The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 29, 1894, Image 3

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    .Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 181)4.
- t
Oo to lliram Bilker's fur your f I'lujj
Buy your groeerleo at Poculer'a and
aavc money.
Trimmed huts fur one dollar. At
Mrs. Geo. Rice's. .
A, E. Duvli for every tiling in the
confectionery line.
Itodpulh Brother's shoes at Read
PeaoooK and Oo.
uo to a. is. mvjs ror your confeo
tlonery on the Fourth.
Sheriff 0. 0. Jackson wan In the
olty Weduesday on business.
Times arc hard. Buy your groceries
at Feeliler's and save money.
Many of our citizens are attending
court In Alhuny this week.
Miss Zoe MoClaln of Albuny Is visit
ing relatives In the city this week.
A. E. Davis has the best line of
cigars, candy, soda water etc. In the
olty. Try him,
Dr. 8. H. Franier left last Tuesday
for Portland where he will visit till
after the Fourth.
Call at the Backet store, In Kli kpnt-
rick's building, aud nut prices. Mo
iluuule to show goods.
Those who patronize Puirh & Munse.v
always gut the best there Is in the mar
ket; at lowest prices.
You can get just as flue photos at
Boyd's gallery on the Fourth us any
other day In the yeur,
M. A. Miller Is In rocelpt of a very
large stock of lend and oil, pure while
lead and guaranteed oil.
Come to Lebanon to spend the
Fourth of July and have your photos
made at the Lebanon Art Gallery.
Baker le receiving clothing, boots
and shoes, daily, In spite of the hard
t'.meB. ills low prices make the goods
sell. .
Wash fabrics of almost every de
scription, new goods, new styles and
low prices. B. E. Young, Albauy, Or.
' W. B. Donuca shipped about 20,000
pounds of wool from Jefferson this
week which he had bought at that
Dr. Fraisler will take wood or any
farm produce at the market price, In
payment for dental work. AU work
8. A. McDonald of Brownsville was
in the city last week. He has made
an application for the principalshlp of
our public school.
Two of the Red Crown Mill hands of
Albany were in the city Wednesday
working In the warehouse, the Bed
Crown mill company recently pur
chased of Mr. J. M. Settle.
Mrs. A . J. Noble, a daughter of Win
Bkelton of this plaue, arrived here June
-id, from Paulina county, Oregon.
Mrs. Noble is the secoud woman to
cross the mountains this fear.
In consideration of the fact, that the
committee is at great expellee prcpur
lug a free dinner fur those who cele
brate, the ladies of the Presbyterian
Mr, Vcacb, Is now punching ticket
on the branch line.
Fay Donaca is learning to set type
In theExi'KESs office. ,
O. H. Ralston of Portland spent las
Tuesday night In the city,
O'Niol & Peterson have shipped i
lurge uuantlty of Excelsior this wwk
Tom O'Klell left Tuesday for Di'iivei
Col. where he will work in a nupei
The following grand jury was drawn:
VI H Wilds, foreman; J H Edwards, W 8
irown, Y 8 Crosby, fleorge Harris, J K
mm, A K Waters.
P .1 Porter et ai vs Jolm (' Kider et al,
'trillion; continued by consent., .
Toplitz A Co va Mary Conll, recovery ot
.loney.: eontinuod. " ,
Geo J brainier vs Mary Cougill, recovery
(.f money; continued. '
Mooney. Valentine & Co vs Mary Oongill,
eeovery of money; continued.
Capital National Bank vs W P Crosby,
eeovery of money; continued.
T P Baldwin Govs Goldsmith ARnnkle
recovery of money ; attachment; continued.
In the matter of tiie assignment of Geo
W Smith; continued.
J C Goodale v Serepta M Hansard et al,
foreclosure of lien ; referee ordered to report
by tho first day ot next term; continued. '
J M Brown vs A F Gooch, foreclosure of
chattel mortgage; continued.
J I. Cowan, trustee, vs Serepta M Han
sard, foreclosure of lien; continued,
.Senders & Stern borg vs L Houston, recov
ery of money ; continued for service.
Sarah M Shields vs V C Harper & Co, leave
to issue execution ; continued for service;
L J Houck et al, vs W J Vernon et al,
partition ; continued pending reference,
Allie A McPhcrsoB vs M 8 McPherson,
divorce; referee ordered to report by first of
next term ; continued.
John 8 Herren vs G Eenfro and A P
Talent, recovery of money; attachment;
continued for service.
In the matter of the assignment of the
Oregon Metalic Paint Co; continued.
E J Wilioughby vs J M MeCully and O P
Manuals, motion for execution; nonsnit as
to defendant, MeCully.
Sarah J Elder et at, vs J A McBride et al,
partition ; continued pending sale of land.
In the matter of the the assignment of
W K Graham ; continued.
W J Vanschuyer & Co vs Huson 4 Miller
recovery of money; attachment; nonsuit on
motion of plaintiff.
W 8 Denham vs L A Woodle et al, fore
closure of mortgage; continued by consent.
In the matter of the assignment A F
Hamilton ; continued.
In the matter of the assignment of Isaac
ueam ; continued.
Frank iiiinmerman vs John Eometsch,
to set aside attachment; nonsuit on motion
of plain tin".
H P and Mary Miller vs I N and L A
Woodle, recovery of money, attachment;
nonsuit on motion of defendant, plaintiff
not being ready for trial.
Jas Nanny et al vs Louisa D Settlemire et
al, partition ; continued pending sale.
Francis Bellinger vs MeCully & Price,
recovery of money; nonsuit on motion of
pluintilf as to MeCully.
In the matter of the assignment of Propst
it Butler; continued.
In the matter of the assignment of Henry
F Pound; continued;
In the matter of the assignment of Boen
icke Bros; continued.
In the matlei-of the assignment of F C
AyersikCo: continued. , ,''
In the matter of the assignment of F L
Kenton, assignee given leave to sell real
estate without giving notice; condnued.
T C Smith vs J H Bridges, recovery of
money; decree on proceedings,
In the matter of the assignment of Xouls
Vicreett; continued
All o( mir attorney have liecn In
Albany this week attending clrdit
Hon. C. B. Montrgue.returncd home
yesterday from a visit on the sound
If you wan't to spend pleasanf
hour on the Fourth go to Lebanon Art
C. C. Hogue of Albany was In the
city Wednesday aud Thursday on
Come to Lebanon on the 4th. and
have a good time.
Owing to hard times all millinery
will bt greatly reduced for thirty days.
At Mrs. Geo. Rice's.
The best groceries afid furnishing
goods at the low est prices at Pugb &
Munscy's. Try them.
You oun get a useful medicine tum
bler with, every bottle of medicine
bought of N. W. Smith,
Frank Wood Jr. and wife of Albany
were In the city lust Wednesday.
For pure black varnished finished
carriage paint, call nn M. A, Miller,
"and don't forget It."
to to A. E. Davis for your ice cream,
soda water and milk shakes on the
4th. The best In the state.
Lebanon has always had a til? oelc
brnlioi; but this Fourth w!!l surpnsa
any In the history of our city.
Wanted 1 am now prepared to buy
thirty-live tons of Chittum Imrk.
Dr. L. Kiii.hy.
We call attention Atty. W. M. Brown
luw card In this Issue.' His office is
now open and he is ready for business.
The case of John Bturtevant against
J. L, Cowan and J. M. Ralston has
been put ofl untill next term of court
Coductor Houston was taken very
sick while on his run out here last
Weanesdny and has not been out since-
Mr. Westfall & Smith have been
having their hack fixed - up prepalr-
ng to oommence carrying mail next
J. C. Bilyeu's young hop yard Is
causing much comment aud praise.
it ts in the bet condition that we ever
saw a hop yard of thut age.
Married,atSt. Charles Hotel Lebanon
Ore. June 27th by O. A- Elson, J. P.,
Mr, VF. Hart and Miss. R May
Garoute both of Linn county
Dr Booth and C. G' Rawlings made
n ti.1.. In h....1II i. .
see u B Zeh vs L Y Bailey et nx, recovery of
abollt HM. On PVeitr&imi frnm nua, H. ...... ... . . ' W""J VI
. tio money, attaenment; settled.
oil me lourtn. Tliey informed us Elisabeth I Cornell v,.
that sucueedod In getting the excursion
and that one hose team will also aotne
over and run,
We have been reliably Informed that
Prof MIchncr hits oucepted the princl
palship of the Brownsville public
school for the coming year. We are
sorry to hear this as we were in hopes
he could be retained at tills place. The
Professor is a good teacher and has
kjrtwroU have decided not to have any j done mU(,h goud work , tne'8choo,
Tiubllc dinner on the Fourth and let room in the two years he was here 4nd
all enjoy the hospitality of the city
W. M. Brown who was recently ad
mitted to practice law has opened an
ofllce in with Peterson A Umphrcy
where John M. Burners formerly
had his law ofllce aud is now ready
for business, Mr. Brown is an honest
upright young man and we predict lie
will make his murk in the profession
he has chosen.
Some of the farmers around here are
greatly unousy about the pest that Is
on the wheat. While some think It
will soon leave others are afraid that
it will completely take all of the grain.
We have heard of a few farmers who
intend cutting all their groin soon aud
making hay of it. "
The Lebanon Cornet Band have
decided to give free open air concert
every Saturday evening on the
Academy grounds, beglulug Bntuday
evening July 7tU, The boys have been
working hard for the last lew weeks
and are now able to make excellent
music A baud is Indeed a groat
benefit to a town, and the citizens of
Lebanon should give the boys every
The young people of the Baptist
ohuruh tendered Bev. C. B. Lamar a
farewell social at his resideuce lost
Moudoy evening and everybody had a
very enjoyable time. Bev. Lemur
and wife were presented with a beauti
ful bed spread. He left Wednesday
for his new Held and his family will
Join him as soon as the railroad is
opened up.
Jerome Hkelton had an interesting
runaway last Saturday. As he was
on the guide this side of SweutHome
with a loud oflumber the break slipped
off and the horses became frightened
and ran to the bottom of the hill where
the wagon cume uncoupled and threw
Mr Skelton oft but fortunately not
hurting mm seriously. The horses
llfn miieH litifofH llmv umra
VVaugbt : .
he leaves many friends here who re
gret to see him make the change.
Mr. C. PI. Hart and Miss Eliaa
Wallace was married at high noon
Wednesday at the resideuce of the
bride's parents iu this city. Bev. 0
B. Lemur performed the oeremouy In
the preseuoe of a few invited guests
and relatives. Mr. Hart Is a school
teacher and also an artist of much
ability, Miss Eliza was one of Leba
non's most popular young ladies and
has a large circle of frieuds with whom
thoExPRKss Joins In wishing them a
happy voyage through life,
W. Ii, Johuson, of Garden Grove
arrived here lostTuesday. He seems to
be a man with a great deal of euter
prlze and push. Mr, Johnson is the
muu who traded farms with our fellow,
townsman J. G. Eaton. Mr. Johnson
is well pleased with bis farm aud
Oregon as well, and will remain here
a week or ten days, when lie will
return to California.
Judge Wolverton will take his scat
on the Supreme bench next Monday,
and will reside in Salem. Mr Wolverton
begins his Judicial career with a ripe
experience and will undoubtedly nieet
the expectation of his friends as a
judicial ofllcer. On the same 'day
Judge Hewitt will begin his duties as
Circuit judge, with the confidence of
a large constituency. He will continue
his residence in Albany. Democrat.
A vory lively affair will occur at the
fair grounds adjoining Albany on
Saturday, July 7th. It will be a
gentlemen's driving race. Several
Albany business men have some trot
ting roadsters pretty flip on the feet
and this occasion will be the means of
ascertaining which Is the fastest. A
small purse will be troted for, There
will be about ten entries, among those
entering .horses being, Orris Archibald
Peljtr Anrleruun. J. A. flimniihiir
Hermuii Buulow, Juuk Howard aud
Mr. Hurt.
to correct deed ; decree as per stipulations.
In the circuit court V ednesday the injunc
tion suit against the city of Albany was
decided against the city.
Stute of Oregon vs Peter Long, indicted
for carrying carrying concealed weapons
plead guilty and fined $75, to stand com
mitted until the tine is paid.
State of Oregon vs Joseph Druikard, in
dicted for carrying concealed weapons
plead guilty and fined $75, to stand com
mitted until fine is paid.
' In the matter of the assignment of L T
Henness; continued.
Enoch Cyrus et al, vs Warren Cyrus et al
partition; T J Munkers resigns as referee:
Riley Slielton appointed sole referee to sell
land; continued.
In the matter of the assignment of Clark
Bros; continued.
J W Brown vs J B Wirt et al, foreclosure
of lien ; -continued by consent pending
C 0 Lee vs James Weddle, reoovery of
money ; continued by consent.
C W Cushiug vs W 8 Phillips, recovery of
money, attachment; continued.
Lizzie Blakely vs Charles A Blakely,
divorce; nonsuit ny planum.
Berrlgan & Humphrey vs Evangelical
church, Waterloo, foreclosure of lieu ; de
cree on pleadings.
W S Thompson assignee, vs E 8 Barrows,
recovery of moucy, attachment; nonsuit by
A I Crundall vs Wilson & Chase et al,
foreclosure of mortgage; nonsuit as to
Building & Loan Associasion and Chase,
and decreo against Wilson for amount
prayed for in amended complaint.
Agues Logan vs A H U'gan, divorce
eontinuod bv nlaintiff.
u n minus vs u u nnvne ana c 1,
Buck, foreclosure of mortgage; decree
granted with ?loo as atioreey s lees.
Annie Vulganiore vs Arthur T Vulgx
more, divorce; nonsuit on motion of dis-
WT K Cochran and O P Ooihnw va
William Cochran, recovery of money;
judgment for plaintiffs.
John Fox vs E Goini et al, foreclosure
of mortgage; settled.
rranit Bros Govs H W Walker, re
covery of monev, attachment; settled;
r. f .McCorimck vs Waterloo Develop
ment Co, foreclosure; decree for plff.
J 0 Donthit & Sons vs A R Norwood,
recovery money ; continued for service.
I) M Osborne A Co vs 8 P Barger et
nx, confirmation ; sale confirmed.
J B Coinley vs James Shshan, confir
mation; sale confirmed,
J M Waters vs E D and Vashti John
son; continued.
J H Van Bibtar vs Hntrh Fields : man
State of Oregon vs James Bannon.
burglary; continued.
State of Oregon vs C Baker and F
S Phelps, larceny; dismissed on mo
tion of district attorney.
mate ot ureeon vs (J Baker and i
8 Phelps, larceny; dismissed on mo
tion of district attorney.
mate ot Oregon vs (J Baker and r
S Phelps, larceny; dismissed on mo
tion of district attorney.
state ot Oregon vs J J Brannin, ob
taining money under false pretense;
Fred A Brown vs J B Wirt et al.
foreclosure of lien ; continued by con
sent pending settlement.
In the matter of the assignment of
the Bank of Oregon; continued.
Deyeo fe Robson vs Frank Wood,
recovery of money, attachment; re
port of referees confirmed and judge
ment in accordance therewith.
First National Bank, Portland, vs
Linn County National Bank, recovery
of money; continued by consent.
Glover A Berry respondent vs W G
Brown appellant, appeal from justice
court; continued.
T J Malone et al vs Ida Malone et
al, partition, report of referees con
firmed without objection.
8 A Nickerson vs G W Wheeler et
ux, recovery of money; nonsuit as to
Mrs Wheeler and judgement againstG
W Wheeler.
Herbert Ames vs M W Murray, re
covery money, attachment; continned
for service.
David Carev va Farmers & Merchants
Ins Co, recovery of money; judgment of
dismissal with costs, plaintiff standing
by complaint.
John fjeedy ve Henry Middlestadt,
foreclosure ; default and decree.
Al Oanv Building and Loan Association
vs Lizzie M Eelsetal, foreclosure; de-
iBini anu aecree.
fcvaritta E W arner vs 8 B Warner.
divorce; continued by stipulation.
H W Goff vs Bank of Oregon, recovery
of money; judgment for plaintiff.
jonn a Millard vs Bank of Oregon.
recovery of money ; judgment for pltff.
W H Van Schuyver A Co vs A A
Comley, recovery of money ; default and
judgment. .
J W AlthouBe va H J Maple et al,
foreclosure; continued for service.
H n young et al vs J B Wirt et al.
recovery of money, attachment; contin-
ueu lor service.
8 E Young et al va J D Walton et al.
foreclosure; continued for service.
A A Kellev vs H (J Kleoter et al. sale
Harrieburg Cumber Co vs Eugene
BfcBbaw ; sale confirmed.
bohcitors Loan and Trust Co vs Wm
and S n J Hawk ; sale confirmed.
M F Turner va Wm Cochran; judg
ment for plaintiff.
w n Swank agt J W Swank and John
Brown, partition: decree of partition
;ranted ; Alex Brandon, Scott Ward and
lohn Miller appointed to make oarti-
tion ; continued.
M M Morris vs Farmers A Merchants
Ins Co, recovery of money; continued
by consent.
AllredH Hreerksen vs the Bank of
Oregon, recovery of money, attachment ;
judgment tor plaintm for want of
Linn County National Bank vs the
Bank of Oregon, recovery of monev.
attachment ; judgment for plaintiff for
want oi answer.
S A Nickerson vs Frank Jenninra et
al, foreclosure of lien ; continued.
rranir Bros Oo vb W 8 Paul, recoverv
of money; attachment; default and
judgment and order to sell attached
nnie m liodwell va Bailey F Bodwell,
divorce; continued.
S H Young et al va W H McPherson
etal, foreclosure; continued by consent.
Lebanon Will Celebrate
Glorious 4th of July.
Bring Your Wife and All Her Relation.
New Dress, or a Pair of Shoes.
Call at Our Store and Ex
amine Our Goods
and Prices.
Lebanon, - - Oregon,
Read, Peacock &Co. xs.
mm: money
Medders Vanderpool vs H C Klepper
et al, foreclosure ; aecree on pleadings.
James Brooks vs Jos M Nichols, fore
closure chattel mortgage ; continued for
Oregon Mtge Co, Limited, vs C G
Burkhart et al, foreclosure; decree,
Laura A Caldwell vs Ellen B Caldwell
etal, partition; Ellen C Caldwell ap
pointed guardian ad litem,
S E First vs Farmers & Merchants Ins
Co, recovery of money ; continued pend
ing settlement. ,
Fresh pies, cakes and bread at
Peebler's grocery store.
Hiram Baker has just received a
large Invoice of dry goods.
Who always carries a nicely selected stock of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
gods, groceries, Sc.
If you do not already give him your patronage try him,
and you will always trade at his store.
In Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank,
tnct attorney ,
unison ra Menzies vs Harry Wilson,
recovery of money, attachment; judgment
lor pilUIIMM.
Cruson iV. Menzios vs Wilson it Chase,
recovery of money, attachment; judgment
for plmntitV.
W IS Hardin vs Wilson & Chase, recovery
of money, attachment; judgment for plaui-
W J Bruce & On vs Wi son & Chase and
J B Thompson, recovery of money, attach
ment, conunueo.
Jacob Kees vs iaivlna MoCullougli, fore
closure; decree.
Clins Binith. administrator. vs J W
Cusick, us assignee, et al, foreclosure; non
suit Ull IIIUIIUII Ml Jlllltlltll.
S M Hoiighviid, adinr, vs 8 M Bates,
recovery of money ; nonsuit on motion
of olaintitl'. .
l'oldman & Cole vs S M Moore, recov
ery of monev : settled.
Kvaritta E Warner vs S B Werner,
partition; nonsuit v motion of plaint!!'.
J K Ream vs H L Cranur et al, recov
ery -of money, attachment ; judgment
and sale oi attached property.
Nettce to the Public.
Having sold my grain warehouse to
the Bed Crown Boiler Mill Co., and
wishing to give possesion, I hereby
give notice to all persons now having
grain iu the house, that said grain
must be sold or removed by July 1,
1894, or stored with -tho Red Crown
Mill Co., as soon as said company takes
possession of the house.
Dated, Lebanon, June 20, 1894.
John Bmtle.
For Sale Very Cheap.
Household and kitchen furniture,
O. R. Lamar.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Administratrix's Notice.
Wheels! Wheels.!
The Two Leaders of the World !
Send for catalogues.
Write for bargains in second-hand and '93 wheels.
Albany, Oregon.
Also see Chas. M. Anderson, at the Express Office.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned hu
been duly appoiuted by the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, the administratrix of the
otitRte of Jacob Newman, deceased, and has duly
qua 11 tied as Buch administratrix. All partial
having claims against aald estate are hereby
vurnud to present the some, duly verified, within
six montlis from June 29, 1894, to the undersigned
at the'ot&ofl of tnm'l M. Garland at Lebanon'
Oregon. &UUH & KiHDM,
Sam'lM. Garland, Admlnliitrairt.
Attorney for Adniulntrairix,
Paper Hanging and Graining,