THE ELECTION MORNS Offlc ial , . ". fillil " " : : : : 7. .t I' 8883888: ftftEKKMagggSgSgMaSSg ,1 USC. LftKfilSlS Hi iian HO I ftiftgagggsg88issgggggas6 g-agsggsft38ftga38BSftgagggs 1 Sggsaggggsassgsgftqgsggggggg gftj68888BSgSS8gSg85ggag35Sg lgftgaB8ftg5gaas5"g8iigaggi8 fv gg!Kfegfttg88gga8gsaga88a8l 8gftggagazgg5Bfeaft88g8sg. gtB5ga88S8838tg8giigB8g8gg "MHO ftgaBaggBsBigggsgggatallii T A jiftfeggggBsggsagssgggggsaiSsM mn? an BisgSg8tg8tgggagasSia': 8.tgggg8tB88.!iig8888gS8feg8aga. IBmg?tgg3ft8S5gtggaggfe888ggSS ftiggfe8ggg?Bfe88gS8838agg agggasgggagasaagaaagBBBaBBa Bftggigggt8fc8agttB38g8g8BS8 i!H K d 88ggggggg8tl3Sfe8B3Sg8aBg8jSfl 1 ii Rfl 88gg58il5SS88ggg3ggi8i. ggft8ggSS888SBg8gggJJglg SgfeStggggfe8fe58g8gJi8JgSgJ ggfegagggsgggggtigggssagggsfgj aagftfeggfeggagsgggaaftygtaSSsi; 130 I iAl ftgggSg8gSggSiSg3gSiggI 8.sjgi38JSSSSgaj8j8jmrf laa sggggggaftfeSgSsgtasaftgBggggg 00 BfefegggfegggSgggBggSt'ggfegsggg gMgggitBftSBggfegggagasggggsgs ggggaSgggggfelggfegaasggggBsa agggaggggg8338gsSt6aS8gS 8tgg388g3a8gS38gag8888Sia Ob SMS8SHBSS.gSg8S8BS8HiSS.M, Iflr 88gg8fe8gSB8aa8gg8i83ggggSsf. iggs'gggtitaggsl SgggsSgggMggsgfcgBgggBgBgBB '. Hf gggggaggggBaggggsSaglsgggas uxa T! f WJttBl1- ,- i" Iv r "f . " - - " "V- f ,f! j8ggsBgfegjggisgjj8j,ggsgga8gr S3Bglsm52m38SS8S88Sir "llr'J ovl 1 KMMMP 11 II 1U E5 Scrofula Cured. Twenty -seven Years. Siir.twil.nll the time and Sores Constantly Iti-raking uuttred IVoi. ). it(ittlH nt Dr. Grant's .S:'.:-i!.iMillta mul Grapo ttml i'ih-4'tuit u Cure. 'to:- AVr; Bret i u.y The vlauh of my k'.boI seem to do me any good. .. v.m- ,11;,, I couimtMieetl taking -i i.i.ii.i.-. :M;MrillR ami Grape i i. U thai the lirst boltie was doinK .,i ...,..L si. 1 k-pt on uutil I had taken . .!, .-iml hare m!v"r"feltBO well' ill tile t tv eulv-sevin years. It certainly was ..-ehiap doctor hill, as the total cost of litp in. tli. iue was only $5.50. I now cor- King of Ulcc4 Purifieri. A. G. BTEVENS, For sale by M. A. Miller. BARBER SHOP BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths.. Children. Kindly Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. Has Saved His Life! Marvelous Cure ! April St), '9a. O.W. U. Mm. Co., I'ortliiml, Ore. DtarStrs: About a year iiro I mud terrlhln stute. I could not turn ovar In I tried'" Z When 110 physician in Huruov : limmeiitH, but tliey all pain seemed to Ik. striking near the heart, Your agent came louK and had 11 bottle 'of Coimo Oil. Hearing 1 was ill wkh rheumatism, he culled mum mi', and bromtht a bottle of Oontto Oil. It. ciminonced rubbing me with it, and in less than live minutes I was relieved ; in half an hour J was uble to swinf! mv f. out of t.d, and mm hour I was, stairs. He leftthe buttle with mo and I It wvernl times. From tlui;..", I have not tan troubled vhi I feel that I owe my IS- ful oil. All this can 1 veiilind l.v J.ed Haines, o( llarnev, aim the liiidlimi tif the liotal ami aeveral other-. 1 alwavH carry a bottle til i uiiro (Jilinmvarip'iioiv. Vouin very truly, 0. II. SOHT ;, Co.,i)..;r.. Price 50 cents ai:fl tlwMt For mile by M. A. Millor. . Albany team Laundry RICHARDS & PHILLIPS, Proprs, AJl,My, Oregon All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Rates for Family Washings. Batisfuction Guumuteeil or ilonev Rcfumled. J. E. ADCOX. Agent, ' .IiiSuiltb'uDrugBtore. Diabetes Curx. Wonderful Wor!-:.' A New Being te! DtarSin: If yon 011M m f! , --'y of this letter and nn!c tlio WM.di.- ,; ehanite that has been eir.tod in V -.-y by taking Dr. Grant's Kidncylt:. : l.:; Oitre, you would cnrtninlv li'.i:' ; .n-i . 1 win; 11 moid, wretched sii.Tctm i' .i itn ti rairs, try! ja!! kb.U nt. ......J ;. ! ,y pitting no reliul. The 8 .v 5f. ii av verv exmwive. I was m a lir ..." cud ill, covered with wlitneh" MttitKar .wUlt iiivr'II nn! '.hi: vv liir'e; but, '.!"i-il(S t '. y cir v. bcin:t. n'ld l id.'? -j .-t-.-t has Iwen ( ;i'wl. -.i i.. ii".- With jur lwt wid f f -v t invfK, I ;'e;....'u Yuiirsr,::-Kct:iii;;, A. '.v ' " For sale by M. A. Milky. . r 1 ' Meat Market, Ed Kellenberger, Propr. Fre3h& Salted Beef' Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo logna, and Ham, Always on Hand , Or. OFFICIAL K1TUKK8 OF LINN COUNTY 10li l(!(.).l-STATE TICKET wmmmmm mi IkLs 1 I liStl tel OikI 'i-(B!u'Mi,n. l.cii I.. . 1 - , 0 foQ,Q 'WAV uoi.MoM aiiwi I '""""'"K H 'A'. 1 s. :M-ii!KI.uK 1 lWt0 J E II , 8 CT-TJS-' UJ.h- M r'PwrtJ'A'n mo pjoj.iH (! nam l" . I"-'-' avil,0toJ I ""'"'loi'O'H'Mfl t -IT is. -wiji' u u ru i