The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 11, 1894, Image 1

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    vol y in;
NO. 11
Owyear..... - v2
. (ir paid tn advance, si sapwjear.) ,
tti Bonih....... 1 JJ
Thfm miinttil ...... m.
MniUOOPtM..,),. -...-.......".-
:i.t..a.:.U...-.u....-j.J-i.i.L- 4 r
J- Mr, f t - Senators
John H. Mitchell,!
Bingar Hermnn,,;,.......o,. .Congressman
. BylVMter Pennoyer ...Govornor
George W. UcBride Secretary of Slate
Phil Motscheu,.,.,;. Treasurer
:-1. B. McKlray, Bupt. Public Instruction
Frank 0. Bkr, ,.... -State Printer
R.B.St-ahn. 1
Wni. t. Imi, -Supreme Judges
R. . Bun, ,
Judge ,.......... ...J. K. Duncan
Clsrk,,..... P- Pyn
Recorder E. E. Ilavls
Sheriff,...,. ..C. C. Jackson
School Superintendent, 0. H. Wilkes
Treasurer, i Brice Wallace
Assessor,... ....W. F. Deakira
8uTyar,.iJ.-.- E. T.T, Fisher
5otOJier,...4..,.... Frank FarreU
Commliuuonera, ,oh ruiril
MARSHAL..... ....P. W. MORGAN.
mnm,ns T.C.COTTON.
8. H. MYEUS.
City Council meets an the first and third
Tuesday evenings of each mouthy
Stortt iooletles.
LKBAKON L0DQK, NO. 47, 1,0. O.F.-MeetS
every iaimdajrevenlug at Odd Fellows Hall, at
O'clock p. m. ,. W, MENJUKB, N. 0.
. M. OAKLAND, M y.
FBARL REBECCA LODGE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.-t
Meets at 1.0.0. r Hall tint and third Wodia
day evenlDgi of each month.
MRS. 8. W. CRU80N, N. 0.
Iju oUiuea.No.44 A. F. A. M.-NwU
Saturday evening, on or before the lull moob In
F. M. muss, See.
Honor Lotus, No. . A. 0, 0. W.-Meeti every
Tuesday evening at (i. A. U. Hall.
, C. A. Zahk, M. W.
. B. Y. KiaaraTJuat, Kec,
Hi'tMaioos Cr, No. It, nrv ofOBWW
aonsorVar's.-Meet InO.A. it. Hall, Lebanon,
Or., every Saturday evening, except the third
llaiuiday of each mouth, meeting the third Fri
day instead. AU brotben of the Sons of Vet
ranaaudonnradortbe.A. R.are cordially
Invited to meet with the Camp.
I. 0. Cars, Capt.
A. Tsassv, First Best.
, John M. Someers,
-Attorney-at-Law- i
Will practioe in all tlK oourta of the state.
A. F. 8T0WR,
Attorney at Law,
Collections given prompt and oarolbl attention.
WlUpractlcelnallthccouruaribestate. :
orrics n couiithiv's shiok,
Lebanon, Orkoon.
leatherford ft Wyatt, :
, Be Sure and Call on
i . OF
Albany, Oregon,
' FOR '
HeatingStoves. Cook Stoves, ftc.
k (arvm mem.
"Aa old m
the hills" and
never excell
ed.1 Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
of millions.,
Liver Eegu-,
lator is the
only Liver
and "Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely , , veg
etable, . act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid-
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of MxllcrnM.
1 have oaed your Simmons Liver Regu
lator And u oonsclentlouslr say It Is the
king of all liver medicines, I connider it a
medicine cheat In ItNlf.-Uio. W. Jaoa
ua, Taooma, Washington. f ,
l i SWKTCBY r ACKAGB-M , , j ;
the f Itanv la red ens miisi
East and South
Sonten Pacific Co.
Eipress trains leave Portland dally:
0:lf p. h. J l,v... Portland Ar.
10:281". H. Lv...All.anv.. ..Ar.
10:16 a. m. Ar.San Francisco Lv
8:50 a. M.
4:28 a.m.
7:00 F. It
The atuve trains stop at all stations from
Portland to Albany inclusive; also THtieent,
Hhedd, Halscy, HarriHliurg, Junction City,,
I rvinjr, Kuircne and ail stations from Kose
burg to Ashland inclusive.
Roseburg mail daily : ' . -1
M Z'u." 1-v ; PortlaTidTAr.
JJ:46 p. I. Lv...Allwuy Ar. 12:30 T. H.
IiM P. M. I Ar...lioscburg.. Lv. 7:00 A. M.
Local passenger trains daily (excetit
1:20 P. H.
2:0P. .
8:10 A. H.
9:00 A. H.
Lv... Albany Ar.
Lv...Albany Ar.
Ar...Ltbanoi ...Lv.
10:21 a.m.
9:.A. M.
8:26 P. U.
2:39 P. M.
Dining Carson Ogden Route.
Pullman Biwet Sleepers
Second-ClaBS Sleeping Cars At
tached to oil Through Trains.
Will Wide UlvlHlon.
Between Pohtland and
Mail train daily (except Sunday):
7:30 a. H. ! Lv.,.Portland..,Ar.T 6:35 a. m.
12:16 P. . I Ar...C(irvalli
lli..Lv. 1:
1:00 P.
At Albanv and Corvallis connect with
trainB of Oregon Pacitlc railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday):
T:0P.ETW3mtondT.'3r. I 8:25 a. at.
7:36 P. H. I Ar.McMinnville Lv I 6:60 A. M.
THROUGH TICKETS ""p01"" i'111"
. Eastern States. Can
ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest
raws from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
K. KOEHLEK, Manager.
E. P. ROGERS, Asst. U. F, Pass. Agt.
St. Charles Hotel,
Comer Main and ilbennan 8tieets,
BOD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Glass in all Apartments,
Special attention paid to Com
mercial men,
Board and Lodging per day, tl to
2; per week $4.60 to $6
Sewing MacMnesSnSlot
S years. For further Information call
on or write to . U. Will's music store,
Albany, Or."
Strlotly la It.
When It comet tn selling goods, Ba
ker Is strlotly In It. He carries a lurge
and well selected stock and hua what
the people want, and they always find
tbanr,tr)MfttlN tlrot UKf ku4
To THP. KniToR op the Exrasss:
A short lime slnne, in s spirit of fun,
while time hung heavy on Idle bands,
I sent you for publication "A Day's
Jaunt," In which was engrossed
nothing but the xaot truth as far ss
I went, but out of compassion for
erring man I suppressed a few points
that it may have been well tn mention,
but as It is written, it will have to
pass. ,
Now conies one, "A Fi'iend to the
Needy," who tries to diagnoses "case"
where he has never been called to pre
scribe, and he will And It one of the
most difficult cases he ever tackled.
In fact, he is used to breaking the
haughty bunch grass colt and may
Imagine that a little bad language is
all that Is required in this cane. We
will not Infer that he Is on his way to
hades; no sir; after a careful perusal of
his brilliant eSbrI(?) we can safely say
be Is on the high road to heaven.
Why! Because the Scriptures lead us
to believe that "idiots" go to that
place of abode. As to the harmony In
our "great mental tabernacle," don't
worry. There was harmony enough
for a far more- able, man than "A
Friend to the Needy" In days gone by
as perhaps your brother can testify to
if you write him lino. And to-day
we would not trade our "great mag
netic current," weak us it Is, for your
poor llltlt hold on life or a town lot iu
your beaulirulclty of learning.
By the way, as have a little story
that may not be out of place right
here; "A Frleid to the Needy" once
came to Waterloo, yea, even unto G.
W, Sanford, a fortune teller, or seller,
of no little repute, and stretching bis
Beautiful shape upon the operating
table (a saw-buck) told G. W. to reel
It off at so much per reel. After a
careful survey of the premises, George
Indignantly exclaimed, "This is no
head at all, though my eyesight may
be dim you can't fool me. This la one
of those old Lebanon, street lamps and
a badly cracked one at that.
With best wishes fur you and trust
ing that you will consult your alma
nac. nn:re clorfly in the future and not
mistake the date when you will "get
full," also keep your "slack," like vi'ur
soda, well corkeil and far from my
oaeK stoop, not worry about the un
pleasant Journey on which lam bent,
remember the old say, that "truth is
stranger than fiction," in your case, at
least, and if our "aim pie gabble" Is not
up to the standard of the dime novels
you have tieen reading, remember it is
like salvation, free, and you can do as
you do by that not indulge. Don't
worry about it too much. Remember
we edited a paper some years before you
began practice on your former patients,
"bunch grassers," and trusting Ooxey
may know what you are good for, as
no one else has ever been able to find
out, that you will take many mineral
baths and amass much fat, and not be
troubled by going crauy, but that is
not possible for a thing without brains
can't go crazy, I remain your dear,
patient Agony.
' .
Another Swindling Schema,
A new game ha been iuveuted by
harpers to Mb the farmers and here it
1: A smooth-tongued fellow approach
es a farmer, claiming to have a new
slckle-grlnder and secures him as agent
in that neighborhood. He Is persuaded
into singnlng a contract for one-half
gross of the machines for trial. The
wordlngof the contract is changed and
some Usurers added which makes the
order call for $2200 worth of machines.
A few days afterward another fellow
appears and dames that the machines
have arrived, and presents his bill.
The farmer is paralyzed and denies
the account. Of course he is then
shown his signature and sees that they
have the best of him. A compromise
is offered that he pay a few hundred
dollars, and be finally accepts. Plain
dealer. Awarded
Highest Honors World' Pair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
boa Ammonia, Alum or any other adiiHaaot
All quiet.
Summer again,
f A Bprlng move.
A scarcity of items once more.
Many trout are being caught here,
and to those who can catch this splen
did Hah, the falls afford a speckled
Mr. W. E. Crawford left for his
former home In Iowa Monday. With
II his faults, if be had any us some
claim, while here be made many warm
friends who regret his decamping.
Thanks to Mr. Fry for his brief
mention. At some future day we may
return the compliment (of mixing our
name! with Fenn's.) Look In a little
red house In the Southern suburbs of
Medford and you may And a few Ideas
to write about, which we left there
four years since.
Many of our worthy people are going
and it few have gone. Mr. Parker and
fiunily are greatly missed. Mr. Rob
insoi leaves iu a few days for the Pa
rous? country; Mr. Carthew goes to
Alberta; Mrs. Bitter to Albany; Mr. j
Leigh to Guinea; Mr. Bice is corres
ponding for a position as ald-de-camp
for Ooxey, and a general exodus is
looked for. Although those who go,
it is sad to say, return all too soon.
The boys who went to view the caves
In Josephine county have all returned,
and report that the closing down of a
shingle mill that employed eight men
has caused an overproduction of the
Rumor of a band of Improved James
and You peer boys caused no little un
easiness In town Friday evening, but
later advices show that it was only a
couple of boys who traded off their
grandpa's horse to cause a little excite
ment in Bodaville. Executioner or
Constable James Found was out with
a posse to guard the roads, we suppose
be thought they would be stolen next,
and a lieutenant was sent to warn
Sweet Home of the danger of their
branch line, but the boys had flitted
berojre the shades' of night drew nigh
au'd'nothing but bad colds rewarded
the patient watchers. James Morgan
furnished oneof thesaddles for the boys
to ride, but whether he had a part In
the trade we have not been able to
Mr. Cal Jewshurp, what has the
Crank done now? "Who is my neigh
bor" according to scripture? It is just
barely possible possible I may not have
any of those dreadful parasites who
prey upon humanity, and even borrow
the gnlluses off one's back. And If
you think for a second that my carcass
will ever be sat upon by a populist
coroner or filled by wind from your
diseased lungs, you are about as far off
as you are on other subjects; and we
have serious deubts about the Oregon
ian receiving a gratuity of any kind
from such a course. If any proceeds
were available, I had much rather the
peopled party had them that their
candidate for assessor might attend
college for a short time that be might
embrace the opportunity ofacquiiing
a taste for the beautiful, especially in
the English language, and not write
those "awfully utter" Blips for the
In conclusion, and valedictory: As
it has been prophesied, so mote It be.
With this issue the Crank ceases to
turn. We have fulflilled our mission,
and will lay the quill upon or under
the table and sin uo more, for it cer
tainly is a sin te speak or write of peo
ple who are too poor to be honest, who
would gladly follow Coxey to Wash
ington, or a worse place, If some one
would kindly furnish the provender.
Borne have a lasting hatred laid up for
me aud a few young ladles who have
made examples of themselves last Hun
day would like to be written about,
yet we will frankly admit we cannot
do this town justice In the present
dirth of business and would earnestly
beg forgiveness of those we have
Injured, 0. Rank.
Notice .of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that tbe copartner
ship heretofore existing between 0. E, Pugh
and S. O. Wallace, under tbe firm name of
Pugh & Wallace, is hereby dissolved by
mutual agreement, S. O. Wallace retiring,
0. E. Pugh retaining the entire business.
All accounts duo said rirui are payable to
said . E. Pugh, be becoming responsible
also for the indebtedness of said firm.
Done at tbe office of C. K. Pugh, Lebanon,
Or., Feb. 2th, 1894. ;
C. E. Peon,
8. 0. Wallacs. ,
J. E, Adcox, ageut for the Albany
steam laundry, sends washings down
on Tuesdays only. '
jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair Highest Award.
Fir orove items.
I take the present opportunity of
sending you a few items from Fir
Grove to your valuable paper, hoping
they may not come amiss.
The weather has been unusually
cold and rainy this spring. We have
had a few frosty nights but I don't
think it has Injured tbe fruit crop.
Farmers are wishing for warmer
weather to accelerate the growing of
their crops.
There Is considerable improvement
here this spring in grubbing, clearing,
and fencing. Several orchards have
been put out aud iu spite of tbe hard
times. Tbe people here dou't believe
Iu making them still harder by grumb
ling. Sunday school Is getting nlong Sue
under the management of Miss
Ingram, a very worthy young lady.
The republicans are lu the lead in
this precinct.
Mr. W. J. Grimes Is teaching at
Foster. Joe, bow do you get along
with those lessons to a certain young
lady in the vicinity of Mr. Ingram's.
There was a pleasant party at tbe
residence of Mr. O. Y. Burns to cele
brate bis birthday.
C. Rank, I fee! sorry that you was
so flustered over that little verse. I
quoted it us suiting the occasion. I
never thought of claiming that or any
of the verses belonging to it as original
and everyone knows who is the author
of those verses, : and if Sunshine
wanted to ape anybody's style It would
not be C. Rank or any of his friends.
His Valedictory.
The editor of the weekly Ad in Argus
in the issue of the 28th of April says:
With this issue of the Argus we cease
our editorial labors and retire to pri
vate life. Not that we have made a
competency of the business but we are
tired and our readers are more so, We
will, owiug to the tardiness of tbe
delinquents, postpone our trip to
Canada; the journey is a long and we
are opposed to hooting it. The peo
ple are endowed, with ..more patience
than we thought and we thank them
for it. We know they have been sore
ly tried by us, . but it was through
ignorance on our part, We are like
the cork on the fisherman's line, we
are floating on tbe editorial sea; we've
got a bite, are pulled under aud down
we go.
The Skyoycle to be a Success.
Fred Merrill says his "Skycyole" is
bound to be a success. Several good
working models have been constructed
and they prove more and more the
feasibility of navigating the air by
means of velocipede power. The pat
ents are owned by Joaquin Miller and
myself. You have but to wait a short
time to be able to puichase a "Cloud
Rambler" which will enable you to
explore the mysteries of the world
above." This Is the G. M. Miller fly
ing machine referred to. Eugene
Severely Burned.
On last Sunday morning, Birdie, tbe
little two-year-old daughter of Wm.
Brenner by some means In passing too
near the fire place got her clothing
afire. Tbe mother had just gone to an
adlolning room for an article of cloth
ing when attracted by the child's
screams, wrapped the dress she fortu
nately had in her hand about the little
girl aud smothered out the flames.
The little girl was very badly burned,
but hopes are entertained for her
"McMahan's Wasp."
L. H. McMahn's new paper tbe
"McMahn's Wasp," has made Its ap
pearance. The editor says: "This
paper is not published for the purpose
of making money. I have learned
that the people take newspapers for
news and political papers for politics,
I have also learned (at an expence of
fSOOO) that no paper in Oregon can suc
cessfully compete with tbe Oregoniati
in the matter of furnishing current
news to the people. Therefore, I shall
never again publish a newspaper in
tills state, but will confine my work
tn thisdirectton to editorial discussion
of political and social atlalrs.
The regular subscription price of the
Express Is $1.50 a year, and the regu
lar subscription price of the Weekly
Oregonian Is $1.60. Any one subscrib
ing for tbe Express and paying cue
year in advance, can get both the Ex
press and the Weekly Oregonian one
year for $2.00. All old subscribers
paying their subscription for one year
in advance will bo entitled to the same
offer. " . .
New goods at Road, Peacock Co'i
Monmouth, Or., May 7. At the
conference to-day, L. 8. Fisher was
re-elected conference trustee for three
years and H. Schuknecht presid
ing elded for a term of four years.
The committee on finance reported
$11,304.93 raised on the eolary of mis
sionaries during the past year. Preach
er's license were granted to August
Weluert, Fred Launer, N. J. Bryans,
WHIIam Barnhard, W. L- Thompson
and Thomas Jordott. The Bishop re
ported that the Old Folk's Home in
Philadelphia, the Orphan's Home at
Flat Rock, Ohio, the Sunday school
and Tract Union, the Parent Mission
ary Society, and the General Publish
ing House at Cleveland, O., are all In
excellent financial condition.
The stationing committee made the
Portland Disthict. H. Schuk
necht, P. E.; Portland First German,
P. Bittner; Portland Emmanuel, H.
I. Bittner; Portland First English, T.
T. Vincent; Portland Memorial, G. A.
Manshardt; OreganCity, 11. F.Myers;
Canby, H. E. Hnrnshuh; Newberg,
R. D. Streyffeler; Nehalem, Fred
Launer; Milton, to be supplied;
Little Fulls, W. L. Thompson; Ta
comu,' 1. Erick; Seattle,' August
Ernst; Whatcom, 0. B. 8tre.vffeler.
Albany District. I. B. Fisher,
P. E.; Salem German, A. A, Engle
bart; Sulem, English, and Jefferson,
I. B. Fisher and Ezra Maurer; Albany,
A. S. Ceiley; Corvallis, M. Burling
ame; Sweet Home, August Weinert;
Monmouth, L. 8, Fisher, Lafayette
and Dayton, to he supplied; Eugene
and Rnseburg, to be supplied.
Bpokanr District. N. Shupp, P.
E.; Spokane, German, N. Shupp;
Spokane, English, N. Shupp; Mica,
Francis Fisher, and W. D. Barnhard;
Medical Lake, W. N. 0'kelly;8prague .
to be supplied;
Whale Ashore Near Newport
The Gazette tells about it as follows:
A large sperm whale one hundred feet
in length was washed ashore two and
one-half miles above Newport last '
Sunday evening, and on Mouday
morning' the bench was alive with -spectators
who came to gaze at tilt)
monster. Great armies of men were
soon engaged in cutting It up and sav
ing the oil. Three or four hundred
gallons have been saved so far, and
about 250 pounds of whalebone have
been secured. One half of the jaw
boue measured 23 feet in length and
about one and oue-baif feet iu diameter.
George E. Waggoner, from whom the
above information was recieved says
that "to a causal observer It would "ap
pear that its soul bad winged its flight
many moons ago, and it seems a pity
thai such a large hearted thing should
die. The body of the whale is oovered
over with barnacles, aud as It lies up
on the sandpit has the appearenoe of
a wrecked freight train.
A Good Railroad Item.
Tbe following from the Astorlan it
the best railroad item Astoria has had
for some time: Late last evening it
was learned that the first eastern
money Astoria has seen from a rail
road source was a New York draft for
$5,000 given to the Fultou Bros, by
Edward Browne yesterday to lift
judgment they held agaiust the As
toria and Portland railroad, Mr.
Browne was hunted up, and lu an
interview stated that he would not go
Into specific details, but the flnances
are all arranged for back east, and that
he Is hero to take np the Nehnlern
route road and complete it, aud ex
pects to stay here until all the arrange
ments are made and work begun oit
the road.
Changed Every Week.
Oats 28o
Hay $9 per ton.
Flour $0 00.75 per sack.
Chop $1 00 per owt.
Brau 75o per owt.
Middlings-WOO per owt.
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 6c per lb
"Plums Dried, 4jo.
Onions 2o.
Beef Dressed, 6o.
Pork Dressed, 6.
Hams 12J per lb.
Shoulders lOe.
Sides llo per lb.
GeeBe $7 per doa.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
CMckens-42 753 00. -. ,
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Eggs tie' ier dot.
Butter 20c per lb.
Hides Greeu.soi dry,