The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 22, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 17
One year.. .....KM
(If paid In advance, 11 Hi pot your.) ,
IHi mmitlm 1
Three montlm
ftiturlecauhM -
J. N. Dolrih, - I
Julin II. Mitchell,) '
Hlncer Hermann Congressman
Sylvester I'onnoyer Oovemor
George W. Mcliride .Secretary of Htale
Phil Metschan, ,1'rensuror
US, B. MoEIroy, 8npt. Public Instruction
Frank 0. ilakor State Printer
R.8. Strnhn, I ' ' ' .
Wni. r. Lord,. ... .....Supreme Judges
It. a. llean, , ,
Judge ! i J.N. Duncan
Clark, N. P. Payne
Recorder x..Vt. E. Davis
Sheriff, i. C. C. Jackson
School Superintendent, ..G. H? Wilkes
Treasurer...... S.Brlce Wallace
Assessor W. F. Deukins
o... IT. T T ffiulu.r
onrveyu,..... -
V Coronor j'rnna rurreu
, . . jwm. Kumbaugh
vu.uiuiin.uuo. a, uoiin Pllgll
(El). KKLLENliEUGElt,,
J. G. KEEP, .
,i,u,,r. vnrn JT.C. COTTON, '
City Oc'Uiioll meeta en the first fad third
Tuenday ol'ea'oh month. :
ge0 ,-et Societies.
LMIANON LOllOK, NO. J. O- 0- -
ery Saturday evening si ." I"8""".
o'clock p. m. w la''. N' -
." 8. H. OAKLAND, Beefy. ' .
PKARI.HEllliUCA 1.0UHE, NO. , I. 0. (J.
Mwtaat l. 0. 0. FHall Unit and Hiiro e(u.-
rt7 evenings of each mouth.
MRS. a. w ckuson.k. o.
. j, i i r-- r r
oLol.No, A. F. 4 A. fc.-MecW
Saturday evening, on or before the full poon in
each month: E. E. Hakmack, W. M,
V. H. Uiuxt, Ben.
Honor Lmoa, No. . A. 0, 0. W.-Meeta avery
Tuesday avenlnii at Q. A. B. Hall.
, C. A. ZiHS, M. W.
B. Y. Kiui'ATaicK, Rec.
Ml Mauiee Cahp, No. 18, ntv ofOaaoo
. .:w.M,t in o.A. K. Hall. Lebanon
WBII0F"'', : . ... ' ,
Or e,ry Saturday evening, except the third
Biiti!nli' of m'Oh month, meeting tho third Fri
day ii ad. AH hrotheni of theSuus of Vol
eraniind , wnraileaof the U. A. R. are cordially
invited to ."" ""T" ""
: E. . OAiin, Capt.
' A. Ti, ,nt8e,t'
" " 'pTtnt'KSSIOJfAZ.
attorneV- at -law.,
'John M. Sombrs,
Wlll pra. iti ln " 41,4 ""t" of 8t"'"'
F. STOWfi,
Attorned at Law,
., , and onreful attoutlon.
Oollecllon (riven promt. eourts of lhc te.
Will praetioe lu all tl.
Weathetford S W
JU: i r"
tile Bute and CM on
Albany, Oregon,
' ' FOR a
Heating Stoves, Cook StoYesr&c.
"As old m
the hills" And
never exoell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.'
Liver Eegu-
lfifnr la tho
P'f'f'P f only Liver
medicine to
. can pisyour
Cf1 1 faith for a
id an
mild laxa
tive, and
f i ; purely veg-,
. etable, act
r 7 7 ing directly
rl II C on the Liver
and Kid-,
nevs. Try it.
. Sold by all
Druggists' in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea,
' The Kbn of LlTer Medicine.
'l have uaed yourHlmmona Liver Reira
lator and eun aonRclentinuHly uay tt Im the
king of all liver medlcinee, I coiwlder It a
medlelne nheat in ltaelf.Gso, W, Jaok
aoN, Tacoma, Waahiuaton.
H the X Sum is red oa mwiw
East and South
via " '
Southern Pacific Co.
Expreatt truine leave Portland doily :
11:15 p. M. ! I,v...l'ortland Ar.
10:2.1 p. . Lv.Alhny ..Ar.
Kl:lf A. u. j Ar.Run FrendficoLv
8:20 A. K
4:28 a. '
7:00 P. M
Tim ultovn tnvina stop at nil Htntioim from
fitrtlaml to Albuny inelunive;also Tangent,
Biiedfl, Halnt-y, HurriHhtirg, Junction City,
Irving, Eugene and all (nations from Rose
burg toA!nluuii inoiuaive. "
Rnncburjf mail daily: ,'
"K'Sli a. hI i i,v".. Portland ...Ar. I 4720 p. it,
12:46 P. M. Lv.. Jilhany Ar. 12:30 P. H.
6:fiOP, u. I Ar...K()Reburg..Lv.J7:00A.M.
local nnKeenircr . truiuadallv (excent
Himiluv. v
1 :20 p. H. Lv... Albany Ar. j 10:21 n. M.
2:0Hp. hA Ar...Ulianun....I,v. 9: a.m.
8:10 A. . I.V...Albuny Ar. j 8:26 P. M.
0:00 A. M. I Ar... Lebanon ...Ly.f 2:80 P. M.
Dining Carson Ogden, Route.
Pullman Buffet Sleepeiis
Scoond-ClusB Sleeping Cars At
tSchod to all Through Trains.
Vest (!ildo llvl10.
Betwkkn Poutlaso A0 UOBVAI.I.IB.
Mail train daily (except Sunday):
"80 A. M. 1 I jV . .". Po rt I u 1 1 U 7.7a K I 6 :85 A. M.
12:1(4 p. M, J Ar...Cnrvnllis..Lv. 1:00 P. M..
At Albanv attd CorvafliB connect with
liniim of Oregon Pouilic ruilroadj ;
Exiirewi truindaily (except Sunday) ;
4:40 p. L2.PortiiidAr. ,r8:25 a, m.
7:86 p. M. I Ar.Mc.Miunville Lv 6:60 A. M.
tmhtickets U1"
n:ln and Europe can be obtained at lowest
rrttea from I. A Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
R. KOEHI.KR, Manager.
F V. ROGERS, Asst. a.. Pas. Agt.
St. Charles Hotel,
' Comer Main and Sherman Btrocta,
I B. THOMPSON, Proprietor. ,
First-Class in all Apartments.
Speoial attention paid to (Join
mereiul men.
ti nard and Lodijintf, per daj-, $1 to
(2; per week 4.G0 to 0
Sewing Machines
5 years. Forfurthor Information can
on or write to E. U. Will's music store,
Albany, Or,
Htrlotly Jn It.
When It oomoB to selling goods, Ba
ker !b Htrlotly in It. Ho oarrlea a large
and well seleotod stock and has wlnt
the people want, and they always find
the price to suit the times. .Hall mid
see him,
Clipped From Our Exchanges
- Throughout the West.
Senator Tongue is to speak at
Ashknd ori the Fourth.
A Dullas fish wheel caught 3000
pounds of bluobacks Friday.
.' It will take ten bands to satibfy
Eugene's musical ear on the
Fourth.' :
bixteen dollars is about all a
farm team will bring at a Corval
lis auction. . . ;
Frank Arnold, of Pendleton has
gone insane through loss 0 his
property. . ' ,
Albany's building" and loan as
sociation put out its last loan at
76 month's interest ' 7
Some 400 days work have been
subscribed for improving the road
between Salem and Turner. ;
Captain Sachs is making ar
rangements to establish a gun
factory in Eugene for the manu
facture of his hammerless gun.
W. H. Fletcher, father of the
young man recently pardoned by
the governor, has spent 1(6000 in
his son's behalf since the crime.
Willamette university will send
a party of some 35 professors and
students to make the ascent of
Mount Hood some time in August.
The flood caused many of the
newspaper men in eastern Oregon
to print their papers on manilla
paper, because of a scarcity of
news paper. .'
C, J. Atwood, the prize-winner
orator of Willamette university, is
also something in athletics, having
won the first prize at rope climb
ing field day. . ,7 -
The Baker City Democrat ftates
that the ore dm the dump at the
Emma mine, as experted bjf re
liable mining men, wjll go from
$100 to $300 to the ton.
Darr Phelps, a hand in the Pen
dleton scouring mill, used a pin
to remove a splinter from his hand.
Blood poisoning set in and he is
confined to his bed with a danger
ous arm. ' .
. C..N. Wagner, assessor of Grant
county, had a narrow .escapa from
death by lightning last week, near
Beach creek station. As it was lie
was thrown from his horse and
slightly injured. .
The: team of a Helix farmer,
named McFerran, ran off a bridge
throwing him, his wife, he? son
and his wife and little child from
the wagon. Mrs, McFerran will
probably die as she was frightfully
injUreA' .v
Albert Shepherdson, an old gen-
tleman at Grant's Pass, ws re
cently struck in the right side by
a spent rifle ball, and a painful
flesh wound was inflicted. The
bullet was fired from a gun in the
hands of Ed Levier wlie had fired
at birds. $
W. A. Wolls has leased from A.
L. Maxwell, received of the Oregon
.Development Company, and will
Highest Honors World' Pair.
A purs Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
this season operate the grain ware-
house at Wrenn, Bladgett, Philo
math and Munkers, along the line
of the Oregon Pacific
Walter Rowc, the last of the
young Dalles highwaymen, has
given himself up and is in 'jail.
Heis'not blamed, apparently as
much as the others, and is thought
to have been influenced. His
parents are highly respected.
The stove as a safe-deposit vault
for family valuables has again
proven unreliable, this time at St.
Helens, where the good wife of one
of the house-holders made it the
receptacle for two $20 gold pieces
and a bank check for 140. A fire
started in the stove by the hus
band converted the check into
smoke and the coin into slugs.
Advices from Southern Alaska
state that the settlers along the
coast of the North Prince of Wales
sound are alarmed over the Indian
prising. Two unknown white
men passing down the coast in an
open boat were assassinated and
tbeir bodies badly mutilated. The
Governor has been requested to
send a revenue cufterto prosecute
the ringleaders.
The light draught steamer Eu
gene, which has been making
weekly trips between Portland and
Eugene, hse demonstrated the fact
that Bhe will be able to run as far
as Corvallis during the whole sum
mer, giving the shippers along the
Willamette a two-trips-a-week ser
vice, thereby saving them the ex
orbitant rates charged in the sum
mer season by the railroads. In
The Astoria Budgett man at
least on paper is a regular Corbeti.
Hear him: , The Budget picked
uo quarrel with the Herald or the
deputy district attorney; but if he
is hunting for a little notoriety
and advertising w are just the
boys who can give it to him. If
you mean trouble, Mr. Deputy
District Attorney and Defender of
Crap shooters amd Vags, just put
up your dukes and jump into the
ring with the rest of your kind,
and we will proceed to give you
the best we have in the shop. ,
A newspaper in Illinois recently
brought suit against 43 men who
would not pay their subscriptions,
and obtained judgement in eaoh
cas,e for the amount of each claim.
Of these, 28 made affidavit that
they owned no more than the law
allowed them, thus preventing at
tachments. Then under the de
cision of the supreme court, they f '
were arrested for petty larceny and
bound over in the sum of $300
each. All but six gave the bonds.
The new postal laws make it petty
larceny to take a paper and refuse
to pay for it. 7 ,
Shortly after I oWock Monday
afternoon Ira Bowman, an old resi.
dent of Springfield, dropped dead
near his home in the eastern edge
of the village. The deceased gen
tleman was about 65 years of age
and at the time of his death was
engaged in mowing some grass in
a small field. Bystanders saw
him fall suddenly while whetting
his sythe and going up to him
found life extinct. A doctor eyas,
sent for but it was useless to at
tempt 'a revival, Mr. Bowman
was a pioneer of the vicinity in
jvhich he lived. Eugene Guard.
The Lincoln County Leader gays
that "The Pioneer rock quarry
has been awarded the contract for
furnishing the stone for the Parrot
building in San Francisco, and as
soon as the new channel machine
arriveS from the east, larger quan
tities of stone will begin to move.
The machine reachedt Umatilla,
but was stopped by the flood, and
was sent around by Ogden and
Sacrttmento. It is expeoted to ar
rive in a week or ten days, 'and its
arrival will enliven things at the
quarry, and improve business on
the O. P."
Beautiful Grdundo lne Mn-ao-l,OOQ
lb of Meat to be
' Barbecued lOOO Loaves
of Bread Free Eloquent
Addresses Patriotic Iieol'
tatlons Interesting Hose
and Other RaceaPluifug
lles on' Horses-Grand
Street Parade free to All.
Lebanon has done with polities for
the present, and her citizens have
combined their efforts to make the
Fourth a glorious day. The weather
bureau has promised, as a special favor
to give us a bright and beautiful day,
Among the many pleasing features
will be: The site selected is unsur
passed in loveliness. The noble Bau
tiam, often so noisy, will cease her
roar and softly and slowly glide by our
grounds, to view the beauties that na
ture and art have accomplished for this
occasion. She will behold a grassy,
undulating woodlawn, a pebbly beach,
and her own placid bosom upon which
bedecked boats will swiftly glide, bear
ing handsome gents and gentle maid
ens. j6he will hear the sweet strains
of patriotic song and the burning elo
quence of our orators of the day. She
will behold many beeves slaughtered
and barbecued as they were iq the
days of ancient Greece, and the multi
tude feasting 6n the hospitality of
Lebanon's citizens, bhe will behold
100 ladies and gentlemen on prancing
Ubargers, lead by the chief marshal.
You, our visiting friend, will see
this and much mote.. You will see
hose companies from the principal
towns of the valley competing for our
handsome prizes. You can see streams
of water from our fire plugs rise higher
than you ever saw the like before.
You will see the fat the lean race for
prizes.- You will see ,tbe "potato," the
"sock" and many other ludicrous
races. - You will see baseball games,
and the anjics of the "plug-uglies" and
many other Interesting' sights.; Come
one and all from any and every where,
aud enjoy the day with us. '
The Lebanon Firemen will meet
and entertain all visiting firemen,
Black Sand Mining.
Mr. H. Rogers,of UiIb city, has re--
turned trom Yaqulna, where he has
been Investigating the new process of
black sand mining on the coast.- He
Bays that the new machine invented
by Isaaa Ban to is proving a great
succesi. It Is a chemical process. A
longsluice box Is used with a hopper
and sieve to keep out 'the large debits
in the aand.. The chemical proportion
is then placed ln the bottom of the
sluice box, which collects or precipi
tates the fine gold in the bottom of (he
bon. Mr. Rdgers Bays that miners
who used to be able to take out 75
cents to $1 00 a day by the old process,
are now taking out as high as t& 00,
and under favorable conditions, $18 00
per day. About thirty-five men are
at work, he says, on the South beach
between Yaquina and Alsea, and most
of the claims are taken for 14 miles
down the beach. This new black sand
mining machine is owned by Banta,
Wink A Brasfleld, and they are con
fident that they have a bonanza. Tbey
say that with this process they can
save 90 per cent of the gold in all the
black sand which abounds aleng the
coast, Mr. Wink and Mr Toner haye
gone down the coast to Fort Orford, to
put some machines to work there, and
several miners have gone up the coast
as far as Tillamook. If the new ma.
dailies prove as great a success as
appearances now indicate, black sand
mining on the' Oregon coast will de
velop into a profitable. Herald.
Independent Evangeloal Servloes.
First Sunday in each month at
Brownsville at 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M.
Second Sunday at Waterloo at 11 A. M.
and '7:30 p. M. Third Sunday at
Brownsville at 11 a. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Fourth Sunday at Sodaville at 11 A. M.
Middle Ridge at 3 P. sc. rVaterloo at
7:30 p. M. All are cordially invited to
attend these appointments.
. C. JJ. PfcOWMAN. '
' ' ' 1 " Castor. f
or. Price's Cream Bakiug Powder
World's Fair tilghcat Awart.
The flood took a turn Saturday after
reaching a height of 83) feet above low
water, and Is now going down slowly.
Some fears are entertained that the
worst has not eome yet," and that It
will come up again with the warm
June weather! But It Is to be hoped
that such feara will not be testified.
The work of cleaning ut Mia iniiii
dated districts is olosely following up
hj rcueeuiug water. The temporary
sidewalks are beluar removed in n,
night-time, to the water's edge, and
ine siaewaiKs are being cleared of
the mud. . . . ;
The extent of the damage done can
not be estimated, but It.
put down at $20,000,000, which will in
clude the Snake and Columdla water
ways. ' In this cltv tha lnaa hv h.
truotlon of property and loss of bus!-
un win ne at least 110,000,000. The
city will be at an enormous expense to
repair damage done streets and public
property. The flnnH hu hr. . .
- - - . mvu pvUlU,
of revenue to boatmerJ who bad cjafts
of every conceivable' shape or style,
and a great number nf nonnu tir
cursiona through the overflowed city. '
xicuiueae quarters which are sub
merged aiso nave been a scene of mer
riment for the celestials, who have
been Indulging in boat races on the
streets. . ,
Several persons are reported missing
and are supposed to be drowned,, but
this is not authentic, as it is known
that many have left th city to escape
the flood.
Stores that have been under water
are being cleared and put Into shape
for business. Should the water eon
tlnue falling at Its ptesent.rate it will
be a month before the lower docks are
uncovered.. Work is being giyen eut'
as fast as possible to residents of the
City, and strangers ooruing In from
other parts are not employed, and it
will be well for them to stay away
Sauvies Island is
and the damage Is figured at more
than $310,000. Th iti n..,a
trackWong the Columbia Is destroyed
""""i many places the road
bed will have to be changed. .
The question of a sea wall around
the city is talked or h.,i 1. 1- .,... ,..
impracticably-Portland Dispatch. ' ',
"Many of the
- " w a aiuov.ut,
Indiana, are never without a bottle of
w.aiuoeriais Cough Beniedy in the
house," says Jaoob Brnwn th i,ji
merchant of the place. This Remedy
has proven of so much valiiB fee
oroup and whooping cough in ohildren
.u.i icw muiuere wno know Its worth
are willing to be without It. For sale
by N.W. Smith, drugglet.
The reeular subscrlntinn nri
ExPMMle 11.50 a year, and theregu-
euuevupuon price or the Weekly
Oregonlan is $1.60. Anv nn BtihavitL
ing for the Express and paying one
0 iu auvanoe, can get both the Ex
press end the Weekly Oregonian one
year for $2.00. . All old subscribers
paylug their subscrlptieus for -me year
in advance will be entitled to the same
offer. ,
Spring shades of kid trlovea. n,,im
eri regular line and with large pearl
buttnua, Foster hook. Rireit.
gauutletat8.E. Yqtjnq, Albany, Ore.
These hard times we want & a..,,, i,
we can, but of course we have to eat
stillyou will savesomjsbygettingyour
groceries at 8. P, Bach's.
Photos of the People's candidates
that spoke at the$odaville pionlocaii
be bad at Boyd's gallery and other
photos of the pionio.
Bach is not selling ills olothlng at
cost, but still you can get a better suit
therefor less money than anywhere
Changed livery Week.)
t Oats 28c
Hay-$9 per ton.
Flour-$0 60,76 per sack. .
Chop $1 00 per owt.
Bran-- 75o perowt.
Middlings 1 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 20c. ,
Apples Dried, 6c per lb '
Plums Dried, 4Jo.
''Onions 2u. ' '
Beef Dressed, 5o.
Veal 46o.
Pork Dressed, 6.
Lard-12. f , . ,
Hams 12 j per lb. f
, Shoulders 10c.
Bides 11c oer lb.
Geese4-$7 perdos. '
Ducks--$4 OOperdoz. . .
Chiokens $2 753 08.
Turkeys 100 per lb. .'
Eggs-lOo . nerdoD. 1
H Idea-Green, lei dry, 2c. .