Lebanon Express. MID-WINTER FAIR LETTER. CiUTOBKU MlDWIHTSK INTBBKU- iioNiL toosinoK DpTMain or EvMuam ua Pbomotioh. ) WssMr CiraalH UtWr-No. 0.1 Decoration lay tm eelsbrstwd at the California Midwinter Ezpoaition in a manner which was calculated to main glad the hearU of all old retarana and their frienda, rather than to make them tad. In San Francisco, a in every other lnrge city in the United States, Memor ial day ia historical. There is always a firocemion in which the veterans play an mportant part, and there are orations and gran viaitingi everywhere. Bat that portion of the celebration which centered at the exposition followed on after the downtown demonstration and waa of qnite a different character. Rev. Dr. T. de Witt Talmage of Brooklyn Tabernacle fame, happening to be in San Francisco for a day or two on his trip around the world, was in duced by the exposition management to talk for an hoar at the exposition on this occasion, and Festival Hall was packed to the doors with an eager listening aud ience. The well known pulpit orator had no time for preparation of an elab orate speech, bnt he spoke extemporane ously as if from an inspiration. His ad' dress was said by those who have often heard him to have been one of the finest efforts of his life. It had been preceded by patriotic aim, rendered by the expo sition band, bnt it was in itself at once a requiem, an anthem, symphony and an hallaln jah. There were hundreds of old war veterans in the audience, and widows and ophans of those who fell upon their country's battlefields, and eywe were wet with tears and faces were wreathed in smiles alternately during the delivery of this wonderful speech. From the exposition standpoint Talmage proved a big drawing card. There were doubtless very many people on the grounds who were drawn here by the fast that there was to be something in the line of a memorial exercise as well as a spectacular demonstration. The spectacular demonstration con sisted of a grand afternoon and evening parade made up of nearly a score of floats representing different features of history during the wars in which Amer ica has been engaged. These floats were really magnificent creations of artistic skill, and the whole affair was managed with great success. One of the floats represented "Washington Crossing the Delaware." The boat was in the midst of an ice floe, and was manned by offi cers and men in old continental uniforms t:tl I'varything about it was in keeping .ith tae subject. Another float repre sented "Farragufs Flagship" at the bat tle of Mobile. This was an exact repro duction of the famous old war vessel, and a man looking for all the world like the pictures of the admiral stood in the rigging and gave his commands to a real sailor crew. Another float represented the "Surrender of Vera Cruz." There was a tent surrounded with shrubbery; the Mexican and American flags, the soldiery of both armies and all the ap purtenances for historical precision. In. addition to these floats represent ing individual historical incidents, there was an immense float called "A Tribute to the Dead," entirely draped in mourn ing, bat relieved from utter sombsmess by 48 beautifully dressed children and a Goddess of Liberty, each child bearing a floral wreath on which was the name of one of the states or territories of the United States. Another float represent ed "The Soldier's Return. " On it was a cabin with trees and shrubbery in the dooryard, the anxious wife and ohildren peering from the portal and the soldier coming back from the war, battle-scarred bat crowned with victory. Then were other allegorical as well as historical floats in the parade. One of these represented "The Triumphs of War. This was in the form of a floral arch containing twenty scrolls, upon eaoh of which was the name of a leading American general This float was pro fusely decorated with flowers of every tort, as indeed were all the other floats. Flowers were utilised on every hand and the entire parade was as much a floral display as the grand festival a fort night earlier. A great deal of interest also centered in a float representing the AmDnlanoe semoe, wbere a part of an old ruin had been improvised into a Held hospital and where doctors and nurses were ready to operate upon the wounded. Other floats were "Crowning of the Vic tors, "Cadets and Marines, "and "The Battle of Big Tree, " the latter represent ing a scene during the recent Indian wars with real Indians in ambush be hind trees, brash, rocks, etc., with an attacking party of white soldiery in the foreground. This parade moved round and round (he grand central court of the exposition, starting at t M p. m. Three bands war in the parade and an escort of military toeaohfioat The scene was decidedly impressive and one of the most interest ing thus far witnessed at the exposition. In the evening the parade was repeated mith the added effects of illuminations. Forty-two platforms had been erected around the central sonrt and red fire and other fireworks wen discharged from these during the entire time of the parade. The wonderful Boaet Electric (Heel Tower was brilliantly illuminated at the same time also, and the entire electrical Illumination ef the exposition was all in foros. The result was ths grandest Illumination ever seen on ttx Pacific Coast The central court was as light as day, with all the added beaatiet ef color, and those who witnessed thai demonstration agreed that it surpassed any previous effort of the kind that had been attempted is connection with the exposition. ' Preaching at the Baptist church every Sunday at 11 A. x. and 7-30 P. M. Sundry school at 10 A.M.,, Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. H. C. E. Lamar, Pastor. STATE AND COAST. Clipped From Our Exohanges Throughout the West. The commencement exercise of i McMinnville college are being held this week. Lincoln county has let a con tract for a bridge .across Eiikmur-. slough. It is to be 1 100 feet Iod g. The Leader says that 0 N, Denny iind SI. 0. Lowusdule will each build a lnrge cannery near Lafayette. At Cottage Grove last week, Lewie & Burkholder pur chased of Judge Harding 380 pou.nds of wool tor 10 cents per puunrA. The Salem Independent prints a long arraignment of the reform school management, alleging cruelty to the inmates and otl'cn- sive treatment of employes. Bear hunting is quite a profita ble iudustry in Josephine county. The hides are shipped to Chicago,' where they bring $15 to $40 each. The Ochoco mines, of Crook county are running day and night, and the prospects are that consid erable dust will be taken out this summer. . The Eugene cannery property has been sold by the sheriff, S. B. Eakin, as trustee of the creditors, bidding it in, the reul. estate at ?7000. This leaves an indebted ness of about $5000 on the prop erty. It is probable some disposi tion of the property will be made so the cannery can be operated this season. The trustees of Pacific college, Newberg, are having a paper circu lated fof the purpose of securing the pledge of 100 or more persons to pay $10 apiece toward the run ning expenses of the school, one half payable in December and the other the following June. The names of over 60 subscribers were published in the last issue of the Graphic. The decision rendered by Judge Bellinger in Portland on Friday, in the case of Charles Altschul vs the Oregon Pacific and Willamette Valley & Coast railroad, T. Erlgeri tou Hogg and others was in favor of the plaintiff and settled the title to about 1,000,000 acres of land. The court held that in the trans actions of Col. Hogg in tho matter there tvae nothing consistent or straightforward, and that several of his acts were not consistent with fair dealing. On Saturday June 2nd the burn of J. B. Barber near Roberts Bridge, was totally consumed by fire. Nearly all his farm machin ery including harvester, mower, hay rack, feed cutter, plow, two sets of harness, grain cleaner, wheelbarrow etc., a small amount of hay with about lf;0 bushels of oats were among the content?. The origin of the fire is not known. The loss is partly covered by in surance there being ?G00 on the barn and $100 contents, in the. Sun Insurance Company of Loudon. Entire loss fully $1000. He wiil. immediately rebuild. ; At half-past one Saturday morn ing, at Colfax, Wash., Gfty unasked men went to the county jail nntl lynched Ed Hill, serving a sen tence for killing Sanford Summers and George P. Parker, who is on trial for killing A. B. Cooper. The two men were tiken out of the jail, through the hallway and up stairs to a small porch. The rope was fastened to the balcony, above the porch, and when everything wns ready Parker was thrown over into the darkness and immediately afterwards Hill was launched. Parker, as he was thrown over raised his left arm which he placed over the rope. Parker struggled for a moment, but both men died quickly. ...'.,.. The Columbia flood has caused immense loss on Sauvie's island, which is in the Willamette river, a few miles below Portland. The Telegram says: Day 8. Hutching, who returned yesterday from Sau vie's island, reports that it is almost entirely undor water. Hundreds of buildings have beon lifted fror.n their foundations and are aflowt on the island. Many, ohaine-d to their positions, ste lying, on their sides and will break to p'leces when they settle, Mor S&' ..'8 large barn is among tho D"iny buildings allont. Crops aro rained, fences washed awav, house- : hold effects seriously damaged and destroyed. People have lied to ! the highlands. Many nre living I in the second stories of ' their houses. Mr. Hutchins thinks the loss caused by Hood on Sauvie's island will not be less than $250, 000. : . . I have two little grandchildren who are teething this hot suiiiukt weat!u-r and are troubled with bowel com plaint. I gave theui Chululiurliiln'H Colic, Cholera and Diurrlnwa Hemnly and itucls like a cliurin. I earnestly recommend It for children with bowel troubled. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pains In my stomach, one thinl o." a bottle of this remedy cured me. Wlthiii twenty-four hours I was out of bed and doing my house work. Mrs. W. L.Duiiigun, Bou-aqua, Hk'k man county, Tenn, .For sale hy N. W. Smith, druggist. SHERIFF'S SALE. la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, ti. O. Alexander Plaintiff VS F. Wise Defendant. Sotice Is hereby given that by virtue of hi) execution an order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the above named court in the above entitled Action to me directed and : delivered commanding me to make sale of the Real Property described iu i said execution to satisfy the sum of, $819, with interest thereon at the I rute of eight per cent per annum from the 27th day of October A. D. 1802. and the costs and disbursement of tiie aetion and the costs of and upon said execution sain item .property having herefore been duly attached In said action and I will on Saturday the 23d day of June, 1894 at the trout door of the court house in tho city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon at the hour of J o'clock p. m. of said day sell at puhlii; auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder all the right title and interest of the defendent F; Wise iu and to said Real Property described axfolHwe, to wit: Lola one (1), two (2), three (8) and four (4) in block number two (2) in Abby's Addition to the city of Albany, Linn county, Or eou, also beKinntBf; at the center of lilo:k 15 in ilacklenian's eecotid addi tion to Albany, in Linn county, Ore pill, and running thence south, paral lel with the west boundary of mill block 110 feet, thence easterly on Hie south boundary lineif snio -block 110 teet thence parallel with the eust bound ary of id block 110 feet thence west erly 6B feet to the plnee of neginniinr. the proceeds arriving from mill sale to he applied to the satisfaction of said execution. Datki) this 29d day of May, 1S4, C. C. Jackson, Sheriff of Liuu County Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Linn. David Swank - plalnlill', vs. Elizabeth F. Landis, and b. A. Laudia .Defendants. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution mill criler ufsale duly issued out of the nunve nuiin-il court iu the above emitleij null to ine directed and delivered, commanding me to tell tho reul property therein described, I will on Saturday the Zh day of June, 1SB4, ul the front lour of the court bonne in the cily of Albany, Linn county, Oregoi., t. the hour of 1 o'clock i'. M., of said 'lay, wll at puWi :iiiieii'in lor e.i.,h In li.i'iul In the bight st bidder, On.- ivi.l property des cribed In. said rxeiMijnn ami order of sale w follow. tn-v. b: Lota (2) !uoin hlni'k fl) one in the 'he town ol Lynn in Wnn enmity, fc.uie of Oregon, an Hipeuii oh the r ciu-l iiljt nfsubl town in the R,-ciiril.:r's oiii.o in Albmiy, in Kind enmity ullil eltlte. "the pri eerie arkii.g from rule to be 'applied ilml to the pnyiuerit nf tiie cnn' anil e,i.nse'. Of Sllid Kille llllll tin- (,'iw-t Mid flisbu !('- merits of suit utxed at 21) III, seeoinl in tin.' eiyniciu of the attorney's fees ainoun ing fi tiie sum nf &o and mo payment of the filuiiitilT'fl eluim lUijoiniiim' to 8Hfl with Interest -thereon at tiie rale of ten p.r ee.nt per Milium from the 4th day of March, lffint IUT.il) this 2ad day of May. 1804. C. C. JACKSON, Hherifl' of Linn Coiinl v, Ore;nn. The Yaquiiia 'Route. OKECJOM PACIFIC RAILROAD, E. W. Hadloy, Receiver, Direct Lino Quick Diupatch bow Freight Jtates. Hetweon Willamette Valley Points and Sun Francisco. - KIVKH 8TKAMKBS. titeamer "iioajr" leaves Portland,' WednCi day anil Sutuniay at 6 A, M. II. C. Day, Qen, An't, . Salmon St. Wharf, Portland, V. B. Vaiwuh, Oen. Ag't, Ban Francisco, Cal. 'I', C. Uowr.. ti, F. & P. A,, .., . .Uorfsllis, Oregon, "is You Name Written There?" Written where? Why, on the Riibseriptinn list of the Lhhanon Exi'iiMsa. If you are tint a sub scriber to this paper, and wish to obtain reading matter for the win ter evenings, now is the time to subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay able in advance) $1,50 per year. To Advertisers. If you wish to obtain the best returns from your advertisemontB Don't Forget the important fact that The Lebanon Express will givo the desired results,, as it Is The Best Advertising Medium in Linn County. OAVSAT8. TRACE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. OOP V RIGHTS. atoJ vmtmisrmnuin anarre) iimapooit writ to MLtN 4 CO.. aCi BKOADWAr, NKW YOKK. OJ lea: bureau ror Kctinnv patentB ia America. Kvurr nuuint takn out by iih tm lin-ntcbt befort it pubtiu bj u jyuoe ITa trwot eiiiugu Id tH Unreit drcalitton ?f say ioiQUao ppr in th world. Sientiidiv liuitrata. No iulelllifoat. VJ-n ibMjd l,o Kliliout it. WeohlT. ffJi.OO & rwi tWtirix ni"nrlis. Address illlNN A CO '"ii;Lsiuail30J Uiowiwoy. Him if or City. electric mmm P.nlrl r-.tli-iirlrt. no (.. nurornlty. AilintM to Ottr. Vil it m or Counirr. Noflriwi Iu rery homn, thi, f ure t od office. Onisviwt oonn isincfl mid biwt jUeronirth. Att n im uutbf inm to no pr oat. Uno in a rrxidsntro inmni Mlu bo all tha nstiffhlvirii. Viun inftramentA. bo tain, works anywhere, rny dlhUnee, Compiels, nidr for um WDfln Rniriwa. in ob pat up nj any cob, ntvroEitof rtlr, no rpsirln, IiiU a lift time. WnrrHntnd. A money maker. Writs W. P. Hirrtton It Co., Ci k 10, CoUwbua, 0. Jilfl.QO PER WEEK ; '2 ji Scientific American i I ti i v li I. -rtsw FOR I.lLiG WORKERS Of either wx, any age, In my part of the cotintry, at the employment wtilcft yrts (urolil). You need ootbtiRWNyiroiQlioiadOveriiigbt. You can givo yourwholotUufltotbework.oronlyyouriipare ma mnti. An capital it not required you run no rl jc, Wv supply yoii with ell that ii nealed. It wilt eort you nothing to try the builneii. Any or.c can do the work. Beglnuera make money (ton the ilrtrt Failure Ii unknown with ourwoi-kH'. Evory hour you labor you can easily malcea dollar. No one who la will lug to work falls to make mom money every day tuun can be nude in three duya atftuyordiuary employment. Send for &ee bocU (xniaiuH fullest Informatioa, U. HALLETT & CO., Box 880, PORTLAND MAINE, I will call your Attention to the GREATEST taws . fwJ 9 In Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats Caps Etc. Boots and Shoes. As I will actually sell Lowor Untn liofore for the following reasons. 1st. I have bought out my partner clioap. 2nd. I have boen gutting new guod vory uhoap lately. 3d. To make room in tliu stovo IwcauRe there is no more Bimce. . - 4th In order to niako room in get more goods. ."4h. I am buying divert itnd am able to do it. 6th. I .have nobody to kenp tiuis luvd times but myself. Yours Truly, M. J. BENJAMIN. Eomomber the place, in ;he Odd Fellows building on Main street. LEBANON, WMVAWAWJVV.W BALD iiush, uiiiult moos ii spin m tno matt Mas ir-41 iiieiess j;;poirnnce f Does it tall out when combed or brushed? is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch? Is It dry or in a heated condition V It these an some of y oursy mptoms bo warned In time oryou will become bold. SkookumRootHair Grower? err ot how V, mil Em. atwtapyo.butftdellBlitfuIlycoGlliijcaiid w(rlilD Tonic Fly ttlm'uutini; 1 jkat, wjuhhi0 Aair, auru uanuni .-n grmt isafr m Thud 1 KtileliTI,ncAiaiv,ndfrifromrrltlloitsnioMi)r hr I pnpta, on rrwlptof. pnc. THE SKO'OKUM TBAnit M.MIB Heamerctt, ws ETuiis.il j: jflfi for uie lwit Mount, mff! 65, it it -Thistsihe Shoe Is vinced. The .tamping of W. L. Dougli.' nefnd Bru? '".i.'"'? .".nd be f?"? guarantee, their value, laves thomand. of iW 'rTZiF1? J" 0,,cm, Dealer, vrhopu.h the .ale of W. L. BottfU8hn."hl,T! 1,em increaK the wle. on their full line of goo.l. , .T B " c",tomer' hll help, to nil we bllm yoo on un itin.r bf bnvlne an T" fV to '' IMS profit. HIRAM BAKER Saop Academy 1803-4. Summer Term Begins April 30, i894, . . For information, ask for address. S. A. RANDLE, Principal, " LEBANON, . . . . OR2co OREGON HEADS! What h the condition ol yours? It your hair C$fi iimiZZiniVj3r'!: C Orower.slJiciixr IntUeit turSJJw! Smuto!. ROOT HA!R GROWER CO . iini nvniinvt nun lurui a, y. Vi. L. DOUGLAS SSSHOEtAt; 84 and 83.60 Dress Shoo. 63.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 82.60, 82forWorklngmen. w ana t,i.7o tor Boys. LADIES AND MISSIS, sT1smnr u off. flVr von W. "y i dmar auiMi m st w .JT''rmy.imm .. " . I.. Iki. u HAm atAmrteri bouom, put hira WOK LEBANON, OR. etroulav at the Post-office or