The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 06, 1894, Image 3

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J Lebanon . Express.
fAddltioiul local! on tint pKe.-l
Miss Iiuu Wallaoe la in Albany
tbia week.
There are only two weeka more of
oar public school.
.Sew Millinery gooda at Mra. Geo.
Miss Courtney apent laat Sunday
wllb friend ill Albany.
Mr. Frank Went came over from
Tangent Wedueeday.
Buy your grooeriea at Peebler'a, and
nave money.
Mr. J. U. Reed baa been confined to
the house for the past week.
Outs, buy, brau, chops and all kinds
of feed, at Feebler', t
Ed. Keilenberger made a business
trip t Portland the first of the week.
E. .'. Cars bua moved back Into bis
own ho.'we near the M. E. church.
Every i usumier at Buruui 4 Kirk's
barber abop gel" cleau towel
Mra. C. A. Zabu moved iuto their
reaidtnee this week, the one recently
purchased of Mr. Davie.
Cash paid tor produce at Peebler'a
grocery store; higboat market price.
W. H. Munsey aird wife Intends
leaving in a few duy for Southern
Oregon. .
J. B. Courtney M. D. Physician,
. Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
Settle y.ur suiu with llrusuu 4
Meiitleo ai (be old Maud with G. VY.
A. J. Shellou, the Lluu Co. populiat
candidate for sheriff, wuaou our street (
tlie first ol Ihe week.
A aubacriptlon to the Expbkss from
now until after the electiou, for only
515 oeuta.
Mr. Lou Kilter died at bis home al
W uterliw last Monday and was burled
In the Masonic cemetery at this place
on 1'ut'ttday.
All accounts of the firm Cruson Y
Meuzies must be settled at once wilb
U. W. Cruaou.
Bev. (Jager, an old and highly rec
peeud citizen of Waterloo died at bis
hoiue at that place Wednesday.
We need our umiiey and must have
It, pay your amount with Cruaou 4
Meiwita to 0. W. Cruson.
Mcaors. C. G. Rawlluge and Heorge
Eire have opened a real estate and
liwuraw office over Mm. Rlce'i mil
linery store.
If you an thinking of buying a new
spring dress, remember Bead, Peacock
tfc t'o's new spring gooda.
A. G. Williams and family will leave
in a few days for California for Mrs.
Williams' health.
I have a few second-bund books that
I will close out a! a bargain.
M. A. Miller,
Mra. F. H. Roscoe and daughter will
soon move to Portland to reside.
Albany Telescope.
Baker is receiving clothing, boots
and shoes, daily, In spite of the bard
t'.inee. His low prices make the gowk
ell. . ,
These bard times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
grucerln at Bach's.
It. J. Benjamin has bought bis
brother Isaac's Interest in the store and
will hereafter run It aloue. Isaac and
wife bave moved to Portland.
Mr. Frank O'Neil, traveling pasaen
get agent of the Northern Pacific R. R.
was In the dtjf Wednesday, seeing
bout establishing an agent at this
teo. N. Potter and wife, of Michigan
wen. In the eity over Sunday visiiinr
y. i,. .'."arman and family. Mr. Potter
' I an un eleef-Mre. Carman aud Is on
his w ay to' California.
The ladles ctibe M. E. church will
give a Carnival Nations Friday
eveulng, April 13, in' 'be Montague
building. Their atograp,l I""' wl11
be sold during the evening! Admls
ainu, IS eta.
.Miss Bina West will be In Lena "n
April 80, In the Interest of the Ladli'
itf li' Maccabees and will organize a
hive ben. It is a beneficiary organi
zation aud founded on the same prin
ciples as the K. 0. Y. M.
Miss Hattie Warner, of Albany, will
be at tbe residence of Mrs. F. M.
Miller on Friday afternoon. She de
sire to tne.t all who wish to take in
struction In either vocal or instrumen
tal music. Parties Interested should
call o't her. Site comes highly recom
njpiided as a teai'hei of music.
Mr. Chas. Smith has reoeived the
appointment as postmaster at this
place. Mr. Smith was the only demo
crul ic aspiraut for the office, and be
will give general satisfaction. Mr.
Buiitb is thoroughly comptent to fill
the place and we extend congratula
tion, - )!: . .
J. 0. Oorden was down from the
mines this week.
HnriuB Jackets at Rend, Peacock &
We tre glad to report Mra. W- L,
Moore Is cnivalesoet,
Challies, S ots. per yd. at Read, Pea
cock 4 Co'. .
Miss Nettie Amos Is visiting relatives
in Albany this week.
Misa Kinser of Crabtree Is visiting J.
C. Bilyeu's family this week.
Ifyouwauttoget nice fresh bread
go to Peebler'a.
The Linn County Alliance will meet
In this city to-day.
Hiram Baker received a large In
voice of Spring clothing this week of
the latest shades and styles.
Miss Nettle Nlckerson, of Albany,
was visiting relatives and friends in
Lebanon this week.
The accounts of Cruson & Mcnjies
will be placed In the bands of a collec
tor April 1, 1894. G. W. Chijson.
We noticed Rend, Peacock & Co.,
this week opening up a lare consign
meut ol shoes which they received
direct from Boston.
Send the Express to some of your
friends in the East, for the next three
and a half mouths. It will aiily cost
you twenty-Bve cents.
Mr. Ab. Hall Is bui'ding a neat resi
dence on Bridge Aveuue aear J. Mima-
holder. Ab. owns a nlcejpieee of laud
down there and when he gets bis new
bouse built will have a nice borne.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.
Sundry school at 10 a . m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
C. R. Lamar, Pastor.
Mr. John Miller of Iowa, who was
telegraphed to come to the bedside of
his brother, F. M. Miller, arrived here
last Saturday, two days after the buri
al of bis brother.
The subject of discourse at the First
PreBbyleriau church next Sabbath
morning will be "Presbyleriauism'
1 Timothy 4: 14. Evening, "Our liesi
services belong to Christ." Romans
14: 7.
A gilri.rlS Tarty
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. M
S ttle got up a nil dinner in honor o
ber daughter, Georgia's loth birthday
and invited a host of her Utile friends
to surprise ber. Mr, aud Mrs. Settle's
many friends thought to make tbe
surprise complete they would help so
tbe older ones turned In to surprise
them and brought their baskets well
tilled with. Those present were: Mr,
aud Mrs. Jos. hi wart, Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Hammock, Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Hildreth, Mr. aud Mra, Emery Stew
art, Mr. aud E. Pal.ner, Mr. and Mrs
S. A. Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. F. Settle,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gentry, Mrs. Jos.
Keebler, tin. L-Couey; Misses Arrah
Stewart aud Manila Keebler; Mr. Otis
Keebler. Tbe little ones present were:
Masil Gore, May Gentry, Ruth Burk-
bart, Edith and Seltnar Thompson,
Ethel aud Elmer Waters, Dan and
Melvln Stewart, Tommy Keebler, Roy
ii.Hmmock, Eugene aud Willie Beamau
Edward Gentry, Fred Gentry, Pearl
Hildreth, Lincoln Couey and George
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. F. M. Miller and children de
sire to tendtr their heartfelt thanks to
tbe kind friends who so constantly and
tenderly assisted them by their pres
ence aud sympathy during tbe Illness
and d -alb of the beloved husband and
father, F. M. Miller. The members ol
the G. A. It., the Relief Corps, Sons of
Veterans, the Masonic order aud the
Knights of the Maccabees, as well as
the citizens of Lebanon aud vicinity,
are entitled to our profuuud thanks for
tbe love and respect shown our beloved
dead durio'; (he funeral ceremonies.
May each aud all have the same loving
sympathy as was shown to us and ours
when their hour of bereavement comes.
Lkbanok, April 4, 1894.
Mrs. F. M. Millkr,
and Childken.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby gircn that the co-part
rtership heretofore existing between M. J.
Benjamin and 1. Benjamin, under the firm
name of Benjamin Bros., is hereby dis-
lolved by mutual consent, I. Benjamin re
tiring, M. J. Benjamin continuing in busi
ness at the old stand and will collect all
ilehts and assume all liabilities of tbe old
Drui ot Benjamin Bros.
Oamo, April 2, M9t. . ' .
' BlKJAKII B&os,
Br M. J. Benjamin.
'csof Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Cruson 4 Menzles" i dissolved by
mutual consent, Mr. MePZio retiring,
and Mr. Cruson oontlnulngltl business
at tlie old stand and will collect all
debts of the old firm of Cruson & Men
ziee and assume all liabilities.
G- W. CHtlSON.
J.W. Mknzies.
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to the firm of Cruson &
Menzles are requested to call at ouce
aud see that all mistakes are corrected
as these accounts are liable to pass into
otbvr bands for oolleotion.
- The democrat county convention
assembled at the court house in Albany
lust Wednesday to nominate a eouiity
ticket and elect delegates to the state
democrat convention. The convention
was called to order by Mart Mille
chairman of the county central com
mittee, who stated the object of' tbe
convention. T.J. Stiles was elected
chairman aud D, P. Mason, secretary
or the convention.
The committee appointed to select
twelve names as suitable persona for
delegates to tbe state convention,
reported the following names who
were selected: M A Miller, Dr. DuGas
J K Weatberford, O W Wright, Henry
uiaKcly, w rl Mcliuiurry, Win Wigirs
ueorge Humphrey, D F Htieye, Jeff
Myers, Ueo Flndley and Oweu Bond
or state senators W R Bilyeu, of
Albany, and Jeff Myers, of 8uio were
nominated by acclamation.
For representatives J M Philpott.of
Humsburg, J J Whitney, ot Albauy,
and Nelson Crume, of Halsey were
nominated by acclamation.
for county commissioner W E
Potter, of Lyons, and Phillip Swnnk
were named. 'The ballot stood: Potter
07; Swank, 56. Potter was declared
the nominee.
for county clerk N P Payne, of
Albany, ano; C E Stauard, of Brown
ville, were named. The ballot stood
Stanard 93; Payne 30. Mr. Stanard was
declard the nominee.
For recorder H Sheltou, of Scio.and'
A J Pitner, of Shedd, were named
E E Davis was nominated but declined
Ballot stood: Shelton,' 104; Pitner, 19.
lor sbenn C O Jackson was nomi
nated by acclamation.
For trersurer E L Bryan, of Tan
genl, was nominated by acclamation
For assessor S O Wallace, of .Leba-
non, R M Miller and Enoch Miller,
were named: Ballot stood: Wallace,
Wl; R M Miller, 30; Enoch Miller, 27.
Mr Wallace was declared the nominee.
or school superintendent, L- M
Curl, of Albany, G H Wilkes, ofShedd,
H H White, of Plainview, F M Mit
i-beli, of Albany, and E J Moreauson.
orsantlam, were uamed. First ballot
stood: Wilkes, 54; Mitchell, 29; Curl,
White, 29; Moriranson. 4. Thisit
Hot sKsHl: Mitchell, 66; Wilkes. 57
Mr MitchelLwas declared the nominee,
ror surveyor uo nomination was
For coroner Frank Farrell
nominated by acclamation.
The followiug preciuct nominations
were ratified, the firet named being
justice and the second, constable:
North and South Lebanon G W
Cruson, P M Smith.
West Albany M Seuders, Georire
tiugnes; u W Wright, cominitteemau.
Santiam and Franklin Butte P
Jarnigau, Job Shelton.
Shedd and Center N P Crume. J B
Fox Valley and Rock Creek-Henrv
Liyons, j jj jierry.
Sodaviilcand Waterloo-T L Rice.
vvni Mcculloch.
District 13 N Youug, J A Bilyeu.
North and South. Harrisburg Dan
Crawfordsville D C Swan, W H
North aud South Brownsv!lle-S P
Barger, F M Powell.
Haleey E Smith, J R Bone.
Sweet Home David Wright, John
We will give tlie platform adopted
next week.
Deleg-stss to the CoUDty Con rsntiont,
Tlie following delegates were elected
tolhecouuty conventions at Albany
from this place;
North Lebanon E. E. Hammock,
. R. Keebler, T. P. McKnight, Wm.
Koyce, J, M. Settle, Wm. Petree.
South Lebanon 8. M. Garland, P.
it. Smith, J. C. Bilyeu, B. Burtershaw
K. Charlton, Put Kester.
South Lebanon A. F. Stowe, W. B.
Oonaca, R. E. Miehener, J. A. Lam
berson, John Denny, W. H. Kluin, D.
North Lebanon A. A. Kees, J. R.
Smith, J. B. Thompson, Geo. Ross, W
M. Brown, Dr. W. H. Booth,
Read, Peacock & Co., received eight
cases of spring goods yesterday.
I' resh pies, cakes and bread at
Hcebler's grocery store,
For sale, a fresh milk oow-second
calf. A. E. A.N80K0E,
Waterloo P. 0.
Did you know Read, Peacock & Co.
sold 14 yds. of Outing Flannel for J1.00.
Fast colors, too.
There will be services iu the Cum
berland Presbyterian Church on the
cond and fourth Suudays in each
mouth, at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.
W. V. McGee, Pastor.
.Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
the best satisfaction of any cough med
icine I handle, and as a seller leads all
other preparations In the market. I
recommend it because it Is tbe best
medicine I ever handled for cough,
sdds and croup. A. W. Baldkiuoe
Millersville, 111. For sale by N. W
otuhb', druggist.
311 to Tat Kxnum
Aliuny, April- 5. The
county convention asemlil,
county court house iu Alb.
tcrday to nominate a count
and elect delegates to the stn
district couventions. The convt
was called to order by J. R. W.
ohalrman of the county central c
mittee. On motion by C. E. Wolv
ton, Mr. Wyatt was mado temporal
Chairman. J. W. Wilson and P. B.
Marshall were chosen secretaries. On
motion by A. A. Kees, the chair ap
pointed A. A. Kees, R. N. ,. liompon,
A. P. Flory, John Conaer, John Trask,
as a committee, on credentials. The
convention then took a recess of 15
minutes iu order for the committee to
report. The report of tlie committee
was adopted. , On motion by 8 A Daw
sou a committee of five was appointed
on order of business as follows: S A
Dawson, F J Miller, Win Francis, A
F Stowe, J Y McCune. On motion by
rices, a committee of five was appoint
ed to consider and report on delegates
to the state and district conventions
A A Kees, W B Barr, L L Say,' A J
Johnson, E D Cusick. Oil motion by
C E Wolverton the ohair appointed a
committee of seven on resolutions
C E Wolverton, L Flinn, John Waters
F Smith, D Smith, M B Crawford, D
R N Blackburn. On motion by W F
Read the chair appointed a committee
of three on permanent organization:
W F Read; Frank Frisby, A P Flory.
county ticket.
For senators A J Johnson, S A
Dawson. ,
For representatives T F Smith,
John Scott,. W A Templeton.
For commissioner J M Waters.
For Sheriff J A McFeron.
Recorder Frank Hardtuan.
Clerk N Needhani.
Treasurer Green Morris.
Assessor W F Deakius.
SuperintendentA R Rutherford.
Coroner Or Jay ue.
Surveyor E T T Fisher.
We will give the platform adopted
next week.
You should remember that the best
place to buy pianos or organs is at
Will's music store, 'Albany, Or. He
noes not take advantage of people's ig
norance and sell a cheap made piano
ut tbe price of a good one.
To. Advertisers.
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from your advertisements
.Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give the desired results, as it
s The Best
Advertising Mecjium
in Linn County.
F or miurinsooo sna iree UDQdbook wrlttj to
Oldest bureau lor securing patents In America.
Every patent taken out bT us Is broueht before
tbe public by anotice gtrea free of charge la ttta
Unrest oirenUtlon of ur identiflo paper in tbe
world. Splendidly illustrated. No iDtelllgent
man ifaould be without. It, Week It, S3. 00 ft
year: 11.50 six months. AdflresB MUNN & CO
"jBtuuiciu, 3UJ iirowww, New York at?.
of either lex, any age. in any part of tbe country,
at tbe employment wnlch we ftrnUh. Tou need
not Ik away from homeoverntgbt You can give
yourwholetimetothework.or only your spare mo.
meats. As capital is not required you run no risk.
We supply you witb all that is uecded. It will
cost you notbl&g to try the butiaeis. Any one
can do the work. Beginners make money from
he start. Failure is unknown with our workers.
Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar,
No one who is willing to work fatln to make more
money every day than can be made in three days
anyordinaryemployment. Send for free book
containing the fullest information.
4 Sclentiflo American
til iliwr
Box 880,
If VOl
Santiam Academy
. 1893-4.
Fall Term Began September nth.
For information, ask for circular at tlie I'ost-oflicfi or
S. A. RANDLE, Principal,
LEBANON, , - -
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for snip
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Re
Rates, All kind of mason's woik done wilh neat
despatch. D.
S .
le ire Her
Dress Goods,
We do not ae
to come in and g
(Highest '
.j ml,
- - - OREGON
3 ; :H
n r