The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 03, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and
A Chicago dispatch says: H in
to li (iiit dnn the strike that
has just ended here as the cheapest
and best that has occurred in the
country since the celebrated occa
sion when rioters threw British tea.
overboard in Boston harbor. Ex
a derated tales of riot, pillage and
bloodshed have led to equally
exaggerated estimates of loss and
damage from the strike. The ex
citcuustit being over, intelligent
computation of the actual damage
sustained has been begun.
From violence arising directly
from the strike, eight persons have
been killed in and near Chicago,
and probably forty wounded. In
actual conflict between rioters and
luw five men have been killed.
None of them was in arms against
the authorities, and only one or
two of them were strikers. One
other striker was killed. He was
killed by the wife of a fireman with
whom he was quarreling. One
woman was killed by a stray shot
from a policeman's revolver. Three
or lour persons have been killed
and several injured in railroad
. accidents, due to the employment
ot green men.
Of damage to property the record
is equally short. Only railroad
property nag suffered and that onlv
a small degree in comparison with
the vast amount of such property
open to damage. A conservative
estimate places the actual amount
of damage to railroad property not
to exceed fioO.OOO.
W'mr should there be a lack of
mutual interest and sympathy be
tween classes of men thrown close
ly together? Why should the em
plover regard his workmen in the
light of machines, and the men
regard him in the light of an ene
my ? Xothing is gained, but much
lost by such relations. Neither
party is at its best nor gives but its
Dot results. Both have latent
powers and possibilities within
them that are called forth nnltt
through their affections, their sym-
paimea, their kindlv feelines.
While these lie dormant, the valne
of neither party, either to himself
or to the other, can be manifested
Aot work alone and not wages
alone are desirable. Both are nec
essary and due; but, so long as
notnmg more is thoueht of on
either side, so long shall we have
disagreements, animosities, collis
ions, conflicts. Selfishness mav
wear whatever robes she will; her
baleful presence can never be bid
den nor her destructive effects pre
vented. Florence West.
Ws notice a number of papers of
tne state are advocating the estab
lishment of a pardoning board
The ction6 of Governor Pennovei
in turning loose all sorts of con
victs prompts the people to take
some action to prevent such whole
sale pardoning. We have for some
time maintained that such provis
ions should be made, and when a
man seeks a pardon from the peni
tentiary let him be tried before a
competent jury and the evidence
taken the same as in trial before
the court. After a jury of twelve
men decide a man guilty ofacrimej
it is not right that one man should
have the power to decide him inno
cent. The evidence brought before
a jury is thorough, while that
Drought before the governor to ob
tain a pardon never is. Register.
It re a remarkable fact in con
nection with the great strike that
all the newspapers, no matter
which of the two old parties they
support, uphold President Cleve
land in his determination to put
down mob violence with military
force, while most of them strongly
disapprove of the attempt to tie up
the railways of the country and
condemn Eugene V. Debs for bring
ing about the sympathetic strike.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Pan Grani Craaa Tartar Psvtar.
w waa no om on iiu, -bra or root
Nor auy o' the sum 1
And bacans. It w. to. wlij, o- coara. he went
wSZZ -,...
Whlchi.Ja.b.tth,lmcdfc t
to Ita knock oot jnur p!u follow ma,
ni. rrL . 7 "wiwiml
0.r - .-
S!,.!u ti',d" !"
ihe won't utoVrlwd-cKwo-wnHlB for
imw ubb -Dwnuriti tnmnah
1j cirl the tax with a bomkmlier
Before r month ihrou.h,
" "tew to 0tmrcU" torsi"''allb'
Trbtahfcjauwtat.wwooiodo. ,
--rrz .rr. . - -
.w iwn ujaa a ruuntt or itro.
biia.wH.ii i ... .
"Whina a Jim what a man can't do.
wit nil that I VI to the war ot a friend.
Aa uA to find one new.
Bat 1M tin me par an stripe for to get ih
Wouinit .Jtuutoolatttodo. ,
So Ita knock ml Torn- pi pen an follow roe.
An It finish off yourswin-e an follow mo.
Oh, "ark to tue flfes a crawlic
Follow me follow me Wei
Take 1m away! la (one where the beet men
Take 1m awar! An the (nn wheels tnrnin
Takalmawar! There's mora from the place
Tate 1m awar, with the Umber an the drum.
ItoU1 "-Tureennu&hlask" an foUawuK,
An' it's Thirteen rank" ao foUow me.
Oh, paeiin the low o woman,
FoUow me follow me omel
Rndyard Kipling.
e Flicked the Con Prom the Stace Rab-
ners uasn.
There is auite a difftrnnrfi htwn
taging in the early days of the siatn
and now," said William Miller, the
owner of the stage line running from
Cuadero to Ukiah
'When I came hern from Rrarrm in
1354. I drifted ahnnt a hit and !!,-
Went into tha snrrinA of r'nurliw Un.
Laughlin, the man who was afterward
aiuou uy jenme uox. tie was tne
owner of the longest staee line in Cali
fornia at that time. It ran with relays
bom San Jose to Los Angeles.
"I remember (mm in a lnnnfo mnrf
range canyon, through which the road
wuuuu, w uaa a ucue experience mat
was thrilline for the moment It vna
about 10 o'clock and a moonlight night
I was just putting the horses through.
The stage was full of passengers, and
here was a heavy treasure box.
Just as i got around s bend m the
nam i saw a ntron? nr a mm m, hmt.
back standing by the side of the road.
Ee yelled to stop, and 1 saw a gun bar
rel eleam in the mnnnlipht. Tha hnvra.
were going at a speed that might be
! 1 J 1 1 1 ...
vaueu oraaKnecK, ana i just made up
my mind to take the chaoee nf aottino-
through. I saw the gun raised to the
leuow an on aer as we approached, i
had mv ionsr whio in mr hnmt enH
with a despeiatian barn of puri! of the
moment i made a vicious Bwips at him.
I don't know iiow it nminrrMl. hnt
the lash wound itself around the gun,
ana as we dashed by the whip was
drawn taut and I knew it biul
o held fast I was nearly pulled out of
my seat, but the gun was dragged from
the robber's hand and fell to the eround.
At the tame time it was discharged hr
the Shock. It rattled lns the nm1 fnr
quite a distance before the whiplash un
wound itself I don't know what the
hjfhwavmiin tbrmirht. hnt T'll W he
was surprised. "Ban Francisco CalL
Traatil la the Browniaf Soeietj.
A readhur of a line nf RTimminir'e
which I don't think has ever presented
itsen to the crownmesocietv was offr-
ed in all honesty the other day by a
young gentleman reading aloud to a
young lady, at her request need I say
she was a Bostonienne? the "One
Word More" with Which Rrmroiniy
dedicated his "Men and Women" to
bis wife.
Be who blows throosh bronze mar breathe
throngh Miivcr
the reader cave forth' -with mufonrori
correctness, but
Ho who paints in fresco takes a halrbroah
was too much for an honest, literal soul
ne naa nair-nruen byphenized.
aooent on Hair too endentiv under-
it not aa a refintai imnlpniAnt nf art !-
I , B-.l i . . "
aS the homftlT Ainnc nt tha Aruaai,.r
table. Sothing can ever make that line
tsaui, liar ujat young woman, nt into
a met'e dream. Nnr will h am ha
asked to read Browning to her more.
Duscuii a rauacripu
Tha Crowth at Elaetrie RaiiniaiU.
"The ffrowth of tha nan nf elatrifiH'
M a motive DOWnr ia rpmarlrnhla " aaid
E. Ia. Canon, an electrician of Bostoa
a wo years ago mere were only 161
electric railwavs in tha TTnitMl KrntM
while now there are over 600. Si j years
ago an electric car with two motorB cost
t,ouu, wmie tne dios fur the last con
tract I knew to be given ran from $040
to $1,600, and the former was the price
at wmcn it was given, the manufactur-
beiiorraliahl. iTaaZTu.
... -jTu a. x I, " 1 11
that With SUCh a ( tnernaiiinir
demand there should I
tiou at to run prices down to one-seventh
m wnas was paio six yearn ago, but such j
ll tiin eaaa and hafnrn ft. atnra, Simii
will he very few lines of street railroad
in the country not run by electricity. "
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Ctaal. Oplnloa.
Jllllm In Perler'hnltnvad in tha 4na.
tice of hit client's cause. He would not
enlist in it otherwise. At one time 11
sharner tried to retain him and wa.
smoothing over his crooked conduct at
aw aucrw now, wnen tne judge
astonished him far nnlaimin. r .i,inv
you have acted like an infernal scoun
drel, nr!"
"It there any charge for that opin
ion?" "Tea, sir; t!"---San Francisco Ar
gonaut, -
the first strike cn record.
. ,
II Vmi In Room. ad I'laaa I.
i v 1 aax soo a C
Ur " bi" book, "The An-
oau," 9, so, relate in the following
! uw;e6tiT0 words the stoiy of a singular
. u-use wiuca occurred In Home la the
If" B.G,d was probably tha
i That year occurred an vnt llttl.
I .
0r ny b"1"? related, and which 1
j would puss in silence had it not appeared
a involving religion. The flute niavora.
(dissatisfied because the latest cenmm
i bad forbiiWen than to take part in the
; "qwt in Jupiter's temple, according
j 'o the ancitnt custom, withdrew, every
, was tea at name to nlav th
- . o
inbcoa. This lnradeut nWbuil tha rail.
, p n-.tuuiwi ui wa etmmn, aim ut
leimtore sent messengers to invite the in
. caoiiaure or i mur to make every effort
: in araer mat the players should be re-
I siuroa to we Konians. The Tiburnues,
j having promised not to neglect any'
thing necessorr for that rjnmnw nanaul
the flute players to come to the place
nervine senate met and exhorted them
to go back to Rome. Seeing that they
coma not prevail upon them to do so,
they employed a strategem in keeping
with their character.
On a day of festival, under pretext
that music would increase the joy of the
feast, every citkon invited the flute
players individually to his house, and
w mo, ui wmca people ox wot profession
are usually fond, was given to them in
such onantititta that th fn ntn
deep sleep. They were then thrown into
wagons and transported to Rome. They
tuuy oecame aware or what had hap
pened on the day after, when dawn
surprised them lying on the carta,
which had been left in the forum. A
laroe crowd had awmthlivi mnA h
were induced to promise that they would
remain at Home. The right of attond
ine the bannnets was manrMl tn than
uute piayois. new lark Tntrane.
As TJaappreeiated aink Prodaeer Whose
forage la cheap.
The coat as a mbkurodnmr is hard It
appreciated in this country. But in the
old world the family goat is only less
esteemed than the family cow. The milk
is considered better than that from Jer
sey cows lor enhnary purposes.
There is, moreover, one great advan
tage in goat keeping over cows. It is
this that a cow usually provides a
much litrmr nnontirv nf millr than i
be utilized in its natural state in tho
uonsenolo, the consequence being that
either a portion must be converted into
butter so many times a week, necessitat
ing labor which is not always profitable
and frequently unsatisfactory in its re
sults, or some of the milk has to be sold,
entailing other inomveciencee.
With a goat, on the contrary, this
difficulty can never arise. A good speci
men will generally provide a small
Kousehuld with enough milk far general
use during eibt months of the year.
Were the plan once started no doubt
mauv AimiriL'nn villnim (IwmIIovb -n.t,A
cannot afford to keep a cow would find
mat a mug goat would answer the pur
pose fairly well.
tioat will consumo Wva and much
forage that etiws will not touch, and
they are sure to pit a good living so
lonC aS SUV dicnstihla materia! ia arith-
Ul their reach. G. f Rilla in V ,.-
chosetta Plough.
An Orang-Outang! Kest.
The nest nf an nrainr.m,r.ftno. Tnaa
been fiacni in the Katural History mu
seum at Burlin br PmfecKA- V. ftnlunlr.
and Frofencor Mobius has discussed it !
in the Berlin aeadumv. ftofessor Salen- i
xa removtid the n-srt himself from a tree
in Borneo, The nest, which was situ-
SfeSSf c?
about one foot in diatnptar. hiawimI a iz
feet long, and 1 to 2 feet wide, by about
mcnes mgn. it is made of 20 to 25
branches Ltofend and ttvi niarl tfttnt k aa
and is large enough for a folly grown
orang to ue in it at lull length, though
thiS mOnkeV nrohahlv alnrnva .loan, aa
it does in captivity, with legs drawn up
ana arms crossed over its body. The so
called nesta of the orangs are not skill
fully built huts or closed shelters for
nowuoru young, but simply sleeping
places, as many careful observers of
tillatfl illOTitfl in Roman hAM iU
. - uu.ww ..a. c cnuu
lished. Leipsic (iaca.
A Unifine llaadkercliief.
Walter Aldrich, the bibliographer of
Providence, has in his possession a
unique bandanna handkerchief, one yard
square, made of silk of red body, with
portraits of Bavis, Beauregard, Semmes,
Lee, Mason, SlidelL Morgan, Jackson
and Johnson printed in black, encircled
with wreaths of characteristic southern
leaves, with ferns and the cotton plant
on white ground. It is said to be the
onlv one extant nf tha -iq MMoaui
the Confederate government in England
oy juuan r. .Benjamin and was rescued
when on his war in thia amtitM frm.
the Alabama when she sank. It subse
quently became the property of General
Kirby Smith, but Mr. Aldrich now owns
"7 ."mith, but Mr. Aldnch now own.
ma h"8 " trained and ulased and
. giaaeu uuu
" " --cbange.
A alodol'i Beaueat,
Sir Edwin Landaeer nnm ha1 a mnt.
el who said to him: "Sir Ed'n, I tees
from the papers as you of 'n dines with
her gracious majesty at Bnckinghan)
palace. Kqw, Sir Ed'n, my missis it a
rare good washer, and if next time yon
dines with her majesty you would just
prevail on her to give my missis her
washing it would set us up, it would, "
It is not stated whether the request was
ever put to her majesty. Chicago Her.
A Coincidence.
Mrs. Jansos said to Mrs. Lammis in
perfect confidence, "Do you know mine
is the prettiest baby in the world!"
"Well, reulir. now. wlint. a min.
cidcDctl" said Mrs. Lammis. "60 it
minel" Loudon Quiver.
Scrofula Cured.
Twenty -seven Tears.
SufVered aj the time auditor
t-onstaatly Bntaklny oat TJm4
Eleven Bottle ot Dr. Ortvnf
fiunutparilu and Grape Boat
ua rttected Cure.
Dtar Sir: ver since mv Wmtv
War I kn. 1 ai : , ...
, fc vctm wicij amictea wtu
Scrofulous sores breaking out on wioas
Pw ui mr Dtny. ine Claude of my
eck were the most affected. 1 ban doc
tored with nn r.haH. h. .1 '
- , , 7 tJ"' W. UJCtf
med icme did not seem to do me anv rood.
.a.ui a year ago i commenced takmc
Dr. Grant' AaraanavilU mA Du5
and I felt that the first bottle was doing
f wau Hlw MM
nnr KOOU, BO 4 gept OH Until I bad taktB
eleven bottles, and am now completely
auu nave never leu so well m tht
Wit twenty-seven years. It ceruiolv was
a cheap doctor bill, as the total coat of
We metllrtna araa m,1 A r -
aially recommend Dr. Grant's Same pa,
villa aa tha k'inn 1) 1 1 1 1 ' .-
"-a w saw runDcra.
Rib lake, Wig,
6 bottles $2.51
For gale by M. A. Miller.
Is Your Same
Written There?"
Written where? Why, on the
Bubscription list of the Lebanon
Ii you are not a sub
cnber to this paper, and wish to
obtain ft e win.
ter evenings, now is the time to
subscribe. Subscription ratea, (pay
able iu advance) $1.50 per year.
Admlnlaitratrlx'si Kotloe.
KMtee Is bcrebj sleo that the undtnltned has
been dulr appointed by the Oomitr Court a
Una cmim)-. Oregon, tin. adtnlninralrli of tlx
nati! of Jacob Newman, deceated. ami hudulj
qualified ai mcb sdminiMraUix. All partial
having claims atslnat ld estate an bmbr
wamea to prewnt the aune. flutr verifled. wllhto
tiz mostbs from June 2S, lsst, to the Qtideriijtnea
St the offlee of Ham'l If. tiarland at Letatnoa
Oregon. Bakah e. Kinm,
8aM'L M. AIJSD, AdmlDlStraUiX.
Attoroey for Admlolfltratrix.
fChanged Every Week.l
Oats 28c
Buy 4 tote per ton.
Flour P) 86.70peraaok.
Chop tl 00 per cwt.
Bran 76c perewt
Middlings tl 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 40c
Apples Dried, 8c per It
Plums Dried, 4c.
Onions 22c.
Beef Dressed, 60.
Veal 4Q,5c.
Pork Dressed, 5.
Hams 12J per lb,
Bhouldera lOo,
Bidet IJo per lb,
Geese 16 er dot.
Ducks $4 00 per dor.
Chickens 12 263 60. '
Turkeys c per lb.
Eggs 10c tier do,.
Bi.tler-10 (g, J5c pef 1U.
Hides Green, lo; dry, ge.
Or, Prke'l Crevs Baking Powder
vwna irsK nisnaat inaaaJtM
Diabetes Cured
Wonderful Work.
A New Being Created
Dm Sin; If yon could tee the writer
of this letter and note the wonderful
ehante that hag been effected in his case
by taking Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver
Cure, yon would certainly be astonished .
I ; a moat wretched sufferer tor three
rears, nyi-ir all kinds of aedicine and
iptting no relief. The Sow of Brine was
eery excessive, I was very eonitinaM
and also covered with earnanelae ami
kit at war with myself and the world al
brge; but, thanks to yoor wondnrAil
medicine, I h-lt at though I was a uea
being, and I consider a wonderful cart
has been efjacLad In mv earn.
With my best withes for your further
ruovsa, i remain
Yours respectfully,
A. McPO.NAl I',
Arhlaml. Wi
For vale by M. A. Miller.
The Yaquina Route.
E. W. Hadley, Receiver,
Direct Line Quirk Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Point"
and San Fratrfisco.
Hteamer "Hoar" leave. Portland. WmIii.
day and hatunlay uln A. M.
. C. Dat. Oeu. Aft,
Salmon eu Wharf, Portland,
i. R. Vaiishx, lien. Ag't.
Han I'rancisco, Csl.
. Hosrt, 0. F. k V. A..
ttarvallis, Oregon,
Beat Shaves, Hair Cut nt Huauipoo at
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
fire and Marine
Head Office,
269-271 Chamber of Commerce,
rortlana, Oregon.
The Northwest
5a","5 S' Orowliuj Orslo,
HouaelioM fumllnte. Cram in Wanitiouw.
Mai.rsedtlldSlooS, hjKI1i,
fara ImpWnJeula.
The Northwest
, 6olicitsYoi;b Patbosaoe.
M lH wd lmnxoi Afti, UUuotr. Ov,
MfV L bitvi TUi o
Has Saved His Life!
Marvelous Cur?:
0. W. R. Mru. I'o., l-.iitjtii 1,
Dior Sirs: Atioiil a yes
I V"
laiu tip witli rlii tiiimlr i. i i t
terrible state. 1 could not in.i. i t .-i
bed witliotil naiiui!CJ. As lUr.c u :v
no physician in llnrni y I tr; l wiio
lininieiiti, but tlity uil fr.iltd .', In ...
my condition was very wtvus, as tit
pain seemed to lie strlVin: near the
heart, your saiit eaute alon :nd had n
hnttla nf fl I a-,,, til
with rheumatism, he called nttnn me,
tad brought a tiottle ot I toni . Oil lln
less than five minutes 1 ivac ivliewt ; iu
nan an nnnr 1 was nl.le f lime mv Uet
out of bed, and one hour 1 was doivn
ttalre. lie lell the luttie iih me and !
ilttlie bttle villi me and !' j
eml tinifs. from Hist HV 1
ve not '"'en tro!il I nil's
I feel that 1 osejiptJ J
sppneu it several
to tnis I nave
rhanmatiimt I
t the wnnderful nil, AIIthi ese
veriiletl by i red IIhiiii-s, of liai'j.rv. i
the lanilloi'd nf ttia lintel n,..i
others. I always carry b tile of O nK'-f
uu in hit grip ie..v.
joure vi-rj I nil;,
Ataayer Kurns, Harney C"
Price 53 cants d
For sale by M.A.Miller,
Albany, team Laundry 1
A.llany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for ' I
Family Washings, t
Satisfaction (iiiarnnteed or Money
Kellinilocl. .
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
Ibuiioii, . ttn-unn. .
.Meat 31arket
U Kelleib'jger, Propr.
Fresh c. Salted Beef Pork,
'""'.con, Sausage Bo.
, logna, and Ham,
aT-Bacon and Lard Always on Hand
Main Hlrect, Lt'baimn, Or.
a a M
& O
at-aiS 71
fi? r
as S5
C so P
: -S 1 ft