The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 27, 1894, Image 1

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One year , u .12 00
( 1 1 uald In ad vanou, 11 to wr year.)
Sit month.. , ,.,., 1 00
Three nmnitm , .. AO
Single copies. ., OA
: J.N.Dolnh, .
John H. Mitclicll.l '
Ttiliirar Hermann fVihirMunmiin
Bylvester Pennoycr ...Governor
Heorge w. Hclirtrlc Secretary of Hti
Phil Metaehan Treasurer
E. B. McElroy,......8npt. Public Instruction
Frank '. Buker Suit? Printer
It. 8. St -aim, 1
Vim. k an. Kiinremp Judges
it. H. Jli'un, j
Judge, J. K. Ihincmi
Clerk,. .., ..N. P. Payne
Recorder,...- , , ..,. E. Davis
Sheriff...... , ...,.. (.'. Jackson
k School Superintendent...... 0. B. Wilkes
Treasurer, Tirice Wallace
Assessor,. W. f. Dcakitis
, Surveyor .!..... ...E. T. T. Fisher
. Coroner, . Frank Farrell
; ) ; Coramtoioners, J""
"Aa old is',,
thqJiills"and ;
never excel-'
ed." Triad
and prtrven '
13 tne verdict
of millions.
8 immona
TiivroA.'R.i.o'ii. ,
.latcti,, ia tne
1 J. G. KKKD.
fa. h. MYi:us.
a a w.iiica. '
City Council meets on the first and third
Tuesday cveningH ot each month.
Seoret Societies.
LkBASION LOBQ1S, SO. 47, I.O. 0 F Meets
ever? Saturday evening at Odd Fcllowa Hal), at
1 .o'clock p. m.
. at. GARLAND, Sect'y.
Meett at I. O. 0. F Hall first and third Wednes
day evening of each month.
' MRS. H. W. CUC908, N. Ci.
LCBA s lAWie, No. 44 A. F. i A. ItMoots
(Saturday craning. m or before the fall moon iu
aoli tuunth.
IS. E. Hijuucn, W. M,
t. At. Hiuas. Sec.
Honor Local, No. SK. A. 0, C. W Moots every
lfcoadayevenltigai O.A.K.JlaU.
E. I). CAIUt M. w,
1. R. Bosi'X. Hoc.
. medicine .to
:Ui..wlw)W you
: can pip your
CTJ .faith ''for s'
tire,"; and
. purely , veg- ;
. otable, 1 act-'
Druggists in Liquid, ark) Pier V.
tobetakendryormadeMfofi tea. '
The Kinr nf I 't-v MItnM , .
-1 nave used yonrBtminonsLiTer Rera
latoi and can cnsclentlou say rt lathe
klugof all liver medlcinea, loonsHerit a
medicine ohest in f taelf.-tiio. W; Jca
Has th. Z Stamp la red on wrap
Clipped From Our Exchanges
Throughout the West. t
f i' . s
East and South
Southern Pacific Co,
Eiiire8 trains leave Portland daily:
p. at If VnrtUA 1 .
10:2. P. M. I l.v'"A!hn.-
10: IS A. , j Ar.Han Francisco Lv
Tlie alwvo trains slop at all stations from
Portland to All)anvincliuive:al8oTanirent
KI11.1IH Hluu,- t .t Y.i. '
Irvine, hijtem and all stations from Kose-
Eoseharif mail itaily: ' I
A. M. i.v...Portlnnd ...Ar. 1 4:20r. H.
w r. n. lJv.,.AUanv....Ar. 12:30 s. M.
fi:Wr. a. I Ar'iKosebu
irR..Lv.' I
.'00 a.
uc'i Heious bsnr, No. m siv ofOscoo
or Vsrsi-Meot in Q. A. H. Ball, Lebanon,
ur., every Saturday cvonlne. cscopt the third
naiuraay 01 eacn montli, mcetliu; the third Fri
day instead. All brothers of the 8011s of Vet
erans and comrades of the U. A. R. aro cordially
Local paHsenfcer trains dallyj (eiccpt
1 :! r. m.
2:tr. m.
8:10 A. .
Lv. Albany Ar. 10:21 A. K.
Ar.Lcliamn....Lv. B:Wk.,
l.v... Albany Ar. 8:25 r. m.
Ar... Lebanon ...Lv, iMr.u.
Invited to meet with the Camp.
A. TkKKKY, First cgt.
Casb, Capt.
1IINA M. WKST HIVE, NO. 1, h. 0. T, at
JteetsonUieildttnd4th Friday ofeach month at
j 2 r. . at a. A. R. Rail. Transient Lady Macca-
iwes are cordially invited to attend.
: ;" A. A. Hvpk, Lady R. K.
. ' Sarah SALTKAasH, Lady Com.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Dining Canon Ogden RouU.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
' AND '
Second-Class Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
AVet Side DIvlHlon.
Mail 1 train daily (except Sunday): :
7:80 a.m. j LTlPrtUnd"Ar.l 6:36 aTsT.
12:16 p. m. I Ar..,('vallis..Lv. I:00p. at.
At AllllltlV atul WDtl1a , ...l.L
... .......... ,,,. ,H,,,a wI)UIK:V Hjiij
trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. ;
Expresb train daily (except Sunday): '
4:40 p. it. I ),v"ortland ...Ar. ' T
i:86 P. M. I Ar.MrMintivllleLv I 6:A,l(,
The Palace liotcl HI. IlwlnnAiulfnu la
being rtniodolwl and enlarged.
Ir can be killed in Ilia,,
weeks, the close season 'expiring Au
gust I,
drawn up for a condensed milk factory
Yamhill coiintv has Jua.min in ih
treaiurv. and an nt
iiabilitiea 0f W,400.
The Shelton
station, has Rliit)ed $12,000 In gold to
the Denver mint.
- l'he Melhase hrothera have begun
harvestiue the 1.000 tnna nt )...,
their Crook county ranch.
! Ontario is liullHinu o is nm K....I.
clioolbouse, a $4,000 hotel, an Odd
Fellows' hall and a brick store.
Corvullis is movinir f,,r a
tournament, open to riders from Bea
ton, l,iiiu, Polk, and Linooln counties.
John Holcomh ia nmlnr t?sn h,.nH.
which he furnished, at Hillaboro, for
uaviug ourgiariwa the Buchanan store
at Reedvllle recently.
A. W. Hllsbt' hnn uri.l,.A
... j ttv uinui'B
Pass to take charire nf hi nn. r.
City stage route. He brings 24 horses
and six stages from Westport, Wash.
Iu Marion eountv unHr ti, ...
law the sheriff's salary is $3,000 a year '
deputies $2,500; clerk $2,500 deputies'
i reooraer i,soo deputies $1,500.
A Series of bicvele ranwi la hoi.. ...
ranged for the state fair .,t
September. There will be bicycle races
011 me track every day during the
wws 01 me ma.
Hop buyers have
solicit around Harriaburg and areofler
11 to 12 cents per pound, and will fur.
nisu money for picking purposes at
therateof 8 percent.
Robert Boewss. aired 21 l,o i
bound over iu the sura of $500 In Hose
burg on a (-harm' nf r....j
... - --i-iif(S lUUU
W.vatl, aged 17, who arrived there
ironi Colorado I11 May.
Al thrail, a hardworking nt inH.
trious teamsier. of Antmln tru.i t
drown himself in the huv n Th
"Jay uight, He has been drinking so
u e is almost crazy.
Eastern (Won
o w uaa ici
than ever this year. Thomas Camp-
..i, in voia ispnugs, has some that
goes 63 pounds to the bushel. Sixty-
iwo is aoout tne highest local record
The Oregon editors
in attendance at the national editorial
association were in New York on the
lltb Inst. Messis. (Small. Ynmn
Doughty expect to visit Washington,
Kx-County Treasurer Howe Is In jail
at Klamath Fulls, In default of $5,000
bonds. . An attempt to got him nut on
habeas wrpus failed, and an uppeul is
being tnken to the supreme court.
Malheur county, tlio()iitnrln
"...ij, is overrun with iackrabblts.
I Wain, fruit trees and vegetables are
succumbing to their depredutions.
. .... .,c,.a muvea ror a grand rou ml up
and html. .
. The large pluwr mining plant 011 the
Uutpqua river Myrtle Creek, will soon
wnumence operations with a loO horse
power boiler and pumping apparatus,
which will force 24,000 gallons per
uiiuuie inrongn a 2j-inch nozzle.
The Antelope baseball club is willing
to play Prlneville for $500, but wanta
the game played at Antelope, so says
the Herald. Prlneville.
sists on playing at that place, and will
contend for that.
. NO. 22
Twenty-six camps. No charge for
room in our village (as in Hodaville.)
Where Is Fojtcrf Wholsl'nt? The
Irish cog. suits nml vmll,, ,,.
time kissed the blarney stone.
The only event worth v nt ,tu
not happen last Sunday. There was
no horse race and that should be published,
'John M. Somers,
Attorney-at-Law -
Will practice in all the courts of the state.
A. F. SI0WE,
Attorney at Law,
collections (tivon prompt and'earefnl attention.
Will practice In all the courts of the state .
Weatherford & Wyatt,
ada and Europe can be obtained ft lowest
rates from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
u trnpur co
E. P. KOGElMAAsst. G. If, Pass. Agt.
Dm. Courtney & Maeh-ii,
Physicians & Surgeons.
, Calls answered day or night.
Oatct. Vpmtis in Counney'i hvlok.
To Advertisers.
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from your advertisements
Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give (he desired results, tis it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
5 in Linn County. 1 '
Rumor has it that the T?vn,iiin
directors have concluded not to bold a
lair tbl year. The last one was not a
success and the outlook is no better
this year, hence the decision. Wel
A woman living four miles from Al
bany visited that city a couple of days
ago for the first time in tweutv.two
years. Her last visit there was made
In 1872 when the railroad was being
Willi. .- ,
L. B. RInehart, of Union, has re
turned from Vlcksburg, Mississippi,
where he took a carload of fine Grande
Ronde valley hores and sold at fair
prices. He will soon take on another
A. T, Marklev has rillrliiifiu,1 ajv li-tlo
from the Southern Pacific flnmru.,., in
Medford, and will soon commence the
construction of a dryer which will
have a capacity of 8,000 pounds of fruit
per day.
IslghMt Honors-World' pr.
' 'DR;
The election held at Dayton lust
c m Voie j,s,ouu ooudg tof ,lew
brick schoolhouse carried by eight
votes, It is probable that the election
will be contested on the ground of
illegal voting. The soluml hnorri i.
said to be against the bonds and the
Herald favors them. .
I Advices from St. Helens state that
Secretary of Slate McBride is much
improved. So much an. In font ih.i
he is able to move about for several
hours at a time. For several mouths
his health has been verv hurl k.,tM
conllned to his house continually.
George Ridinger made a hard drive
from Albany to Roseburg one day last
week, There was a bridge
be let, and he had an Idea his bid
would capture it. He arrived at the
court nouse just three minutes before
the bids closed, and he got the contract
at $3,800. The next lowest bid was
, Pri nevil le Review : Th frn Id ant wiol (v
any binding twine in this plat, and
little hopeB of getting it j time for
harvest, owing to the uncertainty of
iimirMUliailUU COmriAll Ptl ho hi, n .
uuiiuie irelgut. Uut there are r,l,,i
oi mie men in the country, and if far
mers cannot get twine they can bind
uieir grain oy uaud.
The editors of the AntelnnA r.ij
aim rossu journal are indulirinrr In
some "eomnliiuentarv" remmiri.
ecch otber-in fact they are going at it
in true western style." One of them
styles the other a "cowarrlio i,,.n
and a sneaking, unprincipled, low-bred
wuiie tne other retorts, asserting
ul auversary is an "up and-UD
The Sclo Press cmnmnntu n,..
Salem-Seio road: Indeed, this road
proposition is a big one. It means as
much for Scio as it does for Rn i n
means better markets and better mar
kets and better prices for the goods
they offer for sale and it menus bnliup
stocks to select from and lower prices
or meir pureiiascs. This ib a matter
Scio should take a deen Inttiut f. u
is for her welfare.
Judge Etilierton todav failH t
render a decision in the n. P ,,
and has set the middle Sept., possibly
15th for the day to set a dav f- n,
sale. Judge Biyson, attorney for the
plaintiff's, informed the court that
owing to the strike he hart hMn
able to receive Instructions from New
lorn, and his honor thoutrh tlila
the best he could do nnrvaiii. t.
Some 500 pewons wero here Su'nduy.
Some came to drink, others to see and
near the bamismal
-oh, well, they Just came. s
We notice Elder Wavhaclr lia
to travel and was nlennorl t nnh. h-.
presence last week. I He notV has a
shingle to cast up li8 "spud nccount"
We are truly sorry for the Lewis
district if the nresent incnm!,,,! i is.
best that ever graced their palatial log
school building. Better sign "taffy"
next time you scribble.
Te Leander of the Sodaviile "Side
View" takes exceptions because some
one told the truth about the spring at
his summer distort. "Honesty is the
best policy," we will not .',. n,; J
spring is irretrievably ruined, but just
at present the outlook and output is
rather murky.
One of those rantera wh, h., n.
....v IIO.C IUC
only solid pull on the penrly gates,
has fallen among us. They come per.
iodically. Winters tried all that he
anew now and made few oonverts in
this vicinity. We trust thatsome may
turn from tbeir crooked paths and
plant their pedals on that turnpike
that leads, not toward Waterloo, but
Zionward. . i . ; , . , ' .
Our Exphkss took express pains last
week not to reach us, therefore we are
all at sea in regard to news. It is true,
we have not paid our suhscrint.inn h,,t
if anyone has in the last two years,
please send In your photo. Should
this happen again we will he wnmW-
lug around the camps like, that other
freak-of-nature, trying to find news
and a wife, thereby driving' many
pleasure seekers from lbe!on.. .
I. O. Littlk,
Haying is nearly completed. '
Harvesting of fall
irrain has nmn.
Quite a number talk of rrolmr in ih
mountains in searoh of blackberries In
the near future,
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Anmionie, Alum or any other adutttrinL
Portland Licenses
The number of licenses Issued hv Hie
city up to July 16 was us follows:
Saloons, 2811 whnlwuk.
liquors, 8; malt liquor, 1, The amount
received for licenses Is $20,603.80, A
rebate of $10.65 was allowed to each of
128 saloon, on accont of interruption of
business by the flood, making a total
rebale of $2131.20- There are 44 an).
oons which have not yet taken nut
licenses, and about 30 of these will
close. For genera: licenses, $5020.55
nas been leceived making a total for
all licenses of this year of $32,641,36,
The Sodaviile Spring,
The Hodaville Review says: "Mal
icious false hoods have renmHv hnm,
circulated by some one. The reports
are m noised about that no soda wa
ter can be got here and even ot uflll
further as to say the spring is spoiled
auu tuai meie can. never be any more
mineral water gotten here. Thi. la
mistake; this is by far the strongest
most plenteous spring on the Pacific
OOBSt." The SDriuirs have renntlv hun
improved and are in fine condition,
affording an abundance of sparkling,
healthful water.
You can get a nhoto of the rWu-ni,
streets of Lebanon for 25 eoutsat the
Lebanon Art Gallery,
The grain aDh
alarm a few Weeks Aim hnu niu.ln nil
O", o uvuiijr ail
disappeared in this sectieu. ,
Mrs. Molly Gee and Mr. hn
formed a nartuershin In tho urti.i r...,:t
business,. Success to them, r
J. S. Caldwell has been in the null.
borhood for several days cultivating
his vegetables at Mountain View.
Waterloo soda is In irnod
the most of the rcaideuls of Happy
"" visiuug tne spring last Suuday.
Mr. Edwards is asslstlno-Mr: w' a
Brown In haying. Mr. Brown lias a
large amount of hay which he will
bale, -.1
Grandpa and Grandma Cuminings j
ivcnuo vvaierioo Sunday and walked
home iu the evening. Pretty good for
seventy-year-old people. ,
Camp meeting of the Free Methodist
persuasion at Aberdeen was largely
attended by Hamw
Saturday evening considerable excitel
nieiii was manifest, ' t
Something About Fish
Dr. H. M. Smith. United
commissioner, has recently came to
me coasi anu in an interview with a
newspaper man said: "Shad were first
introduced into the waters of this nonst
in 1871, when 12,000 young fish were
deposited hi the Sacramento, under
the asupices of California fish com
mission. Between that timeaudl889,
609,000 young shad were placed hi the
Willamette! 800,000 In the Columbia
and 100,000 in the Snake, river. The
aggregate cost of these plants amounted
to less than $4000, while the shad Hah.
eries established as the result nf these
meage rdeposlts have already yielded
the fishermen over $200,000."
The regular subscription price of the
Express is $1.50 a year, and the regu.
lar subscription price of the Weekly
Oregonian is $1.50. Anv one subscrlli.
lngforthe Express and paying cue
year iu advance, cun got both the Ex
Pitiiss and the Weekly Oreimnian one
year for $2.00. All old subscribers
paying their subscriptions fo' ne yeur
iu advance will be entitled to the same
CiriCAOo. .Tnlv m ni, ,,ir
rr in - "i - Jioivaru,
Kel her and Rogers, the Ameiioen
Railway Union ofllclaia, todny Issued
an address to the public, tho substance
of which is as follows: J
"It Is almost universally conceded
that tllH Pillln,nn .
oftrepeated reduction , ,,r H,m .
cesslve rents and many ni(fr atm,!. '.
.has grievously wronged its employ,,
and that, whatever may he said about
the great strike which resulted in ,
sequence of such grievance, the ar
Wtary refusal of said Pullman eompan y
to submit to arbitration In any f..,,.,
(oven to decide If th, i., .
in ri.itti i . :
- ""; ' l"-oni positive that criiii-.
pany has no fuitli in the (iwtite of Hs
cause, and tears the disclosures thni.
are certain to result , from an honem
uvesligatiou, and in view of the heav v
losses enuiied upon the country, suci,
obstinacy on the part of the Pullman
Company is deserving of the severest
condemnation. ...
"We propose that pi
company shall be brought to justice
and in a way that, .1.1,11 .,0.,Li.
strike without its attendant ills. We
th. People;
, "i"" J' ice;tney love fair play,
and now, we appeal to the grea t Amer.
ean public, to every man and every
good woman, not to ride iu a Pullman '
car until the Pullman enm,,
justice to its employes. Let the cars
run absolutely empty. Friends of
labor, no lover, of humanity will oc-
emiv m.., 1 . :
--,v - . uerm 111 a Pullman oar
Let this policy be Inaugurated, aud
then we will see how long the railway .
companies will be bound by the eon
tracts, as (hey Induced the people to
believe, to haul PHmau oars. We
propose to continue iha k . -
Pu lmau compauy through good and
cPu,l "U with out regard to
-.."eiices, untiljustice shall ,e
uone. There will be no surrender.
We will use every avallubleanrl l,
menus to nreaa the nnmUOi
It is requested that all .,,,
!mughout the land, favorable fc.'V
abor, to justice, to humanity, eopv
tins stateineutfull aad keep itslandino.
as long as possible." . '
The address concludes with an earn
est appealed to the public for aid, ud
is signed by:
BugeneV. Debs, president; George
W Howard, vice-president; Sylvester
Kcimer, secretary; F. W. Rogers, edi
tor Rail way Times. ' ,
The Oregon Senatorshlp,
Although the legislature .will not
meet for six months, there is con
siderable speculation as to the suc
cessor of Senator Dnlnh T., .... .
republican majority assures theeleetion
of the man nominated at the republi
can caucus, even if a fW .hVu.l.l l .... .
1 p' To'"Pson, who has made his :
lecture on Turkev a r
about the state, would be acceptable '
to the silver men, as he is a prominent
advocate of free coinage, but his per
sonal chareteristios do not win him
many admirers or ardent sjpnorts
Senator Corbett is credited with an :
ambition to end hh days as United
States ' senator, but he is equally '
objectionable with Dolph to the silver
men aud his feeble health is against
him, Sol Hlrsch has o. 1..'.
sight of the office imr f,.,i..,
.... ... Bvici. in,-
uoitmiior wnicn tne mission to Tur- ' .
key waB not a sufficient recompense. :
Two younger and more, active re
publicans are mentioned for the pluoe
C W. Fulton and Thomas H, Tongue!
Both are extremely noniilse i,i
energetic and gifted with the rare'
quality of doing things for others '
cheerfully and eamestlr .y 1
has established a tinnn,.i,,i fartfifil 4-U..i
Is objeotlonal to the extemlsts on either
There are ho doubt others who will ba '
mentioned or will keep their Ilghtum
rods in order. The situation is botil
Interesting and perplexiuir.-Porthinrt
correspondent hi Salem Statesman.
Call 011 M, A, Miller for grense,
A. E, Davis for everything in tho
confectionery line.
N. W, Smith keeps tho Eldorado
Castor machine oil. best in u, 1.1
for farm machinery,
Aiaker is receiving clothing, boon
and shoes, dally, iu spite of thft ,lurJ ,
t.mes. Ills low prices make the goods '
sell. ... :!
"Many of the cilizens of PAln.,.in
Indiana, are never without a bottle of
tuaiuueriBiii's Gough Remedy In the :
house," says Jacob Brown, the leaditl r
merchant of the place. This Remedy
has proven of so much value for colds,
oroup and whooping cough In children
that few mothers who know lb) worth
are willing to be without It. For sate
by N. W. Siultli, druegiat.