LEBANON, OREGON, JUNE IS, 1894. NO. 16 VOL VIII. - !'.. I"1" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year .....12 00 (If imlll to advance, II So per year,) Sli month! 1 00 Three month! single eople 06 , STATU OFFICERS. 'iMiUenj" """ lllnoor Hermann .Congressman Sylvester Pennuyer, Governor fleorae W. McBride Secretary of Suite Phil Metwhan Treasurer E. B. JloElroy Sunt. Public Instruction Frank O. Baker State Primer H. 6. flt-ahn. I Vim. t. Iiord, j. Supremo Judges K. S. Bean, ) OIMINTS OFFICERS. Judge, J. N. Duncan Clork N. P. Payne Jteoordor ; E. E. Davis Bhorlff, C. C. Jackson School Superintendent Q. H. Wilkes Treasurer llrleo Wallace .Aucsanr, W. F. Duukinn . Surveyor, E. T. T. Fisher Coroner, Frank Fundi Commissioner. CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR ..ZTc. II. MONTAGUE. RECORDER A. I. KTOWE. CITY ATTORNEY S. M. HAULAK11. I'HEASIIUER J. F. HYDE. MARSHAL P. W. MORGAN. fED. KHU.E5JHEROER, J. (I. RK.HI), I T. O. COTTON. COtmcav'EN u. ANDREWS. I S. H. MYERS. " O. W. RICE. City Council nice-" 811 M tMri Tuesday evenings oft"" "'""th. Seoret 8ook,tles' MBAN0N LODOK, HO. 47, 1,0. - "-"" very Saturday evening at Odd Fellol,',, Hal1' "' o'clock p. m. n I. W. MKNZIKS, N. P' B. M. OAKLAND, Bect'y. P KARL REBECCA LODGE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F. Meeuall. 0.0. f Hall tint and third Wedum day ovenlugs of each month. MRU G. W. ClllISON, N. 0. MISS HATT1K SIMPSON, Scot';. Idnu o Lowilt, No, 44 A. K. 4 A. M.-Mwilk Saturday evening, oa or before the hill moon In each month. B. E. HAMHACK, W. II, F, M. Miuaa. Sec. Honor Lonus, No. 98, A. 0, U. W. Meet every Tuesday evonlug at 0. A. E. Hall. C. A. ZillN, M. W. H. Y. KlRKHATHICS, Roc. H't Mbioos Cahi', No. 19, mv ofOuKoo Soiu or VKr'H, Meot lu U.A. It. Hall, Lebanon, Or., every Saturday evening, except the third Saturday of each month, meeting the third Fri day Instead. All brothers or the Hons of Vet erans and comradesof the' 0. A. It. are cordially Invited to meet with the CVmp, Jt. 0. Cabk, Copt, A. Tuiniv, First Begt. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Oakland, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. LEBANON. (BtEGON. John M. 'Somers, Attorney-at-Law Will practice in all tluo oourts of the state. LEBANON. : OREGON. A.F. ST OWE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Collections given prompt an d earefid attention. Will practice lu alt the omuls of the state. omCE IK COURTNnv's nitica. Lbbanon, Oregon. . Woatlietford & Wyatt, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. ' W. S B1LYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEGON. Be Sure and Call on HOPKINS BROS., -OF- Albany, Oregon, - Heating Stoves. Cook Stoves. &c. BEST GOODS. JKf ' , varvs&i prices. ' edV "Triod 1?! and proven'' M;j mine voruict " 01 millions. Simmons - . Liver Regu-Tr-v v, lator is the rP ftP Liw JJCUL a,i Kidney medicine to which you can pin your fr fivith for a HAM ouro- A live, and purely veg etable, act T ' 77 mS directly 0 oa t"8 Liver 1 ItlsS and Kid neys. Try it. Sold l:-y all T'nifN in Liquid, or in IWler t-j lu taken dry or -made iu'st n Ua. Wk K luj of Liver II.iillcljici. " 1 ImiT yimi'MljrinmmI,!vi:r Ueirn ln"l ..ii'.l cum rouM'h'iitMiAly say 11 i the I. iiii. tn .l iiv"r iiii-illciiiiis. ; auiililfr It a nicilp lnetiiiest in itntilf. iiEo. 't Jack on, 'J'uuuma, Wutiiilngtoa. -EVU3tr PAOKACK-S Bas tlia Z Stamp in red ou wrappa East and South VIA THE SHASTA ODTE OF THE Sontnern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Portland daily: (1:16 r. sc. in;i1.A. M. l,v... Portland Ar. Lv... Albany.. ..Ar. Ar.HanKranciscoLv 8:20 A. H 4:28 a. T 7:00 p. m' Tt.u nltove trains stot at all stations from Portlom.1 Albany iuclusivo: also Tangent, Hhcdd, Ha'M'.v, Harrlsburg, Junction City, LrVltlg, Pitlgei. v uiui uu ninuuiii iiuiu Ause- burg to AshlanJ inclusive. Uosoliurg muil d.iily : ":0 A. u. ! l,v...Portli)d ...Ar. 12:46 r. m. Lv... Albany Ar. 4:20 p. M. 12:110 P.M. 7:00 A.M. 6:6X1 r. M. I Ar...Koseburg..Lv. Locul nassenter trains-daily (except Huuday. 1 :20 p. M. 2:09 p. . 8:10 A. tl. 9:00 A. M. Lv... Albany Ar. A r... Lebanon ....Lv. Lv... Albany Ar; Ar.. .Lebanon. ...Lv. 10:21 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 8:26 p. m. 2:39 P. M. Dining Cars on, Ogden Route. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. West Hide Dlvlwlon. BsTwitrai Portland ano Corvaius. Mail train daily (extant Sunday): . T:80a7m7 I Lv...Portlnnd ...Ar. 6:36 a. m. (k.lb P. M. Ar...Oorvallis. .Lv. 1 :00 P. M. ,.Vt Albanv and Oorvallls connect with train' of Oregon Paciiic railroad. Expii train daily to5Pjt!iylL "4-40e VC rPortlaiid...Ar. j 8:25 a. m. 7 !ho p. m. I Ar.McMinnvilleLvl 6:60 a.m. THRODGHTlMWcan! ada and Eurono cn be optained at lowest raws from I. A. Bofinott, 8nnt, woanou. R.K'OKH LRU, Manager. ' E. P. HOGERS, Asst. 0. rM8' St. Chctrles Hotel, Corner Main a"ud Sherman Streets, Lebanon, oiusaoar. J. B, THOMPSON, Proprietor, s First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com iuoroiul man. Board and Lodging, per day, $1 to 12; per -week $4.50 to JO Sewing Machines 2toS 6 yefl,re. For further information call on r wre to E. U. Will's music store, Albjany, Or. ' strictly In lu. 'IVlien It. onmoH to HC'IHtur troods. Ba kar is atriotly In it. flie wrrlcB a large mad well soloetod stock; ami lias what thu people want, and hhey always find tlir price to suit the tiauca. Call and mi blntt STATE AND COAST. Clipped From Our Exchanges Throughout the West. Jackson county, is sble to call in its warrents of Boptember, 1887. Two Presbyterian churches have just boon finished in Lane county. Dr. N. J. Ozias,coroner of Doug las county, has been sent to the insane asylum from the excessive use of cocaine and morphine. Innumerable laborers are on the way from California to Portland, expecting to get work by the dam age wrought by the high water. A gentleman who called on Professor Russell at the penitenti ary found him cheerfully making shirts in the tailoring department. About 800 votes were cast in Lin coln county. The republican ticket was elected with the exception of three. Geo. Landis is reelectecd sheriff by a plurality of 33 over Stanton; Jones clerk by a plurality of 39 and Ted Parker assessor by a plurality of 32. Richard Thornton has presented a couple of very old books to the state university. One was printed in 1004 and the other in 1504. The latter is printed on handmade pa per. Both are clearly printed and well bound and covered with a material which will last for ages. The United Brethren church at G-Obhen was struck by lightning on a recent evening. The lightning struck the steeple, tore off a num ber of shingles from there and the roof of the building, passed down the chimney and entered the stove and damaged it some. The The building did not catch fire. A 10 months old child of Mrs. Shepp, of Ashland, tumbled out of a car window while coming down the Siskiyous last Monday. The train was moving about 15 miles an hour, It was stopped, and the distracted mother and train crew rushed back to the rescue, and found the child sitting on the sand pile where it had fallen, screaming mad but not injured iu the least. There is an interesting case in the courts iu Steilacoom. in which $300 is involved. In 1891 one Getchell paid that amount for a liquor license. The city council failed to act on his application, but kept the money. Getchell ran his saloon , right along without a license. Now that times are hard lie de mands that his $300 be returned, but the council refuses, claiming that he has had value received. Paul, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Belt, says the Dallas Observer, met with a serious acci dent on last Sunday afternoon. He was climbing in a plum tree, and fell to the ground, breaking both his arms, one tit the wrist and the other near the elbow, Medical aid wa immediately summoned and all was done that was possible to relieve the suffering!" of the little fellow. He is now getting along nicely, ' jssie, the 14-year-old daughter nf .Tnlin Lindburg, living near Carl- tl,,. McMinville Telephone Register, died suddenly on Sunday. Shewasengagedin housCMlaworK, and complained to her mother tliat she had ,.a sudden and severe pain in her forehead. A local physician was sent for, but she grew no better, and Dr. Calberth was summoned. He arrived after her death, which occurred after two hours of suffering. The cause of her death is thought to have been the bursting of a blood vessel in the head. The girl was of robust constitution. A Btormofseverefury visited the lake and settlement of Butte creek, Jaokaon county, last WMlc. Barns were blown down and sheds carried through the air. Hail stripped orchards of fruit and leaves, and pounded growing and headed wheat into the ground. Some trees were torn, off at their base. Whole flocks of chickens and turkeys were annihilated, and the young ducks along the lake shore were blown about and drouned. It seems that Harry Dunn, bul letined somewhat noisily as the first inmate of the soldiers' home, was; refused admittance by the examining board. The Salem Journal is taking up the matter and making quite a diverting effort to force an issue on it. Dunn's "right" name, it seems, is Sergeant Henry Campbell, of the Twenty ninth Massachusetts Infantry, and a war record of half a column of minion. The objection to him is, he is able to earn his living. i The Dalles Chronicle says: We are getting out this issue as the water comes in on us. A force of men are moving out our stock of type and material, and hence we can gather but little news. In fact there is none to gather, there is nothing but water and plunder, moving boats, gum boots and lum ber, and over and above all an anxiety as to the. outcome. First street is a river, Second a canal, and Third a lake, and still it comes. Several buildings, among others the opera house, have been swept away. DIED. With dropsy of the heart, at her home near this place, June 10th 1894. Elma Rom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Rose, agd 8 years 11 months. in memorial. The sweet angle voices called her, Called her away from this world of care; Tbey have taken our little treasure To the loved ones over there. (Sweet and precious little darling, Bo willing and ready to so, "Mamma, put away my play-things." Which she loved and cherished so. She was a precious little flower, Taken away in her childhood hours: She has none where angels sing. "0 mamma, put away my little ring." , "0, I'm going to die I Mamma, Papa and all, Good Bye A nice drink of cold water Thank you," And she passed beyond the sky. A FaiiKD. Unfortunate Portland. People who have been in Portland say that the work of the high water has been very devastating, causing untold damage to property. Business 1b completely paralyzed in Inundated district. Those located on higher ground are reaping the benefit. It Is claimed the water will probably re main three weeks. When It subsides it will leave the streets lu a filthy con dition, and will probably a deprecia tion in the value of the lower property of fully half. Employment will be offered to all the idle for weeks iu cleaning up. If disease does not follow it will be a miracle. Swank's Theory. S. . Swauk, populist candidate for joint senator explains it all this way: 'It was all done with money. If the populists had had tbe money that the republicans had to spend, they would have won the battle. Bribery and corruption was practiced on every hand. Money was spent at every cross-road. As soon as It was known that the republicans were going to down Pennoyer for tbe United States Senate, money flowed in from the east like water. That's what done it." Mr. Swank is again selling flour for a living. Salem Journal. Big Hall. , The Frineville News says: The Btage driver informs us that on Wed nesday Just as he drove out of Cow canyon, there came up a hail storm in which hall fell as large as eggs, killing a lot of poultry in that neighborhood. When the umbrellas were raised to protect the passengers the hailstone passed through them as if tbey had been tissue paper. In fact this is peculiar weather we are having. Did any of you notice the panorama of the elements Thursday evening. For ! or Trade. I will sell my Lebanon property ou reasonable terms or trade for property In eastern Kansas or eastern or central KebrMka. MM. KeaU RfV, A COMMUNICATION From California, the Gar. den Spot of America. Garden Okoae, Cat., JuncO, 181)4 To tke Editor op thb Exwmmh: If you will allow me a small space In your valuable paper, I will try and give you a brief description of our small city and surrounding country. Garden Grove is .situated thirty-four miles south of Los Angeles, Ave nilta west of dunta Ana, and ten miles from the beach. Population abouttwo hun dred' There is a store, blacksmith shop, two public school buildings, church, post office and creamery. Climate pleasant and agreeable, but too dry for a good orop this year. In fact California has made a grave fail ure in hay and grain this year; the worst that they have had for many a year. You can count field after field of barley that did not get up high enough to cut, for bay, with a mower, Have foggy mornings about half of the time up to uine or ten o'clock, then the sun comes out, sea breeze springs up and continues the remain ing part of the day. Nlghui are very cool. Barley and alfalfa make the hay while sugar beets are cultivated quite extensively for the sugar factory. Very little wheat and oats are raised on account of tbe rust. We have had one rain large enough to lay the dust since we have been here, which was the second rain ot the year. The roads are nice only there is to much dust for comfort. Most of the people are social ahd pleasant but there are exceptions. Some people are. in love with the country and would not trade it for the Garden of Eden at time of Adam, While the next person you meet is going to get out of this place Justus soon as tbe Lord will per mit so they say. If you would take a drive through the country you would see a sign similar to this: "This place for sale," And taking a small boys answer for it, you would have; "He has come to California and gone busted." The fact is they paid twu prices for the climate, and tbe land, well that was Just thrown in. California is not what it is cracked up to be. The soil here is a light sandy loam with alkilt well mixed through it. The orange and walnut groves and artlsian wells are three of the nicest things they have here, and would be a credit to any wed-foot"rauch-, Mostofthe farmers have their hay crop what little they have got taken care of, and a few have commenced ou their second crop of Alfalfa. The Saeremen to valley is the nicest place I ever saw. At tbe time we came down the fields were all green; and big oak trees dotted the grain here and there, while those large peach orchards were in full bloom, making tbe air so sweet and fragrant. I will close for this time and if this rim'i mid Its wuy to the waste basket, muylie I will take courage and write again uud say some thing ubout California's biu rattle snakes. Respectfuly yours. James M. Buiitknshaw, CROP-WEATHER BULLETIN. , PoiiTLANn, June 13. Crop-weather bulletin No, 11, Issued by the state weather service, says: The waters in the rivers are fulling. The maximum height, 33 feet was reached at Portland on Thursday the 7th; it began to recede on the 8th; at present it has fallen three ieet. The extreme height was 4 8 feet above the high water murk of June, 1876, and 4.3 feet above the spring freshet in the Willamette of February 6, 1890, In the 50's there was a flood, the second was In 1862, the third in 1876, the spring flood iu the Willamette in 1890 I was the fourth, and this one is the filth, the greatest of all in thu history of the settlement of the country pruc- Ically now fifty years. Cool weather prevails over the country drained by the Columbia and tributary rivers, hence the flood will disappear at the rate of from six to ten inches a day. Crops All vegetation has made ex cellent growth during the past week; the weather conditions were very favorable. The hay crop is unusually heavy and is now ready to cut; in seme sections the ruins have caused it to fall down. Warm, dry weather is desired to enable haying to progress. In those few sections where natural drainage is imperfect and artificial drainage has net been resorted to, some of the fall sown wheat is show ing the effects of the damp weather; but no serious damage is anticipated. Spring sown grain is very promising. The grain has all stooled well and has a very thrifty appearance. The out look at the present time is most flatter lug for a very heavy yield of grain. Cherries and strawberries are ripening, a few days of sunshine will cause them to ripen very rapidly, fruit and berries while they were generally slightly in jured by the late frost of May, are very promising. The flood of the Columbia has done very little damage to vegeta tion, except to the hay and vcgefjblo productions along the northern edge of Multnomah uud Columbia eountioi and the Islands close thereto; In these sections they wore flooded and daiiia results. " . Lively Brownavllle. Yesterday was a lively day" in Brownsville. At a row in B,, saloon, George Gentry, aspectator. w, shot by Joe Driukard, who was intoxi cated. The wound is not a serious one, In another row between three men named Moore, McCabe and Long, the latter drew a pistol and was knocked down. Long and McCabe were ar rested. Brownsville will soon equal Corvallis if such transactions continue to occur. The Cuslok Bank. An Important improvement in Al bany this summer will be the erection of the Cusick bauk building at the corner of First and Broadalbiu streets The following bids were opened for the enure contract excepting the Iron for the vault aud one or two other tblu-s They are as follows: Louis Moench, t3738; Frank Thayer, 3817; George Bruckman, $4107; Trainor & GaraLcr $4197; J. A. MeChesney, $4300- I V Conn, $4372; J. B. Cougill, $4650. The contract was let to Mr. Moench H V. Chamberlain has the sub-contract for the brick work. Independent Eva"ngeloal Servloes. First Sunday in each month at Brownsville at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p m Second Sunday at Waterldo at 11 A M and 7:30 p. m. Third Sunday at Brownsville at 11 a. M. and 7:80 P. M rourtn ounuay at Sodaville at 11 a M Middle Ridge at 8 P. m. Waterloo at :30 p. m. All are cordially invited to atteud these appointments. C. N. Plowman. m Pastor. "Many of the citizens of Painsville Indiana, are never without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lu the bouse," says Jacob Brown, the leading merchant of the place. This Remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whooping cough iu children that few mothers who know its worth, are willing to be without It. For sale by N. W. Smith, druggist. The regular subscription price of the Express is $1.50 a year, and the regu lar subscription price of the Weekly Oregonlan is $1.50. Any one subsorlli. Ing for the Express and paylnir one year iu advance, eau get both the Ex- pkess and the Weekly Oregonlan one year for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their subscripting for oue year In advance will be entitled to the same oiler. Spring shades of kid gloves. Ceutem. erl regular line and with large pearl uuiinns, roster hook, Biarritz and gauntlet atS.E.YouNo, Albany, Ore. These hard times we want to save all wo can, but of course we have to out. still you will save some by gettiug your groceries at S. P. Bach's. Photos of the People's candidates that spoke at the Sodaville picnic can be had at Hoyd's gallery and other photos of tbe picnic. Bach is not soiling his clothing at cost, but still you can get a better BUit there for less monty than anywhere else, LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week. Wheat-S8o. Oats 30o Hay $0 per ton. Flour-$0 60.75 per sack. Chop $1 00 per cwt. Bran 75o per owt. Middlings $1 00 per cwt. Potatoes 20c. Apples Dried, 6c per lb Plums Dried, 4c. Onions 2o. Beef Dressed, 5c. Veal l5c Pork Dressed, 5. Lard 12. Hams 12J per lb. ' Shoulders 10c. - Sides 11c per lb. Geese $7 per doz. ' ' Ducks $4 00 per doz. Chickens $2 753 00. Turkeys 10c per lb. Eggs 12Jc oerdos. Butter-10 16c per lb. Hides Cmu, U; dry, ge,