is their value affect ed by tariff legislation ? The man whd places all these afflictions on the tariff is simply aiool and fails to understand the true reasons. When the demand for an article ex ceeds the supply the price goes up and when the Bupply exceeds the demand it goes down,, and this is the case on all commodities, even including labor. Dispatch. , The Rogue River Courier ex-j presses the sentiments of a good many of the people of the state when ' it says: The legislature which meets at Salem next January should abolish a lot of commissions, repeal a lot of useless acts, boil down, the appropriations and scatter to its homes. If the mem bers will do this they will earn the lasting gratitude of the citizens of Oregon and accomplish more good than any legislature for years Forty days need not be consumed in tearing downa number of useless and expensive appendages, though a few days might be devoted to passing a maximum freight and passenger act. As they will not do this, let them not beg off by perpetuating a niBelese railroed' commission "with enlarged powers." The China-Japan war is reallv for the possession of Corea, a nation of 12,000,000 people, who occupy the position of " net being able to protect themselves' from powerful neighbors. 'The country is of a narrow, boot leg shape, form ing a peninsula, the , lower end of which terminates near the south ern limits of Japan islands. China is back of her, separated by a large range of mountains several hundred miles long, while Russia has a boundary along the north. Japan is a long narrow strip of islands extending along the coast of Asia opposite the contested country. It will be seen that the Corean terri tory is of great strategic importance to all these nations and that the war is not one of mere amusement. THousANbsof men who had more regards for Debs than for their em ployes, and who . went out on a strike withouta grievance, are now begging to be returned to the pos itions from which they withdrew. Naturally enough they are not wanted. In Minnesota they have gone so far as to ask' the govenor to assist them in being reinstated. They have learned a great deal in the past few weeks, but it has been a costly lesson. , That prodigal sod business looks very well in print, but doesn't work in all" instances, these prodigals are coming home but their reception is far different from thaj accorded the biblical prodigal. Eugene Register. Speaking of theOregon hop yield this year a dealer 'said at Portland.: the other day, "I think you cars safely say that the yield of bops for l&H'will bu the largest evei known in the history of this state 'For this there are two reasons; one is, that the season has been ver) favorable, and the other is. the in cretiscd acreage. Roughly, I should estimate that the total yield foi Oregon this year will not be lew than 60,000 bales." A curious .poultry show is bcini organized in Parts, The principa feature of it will lie a companion ship competition for crowim riwsiors. That is to say, the birr that crows the loudest, the longest and the greatest number of timef ins. given period will take the prise The champion cock of France is t little bnntura hailing from thf neighborhood , of Seraing. He is on record as having crowed no less than 337 times in one hour. A nkw form of delirium tremens has attacked a New York toper. While under the influence of a lively jag he was' shocked by an electric wire. ".Now, when he has taken too much whiskey, he fancies he sees sputtering electric wires and writhiugsnakes, which shower him with sparks. , , The Qzarnf Russia sent a wreath of flowers to be placed on the coffin of President Carnot which cost, ac cording to French papers, $1,600; that from the King of Italy, $600; and from the Queen of England, $800. The flowers presented by Baron Rothschild cost (1,100. . The Postal Telegraph Company which employs 600 persons in Chi cago, has notified all employes who were compelled to" serve on1 millitary .duty during the recent strike that they will be allowed their full time and pay therefor. . . - ' ' The preliminary plans for the great Southern Exposition, to be hold in Baltimore . in 1897, con template fifteen buildings, to cost about $1,000,000. A total expend! ture of $5,000,000, aside from private investments is promised. An exchangesays that the news paper writer who can write a timely newspaper article just now without offending somebody is a daisy from Daisyville, Daisy county. Two thousand head of West Texas cattle have been driven into Mexico by an American cattle thief and his band. China has already made large orders for immediate shipment of flour from this state. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. (Changed Kverr Week.) Wheat 35c. - , ' Oatsaic Hay 14 to tG perton. '" Flour 10 6o.70 per sack. ' " Chop $1 00 per cwt. Bran 75c perewt.. .Middlings tl 00 per cwt. Potatoo We.. Apples Dried, 8c per It , i'lums Dried, 4Jc, Onions 2k.' , . Beef Dressed, 5c. Veal 4oc. . Pork Dressed, 5. ' . Lard-11. Hams 12J per lb.' ' Hhouldeni 10c. . Hides 11c per lb. Geese to ter doz. ' , r , Ducks W 00 per'doz. Chicket)B-2 SaS 60. Turkeys 8c per lb. , . Eggs 10c terdoi. Butter 10 12cper lb. ' Hides Green, lc; dry, 2c. J A.dnilutHtjntrl3E Kotloe . Notice u hereby given that the under- eigned has been duly appointed .by county court, of Linn county, Oregon, the admin utratruc of the eatate of Alonso Ames, de-, ceaxed; and has duly nalitied as such ad ministratrix. All persons having claiuta against the estate are bereliy required to present them, with proper vouchers, .within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned, at the office of Som'l M. Gar land, in Lenauon, Linneounky, Oregon. Uatkd, this r7th day of August, 1894. . . . HasraaAs Amus, 'fjAM't M. (iAuuait, . Administratrix. ' At''' tr Administratrix. , Call on M. A. Miller for grease. " A. K. Davis for everything In' the confectionery line. -.;. A Jlno of boih cotton and woolen dress goods have just arrived at Bead, Peacock & Co's. Hornet hi ng new. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WtU't Pair IftrfeMt sMaleaa tStfUm- Has Saved His Life! , Marvelous Cure! Hahki:v, Oiihwm. April St, US. 1. W. It. Mi. t;., lMrilwi I. Or. Dtar Sirs: A 'lout n year mo 1 a (id ith with rlii-niimtism. I was hi iv errihie "tale, I n-mM nut turn ovnr ii; ted wittitmt mHVant-e A riipre suts to physi.-ian in liurney I tricl Yttrium itiiment. bill Ihi-jr' till f;.iltJ, V 'but. njr condition was Vfry -Minus, as tin itniu seemed to be 'pfYi'.-iiiir neur tht heart, your agvnt eiw along ami Iml a 'utile ot ConcoOil ' II " tin;: 1 wus il! i:h rheinuntiim, he mH:(1 upon ine. ami brought it bottle of Coi . Oil. tommiMipt! rubbing mt witti it, ami ii lew than live minnies I tray relieved ; is half an hour i was uhk t m iii mv feet out ot hft,.ftiiil on hour 1 tvus tlmvn tain. He loft the buttle vrirh nw i;i.! I applied it severe! (mien From that ilm to this I Iivb not Ivun truuhll tvirl. rhmtmxtinm I teol that I f my lift to the wonderful oil. All this c;.i. ! reritied by 1'rwl Hiunn, of H:trny. a', the landlord oi the' hotel nud H..VHrul oritur, t always carry a battle oi Uonji Oil in uiv srip now. 'Vuam very truly, , .. , : ' an. :tWN, Amiyer Burnt", Harney Co., f.irrijoni Price 50 cBiits ana 11 n For sale by M. A".. Miller.' uIs Your Name . Written There?' '.Writton where?.' Why, on the subscription list of the Lgbanox Express. Ii you are not a sub" acriber to this paper, and wish to obtain reading mattor for the win ter evenings, now is the time- to subscribe. Subscription rules, (pay able in advance) $1.50 per year. A dm lit lw tratrl Notlue. Notice b berett' given that the unilcrtlffiied has been dulr appointed by toe County Court ,o 'Linn eouutf ,' Oreftun, the administratrix of the estate of Jacob Newman, deceaied. end has duly (tuallfied as . sueb admiirlxtratrix. All parties barms xlafms against said estate are hereby warned to present the same, duly verified, within six months from June 29, IffiM, to the undersigned at tbe office of Sam'l St. Oarland at Leoanon Oregon. ' Saxah C Kinder, SAX'Llf. Gablahd. ' j. Administratrix. '" Attorney for AdminUtratrix. . Racket Store. Having opened a racket store in Kirkpa trick'i buildiiiK. we r(jfifuUv invite ul to call and mi?ct our otock. We buy our good in New York and irortbM to -Bell at awiern pric-BH. Head the following UmbrellM. trow, cotton, tatt. Tic; ollk, H.Ofi ParwoU, irilk, 6iVc,ll.H7, M. UillW Ik-, , H, JO to' ' ' MeD'ioetw(7,t lOmirtW. " ' CrMb, cotton, etc., all lliwn, 10c. Comet, .Sic, ftc, 70c. , t Thtwwi, phw, 2: neertlefl, 2r. Rawhide tvhiiw, M':Java,'iU. whal.itrone, toe. Whttt drewfOMni. 6v, 7, 10.11 . Turkish towel. Mo per pair, a" pr Mir. Men'iaiilrts.20.41, : wtnw. 41, 4ii.' Mtii HUnikr shirts and drutten., 'Si, 31,91, Ladle1 ?it. Wand W, -A Clotiws bnwrt, 10ft, liatr ImliW, 80, 15c, . 9 Pocket tHMj-kK a, h. and 7. Pennlln with nibtwrn, le. , ' Othw thttiffs in proportion. , Give ubuchII, - ' , - G. F. KrtowLM, m EUECTEJC TELEPHOfet Rnd on i na'it nr rtmt . nn raititt. Aitnnf svl .i'.lAsrHi nuihf fr tn A tm VO pr rf Br- i-!lmit iiiiil hm Mtiioronwirth. urn (janrt:trf, ur'i til-tt. OorfiplHt. rtmly for RwintihJfi: i!trt(l. (Jii Wiimt ni-by miff b, ih.-.t-.. i in a inlrn t'liis. M.'.rMn.fd. A wnr nui''. Writ -W. P, C3.( tM. 10, GoUimbbi. 0, i a . .. ". Diabetes Curedi - , Wonderful Work A New Being Created ! VtarSirs: If you could nee t)t' w.i'.i1' of (his letter and note the won. I .hit'ttro that lias been efftHdoil in hi.. -.i. by Inhing Dr. Grunt's Kidnov and l.iv 'tire, yottwonldcartaitdy bcasloitifii" -i i :'B a mtiHt wrotohed pnuVrer tor tt.r veurp, try: a?! kiids of se-ii('i;ii. ."ttlug m re'iiof. The !1jw of Drift.- . ,'ery exotfrtsivo, I wits very non.! itm.: itid alho eovei'd with carhiin-lt', fell Bi war with myself and the ... i i t i;trtt-; hut. thanks to jour voi..l-r;',. inedicuio, I f'-;t it" thunghl wr a i- 'v heiiig, and fconsiiU-r a wonlt;tu' i''' has bettn afi'et-ltal, in my mjo. With mybttrt wishes fur yotji. it.ii;i' ti..... S4,(I ruttiiin Vuiira resp"Ctfalty, A. JI.-lW.!.s ill .. . '':.-:. : For sale l.y M. A. Miller. The Ya(iui'na Route. OREGON PACIFIO RAILROAD, Chna. Clark, Reoelvar, Direot Line Quick Dispatch ; Iw Freight Rates. Connet-ting with steamer Ho mer between Yuquina and San Francisco. For freight and pasarngt-r ratOK apply to any agent. , ' ' (.'has. J. IIkndhvk, Son & Co. Nos. 2 to SMurket 8t., Ban Ftiinciaco, Cal. Chas. Olaiik, Uocuver. ' Corvallis, Oregon. BARBER SHOP Best Sliavex, Hair Cut or Bliuuipoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NKXT DOOBTU HT. CHARLE8 Elegant Baths- Children Kindly Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. PROMPT-' PROdilKHSlVE POPULAR Northwest Fire and Marine, INSURANCE - COMP'Y , Head Office, 269r271 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. . - THE LEADING HOME OOMPANY. The Northwest . . ' WILL INSUK" YOVJR- Honw- anil Itnni, (rtiitviiiK Grain, KisiMliiil'l runtHnrc, (irhin in Waroiiouse, Hay, KtdanilHlis.k. lli;i Kilns, . . . fiitnn inilfimutits, t , The Northwest Solicits Youk Eathunaue. BICE KAWLINT.e Ssal Xitau and lusuraniw (U, Lsbauon, Ot, Scrofula Cured. Twenty - seven Years. Snm-rcd all the time and Sore Constantly Breaking out-t'w-d Eleven Bottles ot Dr. Gram's Snrmiparilla and Grape Boot mid l'ttoctod a t'ure. . Diar Sir: Ever since my elerenth war I have been sorely afflicted with Scrofulous sores breaking out on various parts of my body. The glands of my neck were the moat affected. I have tint-, toted with many physicians, hut their medicine did not seem to do me any good. About 7ear ago I commenced takirg Dr. Grant's Harsaparilla and Grape Krwt and I felt that the first bottle was doing me good, so 1 kept on until I had tak-n eleven bottles, and am now coutpU-u-ly cured, and have never felt so well in last twenty-seven years, It certainty j a cheap doctor bill, as the total cost ( the medicine was only I now cor lially recommend Dr. Grant's Saraaj, villa as the King of B'uod Purifiera, A. G. STEVENS, Ml) Lake, Wis. , For sale W-M. A. -Wilier, Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS 4 PHILLIPS, Proprs, . "'.. ' j- Aillumy, Orogou , - . t .t, r- vt All Orders Receive FYompt; ' Attention. Special Rates for ' Family Washings. SiitiKfttctittn Guarnntecd or Moticy Itcfumled. ' , . J. E. ADCOX, Agent, liiBiiiitirsIH'tigHtori'. llwtton , Os-ssron. Lebanon Meat Market. Ed KeMerger, . Propr. Fresh &. Salted Beef Pork,' Mutton. Sa ... logna, and Ham, , . tTBacon and Lard' Always on Hand Mitln Hlroet, Lrbanon, Or. ' 'I -"S S. ' - V Vi J1 .MS r W 1 'zti r w Hl a, "' I (' . . 61 Lm ' 3 23, , Aa' 4