The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 11, 1894, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
All indications point to the
election of Standard to the county
clerkship. This is as it should be.
Without disparaging the other
candidates, it is evident to his
acquaintances that Stanard will
make the best clerk of any man
now before the .people. He is
young and active, industrious and
obliging, well educated and writes
a good hand. His experience in a
large store as clerk, and in the
postoffice has familiarized him
with such dutieB as will be imposed
upon him. He is a good democrat,
a farmer's boy and thoroughly in
sympathy with the people. He is
a native Oregonian from good Iowa
and Missouri stock, raised on a
farm near Brownsville and educa
ted in our public schools and at
our state university. His parents
crossed the plain with other sturdy
men and women, way back in the
'50s and located in this county on
the land they now live on. Stnn
, ard is not a recent importation.
Tie has grown up with his slate
and has built for himself a high
character for truth, honor and
industry. No man -will regret
helping young Stanard. He is
worthy of your support. We are
informed that he will get nearly
the whole vote at Brownsville, his
home. Vote for Stanard and give
the county an honest, industrious
and capable clerk.
Tn Portland last week the hide-! We clip tlic following cominuni-
mrieiit .'republicans held a large i cation from the Albany Democrat
There are a few persons in the
county who, being unable to find
anything discreditable against
Jackson, have been tryingto injure
him because he collected the delin- j
quent taxes for last year. This is
: unjust and unmanly. These taxes
became delinquent by law after
April 1. Jackson did not begin to
levy until October 15. He indulged
the.people from April to the middle
of October. When he did levy, as
he was compelled to do, he gave
to the tax-payers one-half of the
tees allowed him by law, and m ide
for all his hard work, two or three
hundred while he might have madeJ
as many thousand dollars, as did
the sheriffs in the neighboring
counties. Of course it was hard
for some of us, to pay our taxes, but
we should not blame the sheriff.
He simply did his duty. The poor
man was treated like the rich man.
Jackson shows uo favoritism.' He
treats all alike with kindness and
courtesy and all with absolute
justice. He did what no other
sheriff of this county has done, to'
our knowledge.-He saved for the
county $15,000 or 120,000 by col
lecting those delinquent taxes. It
. cannot be possible that the honest
tax-payers of this county will see
a man turned down whose only
fault is that he did his duty hon-
' estly, fairly and impartially.
and enthusiastic convention, and
nominated a full city and county
ticket, naming Ex-Mayor Dcl.ssh
mutt for state senator against Joe
Simon, the regular republican nom
inee. Among the resolutions were
the following ringing declarations:
"Whereas, The foundation up
on which the republic of theUnited
States was built is Ihe right of the
elective franchise, and the perpetu
ity of its government in all its var
ious ramifications depends upon
the just and proper exercise of that
right. It confers a privilege upon
the recipient of the grant of the
right, but, like every other privi
lege bestowed for the public good,
it also imposes a duty, the moral
obligations of which are of a very
high and important nature, requir
ing that elections of officials be
honestly conducted, and the voter
be allowed to exercise his choice,
conscientiously and intelligently.
"Whereas, This city and coun
ty for a long time have been domi
nated by boBBism and ring rule in
the conduct of political affairs, the
aim of which has been to ignore
the duty incident to the privilege
of the elective franchise and to
pervert it into a machine system
to secure spoils and boodle, and
which, if allowed to flourish, will
render elections a farce and sap the
foundations of the republic itself;
therefore, be it
Resolved, That we favor the
preservation of the Australian bal
lot law as it stands, and the enact
ment of a strict registry law.
"Second That we are opposed
to the various departments in our
city government, notnbly the police,
fire and street cleaning depart
ments, being manipulated in polit
ical affairs.
"Third We demand an econom
ical administration of the finances
of the city, county and state,
"Fourth We fsvor the payment
of salaries for all public services,
instead of fees, and that such salar
ies should not exceed compensation
paid for similar services in private
who'is responsible for its contents:
Lebanon, Or., May 7, 1894.
Editors Democrat:
It is proper that Borne things
should be said as well as others.
Several things should be said about
the manner in whioh the. populist
county convention was engineered.
Populists in and about Lebanon
have reason to complain about the
domineering bossism that directed
the whole affair. Quite a number
,f populist delegates knew at the
convention that Hub Bryant was
the power behind the throne, yet,
few of them knew of the Bimster
and selfish purpose he had in view.-
Now, it is this purpose that I think
light to be told. All know that
Hub bent all his energy to secure
the nomination of "Jaokey" Shel
ton for sheriff, and Cartwright for
ecorder. Everything else was lost
ght of by him except the nomi
nation of these two candidates.
Now why did Hub take such an
biding interest in the nomination
f "Jackey"Shelton? . Well, "Jack-
' is Hub's brother-in-law and
means that Huh will virtually
be sheriff if "Jaokey," was elected.
hat Hub expects to derive pecun
iary benefit from "Jackey's" elec
tion does not admit of a doubt, for
those who know Hub's ruling
passion strong in death, know that
he never touches anything that he
does not know, or at least expects
will bring him a return in money
So il the people want a Bheriff with
head of his own they muet see to
it that Hub's mau is beaten. I am
populiBt and believe in populism
hut I do not believe in the skull
duggery that would reject such a
candidate as A. Jack Adams for
recorder and take up such an un
known as Csrtwright. I will nevor
vote for any man for sheriff who
will make Hub boss in the office of
sheriff or any other office. Let the
people know Hub's scheme and they
will snow "Jackey" under a moun
tain of ballots.
J ' . Citizen.
: W.R.BiLYEnan3 J.J.Whitney,
the candidates respectively for
senator and representative oh the
democratic ticket, addressed the
neonleof Lebanon last Thursday
evening. These gentlemen had
large and attentive audience and
each made a fine impression,
These gentlemen have served in
the legislature before and always
championed' the cause of the peo-,
pie. They should be again elected
for no stronger, abler and , more
efficient members could be chosen.
Vote for Bilyeu and Whitney, the
champions of the people.
This Coxey business is a harvest
for the marshals. Under pretence
of guarding railway property they
are looting the treasury to thetune
of $1000 a day. In all candor this
is au absolute waste of the publu
money, and ought not be tolerated
by the department of justice.
the first place there is no actual
danger of the destruction of rail
way property,, and if there was
the marshals would be powerless to
prevent it. As has been demon
strated, one soldier in blue is worth
more for police protection than all
the marshals or deputies that could
be congregated in three states,
the conditions' are such that the
railroad companies cannot operate
their trains without the interfer
ence of the Coxeyites, it would be
infinitely better and cheaper for
the government to detail a squad
of soldiers for duty on the trains
than to be paying the marshals
and deputies extra salaries and
wages for their worthless services,
In vulgar vernacular it is a pudding
for the marshals, but it is an abuse
of the public"ae'rvice and a robbery
of -the treasury that ought to
stopped. Telegram. -
They' are a long time getting
around to it, but the San Francisco
authorities have at last , come to
realize that a bank robbery is none
the less a robberv if done by the
bank officials. The misappropri
ation of money placed on ' deposit
by confiding creditors is as much
a robbery as if it had been stolen
by burglars. ; The indictments re
turned by the Han Francisco grand
jury against the McDonalds will
have a purifying effect on the
financial morals of that city, The
same processes might be applied to
advantage in some other localities.
1 11 -fii4
Scrofula Cured.
Twenty - seven Tears.
Burfb red all the time and Soros
Constantly Breaking out VmsA
Eleven Bottles ot Dr. Grant's
8araapartlla and Grape Boot
and Flfectod a Cure.
Dear Sir: Ever since my eleventh
year I nave been sorely attuned with
Scrofulous aorta breaking out on various
parts of my body, The glands of mjr
neck were the most affected. I have doc
tored with many physicians, but their
medicine did not seem to do me any good.
About a year ago I commenced taking
Dr. Grant's Saraaparilla and Grape Root
and I felt that the first bottle was doing
me good, so 1 kept on until I had taken
eleven bottles, and am now completely
cured, and have never felt so well in the
last twenty-seven years. It certainly was
a cheap doctor bill, at the total coat of
the medicine was only , I now cor
dially recommend Dr. Grant's Sarsapa
nua as uie King oi mood runners,
Sib Lake, Wis.
Flics 50c; 6 liottlss $2i0.
For Bale by M. A. Miller.
Has Saved His Life!
Marvelous Cure!
Harnky, Oskoos, April 80, '93.
O. W. K. Mm. Co., Portland, On.
Dior bin: About a year ago 1 was
laid up with rheumatism. I waa in a
terrible state. I could not turn over in
bed without assistance. As then was
no physician in Harney I tried various
liniments, but they all failed. When
my condition waa vory serious, as tut
pain seemed to be striking near the
heart, your aiient came along and had a
bottle of Congo Oil. Hearing I was ill
with rheumatism, he called upon me,
and brought a bottle of Congo Oil. He
commenced rubbing me with it, and in
leas than live minutes I waa relieved; in
half an hour I was able to swing my feet
oat of bed, and one hour I waa down
tain. Helofttheliottlewithmeendl
applied it several time, from that day
to this I have not been troubled with
rheumatism. I feel that I owe my life
to the wonderful oil. All Una can be
verified by Fred Haines, of Harney, also
the landlord of the hotel and several
others. I always carry a bottle of Congo
Oil in mv grip now.
Yours vory truly,
Asaayer Burns, Harney Co., Oregon.
Price 50 cents and iHsrMtk
For sale by M. A. Miller.
Albany Steam Laundry
Llbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Bates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
The Philadelaohia Tiroes pertin
ently aBks this question: WKEP
good will it do Hill if he tried to
face toward the White House in
delivering hie speech so long as he
turned his back on hie party?
A German tailor has succeeded
in making a suit of clothes which
is said to be a bullet-proof. That
is to say, dress a soldier up in this
uniform and be can't be killed with
powder and lead.
J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
Lebanon, - Oregon.
Georgia has 1,900 malepeniten
tiary convicts, the lease of whom
yields to the commonwealth
yearly income of $25,000. These
convicts cost on an average for
maintainance 3&J cents a day
A.amlnItrotor' Notlue.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have duly
filed my 8na) aceount in tbe matter of the
estate of Peter Welt, Deceased, in the county
court of linn county, Oregon, and that saiil
court has set Monday the 7th day of II ay
18M, at the hour of 1 o'clock r. K. of said
day as the time for hearing all objections to
said final account and the settlement of the
same;, therefore all pen""1' haviiiK any
interest in said estate or hsvine; any objec
tions to said final account are hereby noti
fied and required to appear at said time and
have such objections heard and settled by
the court.
Dated this 6th day of April, 1884.
A.J, Wilt.
W. R. Biwriin. Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
United States Surgeon Irwin,
at Vienna, Austria, telegraphs to
Washington that cholera prevails
in EastGalicia, at Koons in Russia,
and at Pluck, and in the Depart
ment of Finisterre, France. :
Canada has decided to put into
effect stringent quarantine regula
tions against the United States,
owing to the prevalence of 'small
pox in many places. Special agents
and examiners will be stationed on
all -trains entering Dominion terri
tory from this country. 'These
officers will have power to inspect
and fumigate all baggage and also
to vaccinate all persons that they
deem necessary.
Australia is now sending large
supplies of poultry and game to the
English markets. , Several experi
mental consignments- of chickens,
ducks, wild ducks, teal and curlew,
have made a success, and there is
promise, of the development of a
considerable trade. ;
Subscribe for the ExVKft now.
The treasury gold reserve is
again below the 100,000,000 mark.
It is time for Wall street to begin
to whoou up another bond issue.
Cleveland and Carlisle are waiting
for the tip.'
Dr. 8. F. Bcott, Blue Ridge, Harrison
Co., Mo., says: For hooping cough
Chamberlins Cough Bernedy m ex-
celent." By uaeing It freely thediaease
is deprived of all dangerous conne-
quencee. There is no danger in giving
the Remedy to babies, as it contains'
nothing injurious. 60 cent bottles for
bottles for sale by K W. Smith.
A lady at Tooleya, La., was very
tick with bilious colic when M. C.
Tialer, a prominent merchant of the
town gave ber a bottle of Cbamberlin's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
He saysshe was well in forty minutes
after taking tb- first dose. For sale by
N, W. Smith, Druggeat. '
For SsU or Trade.
I will aell my Lebanon property on
reasonable terms or trade for property
in eastern Kansas or eastern or central
Mas. Nora Bay.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Kotice ia hereby given that the under
signed, the executor of the last wilt or
Joseuh Moist, deceased, has tiled his final
account as such executor in the cicrK oi me
county court for Linn county, Oregon, and
tbe court has hied tbe 6th day June, lew,
at the hour of 10 a, . of said day for the
hearing of objections, if any, to said report
and for tbe settlement of said estate.
Dated, this the 23d day of April, lew.
C. F. Moist,
Executor of the last will of Joseph Moist,
deceased. 1 : ,
J. K. Wkathbbvoed, Att'y for Executor.
Tbe first shipment of spring noie
taas arrived at Bead, Peacock Wt
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice ia hereby eiven that the co-part-
nerahin heretofore existing between H. i
Rentumin and I.Benlamin. under the firm
name of Benjamin Bros., is hereby dis
solved by mutual consent, I. Benjamin re
tiring, M. J. Benjamin continuing in busl
nau nr. the old stand and will collect all
debta and assume all liabilities of the old
firm of Benjamin Bros;
Datm, Auril 2, MM. ,.,
Benjahui Bkos.
Bt M.J. Bewhik.
United States Land Notice-
' Oregon City, Oregon, 1
, . March 31, 3894. I
Notice. is hereby given that the ap
proved platof the survey of township
10 South, range 7 east, has been re
ceived from the surveyor general of
Oregon, and on May is, 'ISM, utu
o'clock A. K. of said day said plut will
be, filed Mn this office and the land
therein -embraced will bo subject to
entry on and utter said date.
Robert A, MiM.KR, ...
Fbteu Fawjkt Bolster.
'Receiver.' ' "
Lebanon to San Francisco
Diabetes Cured.
Wonderful Work.
A New Being Created!
Diar Sirs: It yea conld see the writer
of this letter and note the wonderful
change that has been effected in his one
by taking Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver
Cure, yon would certainly be astonished.
I waa a moat wretched sufferer for three
yean, trying all kinds of medicine and
getting no relief. The flow of Urine waa
very excessive. I ws very constipated
and also covered with carbuncle, and
felt at war with myself and the world at
large; bat, thanks to your wonderful
medicine, I kit as though I wuane
being, and I consider a wonderful cur
has been effected In my case. V
With my beat wishes for your tartksc
success, I remain
Yours reapectfnlly, .
a. Mcdonald,
Ashland, Wit,
For sale by M. A. Miner. .
Meat Market,
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo
logna, and Ham,
18-Bacon and Lard Always on Hand.
Main 81 rent, Lebanon, Or.
Inclutjlng FIVE Gate Tickets to the Fair'
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A IHireUiepe Crew IfTsftw Pimtftr.
FROM BAN PRANOlfiCO to other points
in California will be allowed purchasers ot
special Midwinter Fair tickets atthelullow
tng ronnd-tnp rates :
ONE-THIRD one-way fare.
ONE-FIFTH one-way fare.
For exact eta' and full information,' in
quire of I. A. BKNNE'J'T, aifoiitat Lebanon
Unpin, or address tlie.uiiuersiRneu.
intHnnAV ' T. H: GOODMAN
Gen. Traffic Man'a'r. Uen. Fuss. AKt.
Bak FaAtioisoo, Cai.
K. P. ROGERS. A-se't Dec. ft A Fata
4j rorlksatur.
Best Shaken, HulrCutor Shampoo at
Shaving Parlor.,
Children Kindly Treated.
Udies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
The Yaquina Route.
E. W. Hadley, Reoelver,
Direct Lino Quick Dispatch
... Low Freight Rates.. '.
Between Willamette Valley Points
and Ban Francisco. j
Steamer J'Hobk" leaves Portland, Wednu
day and Saturday atu A. M.
II. C, Day. Gen. Ae-'t,
Sulmon St. Wharf, Fortland.
D. R, Vaiiouk, Uon. Ag't,
Sim Francisco, Cal,
C. C. Hooue, U. F. A P. A.,
v, Corvallis, Oregon.
New Feed Store. "
Kutlco rertuntlon -en flour and feed at
the New Feed Store, one duor so'ith of
Onison & Munstlea'. V '
Hood Champion Mill Flour, so an. per sack, cub.
tat ." . . " 0 ". "' "
Brnn '. ' ' so "pur hundred,
rtliorts ' 70 " , ' . . ..
All delivered free to any part of the
ait. Tour patronage earnestly v
atettnd. ., . w W. AUWHB?