Lebanon Express. H. Y. KI3KPATRICK. Editor - and - Proprietor. I HE "POPULIST" ON ITS EAR. T-... .... , -nimuv lojiuusi nas oeen ou its ear with the Democrat f,ir .sometime. It hag now gotten on ted on hw husband purchasing its other ear with the Express. ' tickets for themselves and three This acrobatic feat ie perfectly nat-! children and take the back track ural," when we remmember that ! the same evening. All the furni such animals have very long and : 'urc and household effects of the hairy cars. The Populist got very 'family bad arrived by freight, but mad and called the Express some naughtv names. This is the first time Buch animals have been known to speak, since Balaam's ass opened his mouth. The Popu- list is mad simply because the Ex- j his property in Wisconsin a. a sac- ToSihat aTetcn press suggested that "Bro. Ramp" j "lice, but the lady couldn't stom- J awakening he grew brighter, the feed might give quite an interesting ach our pine clad hills, blue skies ! look disappeared, and by the time din u .i-.t land (Wv olonrls Jnp friflitl bhvb i was at an end Richard was himself w hub me isoanon canal- dates failed to get even a part of the recognition their merit entitled them to, from the Albany conven tion. Bro. Iiamp seems to be offended likewise, and thinks we were reflecting on him personally .J " e Know nothing of Bra Rauip except what he has shown in the canvass. His private character is his own property. We know and care nothing about that. It is above reproach, so far as we know. His political career, if that is the name for it, is a legitimate subject for criticism. The wide snmarl dissatisfaction with the treatment of certain Lebanon gentlemen, the frequent visits of the delegates to ' tbat the P"?4 of ultimate suc Albany after the convention, tbejcmi8 Dot fuchas justify far- failure to nominate for secretary of. state a Lebanon man of unques tioned ability, who was morally sure of election, the cowardly slurs thrown at Lebanon simply because J. L. Cowan once lived here, when in fact his life has been spent near ly wholly in Albany and when the money of Lebanon men was taken to lonn to Albany people all of these thinp taken together make it appear that the Albany division of the populist party have very little love for Lebanon and her favorite populist sons, who are the peers of any men in the county. The Express is not alone in this opinion. It is shared, ve are in formed, by many of the best popu- lists in this precinct. The ExrREss!cloBin.s- This has overcome has criticized the populists, but it has never made use of abusive epithets. The Albanv Populi8t can have a monopoly" of vulgar words and reap all the glory possi - ble from their use. It seems to be I in its natural element when it is , wallowing phrases. in the filth of foul Tiieue is a farm in the Southern j part of Louisiana measuring one I hundred miles north and south a.id twenty-five miles east and west, j The one and a half million acres ' oi wmcn n is maae up were imr- chased seven vearg ago from the - - 6 state of Louisiana and from the United States government by a pyndcate of Northern capitalists, by which it is now farmed. At!?. that time it was a vast grazing "round for the c-ittle r.f tl.o r, , i being thirty thousand head of cat-! tie nrl h,.r" i ti,; ;m tie and horses upon it. Uns lm- mense tract is now divided into convenient pasture ' stations, ranches, the fencing nlone cost fifty thousand dollars. The! land is best adapted for rice, sugar corn and cotton. All the cultiva ting, ditching etc., are done bv steam power, a t ract of about half a mile wide being taken and an en gine placed on each side. The en- pines are portable and work a cable Iched to four plow, the area plowed in this way, with the labor of onlv three men heinir thirtv "M mree men, being tbirty acres. Harrowing, sowing, etc.; are done in the fame way, and there is Att L ,u. Horses are, however, used by the herdsmen, whb look after the six- teen thousand head of cattle on the i estiilc. The company has three ' , . .,' ,, , I HtcKinbreiU npon the three bun-1 drcd milex of navigable waters : n-liif-h t Ii.-tr f-uf'jld nn 1 a Tun ' potft rjs a shipyards bank and rice : niilU. Xew York Ledger. The ways of women are past fmd0! nut TIa f,,ll. ,;,, IW,,n I,,..,.. . . . pucinim.! ass courier is w me I point: A newcomer from iscon- !sin mirr-h-wod o farm T creeK last wees ana was delighted, ' 1 bars-am, but w hen his Uvift reached here a dav or two U hI "r ' foj ' a" twenty-four hours. She insis i ili i ; ted on her husband purchaginc jthe husband was compelled to re- j long mi Moxa jonrneTi t fae. shin the whole business and eojged. We sat down to dinner. Between back. She would not even look at the larin for which he had har gained It seems that he had sold ... ujcuuii ; m rau auniuuv lor the lndy's action is that she had red hair. Secketakv Morton has received a large number of inquiries from pm is ui me country as to me result of the department's rainfall experiments and the feasibility of controlling precipitation by mcsns of explosions. The following cir cular is being sent by the depart ment to all inquirers: "Replying 10 J'our Ietter af t0 t"g !periments,I have to inform you that in no case did they pass the merely experimental stage, and mers or oluer cmzens ln ralnnlllK mg experimentation. In this de termination, judgment and opinion I am supported by the scientists andotberUeged experts in meteor ology connected with the United States weather bureau." A very singular case is that of a young man of Black River Falls, Wis., named chandler. For years his mouth has shown a tendency to grow up. Four years ago it was feared he would starve, and a fund was raised by the neighbors and he was sent to Chicago, where the mouth was cut to the natural size and pieces of flesh grafted into the corners, thus hoping to prevent its auu u,oulu 16 prowmg UP aalu opemng at preSBnt not laJg '"an an ordinary goosequill, thr0Ugth whlch he take" aU hia noUn6hmeDt - 14 16 thought he mH8t enta.T 8tarve to deatb a8 iere seems to oe no way oi pre- I venting the complete closing of the I mouth. Otherwise the young man iseenie liealtliv and is capable of : ! doine considerable work.-Er. '! Already text book publishers are canvassing the state with the result in view of working the next legislature for a change in the list D" mharM in m r.V,i;,. -oW.ia Tk k,.!, puonc sonoois. me dooks now used may be defective in some resijccte mav not be uo the re- i quireo Btiinuara hut this is no j time for a change money is too . ")r 8 c,lllnge-mollc.v sc!"'ce- And when one of these by WOrk,ng lcglslaturiS to chan8e j text books, makes bis appearance wmmxnhr he shJi be ; oimuniy be snouid be in- orjV!icaio pass on. iiie people ol : uregon nave paid school book pub- aing!,-, I , , 1 j c"""g" 'reuu-' ' Theke is one industrv which j ' rinpo Tint minor frnm hnr,l timoc anrl - jtliat is golu mining. There are: run into the Cherokee strip when it was j large quantities of gold be.rinB;8SSSSi!!C? i'1uam " 1-an county, and (level- l'nl of ,ninM undoubtedly P th,n : erer bef!,re- Thprf' 18 P!t'"ly W ' ille Cil!'itl11 that can induced to , . ! W ,n8 Q,lartz- r : cover the legs from knee to ankle, they Tr ,.mi..i r.rr.n. v ..,JPPear ready for aU the fanning opera- TiiEnoininationof Chas. E. Wol- verton, Esq., of Albany, by tliei republicans for supreme judge in a just tribute to the ability and in-! tegnty of one of our best lawyers. ; v, ,T tI TI ... , , ... i Mr. H. H. Hewitt, also of Albany, ! the nominee on the same ticket for PirPlli 1 tuAtTC Ifi ft (ttirtrl l-,r,-at erA a nne man. j nese gentlemen will l poll a large vote in this conntv. Subscribe for tbe Eat-kem now. 1 TV. Vlo. f Start K.. I K I mistake not. Sir James Crichton j Browne, in the coarse of a noenta3- i dress, remarked npon the enriotu elas- ticity of our brain as regaraaaleen, H weUor much and who nevertheless are able to carry on intellectual work with ff9 1 "PP"? bab.f ofbr.minthem.tterofaleep i ae.rn otner rtsiN;u,anawhueordinarilT j we demand a fair quantum of absolute i rest some ui us contrive as a naDit 10 , ., ) repose. This subject was lately recalled ! to mind when I happened to be dining alone with a well known surgeon in busy practice. ily friend is a man who, like myself. journeys over the length and breadth of the land. Be had just returned from a the courses he fell sound asleep. gay for three minutes not more, cer tainly. After each nap he woke up, ate i his quantum and went off again into WJ. A U.U, uu UU1 1 IHIHITTIHB amm 1 mhm Kim m ho -i..l! - 0f gjeep. His reply was characteristic J "Don't yon know," said he. "that it isnt a long sleep which is needed to re fresh an active brain? Nerve tissue is re paired easily with very little sleep if you also take food. "Of my own experience the remark hnlfla 0-nrwl Rnfl It rmnutl. Ln mwima mo in some respects anomalous condl toon of the brain and its ways. "London Illustrated News, Judge Ulnar's Oplaloaw Judge Biner of Colorado is quoted as saying: "I am now an ardent advocate of woman suffrage and believe it will prove an inestimable blessing to Colo rado. It brings politics to the fireside and is a constant incentive to education on the great subject of government." Tslmace Was Thankful. The following is told by Boniface D Witt of the Biggs House: "Dr. Talmage was preaching at Belle ville, K. J., some years ago, and cm week he made np his mind to go into the pulpit the next Sunday without notes at memoranda of what he was going to say. He memorized his sermon and believed he had it completely at his tongue's end. So Sunday night he went to the church pretty well fortined with confidence. "In those days in that section of Jer sey churches and hotels and many pri vate residences were equipped with pri vate gas machines, and the church where Talmage was to hold forth had one too. When he got into the pulpit after con ducting the preliminary services all right, he gave out his text Thenbewai horrified to find that he couldn't think of a thing to say. He repeated the text a second time, and yet his ideas failed to come. He was in agony and began slowly and impressively to announce his text a third time. As he reached the last word and the perspiration of dread and shame was beginning to start, the gas went out and plunged the place into utter darkness. There was no other means for lighting the edifice, and when it was announced that the gas machine had broken down hopelessly Dr. Tal mage pronounced the benediction, and I have heard him say that he never did so before or since with greater fervor or thankfulness of spirit." Washington Post Certain Analoa-lM. Molting has its analogy throughout the animal kingdom. We indeed molt invisibly, are continuously shedding our scales, but there are some animals that got toroughtlus process even more quick-; l7 d.b"k-aa, for instance, the 1 shedding of the skin as a whole by the newt, ett and snake. Sir James Paget has noted that some people have a few extra long hairs grow ing out from toe general mass of the eyebrows. The few long hairs are repre sentatives of a permanent condition in the chimpanzee and some baboons. They f" oat "P" " general hairv mass over the snnerdUarr ndm hairv mass over the superciliary ridges. Darwin notes as a ngnincant fact that the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet of man are quite naked of hairs, likA t.hn infarinr .nrfni-M nf all tnnr . emiti Tii Tines. Jof kw annals Something about the ear: The lobule of the ear is peculiar to man. Thereis, About the brain of man and apes: The whole comparison is one of degree, and in the case of the tashman's brain with that)f a weU deTeloped ape com- parison becomes nearly equal. In troth, "" " uu "pw-mc uurancuons oetween the brain of the ape and that of man. Gentleman's Magazine. Peiwrertnc. ( U. OO nnn,M 1 ,L. 1 J . ersnip or auss Annecie uaisy, maae a hauling the lumber themselves for fJ-Jh..wm SSIXK '. three teams, two cows, chickens and ; other stock, and, neatly dressed in short iskuis that come just below the knee and : are met by heavy woolen leggings that Chicago Times. Hear Both SldM. Never condemn your neighbor nn heard' howeTer """J' th" consationi which may be preferred against Um. Every story has two ways of being told, aiid justice requires that you ahonld hear toe defense as well as toe accusation, and mar niam nn in a rn. I V L T .3 I New York Ledger. j. The French law treats tbe frog as if it were 8 fish and declares all fithiu i lor it by night to be poaching. Albany Steam Laundry RICH1RDS 4 PHILLIPS, Propre, -Albany, Oregon All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Rates for Family -Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. J. E. ADCOX, Agent, In Smith's Drugstore. Lebanon, - Oregon, The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, E. W. Hadley, Reoelver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco. RIVER STEAMERS, Btesnter "Hoar" leaves Portland, W'cdic day and Saturday at 6 A. M. H. C. D, Gen. Ae't, Salmon Sl Wharf, Portland. D. R. Vauohs, Oen. Ag't. Son Francisco, Cal. C. C. Hoars, . F. 4 P. A.. Corvollis, Oregon. "Is Your Name Written Here?" Written where? Why, on the subscription list of the Lebanon Express. If you are not a sub scriber to this paper, and wish to obtain reading matter for the win ter evenings, now is the time to subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay able in advance) $1.50 per year. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Bold oal right, svo rmt o ronJa. Adapted to CUT. Vllle or Omotrr. Nwd in mrf hrm. ho. tUr and rrfton. OmUitraiw lauica and batn tailor (mrth. Arata aak trwm I M ptf my. Oun in raaidatnoe muw a mI to all tM Mtchbtm. riM ioatrnivamu. bo ton, ttoib anrwiiart. mm duttanosj. CbnpUia, nadj for taMwbcmahlprwL Oan ba pat ap bj anr on, twtarontof ordn, no rpalrinT, rad a Ufa timj. Warruwd. A bomt wih, Writ W.P. HsVrami A Ch, Cltrk 10, Uluiiwg, 0. THADI MARKS. DiaiQN iA TINTS, OOP T RIGHTS. McJ ror tmoraatttn Kia rrw Handbook writ to HUNN A Cl 101 Bhoavitat, Hmw Yvmk. Oldest bttreM for atcunryr patenu Id AmenesV Eterr patent taUeo out Dy us bmiurht before tiM puonc dj Douoe kits irw of eouge in u f df iitifif gmwitt Urmt ctrenlatirm of mr utoatitc papv hi tb wimtL gplecdtdlr tlttutrtMd. Ho imeJlurnnt duu fhnuid be without it. Weekly, 33.00 ft ytarr flJatilz month. Attdnwa HUNN 4 tXt- vuiUaUHJMS, 3fii iinMUVavjr. Mew Xotk Uu?. 40s22 WEEK FOR WILLING WORKERS of dth iez,aD7t(e, ear part of Uu rnuntrr, at tbe employment woleb we farolib. Tonaet-d not be awsjr from bone over night. Xoaeuaivs 70arwlM)letlaietotbework,OFonl77oarpare mo. awnte. AaHpiUllanotraiufredjouninnorlslc. We mpplj jou with all that U mecled. Il vill toft jron aotbtne to Iry the tnutnua. Any ol a eao do tbe work. Bealanen make money from tbe itart Fftllnie u) nnknown wltb onr workfr. fiverj bonr you labor yon can etully makes ilollur. Do one who le willing to work (alia to make mure money ery oar tiun tan be made la three daye J ai amy inuiawj -emywjtuwt oruu 1VI II cc viiUal coot&aoi&g ihe laUect lcfonaaUoD. H. HALLETT & Box 880, CO., PORTUNP, MAINE. i Scientific Aaserieai Aaewy fa, will call your attention to the i GREATEST In Dry Goods Caps Etc. Boots and Shoes. As I will actually sell Lower than before for the following reasons. 1st. I have bought out my partner cheap. ' I 2nd. I have been getting new good very cheap lately. U 3d. To make room in the store because there is no more space. 4th ln order to make room to get more goods. 5th. I am buying direct and am able to do it. 6th. I have nobody to keep thes hard times but myself. Yours Truly, M. J. BENJAMIN. Remember the place, in Main street. LEBANON, - GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BV THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR EOCHD TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Lebanon to San Francisco AND RETURN $27.55 Including FIVE Gate Tickets to tbe Fair UICTBWON THIPH F1M1M SAX FIUNCIBCO lo oihw ioUi'a in California will lie allowwt nurehiuiem ol I iecial Midwinter Ksir tickets attliefr.Uow- Mir rounu-iri. ratea: TO STATIONS UNDER 10k Mn,EH FROM KAN FRANU18CO, (ji'E AND ONE-THJRI) one-way fare. TO STATIONS 10O MUXS OH MORE FROM BAN FBANtT'jljo, ONE AND OM-.-1' irTH one-way J,ire, For ciact atet ar.il full infoniiation, in quire of I. A. BENKKJT.axwiiat 1ehanon Oregon, or ttddn, the undersiKued. KICH'neRAY, T. H. GOODMAN, Uw, '1 raflic Mon'is'r. Osn. 1'aes. Agt. Has FaAHcisco, Cal. E. P. ROGERS, Ass't Uen, Agt., Portland Or. and Clothing, Hats the 0.1.1 Vlh.n. s building on OREGON Lebanon Meat Market, Ed Kellenbcrgec, Propr. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, 'Sausage Bo logna., and Ham, Bacon 4na Lar() Aw,y, , Hand. Mu'.o Ktrirt, Lebanon, Or. BARBER SHOh Bret Shaves, Hair Cut or Bhampoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO BT. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths Children Kindly treated. Ladies Hair Dre jsing a Specialty. To Advertisers. If yoa wish to obtain the boat returns from your advertiaements Don't Forget the important fact that The Lebanon Express will give the desired results, us it Is The Best Advertising Medium. in Linn County. V 1,