The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 17, 1894, Image 1

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One year .?.... 12 M
Klt mUk in ftdvwwt), fi 5u per rwtr!)"' .
ftumoiiKtm ..,.,,, , 100
Throe momiu!,,,,..,,,'"'" 50
LEBANON, OREGON. August t? tf.
- : ' : ''7 ". ' '
: J.'N.toirh,; '"V'.5"' - 7
John H. Mitchell.!
Birjjier Heraianii,.. Congressman
O) ivosisr rennoyer,..,,. ...Governor
t Ciwrira W. McBnrie,.., Secretary of State
i'hil Mewnhan,...., Treasurer
, E- Mi-Hiroy BuplPublic Instruction
Frank C. Hakcr,...'. State Prinlcr
K. 9. Bt-nhii, 1 ' ,
, .-Hipreine judges
IV in. i. Loril
. K. M, ticait, 'i
(.orST? OFFfOKfiEL
M VY-X never excell-
4V3r -"TWerl
vffc-.e JTT and proven "
i.ill-Snf the verdict
o.f millions.
. Simmon
Liver Bcgo-
7 , ' lator is the
ijc iter
Jinlm,... ;,.
t.'lei-k "
ItwHirflr,... it ...
si.criir, :. ,
y School Sutierinnmdeiit,.
Awawsor .. ,.,
Surveyor,....,,,, ;
Coroner,...,..,.,..,,,. ,.
Commissioners, .,. .....
........ J, N, Diincan
N. Ncedham
I. F. ilardmau
.-.a J. AvMcFcron
P. f). Morris
W. F. Jinakins
K. T. T. Fisher
R.A. Javne
'i John Purrh
1 " i J.JJ. Wau-rs
'MAYOR. .r. 1). MOKTACil K.
pj-iTf A5-TOKNEY.......8. M. GAULAND.
TplEA'8i:i!Iiil : J.F.HYDE.
M ATiiaji VA1-" - P. Mf. MiiIlOAN.
,t .... V - rEI KKLLESJHCttOKK,
I . J, 0.-KKKI), ......
' ' j, Hj jwyeks, 7.'' 1
,0. Lii'Ji.
,' City Council p".'" nd ,hlril
' TiiMdaj: evenings
nd' Kidney
medicine ta
which you
can pin your
faith fir a.
tive, and
purely veg.
etabla,, act.
luir di recti
r .on tb liver'
0 and Kid-
neyg. Try it.
Sold h all
.'Lii'l, or in Powder'
;.t.-Midiy orniadeinto tea.
;;, "wimwij-11 StU'
.:!'?. .'P1"!! wMrit
1 . -v li-ir. UaEu. w. jack-
" HM. V IMlllnt'lUIl, T.
Snoret Bocleti.""
i rr (MtMlajL i-nmHn at Odij' rulloiw .
Hall, l
H. . GAItLANtl, atct j, .'
' East and South
. VIA "
. OF THE ,
. Sont&ern Pacific Co.
Taken From Our Eichanges Throu'gh-
, :, ui me northwest, j
A bonui ort25,()0Q Is akl at Peml'lol
tonforadlstlllerv. Thv ini .... .
There ia some talk nr...,i.. .
militia encampment at Balem , during
t.nm ta la'nnt .i. .-, f
mi uca UJOlllO. '1 , f
The Pendleton aCDHrf tic mill
ned with an Iiiinnniin a
ult concerning the disposal of Its
w water,
Including 8a I. m hits In.i
H,ai, from. Marion countyi by a
wprenie court d.iui,,r, a.. . i....... .
ing controversy, - ., ,,, ,
According tn Mm
hill County Hortlcultnral Aoelatln,
lh number of acres In fruit In that
oountv la797. .
Extensive '
made fbrtheOriinrt im...Mlt a
""""" "mily at Mebkina on
August 21, 22 and 23.
' Cottage Grove has let a contract for
a water system to cost 15,000. A awr
voir will be oonatrii.! .j
tern will combine gravity and purup.
Steps were taken- v i . .
"jwbuuu r pi murai of wji
, HW IIUO(iUum lo
form a stock company for tbe building
w a hall o a brick Lii!hlin ki.
works a placer mine on " Btarveout,
aooordlng to tne Roseburg review
picked up a nugget a few weeks ago
'aiuedat$288,ththlmnd his part-
i also reported that Par. fVsi,. ' Lu.
ona the old Dweley claim near Green
MOUIlt.Hna la tl,l.. .. . '
...... . .nuiguui. eiuuaaay.
, The Governor has issued a proclama
tion warning neonle atimi'i
"In accordance with the kmi. 't
n act of the 'leginlatlve asaenjbly ,of,
the state of Oreeon.' nnonH' at (fa It..
o - vlW inn
regular session, entitled; ' 'An ct to
im.ieo iimber4and other property
trom fire, I do'betoby make proclama
lion, caJing the attention of the people
"f the state to .... .
n. r auu warn.
mgalj persons against violating the
Matter of armll
f ... , " " Jones nai,
for aid in turning Bear loU,h into the
BiJiofJohdFox,?fi1continned. :
Hie Comrui'.;r..w -
Saturday after a bv .,,!,. ,JU(!k (,
wl. ch Wa, put ta the
bm ding and repairing brides. . .
The Corl.rat fn. k.,;i.if. .. i
aH;.;;"gea Iluil,!i '
.. vraocree at fWQ,
ijast year, in m-anu na!,.. ....'
formers finding that the price for
"..uiunoDpay.x-oncluded to feed
their crons to hom ...J .H u.,
In the market. The experiment proved
ucoeas, ( lt H.a8 fouad that wheat
a was as good as any raised In
i he com districts of the western states.
Tliecontrnot r,, . . .
.r John at tan). - -
Joseph F Bathnn. L . . . .
to State Agricultural College.,. -. . . . f
n w win.. . . 'i ',
ii... "r '""""'.y boo
-noler,miscel.....(.. . 7. o
0 P Coshow, aid Haif. " 5 f
J.Q Cooley, aid Mrs Clark.-, ' ho
AY Savage, aid Cox
Q F CraWorrt i,i v " w
anv ,00
K C Kemp, aid self...:.....,,, , ' , K m
Sarah HiB- . 7" 1" W
' NO. 25
Many men: and women of 'note wera
here last Sunday. . ' ' M
. Ilev. Wolman. nf r .i .',.
lexhithetE. Church las triZ
Klder Holt, nf h. r ..... w .
1. . ... toiler way walnts '
to hrddlng aarvh,, IligJt , " "
on the public
U S,'ftrt ''stings. i.
t, ' ; . "y rel,10" could
PKAkt. R'RIIl-Ilir'i Tr.lw: 1 .1 n w
f. am'aiHl tldrf wdn
aaywoiiuiiiii uf oanti month. "
' MKB. 0, W, CHUHON, N. G.
' : ' ..i n i.'i f ' '
. LRU. A tUKtk. Xll 11 . V A k 1U M,.irfB
CtiUonlajr vraitim, ou urbfui ttie full jnuju tn
.. I. E. HAKJtACfc. W. M,
F. M.taiLi.EU. See. ,
iiimor Ixiuoe, No, us. A. 0, U. W. Mit "very
TuoMlaj eraoing at li.A.K.ftall.
. J ' ' . (i. CAI'.L M. W.
1. K. fa.Hra l:jr.
('j. M 1:11 Caar, Mo. 111. iv of Onatio
m at Vtw,-Mwt la 0, A. 11 Hall, Irtianoii.
Or,, every totliinlav cventnit. eiL(!it the third
. Uaturdaji f iwjh urolith, raocMns Hie ihird rrf.
; dRy taiitcafl. Ail broibum nf the or Vei
eraiift aadoiimradwiortliiiO.A. It.aru cordially
Invttud hi mueL witli tlm l.'auii.
lSA M. WtaiT mvj:. NO. I. L. 0. T. M.
MuMnuntliiialainHitb Mda-pufaaelinnMliat
Sr.. at. Alt. Hall. TWMrrut Udr Ma-
lieoa are curdinlly Invited to aticnd. ,
( A. A. II vi, JjWly'K.K. '
iii. mimi , Uly .(iiu.
ft!"1"! traini leave Portland daily:
1.15 p. H.
a p. a.
10:16 lAr.
I.v 1 u. ..
8:20 a. M
4:23A. M
7:00 p. it
Thav' ll"n lpat aU stations froni
i iw a. -i au nations ironi
urtland 1.' Alliany iiicdunive: also Tanaent.
...1. Ml H.ppiul, 1 .,2. y...
nnwuu, nulla -i "-..uin, rfuiKiuva t;uy
Irvint, Kuiftne "'d all stations from Kose-
Kiln. ... 1 .1.1... UClllftiv.
Roaebitre mail-dai?V: .
H:.Wa. h. I ),v . .Portland ...Ar.
12 Mr. M. Lv...Ailianv....Ar.
6 :S0 P. M. I Ar...ltoetiiiry..fV.
l. r, a.
12:80 p. m.
7:00. a.
Looil paagencer tralna daily (except
Sunday, 1 . .
1 :20 p. M,
2:IIU p. .
8:10-A. M.
0:00 A. a.
Ar...Letianon ...Ir.
10:21 A. a.
8:30 a. a.
I:2P. a.
8:80 r, a,
Dining Cars an Ogden BouU.
Pullman Buffet Slskpeki
hecond-Class Sleeping Care At-
ttielied to all Through Traina.
The Gilmom v.t.r j, t?i. ..,. T , . ,
Ooninanv ban hp.
a , . 'sMMeu, wita. 1
roaplt.1 of $30,000, tosupply watertight
Ker 10 independence and Mtia
mouth. The Klamath Fall. Express savs
that Arthur Laneell Ima th. 1,,.;. .mj
u ... uvn, nilU
Buy crop on bis extensive hay ranch
at jjangell vallev lie ha had t....'
Heaays: "I will have at feast 1000
uiuib man 1 can put up."
The hop growers nf,......;
1. 1- I 7, . . "
u uK piaiuroay and among other
things decided to
eenta a box tor 9-husbei boxes, - yard
men will ret tl a dr uj
) and board themselves.
Trespaaj notices
order U) create a trespass. If 'yon on a Is tresimsa rt i.
can make it trunical fur v,m if i ,i
Ires, and doesn't Uaveo go wthe
iivuuie 01 putting up a notice to that
W hy, not try the same experiment "ie ,JllnUo' 2000
yearifwehavefrty.centwhea, 4 - J?
One riromlnoni r,.. . . .. 1 a . . . V lu 60
. ' '"jci uere is taia-1 ""cu. salary..,.. irb ra
about striking. . ffe ys It takes f rding prlsonerC
his work and three imnil , J AMcFeron. ex Enriht. 1
hard work to raise a thousand bushek Light Co a a Z
of wheat and after t. f Ureon E,"iKht .
d fifty dollars for the thrashing h 7:2 62 20
has less than three hundred !.Z .ro7?' ' "26 20
r.. . ... ..villain. suinri' ,
flB'Vl-.J.ii ," IOC do
" uuiian
for the year's hard wnritM , . r
auu team, and ft arnnii 1. mi.,
- ' Wlb. A II1S
to a. bad as the Pullman . men kicked
about and Is time the farmers went
wiae tooJournal.
Mr, Corbett, assistant cashier of the
"""V "onal bank, of Portland.
pawra tnrough Prlnevllle. Tuesday
rrifirnlrin. at a-., ., . M WJ
tv vwutttt js attended by I luums- 'sajnry......,.,,.,,
number of bovB t,na a . UGlass.ald Ri.n.awi f.-ii.!"'""
cttens of Portland, out for recreation I J"""'' mr
uu lor tne purpose nf learning hv' ,;',". ,en0' B"P'-
GffYVodiUe, roads.'.'.' -w
U Ellison, fees 1
Mary E Davis.
pW Spink-, acct road, .'.
Siites A Nuttine, printing...." ""
BIT Fisher . - ?
TWComen, roads.:!.''.:;'".' ,41.
DFHardman, axpan:"": 7
10 00
12 00
50 00
experience sonic 7 he S , -" 1
privations of Jnap Bf'7 i," lit
the boys range from 7 to ,T "f S b.""f s': - .ft W
They travel on horh..b -w.-. 1 f ' TV p0ir"-
Sam'l M. Oakland.
John M. Somers,
Will practice In all the courts ot. the atatc
" . . . 1 .n
' ' A. F. STOWE,
Attorney at Law,
Toflffdiiiniiffvvtiri prompt and naroftil attentloa
t ' . ' ppicir ;f omfrM:va aanx.
, LfiBAjtOfl, OltKOON.
Weatberford ft Wytit,
. Vt Side Division.
Mail tralnally Icxeept 8onday)i
7:K0 A.' aT I Lv,..Poftklidrrrr"8:36TTi".
H:UV P. M. I Ar...Curvallis. ,Lv. 1.00 p, a.
M Allisnv and Corvaliin aonneet with
trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. . .
Exrea tririiw-daily (eiceirt Stindav):
4:40 p. a. Lv...Prtiaid ...Ar,'l
7:ttp. a. I Ar.HcMioiivilla Lv b M a. a.
ada and Euroi can be obtain! at toraat
rates ironi 1. A. ilenuett, agent, Lebanno.
K. XOKHLKK, Mananr.
E. P. HOG ICRS, Asst. O. F. 4 PaasAgL
r... .. vv ....j.. .... .a.. r
Pliysicians & Surgconsi
m. Colli aaawoKwl (lay or night
"OfflfA, ljltlau Jo Courmwy'H brick,
To Advertisers.
If you wieh to obtain 'the beat
retumg from your dwrt(emDtl
Don't Forget
. the important fact that
Trje Lebanon Express
will give the desired retail., it
Js The' Best
Advertising Mediuni
in Um Cmty,
glnce July 1, 1894, the several oouu.
tyoffloeri have 11
v....ift UACTI
aalirlM instead of fees. The nmni
Who foot the bills'wlll annn l..i.
to the more oconomioal plan. v'
A rloh strike Has been made In the
California mine, formerly the "City
Ledge," in the lfchemia district, be.
longing to tne Beheuiia Gold Still &
Milling Company. This company has
run a 400-foot tunnel 850 feet, and will
aoon Up a large vein of ree-milling
gum quartz. i
Three youneaea culls wem ,,nint
on the Willamette, tar up tlip valley,
a few days ago. These hirtis itl,iw..,i
up both Wlllaiuette ami Columbia and
nave oeeu aeen In Jiaatern Oreiroii on
he lalter stream. They are good scaven.
gem and should never be destroyed,
, ' Two tons of coal from the Eoxy Ann
!, Hie recent discovery In Bogue
war valley. have wn tuir.n 1.,
Medford and the'eoal ia befng resiled
an ou (Kiiwa nunnreu pouuds. A
tunnel has been run 20 feet on the vein
which is six feet thick. Tho coal 1.
said to be bituminous, '
ti . " ' 10 years, n. nvatson, acct nnni.
-s... .,m ,, -i-ney baveluumueuex, aid.
oeentiut six weeks all .1 Fees, nm ,i.-.t-.. '""V -
HUd, enjoying their outing finely- P M Buiith,aid Watson j
Pahtovill. w . . I Anhau. a. ai . " ' - im,!!., .. .;!.;, " ouaff, TOatlS
1 The lnH. ..1. r?. "n" ''"rt"-.-. 'JZ
ii"i wno nave J " onrmiart, aid J Albert
. v "w'hiiig ""ji luiuucr...., ,
alter the losses from the recent fires,' BerriKa"' Humphrey, IwtovZZ
' justice iiarris..
S 00
.7 00
10 15
10 00
80 75
i 6 00
o 00-
28 65
12 67
will recommend thai n,
oiuiiel all policies issued hvti,m ., J 0 aid Barnard 'hmiiT"T"" . Z
.... - 1 Mi. Him.,., j, tit 1 ..- v
i"iny iu uiat nlajt. savs tlm p,. I. " wauourn.
. - - I mtllm At II... .
M'K. Willi Mw . . uunvu, nMOa . I
i-wu .years 1 Hr.K... r... .
nis unvn has had, three big area, ; with
aggregating t30,000; and it I, Hodos & McF,i Z J ' 75
pretty generally . u,,,!,, ,?i . v,:,? .'!"1,1,,d'. W-- 40 30
aome cases ln.,,di.iu. 1 J " ' 11 ;..... . ' s' mmoer' 25, 0
, ..... u.v wjen at I u wauuw, election ... .
Work.- UhnnM u. ... inc. .. ... . 4 00
drawn, ah. ...... .7.7. . ". M P..i"'" 18 71
-, v wu win laan steps to U,r "" ; 20 50
r-.'vu.c are proiection." , I " -"""""'inaii, election... .
Thejawbonea of tha t ,.i I!!"-'"
i , ., . w iiiiil i tb xvuuei-D roren at nl n ...
wbalwh chwaatNn.. u. .... . t)r . d,.. " 81 65
xt . 1 " oeuen uouert roren 4 an
Mahlou Jackson and Charl tr.
man, two Inmates ct the rinrrv mimii
Inflrpiary, had a duel with' kuh'ea, last
weeaoeramtDUteaboutwoik. ono
Was cut in-live places. Ho harf lh
other arrested, but as he himself i
pearm in nave rjeen the instigator; no
punshment was aduilnislered to either.
ai wpn last winter are now being
bleached in the sand, and are to he
usea to rorm an arohway to the hotel
oionterey near Big Creek. It will be
e of the most unique entrances to a
""wiry tnat was pvor Seen, Ever
body who goes to Newport now t,tt9
s.vvvuii..ny wseetiie bones of ,tlie
uiousier mat Was fnnnd lha. r.
,, . r it win
oe remetnoerea that this animal pro
uucensoiuetsuogallonsofoil when it
was worked uh. Eaoh nt rt,.,i. 1.1.
jawoones is 20 feet long,
wramg. to the report sent
. y Papw, peopl up
... u.usuuan, who. atan't like an
eauiuiuon-' given In that town
wanted to kill the exhibition, and
irrnu uiiucmty prevented from
doing so. ' Tiiis mlirht be a v.
pie to set if the law would
' wuio tliln out au annoying
ciass or perlnathet c nranni h,.
fjercpatigerofjhe Goiqendaie people
S flcarcelv iiiullll.hi. nn ! '.
g to see a fakir's performance, and,
thai eorge K.lls, who 1
.'An exchange bus the following as
Hie remarks of a nreAntiui. tn.i ...i...
to the passing of the hat! "Before the
steward takes up collection, I would
"ae wmaM.a lew remark' , There
are aip norsbn, u r',is house, tounting
sinuecsand saints. crn!d i.,i.., .
If each person here thinks my sermon
worth the price of, a glass of beer or
oranicklecigar, let them nav ihi
amount. Ifaoh pays a niokle, lt will
niakea total often dollnra ti.i. i.,.
lng. This repeated, ever day In the
jrrai MUUIll oavmvsa urv A .u.n...
that isn't worth a nlnlilo ..i.
coiplng to hear, and a iferson that will
beat the Lord, the nreaolier n, ihi
printer, is a. goat of oder th m,.ut
odoriferous." . . . ,
HijtJicst Iloniw V.'vrfcJV' Tt-!
... . :f. . , t
J;V-.;p;CEW ,
A Dure Crane rrnmftfTnrl.rP,,.,.. r...
horn Ammonia, Alum or any other iu!tant
J B Tillotson. hrLI.
Oregon vs I j; lorgaii...'X:'.',',';' :''
Sttutiain Luinljer Co
Oeo E Fjah,;. auct jail.....'..'.";',',.'"
J W Iiccse, acct Jail....,"."','"T''''
Conn 4'Kuetner, aoct jall.'i,','"
JL Irvine. aWiall
A B Waoiihk, acct tl tr
J A Unnuning, acct poor,.,.,,, . 7
Mrs Burk, . acct poor .. ""
Class Bros.
T H Mcranda, acct pew'r.,,',.',:',',"',','"''
it oietnan, roads..,.,,.,,. ...
H Bakor, aid Mrs Vnii "
Oregon v Hoggs, fees,,,,,',:',:"""""
Urahiabeth Oaborn, aid.'.,.
Oreimn vs Geo
H M Stone, accfroads
J 8 Van Winkle, Iiioid'eiitais.r.3
It V Armstronir. awt nnn-
Warm Spring Johnny, attJaU."';
red Dawson, bm m. " "
A S Powell, stp'ck inspector'""'
F M Kedlield, salary as Hep't JuiyZ"
C W Watts, nrlntino. .
JB Tilloon, brdga:X.r',l":'""
Stowf Box. hardware... " ' "
Tjites Muller. '
.TWin.,.. .. ... "
. .. ,D,r,, iinsceuaneous.,, 4,... j no I
"uuiioinme, nooks
P O Moon, aid SfcPliT,n' .
Head, Peacock & Co
Oeo Ridinger, acct bridges ,
M J CaniArAn kmH. .
I N Duncan, judge
John Waters, commissioner . . I
i E Propst, dep't slienff for July
-Isiniell Woo'd, acct poor . - .', ,
, Probate Record,
150 00
07 70
54 16
10 80
15 75
18 60
09 40
67 50
25 00
3 85
10 00
80 46
'6 00
60 85
142 80
42 50
10 85
9 25
83 00
103 60 I
68 33
4 00
,d,im; Aoter. feature
eldom found In the churche. of the the absence of the contribitea
"OX, Tl) 8 tnav h. H.
. , , ' "i attrac ve
feature; we know it Is a weighty on'
with the writer, w..
and labor w ih h,i.-. . .
... , own Qanas in
these degenerate days.
Where all the.campe'rs 00Dle (ma
W remains a mystery. Bill- wv
could find food for years of wr LK n -viewing
for one dav th. Htir-I" ' lD
Mi-s. Norace Kearn has been engaged
' "wwon ana one thai '
gives entire aatlsfaeti n-,! U"1
Wau, one will be giveti to the '
terary society" and Ted Kearn eva
the npper rooms have been leai to '
gentleman from ph.j . "-
.hooting eal. i w.T...: ,.ron ,
,A , - "'""euretnemen
today who planned the magnifleant.
hmiber heap'.' One is summing 01 a
mill, one has m t -i...r, .
' , weea just lo see. we '
upp, how fast the town iTbel
depopulated., Who will pay for
h'-hing (it i9 D()t J ,
that was reared for educational pur!
poses, and echo answers, "who?"
The old Waterloo tWtl 1 a
00'." "UB.W8 were.havlmr hmr...
views. ' . , ,. . - .
l -!,tlt'r,, the Belm, to place
a batb house over th. n, I..', 1 ...
'-xpect more developments next k!'
Our writliwrs'ninv k ar.... '. .:
1 . . . ' w.iueffna lite-
jointed this week, bnthat can 'u
and three dances nP '
wttn council wars nrl hi., i. ..
enough to rattle a Vrm-" !
mni than your poor scribe. TheTwe '
have received a wd from the ana?
ohist-Pii," who threatens tn Zg
a good Frenchman like CarnoUf
ladle his. broth nniln w... ... .
"" I" Waterloo" or "Letter,
from Hell.". DM,., m t0 rsu e .
J t the nw .ad last chanted o1
thu thrllltng story, 'apiera of
' ' , P 'O-L'nTLE. . , ' '
' . .0?ITUARY. - ' ,- .
Died, of oonanmntln. 1.1; V .. "."
. , . uaroutte.aged 41 years
10 months and 27 dav. tw.1. .A.' , ,
jnere,idedearLebanon. Thinking ' 7
his health m Kf i,. v...... . . . -
, Oh.doMhl Anii heroua '
Auntlier dear on la . : - 4 . ' ' . :
NiimbBred iiita to dead,
F"rJ0"r '", louely m
lau cartliTw hasiiad '
- 43 00
- 1135
-114 24
. 13 72
iv. , 1 "? I1'01" " Ufa deDirtad
, lo muite hr Iwme wlta Go" 7
A little o'er throe years ,,':7.
... In tlie tomb ln lay, . ., , .; ,
r , taken huni Stiu away. ' . . ; ;
"NV.T.l!.e,,tn.' a" if"tQ Join Hiein '
In their home Ui, ......
rur lie gave hl hourt to Jbjus ' .
Ami It Miemoil thai all was love. '.;
Uh, how. he nauit and ,,,," '..
Ami he with our ilea ones arrav.
100 00
10 05
Delinitjona of a Babv.
tlii:?'::,,!!' '-' Prefer
"v-Aiiuutrii ui U UJuV." J Jid lttuf
one of fhe following took the priie:
v!" " "acueiorts lorror. l.ho m,,fi.A.i.
treiiHiiro nun the deapntic tvrantof t in
republican household. ly"tofThe
Or: Price's Cream Baking Powder
- - 4I1WJ aairawioitr fair, FiiikImo.
In estate nf Wm .
In estate ol A P Nya, flnar acaonnt ""Iy l,rt'"i""
set for Sept 3d.' . coount heur excites envv.
In estate nf .T.. it... .n. . , -I The luteat wUHah" u
Aug. 10th to file invetoV;''0'"ea BnW 'v.r, c,uple"thh,k theTpoL
precious possession that
McClure, W
.'"afdiaeshipof N YMc(
It lilsllOP anOOInted bnanli..
aaob n3 " Ame' 'Bond,
111 eahiri rtf Ahifi'M. Tif-t '...'.'
mitted to n,7h.V." r'z? ,r! WI"
Doiutedflv..;;:r " aP.
,.Ill fistafonf ' W XT 1 . '. .
i "Ti: ...V,; '"vemorynioa
ttm fluent copy.
thtlT' ""''"'''"swliospeaka
the language nf none. , F
and f1.?'"' '.""eonsftemied rnnocenoe
ami laden with simplicity and love.
ix mi x weareexiH-cted to kiss ami
look- hs it we enjoywi it.
A llttlp ttlrMllinu. ,..Uk ' . '
11,, I. .1 ""-w "i" i ee pass to
That: iL.fc.1,.1. .
" nonie happier, .
, p., fiulU; personal, J20,