The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 01, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Bditor - and - Proprietor.
When a man becomes r candi
date for office in a heated election
his whole life is generally laid bare
before the public gaze. If this
man has already been in office,
then hi official acts have to stand
the most unmerciful scrutiny. The
political- enemies of Jackson have
left no stone unturned, have spared
no pains, have stopped at nothing,
to throw discredit on Jackson's
candidacy for sheriff. The moun
tain has been in labor and has
brought forth nothing for its pains.
The glare of criticism has shown
to the people that Jackson's life
has been one of honest toil, strict
integrity and kindest courtesy to
all. It has shown his official
record in be scrupulously clean,
wonderfully free from blunders,
and thoroughly honest, active and
successful. The county has saved
many a dollar through Jackson,
the people have been favored as far
as duty would permit and no man
has one word of just complaint to
make. Certain parties have, in
their zeal, attempted to saddle
upon Jackson the responsibility of
others' faults, but investigations
have invariably cleared him of all
charges. The duties of the sheriff
are many and hard to learn,
JackBon has learned them and has
faithfully discharged them. He
should be retained for two more
years. Why should the people
Tote for an untried man, ignorant
of the responsible duties of the
office, when there is no cause for
Jackson's removal? Why not give
him a second term as a reward for
his faithful work and as incentive
to future sheriffs to do their duty
like Jacksen has done his? Jack-
Bon's opponents are good men but
goodness alone will not make a
first-class sheriff. Men, regardless
of politics, who want their county
served faithfully, can vote Jackson,
knowing that he will discharge his
duties in the future as he has done
in the past, fairly, faithfully and
Hon. Jeff Myers is again before
the people for the senate. Mr.
Myer's record is before the people
also, and not a flaw can oe found
in it. He has always championed
the peoples cause and labored in
dustriously for their eood.' Not a
word can be said in criticism of Im
conduct. There mav be more elo
quent men on thecanvass, but there
u no man more honestly anxious
to help his county than Jeff Myers.
Unscrupulous persons are trvine
to manufacture prejudice agaiuBt
Jen because his business interests
often called him to Salem or Port
land. He is a citizen and tax pay
er of Bcio, where he is known and
respected for bis many good qual
ities. Myers was careful In the
legislature to check, as far as he
could, the extravagances of the re
publican majority. In order to
give to the people vast sums of
money. He voted against thegen-
erai ana other appropiiation .bills
of the last legislation.
defect Myers among the tax payers
ofthecounty,hisrepiihlican friends
have been circulatingthe statement
ti ...
uiai myeas voted for the general
appropriation bill. This is untrue.
We have seen a written statement
from the office of Sec'v nf
showing the vote in detail, and Jeff
aiyersis there in recorded as vot
ingagainst the bill. yet this cam
paign falshood is being circulated
in a desperate endeavor to injure a
good man.
E. L. Bbya, democratic candi
date for treasurer, is an honest,
hardworking former and thorough
ly competent to discharge the du
ties of his office. His affliction in
the loss of his arm adds a touch of
sympathy to his candidacy.
What every budy says must be
true. In that case Weatherford is
the best equipped man for oongress
now before the peopled Liun county !
should give him a rousing majority.
Hon. Y. D. Fenton. the eln-
last Monday night to a large and
untusiastic audience. He is a
square toed democrat, who is not
tainted with the curse of the Oregon
democracy Pennoyerism, but ad
vocates democratic views in a
masterly manner, backed un by
facts and figures that lay bare to the
boue the fraudulent claims of Penxoy
er to be the Suvlor of his oountrv. Hi.
does not favor Pen 110 vers election to
the TJ. 8. senate, and for thin reason
Hie populists, who chanced to ilron in.
did not like Fentou's speech. The
populists don't like anybody who dot
not think Pennoyer the brightest star
in the political skies, It would be a
calamity greatly to be lamented, to
have Pennoyer in the- TI. fi. Mimtv
Oregon has not yet recovered from
rennoyer's silly letter to Cleveland,
and she would never recover from his
presence In the senate. The Oreijonlan
right far once when It tells Its read
ers that Peunoyer's political ambition
should be at once smothered. The
populists will vote for Pennoyer as a
natural met, but no democrat should
vote for him. We think that senator
TtalnliJa HaaA,!!,. t Ik. a......... I.. !
and that a good clean demoorat should I
hA Trui.. .1 j '
uooinHni, 11 wis rauuiit ue uunp, men
between the two inevitable evils, let
lumne me teaser anu sena a goou clean
free silver republican, rather than suf
fer six years of humiliation that would
luA,.Mln -(..... I.J H . ....
uv uui lufc, ouuuiu jreiiuoyer ever get
his feet across the door of the senate'
It is possible that the democrats ami
populists may haves majority in the
legislature. In tiiat case, the nonulista
wouui insist upon rennoyer. jNonem
oorat, elected as a democrat, would be
true to hi party if he aided Pennover's
election. Let them vote and work for
a democrat; failing in this, let them
use their endeavors to have a clean free
sliver republican untainted with Penn
oyerism, sent to Washington.
The Willamet Valley A. C. Con
ference and Campmeeting will be
held at the Gladstone Park, near
Oregon City, Or. beginning June 8,
at 9 o'clock A. m. The first two
days being appointed for the bus
iness meeting, let the churches ap
point their delegates and send them
in time for the business meeting.
The first preaching service will be
Saturday evening, and continue for
three or four weeks. Meals wili be
seryed on the grounds for twelve
and a half cents per me d.
S. 0. Wallace will be the next
assessor. The contest has narrow
ed down to two men, Wallace
will poll ajarge vote here, He is
known, respected and liked by
everyone. He is an honest christ
ian gentleman whose high sense
of duty will make him a first class
assessor. Jivery man will receive
fair and just treatment. Vote for
-Li ilil
RlLEV Shei ton is the first choice
of the people for recorder. Soio
should have the honor of naming
named Kile v. and Rile v will not.
' O--
there with get there a big vote, just
as his merits entitle him'
Hon, John J. Daly, democratic
candidate for circuit judge, was in
the city this week. Mr. Daly
makes friends wherever he eoes.
and will retrieve a handsome vote
in this county.
Stanabd is making friends where
ever he goes. Young, industrious,
intelligent, honest and faithful.
He will make a first class clerk.
His election is a forgone conclusion.
Changed Every Week.)
Oats 30o
Hay $9 per ton.
Flour-0 60.75 per sack.
Chop (1 00 per cwt.
Bran 75c per cwt.
Mlddllngs-1 00 per owt.
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 6c per lb
Plums Dried, 4Jo.
Onions Its.
Beef Dressed, 6c. .
Veal 45c
Pork Dressed, 6.
Hams 12 per Jb.
Shoulders 10c.
Bides-llo per lb. 1
Geese 7 per doz.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens 12 753 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Eggs 10c -wr doz.
Butter 10 15c pr lb.
Hides Green, lc; dry, 2c.
Subscribe for the Exvhess how.
"""unwoFTHK taw .
"f your paper. The voters of Mini
county regardless of pnliiles shunlil see
to It at the palm nuxt Monday that
as a result of their voles Mr. VV. P.
Chase be declared the County (Sur
veyor elect for the ensuing year.
As this in an office that directly
concerns many of us Individually tmri
all of us Indirectly an lux-payer of
the county It Is tint of all essential
Oiat we elect here a man who Ih com
petent awl fully qualified for Hie work
nt the ulllee with all the details thel'11
unlo belonging, ulao Unit he be u man
of varied experience in practical sur
veying all of which Mr. Oliauu la.
Whatever may be said for or uguins
Mr. Fisher, tho Republican nominee,
it must bo admitted by all that lie is
past that period In life when activity
is afforded In the highest dcjjree for
the dispatch of business eunuectcil
with this or any other county nlllce.
A young active, umu like Mr. Chase
who Is thoroughly competent autl
strictly accurate in all his work may
very reasonably be expected to give, at
least, as much satisfaction and more
service for the some couinonsatinii
than a man who has long since coin-
IUUIikA t Nl v.,11 ,.. !.., A.. 1.1,1 1.
lifl-'- Inasmuch m this Is not a stated
4i.ila,l ..m.. I, . . . .
ot"1" lsu "tu" I muni ms uppntvnt in
thinking voters that In justice, tn
themselves and in justice to tho county
tax-payers it Incomes their boumlm
,1ll,y vte for retrenchment am!
itl, un,lt.w...,.,.,..
w i.uni niirveyiil,
False In one. False In all. '
Old Fruglmrn Walts stated Inst
night -that the Republicans guv,- u,
me Homestead law. I suy moat em-,
phatlcally that the stutcrueiit was
false. I have in my posession Unlttd
States land patents signed by James
Buchannau in I860, this proves con
clusively that the homestead laws
were Inaugurated by a Democratic
administration. The Homestead laws
have been amended by the KepuMi
eans but made no tetter. I wllliiiulv
I exhibit my papers to any one who
may aouui my statement. I am truly
glad thatthe wives and daughters of
Lebanon, in their purity and In
uoceuce.did not kuow of the disreputa
ble character of the man whose
eucetbey were forced to sit last night.
it was a mean conlemplable trlok
on the part of tho Republican mana
gers to advertise that Hon. A. F.
Sears would speak hero and then at
the very lost moment nlaoe unon M,
stand "Old Frogborn" Watte, who on
account of bis bad reputation eouiil
not get an audience any where In tln
state- The Republicans In oriler to In.
uce we ladies out to hear this old
fraud, aunounoed that there would he
ajointdisousdou between Hon. A. F
Hears and a People's party man'
imposition should be resented
--.I , .... "
uei aiououy ny un r,ho d
, m ,ne vm"e MO purity of our
miet- J. . Aucox.
Independent Evangeloal Sorvloes.
First 8n:,dBy In each month nt
me m ii a. m. ana 7Jfl) p. M.
Bewnd Sunday at Waterloo at 11 a. m.
urownsvdie at U A. x. and 70 p. M.
and 7:30 p. M. Third Sunday at
Foru!"h8s'le,at " t f' Td 730 P' M'
Miuoje ttidge at 8 P. At. Waterloo at
7:30 p. v a ii Qr , :..n. .
' "" wminnjr iiiviieu 10
attend these appointments.
a. 1'LOWMAff.
In the Circuit Court of the 8'ntfi of
uregon ror tne counly of Multnninah
S. O. Alexander Pluintilf
F.Wise Deferidunt.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution an order of wtl,
duly issued out of and under tin-seal of
the above named court in the uUne
entitled Action to me directed miii
delivered coiflinniidlng me to miii;,
sale of the Kent Pimwrtv Auv.... ..
said execution to satisfy the sum of
wmi inieresi tnereon at t!ie
rate of eight per cent per annum from
the 27th day of A. V. MIL',
and the costs aud disbursement of the
action and Hie costs of and iii.oii mM
execution said lteal Propouy having
hercfore been duly uttaeb.ed in snid
action and I will on Haiurdav il"'
23d day of June, 194 ut tin, ironi door
of the court house in the cltv f Al
bany. Liun (-mint v fin. . ...
iiuurui i o ciock p. M. ortuiu dav S(
oi puiine auction for cash in IiiokI l
uic iiiiiimL iiiiiner nil rr.u vi..i. , 11
and Interest of the defendeut F, Wln-i
In and to said Heal Property describe i i
BSfolliws, to wit: Low one (I), twi,
(2), three (3) and four (4) In block
number two (2) in Abry's Addiliou to
the city of Albany, Linn county, Or-1
egon, also beginning ut the center of!
iiiook io in Hiicklerimii's stcoud nildi.
Hon to Allniny, In Linn county, Ore
gon, and running thence sotilli, pw,,!.
el with the west, boundary f bm
block 110 feel thunw
soutli boundary line of saitl block ((()
recv uituix piiraiie: witn me east bound
arv of s-id block no r,.rtf it,..
criy 66 feet to the place of begiinitciir
tho proceeds arriving from ,,aj,j
sale to be applied to the satisfaction f
aid execution.
wits? '.
Scrofula Cured.
Twenty - seven Years.
Sunured all the time and Sores
Constantly Breaking out-Vied
Eleven JBottles of Ir. Grant's
Sursiipurllla and Grape Boot
ami rtleoted a Cure.
Dtar Sir: Ever since my eleventh
vear I have been sorely afflicted with
Scrofulous sores breaking out on various
parts of my bedy. The glands of my
neck were the most affected. I have doc
tored with many physicians, but their
medicinedidnot seem to do me any good.
About a year ago I commenced taking
l)r. Grant's Sarsaparilla and Grape Root
and I felt that the first bottle was doiug
me good, so J kept ou until I had taken
eleven bottles, and am now completely
cured, and have never felt so well in the
last twenty-seven years. It certaiulv was
k cheap doctor bill, as the total cost of
the medicine was only I now cor
Jially recommend Dr. Grant's Saraapa
ilia as the King of Blood Purifiers.
Rib Lake, Wia.
Price 50c; 6 bottles $2.50.
For sale by M. A. Miller.
Meat Market
Ed Kcllenberger, Propr. '
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sau sage Bo
logna, arid Ham,
"Bacon snd Lard Always on Hand
M'.ln Street, Lebanon, Or.
Best Hlmves, Hair Cut or Bliatnpoo al
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Bathfs.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
Iu the Circuit Court of the Btnto of
Oregon for the County of Liun.
David Swank plaintiff,
Elizabeth F. Landls, and 8. A. Landis
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution aud crdcr of sale
duly issued out of the above named
court in the above emitleu suit to me
directed and delivered, commanding I
me to tell the real prouerly therein
described, I will on Katnritay the Sid
day of June, 1SU4, ut the front door of I
the court house in the city of Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, nt the hour of
1 o'clock v. m., of said duy, sell ati
public auction for cash in huiid to the
highest bidder, the real property des-1
crilied in said execution and order of i
sale as Lots (l!) two in !
Mock (1) one iu tiie the town of Lyons
in Linn county, slate of Oregon, as
Hpears ou (lie r. rami pint ol'riald town
In the Itecorder'a oftite In Albany, in
mid county and ulalo, the proceeds
itrisiiig from sale to be applied first Iu
1 lie payment oi uie costs anil expenses i
of Said sale mid the costs and disburse- i
incuts of suit taxed ut $211.11), second to I
tli payment of the attorney's fccsl
aitouniing to the aum of $2fi !
anil the payment of the '
plalnlllfa claim amounting to I
S1O0 with interest thereon at the rn'to!
often per cent per annum from the!
4th day of March, IKIi.'l. (
Datisd tins 2M day of May, 1HD4', '
(!. C Jaukson,
Hberiff nf Liun County, Oregon. ;
Diabetes Cured.
Wonderful Work.
A New Being Created !
Dtar Sirs: H yon could see the writer
ol this .letter and note the wonderful
change that has been effected in bis case
by taking Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver
Cure, you would certainly be astonished.
I was a most wretched sufferer for three
years, trying all kinds of medicine and
getting do relief. The flow of urine was
very exclusive. I was very constipated
and also covered with carbuncles, and
felt at n ax with myself and the world at
large; 'out, thanks to yonr wonderful
medicine, I felt as though I was a new
being., and I consider a wonderful cure
has belsn effected in my case.
Willi my best wishes for your further
success, I remain
Yours respectfully,
'a. Mcdonald,
Ashland. Wis.
li'or h lc liv M A Mi In, r
KIIOM HA N Fit A NtilHCO to other point
in California will he allowed purchasers oi
special Midwinter Fair tickets atthc follow
ing rimnil-trlp rates:
ONK-TI11 ItD one-way fare,
ONE-I'Il'TII one-way fare.
For exact Mes and full Information, In
quire of I. A. BENNETT.agentat Ubanon,
Oregon, or address the undersized.
dm. 1 ralllc Man'K'r. Uen. Pass. Agt.
Bak Fiiamchco, Oai. I
, K. P. R0015U8, Au't Uen. F't i, Pais
Agt Portland Or.
Has Saved His Lifel
Marvelous Cure!
ilAiiNcy, OuunoN, April 110, "IX
O. W. It. Mm. Co., Portland, Ore,
Dear Sirs: About a year ago I was
laid up with I'liiHtmati"!!!, 1 was in a
terrible "tut.'. 1 could not turn ovnr in,
hd witlimiL iiswiHiancc. As tlicre was
no phvHii'inii in llarnev I tried various
liiiiuieiils, lint they all failed. When
my condition was very oi'ioua, as the
pain seemed to be striking near the
uciii-t, your ugcut came along and had a
liottlo of Congo Oil. Hearing I was ill
with rheumatism, ho called upon me,
and brought a imttle of Congo Oil. Ho
conuiiuiip.'d rubbing me with it, and ill
less than live minutes I was relieved ; in
half an hour 1 wiib able to swing my feet
out of bi'd, and one hour I was down
stairs, lie lul'tlho Imttle with ine and I
applied it several tlniuH. From that day
to this I have not been troubled with
rheumatism. I feel tliut I owe my life
to tho wonderful oil. All this cun la)
verilled by i'red Haines, of Harney, also
the landlord nf the hotel and several
others, I always curry a buttle of Congo
Oil in mv grip now.
Vours very truly,
Asaayer Burns, Harney Co., Oregon.
Price 50 cents ant $1 per Mile.
For sale by M. A. Miller.
Albany team Laundry
A.lbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Familv Mings.,
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. . ADCOX, Agent,
In Smith's DrugHtore.
Xjobunoii, - Oregon
AdiuliilMt.Futor'M Notice.
Notice is hereby iriveu that 1 have-duly
filed my final account hi .the matter of thov
estate of Peter Welt, deceased, in thucoiintlr
court of Liun county, OreRon, and Unit said
court has set Monday the 7th day of May
18IM, at the hour of I o'clock r. M. of said
day as the time for bearing all objections to
said final account anil the settlement in' the
same; therefore all iwreons havlnir any
interest In said estate or Imvhnt any objec
tions to said llnal account arv imrnliy null
lied and mpilred to appear at said time aud
have such objections heard mid settled by
the court.
Dated this Otli day of April, 1SII4,
A. J, Win.
W. R. llii-YKi!, Aihninlstirator..
Attorney for Administrator.
Notloe of Final Settlement.
Notico is hereby givon tliat tiie Tider;
siifiied, tho executor of the laHt will of
Joseph Moist, deceased, has tiled his linr,l
account as such executor In the clerk of he.
county court for l.lnn county, Drcgim, audi
mo court iioh nxeii the Sth day June idiH ,
at the hour of 10 A. a. of said day tot the"
hearing of objections, If any, to ho m rnLnrf.
and for the scitlemont of suiil estate,
Datkd, this tiie 23d day of Ar,r 8)4,
u F. Moist,
Executor of the last will o ( j801lll KM
J.K. Wsatiucbitobh, Att.'y for Executor.
$ e
ILJV1it"t I
& M J. r s .
o 0 a
3 a 0
sfl -.
in -.-I
' fit
Datkd this 22d day of May, 1S94.
. . C- Jackson,
bhurifl ufl,inn County Oregon.