The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 08, 1894, Image 2

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    Legion Express.
and Proprietor.
the election;
The election In Linn county, and
ih state, was one grand sweep f ir the
republicans, They elected everything
on the ticket. The democrats mane
hnnl, lonet fltilit, but tlie populists
huve drawn so heavily from their
ranks Hint (lit y were oiitnumtiered by
bix majority.
Wcdm-whys Democrat sny:
Till' vote in Uun county was almnt
4Sih), over oOO more than ever hetore.
Of this the Republicans received about
1800. the Pouulists about 1500, the Dem
ocrats about U00 and the Prohibitionists
about 100.
The toul vote (or Judge Lord for Gov
Amor is HDoraxiniatelv 1000: Gallowav
11-ift; Fierce, 1700; Kennedy, 100; of
Wolverton for Supreme Jn.lge, nun-
Hcnnctt, 1320; noise, loto; llacliieinan,
180. The other state officers will show
alwut 100 less for the Republican candi
date. For congress Hermann will have
bout 1830: Weatherford, 1425: Miller,
1400; Hurst, K; Hewitt's vote for
circuit Judge is about 2110; Daly, lliO;
Stott, 1420; Dawson's vote for state
senator is ahont 1810: Hilveu's. 1415:
Lewellings, 1400. Each leading on their
rspcctive tickets. The Republican
representatives have a plurality of
ut S00 over tlie Populists and 400
O er the Democrats. Needham will
r-ceivejibout 1770 for clerk; etananl,
J.&60 and Hummer. 1505. The vote for
recorder is about the same. For sherill'
McFeron's vote will be about Ui'JO
Jscksou'e 1460; Sheltoii's 1545. Deakins
is elided assessor by a small majority;
Hnlherford has a bix lead for superin
tendent; Fisher's majority for surveyor
is nearly 1000. Jayne's plurality for
coroner is next above that lor snerin.
The following shows how some of
Die precincts voted:
Governor Galloway 43, Kennedy 2,
Lord 91, Pierce 90.
Supreme judge Bennett 86, Boise
78, Hackleman 2, Wolverton 93.
Secretary of state Kincaid 92, Mc
Kercher 2, Nickell 52, Wakefield 80.
State treasurer Caldwell 73, David
ion 50, Metscban 94, Richardson 4.
Attorney general Bright 4,Hohnes
57, Men. .in 90, Olmstead 76.
Superintendent of public instruc
tion TTurford 3, Irwin 79, Jory 87,
Keid 67.
State printer Leeds 88, McKibben
3, O'Brien 88, Orton 80.
Congressman Hermann 88, Hurst
2, Miller 78, Weatherford 59.
Circuit judge Daly 54, Hewitt 97,
Btott 75. s
District attorney Dalrymple 75,
McCain 90, Montanye 54.
State senators Bilyeu 55, Dawson
86, Hutton 4, Johnson 79, Lewelliug
- 78, Myers 51, Steen 82, Walker 2.
Representatives-Archibald 3, Brown
r 2, Chance 3, Clem 79,Crume 41,Kizer
72, Philpott 44, Roberts 66, Scott 94,
Smith 85,Templeton 90, Whitney 50.
Comity Commissioner Bridgefar
mer 2, Coyle 80, Potter 62, Waters 86.
Clerk Hammer 83, Needham 89,
Stanard 54.
Recorder Cartwright 69, Hardman
102, Shelton 57, Taylor 1. -,
Sheriff Cochran 5, Jackson 61, Mc
Feron 87, Shelton 73.
Treasurer Bryan 64, Morris 96,
Pearl 69.
Assessor Deakins 78, Gibhenrd 4,
Wallace 136. ,
School superintendent Geddes 76,
Mitchell 85, Euthertord 92.
Surveyor Chase 91, Fisher 129. ,
Coroner Farrell 61,Jayne92,Prill72.
Galloway 35, Kennedy 3, Lord 90,
Pierce 126.
Bennett 46, Boise 107, Hackleman
4, Wolverton 98.
Kincaid 93, McKercher 3, Nickell
41, Wakefield 111.
Caldwell 116,Davidson 40,Metschan
90, Richardson 4.
Bright 8, Holmes 4C, Idleman 92,
Olmstead 112.
Harford 3, Irwin 88,Joryl08, Keid 55.
Leeds 94, McKibben 5, O'Brien 44,
Orton 110.
Hermann 90, Hurst 3, Miller 114,
Weatherford 54.
Daly 49, Hewitt 93, Btott 111.
Dalrymple 109, McCain 96, Mon
tanye 43.
Gibson 95, Gilkey 43, Robertson 115.
Bilyeu 49, Dawson 90, Hutton 1,
Johnson 87, Lewelling 100, Myers 40,
Steen 117, Walker 1.
Archibald 2, Brown 5, Clem 103,
Online 34, Kijer 103, Philpott 38,
Roberts 101, Scott 88, Smith 87, .Tom
pleton 85, Wliithi-y 42. '
Bridgefarmer 1, Coylo 128, Potter
Hammer 108,Needliam89,Stiiinird55.
Caatwright 101, Hardman 83, She
ton 67, Tiiylor 3.
Cochran 1, Jackson 50, McFeron 85,
Shelton 116. .'
JJryan 32, Morris 104, Pc.irl 106.
Deakins 79,Uibheard 17 .Wallace 140. j
Chase 111, Fisher 131. I well 62, Davidson 48, Metschan 19, j
Farrell 56, Jayne 811, Prill 106. . ' Richardson 2, Bright 2, Holmes 67,1
Giitimvuy 8, Lord 12, Pierce 63.
, . T 'J.i-.HH, Wn'uirtnn 41.
uiiicam 40, Nickell 8, Wakatiuld 62.
Caldwell tS2,Diividson8,3Iotschaii42.
Holmes 9, Idleman 41, Olmstead 61.
Irwin 42, Jury 69, Reid 9.
Leeds 42, O'Brien 7, Orton 60.
Daly 9, Hewitt 44, Stott 59.
Gibson 40, Gilkey 7, Robertson 56.
Bilyeu 10, Dawson 40, Johnson 34,
Lewelling 68, Myers 9, Steen Gl,
Clem 60, Crume 6, Kixer 56, V .
pott 9, Roberts 55, Scott 38, Situ (, 40
Templetim 36, Whitney 8.
Coyle 61, Potter 10, Water 39,
Hammer 57 .Needham 38,P,tanard 13.
Cartwright 66, Hardnuvn 39, Shel
ton 13.
Jackson 18,McFeror, 39, Shelton 54.
Bryan 7, Morris 43 , Pearl 57.
Deakins 54, Wallace 44.
Geddes 57,Mitc',iell 14,Rutlierfurd 36.
Chase 50, Fbher 57.
Gnllnvvay 232, Kennedy 9, Pierce 80,
Lord 405, Wolverton 418, Bennett 218,
Holse 76, Haclilt'iuun 18, Idleumn 887,
Holmes 253, Olmstead "4, Bright 13,
Kincaid 381, Nickell 261, Wakefield
75, .McKercher 14, Metschan 400, Da
vidsou 229, Caldwell 75, lilehardsou 10,
Irwin 312, Reid 338, Jory 63, Harford
15, Leeds 385, O'Biien 247, Orton 7o,
McKibben 16, Hermann 35, Weather
ford 296, Miller .58, Hurst 9. Hewitt 485
Daly 181, Stott 59, McCain 417, Mon
tunye 215, Dalrymple 74, Gibson 305,
Gilkey 239, Robertson 76, Dawson 380,
Johnson 33fl, Myers 235, Bilyeu 267,
Rteen 62, Lewelling 67, Hutton 15,
Walker 19, Templeton 368, Smith 368,
Scott S56, Whitney 224, Philpott 200,
Crume 21ti, Roberts 77, Kizer 84, C.em
84, Chaucel4, Browu 16, Archibald 20,
Waters 378, Potter 255, Coyle 74,
Btidgefurnier 15, Needham 318, Stan
ard 280, Hammer 109, Hardman 355,
Sheltou 2-55, Cartwright 90, Taylor 19,
McFeron 335, Jacks. 304, Shelton 73,
Cochran 3, Morris 396, Bryan 253,
Pearl 64, Deakins 407, Wallace 287,
Glbherdt 17, Rutherford 355, Mitchell
280, Geddes 80, Fisher 566, Chase 117,
Jayne 306, Farrell 335, Prill 65.
Herman 197, Weatherford 154, Mil
ler 54, Hurst 3, Hewitt 203, Daly 145,
Stott 45, McCain 105, Montanye 139,
Dalrymple 63, Gibson 190, Gilkey 128,
Robertson 64, Dawson 189, Johnson
189, Meyers 119, Bilyew 138, Steeu 60,
Lewelling 51, Hutton 7, Walker 6,
Templeton 176, Smith 176, Scott 172
Whitney 139, Philpott 136, frame 134,
Roberts 48, Kizer 60, Clem 55, Chance
6, BrownS, Archibald 6, Waters 211,
Potter 132, Coyle 48, Bridgefarmer 10,
Needham 166, Standard 184, Hammer
47, Hardman 191, Shelton 139, Cart
wright 53, Taylor 11, McFeron 191,
Jackson 150, Shelton 55, Cochran 3,
Morris 197, Bryan 133, Pearl 65, Dea
kins 193, Wallace 160, Glbherdt 32,
Rutherford 200, Mitchell 139, Geddes
66, Fisber 303, Chase 73, Jnyne 195,
Farrelll39. Prill 64.
Galloway 115, Lord 100, Pierce, 100
Bennett 121, Boise 79, WolveMon 115,
Kincaid 120, Nickell 116, Wakefield
89, Caldwell 90, Davidson 118, Met
echan 54, Holmes 111, Iuleman 113,
Olmestead 82, Irwin 89, Jory 76, Keid
148, Leeds 112, O'Brien 107, Orton 87,
Herman 111, Miller 77, Weatherford
115, Daly 74, Hewitt 109, Scott 87, Dal
rymple 81. McCain 111, Montanye 119,
Gibson 108, Gilkey 114, Robertson 00,
Bilyew 124, Dawson 105, Johnson 07,
Lewelling 84, Myers 108, Steen 79,
Clem 80, Crume 109, Kizer 88, Philpott
113, Roberts 74, Scott 89, Smith 08,
Templeton 96, Whitney 112, Coyle 87,
Potter 109, Waters 125, Hammer 80,
Needham 105, Stanard 130, Cartwight
81, Hardman 105, Shelton 122, Jackson
147, McFeron 91, Shelton 74, Bryan
122, Morris 107, Pearl 80, Deakins 114,
Glbherdt 41, Wallace 146, Geddes 04,
Mitchell 126, Rutherford 120, Chase 04,
Fisher 195, Farrell 117, Jayne 92, Prill
82. ;
State Galloway 17, Lord 74, Pierce
93, Bennett 20, Boise 80, Wolverton
78, Kincaid 76, Nickll 18, Wakefield
90,Caldivell 89,l)avidson 20,Metseban
73, Holmes 22, Idleman 77, Olmstead
86, Irwin 69, Jory 81, Reid 34, Leeds
75, O'Brien 20, Orton 90.
District Hermann 71, Miller 87,
Weatherford 27, Duly 19, Hewitt 79,
Scott 85, Dalrymple 87, McCain 72,
Monlayne 16.
Comity Bilyeu 26, Dawson 69,
Johnson 67, Lewelling 88, Myers 28,
Hteen 81, Clem 85,Crume 18, Kizer 81),
Philpott 20, Roberts 79, Scott 72,
Smith 69, Templeton 72, Whitney 20,
Covle 94, Pottrl9,Waters69, Hammer
79, 'Needham 75, Stanard 30, Cart
wright 85, Hardman 71, Shelton 27,
Jackson 31, McFeron 70, Shelton 79,
Bryan 24, Morris 85, Pearl 75, Deakins
77, Wallace 70, Geddes 93, Mitchell 24,
Rutheriord 69, Chase 73, Fisher 105,
Farrell 72, Jayne 19, Prill 89.
State Galloway 39, Lord 20, Pierce ,
73, Bennett 49, Boise 59, Hackleman j
0 wi.,,An en v;.,,...;,i 01 sf,.ir. !
idlomm 18, 01,nr ,.:,d 60, HiirrWd !,'
im.,, 17, ..'on 9 ,-J .i VS. LnK,;
MHmI.Iicii i, 0' , .., 41. Oi 11.11 (il, j
l'irici- 1 ;,.r,Miuh i, )mKt,
Miller 02, V oi.Uiurf.ird 48, lbilv 46,1
liewitt 45,, St.itt 60, Dalrvinple 91,!
.i-i am a Mo.iti.uve 4(i, Gibson 10,
Conn' y Hilvcii 40, Dawson lO.Hut
1. Johnson" 42, levelling 46, Mv
;r5'., Steen 61, Walker 6, Archibald
B mvn 2, Chance 2, Clem 58, Crume
, Kifr 69, Philpott 42, Roberta 56,
-ott 17, Smith '18, Templeton 16,
.VIiiuiHV 40, HridKciavmer l.Cnvle 57,
I'otlur 55, Waters 17, Hammer 48,
Nvedhain 18, Htanard 60, Cartwright
42, Haril.imn Kl.Sheltim 64, Taylor 1,
Oochran 1, Jackson 38, McFeron 14,
SiieltJiii 74, Dry.m 4!), Morris 26, Pearl
'il.'DeakitM 34, Gibhcard 16, Wallace
72, (ieddes 64, Mitchell 52, Rutherford
13, Chase 58, Fisher 70, Farrell 51,
Juyne 16, Prill 60.
State Galloway 31, Kennedv 4,
Pierce 93, Bennett 35, Hoise 88,
Wolverton 17, Kincaid 19, McKerelwr
1, Nickell 30. Wakefield '91, Caldwell
85, Davidson 12, Metschan 17, Rich
ardson 3, Holmes 21, Iillcmnii 18,
Olmsted 92, Irwin 12, Jory 92, Reid 34
Leeds 17, McKibben 1, O'Brien 29,
Orton 9-1.
Comity Bilyeu 29, Dawson 14.
Johnson 18, Lnwelling 88, Myers 28,
rttnen 87, Archibald 1, CI11111 85, Crume
28, Kiier 84, Philpott 31, Roberts 78.
Scott 21, Smith 18, Templeton 17,
Whitney SO, Coyle 89, Potter 38,
Waters 13, Hammer 84, Nexilham
17, Starmird 38, Cartwright 01, Hani
man 15, Sheltou 83, Tavlor 2, Jackson
20, McFeron 8, Shelton 113, llryan 52,
Moms 18, Pearl 91, Deakins 26, (lib
bard 24, Wallace 72, (ieddes 67,Milch-
ell30,ll!ithcrlorii 14, Chase 1113. Fisher
25, Farrell 29, .Inyne 17, Prill 94.'
The entire state has gone Republican
by a lartre majority. The Legislature
Is Republican, Linn county is likewise
Republican, and for the first time in
many years. The state Is naturally
Republican and but few had any
doubt as to the result. This will again
force upon the people six more years
ofBeimtorDolph in the United States
Senate, uulcss the Republicans are In
clined to bestow 'the honor upon a
younger and more active mun. They
have good material far better than
Dnlph. Peunoyer's little boom has
burst and his senatorial aspirations
have gone out in the durkness of his
political gloom. The wind has been
knocked out of bis sails and the land
slide has crushed the life out of his
ambition. He has been relegated to
the obscurity from which he will
never emerge, there to ponder upon
Lincoln's bit of philosophy viz, "You
can fool all the people some time,, and
some of the people all of the time, hut
you can't fool all the people all the
time." The Democrats gave Pennoyer
his greatness, the Democrats took
his greatness away, blessed he the
uame of the Democrats! Amen!
Probata Itetiorri.
In estate of Fred Sndenburg, bond of ji
Frederick Sudenbnrg, ad 111 r, for f 4000,' y
filed. . f
In estate J. S. McKechnie, accounts p
uieinouiea. , j
In estate of Jesse Barr, final account
ing set for July 2,at 10 a. m.
In estate of Geo Dickinson, inventory
filed, personal property 357.59. Prop'
erty ordered set aside for widow and
In estate of I'armelia Jacobs, final an--counting
set for July 2.
In estate of Alfred Lerov Reel, final:
account set for July 3.
In guardianship of Carrie Angell,,
bond of guardian for f.3000 approved.
In estate of Richard C Finley, 3rd ac
count approved.
AdnilnlMtrutor'B Notion.
Notice Is hereby given that lhavednlT
filed my final account in the matter of tlie
estate of Peter Welt, deceased, In the county
court of Linn county, Oregon, and that said
court hm set Monday the 7lh day of May
1894, at the hour of 1 o'clock r. k. of as'il
day as the time for healing all objection to
said final account and the settlement ol.thc
same; therefore all persons having airy
interest in said estate or having any olij.
tloi.H to Miiil final account are hercl y noti
fied and required to appear at said t 'mic nod
have such objections heard and s ettled by
the court.
Dated this 6th day of April, 18' M. i '
A. J,, WstT. '
W. R. lin.vsu. Adn dnislrator.
Attorney for Administrator.,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is l.creliy given .that the under
signed, the executor oi. the lust will of
Joseph Moist, deceased, has Hied Ids final
account an such executor h. thn clerk of the
coiintycourtforljiinco'.inty, Oregon, "d
thecourt has fixed lher,h day June, 18M,
at the hour of 10 A. H. f Baid iluv for tl.o
hearing of olJec'.ions, 'if.any, to said Kjwt
am. ior n.e ne.i.en.en tof said estate. .
Patbu, this the 2M day of April, l;f.
0. F. Moist,
Kxcculorofthelast will of Josenh MoW.
.1. K. v.atohmo), Att'y for Exocutor.
Wauled, -To trade wood for u-focd
mllk-eow. lii()liiro (it tills office.
Pure blood Bruwn .fairlmrny .,..
81 iwrsellliijr 13. B .
Tulimni!, Or.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Sundav af 11 a. t ,,il7.Qnu
idiJ at 10 a.m. ' Prayer
meeting Wednesday al. 7:30 p. 11,
C. H, Lamar, Pastor.
Diabetes Cured!
Wonderful Work,
A Mew Being, Created!
Dtar Sirs: If yon could lee the writer
of this letter and note the wonderful
change that has been effected in his case
by taking Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver
Cure, yon would certainly be astonished.
I was a most wretched sufferer for thriv
vears, tryi:: '.! kinds of isedicine and
getting no relief. The flow of urine was
very excessive. I was very constipated
and also covered with carbuncles, and
felt at war with myself and the world at
large; but, thanks to your wonderful
medicine, I felt as though I was a new
being, and I consider a wonderful cure
hss been effected in my case.
With my best wishes for your forth
success, I remain
Yours respectfully,
Ashland. Wis.
For sale by M. A. Miller. ',
Albany team Laundry
Lllmny, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Monoy
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
In Smith's Drugstore.
X,elano!l, - Oregon.
Racket Store.
Having opened a racket store in Kirka
trick's budding, we respectfully invite al
to coll and inspect our stock. We buy our
goods in New York and propose to sell al
eastern prices. Head the following
l.'mbrohAS, jcood cotton. f0c; best, 7.'c: iHV. II M
PsMOi, silk, 66c.ll.07, 51.52.
Ladles hosi, 8, 0,1(1 126.
Men'stoclfl), 7, 9, 10 and a',.
C'nul, cotton, etc.. all linen, 10c,
Corsets, 26c, 46c, 70c.
Thread, 2c; pins, 2c: needles, 2c.
Bawhide whips. We; Jnvs. 20, whalebone, 86c.
White dress goods, 6,c, 7, 10 11
Tarklih towels, 12 per pfttr, 26e per pair.
Men'sshlrts. 20, 41, 4S; while. 41, (6.
Men's under shirts and drawers. 27, 84, OS. ,
Ladles' vests. S, 12, 16 snd 20.
Clothes brushes, 10c; hftlr brushes, 8c, 160,
Pocket books, 8, 6, snd 7.
Pencils with rubbers, Jc.
Other things In proportion.
Oive us a call.
0. F. Ksowlis.
Is Now Ready to do all Kinds of
Iental Work.
Gold and Bridge Work
A Specialty.
' ' Goarai.teed
In tlio Making and Fitting
ofl'latee. , ;
All Care IsTaken to Save Teeth.
Will oleivrr. childi'en's4eeth fruo
of charge.
1 ,,w . n''';, :
1 V WW
Scrofula Cured.
Twenty - seven YearB.
tti' .; i. .1 nil tho time nd Bore
l 'iHstnntly Hrcnkliig nut-Vaed
t; i v,n Ho tlssH ot Dr. Orant't
k.s; ,jim illit rind Grope Boat
.ir.i r'jluutnil n Cure.
(! Hvcr kince my eleventh
1 sorely afflicted with
.,'-: 'uvukiiiK out 00 various
m ily. 't'he Bland of my
' ,. .'. 5 affected. I haw doe
1 -1.1 . pt.vsiciaus, but their
1, 1 . ui to do me any good.
. , u 1 commenced taking
. i.r- m. inlla and Grape Root
' , in: lint bottle was doing
: I; pt ru until I had taken
1 s, ".l am now completely
never felt so well in the
v i i, vears. It certainly wa
1 ,.r '.ill, as the total cost of
r- sow only $5.50. I now COT
111 ml Dr. Grant's Ssaapa
K na of Blood IMrums.
: A. O. BTBVBN8,
Rib Like, Vks
Fries 5Dc .; 6 m CM.
For sale by M. . Miller.
Meat Market,
Ed Kcllenkrger, Propr,
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork ,
Mutton, Sausage Bo.
logna, and Ham,
tttTBacon and Lard Always on Hand
Main Htrect, Lvbuuon, Or.
Best Shaven, Hair Cut or Shampoo al
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
- a? 3 '
n d s
M " TJ w
ri ' e
: 'r? m
: ") t 0
p o
9 I 3
4-1 0
' , -T to ej.
) A
Has Saved His Life!
Marvelous Cure!
Harney, Ohsoon, April 30, '08.
O. W. K. Mku. Co., Portland, Ore,
Diar Sirs: About a yearaa-olwaa
laid up with rlifliunatlsui. I was in a
terrible statu. 1 could not turn over In
bed without assistance. As there waa
no physician In Harney I tried various
liniments, but they all failed. When
my condition waa very serious, as the
pain seemed to be striking near the
heart, your agent came ulonjj and had a
bottle of Conpo Oil. Hoiuiiir I was 111
with rheumatism, he culled upon me,
aad brought a bottle of Conio Oil. Ho
commenced rubbing me witli It, and in
lees than five minutes I was relieved : In
halt an hour I was able to swing my feet
oat of bed, and one hour I waa down
stairs. He left the bottle with me and I
applied it several times. From that day
to this I have not been troubled with
rheumatism. I feel that I owe my life
to the wonderful oil. All this can be
(verified by Fred Haines, of Harney, also
the landlord of the hotel and several
others. 1 always carry a bottle of Congo
Oil in my grip now.
Yours vory truly,
C. 11. NORTON,
Asasyer Burns, Harney Co., Oregon.
Price 50 cents anil (1 irMtle.
Put' salt) by M. A. Miller.
ton THE
U11UUU J. Zllilv
Lebanon to San Francisco
KHOJf SAN I'RANOISCO to other points
in Cslifon. ia will be allowed nurcl.aHnrs nt
special Midwinter Fair tickets atthe follow
ing round-trip rates:
ONK-THIltl) one-way fare.
ONE-FIFTH one-wav fare. '
Forcvnr-t atr,R nml full Infnpix.tln., ...
. ,, l(
nil ninl'I. A.m:NNKT'li,.iil,.( r.,.,..
Oregon, or aildreas the undersigned.
(Jen, Traffic Man'g'r. Uen. Pass. -$
. Sab Fhanoisco, (.'ai.
K. P. liOGJilltt. Ass't llH.l. K'l if Un
At,, Forllsntl or.