The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 22, 1894, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Mr. Frank O'Nulll is In p.irtlnii'l.
C. H. Moran Iiuh moved his 'family
to Monmouth.
Go to Hiram Bu Iter's for your spring
Buy your groceries at Paoblor'a and
save money
Trimmed bats for one dollar. At
Mrs, Goo. Rice's. .,' , '
Born, June 20, to the wife of Paul
Buokner, a girl.
W.Bf Donaca Is Id Portland this'
week un business.
Fresh pies, cukes and bread at
feebler's grocery store.
Mrs. W. E. Chandler spent the- first
of the week in CorvalllB.
Hiram Baker has Just received a
large Invoice of dry goods.
Times are hard. Buy your groceries
at Foehler's and save money.
Mr. B. F. Bodwell was In Halem the
first of the week on "business.
Every customer at Borum & Kirk's
barber shop gets a clean tewel.
;Mr, C.H, Kulston of Portland spent
last Monday night in the city.
. J. B. Courtney M. D.' Physician,
Surgeon and Aeooucheur, Lebanon,
Mr. Wm. Ralston is iu Olex, E. Q.
on a visit with his son Lonner, Dem
ocrat. . ''
There has been quite a good many
strangers In tilt eity this week looking
Mrs. Erne Bardwell has commenced
divorce proceedings agalust Riley F,
Bardwell AHerald.
We hope the olty oHloials will see
that our streets are thoroughly oleaned
up.bctween now and the Fourth.
Call at the Racket store, In Klrkpat-
rick's building? and get prices. No
trouble to show goods.
For pure black varnished finished
carriage paint, call on M, A, Miller,
"and don't forget It."
. The best groceries and furnishing
goods at the lowest prices at Pugh &
Munsey'i. Try them. .
Those who patronize Pugh i, Munsey
always get the best there is In the mar
ket; at lowest prices. .
You can get just as line photos at.
Boyd's gallery on the Fourth as any
other day In the year.
M. A. Miller Is In receipt of a very
large stock of lead and oil, pure white
lead and guaranteed oil. "
Pugh and Munsey bave Just received
a new line of furnishing goods, price
them before buylug elsewhore.
Hiram Baker received a large in
voice of Bprlng clothing this week of
the latest shades and styles.
A Hue of both cotton and woolen
dress .goods have just arrived at Read,
Peacock 4 Co's. (Something new.
Come to Lebanon to Bpend the
Fourth of July and have your photos
made at the Lebanon Art Gullery.
I have a few eecond-haud books that
Will olose out at a bargain.
M. A.
Baker is receiving clothing, boots
and shoes, dally, In spite of the hard
t'.nies! His low prices make the goods
'sell. i
Wash fabrlus of almost every de
scription, new goods; new styles and
low prices. B. E. Youno, Albauy, Or.
J. F. Hide left Monday for Portland
where he goes as a delegate to the
Grand Lodge of the A. 0. V. W.
which taeets there this week.
John Donaca bought all of Mr. F. M.
Smith's oats this week which was
something over a thousund bushels,
paying him 28 cents per bushel.
John M. Bummers, J. B. Marks and
Miss Lizzie Oouaoa of the 1. 0. 0. T.
lodge of this place went to Eugene
Tuesday as delegates to the Grand
lodge which meets at that place.
L. C. Slater aud faintly, J. C, Slater
and his mother, Mrs. J. D. Slater, left
Wednesday for Portland where they
Intend making their future home,
Mrs. M. F. Johnson of rorthmd who
wus called to this olty on the account
of the sickness and death of her father
J. D. Slater, returned home Wednes
day. . .
Attorney John M. Summers of this
plane has formed a co-partnership in
the law business with Judge Black
man aud Intends to moe down to
Albauy about the first of July.
My line of jaokets and capes for
spring and summer wear Is now com
plet. Capes are the tiling this year.
And I carry a particularly tine Hue of
novelties, at reasonable prices.
8, E. Young, Albany, Ore.
Dr. A. H.eterson, of this olty, re
ceived a telogram yesterday from Al
bany, announcing the death of his
brother, W. A. Peterson. The de
ceased was an old. pioneer of Oregon
having orossed the plainsin 1845, and
resided In Oregon till his death. The
funeral will take place to-day at 12;
v. x. at Band Ridge Cemetery. .
lfyou'wan't to spend a pleasant
hour oi the Fourth go to Lebanon An
Gallery. ; " , ,
Come to Lebanon on the 4th. am
have a good time.
If you want to get nice fresh br;a
go to Peebler'g. . ,
Roilpalh Brother's shoes ut Reai
PeauooK and Co. 1
F. L. Carman has uul-uhtiecd a flni
new buggy and a horse. .
We understand there Is to ba a bh
horse rue here on the 4th.
Chus, Amos and John Bosler left
yesterday on a short visit to Portland.
When you want to buy a suit of olotli
Ing you will save money by getting
It at Bach's.
When you want a new hat don't for
got Pugh and Munsey, Tkey have the
latest styles. . .
J. E. Adcox, agent for the Albany
steam laundry, sends washings down
on Tuesdays only. :
The city council had the city jail re
paired yesterday i: where John Scan
land bored through. ;
N. W. Smith keeps the Eldorado
Castor machine oil, best in the world
for farm machinery.
Owing to hsrd times all 'millinery
will Ik greatly reduced for thirty days.
At Mrs. Geo. Rice's. 4 -,
You can get a useful medicine tum
bler with every bottle of medicine
bought of N. W. Smith, ', '",
Lebanon has always had a big cele
bration but Mils Fourth will surpass
any in the history at our city.
Joe. Buhl, Joe Kelso and Mike
Welsuer left Wednesday tit the moun
tains on a Hulling and hunting trip.
The only sure cure to- priM i ur IVuit
and b. n les In to use mili-l'e'.'i.i.'iitiv.e
for si;le .il N. W. .Smith's drug store.
W. I'j Read was In tin cil.v M.mday
Tuesday and VvYduesiliry loi.aiiijj utter
the interest of their store in tills place,
Lebanon Is the only olty in the
county that Is going to celebrate and
a large crowd on that day is an assured
tuct. . '
The Young People's Union oflhe
Baptist, church will give an ice cream
social Saturday, June 23, on the acad
emy grounds.
Our sportsmen are busy preparing a
race track for the Fourth. We are
told there is to be some good horse
racing on that day. Bring on jour
fust stock.
Last Saturday evening the Lebanon
lodge No. 47 I. 0. 0. F. eleoted the
following officers: Geo. W. Cruson
N. G. A. E. Davis V. G., W.C. Peter
son secretary, and G: H. Bland treas
urer. .
The Expiikbs would call the atten
tion of the city dads to the fact that
some work ou tiie streets and alleys,
especially cutting down the thistle
before the Fourth, would be in good
A. E. Ansorge Is uow ready to do
any repairing of organs, having bad
long experience in first-class factor!-.
Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon,
Rev, Lamar has resigned as pastor of
the Baptist church nt this place and
has accepted a cull frem the Baptist
cliurcR ut Dayton, Wash. Rev. Lu
mar has hud charge of this church
here for four years and the church has
grown and built up fast under his
charge. He has many warm friends
ut this place who bid him God's speed
lu his new field. t
The Albany firemen have decided to
send a hose team to Lebanon on July
4th to contest for the prizes ottered.
Otto Clelan has been selected manager;
Charles Medlu, captain; Chief Frank
Daiuials, president; W. H, Warner,
sereetary. The "learn will go Into prac
tice at once. The fireman say that
they will go to Lebanon in full force
on July 4, and that there will lie base
hall aud other athletic contestants
from Albauy on that day. Herald.
The Lebanon ReDublic club met in
the G. A. R. Hall Friday evening and
transacted important business. Frank
Nickerson was elected president, R.
M. Brash First Vice President, Hiram
Baker Second Vice President, A. I.
Cruudall secretary, and Dull Bosler
treasurer. 'This olub has proven an
important tactor in local End county
politics, and its energy aud organiza
tion is commended to the other politi
cal parties of this vicinity.
Cummlttofls Appointed.
The following additional oonnntttees
buve been appointed for the 4th of
To construct liberty oar, G. ,W. Cru
son, G. F. Cotton, Joe Mayer, J, N.
CrnndalL Z. T. Bryant.
To decorate liberty car, Mrs. A. J.
Adams, Mrs. Dr. Foley, Mrs. W, B.
Donaca, Mrs. J. F. Hyde, Mrs. Ben
Kirk, Miss Emma Tlvey, Miss Doll
To select Goddess of Liberty, Dr. L.
Foley, Ed Kellenberger, S. M. Gar
land. .
Committee on hasebull, A. F. Btowe,
G. L. Elklns, J. B, Marks.
Kleutlon ot Oflloerl.
The following officers were eleoted
lu Pearl Rubekah Degree Lodge No
47, Wednesday evening: ClaraBoyles,
N. G.; Sarah Saltmarsh, V. G.; Huttie
Simpson, Rec. See'y; Allue Kirk, treus.
In the afternoon an opportunity will
k given to witness a grand athletic
nnrnanient open to all comers, Prizes
nill be given to Ihe winner In each
ontent. The contests will consist of
ices etc. The billowing prizes are
.treudy arranged and open for eoinpe
itloni :.
iose race, wet test, first prize, $40.00
rlose race, wet test, eecmid prize 15.00
tiicj'cJo race, . , one" prize 6.00
Baseball game, one prize, 10.00
Foot race, 150 yards, one prize, 2.50
Pent race, 200. yards, one prize,
Ladies race, 60 yards, contestants
' not less than 16 yrs of age
Fat men's race, 50 yds, one prize,
Sack race, 25 yards, one prize,
Potato race, one prize ,
The races will be on Main Street,
and will be under the supervision of a
nomnilttoe who will guarantee a fair
ind Impartial test lu all cases.
The Lebanon hose team have de
cided to allow out side teams to. use
their cart and hose provided they
enter before any race is made.
' The Central Baptist Association met
with the Lebanon Baptist church from
June 15th to the 18th, R. Thompson
iu the chair. Rev. J. R. Baldwin
preached the introductory sermon
Lam. 8;4. After the sermon come the
election of officers which resulted In
R. Thompson moderator, James Tom
linson clerk and treasurer.
The report on education and Mo
menvllle college was presented and
discussed by Rev. C. A, Wooddy of
Portland, foreign mission by Rev.
J. Sunderland, district secretary for
the coast, home missionary by Rev. A.
J. Hunsuker, state missionary. From
his report we learn that there is 7,600
Baptist In Oregon and nearly 4,000,000
in the United States. The report on
Sunday school was presented by 8. O.
Wallace and freely discussed by many
The young people organized an asso
elatiouaj union and elected C. H.
Hurt president aud Miss Flora Funk
secretary. Sunday afternoon was
given to the Women's Home aud For
eign Missionary Societies. They pre
sented their work with quite an inter
esting program. Miss Voss, their state
missionary, being present added very
much to the interest. At tbe close of
their program a collection was taken
for their work which resulted in $21.
. The Bession olosed Monday evening
with a atiring sermon from Rev. A. J.
HuuBaker. The Association goes to
MoMinnville next year.
Sodaville came near having another
lire last week. W. R. Hardmau's
house caught fire from the tera cotta
flue aud it was only by hard and quick
work that it was saved.
J. P. Chesher is busy at work on the
foundation to bis new hotel at Soda
ville. The dimensions of the founda
tion are 46x52 feet.
Lust Tuesday W. H. Sloper's sou
got hiB foot caught under the car at
the euw mill and three toes were badly
crushed. Dr. Prill was called to dress
the wounded member) and by remov
iug small particles of fractured bone
they were dressed without amputa
tion being necessary.
Mrs. Gibberdt at Waterloo is very
sick with malarial fever, and also Mrs.
Butler of tbe same place is very low.
Bide for the improvement of the
soda spring at Sodaville, Linn county,
Oregon, were opened iMonday and
were as follow!: C. W. Stokes $586.97;
Ch'ase & James of Lebanon, $540; W.
G. Hayne of Albany, $489; J. G. Boyle
of Lebanon $482.50. J. G. Boyle being
the lowest bidder, tbe contract was
awarded to him. The building is to be
completed by August first. Review.
Notice to the Fubllc. .
Haviug sold my grain warehouse to
the Red Crown Roller Mill Co., and
wishing to give possesion I hereby
give notice te all persons no having
grain in the house, that said grain
must be sold or removed by July 1,
1894, or stored with the Red Crown
Mill Co., as soon as said company takes
possession of the house. '
Dated, Lebanon, June 20, 1894,
John Settle.
Last Saturday evening John Scan
land caused some disturbance in J. C.
Mayers saloon and was thrown out.
He gathered uriak and started buck
In but our city marshal P. W. Morgan
was promptly ou hand and took
charge of him and locked him up in
the cooler where be remained all day
Sunday. Ou Sunday night some oue
gave him an augur with which he
bored a bole .through the oalaboose
door and made his escape taking with
him five blankets belonging to the
olty. Mr. Cornellous Cox reported
that he grassed his place about 7 o'clock
Monday morning on bis gray pony
with several plankets headed for the
mountains. There has been a state
warrant Bworn out for John for steal
ing the city blankets and If he is found
it will be made iuterestiug for blm. ,
Fop Sftle Vry Clittnp.
Household and kitchen furniture.
C, R. Lamah,
Lebanon, Oregon.
cineiix cocbt. ,
Court convenes in Albany ne Mon
day. Ths docket will consist of 92
old cases, continued, and tbe following
new cases:
8 M Hongland, admr, vs S M Bates,
recovery of money.
W H Swank set J W Swank and John
Brown, partition.
Herbert Ames v.M W Murray "re".
covery money ; attachment.
David Carey vs Farmers A Merchants
Ins Co, recovery money.
Rosa Ferganbam vs I W Starr, re
covery meney j attachment.
Oregon Mtge Co, Limited, vs 0 0
Burkhart et al, foreclosure.
Laura A Caldwell vs El en BCa dwell
et al, partition.
I) n reterson vs G n Wilkes, super
intendent, et al, writ of review.
M M Moms vs Farmer! A Merchants
Tns Co, recovery of money.
in estate oi Martna Hunter, appeal.
Guespne Matasce vs Kate Matasce.
Alfred H Freerksen vs the Bank of
Oregon, recovery of money, attachment.
Lmn uounty jyational Hank ts the
Bank of Orsgon. recovery of money.
A lbanv Building and Loan Auociation
VI Liziie M Eeli et al, foreclomre.
8 A Nickerson vi Frank Jennings at
al, foreclosure of lien. 1
8 E First vs Farmers A Merchants Ins
Co, recovery of money. ,
Evaritta E Warner vi 8 B Warner,
Evaritta "E Warner vi S B Warner,
partition. a
J R Ream vs H L Cranor et al. recov
ery of money, attachment.
W If Uochran and O P Cosbow vi
William Cochran, recovery of money.
Geo C Waud-vi Ruth E Wand.
divorce. .
Philip Collischonn vi J P Simpson,
recovery of money.
Frank Bros Co vs H W Walker, re
covery of money ; attachment.
Frank Bros Co vs W S Paul, recovery
of money; attachment.
Effie M Bodwell vs Bailey F Bodwell,
Linn County National Bank vs Bank
of Oregon et al, to set aside assignment.
H W Goff vi Bank of Oregon, recovery
of money.
John A Millard vi Bank of Oregon,
reeoverv'of money.
W H" Van Schnyver A Co vs A A
Comley, recovery of money.
E P McCormick vs Waterloo Develop
ment Co, foreclosure.
J W Althouse vb H 3 Maple et al,
S E Young et al vs J B Wirt at al.
recovery of money, attachment.
8 E Young et al vs W H McPhereon
et al, foreclosure.
J A bturtevant vs J L uowan ana J
M Ralston as Bank of Lebanon, recov
ery oi money.
8 E Young et al vs J D Walton it al,
Lena K Jeffries vs Leigbton C
Jeffries, divorce. ?
Medden Vandernool vs H C Klepper
etal, foreclosure.
J O Boothit & Sons vs A R Norwood,
recovery of money. , s
' James Brooks vs Jos M Nichols, fore
closure chattle mortgage.
More rain and mud.
Last Friday evening about 4 o'clock
we were treated to tbe cleverest ball
storm we have experienced since we
have been in Webfoot. Hall fell for
ten or fifteen minutes very thick and
fast, about the site of good sized mar
bles, some of then obloug in shape
but mostly round as bullets.
Mr. J' W- Gee is getting out timber
for a new barn.
Mr. Rollins is also getting out tim
ber for a barn which will be, about
seventy-five feet square.
Bee bunting has gotten to be quite
an occupation with some of tbe people
in this vicinity and they are meeting
with considerable Buccess.
Mr. Green lost a good cow tbe other
day, had symptoms of poison and had
probably gotten bold of larkspur.
Mrs. W. G. Brown has been very
sick. She was attended by Doctors
Foley aud Booth and Is now slowly
Mr. James Fltiwater is quite poorly
with an attack of lagrlppe.
Little Willie CummlngB, son of
Charles Cdmmings of Oakland, Oregon
returned home, today. He has ieen
visiting bis Grandparents for the past
six weeks, 8. J. and W. H. Cummings
of spring farm.. ,
Mrs. Louisa Phelps returned to
Waterloo Friday. Grandma and
Grandpa Cummings miss her very
Mr. James Morgan and family spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Mor
gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cum
mings. While there their little son
was taken quite sick.
Mr. Fred Brampton went to Leba
non Monday taking little Willie Cum
mings with him, where he took, tbe
train for Albany thenoe to Oakland
Gardeu truck is growing nicely and
so are the weeds. It keep so wet the
hoe cannot be used and consequently
tbe weeds. Bedrock.
One of the notable features of the
Fourth of July celebration, at Leba
non will be an old fashioned barbecue.
A trench thirty feet long and four feet
wide will be dug, In which will be
roasted an ox, celf and sheep, eufflcl
ent to furnish meat for the crowd.
The roasting will be under tbe iairae
diate supervision of Ed Kellenfcerger,
which is o itself sufficient guarantee
of the successful carrying, out of this
I feature of the programme.
If you want photos made and havn't
the moueyUoyd will take your pro
Lebanon Will, Celebrate
Glorious 4th of July.
. . AND '
Bring Your Wife
New Dress, or;
Call at Our Store and Ex-
amine Our Goods
, and Prices. :
ipr . MOM
S. P. BACH '
Who always carries a nicely selected stock of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
' gods, groceries, fc,
If you do not already give him your patronage try him,
and you will always trade at his store.
,..:..:. 'V V V '.'V.
Id Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank, .
Wheels! Wheels!! ,
The Two Leaders of the World ! V
Send for catalogues.
it- ' '
Write for bargains' in second-hand End '93 wheels.
i . . Albany, Oregon.
Also see Chas. M. Anderson, at the Express Office.
" ; -''''.
Paper Hanging and Gaining.
and All Her Relation.
a Pair of Shoes.