Lebanon Express.' FMDAY, JUNE 8, ISM. For seed potatoes enquire of W. H. Dminm. Clo to Hiram Baker's for your spring clnllitng. ' Buy your groceries at Peeblor's and save nuiiify. Trimmed huts for one dollar. At Mrs. Geo. Rice's. 3. W. Wblto, of Albany, wan voting In the city this week. . Born, to the wife of W, X. Hardin, June 6, 1804, a son. Hlw Nettle Amos has returned from ' a visit at Hrrll)urg. Miss Addle Simpson has roturned from a visit ut Dayton.; Fresh pies, cukes mid breud at - Peebler's grocery Btore. Klrum Baker has Just received a large Invoice of dry goods. Times are hard. Buy your groceries ut Peehler's and save money. Every customer at Borum & Kirk's Imrlier shop gets a cleun tuwel. A lurge number of our citizens wll1 attend the nitlflcutlon ut Albnny. ;1.J&. Cnurtuey M. D. Physician, ' "y f "' Accoucheur, Lebunon, . k jeule yeur ui'count with tirusnn 6. ifjnzlt at the old stand with G. W. yi'ruson. W When vou want to ouyasuuoioiom lngyou will save money by getting It ut Buch'B. W. It. Burrett, who- has a building contract at The Dulles, is at home ou a short vlult. Mrs. Bruce, of Portland, Is visiting , In the city. She Is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Heed. Miss Lliraie Farrell, of Albany, Is visiting relatives and friends In this oily this week. . Jas. Morris died at bis home at Bweet Home this week of scarlet fever. He was 23 years of age. Call at tho Racket store, In Klrkpat Tick's building, and got prices. No trouble to show goods. For pure black varnished finished carriage paint, call or M. A. Wilier, "and don't forget It." The best groceries and furnishing goods at the Inn est prices at Pugh & Munsey'a. Try them. Those who patronize Fugb & Munsey always get the best there Is In the mar ket; at lowest prices. M. A. Miller Is tn receipt of a very large itook of lead and oil, pure white lead and guaranteed oil. We need our money and must have It, pay your account with Cruson & Menzlesto 6. W. Cruson. If you are thinking of buying a new spring dress, remember Bead, Peacock & Co's new spring goods. Pugh and Munsey have Just received a new line of furnishing goods, price them before buying elsewhere. ' 'ititflram Baker received a large In ''woe of Spring clothing this week of the latest shades and styles. Claud Davis had the misfortune tn shoot himself through the hand this week while handling a revolver. A line of bolh cotton and woolen dress gorfds have Just arrived at Bead, Peacock & Co's. Something new. The accounts of Cruson i Monzles will be placed In the hands of a collec tor April 1, 1894. G. W. Cbuson. I have a few second-hand books that I will close out at a bargain. - M. A. Miller. 3akr Is receiving clothing, boots and shoes, dally, in spite of the hard t'.mes. His low prices make the goods ' sell. Wash fabrics of almost every de scription, new goods, new styles and low prices. 8. E. Younq, Albany, Or. Mr. John Settle has sold the Leba non warehoUNC to the Red Crown Flouring Mill Company, of Albany. The Express is glad to see this enter prising firm buy property in Lebanon. My line of juckets and copes for spring and summer wear Is now com ' nl"t. Capes are the thing this year. And I carry a particularly fine line of novelties, ut reasonuuio prioes. S, E.Young, Albany, Ore. Last Monday morning Mr. Wm. Robins hod the misfortune to get his right hand caught in some of the ma. chiiinry at the paper mill and was con. sidurubly Injured, necessitating the amputation of two fingers. Drs. Booth and Foley were called and dressed the band. Lust Thursday as Mrs. C. F. Blgboe, accompanied by Miss Fannie Griggs, was returning home from Mlsi Griggs' . school, the cart In which they were I ..Mln- iuoa t,,.i,a(l nvar and thAV tvprn 1 lilliiK " ' 4lnown out, Miss Griggs being t jembly Injured, reoelving a out over her eye. A torn up curt was theonly other damage doue. If you want to get nlco fresb bread go tn Peeblor's. , Hedpalli Brother's khoes t Head PeucocK and t.'o. Miss Norma McCUIn, of Albany, it visiting relatives In Lebanon this week. If you want photo imule and havn't the money Boyd will take your pro duce, . When you want a new hat don't for get Pugh and M unsey. They have the latest styles. J.E. Adcox, agent for the Albany steam laundry, sends washings down on Tuesdays only. All accounts of the Arm Cruson k Meuzlcs must be settled at once with G. W. Cruson. Owlnir to hsrd times all millinery will be greatly reduced for thirty days. At Mrs. Geo. Bloc's. Rev. Harmon and wife of Albany are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gar land ofthls city this week. The only sure cure tp present) fruil and berries Is to use antl-fermeiitiiic for sale at N. W. Hnilth's drug store. Died, at Millers Station on Sunday, June 8, 1884, of consumption, Henry Wetzel, sou of Mr. Charles Wetzel, aged IB years. The Buptlst. Sunday School will observe children's duy next Suuday ut 8 P. M. with a programme consisting of thirty recitations and songs. A cor dial invitailnn extended to ull. A.E. Ansorge Is now ready to do any repairing of organs, having bud long experience in first-class factories. Will guarantee satisfaction. Lebanon, Oreiton, The Joke Is told ..n Dr. J. L. Hill, thut when lie sent a speaker oui to Ihe populist pleulcat Koduvllle he told him lo burn things up. The big fire oceuired Ihe tiexl night, The (Vn 1 1 ul BiipllHl Association convenes ut Lebanon Friday, June 151b ut 2:30 p. M. and will continue from day to day to Monday evening, June lflth, The programme will bepub- llshed next week. E. L. Thompson, general road man ager and adjuster of the northwest Insurance Company ofportlaud, was In our city yesterday on his return from Sodaville where he had been to adiust the loss of the fire. He informs us be paid W. R. Hard man In full the amount that he was insured for which was $8160. The regular annual children's day cxerolses will take plaoe next Sabbath morning In the First Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock. Come and spend an hour with the children, birds and flowers, God's emblems of happiness, purity and love. In the evening a minister from the M. E. Conference, South, now in session, will occupy the pulpit. At the annual elcotion of officers of the A. 0. U. W. last Tuesday evening the following officers were elected: E. G. Carr, M. W.; G. W. Cruson, Foremauj 8. O. Wallaoe, Overseer; J. R. Borum, Recorder; Tbos. Reldy, Guide; D. B. Zen, I. W; A. B. Purvis, 0. W. J. F. Hyde was elected as a delegate to the grand lodge and Geo. L. Alexander was eleoted as his alter nate. Miss Maud Hoffman, formerly ot Corvallls, has accepted an engagement with Wilson Barret, one of the leading theatrical managers In the United States and will sale for England on the 15tb, where Hamlet and other Shakesperean plays will be presented. MIssHoftnian takes the second beet part, next to the star. Iu Hamlet she haB the part cf Ophelia, supporting Haworth. Speaking of the coming play the Boston Herald says: Ophelia will be played by Miss Maud Hon man, the beautiful artist, who made her debut lost season In this city as Juliet and who has recently been sup porting Wlllurd, the noted English actor. Miss Hoffman's many friends In this city are looking forward to her first appearauue as Ophelia. A' Bet on the Election. The most amusing incident of the week was J. 0, Bilyeu delivering the hog which he had bet agalust two dozen chickens with S. M. Garland, ou the election. The hog was put In a crate and placed on Ross Humphrey's hack and was brought down Main street, acoomponied by W, J. Guy's band. A large crowd assembled on the street to witness the parade. They marched to Mr. Garland's reeidenae but he was not to be found to receive bis bog. Card of Thanks. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the friends who so gener ously gave their assistance in our late sad bereavment, also for the flowers and tokens of esteem of the memory of the decensed. We sincerely wish that the same grateful services may be ren dered to all should the hand of afflic tion ever rest upon any of your loved ones. E. B. Vboom Mr. & Mrs. Mhnssies. For Sal Lebanon warehouse, situated in Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon. Cupaoity 1)0,000 bushels, has a good patronage, will sell cheap and ou easy teams. John Sbttw. BASKRALI, HEWS. A gume of baseball was played on the Lebanon grounds lust Saturday between the Lebanon Juveniles and tho Tennessee Juveniles. It was a very interesting gsine snd dipluyed for I he boys a marked ability In Ihe national game. THE PLAYERS WERE: Drumm ' p L A melt N Stewart e Walker Davis I b Hardin Burtlntt 2 b Gilaspie F Bonier 8 b Simpson S Wallace si Miller. Keebler If W Arnett B Stewart C f , Peterson J Hosier r f Ayers Quite a number of good plays were made and, taken altogether, was a good game- The score stood 17 to 18 In favor of the Lebanons. Arrangements have been made for a game to be played on the Lebanon grounds next Saturday between the Albany and the Lebanons. This will no doubt be the most Interesting game of the season. ' THREE RUNAWAY ACCIDENT!. Saturday afternoon Clias. Smith and James Munsey started to Albany to attend the closing speeches of the po litical campaign, add when just below the paper mill, their horse became frightened and ran away, smashing the buggy up considerable. They uame hack to town, procured another rig and went to Albany. Saturday night as A. Tenny, accom panied by N. W. Smith, Z. T. Bryant, C. W. Stokes, I. Crunde II, and J. F. Hyde were coming home from the speakiug at Albany, they in gome manner drove off the grade, about three miles this side of Albany, into a ditch and were all spilled out. The horses left the buggy In the ditch and ran away. The crowd had to walk home In the rain, but they say they amu't mina it much." One of the teams that brought the Sodaville band toLebauon Wednesday evening beoumelfriKhtened at the train and ran away, running through three rences. uue or the horses was very badly injured but no other serious damage was done. THE REPUBLICANS KAT1FV. The republicans of Lebanon held a big ratification meeting in this city Wednescayeveuiug. In the afternoon a mammoth bonfire was arranged on the square, u grand stand erected, and all preparations completed. At 7 p. M. the procession begun forming in differ ent parts of the city and all marched to the depot A special train from Albany, consisting of the coach loads of people, Including the Albany Me chanics Baud, arrived at 7:50. The Sodavalle band arrived by private con veyances about 7:45 and all marched to the public square where the anvils had been firing for sometime. The three bands, Albany, Lebanon and Sodaville, formed In one baud aud rendered some fine music. Kerosene was poured over the mammoth pile of wood and a lighted match touched to it, while the anvils were charged until the explosions were deafening. The Lebanon Glee Club was present with an abundance of music, and everything was excitement. The programme con sisted of music by the glee club and band, addresses by prominent repub licans, etc., which lasted till 9: 46. The excursion left about 10:80, after having attended the greatest ratification ever witnessed in Lebanon. HAPPY HOME. fialn aud mud. Late sown grain Is growing rapidly and grass will be the heaviest for years. The two Lindley boys returned from the mountains a few days since and report considerable snow In the vlcln ity of Quartsville and so much water in the Santlatn that work has to be suspended In the mines, Election passed off quietly at the Waterloo precinct Monday. Pops away ahead of the two old parties. Mrs. Bruce of Mount Tabor is the guest of Miv and Mrs. Cummlngs of Bprlng farm. Mrs. Caldwell Is visiting her parents Mr. aud Mrs. Cummlngs. The rainy weather has retarded sheep shearing. ' Mr. Winkle took a load of wool to Lebanon last week and oould not sell It at any price. "Good times for the farmers. Yes, over the left." Home of the voters of Waterloo pre cinct did not feel interested enough to go to the poles to vote. Sorry Indeed. Perhaps a few years more of hard times will bring them to their senses. Mrs. Louisa Phelps who has been a guest of Mr. and Mis. Cuiuniings for some time, will return to Waterloo thlBweek. Bedrock, Noli. The charter of the ladles of,tie Mae cabees will close about June lit i and if there are any ladies Hint wish to join while the charter I- open i lease make application at once to Aike Ifltode, R. p.. The Mw Tn te Moon. According to Pratorius, tbo man In the moou is tho Patriarch Isaac carry ing the bundle of Btieks which were to be lighted to sacrifice his own body on the mountain top. Dante believes him to be Coin, carrying a bundle of thorns, the meanest ottering his lands afforded, as a present to God. In Iceland the peo ple claim that they can see the face of Adam in the moon and that of Eve in the sun. Among the Frieburgers there is a superstition which says that the mam and spots on the moon's face are the outlines of the traitor, Judas Isosr- iot, holding his hand over his face while sneezing just prior to hanging himself. This last belief accords with the old Prankish legend, which says that there was no spot on Luna's bright face until after the time of the crucifixion of Christ. Still another story tells us that in the time of the creation God threw un offending angel against the face of the moon, while another is to the effect that the moon witnessed the creation of Adam and Eve and took an impress of their features on his surface, intending to people bis own land with similar be ings. When he essayed to imitate God's works, he made nothing but a slimy ser pent, which since that day has contin ue to fold and nnfold its mighty coils in full view of the descendants of the God created beings. St. Louis Repub lic. - ... Innodnotton of EdtoIodcs. The late Henry L. Lipman of Phila delphia gives this interesting statement regarding the early nse of envelopes in this country: "About 1842 unguinmed en velopes made their first appearance as a new importation from France, anil I was the first to begin their manufacture in this country. Shortly afterward I im proved them by adding gum to the flaps, ma the gummed envelopes I made were the first which had been seen anywhere, and the first envelopes of any kind used by the United States government were made by me. The demand at first was very small. Envelopes were as difficult to introduce as any new invention or im provement is at the present time, and they were considered only as a tempo rary fad wnicn would soon go ont of fashion again. That is the reason I did not patent or push them very hard, espe cially as I had a good trade in seals and sealing wax and feared that envelopes would interfere with them. At first they were only used for business pur poses, and it was some time before they were employed in social correspondence, as a person was oonsidered lacking in re Bpect to a friend when he had to lick the gum on the envelope sent him. I also mode the first mucilage known in the United States, and when postage stamps were introduced the contractor had to come to' me to learn how the gum was made, and I gave him the information gratis." Ho Lost Bit Com. "Jndge Emerson, one of the most elo quent men Illinois ever produced, was once taken down completely in a speech at Decatur, said IS. F. Layman, an at torney of Chicago. "He had a case in which there were some peculiarly pa thetic circumstances, the righto of a young girl whose property had been squandered and who was reduced to des titution being involved. Judge Emerson made the most of it, and as he closed his speech a solemn hush had fallen over the sourtroom. Tears stood in the eyes of the jurors, and even the judge coughed sympathet ically and bid his head behind the trial docket. His opponent, whose name I have now forgotten, saw that the spell had to be broken in some way, or his cose was lost. Arising slowly to his feet, and in a voice of deep solemnity, and with slow deliberation, he said, 'Gentlemen of the jury, let us continue these solemn exercises by singing the one hundred and fifteenth psalm. A roar of laughter followed from the audience, and Judge Emerson lost his case. Persevering. Of the 86 women who, under the lead ership of Miss Annette Daisy, made a run into the Cherokee strip when it was opened lost September, 22 have persever 1 in their undertaking and are now hauling the lumber themselves for a house of IS rooms, which tbay will occu py. Their section of 480 acres is well wa tered and timbered. They already have three teams, two cows, chickens and other stock, and, neatly dressed in short skirts that come just below the knee and are met by heavy woolen leggings that cover the legs from knee to ankle, they appear ready for all the farming opera tions their pioneer enterprise involves. Chicago Times. Hear Both Sides. Never condemn your neighbor un heard, however many the accusations which may be preferred against him. Every story has two ways of being told, and justice requires that you should hear the defense as well as the accusation, and remember that the malignity of enemies may place you in a similar predicament, New York Ledger. Tho Oldest Dressmaker's JUU. Most likely the oldest dressmaker's bill In the world has been discovered on a Chaldean tablet, dating 2800 B. C. It has an entry of "92 pure vestments for the priests." Among the items are "10 white robes of the temple, eight robes of the house of his lady, 10 collars of the house of his lady, 10 pair of gold col lars, two white robes and four scented robes." Also "two winders," probably icarfs for binding about the waist Philadelphia Ledger. It Depends. "Papa," said Johnny, who has recent ly joined, a debating society, "is it cor reot to ssy 'The noes has it,' or 'The noes uaveitf"' "It depends, my son, on whether yon ire talking about a vote or about a cold I tn the toad. "London Panes. 1893. Lebanon. Read,Peacock&Co. iriSr0 SAVE am- money BY TRADING WITH S P. BACH Who always carries a CIothing,6ents' goods, groceries, &c. If you do not already give him your patronage try him, and you will always trade at his store. Id Courtney's Brick. Neit Door to Bank. Wheels! Wheels!! The Two Leaders of the World ! VICTOR and RAMBLER. Send for catalogues. Write for bargains iu second-hand and '93 wheels. CHAS. A. SEARS. Albany, Oregon. Also see Chas. M. Anderson, at the Express Office. A. H. CRUSON i-1 Paper Hanging and Gaining. 1894. Orepfon. nicely selected stock of mm