1 LEBANON, OREGON, JULY -13, 1894. VOL VIII. NO. 20 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. (If paid In adac, II (u per yea.-.) Six month 1 Thre months - w glajleoupU .... - - STTE OFFICF.HS. f,N,2,'t1!: i nl Senators John H. Mitchell,) Dinger Hormunli , tloiiKressnian Bylveater I'cnnoyer Governor Genrjte W. McBrido,...,..,;.Hec!rotary of Stale Phil Metaoban Treasurer E. B. McKlroy, Snpt. Public Instruction Frank 0. Bakor, Btate Printer H. 8. Stuhn. 1 Wm. h IflKU Supreme JutlRns R. H. Bean, I COUNTY OFFICERS. Jude,... J. N. Duncan Clerk .?. N. P. Payne Recorder, E. E. UaviB Btierln", C. C. Jocknou School Superintendent G. H. Wilkes Treasurer Hrlcc Wallace Assessor W. F. Deakins Surveyor, E. T. T. f islier Coroner, a rrann rarreu iWm. ltumbauKii iJoliu Puirb Commissioners, ,CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR C B. MONTAGUE. KKOOUDEll A. F. BTOWIC. CITY ATTOUNEY.......H. M. GAllI.ANU. TREASUIIEII J. F, HYDE. , MARSHAL J. W. MOltOAN. fEI). KFXl.ENlSKItGEH, J. tt. UKKi, It. c. cotton. OOUNOI1.MEN I). ANDUEWH. IS. H. MYKliS. ' IG. W. UlCE. !lty Council meets en Hie first and third Tuesday evonhiRS ofoacb mouth. Secret Societies. IdCBANON LOIHIK, NO. 47, I.O. 0. F.-Meot mrr Saturday evening at Odd Kultowi Hall, nt Mtekv.,. J. W. 1IKNZ1E8, N. G. H. II. GARLAND, Boot'y. PSABL RF.HECCA LOUGH, NO. 47. 1. (I. 0. K. Maeta at I. 0. 0. F Hall tint and third Wednes day evenhiti of oach mouth. Ulla. 0. W. RHUSON, N. G. , MISS HATTU1 SIMMON, Boct'y. o Louoa, No, 44 A. T. A. M.-Mcou Saturday evening, on or bolero the foil moou In cb mouth. k, E. Haiuuck, W. M, jr. M. Uium. Son. Hosw lotos, No. 38, A. 0. II. W.-MoeU every TlHMla; evening at 0. A. B. Mall. ,C. A. mm, M. W. H. Y. Kiairjcraica, Rec, Ot'l Maiooi Car, No. 10, MV ofOaoio SoMOFVtT'a.-Meot InQ.A. K. Hall, Lebanon, Or., every Saturday evening, curopt the third Saturday of each month, niuetiiig the third Fri day Instead. All brothers or the Sons of Vet erans and oomradesof the U. A. R. are cordially Invited to meet with the Camp. J. 0. 0BR, Cant. A. TSHNMt, First Begt. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Garland. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, LEBANON. OREGON. John M. Sombrs, -Attorney-at-Law- Will practice in all the conrta ol the stale. LEBANON.' OREGON. '"A. F. ST OWE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Collection! given prompt and careful attention. Will practice hi all the eourta of the slate. OSKICK IS COURTNRV'S SltlflK. Lebanon, Oregon. Weatherford S Wyatt, ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEGON. W.1SILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W. M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Be Sure and Call on HOPKINS BROS., . OF-,. ' k Albany, Oregon, FOB : HeatingStoYes, Cook Stoves, &c. BEST GOODS. jpj WMST PRICES. "As old m the hills" jtnd never p'ccU ed. "Tried and proven " is the verdict ' of millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the Ti law riPffpV'onlj Livr - ' V V V W I ftnf and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a Tha, M cure. A ' ' mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid Pills neys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be takon dry ormadeintoa tea. The King of Liver Medlolne. "1 have used your Hlmmons Liver Regn lauti ud euu conscientiously say It is me king of ail liver medleiues, 1 consider 11 a medicine chest In itself. Geo. W. Jack Jon, Tacoma, Washington. W-EVEKV PACKAGE'S Baa tha Z Stamp la nd on East and South . THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Portland daily I d:l!i v. M. j I,v... Portland Ar. !0:2:t p. m. LV... Albany.. ..Ar. 10:16 a. H. 1 Ar.Han Francisco Lv R:20a. . 4:28 a. m. 7:00 r. U. The above triiius sloi at all stations from Portland to Albany itielustvejalso Tangent, SIiihIiI, Mtilsey, ilvrrisbiirg, junction City, Irvine, Eugene uid uli sUitions from Kose burg to Asblund inclusive. Koseburg mail daily: h :: a." M. I I ,v '. . F6rtlmidA rT 4:20 r. . IS :4fi p. m. I.v...Albnn.v Ar. 12:30r. u. B:(KJ P. M. Ar.lioseburg.LvJ7:(IOA1. Local passenger trains tlally (except 8tinda,v. : "liSfl r. . Lv...AiEai iy..Kr.'W Si a. at. 2it p. a. Ar...Lebanon....I,v. 9:30 a.m. 8:10a.m. Lv...Albany Ar. 8:26p.m. 0:110 A. M. Ar...Letnuo Lv. 2:39p.m. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman BwrnT Sleepers AND Second-Clitas Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trnins. West Hide IJlvlHlon. BktIVEKN PouTt.ANO AKO CORVAU.lfl. Mail train daily (except Sunday): '7:30 a. m. j Lv... Portland ..!Ar.T 6:35 a?m. 12:lfi P. M. Ar...C'orvullis. .Lv. 1:00 p. M. At Ailmnv and Corvallis coiuiect with trains of Oregon .Pacilic ruilroad. Kxpress train daily (except. Sunday)! 4:40 P. Lv." 1'orllund .7.Ar7; :36 A. M. 7:3op. M. I Ar.McMinnville Lv I 6:S0 A. M. THROUGH TICKETS 1" ft1? V S.HMti,,.,, NliitnH. ( .an. ada and lilnrojie can be obtained at lowest nues from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon. It. KOKHLKK'; Manager. 1!. P. ROaEUH, Asst. U. F. Fuss. Agt. To Advertisers.. If you wish to obtain th best returns from your advertisements Don't Forget the important fact that The Lebanon Express will give the desired results, us it Is The Best Advertising Medium in Uua County. " STATE AND COAST. Clipped From Our Exchanges Throughout the West. ( Judge J. J. Murphy is to build a 15,01)0 residence at Salem. Newport expects the StateToach ers' Association August 8. The St. Helens Mist is anxious for a constitutional convention. Work has begun on the Tillamook academy, which is to cost $6,000. The Drain Normal is to save 20 per cent of its teachers' salaries by reductions. The Methodist midsummer camp meeting at Monroe resulted in 69 Conversions. The bank of Forest Grove has reorganizedincreasing its capital stock to $50,000. Itoscburg has,. a sugar famine, doubly unwelcome coming as it does in the berry season. A broom factory lias started up at McMinnville by two brothers named Smith from Nebraska. Hard-up taxpayers in Coos county want the county court to forego costs on delinquent taxes until fall. Several carloads of cattle, sheep, etc., are gathered at Jacksoville for shipment, pending a raise of the blockade. Columbia county's representative-elect, T. J. Cleeton, is just finishing out' his term as county school superintendent. The Pacific can factoru at Astorii is now running overtime. Last week they shipped to canneries on the upper river over 1, 500,000 cans. Plans have been drafted for 'Wil lamette University's new gymna sium. It is to be 60x80, with lockers and baths' in the lower story and the upper floors in the clear. , The Salem bcIiooI district has borrowed $12,000 from . Banker Hush, enabling it to take up some $12,000 in outstanding warrants, mostly in the hands of teachers and janitors. The West Ashland Ditch Com pany has made arrangements with the Ashland council to deed their property to the city in considera tion of if 3400, to be paid in rents taken from the water works within the next eight years. The sherifl's of all the counties along the line of 'the Southern Pacific huve been requested to protect the property of the road in their respective counties. The large amount of taxes paid by the road entitles it to the best protec tion in a time like this. Cottage Grove Leader: 0 W White, on his larm a few miles from town, while cutting hay with a machine Saturday, came near' being killed. One horse that was wild, commenced running around the other, a gentle one, until the machine, turning over, frightened it too. Both started to run and Awarded Highest Honors-World' Pair. . MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret front Ammonia, Alum ar any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANOARft JAfflN Fit 111 Mr. While was thrown under the machine in such a manner that he was caught under it and drugged until his clothing was torn off and there was scarcely a place the size of a mini's hand that was not cut or bruised. He at last succeeded in getting loose and went to the house. A physician was ealjed, w ho sewed up some of the cuts and in a few days he expects to be all right again. Last Saturday .las. Wolf, of Brownsville, met with an accident that came near costing him an eye. He was cutting cord wood, when a sjilinter flew and struck him in the corner of the eye, just barely miss ing the ball. Dr. Starr removed the same and Mr. Wolf is now getting along very nicely. Last Wednesday night some one broke into the grocery store of Finley McRae in Brownsville and relieved the till of about $8 in silver. An entrance was effected through it rear door, by cutting a hole therein and raising the cross-bars that have hitherto "answered 'as a lock. The Florida man who bid for the North Yamhill and Tillamook mail route, found that roads in Tillamook are not built from asphalt, and in order tc subcontract the same was compelled to experience a loss of $830. ..Phillip H. Messner, of North Yamnill, is the subcontrac tor. Harry Hopkins, who graduated from the University of Oregon last year, graduated from Oberlin col. lege, at Oberlin, 0., in June. He will cow go to Benita, Ind., and take a position as principal of an academy there to which he has recently been elected. He is son of 3 j B. Hopkins, of Eugene. Coos county furnishes some odd coincidences in its election returns. Coquille City cast identically the snme number of votes, 71, for Hermann in 1804 and 1892; Myrtle Point the same number each year, 1 i 2. Empire gave him one more 102 this year, 101 last. He gained a little at . Baiidon and lost at Marsh field. The teachers' institute for the first judicial district, including the the counties of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake, which had been appointed .to meet at Ashland, on the 9th, 10th and 11th insts., will probably be postponed on. account of the uncertainty in the matter of continuous railway service. In the Klamath Falls lire the county treasurer lost his safe, md about $5,000 was contained in it, consisting of currency and coin. The currency was destroyed and the gold and silver is melted together. The money was to have been turned over to the newly elected treasurer that day. Assessor-elect Ted Parker, of Lincoln county, confirms the report that the Haac Banta gold machine, an ordinary sluice box in which chemicals are used to assist in sep arating the gold from the black sand, is being used with considera ble success in beach mining. ' Five of the sluices are in operation at Collins' place, just south of Seal Rocks, and others are being made ready to go to work. The regular subscription price of the Express Is $1.50 a year, und the regu lar subscription price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscrib ing for the K.xi'UKKs and paying uie year In advance, oan get both the Ex pkkss and the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2.00. All old suhacrihers paying their aubseriptians for me year In advance will be entitled to the same Her. ' Baker is rnoetvlng clothing, hooti ami shoes, daily, in spite of the hard f ines. Hie low prices make the goods sell. . A. K Davis fnt1 everything in t lie euntwitiuuwy line. THE STRIKE. , v j The Knights of Labor Called Out. MURDEROUS WORK OF STRIKERS. San Francisco Company Q Coujt Mar tiaied and Dishonorably Die- ' charged. The Militia Court Martial Bacbamknto, July 10. Thd court martial of San Francisco Company (i which left Ihe line when thejtroops were about to be sent against the strikers on the 4th, has been concluded, Lieutenant Mclver, the regulatg army officer who came up here to Inspect the troops, and Captain Tildeo, pf the iiationaF guard, made statement on behalf of the prisoners. They pplnted out the miiigating circumstances of extreme heat, fatigue, hunger and general demoralization. The verdict of the court martial will be delivered today, and it is understood that the men are to be deprived pf all benefits, given a month in the guard-house, and at the expiratiou of the term art to be dishonorably discharged from the ser vice. This sentence carries with it a perpetual order barring them, from occupying any public position of honor or profit in California. There laj some hope that the sentence may be suspen ded to give the offenders a cbajnee to redeem themselves. A Freight Train Wrecked. La Salle, 111., July 10. A freight train was wrecked between this city and ITtica, on the Rock Island road, today. Nineteen ears left the track. The spikes holding the rails in place had been drawn.- Tht track ran along the bank of a canal and) by a little short of a miracle the entire train did not go Into the water, i The engineer and fireman saved themselves by jumping , .,. , k r .,-,. . At Sacramento. Sacrambkto, July 10. At S o'clock this morning eleven heavily armed .(I i iters arrived here on an euglne, which the captured at Gait. The en gine was run to front and B streets, where It was killed by local strikers. It is now feared that bloodshed cannot bo averted.' The announcement that the regulars will arrive either tonight or tomorrow morning, has caused widespread alarm. The strikers are armed with Winchester rifles and are determined to stubbornly resist any attempt to dislodge them. .Striker! Returning to Work. Tolhdo, July 10. The Michigan Central strikers at midnight declined to go to work, The Pennsylvania is moving all trains without trouble. The strike on the Hocking Valley is oyer tit this point. Ami Arbor officials have issued orders discontinuing all scheduled freight trams. The Lake Ahore yardb is the only point of trouble. At Welt Oakland. West Oakland, July 10. The sit uation in Oakland this morning is un changed. Absolute quiet prevails, and Superintendent Wilder says no move will be made by the compauy until the troops arrive. The sentiment Is gen eral among the stiikert that they will not oppose the forces of the govern ment, should they come. Knlghti of Labor 8trlke, Chicaoo, July 10. General Master Workman Bovereigu says he is now engaged in writing the order for a gen eral strike of the Knights of Labor everywhere tomorrow. He expects the order will affect nearly 1,000,000 men, present aud former members, of the organization. Unless something unforeseen occurs, the order will go Into effect tomorrow. Murderous Work of Striken. Sacramento, July 11. A delayed Southern Pacific train was started for San Francisco this afternoon with a number of regulars on board. The train hud proceeded but a few miles out of Sacramento when it was fired upon by men in ambush. The engin eer was shot and seriously wounded. The fireman escaped uninjured. Before the regulars could return the Are the train ran Into uu obstruct iou aud was ditched. Three soldiers were killed and several wounded. All Running on Time. Los Anqeles, July 10. Forthe first' time since the tie-up a Sunset overland truiu left the Southern Paelftc depot for New Orleans this morning, just half an hour late. ' The truth was re: iilnrly made up with express, mail, bagKuge aud Pullman Ooachev. The train crew are not American Hallway Union men. Englneera Alklng Ralnitatament. Toledo, July 10,-Receiver Calloway of the Clover Leaf, reports that the engineers on the western division of that road are applying for reinstate ment and are being taken on as new men at any rate the road chooses to pay. . . , ... Wtbaih Blockade Railed. Ahhlky, lnd July 10. The black ade on the Wabash road has been raised. All union, men are at work Hiram Aglc was arrested last night and taken to Indianapolis. ' Agle is local president of the American Rail way Union. , , . ' Train Held By a Mob. Pittsbuko, July 10.-The Chicago limited, on the Fort Wayne road, ar rived three hours late today, having been held up by a .mob near Fort ' Wayne. Windows were broken and there were bullet holes in the cars. Buffalo Hjpeful. Buffalo, July 10. The probability of a strike in Buffalo grows less hour ly, and railroad officials express the belief, there will be no strike here. Malls are nearly on schedule time today. At tha Stockyard!. CniCAao, July 10,-The blockade ot the stockyards was raised today. A train of 55 ears of meat went through the yards without obstruction, being the first to leave since July 4. All Quiet at Detroit. Detroit, July 10. All striking em ployes of the Union Station AnsociaV tiou, whose tracks are used by several roads, have returned to work, and everything is going smoothly. The Rio Grande Road... Denver, July 10. The Rio Grande road is now open through to the West, the strikers at Hallda having returned to work today. At 8acramento. Sacramento, July 11. When the regulars arrived, the strikers had already abandoned thesituatiou. Sac ramento is now under martial law. Five Hours in a Well, Louis Winters, a young man em ployed on a farm at Rockwood, aplfce about 10 miles east of Portland, had a narrow escape from drowning in. an old well Sunday. Winters was draw ing water when the planking gave way, aud he fell Into the water, which was about eight feet deep, carrying some of the plunks with hinr. By strenuous exertions, Winters managed to keep his head, above water uutil he could get a safe hold on the timbers. Then he attempted to climb out, but when half way to the top, again fell to the bottom. Several such efforts had no better result. He called lustily for help, but no one heard him. He made the beat of the situation, and arrang ing some plunks about the well, re mained In the frigid water for nearly five hours, when Mr. W. B. Steele, of Oresliam, happened along. He no ticed that the well had partly caved In, and on Investigating, saw Winters in tile u ntor, with his head resting on a plank. The voung man was nearly frozen to death, aud was unable to give more than a faint response to Mr. Steele's calls. Mr. Steele procured a a rope and sent for assistance. A man was let down in the well in a basket, and tied a rope around Winters' body, and he was hoisted up. When taken to hia home, Winters was nearly life less, but prompt measures revived him. He is still very weak, but will recover. Sugar Getting Scarce. There is considerable uneasiness at present, says the Eugene Guard, among those who have use .for sugar, for fear they will not be able to obtalu all they need. The grocers of the oily exhaus ted their stock of granulated sugar Tuesday aud not a pound can be ob tained in the city. The steamer Eu gene was on her way up from Portland and was bringing some as tar as Cor vallis, and more had been ordered from Sail Francisco, and. freight wagons were Blurted for Corvallis Tuesday to get It and bring It up as quickly as possible. Our grocers were receiving telegrams by the dozen from merchants south of here calling for sugar, they being -willing to pay any price they might usk. There is lib sugar south of here, and no opportunity to get It until I rains are restored. Some towns have Jif out several days- This sugar famine is coining at a bad time, for fruit now needs attention and .unless preserved at once will be lost for all time.