The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 29, 1894, Image 1

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    volviii; . i s -
- I "V " -
NO. 18
One year.... W
(If paid In advanoo. 1 llli pur year.) . '
BH mouth , 1 SS
Three months
Single opi4w
I.H.Polnh, I
John II, Mitchell,!
Blngor Hermann Congressman
Sylvester Ponnuynr, (Jovornor
George W. McMridu,.. BBorotnry (if State
Phil Metsohan, '. Treasurer
J5, B. MoElroy,...',..8upt. Tubllc Instruction
Prank 0. Raker,..,.?..!... State Printer
K. S. Ht-nhn. i '
Win. I', liord, V ). Supremo Judges
R.B.Bcan, )
.Judge J-N. Dunoon
Olerk P. Payne
Uecorder E- & vi
:Bherlff, C. C. Jackson
.School Superintendent G. H. Wilkes
Treasurer, Brlce Wallace
.Assessor W. F. Deakins
'.Surveyor, ..K. T. T. Fisher
-wCnroner i FranK 1'arren
I iWm ltutntmitf'h
Commissioners, ..... ... jjujn- pugh
J. . itKHI.
. ... S, H. JIYEKB.
a. w.iucio.
lly Council meets on the first and third
Tuesday evenings iii'each month.
Secret Boidetles.
LKBANON LODOK.N0. 47, 1,0. O.F--il
every Batnrday evcnlimat Odd Follows Hall, al
o'clock p.m. ,. w. MENZlffl, K. Q.
B. U. OAKLAND, Boot'y.
PKAKI.RE1IKCCA U)DK, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
Hoots at l.O.O.F Hall lint and third Wednes
day evenings of enoh month.
HUH. 0. W. CK1I80N, N. u.
' "LtJ. ,oLol.No.44 A. K. A. M.-Moets
S,wrilavovonhig,onorliororotho hill moon in
eMUjoonth. K. S. Hammack., W. M,
T. H.
VlUllR. Bee,
, H. T. KiaKPAtaK1' RW!'
Ba.ur.lay or each month, wf
la, instead. All brother, ot tW-t"
eran. and eomradesof the . A. R. ai! "HU'
Invllod to moot with tho Camp.
JS, 0. Cabb, Ci?."'-
, A. Tknnby, First flegt.
John M. Spmbrs,
Will pmotlo." 5 11 the court, ol the state.
Attorney t Law,
Will traolloo in all too courts oi
OFSIM H courtssVs unicK.
Lehanon, Obkoos.
Weatlierford ft Ijatt,
Be Sure d Ooll on
. -0F-
, Albany, Oregon,
HeatingStoYtJS, CookStoYes, &c.
"hi 61. '69
never ewU
e3. u'Mt
and proven',"
of millions.!
Liver Regu
Ti . ' ' lati
lator is the .
tPftP "only Livar
XLZ-C and Kidnev
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver '
and Kid
neys. Try it
ld hy all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or marie in to a tea.
The King of Liver MAdiclnci.
"1 Imvo iiiou jourKliumtitiNljlvf Ittru
Intoi ..ti cut, coiiHcluntlMiHl) my II Uie
kiiuM't ft.t liver lno(lli,ln ok, 1 consider It a
nio'lli'liit-ohi'si in liaeif. am, V,. Jack
son, 'J'U'tumu, WuKiiiiiijtuu.
Has the Z Btainy la red tin waiter. .
East and South
-OF TliE-
Sonthern Pacific Co,
Express trains leave Portland daily:
(1:15 p. . l.v... Portland Ar.
10:2!l r. M. Lv...Alhuny.. ..Ar.
Kt:ln A. M. I Ar.Huo Francisco Lv
8:20 a. m,
4:2Sa. m.
7:00 P. M.
The above trains stop at all stations inim
Portland to Albany inclusive; also Tangent,
Bhedd, Ilalsry, Harrishurg, Junction City,
Irving, Kngcne and all stations from Kose
burg to Aajiland inclusive.
Iloseburg moil daily: -'
S:SOa. . I liv. ., Portland ...Ar.
4:20 p. H.
12:30 P. M.
7:00 A.M.
12:46 e. . Lv... Albany Ar.
6:60 r. . I Ar...ltoeburg.. Lv.
Local passoogcr trains daily (ejeept
1 :20 P. M.
2:09 P. M.
S:10A. m.
9:00 A. u.
Lv..;Allmny Ar. j 10:21 a. m
9:H0a. h.
8:2o p. H.
2:39 P. M.
Lv...Alhaiky Ar.
Ar...ljbanon ...Lv,
Dining Carson Ogden Route.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Second-Class Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
AVeet Slide llvllon.
Bktwben Portland ash Cohvallis.
Mall train-daily (excpt8nndoy):
7-an. u. I Lv...Portlantl...Ar.
o :ao a. n.
12:16 p. M. Ar.Corvallis. .Lv.
1:00 P. M.
At A limn v and tlorvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Pacilic railroad.
Express train dally texwptBniHiayl'-'4-40
P. M.'l" Ev.7. t'urtlnlld ' 8:25 A. M.
7:1(5 p. . I Ar.MeMinnvillc Lv I 6:60 a. m.
nda and Europe cau be obtained at lowest from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
K, KOUHLKlt, Manager.
K. P. KOOKUS, Asst. U. F. Pass. Agt.
To Advertisers.
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from youv advertisements
. Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give, the desired results, os it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Linn County.
Clipped From Our Exchanges
Throughout the West. 4
T . . i- . ' '
Pendleton has one messengar boy
65 years old and another 60. ,
Bert Benton, of Cove, has just
killed four bears on the Minam. '.
La Grande will save about $1200
by reducing teachers salaries the
eomiiigyear. , . ..
The big Salem : flouring1 mills
have started up again on a hig
order from China.
The Rock Springs, Wyo., coal
miners use up a carload of La
Grande hogs every month.
Wholosale robberies of Chinese
placer camps by white men are
reported from Baker county.
' A bill of $700 for printing the
"ballots for election in Marion
county is exciting considerable
discussion. Some say it is too
much. '
. Three miles from Macleay, Mon
day, Jack Fatten killed a large
cougar which has been terrorizing
the community.
; Mrs. Case recently awarded the
brick hotel at Junction City by a
divorce decision, is being sued by
its owner for possession.
T. C. Stahl, of Yoakum, Uma
tilla county, has 600 acres of vol
unteer wheat which will acreage
over 20 bushels to the acre.
At Pendleton Mrs. Ella Wagner
has been granted a -decree of di
vorce from John P. Wagner. Mrs.
Wagner is now at her former home
in Schuyler county ,fNew York.
'The Laue comity grand jury
met and adjourned for the term
without finding an indictment, a
statement readily understood in
the light of the great Republican
gains there.
James Burgess, who lives just
north of Hillsboro, has been sen
tenced to a year's imprisonment
for throwing down . a fence not his
own. It oomes through a" neigh
borhood quarrel over a thorough
fare, Alf. Kelsey has left Antelope
with 5000 head of two and three-year-old
wethers. They brought
$1.00 per head and are as fine a lot
of sheep as ever left Eastern Ore
gon. Their destination is Fargo,
N. 1). .
It is thought, at Corvallis, that
wheu the circuit court holds its
adjourned sitting there, July 20,
a new sale of the Oregon Pacific
will be ordered, at whatever price
it will bring, without regard to
creditors or court costs,
The residents of Ross slough,
Coos bay, are putting in tide boxes
t the mouth of the slough, to keep
the water out. The boxes are 40
feet long, 12 feet wide, and will
reech to the bottom of the slough.
W. L, Brown, who was arrested
last week at Deer creek with three
horses in his posession, that had
been stolen from Albert Adams
and Charles Decker, had accumU'
Highest Honors-WprW Pair,
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or ny other adulterant
lated various other articles that
are being gradually restored to
their rightful owners. Brown's
list included everything from a
pair of dog skin gloves to a quan
tity of groceries.
In the Skipanon river at War
renton, are a large number of
spruce logs, brought down the
canal from the lake. They com
prise about 300,000 feet, and are
for the Clatsop mills.
The Milton strawberry crop will
net $25,000, according to the esti
mate of the local fruitgrowers'
association. Most of the berries
were shipped to Denver, Omaha
and Salt Lake.
The Lakeview Examiner denies
the rumor that there is small-pox
in Lake county and says that there
has been no authenticated cases
there. The nearest case is in
Modoc county, five miles inside
the California line.
A runaway team, belonging to
D.iW. Johnson, ran over the
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Kent at La Grande Tuesday.
The little fellow was considerable
bruised but not seriously injured.
About two acres of ground on A.
C. Goodrich's Marion county farm
is thickly strown with kindling
wood. A 40-inch tree was struck
by lightning last Saturday and
thus reduced to Bmithereens in the
twinkling of an eye.
The, house and barn on the
ranch of Xavier Arzner, in Auger
valley. Lake county, was burned to
the ground one night last week,
the inmates barely escaping with
their lives. The loss was about
51500;.insurance $850.
Four hundred head of mutton
belonging to P. Avery and John
Richard, driven to Portland from
Corvallis last week, netted their
owners about $1.90 per heath It
was one of the finest lot of sheep
ever driven out of Benton county,
If cents per pound being the price
The Corvallis Times is at consid
erable pains to deny as absolutely
false and ridiculous stories which
have been in circulation there for
some time to the effect that Dr.
Applewhite is not dead; that he
was spirited away, and the coffin
supposed to contain his body was
really filled with stones.
? In Klamath county the unpre
cedented high water upon the
meadow lands will make the hay
crop very short this seasou. At
Swan lake many of the claims
located by homesteaders within
the past few years will be under
water all summer.
Sheriff Endert, of Del Norte
county, Cal., last week seued a
package of deer hides which had
been sent from Curry county to
Cresent City for shipment to San
Francisco. There were 100 skins
in the box, some of them being
fawn, The malefactor is as yet
Last Friday the safe ot Mr. Nolte
a saloon keeper at Pendleton, was
broken into and robbed of $200.
The safebreaking was the work of
experts. This is Mr. Nolte's see
ond experience with thieves, R
cently they came in broad daylight
and tapped his till.
Independent Evangeical Services,
First Sunday iu each month at
Brownsville at 11 A. M. and 7:80 p. H.
Second Sunday at Waterloo at 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M. Third Sunday at
Brownsville at 11 A, at. and 7:30 p.m.
Fourth Sunday at Sodavllle at 11 A. U.
Middle Ridge at 8 P. H. Waterloo at
7:30 p. M. All are cordially invited to
attend these appointments.
C. N. Plowman.
jr. Price's Cream Baking Pot!r
World' Fair Hhjhert Award,
Health report.
' Ball and Bat. '
Council Doings. '
Fourth of July. '
Buggy wheels and Beer.
Granny bundown.
Social Dews gathered from our neigh
bors. ' '
Soda can now be obtained and the
sick are convalescing.
. The Calapooia nine played the Wa
terloo's a game on the dlatuotrd Bun
day. Score, 20 to 13 in favor of the
vhjiting nine. Jumbo deserves special
mention with his all round playing.
Bice has stepped down and out and
the council have chosen Mr. J. C.
Hutton to bold down the office of
police ludge. ' ,
The boys removed a wheel from the
conveyance of a repeating bridegroom,
in our city recently. The cause was
beer. The gent not having the collat
eral (or for some other reason which
we fail to learn) borrowed a wheel and
left town with flying colors. The hoys
had all the fun but no beer. When a
man allows a buggy wheel to be taken
from the yard In daylight, he should
diipense with glasses and get a little
dog with a string to lead him. Pity
is akin to love and on account of his
sorrowing parent the wheel was re
turned. , Boys, if you had taken the
bride be might have redeemed her if
you had only asked two glasses instead
of a keg.
Aunty Sunshade seems to be moving
closer to civilization, and learning to
write about great men. She could not
take a better text and one that would
please more people (in "Soda," than
the one rendered a few days since,
Keep right along siBter, you will tell
what little you know In a few items.
How long since you discarded mocca
sins? Hey? ;,
School has closed for the present.
Mr, Wirt has accepted a call from
Hamilton Creek and will teaoh them J
school to be proud of. A good teacher
is required here this fall. Some one
with more brains than this section
possesses, wanted. Anyone who
thinks he or maybe she has that
article on an enlarged scale please call.
(A good opening for "Sunshine," or
Pardon our silence, but in truth It
was a great rest. We have been
"worritln"' over the probability of
walking forth with a roll of blankets,
after the mortgage that sits enthroned
above our beautiful country palace
(and In fact on top of all Waterloo)
has been foreclosed. If anyone has
saved 75 cents out of the Lebauou
bank be Bhould purchase this one-mule
place aod turn it iuto a branch asylum
with the stock right qu hand to start
business with.
We pause, something the majority
of readers did before reading the news
by D. O. Littlr.
Should Be Improved.
The steamer Eugeue arrived here at
11 o'clock this morning, after a slow
trip up the river on account of being
heavily loaded with freight. This trip
of Eugene demonstrates the feasibility
of river navigation the greater portion
of the year on the upper Willamette.
She left Corvallis with 140 tons of mer
chandise and feed, the largest load
ever carried by a boat above that
point. Eighty-three tons were brought
from Harrlsburg to Eugene. After
leaving the Meeks landing, eight miles
below Eugene, considerable lining had
to be done to get over riffles, but as the
steamer bad plenty of time to make
her return trip, no chances were taken
of injuring the boat by endeavoring to
make better time. This should en
courage our people to presistently de
mand liberal appropriations for Im
proving the upper Willamette. A
steamboat bringing over 80 tons of
freight ta Eugenet the last of June is a
weighty argument In favor of river im
provement. Guard.
To th Ladlas,
I will sell regardless of cost for the
next thirty days my entire stock of
trimmed and untrimmed hats. Those
wishing anything In the Hue of mil
nery will find It to their advantage to
call early at (Mrs. uteo. Rice's.
"Many of the oilizeus of Painsvllle
Indiana, are never without a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the
house," says Jacob Brown, the leading
merchant of the place. This Remedy
has proven of so much value for colds,
croup and whooping cough lu children
that few mothers who know its worth
are w(iHug to be without it. For sale
V w. pniiui) oruggiH,
Mother nature still weeps, nice sun
shine wears her cloak when she
gathers garden vegetables.
School dosed last Friday at Foster.
Prof. Grimes of the Lewis district
ana his school visited the Foster
school and took part In the closing ex
ercise. Everything weut off harmo
nious and everyone enjoyed them
selves nioely.
Mr. A. H. Yost and two sons were
up on their homestead last week and
returned Saturday evening. '
Jno, Gllllland is quite poorly.
Mrs. Levi McQueen Is but little, If
any better. '
A force of hands are at work on the
county road. 1
Mrs. O. B. Whitcomb and children
think some of visiting her mother in
Glendora, Cal., this summer. Mr.
Whitcomb will stay In Big Bottom.
More next week. .
... ,. Mart.
A Bloyole Race.
At Medferd last Saturday an Inter
esting bicycle race occurred between
Lyle Bice, the well known Ashland
operator and a former resident of
Albany, and .George Parker of Med
fold. Rice Is a heavy man, weighing
about 225. The race was between
Jacksonville and Medford, a distance
of five miles, and won by Parker in 16
minutes and 8 seconds. Considerable
money changed hands, and had not
Rice fallen at the end of a mile would
have stood some show of winning.
A Jail Break.
Ed Scott and George Hall, who have
been in the Benton county jail several
weeks, awaiting the action of the grand
jury, broke out about 6 o'clock this
morning by cutting away a portion of
the arched door at the entrance to the
jail, with a pocketknife. The alarm
was given by a passer-by and soon after
the departure the sheriff and posse were
in hot pursuit. About 8 o'clock this
afternoon, the fugitives were overtaken
in wheatflel(l sl1 west of town,
auu uopturcu wibuoufr reaiBieuoe
Governor Pennoyer. has more fun
than any man In Oregon. The telegram
gives the following, another evidence
of the fact: Governor Pennor has been
very reticent sine the late election but
the news from Gallfoniahai thawed
him out. When seen this morning he
was glancing over a newspaper while
a broad smile played over his face. "I
have just been reading the criticisms of
the country press on what they call
"defeated Penuoyeristn," he said, "but
it is only another case where all the
asses think it is their chance to backup
and kick at the dead lien-"
The regular subscription price of the
Express is $1.60 a year, and the regu
lar subscription price of the Weekly
Oregonlan is $1.50. Any one subscrib
ing for the Express and paying one
year in advance, can get both the Ex
press and the Weekly Oregonlan one
year for $2.00. All old subscribers
paying their subsoriptlens for one year
iu advance will be entitled to the same
Spring shades of kid gloves, Centem
orl regular Hue 'and with large pearl
buttons, Foster hook, Biarritz and
gauntlet atS.E. Youno, Albany, Ore.
These hard times we want to save all
wetsau, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries at 9. P. Bach's. .
Bach Is not selling his clothing at
cost, but still you cau get a better suit
therefor less money than anywhere
Changed Every Week.
Oats 28o
Hay-$9 per ton.
Flour-$0 60.7fi per sack.
Chop $1 00 per owt.
Bran 75o per owt.
Middlings $1 00 per owt.
Potatoes 25o,
Apples Dried, 7o per lb '
Plums Dried, 4o.
Onions Sc.
Beef Dressed, 6o.
Veal 45e.
Pork Dressed, 5.
Hams 12J per lb. '
Shoulders 10c.
Bides lie per lb.
Geese $5 per dos.
Ducks $4 00 per dos. .
' Chickeiie-42 253 50.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs---10c w doi.
Butter 10 15c per lb.
Hides-Green, lo; dry, Se,