Lebanon-Express. STAJBNl)XOAST. Clipped From Our Exchanges Throughout the West. Mr. Frank Hackleruun has gone to Crook comity with some stuck Considerable dust of the right kind is coming into Baker City from the placer mines in the vicin Astoria is to advertise for bids on $30,000 worth of geueral muni' cipul 10-yeor bonds, drawing 6 per cent. J. D. Garfield, of Coos county, is mourning over the loss of the thor oughbred trotter Venus, valued at $000. Two children of S. V. Cochran ot Monument, died last week sud denly, of poisoning from wild par snips. A Mr. Turner has bought 12,000 head of 2-yeat-old Grant county wethers which he will drive to Nebraska. The foundation of Grant's Pass' new city ball is about completed and work will go forward on the superstructure. The county court of Donglas county hag extended the time within which taxes for 1893 may be paid untilJune 23. W. H. Dpughtry and Bob Adams cattlemen, are now driving out of John Day country 3,000 that they have recently sold for shipment to Montana ranges. The 8-year-old son of Dick 81a- gle, ol Waldo, fell down a 75-foot bank at the Wimer mine one day last week and escaped with I broken leg. At Eugene, Sheriff Noland, un der execution, sold 100,000 feet of lumber and 100,000 feet of logs belonging to the Elmira Lumber Company for $500. Land in Wusb.ip 3 south, range 44 east of the Willamette meridian may be filed on at the La Grande land office after June 16. It is in Wallowa county, and some of it is ' said to be well worth taking up. Two men put a woman out of the Presbyterian church at Cosmopolis Wednesday evening and were sub sequently acquitted of assault on trial at Aberdeen. The husband of the woman took the lew into his hands and beat them up smartly. Spokane's home industry cru sade numbers aiming its triumphs this: That the slate roofing for its new court house will come from quarries near by, being just across the Stephens county line. The sum of $8,000 will thus be epuiit at home. A politician recently gave" this advice to his neighbor's son who was nominated for office: Lean a little toward everything, and commit yourself to nothing, lie perfectly round like a bottle, end just dark enough so that nobody can see what's in ye. Edward V. Landers, of Albany, was arraigned by Judge Bellinger yesterday on a charge of sending obscene letters through the mails, and on pleading guilty, was fined J2o, and departed a sadder, but wier. The letter wus written to A. W. Bond, of Irving. 'AV. S. Kinney, of Astoria, is su ing Captain .Nelson, of the little steamer Iris, far 25 cents. Kinney claims lie gave the Captain H and should lioVe received 25 cents change, The Captain Kinney only gave him 75 cents. The costs are growing rapidly, and there is so much feeling over the case that it may be appealed. Clarence Lane, un H-year-old boy, showed some younger children how recent suicide shot himself. He put the pistol hi 'his mouth and pulled the trigger. It wan ,a 22 oaliber, loaded with a BB shot. It passed through his tongue length wise and lodged iii the bfltk of his neck. Ke will -probably' recover and the children will not need a second instruction. - THE COUNTY CANVASS. The democratic candidates of Lino county will speak ou the political Issues of the day at the follow lug time and places: Syracuse, May 18 10 m Tangent, Bhedtl, Hnrrisburg, Halsey, Brownsville, Crawfordsville, Sweet Home, Waterloo, . Bodavllle, Lebanon, Rook Creek, Lyons, . Jordan, Bhelburu, Belo, Bantiam, Albany, 18 19 21 22 23 2 1) ni lpm 1 p ui 1 p m 1 p in " 24 10 am " 24 2pm " 23 10am " 25 2pm " 20 1pm " 28 1 p ui " 29 1 p ui " SO 10 a m " 81 8pm " 81 1pm June 1 2pm . " 2 lpiu Opposing candidates are respectfully lnvitedtobepre8entandprtleipalulnflwmei1 unnecessary. . The exposition the discussion. i has not only paid expenses to date, but E.E.Davis, Chairman County Central Committee. Om. W. Wright, oeoretary. - The people's party county central committee held a meeting lu Albany Friday and arranged for a county cau- vass by their candidates as follows: Bock Creek, May 15, 7 p m Lyons, ' 10, 10 am Jordan, " " 8pm Slielburn, ' 17 1 p m Scio, " 18 1pm Bautiam, " 19 1 p m Syracuse, 21 10 am Oak vl lie, " 22 10 a m Tangent, " 22 7 put Bhedd, " 23 1 p m Halsey 11 24 1pm Harrlsburg, " 25 1pm Brownsville, " 20 1pm Crawfordsville, " 28 1pm MweetHome, " 20 1pm Yvaterloo, " 30 1 p m Bodavllle, " 81 1 p m Lebanon ' Juue 1 1pm Albany, " 2 1pm A ratification will ateo be beld at 7 P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all opposing political parties to join In the canvass and share equally in the discussion of the political issues of the day. B. F. Ramp. . Chairman. The republican candidates of Linn county will speak on the political issues of the day as follows: Foster, May 18 10 am Bweet Home, " " 1pm Liberty, " lftlOsm Waterloo, - " "1:30pm fiockCreek, " 21 lOaru Lyons, " "'2pm Jordan, " 22 10 aja Bhelburn, " " 230pm Syracuse, " 23 10 am Tangent, " "230 pm Oakyille, " 24 10 am Shedd, " 24 2pm Haisey, " "130 pm Harrlsburg, "28" pni Brownsville, " 28 " p m Crawfordsville, " 28 10 a m Holly, " " 2pm Bodavllle, " 30 10 a m Lebanon, ; ""2pm Lacomb, " 81 10 a m 8autlsm, " " 2pm Scio, June 1 130 p m Albany, " 2 " pm J. R. Wyatt, Chairman Committee. Pbes B. Mbshall, Secretary Committee. A CHALLENGE. A "Populist," who bus' never made a speech in public sluee his boyhood days when he recited "The Boy Blood on the Burning Seek," will meet any representative republican in Linn county In open debate, in the town of Lebanon, at a date to agreed upon. Here is a chance to administer au anodyne to your dying Issue, "pro tection." You can devote two-thirds of your time in explaining the oause of the present panic, the tariff humbug and waving the bloody shirt. One- third of your time must be devoted to the discussion of the main, and only issue, the financial question. Address: The Expbess, Lebanon, Or. Hummer school at the Bantiam Academy begins April 80, 1894. circular, just out. 8" j All public school grades at one dol lar a montli, Hi the Hnutlam Academy summer school. Hee circulars. Hend Ihe Express to some of your friends In the East, for the next three and a half mouths. It will only cost you tweiity-five cents. It will be au agreeable surprise lo persons subject (o attacks of billions colic lo leum that prompt relief may ne had by taking Chamberlain' Colic, Cjiolera and Diarrhoea Kemcdy. In many Instance the attack may lie prevented by lakiiig-tlils remedy at ooiiastliel!rxti.yiiiptous of the dis ease appear, For sale by N. w. rSmi th ilrugKiat, of cents a bottle. Preorliing at the Bantixt .church every bunilay at 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Kutidry fwhnol, at 10 a.m. Prayer meeting wedneeriay at 730 cm. C. R. Lamar, Pastor. Subscribe for the btcwu now. - MID-WINTER PAIR LETTER. Oiuroum MrrwiOTMi Intkrna. TIONAI, EXPOSITION lMUMRTMEOT V I vi 1-un.icrnr akd i'homotwn. WW irr etnmlar Lotttr-Ko, tS.1 Tat mi staien impression see mi to have gone so -out that tin California Mid winter 'Exposition bus reduced itscharpj I or un union and its attractions as well. j This 'iMnremion is erroneous in both par. ncutars. The charge for admission to i the grounds is still 60 cents, except on j Buaday, whea it has been decided to ! Bttt it a popular price show. An ex- ' perimoat is aha being made with a Si-V. eant rate on fiTe evenings in the week after 8 p. m. The reason for this change I is that no one in the state of California, ! and particularly in the city of Han Fran. Cisco, shall look an opportunity to visit I 1... utn- i,. Jw rruB management recognising that the finan cial success of the enterprise has always exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions, is now willing to make concessions i to the pnblio which had heretofore been naa wiped out a debt of nearly flOO,- 000 whioh htlnS 0Ter 14 016 8tart' aua' I whatever the attendanceinay be daring the few remaining weeks, there is sure to be a satisfactory tad on hand 'cr the winding up of its affairs. The attractions at the exposition have been constantly on the increase, and none of those who were with the enter prise at the beginning have withdrawn from the arena. Among the most re cently added attractions is the company of South Sea Islanders, who came hero only about a fortnight ago and are still all the rage. These dusky, half-dad warriors from the Southern Seas parade around the grounds several times during the day and a wondering crowd each time follows them to the big Franz Jo seph hall in the Vienna Prater, where they sing their weird songs and dance their unique dances. The Mexican band has also made a great hit. It his a tam bourine player who acta as a soloist and who is a musical entertainment in him self. Their characteristic music seems to have found wide appreciation in this cosmopolitan community, and the seats in front of the moaio stand durhur the j concert hours are full of people of all nationalities, but with perhaps a strain of the Spanish element in the majority. Jean Weitzman, the Wizard of the Air, has been walking en a high wire from the electric tower to the top of the Liberal Arts building for a number of days now, and se far hae failed to break his neck or any other portion of his an atomy. The risk that he runs in this direction, however, is proving a great drawing card at the exposition, and Weitsman may justly be said to be one of the lions of the fair. Sunshine is always one of the standard California attractions. Fruit has had its day at the exposition in the wonder ful citrus displays about which so much kas already been said, and within the last few weeks the flowers have been speaking for themselves in no uncertain tones. There nave been no days in the history of the exposition more beautiful r more attractive in every sense of the word than those where California's rare profusion of flowers have been exempli fied. Everyone remembers the beauti ful Niles Almond Blossom day, the Berkeley Rose day, the Wild Flower show, and all the rest of the floral festas on the exposition calendar, but during the past week there has been arose show in the Agriculture Building that sur passed anything of the kind ever under taken even under the favorable climatic advantages of California. This display of rosea wss accompanied also by a dis play of other flowers, though roses largely predominated. There were W0 different varieties of roses on view. The arrangement of these beautiful flowers was as artistic.and effective as anyone could wish. It was all done under the auspices of the State Floral Society of California, working in company with the department of horticulture, and ex perts say that the world has never seen such an exhibition. There were large displays of rhododeidrons, of eaUaa, azelias, ixiaa, orchids, glorias, poppies and hundreds of other varieties of flow ers that are far too beautiful to be satis factorily described. Sweet peas were piled upon tables and upon racks against the wall until the air was actually la den with their perfume. There were great tables of carnations that looked like great lakes of beautiful colon, and there were beds of pansiea where the faces of thousands of people seemed to be peeping np at you. These flowers came from every part of the state by the trainload, and each locality yied with the other to have the finest display. Bnt now the management of the expo sition hae decided to outdo even this rose show, and to do It out-of-doors. Saturday, Hay It, has been set apart for a grand floral festival in the central court of the exposition. Thirty float have already been entered for competi tion by different counties and different Inrliviiliiul. thfvwurhmif tH mtmt there will probably be half a hundred private carriages covered with roses and other flowers and entered in the same competition. There will be thousands of little bouquet given away for pelting purposes and the battle of the towers will bs fought oat in fall view of the assembled multitudes. Great ropes of roses will bs stretched from the top of the electric tower to the four corners of the court, and festoons of flowers will be draped all along the fronts of tka ex position buildings. The beaatifnloolor ing of all these decorations will he see on the afternoon of Saturday, and In the evening there will bs the grandest illu mination of the court that has yet hesa seen. The floral floats and barges ami private equipages will pass In review ta ller the search lights, and colored glasses will be used for kaleidoscopic effects. It is confidently expected that this will bs the grandest success of any festival in the histoid of the exposition, or. Price' Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. "Is Your Name Written There?' Written where? Why, on the subscription list of the Lebanon ExrKKss. If you are not a sub scriber to thits paper, and wish to ootam reading mattor for the win ter evenings, now is the time to subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay able ill advance) (1.50 per year. To Advertisers. If you wish to obtain the best returns from your advertisement" Don't Forget the important fact that - The Lebanon Express will give the desired results, us it s The Best Advertising Medium in Linn Couutv. DI8I0H PATSMT8. OOPVRICMT-a. ML.NJ A UI.. Ml Mmmuwat. NW VoBK. OMeot bnre.0 for seciiririir putemj tn Amenta. Every intent taken out or til 1 troonht imlore . Ui pawn) or a mum gii en fnw ot flwuso in U Unmt drrolatlm. of Miy MHratifle ptper tn th Mrtu. rJei;iJctlv ill mam. No imHlleent man (homo t-e wiiiiout it. Wassiy, i;t,oi & jrrir: ll.sJuii nj(nto. Add mm iiONN 4 CO I,;.!-.. -i.. t;. - ,ii -..-'net,. i-.irt U ( -. - ' I-- ' ' !,! I I'-" ; ' ' w.r Mrt-e u---fr "Jv'.i-. !vrri&.t;v,,Ui.,. lO, iv.u.tw. 0. S40122 v?!erk FOR WILLING WORKERS of eitber mx, any ge, in any part of the oountry, at tlie amploymeDt wttlch we furoUli. Toa Deed cot be away from homoorcr night. Toueanglvo VinirwliolellraetoUicwork.oroiilyyouripare mo mjnti. AicspKil Is not required you run norlelt, Wc supply you with alt that Is necdttl. It wilt --0t you nothing to try tbo builneis. Ay o: '.tin do tbe work. Beginners make money front lie Mart Failure Is unknown with our workers ivvcry hour you labor you can easily make a ilollnr. N'o one who la willing to work falls to mate more Tioncy every day than can bf made In three day it Rnyordlnary employment. Send for free boot: containing the fullest Information. H. HALLETT & CO., Box 880, JUTLAND, MAINE. i Scicntlflo Americas i Agenoy for, I will call your attention to the' GREATEST In Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats Caps Etc. Boots and Shoes. : As I will actually soil Lower than before for the following reasons. , 1st. I have bought out my partner cheap. 2nd. I have boen getting new good vory ohoap lately. 3d. To stake room in the store becaune there is no more Hpace. 4th In order to make room to get more goods. 5th. I am buying direct and am able to do it. 6th. I have nobody to keep thus hard timeg but myself. Yours Truly, M. J. BENJAMIN. Remember the place, in Ihe Odd Follows buildi nrr on Main street. LEBANON, V ' ""nrririronnrYvyyMV sfW sfWWWWWWtfWWWW 1JI - .. .. BALD harsh, brittle? ne It split at the ends? Has fl 5 lifeless nr-teannce? Does It fall out when combed or 4 brushed? !s it full ot dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? 5 I It dry o. hi n I -mUA condltionV If these are some of 5 joursyniptom.b. wf .iie.fiiitimeoryouwlllbetonitiljald. i Skookum Root Hair Grower t O.l'tt?'!"; V piwtucijnr. I atM .rald.nl. Int tn.mnll of Mmtldn r fh Kutmltam ot Uv illB,.ot 0,1, hftlr.nUK-.lo loti u, Il,e01wy. (f tt(tolU.l, II aair, I,.,- uo..Urns m . ito!.' S3 5 aSdtStSLfiSShSSr'. r' "ut:""0l',ll"' mWl AU wi ? If your JruBulil owtnnl npntr you irrd dtrwiHo iw, ana w. will forw.nl S pjSnCXortS1" "'' li",""''l-IWl"f'loiHurloii, Uoiik. !5 THE SKOOKUH ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. ? 07 Buuth F.Kli AT.niie. N.ir Voi-U, N. V. The Hrr ATtnsM for Uw Lwt Muney. 33, W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are satislactlon at the pike, auvcrtlicd than any r3 IX,. .- liJ; : A.' : fl:T flaw s' IHS ISTHR Rpo.a?, -m. . I . "1 IHDtiMnllW. 1 y'li.-i..., ILH UV' STw . .u ;u,nv'g or nr. uougia,- name and price on the bottom which rantees their value, save. thouand of dollar, annually to thoie -hn T. lers who puih the sale of W. L. Dom-la. Sh. .d L.,Z. " wh? ..r .,hem' increaie the .ales on their full line of good,. Tn m , wnlcft ""P8 " we Ixllm ym am aave moan hj borlne all rour foolw. L P"ifl, wmimiow. uuaiosae dm oooB appUoailoa. -W.X. UOVUlJuT iiVJ,w"' ",M' HIRAM BAKER 1893 Santiam Academy Summer Term Begins April 30, 1894. Vor information, ask for address, S. A: RANDLE, Principal, LEBANON, , OREGON. HEADS! IVhat Ik 1Uis mm'lr.nM m i a..:, uf'v. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE a' 84 and 83.50 Cress Shoo. 83.tS0 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 82.60, 82 for Worklngmen. oszana for Boys. t LADIES AND MISSES, V3, 82.50 82, $1.75 r-ATTTTftV Y. AHH j. offr. you w. L. iv.iu.uaa iiu.. ai nxtuoerl e I, or ray. ue ha. tb.ni wli li- th fc .lamped . i pin ,n, own aiir'alj. itvll.h. fiiti other make. Try dne nalv and Wna . in mm LEBANON, OR. circular at f li P,ULffi ORECON -4.