The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 20, 1894, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
. Alias Jessie Ralaton left today for her
home In Portland.
Tom Parker Is now driving the
' Sweet Home stage.
Hon. C. B. Montague was In Salem
this week on business.
Mrs. N.W. Smith returned home
'Wednesday from a visit to her sister.
R, P. Bach will have your picture
enlarged free. Purchase (10 worth of
W. B. Donaca shipped nine hundred
sacks of oat to the Ban Francisco mar
ket this week.
Miss Nona Miller returned borne
Saturday from an extended visit in
Rev. G. W. Gibony, of Oregon City,
was visiting In the city the first of tbe
Frank Settle and wife left the first of
the week for the mountains for' a two
' weeks' outing.
Llceuse Saturday for tbe marriage
of John W. Scanland and Mary E.
Miss Jessie Ralston's friends gave
her a farewell party hut night at tbe
residence of A. J. Adams.
B. K. Kirk and wife are visltiug
friends and relatives In Benton oouaty
this week.
W.J.Guy and family left for tbe
mouutalua this week for a month or
six weeks outing,
lirs. J. H. Clelan of Albany was in
tbe city this week vlsitiug with ber
daughter Mrs. C. G. Rawlings.
Ed Kellenberger, J. C. Gordon and
the two gentlemen from Portland re
turned borne from tbe mountains last
Cbas. F. Miller, who Is now working
in a drugtore in Forest Grove, spent
Sunday In this city with bis parents
juid friends. ,
last Saturday afternoon Chas Amos'
delivery home got frightened at the
train and ran away, tearing tbe back
all to plea '
The Junior Endeavor of the Presby
terian church bad a plonlo on the
liver laat Tuesday. All that attended
reported a line time.
Mrs, J. F. Stubblefield, wbobas been
visiting relatives and frledds In Baa
Ratael, Oal. for the past six months,
has returned to Lebanon. '
The W. C. T. U. of Lebanon baa ad
journed for tbe summer vaastion,
bopiugtotake up tbe work with re
newed vigor In tbe fall.
N. W. Smitb and Asa Baker re
turned borne but Saturday from fish
Lake. Tbey rode from there down in
one day and reported a fine time.
: Bev. N. J' Bryans and wife are still
conducing tbe revival meeting In
their tabernacle in tbe Gore grove
Bortb of tbe city. They have large
crowds every evening and the interest
Is good. .
Mr. 8. 0. Wallace and Mrs. Elisa
beth Gflsham were married at the
borne of the bride in this city last
Sunday at 4 o'clock, Rev. E. Entes
officiating. Tbe Expiuhi extends its
best wishes.
Mr. J. G. Boyle, who has tbe eoor
tract to build tbe spring bouse atSoda
ville, bas tbe frame of the structure up
and it is nearly inclosed. HJa family
is stopping with blm while be Is work
ing there. '
Rev, Jones, a Cumberland Presby
terian minister, of McMiunvllle, will
preach in the C. P. church In this city
on July 28, tbat being the fifth Sun
day. All are invited.
Died at his residenoe near Rowland.
July 12th, 1894 Lewis Long, aged 80
years, 4 month and 28 days. Mr.
Long crossed tbe plains to Oregon in
3864 and settled on the farm where be
died. He was respected by all who
Jtnew him.
Married. On Wednesday afternoon,
Joly 18, 1894, at tbe resldedoe of Geo.
W. Burkbart, in Albany, Mr. A. J.
Wbiteaker, of Independence, and Miss
Selina Burkuart of Albany. Mr. and
Mrs. Wbiteaker have the best wishes
of ail their many friends each aide tbe
The residence of Rev. J. R. Klrkpat-
rlck In Selma, Cat., caught fire on the
evening of July 8 and was destroyed
' The family were all at church during
tbe evening and were on their borne
when tbe fire was dlsoovered. Most of
the contents were saved. It is sup.
posed to be tbe work of an Incendiary.
Dr. T. C. Maoaey formerly of A!
ban.v and Dr. Courtney have formed a
copartuership and will in the future
practice together in this olty. Dr,
Maokey is a man who has bad 83 years
of experience. He practiced meuiolue
18 years at Coo Bay before coming to
Albany a year ago. He Is a graduate
of tbe Medical University Virginia,
His native state is Virginia but he baa'
been ou this ooast slnos '64. He comes
here well reoommended and will have
sole obarge of the business during Dr , I
CtairUMy'i aUwxw to Um euut, j
iNltm& A. Miller for fiykintf f
Bum, tn th wlfc of W. t. Moor,1
on July 17, 1N94, a 12-lb boy. :
All thou Indebted Mm. 0o. Rice
will plena and nettle.
Go to Hlraiu Baker' for your spring
clothlug. .
Mra. 0. D. Montague, of Portland. Is
In the elty, veiling berpareuta.
Just received, a large shipment of
machine oil t M. A. Miller's. .
Redpath Brnthrr's shoes at Bead
PeanocK and Co.
Times are bard. Buy your groceries
at Pecliler's and save money. '
Buy your grooeries at Peeblor'i and
save money.
Trimmed hum for one dollar. At
Mrs. Geo. Rice's.
Dr. B. H. Frazier will leave for Port
land about the 2fth lust, to be gone
about one month.
Owing to hard times all millinery
will tx greatly reduced for thirty days.
At Mrs. Geo. Rice's.
The best grooeries and furnishing
goods at the lowest prions at PughA
Munscy's. Try them.
Marriage licenses have been issued
to J. IS. Murtevant and Georgette
You can get a useful medicine tum
bler with every bottle of medlciue
bought of N. W.Smith,
For pure black varnished finished
carriage paint, call on M. A. Miller,
'and don't forget it." ,
If you waul to get nice fresh bread
go to Feebler'.
If you want photos marie and havn'l
the money Boyd will tahe yuur in
duoc. W lien yiMi want In buy n suit nf cloth
ln. vmi will wive Ni'iney by rfi'lting
it at Bach's.
When jotl want a new b,it (Ni'i f.r-
get Pugb and M unsey. Tbey Iwve the
latest styles.
The 4th of July Is past and you can
get your photoes made at the Lebanon
Art Gallery for 25 cts.
Yon can get a photo of the decorated
streets of Lebanon for 25 cents at the
Lebanon Art Gallery
Call at the Racket store, in Kirkpat
lick's building, and get prices. No
trouble to show goods.
Those who patronize Pngh A Munaey
always gettbe best there is in the mar
ket; at lowest prices.
J. E. Adoox, agent for the Albany
steam laundry, sends washings down
on Tuesdays only. . J'
M. A. Miller i in receipt of a very
large flock of lead and oil, pure white
lead and guaranteed oil.
Hiram Baker received a large in'
voice of Spring clothing this week of
tbe latest shades and styles.
The Lebanon hose team won on the
fourtb because tfcsy greased their cart
with oil bought at M. A- Miller.
A line of hoi h cotton and wooleu
drees goods have just arrived at Read,
Peacock Cp's. Something ''new,
Every cash purchaser of 119 worth of
gouds at 8. P. Bacbs store jets a crayon
portrate of themselves or frelnd free,
Bee sample of work in bis window.
Dr. Frailer will take wood or any
farm produce at the market price, In
payment for dental work. All work
, v . ,, . jjaud religions prosperity bf this com-
--"" - .r;,munlty. Tothisendl desl
any repairing of organs, having had
long experience In first-class factories.
Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon,
It Is not generally kpoan tbat there
is a person in the radius of three
miles of this city that Is 101 years old
but that is tbe age of Mra. Simons
who lives between this place and
Sdavllle. .
H. B. Hewitt of Portland, won all
the races but one in the tourameut at
Taooma. Hewitt 1 the man who won
tbe races at Salem, defeating Charles
Sears of Albany by only small dis
tance. Corvallls claims to have an
unknown wbaaan beat any of them.
Harry Cusick had tbe misfortune
Thursday to be severly kicked by a
horse. He had gone out to his father's
farm, and attempted to drlye a lose
horse away from the gate, when the
animal kicked him viciously upon tne
knee. It is thought, however, bis
njurywill not be severe.
"Many of thecillien of Palnsvllle
Iudiaua, are never without a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house," says Jacob Brown, the leading
merchant of tbe place. This Remedy
baa proven of so much value for colds,
croup and whooping oougb In children
that few mothers who know Its worth
are willing to be without it, For sale
by N. W. Smith, druggist.
A hotel olerkat Huntington brought
info play a common faculty tbat saved
blm several dollars. Two robbers, one
algbt recently, at the point of pistols,
demauded tbe money In the safe, but
the olerk didn't have the combination.
Then they would take what was lo
the till. The clerk bad the nerve to
make them believe It was empty.
Lastly, they demanded the oasb In
bis pockets, but with supreme "gall"
be inaisted that be was broke, aud
tbey departed, although there was S3A
' tt Uil awlllt&J In Ui packets.
' ; vf";tlAt
Mr. Qmrge Buhl and MIks Iva
firallli were Unitei I In the holy Uoutla
of matrimony Itiet Wednesday morn-
jliutt o'cloen, July 18, 1SB4, actus
I home of tbe bride's parenMlii thlxclty,
Ilev. J. H. BeattlA officiating, using
the beautiful aiid ii npresslve ring ser
vice In the cere ra ony. There were
present the parent ot the .bride, also
brother and sisters, with the brother
of the groom and a lew select friends,
Mr. B'ihl is one of Lebanon's most
popular young men of a good character
and fine business qualifications and is
Well thought of by all who know blm.
Mlsa Smith Is the second daughter of
our townsman p. M. Smith and is an
accomplished and highly respected
voung lady. Mr. Buhl la to be congrat
ulated on winning tbe heart and hand
of such a helpmeet through life.
The newly married couple left on
the morning train immediately after
the ceremony for Portland where they
will spend, a few days. On their re
turn they will begin house keeping in
their new residence which is now
being erected.
Mr. and Mrs. Buhl have a host of
friends in this place with whom the
Expkksb joins in wishing them a
happy journey through life.
Fire Generation!.
On Monday C. G. Rawlings had Mr.
Boyd, the photographer, to go up to
Mrs. Bimous' and take a group of five
generations, such a group as one will
hardly see in a life-time. They were
all of the feminine gender, the eldest
being 101 years old, while the youngest
was three and a half mouths. The
group consisted of Mrs. Sftnons, aged
101 years, Mrs. Joe Welt, aged 64 years
Mrs. J. H. Clelan, aged 44 yean, Mm.
C. G. Rawlings, aged 20 years, and
Mra. Rawlings' baby, aged three and
a half months. Whether it Is on ac
count of such a healthy country that
members of this group have reached
this age or not we are unable to say.
But we do say that we will wager that
a person will have to hunt a long time
before tbey could find another such
Oue or Orecon'i Pioneers.
We bad tbe pleasure of meeting Mr. 1
Edward Loat this week, of Bclo. Mr.
Lost was In the city on his return from
a visit to Mr. Meadows Vauderpool, of
Sodaville. Mr. Loat Is an old pioneer
of this va)ley, he having landed in
Portland the last day of January, 1850
and then walked to this valley. He
took up a aanch near Bclo where he
still resides. Mr. Loat is 79 years old
and has never had to use eye-glasses,
his eyesight being as good as'it ever
was. His memory is very accurate
and it was a great pleasure to converse
with him. He said he had lived in
country probably longer thau auy one
now In it 44 years, and Is, perhaps, as
little known as auy one. lie bas not
had hit bair cut for 12 years and long,
golden locks hang down over' bis
shoulders. Mr. Vanderpool, bis old
friend whom he visits quite often, is
now 97 years of age.
Church Notice.
Having accepted the pastorate of the
Church of Christ in Lebanon, I desire
to say I oome among you for the one
purpose of helping in the upbuilding
of "pure aud uiideflled religion" in
this oommuulty, aud humbly pray
j that we may contribute to tbe peace
iiiity. To this end I desire to cor
dially Invite tbe co-operation of all
good people. Place of worship, the
Santiam Academy. Time of services,
11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Services will
begin promptly at the hours announced
Preaching next Buuday, July 22d.
Our watchaord. Is, and shall be, "Jesus
and Him crucified." All are cordially
Invited to attend, and I desire espec
ially to see next Sunday morning, all
who are, or who have been, members
of this organization.
x Ju Hope and Love,
We learn from Superintendent
Downing tbat there are now 368
prisoners in tbe penitentiary, one of
whom is a woman. This Is one con
vict tP about 888 of our population.
The highest number n our pen-
Iteutiary at one time was In June 1892,
when It was 424' Salem Independent.
Tne Junction uty Times says:
During the session of the last legis
lature Lane county headed the list
on the call of "yeas" and "nays" in
boll) branches of the legisture, Pen
atnr Alley in tiie senate and P. (J.
Baughman in the house. This was
considered rather a remarkable coinci
dence. ' This coincidence will be re.
nested next January as nenator Alley
will ooutiuue to bead the list in the
senate and C. H. Backer will head
fheliit iu tbe house. Lane county
Is determined to keep at the head of
the prdoesston.
strayed or stolen.
From Waterloo on the night of July
4, J894. one bay mare pony, bridle aud
doubU'-clneh saddle, Weight of pony
about 800 pounds, white snipe In face,
one white bind foot, end of tall cropped
and is about 8 years old. Any Infor
mally which win iwsist me in nndlng
the above described pony and saddle
will be liUTully rewarded by
I). WlltQUT,
)wwt Uuuie, Or,
Po$r 5ysjd,
The grant's Courier says the
carrier pigeons win to that plara by
the Puget Bound Homing club to be
turned louse for a trial of speed bad
bad luck In getting back to their home
in. Puyallup. The weather on the
sound was miserable and foggy and
the first ones did not reach home till 1
o'clock the next afternoon 31 hours
after leaviug Grant's Puss. Several
of them had not reached home when
Mr. Mocker wrote Mr. Ellis on the 6th
inst. They will . try again some of
these days,
Colng Too Far
Governor Pounoyer pardoned C. W.
Burleigh sentenced from Lincoln
county for rape on a'tcn year old girl,
and gave as the reason that the pros.
ecutlng attorney did not think the
prisoner guilty. Mr. Concon, the pros,
ecutlng attorney quickly Jumps Into
print and declare that Burleigh was
plainly guilty and to turn such a
friend loose on the public is itself a
crime. A hard hit the Governor.
Coming to Portland
It Is learned ou reliable authority
tbat a traffic arraauyment has been
made, or is about to lie made, between 1
the Great Northern Railway Company
and the Oregon Railway uud Navig
ation Company, which by freight and
passenger trains of the former will en
ter and leave Portlaud over the Hues of
the latter. The connecting point will
be at Spokane, Wash., where the two
lines now joiu.-rOregouian-
Change of Officers.
At a late meeting of the dirrctorb of
the Bank ofScio, P. O. Smith was
elected vice president, succeeding G.
W. Phillips, who bas (imposed of his
bunk stock. W. A. Ewiug was elected
cashier aud A. J. Jchnsnn, assistant
canhie'r. Mr. Ewing will assume his
duties sometime in September when
Mr. Johnson will retire, bis attention
being required by other important
All Trelm Now Running;.
Chicago, July 17. The railwav
strike was not in evidence today ex.
ceptatthe headquarters of the Amer
ican Railway Union. There the
committee declared strike was on "red
hot," but the railroad showed no
signs of trouble. The packing-houses
were all at work, and business was
apparently assuming its hormul con
dition. Debs and the other American Rail
way Union leaders refused to give
bail ip the contempt eases and wero
sent to jail.
At Sacramento.
Sacramento, Cal., July 18. Not-
withstanding General Superintendent
Fillmore's declaration last night tbat
all trains would be running on sched
ule time within 12 hours the indica
tions are that only a few trains will
leave here today.
A Train Wreck In QhcagO,
Chicago, July 17. A Milpaee St.
Paul suburban train today was
w eked at Klnsie street. No one was
hrt. Officer! of the road deny itrik-
era caused the wreck,
The first break in the ranks of Puli-
mrii strikers has oceured; ISO Hol
landers have been put to work on the
tracks back of the Pullinau foundry.
No effort was made to plevent the
men form going to work.
LaKe of Trainmen at Oakland
Oakland, Cal, July 18. The situa
tion Is unchanged here' Passenger
trains are moving, but the company is
embarrassed by a lack of trainmen
and are unable to successfully handle
freight. Tbe strikers say that the
average freight business out yf Oak
land Is 18 or 20 trains daily , aud de
clare that in two days past but five
freight trains have left the elty. "if
this is.running tbe road," said a lead
ing striker, "we are beaten, but it is
Independent Evangelical Services.
first Buudav iu each month at
Brownsville at 11 a. h. and 7.80 p. m.
Second Sunday at Waterloo at 11 A. M,
and 7:80 p. M. Third Buudav at
orownaviiie ai n a. M. sua J:3UP. m.
Fourtb Sunday at Sodaville at 11 A. M.
Middle Bidite at 8 p. M. Waterloo at
7:30 P. . All are cordially invited to
aueuu uiese appointments.
V. a. tOOWMAN.
Racket Store.
Having opened a racket store iu Kirk Pa
trick's building, we respectfully invite al
to call and inspect our stock. We buy our
goods in New York and propose to sell at
eastern prices. Head tbe following
Umbrellas, good cotton, 50c; best, 72c; silk, 91.05
Puuolti, Kilk, 65c, $1.07, $1 .02.
Ladies hoEe,8,9, 10 to 26.
Heu'iHOOka, T, 8, 10 and 12'-
Cral), cotton, etc., aK Unoii, 10c.
Corsets, 26c, 4&c, 70c,
Thread, 2c; pius, 2c ; ncCdlcs, 2c.
KawliWe wlilps, Ittc; Java, idO, whaletHmc, 85c,
Whito drusuijocKls, 8.;c, 7, lQllJ-ij.
Turkish towel., lac pot' patr, c per pair.
Mou'b uliirts, 20, 41, 46; while, 41, 4t), '
Mod's under shirt and drawers. 27, S4, 38.
Ladles' vents, 8, 1 16 and M,
Clothes brunhm, 10c; hflir brushes, 8c, ISe,
Pocket boukh,tf,, Sand 7.
Pencils with rubbers, U ,
Otlter tilings In proportiuu. -GiyeusaottU.
Headquarters for
Only 1st Class Stock of ' ' '
. .
Dress Goods in Lebanon.
;Give us a Call? ' ' -
Highest market price paid
for country produce.
M'l 'il IHNM. .Z,1hZ&1l Wf,
f, Mi I'll ltvVV,? ,-
s. p. Bach
Who always carries a
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
gods, groceries, &c.
If you do not already give'him your patronage try him.
and you will always trade at lgs store.
In Mitj's Brick.
Wheels! Wheels!!
The Two Leaders of tho .World 1 :
Sond for catalogues.
Write for bargains in second-hand and '93 wheels.
Albany, Oregon,
Also see Chas. M. Anderson, at the Express Office.
Paper la and GemiW.
nicely selected stock of '
Iltit Door to Jjaiik,