The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 20, 1894, Image 3

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'Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, AfRIL 20, 1984.
yAddttioiwt locali on firm T"K('-"'Ei
New Millinery gorvfla at Mm. flpn.
Prof. Mlchwicr
spent Sunday in
Buy your groceries at Peebler'a, and
lave money.
Mm C. B. Montague wai visiting In
Albany lliii week.
Oat!, hay, bran, chops and all kinds
of feed, at Peebler'a.
Mr. Fraud Pfc-lffer. of Albany, was
In tbe oily Tuesday.
Every customer at Boruni Klrk'i
bartier shop gets a clean towel.
Taiih paid for produce at Peebler'a
grocery store; highest market prloe.
Mrs. F. H. Roscoe and daughter
Eva, of Albany, were In the city Tues
day. J. 8. Courtney M. D. Physician,
Hnrgenn and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
fictile your account with Cruson A
. Mentha at the old stand with 0. W.
A few citizens, to their credit, have
been paying their city taxea by denn
ing the streets. Work is always hon
orable. Summer school at the Santlara
V .cademy begins April 30, 1894. Bee
v rcular, just out.
4(V subscription to the Exi-rkss from
no, until after the election, for only
25 ce."11"' . , ,
Th bicycles are agaiu on the streets.
Let tli'a "ov ta :areful r they will
frighteu k
m.i. tsofthe firm Cruson
MSt tattled at once with
0. W. t'ruson. .
Allnnbliuaehrk " -""am l e nlM"
Aiipuoi uscnov KBllllam A.v lnT
lara month, at ttifl
summer school. Hcv
We need our money
and must hare
it, pov vour account tfi
th Cruson &
Meuiles to G. W. Crusoa.
Miss Ilda Elkins filled "5
place at the public school V wet
giving general satisfaction.
If you are thinking of buyinrT lk
spring dress, remember Read, res,
A Co1! new spring goods.
D. B. Zeh has about out his fed'
store and intends making a trip to,
Southern Oregon witli a view to locat
ing. I have a few second-hand books that
I will close out at a bargain.
M. A. Miller.
A Chinese kite liecanie entangled in
the electric wires Tuesday and it took
the combined wisdom of fifty citizens
to dislodge It.
.baker Is receiving clothing, boots
and shoes, daily, In spite of 'the hard
t.mea. His low prices make the goods
A fishing party was had . uesday
eveiiiug at the residence of Rey. J. H.
Beattie. Those who attended report
Laving had a first-class time.
Is It good to let the child pend five
months of the year on the street when
beau go ou with his studies at the
academy at one dollar per month?
Hon. M. A. Miller is in Astoria this
week attending the state convention.
His wife went with him as far as
Poitland where she will visit until bis
These hard times we w ant to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
.groceries at .Bach's.
Miss Hel Gilbert left last haturday
.evening for San Francisco to visit !
friends and attend the Midwinter fair.
"L''.i will also visit relatives in Fresno
I id Redding before returning home.
"Albany Eeniocrat.
The Independence Enterprise uuder-
t,,,,ri. that nartics have been in that i
eeotion trying to contract for this year's J. R. Wyatt has tendered his resig
erop of bop, at IS cents ier pound, 'nation as deputy district attorney for
while the bound country hops are! Linn county and Percy Kelly has
Leius- contracted for at 15 ceuts for five
years to come.
Theaubject of discourse at the First
Presbyterian church next Sabbath
morning will be "The Choice of Eter
n,l Service." Joshua 24.15. Evening
"Th Honor of a (jodly Confesniou."
V M..-eker, the Puyallup hop man, 1 nesday, June 6, 1804, and continuing
. -..... .. tv mAi,ii,ilti, Irv. third day to be occupied by
.... -j Viinunt I v from ft
. rn v.. r Husnvahons cost the
whfle Anierle Vis can lay them down
there at a dost o 1 '"
mere at a oost o.
Mr. 0. P. Cosh, or e
president of 'the ata
In the city Tuead"" " ""u. .
.spoke to the young peop fof "P;
list cnurcn in inn cuy ou -
The Junior Endeavor aoc ev ""j
First Presbyterian church, 5av,! J
nolul fishing party at the residence of
the pastor ou last juesaay evt "
About seventy persons were pre"1;
and all enjoyed itie wciisum l
much. The society realized ',
the proceeds.
It will lie an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to at tacks of bullous
colic to learn that prompt relief may
be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Iu
many Instauces the attack may be
prevented by taking tbis remedy as
soon as the first symptons of the dis
ease appear. For sale by N. W. Smith,
druggist, 50 cents a bottle.
Halm's warehouse at Bweet Home
was destroyed by 11 re early Wednesday
morning. The warehouse was adjoin
ing th" store, and it was only uynarn
wora mat uie store was uvcu. ne',.
hundred pounds of bacon and quite a
lot or at tier kjocis were
j....; a
Or ailier gJOCU were una)n
lire was discovered about 2 o'chk
was doubtless the work of an In -
Last week as we weie running out
..ti... 1...., f (a.,,,.. W i Pteruitti ' t
.ame rushing iuto' our otlice and
...4 iiul... t t U..., 4l.a nMUiulO
f"1',.?" ?r. ..Z . T T...VT' ,
r engineer pui lorni " "wj ;
the press was lmuieaiawiy sioppen ,
inand he was asKea wnai naa uappeueu.
"It's another girl." But as the issue
' nearly off. we decided to bold this
JL. i '... .i,tu u,
Populist speaking to-night.
Spring Jacltets si Read, Peacock &
Mr. John Isnm, 8r., of Albany, was
on our streets Tuesday,
Cballles, 6 els. per yd. at Read, Pea
cock A C'o's. ,
Mr. Chandler Bloom, of Albany, Is
visiting friends In lliisit,v.
If you want to get nice fresh kreud
go lo Pcebler's.
Mrs. P. B Marshall, of Albany, was
the guest of Mrs. Nixon this week.
Kresh pies, cakes and bread at
Peebler'a grocery store.
Miss Alice Wither expects to leave
May 1 for 8an Francisco.
Mr. A. Cowan has returned from a
several months' visit in Crook county.
The art of cream candy making
taiight at A. E. Davis' store. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded.
W. F. Read, of Albany, was ill the
city Wednesday looking after business
When you want to buy a suit of clot h
ing v'hi will save money by getting
it at Bach's.
H. W. Parker and wife, of Waterloo,
passed through the city Wednesday on
their way to Portland.
Hiram Baker received a large in
voice of Spring clothing this week of
me latest snaaes ana styles.
Th8 smiling countenance of Mr. J1
W. Sen ft, the Albany insurance man,
wai seen on our streets Wednesday.
JIRandall Barrett left Tuesday for
The Dalles where his father has a con-,
tract and he goes to assist him.
J. B. Thompson has again taken
charge of the St. Charles hotel. Mr.
Thompson makes a good proprietor.
Claud Leo and Frank Moorchead, of
Junction City, were in the city Tues
day visiting friends and to attend the
A line of both cotton and woolen
dress goods have just arrived at Read,
Peacock A Co's. Something new.
In the Ban Francisco Examiner's
grand distribution, Dr. H. A. Leinen
ger, of Albany, received a 10-acre fruit
tract in Arizona valued at $1,000.
The accounts of Cruson A Menzies
will be placed In the hands of a collec
tor April 1, 1SU4. G. W. Chuso.n.
At the school election Monday. Hon.
C. B. Montague was elected to serve
the unexpired term of F. M. Miller,
We noticed Read, Peacock A Co.,
this week opening up a large consign
ment of shoes which they received
direct from Boston.
Married, at the parsonage of the
Catholic church in Albany, on Tues
day morning, April 17. 1894, by Rev.
k Metayer, Mr. Murray Vaughn and
jjk a Katherlne Rieland.
Jack Adam! will be Charley
Smi'l V' assistant in , the poetolllee.
Adam lf a worthy man ad very
capable ' performing the duties of the
office. 'barley has made a good selec
tion. O F Kntn'v'e, "f South Dako'a,was
in Lebanon th w. Jookiug tor a
location. He w ver' irby im
pressed with ou. city and intends
opening a racket sb we here in the near
Miss Bina West will ' in Lebanon
April 30. in the interest Of the Ladies
of the Maccabees and will organize a
hive here. It is a beneficiary organi
zation and founded on the same prin
ciples as the K. 0. Y. M.
BcUool Is out to-duy . Prof. Mieheuer
and his assistants have done well and
theBcbool has pros wed. No city of
Lebanon's size in the state hat better
achool facilities.
You should remember that the best
place to buy pianos or organs is at
Will', music store. Albany. Or. He
ooea not take advantage of people s ig
norance and sell a cheap made piano
at the price of a good oue.
Onvernor I'ennovcr has stated pri
vately that he will be in Linn county
and take a hand in the coming cam
paign. He propose! to deliver five
political speeches at different proujl-
ueut points iu the county.
been appointed. Mr. Wyatt and Hon
J. K. Weatherford have formed a co
partnership, and their law firm will
hereafter be known as Weatherford &
The Linn County Pioneer Associa
tion holds its regular annual meeting
In Brownsville, commencing on Wed-
i the voting Iieople.
or lue sous aim
The city council has ordered the
""'rel:Bl 10 0H,,rot ba !""'? d!i, "
,iii,1t iies without delay.
Money is very scarce, but parties who
I can should lay these taxes, as It is
; hardly right for us to use the conven-
i iens furnished by the city without
i.,,,infiu.i his share of the burden
e".i.K is 1.50 a year, and the regu-
The regular suoscnpiiou puee 01 mc
Hr 8UlllH!riniion price of the Weekly
i m a,iv mi snliserih-
i u j, snd paj.jllg , m
I r,.ar in advance, can get both the Ex
,uvm and the Weekly Oregonian oui
year for 12.00.
All old subscribers
paying their snhscriptiens for ine year
tn advance will be entitled to thesaine
LD,'ed, at Jeffrtson, ou Saturday,
Anril 7, W4, Mrs. Emma Roland, wife
of John W. Roland, aged 7 years.
Mrs Roland was born in Marlou
county and was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Barton. She leave a husband,
two children, a mother, several broth
ers and taters, beside a numherof
relatives aud a large circle of friends
who followed the remains to the ceme
tery on Monday, April .
"v.... un,i,,v even inir A. E. Davis
J 7; ' ,, ., .,ovs at a lively rate
Jjimv V - - - -
, - ..1U ,u
when inquiry was made as to ineuuunr
.,r n 1 us Uliamy, n"".
hovs have
.. I I. w(, c
. something hl I
; course. J y U " d
we accepted of
that Alex
anion, he
1'" u lue u . . ..,,
Z M r" VXi
been the h,W M4, Alex
had been
I KHl(i tie COl
i said he could have kept
lr 11 ecei
another two Weeks,
but thought the
! - ,ro.i hi
.TfeL ftSiune and happi -
... L.n a rtr riritiKtiiv
"." " ....... aa ;..,.
UesS, lUe txeBlino e.v ..B
latioo! with tbeir beai Wl
i. ,.iu.,iul Minwnttil.
The Carnival of Nations given by
the Indies of the M. E. church, was a
grand success, financially, socially and
otherwise. The various nations were
presented 111 national c. attune, and
lornied a plctiiresiiie and striking en
acninle. The nrogiainmn was of var
ied character and the appreciation of
the audience wa inaintcMl ley repented
applause and frequent encores. The
representative of each nation gave au
historical sketch, or saluted the audi
ence with his banner. The salute to
the American flag was well rendered
and formed a striking feature of the
exercises. The grand march was an
Intricate and constantly changing
kaleidoscope picture. The brilliant
costumes intermingling In bewildering
confusion, yot all the evolutions were
executed with soldierly precision.
Court Chamberlain C. B, Montague
presented the different nations to the
audience In his usual happy manner.
It Is but justice to say that all did well.
Geo, Randle and Blanche1 Warner, in
the role of Chinese, and J. Slater and
Callie Warner as sable hued attendants
from the banks of the Boribonla Ulhi,
are deserving of especial mention. The
autograph quilt was sold to A. A. Kces
for (19. Needless to say that C. ii.
Montague won golden opinions as to
his ability as an auctioneer, and his
power to draw bids from unexpected
source. We are under the impression
that he has kissed the blarney stone
during some of his travels. The suc
cess achieved was a happy surprise to
all and illustrates theold adage, "where
there's a will, there'! a way," even to
raise money during these hard times.
The ladies are to be congratulated on
the merit of their entertainment, and
the repetition of the carnival on Satur
day evening was a Well deserved com
pliment. Cakd of Thanks.
The ladies of the Methodist church
desire to express their heartfelt thanks
to Mr. C. B. Montague for his generous
conduct in granting them the use of
his building, and for bis invaluable
aid in drilling and conducting the
grand march, also for the personal
interest taken to make the occason a
grand success. No more courteous
treatment could be desired at his hand
than was received by them, and words
fail to express our appreciation of his
interest and generosity. To the
orchestra for the excellent music ren
dered. To Miss Hattie Warner, of
Albany, and to all those, who by their
presence and assistance, contributed to
the success of the entertainment we
return our sincere thanks, realizing
that this is but a feeble way of express
ing our appreciation of their assistance
yet appreciating the fact that
"Kind hearts are more than coronets.
Special Song and Prayer Services.
Special long and prayer services be
gan at the First Presbyterian church
last Wednesday evening and will con
tinue until next Wednesday when
Rev. F. H. Gwynne, D. D. will arrive
and preach every night for one or two
weeks. The Doctor is conceded to be
the most thoroughly educated and
successful evangelist on the coast.
Every one is cordially invited to attend
these services and receive a share of
the blessings that will most assuredly
lie bestowed through their instrumen
tality. Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Cruson A Menzies is dissolved by
mutual consent, Mr. Menzies retiring,
and Mr. Cruson continuing in business
at the old stand and will collect all
debts of the old firm of Cruson A Men
zies and assume all liabilities,
G- W. Criisos.
J. W. Menzies.
All parties " knowing themselves
indebted to the firm of Cruson A
Menzies are requested to call at once
and see that all mistakes are corrected
as these accounts are liable to pass into
ether hands for collection.
Mrs. N. W. Smith is visiting her
parents in Sheridan.
Bach is not selling his clothing at
cost, but still you can get a better suit
therefor less ijionty than anywhere
Preaching at the Baptist church
'every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sundry school at 10 a . m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
C. R. Lamab, Pastor.
Send the Express to some of your
friends In the East, for the next three
and balf months. It will only cost
you twenty.ftve cents.
There will be services in the Cum
berland Presbyterian Church on the
second and fourth Sundays In each
month, at 11 u. m. and 7:30 p. ni.
W, V. McUise, Pastor.
Our belter halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is used in more
than hull' the homes III Leeds. Sims
Bitos., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the
esteem In which that remedy Is held
where It has been sold for years and is
well known. Mothers have learned
that there is nothing so good for colds,
croup and whooping cough, that it
cures these ailments quickly and per
manently, and that it is pleasant and
safe for children to take. For sale by
N, W. Smith, druggist, 50 cents a
Those who never read the advertise
ments iu their newspapers miss more
than they presume. Johnalhaii Ken
Ison, of Boian, Worth county, Kansas,
who had been t.oubled with rheuma
tism In his back, arms and shoulders,
read an item Iu his paper about how a
prominent German citiaoii of Ft, M'id.
isou had been cured. -He procured the
same medicine, and to we his own
! tt.(irrf. "It cilied in.
"Itemed me right up." He
! also says: "A nelgh
1 were boll, sick In b
nor ami ins wile
bed with rheuma-
IMJi. 1 Heir uoy was over to my uouse
and said tlioy were so bad he had to do
i me unontijic, i "' "i v.iinuioer.
1 lain! Pain Balm and how it cured me.
He got a bottle and it cured them up
in a week. For sale by N. W. Smith,
druggist, 60 cents a bottle. . '
The Book Hill Entertainment,
All eilti rt In.iiiot was given last
Saturday cwnii.g at the Rock Hill
school House liy ihe young people of
mat ueignuoi noon and It was complete
Mticcess. following Is the programme
Bong "Golden Slippers," Colored
"The vVlndfall" lly several charac
Recitation "How Itenda Crossed
the River," Miss Isa Smltty.
"The Boy's Plot," By several char
acters. Bong "Don't Go Out To-night My
Darling," By four ladles.
"Too Much Side-show," By several
"Disco'se by a Collud Gen'leman,"
Chos. M. Anderson,
"The Cat Without An Owner," By
several characters.
Declamation "Mission Stars," Isa
Following Is a list of those taking
Misses Emma, Mertie and Grace
Winkley, Minnie Blackburn, Isa
Smltty, Clara Temple, Belle Jackson,
and Lydia Frum,
Messrs. Lester, Charles and Dec
Blacknurn, Olho and Hays Temple,
Morris Jackson, Ernest Winkley,
George Frum, Charles and Flliuer
Fery one sustained their part well,
making the entertainment a decided
Elmer Anderson as Jacob Schlifer,
the dutchman in "Too Much Side
Show," brought down the house sev
eral times in his endeavor to find the
boys who stole his watermelons.
Lester Blackburn as Kaiser Nagle,
created considerable merriment while
hunting for his "little vhite-und-odder
color'd dog.
George Frum as Fred Smith, the bad
boy in the "Boy's Plot," sustained his
character grandly, making several de
cided hits.
Hays Temple, the darky in "The
Windfall," caused the audience to
smile "out loud" several times in his
many different comicalities.
All, iu fact, without exception, de
serve credit for the manner in which
they jarried their parts, but owing to
lack of space we cannot give all in
detail.' Excellent music was furnished
by the Burress orchestra.
The democratic state convention has
nominated the following state officers:
Governor Wm. Galloway, Yamhill
Secretary of State Charles Nickell
of Jackson.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
-D.V.8. Reid,ofLane.
State treasurer Thomas L. David
son, of Marion.
State Printer John O'Brien, Mult
Supreme Judge A. 8. Bennett, of
Attorney-General W. H. Holmes,
of Marlon.
Congressmen J. K. Weatherford, of
Liun; James H. Raley, of Umatilla.
Joint Senators Benton and Lincoln
C. H. Lee; Baker and Malheur, E. H.
Test; Morrow, Harney and Grant, F.
Kellogg; Marlou and Clackamas, E.
Joint Representatives Benton and
Lincoln, W, H. Brunk; Lake and
Klamath, B. Daly; Wasco aud Sher
man, M. V. Harrison and V. C. Brock;
Grant and Harney, J. A. Steech; Yam
bill and Tillamook, E. H. Selph.
Ilojr Drowned Near North Yamhill.
A distressing accident occurred near
North Yamhill last Thursday after
noon. A little son of Cyrus Roberts.
aged 4 years, went with his father to
the Held to plow. After being amused
for awhile by following around the
land with his father, the little fellow
stopped to play near a creek that run
near by. On making the round Mr,
Itoiierts missed the boy and immedi
ately instituted a search, finding li;m
cold and dead at the bottom of the
stream. The water was only about 20
Inches deep.
New Bank Uulldlug iu Albany.
J. W. Cuslck has sold to Wm. Pfelf
fer his wooden building on the corner
of First and Broadalbiu streets, which
will be removed and fitted up for a
business house on the corner of Second
and Elsworth streets. In its place Mr.
Cusick will erect this summer a fine
brick building to be occupied on Its
completion by the well known bank
J. W. Cmlck A Co. The plans for the
building are completed. It will be a
fine structure and an ornament to the
citv. lierald.
For Sale,
I will sel on easy terms very cheap the
following property :
1. My residence property a good house,
new barn, and 19 acres of very best land,
with line orchard within the corporate
limits ot Lebanon, Oregon.
2. A farm, with good Improvements, of
120 acres, one and one-half miles from lh
anon. Finest hop land hi the county.
3. One bouse and house lots in J. M.
Kalstou's addition to Lebanon. Good house
and good location,
4. Four head of good horses Two work
horses and two buggy horses. Two wagons
and usual farming implements. Ten head
of cattle.
All iu good condition, Any man who
wants a bargain gan get it from me.
Lebanon, Or.
Miss Hattie M, Warner,
Teacher of Vocial and In
strumental Music. Will Give
Lesson Privately or in Class.
Will be at Mrs. F. M. Miller's
Friday" Afternoons.
- --' 1 'i vtr-m
Who always carries a nicely selected stock of,
goods, groceries, k
If you do not already give him your patronage try him,
and you will always trade at his store.
In Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank.
Santiam Academv
Fall Term Began
For information, ask for circular at the Post-office or
S. A. RANDLE,1 Principal,
I have a T,AT?(TE STftOTv nf TtPTf'K' f. ol.
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Eeasonable
Alll- J e it ...
ivaies. ah Kina oi mason s woi K clone with, neatness and
despatch. D. W. HARDEN.
I a
We Are Here to Stay,
With the Beat Stock of
Dress Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Ever Brought to Lebanon.
We do not ask you to come and buy; we only ask you
to come in ami get our prices before buying elsewhere.
(Highest market price paid for country produce)
Very Respectfully Yours,
Read. Peacock & Co.,
Paper Hanging
September nth.
03 .
and Chaining.