GAIBLEG DEVICES. ELECTRICITY EMPLOYED BY 8CIEN . TIFIC SHARPERS. 1 . FOOTSORE FAGIN'S TOUGH RUNl. it.tlnr IVeeerloUoiis of T ThlMre" By MMlpalnUin the Correal the Dealer Cm Wert tho Wtaiwr Erory ' Tline But the Fools BttU Bet. It is time warn motto that man Is a fool who attempt to beat another at hu own game. NeYertheleat there is a perpetual and rich orop of gnllibles who insist upon throwing their hard earned mraiBT awaT in the vain and elnrire hope that a fortune is within their easy Both Bodla' 4 Pound, mum, ' The method is to them of no oonae guence. They einoerelybelieye that the means deaenre the end, and with this harmful and foolish idea in view they state on their downward career, fully beliering themselves competent to get the beet of the sharper. But the sharper is proud of his name, and he doea his best to deserve ms one. no gouonj euooeeds and then lies in wait for an other viotm. The sharper is a onto one, and it seems almost a pity tnat nis en ergies are not pnt in more useful direc tions. Eie inventive ability is far above the average, and he oontrivee devices whioh are marvels in their way; but as Josh Billings tersely pnts "It i a domed poor way. " fresh in our minds are the develop ments which resulted from a raid by the police on one of the most prominent gambing establishments. Extraordinary devioes were found, mri Hvervthinn was conducted on a scale of magnifloenoe and ingenuity that was marvelous to behold. Bleotrioity played a prominent part In fact, everything that could be done to further the aims of the gamblers in a dishonest way was carried out to a point bordering on per fection. There was one device for stopping the passage of a marble at a certain point, which oonld be changed at the will and discretion of the operator in charge. Each oompartment was regularly num bered and had underneath it a small accreted electro magnet, the wires from which were so connected with spring contact points placed under , a foot board, which in turn was situated and hidden an the floor, that the ball oonld be arrested in its progress at any point Here, though, was apparently a diffi culty in conneotion with its suooessful operation. While it is true that the ball could be stopped, the suddenness of the stop would immediately attract the suspicions of the players. It was evident that the stoppage must be per formed gradually, so as to appear nat ural. A quick glance at the wheel show ed the operator which oompartment was the most profitable one for him. " The ball slowed up, stopped, and he gather ed in his ill gotten gains. The gradual slowing up was by asuo oessive number of weak impulses sent through the adjoining electro magnets, thus retarding the progress of the ball which was completed by an inner sphere of soft iron surrounded by a highly polished celluloid coating. Great skill on the part of the operator was of course required to avoid detection. But the men who worked this scheme felt so sure that discovery was impossible that their veiy boldness and audacity furthered their work. Murder, howev er, will out, and the secret was finally laid bare to a curious crowd. : Another device that attracted consid- erable attention was planned to deceive the most inquiring. A table was de vised the top of which "contained a number of squares laid off similar to a ohessboard. Immediately above the center of the board was suspended a light metallic hoard by means of a slen der silken thread. A compond mechan ical motion at the top of a triangular framework placed immediately over the center of the board caused the silk thread to take a rather emtio course. On the boards were placed a number of statuettes somewhat similar to chess men, but all of approximately the same height. The suspended ball was started on its emtio course while the table was slowly revolved. ; Bets were then made as to which par ticular piece would remain erect when all others were knocked down. Piece by . pieoe they dropped until but one re mained, and this one of course was de clared the prize winner. The game was even more audacious than the one above mentioned, but if anything it was more ingenious. The way in which it was made "a sure thing" for its possessors was as fol lows: Underneath each individual square was a rather strong electro mag net, all the north poles pointing upward Each magnet was separately controlled in an adjoining room, a signal being communicated to the operator by any of the well known systems common with so called "second sight" performers. Inside of the light suspended ball was a compound permanent magnet with the north pole pointing downward. Each , marker, which I described as somewhat similar to a chessman, was loaded with a pieoe of soft iron passing through its axis. The pieces for as many players as were present were placed npon the board. The operator then, according to his discretion, selected the piece whioh he desired to remain till the last The signal was given, and the ball was start ed. Of course the piece left to the last was the one selected, and time after time were his wages of cheating gath ered in. Kor did the crowd of fools diminish. Currents from a few colls of battery being sent through the electro magnet energized it north pole uppermost The piece was held rather securely against the board, and even if the light ball did knock against it the force of the blow was not sufficient to dislodge it from its position. Electrical Beview, An English jndge has decided that at a marriage ceremony, if the church doors are closed or one witness absent, the marriage i void, 1 The Smell at HU Otxarette Bmultetl In a FtulllMle of Bomp Iran. "I have traveled from Maine to Cali fornia and from Winnipeg to the City ofMoxioo. I never paid a railroad fare. I have been broke for eight years, and I never went without eating more than four days at a time. A anight of the road was ue&ra giv ing this wonderful record to a group of companions on a street corner. "Wm vou ever in a wreck?" asked reporter. ' ' - - - "Nope," said the man with a recor ( "I always was lucky that way. On' j was Tiding a blind baggage whey l he murine ran onto an open Bwitoh. T ,,., gine and oar i was on won uuu- J(J(J mA I was t'rowed about 80 f eet Ir- to & 'mmA field. IwassnooKnp, Duino- jknrt Tho toughest run I ever ma 9 WM ont Denver. The 'eon' was outo me taid I oonld not go with l him I had to leave the town, so Igr m& nei m the pilot "The flroman spt,tted ma .), ,. a few miles out m& amused himself t'rowing coal at me m& toning the hose in my ouwjmut t At the first stop I drops down, and wien she pulled out I was on ine ouDpen between the two box oars. Whea she polled tip noxt time, the con' spovued me and got a 'brakie' to keep t'rowing at me until he got tired. "I thwnght I'd try the brake beam the next time, and hid in the ditch until she, 'whist led. As she started I swung under the caboose. I got sottled on a beam next the tall platform of the ca boose, I always takes the last beam, so as if I fall off there is no train to run over me. I toght I was all right for Colorado Springs and felt so good on the beam that I lit a cigarette. The smoke gave me away. First thing I know I got a biff in the back with a coupling pin. It like to knock me off. I looks around, and there was that cussed brakie chunk ing me with all the scrap iron he could find. ..- "It was tough, I tell you. I hung on till we came to a grade, and I goes off backwards as soon as she was running slow. I had to walk the rest of the way to Colorado Springs. " Houston Fast Mr Uultfltll rtu' the Bohemia m . ned Baturday from Mr-Leu, the PW by thebedvofM He"'lemBn who toumi hetalyo' r-Dow"l,,8- fr"""' . . Weaver, who accompanied mile d' Dowr An Old and Historic Watch. "I repaired a watch when I was wort ing in Pamelia, N. Y.," said a watch maker now working in a Broadway I store, "which, although it was more than 250 years old, had been previously repaired but three times once in 1825, again in 1831 and then in 1843. "The watch has an interesting his tory. It is now the property of David Minthorn, who has an anthentio record of it It was made by Thomas Linf ord of London in 1630, and in time came into the possession of George HI, who presented it to Sir William Johnson, when he left England to take charge of affairs in the colony of Hew York. Sir William presented it to the famous In dian chief Joseph Brant, whose sister was Sir William's mistress, "In giving the watch to Brant Sir William remarked that 'it was surely worth 40 rebel scalps.' When Brant had his headquarters in the Schoharie valley, the watch was taken from him Into the mines, about half a iwn rhe canyon from where l,.l.. ...... f.,.,,,,1 !!, hod' . .s had been out of the snow some t nc and were so badly decomposed .hey could not be handled and were buried where found. The men had wandered down into a very deep can yon, with very steep sides, and the searching party had difficulty iu get down there, and lire unable to tee how the men got there. From all appear ances the men had gone down there together, and slid down a short dis tance. Downing was too near ex hausted to regain his feet, bui .Weaver managed to work down the creek about half a mile, aud his body was found about three and a half miles from the warehouse, where plenty of bedding and provision could have been obtained had he possessed sufficient strength to get that far. They left no note telling of their misfortune, and the circumstance of their tatal trip will never be known. Eugene Regis ter. The Wheat Aphis. ! Considerable excitement has been created through the country over the report that an insect of green color, small in size, was found upon the beads of wheat. It started first in' Douglas county, the Boseburg papers giving the first account- The papers here have heretofore retained from men tioning It, for the reason that It was thought best not to give any needless scare, and that the Insect might not in fact do any real damage. But the prev alence of the talk upon the subject makes it a matter of public news. It it said that insect is a grain aphis and thatltedistrlbiitlon is general through out valley. Suoh being the case It has I undoubtedly lieen here for years, not I having been noticed before, for its gen eral distribution could not have been accomplished in one season, and in all probability will not perform any great damage. It is generally accom panied with a destructive parasite anyhow. ' GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, I will call your attention to the GREATEST FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR - n er li ii mm .f r l!aa, Mn8 In Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats Caps Etc. Boots and Shoes. As I will actually noil Lower than before for the followin reasons. 1st. I have bought out my partner cheap. 2nd. I have boon getting new good very cheap lately. Fire at Harrisburg. The Harrisburg Lumlier Company's mill burned lust Saturday evening, being totally consumed. The fire originatedifrom a spark from the en glue and was so far under way before it was discovered that it was impossi ble to check It. Several thousand feet of lumder and pickets were burned. The loss was about $5000, Insured fur 2000. The company will undoubtedly rebuild in a short time and may put in a water wheel as the motive power, with other booty by Evart Van Epps of which will remove the danger from Fultonville, who was a paymaster in fire. This is the second mill that has the American army, van Jippswas on-. been burned on this site. erward taken prisoner by Brant, wno recovered the watch, "The grandfather of the present own er of the watch became a warm friend of Brant's in Canada after the war, and Brant made him a present of the ancient timepiece. It has been in the family ever since and has always kept good time. " New York Sua Umbrella and lanterns In China. If a Chinese leaves his home after night without taking with him a lan tern, suoh as is assigned to the use of the class to which he belongs, he is lia ble to arrest by the police. As soon as it is dark every city seems ablaze with Ian- terns. They light up the homes of tho rich and poor. They are attached to the angles of the pagoda. They are seen at every port and on every river. In fact, they make their appearance everywhere, and to call China the "land of lanterns" is by no means a misnomer. Umbrellas, too, are of mnch importance, in China, because there the umbrella is a mark of rank. Two large red silk umbrellas sig nal the approach of the governor general of a province. A red silk umbrella with three ruffles on it is the kind assigned to the four highest ranks of mandarin. The nobility of lower rank are entitled to an umbrella of red silk, but may have only two ruffles. The two highest .auks of gentlemen commoners ore entitled to a red state Umbrella snrmonnted by a knob of tin. The third and fourth ranks have the knob of wood instead of tin, bnt it is always painted red. An um brella of blue cloth with two ruffles and surmounted by a red painted wooden knob distinguishes the fifth rank. Philadelphia Times. Free Methodist Camp Meeting. The Free Methodists will hold a district campmeeting at Aberdeen, formerly known as Bait Luke on the JScio and Sweet'Home road. Com mencing July 12, to coutinue ten days, ell are cordially invited to attend. J. H. Brown, P. E. ROUND TRIP TICKETS , GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Lebanon to San Francisco AND RETURN $27.55 OGXCTJIISIOI T1UPS FltOM SAN FRANCISCO to other point in California will be allowed purchasers oi special Midwinter Fair tickets at the onto ing round-trip rates: TO STATIONS TJNBKK 1HO MIMCP KtiOM 8iN FUANC18CO, ONE AND ONE-THI1U) one-way fare. TO BTATIONS J BO M1LF.8 OR MORE FROM SAN FBANC1HCO, ONE AND ONE-FIFTH one-way fare. For enact ates and lull information, in quire of I. A. BENNKTT.aitentat Lebanon, Oregon, or address the underaianed. lllCH'DOKAY, T.H.GOODMAN, Oeu. Tratlic Man'n'r. den. Pats, Agt. Bait Fbabcisco, Cai " E. P. ROOEItS, Ass't Uen. F't & Pass Agt.. Portland or. 3d. To make room in the store because there is ncf1 more space. , 4th In order to make room to get more goods. 5th. I am buying direct and am able to do it. 6th. I have nobody to keep llies hard timeB but r.iyself. Yours Truly, M. J. BENJAMIN. Remember the place, in ..tho Odd Fellows building on Main street. LEBANON, Thti Trim American Foot. Several London newspapers have been entertaining their readers during the Whitsnn holidays by a lively controver sy over the respective size and beauty of the feet of English aud American women. Some editors, in the face of overwhelming evidence, confess that English feet are out of running in snch a controversy and console themselves by asserting that the feet of Englishmen are far more shapely. than those of their American brothers. There have been many indignant protests against even this admission. The shoe dealers, when assured that they may speak incog., re gretfully admit that they are unable to fit the trim American foot with any shoe ready made for the fat and flat feet of English women. l' : Art In a Ultirn Uiiireu. . "Miss Flimsyfiuff is vory gloomy," said one member of the opera company to another. . "Why!" - "yon see, she's really fond of her husband and hates to be divorced from him, but she fouls that her art dcmnids it, "Washington Star. If you want to get nice fresh bread go tn Peebler's. ' J. 8. Courtney M. D. Physician, Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon, Or. If you want photos made and havn't the money Boyd will take your pro duce. When you want to buy asult of cloth ing you will save Bioucy by getting it at Buch's. When you want a new hat don't for get Pughaud Muustey. They have the latest styles. J. R Ailrox, agent for the Albany steam laundry, sends washing9 down cm Tuesdays only. K. W. Biultli keeps the Eldnrudo Cantor machine oil, best in the world for farm machinery. Pugh and Munsey have just received a new line of furnishing goods, price them before buying elsewhere. Hiram Baker received a large in voice of Hprlng clothing this week of the latest shades and styles. A line of both cotton and woolen dress goods have just arrived at Bead, Peacock & Co's. Something new. The only sure cure to preserve fruit and berries is to use autl-feruiontine for sale at N. W. Hniitli's drug store. The Exphess would cull the alien lion of the city dads to the fact that gome work on the streets atid alleys, especially cutting down the thistle before the Fourth, would le in good place. A.E. Ansorge is now ready to do any repairing of organs, having had long experience in first-olass factories. Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon, Oregon. My line of jacket and capes for spring? and summer wear is now com plet. Capes are the thing this year, Aud I carry a particularly fine line of novollies, lit reasonable prices. fi. E. Young, Albany, Ore. I huve a few second-hand nooks that I will close out at a bargain. M. A. Milleb. ' W. M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law. JLEBANON, OREGON. ' I Solentlfto Amerleu BrA TJr TRADI MARKtt !!ISiJr DE8I0N PATINTS, Sail V : oOPVWIOHTa, MO. Tor toforiMtKm m4 trm Handbook wrtw J1UNN CO.. Ml BUOADWAT, NW YuUlt. Oldest bureau toe securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before vbepuoliobya nouoe glTec tree of coarse to. Um lanrett elrenlatton of any wentiso paper to tho iorlo. Splendidly lllmiratea. No iijMUnat nan should be wltnoul It. Weekly, M.OOa jean 1.BUIX mnnlbs. Address MONN CO OREGON ryWkWrWWWWW I BALD HEADS! What Is the condition of yours? Is your half dryj? harsh, brittle? Doea It spilt at the mist Has It a lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or brushed? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? 1 it dry or In a heated condition V If these are soma of your symptoms be wiw.iei! In time ory ou will become bald, mm SkookumRootHair Grower is wtufcnn h6. It pmduttl -n in tint an iceidint, but th mate of Kfnt M a rttwrch. KiiawleilKt? of tl nltwawtact tiuhalrui!aul) )t to tba (!)'. ryof tKiwtotreiutiioni. "KVt.iokum "contotiw Deltbjr i,.i..vra,anoroll4. It HnotftDre.butRtlfllliriithiUy'i ooliufi or4 rc fresh inff Tunic liy itinmlMliiK the folliclt), it ttopt uliing Jar. euru dandruff and gnnu imr on he, id r"Kwp thfl H1p oln, bMlthy, (irt Ipfron.ln! by tbe um of Bkoulmm, skm kJ.. It&otuuytpunuuio inuvti, wAt Imd n and dtttmu t) hair. (It TourdnigRiitetBTirvtkiirolrTOUMiifl drmttftii,and wo wffl forward PKpflltt. on ret-niptol price UrQwmUWjm'UrtUoii tyrWJM. Uov.A(M. tPr jr t iur THE SKOOKin UOOT HAIR fiPfiWPP m 5 'B";" ST Hoqib tflftli Avonno, New York, M. Y. 4 The Best Shoes in i nnnoi ha '1 in L. UUUULiKj AW $3 SHOE sx tor the ljaui Meaev. eTS VI r ! ' lf HI MjSyflPJ W 88, 64 and t nitgcitTtir'1 ' a i liiw - "rril TT n.1 ,it :,Tti 83.50 DKJM hoa. Polio Shre. 3 8ola. 'Worklngmen. '..7B for Boys. cS AND MISSES. 83, 82.50 82, $1.70 t)ACTIONrf an. dra'er ofnt. you W. aClriiui;ia, iiooi a a reduoed mn. or J.nena.looru with. una cue Duma atamiwrl vu auv uuifcom, put h lm a. .1 .. u . , W. L. POUCLAS Shoes e stvllnh, ea8y fitting, and give bettet satUfacUon at the prnaa adyertlsed than any other make. Try one pair and be con, vinced. The stamping of W. L. DouRlaa' nnme and price on the bottom, which Euarantee, their value, saves thousands of dollars onnually to those who wear them icalera who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gnln customers, which helps f" Increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sol! at a low iW and wo believe yon earl save money hv Imylnr; (ill your footwear of the dealer loT '" tuod uolow. Cauiloguo trt uuou oppllcutlo... w.i. DOVQIAH, BtiiuuSi 'm HIRAM BAKER LEBANON, OR. PER WEEK FOR VliLLIIOWIIKEHS of either kx, taj age, In any partbf the country, it the employment which w fiiriiUh. Touiwed iy)tbeawayfromhoDwtvrrnigbt. YoueangiTe yourwholet(metothowork,oroniyyouripre mo neoti. At capital U oot required you run so rlalc. We mpply fW with all that ii needed, It will coat yon nothing to try the buiineu. Any one oan do the work. Beginnera make money from ttie ttart. Failure b unknown with ourworken. livery hour you labor you oan eacily makoft dollar. Ho one who la willing to work fall to make mora money every day than ean be made in three days m finy ordinary employment. Send for free book containing the fulloat Information. II. HALLETT & CO., Box 880, PORTLAND, MAINE. Santiam Academy 1893-4. Summer Term Begins April 30, 1894. ox For information, ask for circular at the Post-office address, S. A. RANDLE, Principal, LEBANON, ' . OREGON.