-;.,,. J Lebanon Express, FBIDAY, MAT 11, I8M. Hon, W. R. Bllyeu was In Lebanon Wednesday. Geo, Thurston, of Albany, was In the olty Wednesday. J. t!. Hardin, of liacomh, was on our strife ts last Wednesday. John 8 hmiiT and wife, of Albany, were In Ibia city Wednesday. . Every customer at Borum & Kirk' barber shop gets a clean towel. Cbasf A. Scare, of Albany, was la this olty yesterday on business. John itobaon, of Albany, waa la .Lebanon Wednesday on business, ' Wauled, -Tn "trade wood for a good nillk-oow. Inquire at this office, H. (J. Watwm, one of Albany'a grn- oera, waa In Lebanon Wednesday, A frch, half Jumpy mllk-oow five years old, to sell, Inquire at tbla offloe. J. M. Pollock, one of Alfaany'a real eatale men, waa In our olty Wednes day. Bherlff Jankann waa on our street laat Wednesday. Chandler Bloom waa visiting In this city thla week, J. 8. Courtney M. D, Physician, Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon, Or. 1 We are glad to uote that J. C. B'l- 7 yeu was alile to be out on tbe etreH. again tbla week. Settle your aucount with Cruaon A Meuziea at tbe old stand with Q. W. Cruaon, Mr. F. A. Mueael, of Glaegnw, Scot land, waa ruglalered at the St. C'barlea thla week. Mlaa Edna Shanklln left Wednes day for Salem where abe will reside In tbe future. Three membera of tbe Bodaville braaa band ylslied wilb our boya laat Saturday evening. CiauaVehra' mammoth church waa taken through thla city yeaterday on Ita way to the dreamery. ' We need our money and must have - it, pay your account . with Cruaon & Menilee to G. W. Cruaon. G.M.Westfall has the oon tract to oarry the mail on the Sweet Home line for tbe next four yeara. Hia con tract beglna July 1. If you are thinking of buying a new anting area. TMuaniner KAafl. reaima A Co'a new apring gooda. . Dr. S. H.Frazler extract teeth without pain. As ye editor had a large tooth removed tbla week, we know whereof we speak, Mr. 8. B. Foster, of Salem, waa In the city thia week in the interests of tbe Oregon Hedge Company. " I have a lew aeoond-hand books that I will dase ont at a bargain. , M. A. Millkk, iiaker la receiving clothing, boots and shoes, daily, In spite of the hard t'.niee. Hit low prices make the gooda sell. : Wash fubrlus of almost every de scription, new gooda, new styles and '(V.k'W prices; 8. E. YouNCt, Albany, Or. -i When you want to buy a suit of cloth ing you Will save aioney by getting ' it at Bach's. ' ' :. .', HI rain Baker received a large in voice of Spring clothing thla week of the latest shades and styles. , A line of hoi h cotton and woolen dress goods have just arrived at Bead, Feacook & Go's. Something new. The aooounts of Cruaon A Mennlea will be placed tn the hands of t OolleO' (or April 1, 1804. ' 0. W. CbcsoN. My line of jacket and capes for spring and summer wear Is now com ' plat. Gapes are the thing this year, And I carry a particularly fine line of novelties, at reasonable prices, , ; , ' " ' S. E. Young, Albany, Ore. Bargin sale at Bead FeaoooK and Co. -. He. Ezra Maurer, former pastor on the Sweet - Home mission, now stationed at Jefferson, passed through this olty Wednesday on bis way -to Sweet Home.... Mlas Annie Tuplln returned to Leh. "wniTH ikaour ahnivkhharx, anon laat Saturday. ' Redpath Brother' ahnca at Bead reaoocK ana to. A. A. Rees left Tuesday on visit to Walla Walla and Pendleton. Governor Pennoyer will speak In this city next Thursday evening; May 17. ,'!..;'.,'"" ' . . Wanted, good second hand conk stove, must be cheap. Inquire at this OfflCD. ' ! (Hon. C. B. Montague and Dr. Lam. hereon are to apeak at Brownsville to- night., All accounts of the firm Cruson & Meuziea must be settled at once with G. W. Cruaon. Prof C. H. Hurt, principal of the Brownsville school, was In Lebanon laat Haturday. N. H. Allen, secretary of the Albany Electric Light, Power & Telephone Uo., was In Lebanon Saturuay, P. M. Smith and wife left today for Portland to ace Uielr daughter who la dangerously eiok, - Bach la not selling his clothing at cost, but still you can get a belter ault therefor leas niouiy than anywhere else, : Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Craudall and Miss Saltmarsh attended tbe Stale W. B. C. convention at Roseburg. These bard times we want to save all We can, but of course we have to cut, still you will save some by getting your groceries ut S. P. Bach's. Spring shades of kid gloves, Centem eri regular Hue and with large pearl butl'.iis, Foster hook, Biairlt and gauntlet al8.K. YcilJNO, Albany, Org. At the monthly business meeting of the Y. P. B. 0. 1C. of the Cumberland Prcehyterluii church last Monday evi.'itniK iii!j following ollta-r. lure elected; l'realdi-nt. Mrs. KNie Bovd: Vice President, Hen Umin; Kceretnry Jessie Andrews: Treasurer. Liliie Loveall. Mr. Blley Shelton, the democratic candidate for recorder, was in tbe city tblsweek. Mr, Bbelton is a young business man of good charcter, active. honest and well thought of by bis acquaintances, He is a native of Linn county and has grown up with ita people. He la thoroughly capable of performing tbe duties of recorder and is deserving of the support of all men. He will probably be elected. The religions organisation for young people, known as the Kpworth, League, whose luccess lias been phenomenal, was, by a providential combination of circum stances, evolved a tew years ago in the month ol May. Every year since that time the various chapters in Mia Methodist Episcopal Church, and other Methodist bodies, both in the United States and for eign countries, which are enterprising and progressive, have observed the birthday anniversary of this organisation with appropriate services. The following is the programme of the anniversary services of lleulah Chapter, of Lebanon, to be held at the Methodist (episcopal Church neit Sunday, May 18, at sr. n., which will be very interesting and prohtable: . , Vocal Voluntary. 0nlng Hymn. - 1 1 - . Prayer by Pastor. Anthem by Choir. Heading of Scripture. Singing by the League. Recitation by Dot Hope. ' " " Kalph Summervllle. 8olo by Callie Warner. Paper by Addie Simpson, Recitation by Blanche Warner, Solo by Hattie Warner, of Albany. Report of League Work by llda Elkins. i Report of Junior League Work bv Fave naiiUte, Song Epwortb League Battle-Hymn. Paper by Hattie Simpson. Address by Pastor. Collection by Mattie NUon and Pmma Tivey. Singing. Benediction. V WMimGallmm) To Starts Creamery. One of tbe beat butter makers in Llnnoounty is Mr. Claua Vebra, of SoUaviile, Mr. Vehrs has been uiilk- ng thirty cows for some time and shipping the butter to Portland where he has reoeivea 50 cents a roll the year round, Tbe demand has been so reliable that he be has decided to branoh out To-day Stewart & Sox received for biin the biggest churn in Linn county. It has a capacity of 100 gallons and 40 gallons of cream, with power attachment. Mr, Vehrs baa tbe promise of tbe milk of 125 cows, and will ruu a creamer; at his place near Bodaville. The right way to build upa big businessAlbany Democrat. CIRCUIT COURT. Pursuant to adjournment, Judge Bur nett held court Monday forenoon and transacted the following business : A Hackleman aet citv of Albans,- TV fendent was given until first day of neit term to answer. Same in J H Mullen not ritu nf 11. bany and J A Thornton agt city of Al bany. Isaac Saltmareh at H B Miller et al. Findings dismissing suit and decree tnereou. S H MeElnmrry agt Hugh C Cald well et al. Sale confirmed. Jacob Keos agt Lavima H McCullouch et al. Order for publication, and con tinuance ordered. J A McBride agt Bank of Oregon. Dismissed as per stipulation. John Leedy agt H Middlestadt. Order of publication allowed. B N Berdrnan agt EL Beans and wife. Default and judgment. In estate of Martha Hunter. Continued. D M Osborne and Co airt S P R roar rif rv.,; a In the matter of the asRicninenf nf ine nana oi urejron to W S Thompson assignee, the petition for removal of as signee having been heard at the regular March term, Judge Burnett handed in his decision, yitb. eight findings, of wiucu me lonowing is tile substance: 1. Tliat at the time aud immediately before the sMlsnmeut, W. ri. Tbompsou whs treasurer ami Jay Blaiu aorretjirv of the Altu, h oh. in ami Loan AaaociatioD.as well eaabier aud Dr. S. H. Frailer returned to Leh soon Tuesday after an absence of sev oral weeks, .He Is a fine dentist and baabtutt iup a good business In tbe abort time that he boa been in our midst. His charges are extremely reasonable. A large and enthusiastic audience at Oak Creek school house last Saturday evening listened to Attys. Somers and Btowe discuss the political Issues of the day from a republican standpoint. They will speak at Waterloo at 2 P. M. bawds? May 12, ' ' -' I'rof. H. B. Mlohener,' who will terv e on the board of examiners In the ooDili.'g examination, lb universally recogih'zed a one of Oregou's leading . tcaohers. , A good man In a proper plaoe.H'erald. Bev. W. V. MoGhoe bus closed bis school In the Bodaville Seminar; and with his faiuli.v started the first of the i,'' week for Cottage drove to visit rela "SSivos. They expeat to attend Gsooral 1 toW&te? 5kWW Oharsvd With Boraa-SteaUng . Deputy District Attorney Percy R. Kelly and Attorney A. F. Btowe went to Bodaville Monday morning to con duct the preliminary hearing of Frank and MedersBobson, oharg d with the larceny of a horse from MlesEiHe Vanderpool, Atty. Btowe appeared for the defendants, one of whom, MedersBobson, was acquitted. Frank was bound over in tbe sum of $200 to await tbe action of the grand Jury. He waived examination. Much sym pathy la showu for the boys and much doubt is expressed as to tbelr guilt. It is believed that others are the guilty parties; but the boys have been led iuto bad company. A Business Change. Mr. J. J. Dubrullle, of tbe Lebanon Eleotric Light & Water Co., has sold his Interest to his partner, C. G. Raw Hugs, who will continue the business alone. Mr. Buwlings understands the business thoroughly and will keep up the good reputation they have made in this city. Mr, Dubrullle will remove to Albany where he will go into business. He and his most estimable famtly have made many very warm friends during their resi dence lu Lebanon who will regret theli departure.. aaxiatRUt cashier or the liniik of (),, i. That at the time ol the asaigumeut and Immediately before, Mr. Tliompaoii, an Blieb trwiaurer, had a delMwlt of SKIS si, and Jay Slain aa aeuretarv i'AKi. Iwuilrtek trMi H,,a w J Croahy from tbe aHBoclatiou, which had bean deposited in tbe bank. 8. To aecura the aBaoaiatlon. a large amouut of pniiulaaory notes of the bank were taken and betd by Mr. ThonipBou. 4. That Baid Blaiu aud Thorn paou knew at the time that tho bans wbb insotveut, &. That money on thn nntai nntlan,,. applied to tbe payment of the building aud loan aaBoclatiou deVwita, the u6a being aurren- 6. Kefera to trnnaactioua with the First Na tional Bank of Portland. 7. Before the algnnient,thn Batik of Oregon Collected money ou uotea held by the First Na tional Bank of Portland while yet in their po aeaaloQ, but never remitted to aald bank the money to oolleoted, nor otberwlae settled with 8. That after becoming aaalgnee, satd Thomp aoa paid to aald First NsUoual Bank In full out of money collected by bim as aaaignee, from the aaaeta of the Bank of Oregon. As a conclusion of law the court finds that said W. S. Thompson as such as signee is guilty of wasting and misap plying the estate of said Bank of Oregon and should be removed from his trust as such assignee.- It is further ordered that D, H. James be aooointed aaabniw of the said bank upon giving bond, that the goods, chattels and effects of every kind be delivered to him by said bank, also that said Thompson permit said James to Jiave acoess to hooka, nntaa and other accounts for the purpose of makingao inventory, and that a final account be filed by 'said Thompson by wiv. iiwav term oi court. Matter of assignment continued. The time has come, in the history of urcgon, wnen the people need for tneircnicf executive an honest, sensi ble economical man. Extravagent men and cranky politicians are net neeueo now. Men raised in affluence ana wealth, like tbe talented Lord ana men who have been chronic office-seekers, like Pierce, am tint-. wantea by tho people. We cannot offord the former, and we are too proud to have the latter. There is now a man before the tier pie wuom me people need. That man is William Jalloway, of Ysmblll county; and the reasons for his elec tion are many buc simple. He came here across the plains when a boy and sas reared to manhood amid the pri vations or early pioneers aud was educated by money earned by tfis own bard labor' Helios spent bis life la Yamhill county, mingling freely with the people, whose friend he bos ever Deen. His county once needed a ludm as his state now needs a governor tne nrst was then heavily In debt bv mismanagement, while the- other is now deeply in debt by lavish and un necessary expenditure of public mouev. His republican county cbose him for the judge, and he so administered its affaire that it is now out of debt and and levies only a 13-mill tax. He was sent to the legislature aud was snnoln ted chairman of the committee that regulates appropriations. By bis management the state's ex pense s were cut to a low flmire. and have never to this day been so ablv and economically managed. He is needed in the governor's chair. His veto will check useless, and his luteg- niy win insure the state a clean ad ministration. He has publicly pledged uimseu to receive for bis services governor, only what tbe constitution ai.ows, ana bis record warrants the public in belleviug him. He favors the tbe re-enactment of tbe mortgage ax law. He helieves in the Austral ian uauor, law. and advocates thn na. sage of a law doing awey with the use leas changes in the text-books in our public schools, thereby saving to the people many thousands of dollars jear. uregon needs wig, (ialloway for her governor, the friend of the people. ,' The Presbytery. The presbytery of the Willamette held a ahort. aeafllon in rhfa Alh, T,ia day with Kev. Wm. Hutchinson, thH large3 aPProPr'tiu tot the l or Sale Lebanon warehouse, situated In Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon. Capacity 60,000 buahels, has a good patron age. will sell cheap aud on easy teams. John Bjsttijs. Sealed Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be received up to noon of May IS, ISM, to furnish school district No. 16, Linn county, Oregon, with 20 cords of old, dry, red fir, and 15 cords of large dry oak or maple. All wood to he two feet long, well sea soned, of large timber and to be securely piled iu tiers in the basement of the school house, and to be delivered by Oct. 1, 1894. Separate bids will be received for m, ma ple and oak. The board reserves the rigb to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors. BiH'li M. GiaunD. ntaftitUAlrk, moderator, in the chair. The relation ship of Eev. Dr. Townsend aud the Indepeneence churoh was dissolved on account cf the health of his family, he was placed at Newport. Arraignments were made for the Installation of Eev, Mr. Hutchinson as pastor of the Salem church, Mr. D. l, McCullagh was given temporary license to preach and will be under the Presbytery. Mr. "BerfWIgbt, of Lebanon,- was taken under the charge of the presbytery while preparing tor the inistry. Herald. T. L. DAVIDSON. Mr. T. L, Davidson, the democratic oandldldute state treasurer, made a one Impression In bis brief and manly talk to the people here yesterday, His jovial face, pleasing manners and good business record will make him many votes. He stands a good chance to be our next treasurer. He Is a pioneer of 47, and entitled to all the credit that Is due tlioso sturdy old glimts who have made Oregou what it is. He is a farmer and stock-raiser and should eoeive the support of the people. Pure blood Brown Leirhorns. eirirs fl per setting 18. W. W. CB4WF0BD. Tollman, Or. Sen Bead feuuvvK LVs. hew "ad," HON. J. K. WEATHERPORD. Hon. J. K. Weatherdtord Is before the people for congress,, He Is well known all over Oregon. He came here across tbe plains when a boy, worked bis way, educated himself by his own labor, equipped himself as a lawver. and now stands at the head of the bar in this state. His integrity and abilitv were aoou recognized. He wes repeat edly elected to the legislature and was speaker many years ago, when almost a boy. His long record as a public man shows him to be thoroughly hon est, Intelligent and firm in hie stand for the interest of the people against all forma of monopoly. He has been known lu the legislature for years as tbe champion of the people, aud has been cordially hated by. the friends of monopoly, Weathorford should go to congress. He has what the people of nis aistrlct need honesty, ability and integrity. He Is very partial to the iuterest of his people. He would work hard and B araains: Our Spring stock is coming in and we have no room in the store for it. In order to make room we have marked our Odds and Ends in Shoes down very low, many be low cost. They are all good Goods but we want to carrv onlv full 1 a J lines We have thrown out a lar number of remnants in both Wool en and Cotton Frabric containing frem 3-4 yards up which we will sell at a great reduction from the regular price. Come in and see our BARGAIN COUNTER you will save money. In addition to the elegant bar gains we would call the attention of the public to our new stock of Summer Dress Goods, comnrisin all the latest stvles. Also our stork of Men's Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes received Qwcct from the manufactures. Very Respectfully Yours, Read. Peacock & Co., Lebanon, Oregon. KP SAVE iW MONEY BY TRADING WITH S. P. BACH Who always carries a nicely selected stock of. Willamette and also for the bays and rivers on our coast. He believes In their speedy Improvement, for, he argues, that by making these outlets navigable, tbe railroads will be forced to lower freights. His argument is good. A water-way competition Is better than all the railroad commis sions that can he elected witli big salaries. He favors a canal across the Panama Isthmus to cheapen the freight on wheat and other articles sent to a long distance. He believes in low tariff, is a protection to the laboring classes and argues well to that end. He has for year advocated the election of V, 8. senators by tbe people and is on record iu tbe legisla- tute to that effect He Is heart and soul for silver and will strive to make It equal to gold in its purchasing power, In fact, he Introduced resolutions in the legislature at several term to in trust our senators to advocate the restoration of silver. He Is heartily in favor of au income tag. Mr. Weatherford's personal charac ter is above repoach ; his political reoord has always held him olose to the peo ple; his ability, honesty and integrity would him a very desirable member of congresB, He has a large republican majority to overcome, but no man is better qualified to accomplish it than UJf. K, Wagtuerferd, of Liu) wKgtf. lothing, Gents' Furnishing pis, groceries, Sc. If you do not already give him your patronage try him, and you will always trade at his store. Id Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank. Wheels! Wheels!! The Two Leaders of the World ! VICTOR and RAMBLER. Send for catalogues.- - Write 'for bargains in second-hand and '93 wheels. CHAS, A. SEARS. Albany, Oregon. Also see Chas. M. Anderson, at the Express Office. I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at my Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and despatch. D. W. HARDEN.