The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 03, 1894, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY AUG. , 1894.
Rev. Best tit and family are over on
the coast,
S. M. W. Hlndman and family' loft
thl wevk for the count.
J. L. Gilbert has aoeepted a position
In the City Drug store.
C. Q. Gray, of the Halsey News, waa
In the elty the tint of the week.
Mm. H. J. Boyd and Mrs. Tat re
turned from Eugene Wednesday,
. W. B, Donaea and family Intend
Blurting Monday for the Metolea.
Lloense haa been Iss'ied for the mar
riuge of J. M. Moore and Mary Bell
N.W.Smith and wife will leave
tomorrow fur a few weeks' outing at
the bay.
Geo. Alexander spent laat Salurday
and Sunday with bis parents in
Burn, to the wife of L. M.Bashor,
In thia elty, Friday Aug 8, ISM, a
7-uud girl.
Harry Everett, Joe Buhl, Bert Van
A liken and Clark Rlmbro left Wednea
day for Newport
Mine Abbie Fry left Baturday for
Albany, where she goea to attend
, t her brother Fred, who la very tick.
F. M. French and family, of Albany,
panned through thia city Wednesday
on their way to the mouutalna.
W. B. Donaca shipped three car
loads of oats from Oabtree station this
week to San Frauciaca
A suit for divorce has been begun In
which Mary E. Maleon is plaintiff and
C. W. Malson is defendent. .
Mrs. W. A. McClain and daughter
Norma of Albany, were visiting
reahtlves in thf city thia week.
Mr. Penic and wife, Mr. E. Goan
Mr. Dell left Weuaday for the coast
they weut by private couvayanee.
Jack Kulston Is clerking in Bead,
IVatwk & (.' store during the a.b
aeneeof Mrs. ('handler to the moun
tains. Hey, A. Jack AdamB will preach In
I he (' P. church at Sodavllle next
giuiday and at this plaoe one week
M.". Hiram Baker aud wife, Mrs.
Sunn, wville and son, and Miss Emma
Tivey reuaroed this week from a trip
to the 1 oounwlui
Miss Fauuifl Griggs left Wednesday
for the mounta.1''- She aeoompanied
her slater, Mra. ' Dr- 1a "d More-
head, of Junelion CSty-
Misses Mattle Nlxol. Hattle Blmp-
oral, faille Warner, Ildif "d
Maliel Carson returned Tut1 even
ing from Lower Boda.
Lost between Lebanon and Si.litlm
post offloe on August 1st a lady's"
colored cape, the finder will plea
eave the saioe at this office.
Ben Dodge was considerably shaken
lip last Bunday by running olf the
s katlng platform at Waterloo. You
allouldu'takate au Sunday, Ben.
Atly. Garland expects to take bis
family to Lower Boda on Baturday,
where they will remain some time.
Mr, Garlaud will return on Monday.
A. Weaver aud C. Davis of Corvallla
rode up to Lower Boda on their wheels
last Sunday, and returned home the
same day, making a ride of 114 miles.
There were three cases before our
city recorder this week for being drunk
and d tsorderly, one occupying the city
jail Bu uday night. All pleaded guilty
and paid their lines.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lindner, of Fair
mount, Beuton oouuty, passed through
Lebanon on their way to Waterloo
where they intend to stay a few days
and lay in supply of sodawater for
home use.
Wallace MiCamaut and T. L. Boas,
two young lawyers of Portland, passed
through this city Mouday on their
way to the mountains. They are out
.for a 200-mile walk. They walked 82
.miles ip orie day ou their way up from
Portland. They left for the Metolea
expecting to return by way of the Mo
. Kenzle.
if.kler Holman will preach In the
Academy uext Bunday morning and
evening. Attention is called to the
change fn time. Iu the forenoon
prcacuin will begin at 10:80. Sunday
School will be weld immediately arter
. 'he morning service at 11:30. Eve
ug service at S'cloek prompt. All
art, cordially Invited. Prayermeetlng
al g j . Thursday.
Mr ,'oseph Kelso and Mm. Emily
C'ohnav of thU clty were mftrried
i ihe m ( ualet Uotel in Albany on
Powell officia l M many frteods
at (bis place ex their beat wishes
We are Inform. by that have
been In attendance that the Linn oouu
ty Teachers' Instil. " "e"lon
Albany is holding a nd
Interesting meeting. The following
teachers are In attend."" tram
city: Fannie Griggs, U. B. Wllkes,:
Cora Cox, Hattie Cox, J. G..Swau,W.
H. Ross, B. J. BhrfWl'. lf0 H.
Wicuckcu, Alice TenipW UJd Lullw
Callon M. A. Miller for flyklllcr.
We would like to get hay on sub
scription. Feed oals for sale. Enquire of W.
B. Donaca.
All those Indebted Mrs. Geo. Rice
will please and settle.
Go to Hiram Baker's for your spring
Just received, a large shipment of
machine oil at M. A. Miller's.
Redpalh Brother's slices at Read
PeacocK and Co.
Times are hard. Buy your groceries
at Peebiei's and save money.
Buy your groceries at Peebler's and
save money.
If you want to get nice fresh bread
go to Peebler's.
Trimmed hats for one dollar. At
Mra. Geo. Rice's,
J. E. Adenx and famsly are In the
mountains this week.
Mrs. Addle Howard is no heller, her
condition la growing more serious.
Frank O'Neill and W. J. Royee spent
a few days at Lower Soda this woek.
If you want photos made and liavn't
the money Boyd will take your pro
J. B. Marks and Ed Alilik-h li ft tills
week for Lower Soda for a few days
When you want to buy a suit of doth
ingyou will save money by kitting
It at Bach's.
When you want a new hat don't for
get Pugh end Munsey. They have the
latest styles.
R. Dlx and family, and It. K.Quitiry
and family left Tuesday by teum f.r
Bellriew Idaho.
Owiiu t.i hard limes all rii'lllmry
will bt greatly reduced for thirty days.
At Mm. ( f. I dee's.
Tlie l-t. groitM-ieH and P.tnishtnj;
goods at the low tat prices at i'tu;li &
Munsey's. Try them.
For pure black varnished finished
carriage paint, call on M. A. Miller,
"and don't forget It."
N. V. Rmith keeps the Eldorado
Castor machine oil, best In the world
for farm machinery.
Call at the Racket store, in Kirk pat-
rick's building, and get prices. No
trouble to show goods.
Frank Davis, who is now located at
Turner wa attending to business in
the city last Baturday.
Those who patronize Pugh t .Munsey
always get the best there is in the mar
ket; at lowest prices.
J. E. Adcox, agent for the Albany
steam laundry, sends washings down
on Tuesdays only. , ,
Pugh and Munsey have just received
a new line of furuishing goods, price
them before buying elsewhere,
M.A.Miller Is in receipt of a veryt!"l,e" for W1"1""'1 torpedoes, two
large stock of lead and oil, pure white
lead and guaranteed oil.
The Lebanon hose team won on the
fourth because they greased their cart
with oil bought of M. A- Miller.
..llne of both cotton and woolen
dress oods have Just arrived at Read,
Peacock Co's. Bnmethlng new.
R. Hiatt "d T. C. Peebler went U
Lower Boda .Monday and returned
home Wednesday. They took up a
load of groceries.
Prof. R. N. Wright has been retained
as principal of the Court street school
In Astoria for another year. He has
ten teachers under him.
These hard limes we want to save all
we can, but .if course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries at 8. P. Bach's.
Every cash purchaser of (10 worth of
goods at 8. P. Bachs store gets a crayon
portrate of themselves or freind free.
Bee sample of work in his window.
Freight will now be received for any
eastern point via Bacramento and
tickets are now on sale via same route
to any eastern point.
A.E. Ansorgets now ready to do
any repairing of organs, having had
long experience in first-class factories.
Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon,
"X know an old soldier who had
chronic diarrhoea of long standing to
have been permanently cured by tak
ing Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy," says Edward
Khumplk, a prominent druggist of
Minneapolis, Minn. ''I have sold the
roruedy In thecity for over seven years
and consider It superior to any other
medicine now on the market for bowel
complaints," 2$ and 50 cent bottles of
remedy for sale by S, W, Biuith, drug
gist, Kenneth Pazemore had the good
orlune to receive a small bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrbosa Remedy when three mem
bers of bis family )vas slckwith dysen
tery. This one small boUl flured them
all and he had some left which be a-v
to Geo, W. Baker a prominent mer
chant f this place, Lewiston N. C
and it cured biut of the same com
plaint. When troubled with dys6iiry
diarrhoea, colic or cholera morbus,
give this remedy a trial and you will
be more than pleased With the result.
The priu that naturally follows lis
intraductiou mi use has made It
very popular. S wi ent bottles
for sals by X. W. Smith, trg$if
What Is the matter with Calamity
Jane writing some more.
Pat teaches a good school in the
Lewis district.
Foster will soon have a fine hotel, o
the pcoplo say. Then Foster will
boom. Barton will be a regular boarder.
Grandpa and Grandma Lewis madel
their (laughter, of Crawfordsvilli-. a
hort visit hist week.
We are sorry to say Mr. John Gil
liam has been qullcill, but is Improv-
Mr. Hiram JX'Boise has gone
Upper Boda to stay awhile.
Mr. Miller Page had the misfortune
to havo his house together with every
thing he posessed, destroyed by fire,
but having good neighbors, he will
soon be ready to set up house keeping
ugaln. We all hope Mr. Page will
have success in doing so.
The Jackson hotel will soon start up
and then we will have soniethijig to
eat, und will also get the Foster Rat
The Rolfe brothers f.nd Jackson
sinters, and Bam Ralston went to Up
ier Boda last Sunday. They don't
like Lower Koda. They took a trip
there last summer, but the soda Is not
flavored to suit them.
John lleinharl went lo Brownsville
last week.
Art. Moss crossed the Rocky Point
bridge lat Sunday.
Mr. Clinton Myers passed through
tills city on his way to Big Bottom.
Mr. Aaron Yot has taken charge of
the pnstofliee again.
Henry Sturtevant went to Portland
last week on business.
Mr. Prod Rolfe has returned home.
Mrs. Lizzie Webber, of Brownsville,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Rose Deiinfsp and sister have
ij" visiting their sister at Holly.
Miss Rosa Traxell, of Albany, is
visiting her parents.
Calamity JAnk.
The Japanese Victory.
Tikn-toin, July 31. -A naval battle
was fought yesterday between the Chi
nese and Japanese fleets. The Japanese
sank the Chinese warship Chen Yuen.
Two large cruisers, supposed to be ves
sels built by Armstrong, were cap
tured or destroyed. The Chem Yuen
was a battleship of 7400 tons displace
ment, carrying Hj-inch and compound
artiii rat the water line. Her battery
included fourl&incb guns protected by
armor breastworks, and two small
kruppis 11 Hotchkiss cannon and
i-iuch and six-inch krupps, and a
seeondry battery of Hotel) klsi revolv
ing cannon. The Chen Yuen was
built for China at the Btettln works.
Bhe was a sister ship of the Ling Yuen
and was the most powerful ship in the
Chinese navy with the exception of
the Llgn Yuen.
Another Acoount of the Battle.
Shanghai, Jujy 31. 10 P. M. News
has just reached hem of a desperate
battle between the fleets of China and
Japan, In which the Chinese were de
feated and the Chen Vueu.tho largest
battleship but one in the Chinese
service, was sunk and two other
large Chinese vessels, said to be a
first-class cruisers, captured or de
stroyed. The battle waa hotly con
tested, but the Japanese appeared to
have handled their guns, ships and
tor pedoes with more skill than the
Chinese. The Chinese fleet engaged
carried nearly 1000 men and a large
number are reported killed or drowned.
Later dispatches say that few It any
Chinese engaged iu the battle escaped.
Two German ollieers in command of
I he Chen Yuen are reported to have
met death with the crew.
Drowned In a storm.
Nkwmarkrt Junction, N. J.
July 30. During a heavy thunder
storm on Great Bay last evening a
small bout containing William Byrne
und Michael Carroll was capsized and
both were drowded.
Another boat was capsized and its
occupants, names unknown, were also
Nitw Yniiic July Ki. A small ytudit,
OHrryinjxsix pr!oii, cti.Mzed in the
Hudson rlrer, opposite Hastings, dur
ing a thunder storm. George Ohphcr,
Henry Binitli, young men, were
to Trad.
I have a good secdiid-hand cook stov
which I wish to exchange for wood or
a good milk cow. For particulars, call
on me at the Bt. Charles hotel.
apt as Hr General Agent, Salary 140
per month and commission, Address
with stamp.
Clias. A. Robinson & Co.,Sa!lua, Kan
jt. price's Cresm Baking Powder
World'a Fair highest Award.
Six Million Feet of Logs.
The largest d rive of logs ever made la
Lane county, and perhaps In Oregon
Is now being made from MoKenzleand
Mohawk rivers, says I he Journal. It
consists all told of nearly 6,000,000 feet
of logs, and the real work of driving
was commenced at the Dodson place,
23 mllea east of Eugene, last Mouday.
For 10 miles along the McKenzle be
low the starting point logs have been
rolled in, and the river is literally
choked with floating tlmlier.
Eighteen or 20 men started In last
Monday to wade down the Mo
Kanzle and keep this immensd drive
floating. Two teams are employed
to aid iu getting big logs over shallow
places. Mr. William Bogartof Coburg
is foreman of the drive, and it will
probably be 40 or 60 days' work to
get all the logs in the mill pond at
Cohurg. Ordinary workmen or driv
ers only get $2 a day this year whereas
they formerly got $3 a day. Many
more men have applied this year than
could be given places, notwithstand
ing the fact that wages are low and
the work of wading in the McKenzh
Is dangrous and very laborious.
Married In 1833
Then are not many instances wheie
people have been married 00 years and
and are yet firm iu mind and body
and able to keep house add even make
journeys by carriage unaccompanied
by any younger person. Mr- aud Mrs.
Preston Barger, of near Hartesburg,
have been married 81 years. They
Herein Eugene the first of the week
visiting Preston's brother, James Baa
ger, of this city. The aged couple
came up from Harrlsburg in a carriage
alone, and they get around better
tpan most people who haven't been
fnarried halt so long. They came
across the plains to Oregon early in
the '50s. and had then been narried 20
years, the righteous ceremony having
been performed iu 18833. In crossing
the plains they where with the Philip
Mulkey party. Eugene Guard.
Kelly and His Army.
San Francisco, July 30. General
Charles Kelly, who led the Industrial
army from Oakland, April 3rd lasi.
has returned from Washington to his
home in West Oakland. He Is now
convalescing from an attack of typhoid
fever contracted at Washington, and
as soon as he has regained strength,
snyB he will enlist another army and
take it to Washington, which he is
of the opihion, is the best way bring
ing attention of the people to the
absolute needs of a large portion of
the working classes. The new army
will compose of the contingents from
Los Angeles, Oakland and this city.
Nevsr kissed a Woman.
James W. Hasty, a C5-year-old.
bachelor, wa born within two miles of
tills place. He is a gunsmith and
watch fixer, and has been five miles
away from here in 23 years. He lives
in bis shop, keeps, house by himself
with a dog and two cats, and never
has a railroad train or a county teat In
30 years. He never kissed one of the
fair sex in his life, and says he can
hardly imagine how such fruit would
taste. He has no bad habits, and is
strictly moral. -Owingville ( Ky.) Out
An Express Train Wrecked.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 30. Last
night unknown persons wrecked the
fast mall and express train on the
Alabama Great Southern road atTren.
ton, Ga. A switch was open, aud the
engine, exprss and mail cars were
thrown down an embankment, The
passenger coaches were derailed, but
no passengers were hurt. Express
Messenger Stark and a colorad portor
were seriously injured.
Murded and Suioide.
Portland, July 30. Last night
Cornelius Mees, a Belgian laborer. In
a fit of jealousy killed his wife by
splitting her bead open with a hatchet,
and then hmged himself.
Silver Dollars Issued
Washjnoton, July 30. The Issue
of standard silver dollars for the week
ended July 28 was ovar $4000,000.
Htung by a Scorpion,
While Ed Taylor was handling wood
at Caleb Arnett's place Wednesday, he
came across a scorpion In the wood
pile and in consequence he carries a
bandaged finger. The scorpion was a
large one and planted his stinger well
in to Mr. Taylor's Quger, and had to
lie pulled loose. He Is now on exhl-.
bition iu N. W. Smith's show window
To the Ladles.
I will sell regardless of cost for the
next thirty days my entire stock of
trimmed and untrlmmed hats- Those
wishing anythlug In the line of mil
nery will 6d It to their advantage to
call early at Mrs. vleo. Rice's.
Mrs. Lewis Cbeadle and Mrs. Borch
er nee Alllce Cheadle of Portland are
vistlng at the Cheadle ranch.
). M. Wcstfall and family expects
to leayu Monday for hu ftllsum
W. A. Marks U doing some oarpeuter
work ill Haisey tills week.
Dr. Booth and son Willie weut to
Portland this week to have Willies
eyes treated.
Wui. Kcatherford old"ct bey bud the
uihrlortnuv to get by a horse this Weak
Headquarter for-
Only 1st Class Stock of
Dress Goods in Lebanon.
Give us
Highest market price paid
for country produce.
Who always carries a nicely selected stock of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
gods, groceries, &c.
If you do not already give him your patronage try him.
and you will always trade at his store.
In Courtney's Brick.
Wheels! ' Wheels!!
The Two Leaders of tho World 1
Sond for catalogues.
Write for bargains in second-hand and ')! wheels.
Albany,' Oregon.
Also see Chas. M. Andkbson, at the Expukss Ollice,
PAraiJtawAND Graining.
a Calt
Next Door to Bank.1