The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 11, 1894, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
The peopled party county central
cnmmltbw held a meeting in Albany
Friday und arranged for a county can
vass by thi'ir candidates as follows:
Rook frwk, May 15. 7pm
Lyons, " 16, 10 a ui
Jordan, " " Spm
Shelburn, . " 17 1 pm
Solo, . " 18 1pm
Haiitiam, " 19 1pm
Syracuse, " 21 10 am
Oakville, " 22 10 am
Tangent, " 22" 7pm
Sliwid, " 23 1 pm
Balaey . " 24 1pm
Hiirrisburg, " 25 1pm
Brownsville, "26 1 pm
Crawfordsville, " 28 1pm
KweetHooie, " 29 1 pm
Vvaterloo, "80 1pm
Sodavllle, "81 1pm
Lebanon Junel 1pm
Albany, " 2 1 p m
A ratiiicatinn will also be held at 7
T. H.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to
all opposing political parties tu join In
the canvass and share equallj In the
discussion of the political issues of the
day. B. F. Ramp.
The democratic candidates of Linn
county will speak on the 'political
issues of the day at the following times
and places:
Syracuse, May 18 10 a m
Tanprcnt, "18 2 urn
Bherid, " 19 1pm
Harrlsburg, "21 lpm
Halsoy, " 22 1 p m
Brownsville, " 23 1 p m
Crawfordsville, " 24 10 a m
Sweet Home, ' 24 2pm
Waterloo, " 25 10 a m
Bodsville, " 25 2pm
Lebanon, " 2B 1 p m
BockCrwk, " 28 lpm
Lyons, " 29 1 pm
Jordan, " 80 10 a m
Bhelburn, " 31 3 p m
Scio, " 31 lpm
Bantiam, June 1 '2 pm
Albany, " 2 lpm
Opposing candidates are respectfully
invited to be present and participate in
the discussion.
E. E. Davis, ,
Chairman County Central Committee.
. Gbo. W. Wbioht,
It la Rapidly Nearlng Washington
Protection of the Capital.
Coxey's army Is marching toward
the National Capital and are rapidly
nearing their destination. Had the
rank and file of the "Commonweal"
done their trading with Read, Pea-
' cock & Co., there would have been no
need for such movement, for they
would have saved enough on their
purchases to tide them over the hard
Hummer schixil at the frintinm
Academy begins April 30, 1894. Bee
circular, lust out.
All publiu school grades at nne dol
lar a month, at ine eainiam academy
summer school. Hee circulars.
Send the Express to some of your
friends In the East, for the next three
and a half months. It will only cost
you twenty-five cents. t
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacks of blllious
colic to learn that prompt relief may
be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera ar.d Diarrhoea Bemedy. Io
many instances the attack may lie
prevented by taking this remedy am
soon as the first symptons of the die
ease appear. For sale by N. W. rtmi th
druegist, 60 cents a bottle.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Hunriav at 11 a. m and 7:30 r. it.
Sundry school at 10 a. M. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. M.
C. It. Lahak, Pastor.
Persons who sympathize with the
afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr
of 123-5 Harrison street Kansas City.
He Is an old sufferer from inflam
atory rheumatism, hut has not hereto
fore been troubled in this climate.
Last winter he went up into Wisconsin
and in consequence has had another
attack. "Ft came upon me again very
acute and severe," hesaid. "My joints
swelled and became inflamed; sore
almost to look at. Upon the urgent
request of my mother-in-law I tried
Chamberlin's Pain Balm to reduce the
swelling and ease the pain, and to my
agreeable surprise, it did both. I have
used three fifty-cent bottles and believe
It to be the finest thing for rbumatism
pains and swellings extant. For sale
by N. W. Smith, Druggest.
Our better halves say they could no
keep house without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is used in more
than halt the Homes in i.eeiis. imh i
Unoe., Leeds, Iowa. -This shows the flcrjher to this paper, and wish to
esteem n which that remedy is held . . . ,. ' t
where It has been sold for years and is I "bt'" reading matter lor the win
well known. Mothers have learned I ter evenings, now IS ths time to
that there is nothing so good tor voids,
croup aim wuuuuiiig ki '"i
mirua Ihuuu MtlmAllfa iiilif.klu unrl ruir.
manently, and that it Is pleasant and
safe for children to lake. For sale by
N. W. ymilh, druggist, 50 cents a
bottle..-" . (....
For sale, fresh milk cow second
eelf. A. . AsfsiBOK, .
Waterloo V. O.
Miscellaneous Items
(Culled from our exchanges.)
A bicyole huilt for four has been
patented in France.
Germany has ordered a shipment of j
hay "from New York for her cavalry i
horses. ' j
., . -r. i- .ii -
About 50 Ttalin.i rtreet-cleaner of
I'hilsdelpbia have atruuk for Jo cents,
an hour. ; f ., !
Wild excitement previiils thoughout , 'i' day was given under toe auspices
New Mexico over gold discoveries in 'Tfi"
., I 70.(100 children enjoyed the exposition
Hell tation. ; , that day without money and without
A bill against haainghas Just narrow- price. A few weelts later another chil
ly missed passage in the New Jersey I dreii'a day was given under the auspices
legislature. '" " - of tne Sttn Francisco Chronicle. On
, ' .... ., .. that occasion the number of children
A Brooklyn child's death is said towho of oppor,
have been caused by Impure virus used I to tto position free was
in vaccination. '. even largor than upon the occasion first
Female sufl'erage is hearing its fruits ! referred to. On both these children's
in Kansas; Otewa University has a i days the number of adults was very
ladies' basJ-ball club - - I large, so that ths coffers of the exposi base-ban club. , fay the eanmt,
The latest storm Is said to hve Bnd it was owing to this outcome that
benefitted crops - iu Michigan more the management determined to make
than it harmed theni. 1 another children's day on May 1. The
A compiaint ha, been filed at Eu-j of n.of theand
scene asking for divorce Jroiy mar-, M rf May Khool hoUdaT
rlage celebrated this last March. A unitorm oh(r(te w cents was estab-
. he ohief Spanish executioneer has , lished for the admission of children at
just died at Madrid. On the day of i
.... :
funeral tblrteeu candidates applied for Z.
, , i The result was a crowd of fully 80,(XW
the vacant place. . , . , mi 0M of the
Township 16 south, range 7 east will i verT prettiest pictures that has thus far
be thrown open for entry at the luud , been presented in the beautiful frame
office in Oregon City on the 15th ofwhic the Midwinter Exposition fur
May. This is located southwest 'of! nishee for everything within ito gates.
Mount Jefferson, In the Cascade range. " 5
' 1 10 cents is not as impossibility, and
Cleveland may advocate Rcpuoli- j from the malmer j which the conces
can doctrines; Hill may desert his i (j0Illl were patronized during the entire
party: the senate may full to redeem day, very few of the children came with
the pledges of the Democratic party, out having more spending monoy than
but the principals of Democracy will the mere price of admission. The May
The Portland comany which is to lrrive m th morning,
operating in Grave creek district has j The intervening hours were spent by the
finished Its ditch, which is nearly 20 1 little ones in visiting the exposition
miles long, and will control most of : buildings and in thoroughly inspecting
the water iu that section. It covers a every nook and corner within the big
vast area of rich placers, operations on ! board fence that surround, thetwo hun-
T. V T j dred exposition acres.
wh!ch will soon be commenced. an , fc-
Hurd as times are in Ainericu, they to ti,e terelf and only charged
are still harder elsewhere. The Italian , io cents for everything inside the euolos-
universities at Messina Cantata, Mod
ern!, Farnia, Hicnna and Bassarl have
been closed on account of hard times i
. . m. ...i, i i.i i
au. y. i u " - (
V.ieveiauu, quuiu iue &uu&iiio ahu
A "Populist;" who has never made
speech in punito since nm noynoou
days when he reoited "The Boy Hlood i fclandcrs, eannibalistio though they
mi the Burning Deck," will meet any may be at home, are showmen Simon
representative republican in Linn i pnre here, and whenabig, brawny chief
county in open debate, In the town of j would make a grab at some fine, fat m
, . J t . , , . ! chin who was almost within reach, the
Lebanon, at a date to agreed upon. of the talan,1(m wonU ktheir
Here U a chance to administer an , mA nU np jmt if,b8y
anodyne M your dying issue, "pro-lreaUy dill ,ant nionthful of boy,
lection." Tfou can devote two-thirds though of course it was only in fun, and
of your time in explaining the caue of i the boys knew it in a moment
the present panic, the tariff bumbug The big grand stand, which was built
and waving the bloody shirt. One-! to accomm. date 7,000 people, was full
third of your time must be devoted to! for once in its history during the May
the discussion of the main, and only!'?"! Bf"iLS!
issue, the financial question.
Address: i The Exwibh, v.
Lebanon, Or.
Not an Appropriate Epithet.
The Hillsboro Independent says:
The populists are fond of using the
term "Koldliug," but It don't seem to
be an appropriate epithet to apply to a
man Doese8Sed of great wealth. To
illustrate: One would hardly be justi
fied in saying that a man having a
large stock of potatoes is a potato-bug;
nor would one possessing a great herd
of hogs be a sowoug, nor yet is a large
dealer in furniture properly a bedbug.
Those who never read the advertise
mente in their newspapers miss more
than they presume. Jnhnathan Keu
isou, of Uoiali, Worth county, Kansas,
who had been t.ouhled with rheuma
tism in his buck, arms and shoulders,
read an item in Ilis paper about how a
prominent Uerman citizen of Ft. Mid
isou had been cured. He procured the
same medicine, and to use his own
words: "It cured me right up." He
also says: "A ueighiior and ins wife
were both sick in btd with rheuma
tism. Their boy was over to my house
and said they were so bud he had to do
the cooking. I told him of Chamber
lains Puiu UhIiii and how it cured me.
He trot a bottle and it cured them up
iu a week. For sale by N. W. ftmilll,
druggist, 50 cents a bottle.
"Is Your Name
Written There?'
Written where? Whv, on the
subscription list of the LebanoK
Express. If vou .are not a sub
j subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay-'
able in advance) 1.60 per year.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Werkl'a flit mgtiM Mnfelstf Dflfcmw '
i tional Ett-omtion DgpiaTMjurr
off PnsuorrY and Promotion. J
I rWwklT Ctreiuur UtMr-Ko, Ski
In the history of the Midwinter Bxpo
ton there have beea-no times or seasons
that have reflected so much credit oa
the management or that have bestowed
so mnoh pleasure upon so great a num-
bora the days when the children of
San Franctax) and vichaty haw idajrad
tlw mo()t imi)OTtaiit parta In the pro-
mm. OntheSBd of Febrnarya obil-
the exposition gates, tne cnarge iur
jii. ;i .itl ma, oa nalia.1.
ore. At one time there were ion dots
piled in and on that carry-all. Never
Je"cl" " '.t?
Next to the '49 Camp the South Sea Isl-
ders seemed to offer the strongest at-
traction to the juveniles. When the
dusky, lightly clad warriors came ont
for their noonday airing around tne cen
tral court there was a crowd of children
in their wake, such as had never been
seen following any procession on the ex
tiofritifm imrands before. The South Sea
piHUIM IU Wlimu 1MU wcu uuui. uiihj
opposite tnecenter or tue stanu. uiu-
dren sat two and three in a chair, and
their elders stood np in the aisles or
long the ed;ies of the stand and held on
to little ones who were in constant danger
of falling over the edge. The day was
as beautiful as if it had been made to
order, and everthing went off without
hitch in the proceedings, and intha
midst of more enthusiasm than had been
manifested in connection with any dem
onstration previously held in that part
of the exposition grounds.
For the delectation of this multitude
of humanity in every stage of develop
ment, 500 prettily costumed children
marched on to the recreation grounds
from Festival ball which had been
turned into an immense dressing room
for this occasion. A platoon of exposi
tion gnards marched at the head of the
line, and behind them came the Mid
winter Exposition band, playing one of
the Sonaa marches, to which the chil
dren stepped gracefully and buoyantly.
These white rolled juveniles ranged
from graceful girls of 14 and 15 years of
ge down to little tots of 6 or 7, all beau
tifully dressed iu white and with faces
wreathed in happy smiles. They
marched and countermarched in front
of the grandstand, and then passed with
fancyjuarching figures in review. Then
the music changed to a different march
and the little ones passed np a stairway
to raised seats, which had been arranged
around the throne where the May Queen
and here maids of honor were u sit.
The May Queen, Miss Jessie McNab,
a little lady of 9 years of age, arrived
upon the grounds in a little pony car
riage, driven by a footman in livery,
with postilions at the head of the little
tandem team. She carried herself with
all the dignity and grace of a veritable
queen and graciously accepted the hom
age of the spectators. Then folly wed
pretty program of May dances. There
were three Maypoles, and there were
fancy dances of every sort, and in the
midst of it all a beautiful crown of roses
was placed upon the head of the heroin
of the occasion, while tens of thousands
of voices shonted approval and twice a
many bands mtnifested their pleasure
with hearty applause. This part of it
was all over at 4 o'clock. Nobody had
.time to get worn ont, and everybody
had a good time. It was conceded on
every hand that this was one of the
most interesting of all the special days,
and the verdict was unanimous that the
nnmber of children who paid to com in
on this occasion was unmistakable evi
dent of widespread appreciation of
the former courtesies extended to the
little.onoB iu couueoUan with toe exposition.
To Advertisers,
; :' ' -'''' ; - , " I
If you wish to ohtniu the best
returns from vour advertisements
Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
ivill givo the de-aired resulU, us it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Linn County.
Solentifns Anirleaa
Ageaoy for
OOP V RIO NT, ato.
or In formation and free Handbook writ to
Olileat bureau for wcuritu patents in Amaru,
ftrerr pateiii taken out by tin la brought beior
Uio puuiits or none f itu f rta 01 utuuge Id IM
V f&LJ
Urrat etrealatlon of bit KUotlflo ptptr to th
florid. Hotcnilidi IlluatraMd. No intelliiron
man ihnuld be without It. WmiIt. t3.UV
vrar: ll fiualx montbs. Atlrtrew UVtiX ft CO
to'jmjHi.M. Jtil Broadvaj. Maw York aiy
iTii'o nisi, V'.i'i i tj'intff. M1 lii fcry
qrzIiiiiiJr!1'.' i -b inrun;iMiV',r'fitij7,r)itf'
' "7 it t.' :. .itMn- Oi;irti, rtrfir lor
t-vsiT i.l ( , 1 rtit m. hy .tftfemu,
i 1 H,i(l-f..a'r pn t-rniWnn, Vtt lid
I $fv. VV. .'l. Anioawwi ffr. Writ
li W. F. Harr. U Co., Ciaitk 1(1, Coiurnbui. 0.
f tstlur wx, any ae, to tar put of the ootrntry,
at Um ttnplornettt wald re fnrriiah. Toasted
Mt be awayfroni boa OTtr Bight. YouoaagiT
yourwboiettmetothewort.or only fnmtfn mo
bmdU. AioaplUlUaotreqnirIyouronnortak.
Wc tnpplr too with all that needed. It will
out jron nothing to try Um boil mm. Any one
can do the work. Begtonen aoke money from
the itart Failure to unknown with our worken .
Grtry hour you labor you can etui Ir make a dollar.
No one who la willing to work fall to make mora
moaey erery dey tlian can be made In three daya
at any ordinary employ menL Send for free book
coiuainlXig the fallett InformaUoa.
Box 880,
Tlie nliovr .1 ooivto" pletiireof THBORB
OO iAV .-S ! -W l',i;. l.lMNU. trxiuted at the
anriitji' . Litli nnd Ai nr fltretiu JJoriUBiiy
7a a Trilt i)ttti jU1aN ti'isMt tlis Dd of
anew wkI 0(ifiin;(l.oiu Ijiiiulliitf nmbrMlna'
all the innilitr-i ii'ipriiviuui'tB. with the latMt
ImftrMVHilmnoliliKjrvfor turning out a mo
tropohtim unit r, it ,nw btt it, ami one that
Vie wiiulii l'u(i:hri.OAtmnv jmtiy foi proud
ot ai !t la t'wtninly the tin at oa thncoaek
Now that IH1-; )-l Ki n AN la aettM lo
(lilri-vh'iii It fUitlN I lt rivmtr lu many
ttU-lr'-H f littflP&V, 1 (Pilt HI tllliOHMlal OSetf
to tlio " '-vij'r i-en w tiKtr auiari(ition, or; to
U'i: w-.o nitjrilj pnof luoeufeemlMrlal.
titaewi th - - i
LUeeKly Oreqaniao ;
Thtabelnff trmrlml -am of the fW, Til If
ftr.rt'.JNHN tltivn berwflroi ttite klnfl
rlil itur -e-ufi' Ri-i''Hist.i. 1 li"i"o atmJ1 1"
yoiit Jiii'j-f I'i :km Odin pilile. in
ri;iii. t:tnV.tni Jim are wtU illy lurlti-'i
to ottJl Airi tj-ke e. trip uirou;.lt our po
toaaBa jtddrote
r: itflONW FUBliSHNB CD, '
' ' J.HUW OB,
I will call your attention to the
In Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats
Caps Etc. Boots
As I will actually sell Lower than before for the following
1st. I have bought out my partner cheap.
2nd. I have been getting new good very cheap lately.
3d. To make room in the
more space.
4th In order to make room to get more goods.
5th. I am buying diroct'and am able to do it.
6th. I have nobody to keep thes "hard times but myself.
Yours Truly,
Remember the place, in the Odd Fellows building on
Main street.
Whit Ik the condition of your? h your hair drr
harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has fit
lifeless appearance? Does It fall out whea combed or
brushed? Is it full (it dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ?
la it dry or in a huated condition If these are some of
yoursy mptoms bo warned In time ory on wlUbtcome bald.
SkookumRootHair Grower
U whatyou neod. Its nrodeeitrw tt not an accident, but the nmMoreeemtllle
MMirxh. ITnnoljMiirn lit ilia rliiusM rtf th hair anil actio led Ut tbm iHiW-nV.
Mnotaure.out(WiititTUiiycw)iiuit aiia retreamoc loow. ny atimu
the (olU(iie, tt mop' JoUQ a", dumantf and irwe Aewr
. ffW" the eeatp cImr. baaiHi', aarl fr from rrriwtrBrer'iPtfcTM. br
the una of Sknoknm iiki auw ltiitjauuya jKinuKM MMautt, RNuat mA en
oiiu tMfirair in aoir.
If your dniprpui oaannt anpplv yon end afreet to ae, and we wn Torwara
snrpalil. en rtxwiptot prtGe. Uruwar, $Ji par twCUe ; for (hfiU ma,M.
par jar iur m.iM.
ft U...L. VIAL !. W Wssisfa. M V. I i
The Deft Shoe
-Wi-m. ;-i, ,mm7--, . -
h ( iuic ii I mi. irr i I'wiam l v h.
W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and 'give better
satisfaction at tlie price, advertised than any other make, try one pair and be cow
vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which
guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollar, annually to those who wear them.
Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to
Increase the sales on their full line of goods. Ther nn afford soil a a Im, profit,
and we iMllave von hd save maaey by bnvlng all vour fnotwenr of th. dnalrr advoa
Um4 Mow. CauUocu trae avoa applteatlou. W. X. UOVOLAa, Bnekssa, Haw.
Santiam Academy
bummer erm besrins ADrii io. isqa.
For information, ask for
S. A. RANDLE, Principal
I; ft
and Shoes.
store because there is no 1
"8k(iokuii"wowtnaaittminmoftenriro)ii. It
nd R3.BO Bmeiei ahaai. if
Polloa 8hoa, 3 aolea.
). S2 for Worfclncmen. !
83, 62.60 C2, $1.79
oavTiOM-If ear am'm
ooWs you w. t.. I(iaa
,UMI9 a fMUOMI 114)0,
Ch itm siampvd
ths bottow. put hi in
circular at the Post-office or
.. - '