The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 06, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebaui'ii. Express
Editor - and Proprietor.
With one stroke of bis pen Mr.
Cleveland has disrupted the demo
cratic party. His veto of the
seigniorage bill was not unexpected,
although there wan aliiigering hope
amonfr dRlnnornfa l,af ta n-A..U
have enough consideration for the!1" fh thehoT
party to permit the bill to become!!.4119 ? f th: cllrt'r"
a law with, TK.JTheir march to Pittsburg is a ser
... BlUU.tliM 1 UOIC I
1 us cnauws for a civil war m
Colorado arc still brightening. OKI
man Waite is the biggest fool in
the state except the fellows Who
are egging him on. With one big
fool on one side and a lot of bigger
fools on tlie other, the signs arc
encouraging for some bloodspilling.
Coxey's commanders made a hit
in Pennsylvania, and, as thev sav
is no expectation that the bill will !
pass over the president's veto, and
it probably puts an end to all silver
legislation during the term of this
congress. But it will not put an
end to silver agitation throughout
the country; it will only stimulate
it. "
The reasons assigned for the veto
are dishonest, absolutely dishonest.
Mr. Cleveland is not such a mut-ton-head
chump as to believe that
there ib a rapid improvement in i
"our financial conditions. He knows, i
as every one knows, that there is
ies of ovations. Down in the heart?
oi me people mere is a spark oi
sympathy for these poor stragglers,
without a home and almost with
out a couiifor. If thev are crankn
they are also human beings with
immortal bouIs who have aspira
tions for better things. It make
an old-time democrat sore at heart
to think that a so-called democratic
administration is responsible for
this Btate of affairs.
indeed to have them ugiiin take tin ir :
places limit, r the conditions named, J
and lw wuuM willingly forget all I he
rude conduct of the past iu the manly
bearing that would naturally result
! from such a determli)iitiou to do what !
The momliig mat as t range tad white
Auaiua as aeatu unta ronui. Ala
It ww as thousli the mi th hail slow
Ana wuce to ana lierselr a tlaiet.
Alauwt 1
Clow, oh, mxOqm, tt her rbaujwl turn
TbeBkydrrwdowu! flowcui.flabc kwnr
IleMnLr u nlie lay Hlintudwi tl -Id
ibe whit woodtir of ilw atmwt
Mry N. Bradford iu Uuiiniiut Magoxtim.
A short mlenty . ,
then said, "h ih.inTJetaS'i1!!! Tb' " P""'""' the '
stand 'uv'0twi,,,.. L '""J requircm. nut mad,, known. th. mil. '
dtmned, and without further delay ' '.i one alternative, return j itaMMtaM '
you are lth suspended from the nrli I fUl" ",e OT"t1illnn thai would. I Of bis Sheridan-like dealings with
leges tu,K KbnA nnU1 j 'iP's the'm in fellowship with tradesmen an anecdote is kid. During
shall see fit tl) reinstate . w i their schoolmates, or lie branded as carcit? of Ice a neighbor of Dnmaa
fouuded ud a solemn piximhri"1" I wl,"inla, .utpelled front the company If' ? -e,1"t m,e "d w toM
ni - .... Ppw"totaav L, lujI, . that the limited stock on handwat kent
rulesai i, . dohe5ntl iltaZT T r , for the tisetif the famous author. Then i effort made to (Urt him.
rules as other pupil, After rwxiainin,, .iienl for some Ume tbe .Min .a hi. Same result.
"a was tlie terminf:l mu, "it'e a prettv rouirh lob to ,,, n,.t,. i ,h. .
... , MIIII IU lilt I l, ........ . , , . ' - uuv Ui
entirely unexner- .... ..... "'fe"'u to sit up Uepire Uie Whole H. Dnmaa.
It MlA-Tj,
On tkla rMlsntor
! In Work.
Thectowd had fathered ahnnt a hnn'
! and buggy in the middle of the street,
j The barn had balked,
j "Tie string aronnd his ear," said
one of the bystanders. "It gtvmbim
': (ometbing elae to think of. I never knew
jit to fail" ,
A string was produced and wotudf
'tightly round one of the animal's ears.
It had no effect.
"Blindfold him." sneitested anothnr.
A bandage was tied over his eyes ant
by these
Couucil met last Tuesday eveuing iu
an imnendin erisi. i tb. fi.!i ! .T r"u " nu
i a uuuu, Ju llK cnair.
anairsM the whole world, and he! 8. M. Garland, eitv att,,rn
would have been more honest if he ! requested to act as recorder. Boll call
bad Baid that he feared tn An ,,,.. i8U preseut but Couuciliuan RihhI.
thine that would nrw.initate thlt ! Report of rtree couimissioner ad-
eriKi Kt .- . ' u. .Jacquisiuouofthelandontb
CJ,co "Mtsouth side of the academy for
wishing to avoid anything that was approved.
might check the rapid convalese-1 T1e city treasurer made his report
enceol oar monetary conditions, ! r nrat V"" which showed that
liegimplvmakeshimaelfridiculons l""01 " Utt '588-75 in unpaid
If he had given an honest reason L., u"
for the veto, be would Lave said A petition asking th.i a
that be vetoed it in the interest of j be appointed recorder, was read aud
the naonal banks and of the Wall j oraer Pl-' on file.
Thw nlnn anfnMu1sv1 Th.
IHClltKli lilt A tlll 1unn lH .t .1... 4.ta .n .in.. .! ....'i J
"y wfu lo Ui.eiiH. y,.n t a a i i thtt k HUH-..J
' j I " mill Ull, liU Utll IIJVUU 1 "ivbiuuvj vUMIvtUUimM, AU, LTItKI
.C (lt'8K lit II WaVffiual..' -a 1 . flu rcrloam.,. , l. v. l , ..
'"-i oiHitii is. I iiiiiuT mi in iuFinrti nniB "v uautouiMi. sure uiD uuiik uiml iiwi
wmethlne eU ... . V s . ' lor "ever, so I'll m riirht back and tell ?ow 1 lmow ttMt Joa re nu f"n M. i0D""?.at norse.
kllliU LI It H'nra7 U'luli . .
the, were uk .r....i ... Z em lue f
p.epariiig'Wl), h(f st(jru ' ,
j..u.iK luuianvand tb,
their books out orth.
thal showed thej
"Back him."
"He won't back," said the exasper
ated owner. "I tried that "
"Try him with an ear of oorn."
The ear of corn failed to move tin
.that coi
oteru cnuituand
jpelled them in 1bi tl.t. -u..,.
't length they arose and sta'ted
fw lUe Bisle with their books uiider
their amis, their oounteuanees Bhaded
With a floiirt nf
slowly 8d re..., M T'
hopIigonintheirmi,.d; T !to(in"'y -ld never again be guilty
teaehe, euid, a. the- Z mlf'
a iic in- ixjuriiiiig intr iKiys MppeurtKi
on the f I'bwlrounris tiigflher, liul
Dnmaa. Be Devor imyB roadv mooer. " I 'H U I oan't perBnade him os
,,! aL. IS . j 1. Infkn ft J il . -
Zek had UmmA rv .. vrr."' '" "aaperatea owns.
; , i once told me toat tl ne oonld portion iw ammai. ,
lUw ittle 4peecb and aa soon as it was out a new life he would be a handsome He took a whip and belabored the
concluded, he instantly announced bin woman till SO, a victorious general Ibeastwtth it rill somebody throavaned
imcuuuu m uii uaewive. ' iirona no to ou anu a cardinal iu his old mn B'm arronted.
Alt'. Kig Ion kindly shook hand with j age." Dumas, as he related this par
the boys aud told them they would ntl desiie, glanced toward Roasini and I
never regi-wt the decision thev bad i ,dclod! "J ehoula Prafer to dose my lift !
ade. and be . vr. ,.!,ul ltnoo8 composer. Uon char
Then he kicked him awhile.
All In vain.
Finally a benevolent loolrinsnlffl mm.
tinman forced his way throned tha
""'V"f "u cuem and
Koseini, whun yon enter a room, the vnrv i crowd and said:
lacquer pronounces yonr name with aV6 seen a greut many balky
pride as he announces you." Borwe started by bmldiug a fire tinder
Then turning to the comnanr he con- tbem- Can you set some st-w nr alias..
more the privilege nf i,i i j! me s cnoolRrounris together, lull ! tinned: "Announce, for lnrtauce, M. Is . tags'
.,)..-., .... . . StllOOl tliey liadi vi,t. M vm.v Hiflprenl miixt fn Ikut ! Dnn d'Anmsle anH Ricirw R.uMri.! a ,k. ! A bov waa Mnt tn . :t.i. ;
"utj a snort lime lief nn luMin ' " . - c""- wjw t ue.gguuuuwg wr-
tid vet tl.ev ii "re"wne"J"v"lSwhioh ther were wont to come More Bnl moment and see on which aide all itor8 tort 'or Vims exMliUor. Ht
luiport was ordered placed
F. Stowe
street speculators. The president By mol'"D H was decided th,,t those
mav deceive h manlf b,,t v.o ' . license ne
., ' " v"u granted a rebate of
delude the people.
There wasn't much in the seign
iorage bill of importance, exept
that it stood for a principle. We
are not a sufficient believer in the
tne-man power to be brought to
the conclusion that the president
has a right to set np his individu d
judgment iu opposition to the rep
resentatives of the people. The
president bas a right to withhold
foO on the t,m
rajutrea lor six mnnth'a license, tn I-
applied only on the firai ix moiitlia
ucense anu a warraut drawu ou ihe
treasury for the (.30 when the !iri.
was iseueo. A proviso was made that
if only two saloons took oui liraa'c
tue tov re Date would be canceled.
On motion, ordinance 84, reducing
liquor liceuse, was taken from the
table and by another motion a-u. i,..
definitely postponed.
iue mayor then advised that Mu.v
eim a recorder to fill
- - . . uii me unexpired
Lis assent from a measure which jtorm of Becorder Miller, deceased.
iieoeueves to be unconstitutional 1 1 mmm 01 A- Stowe, W. C"
or which be discovers to be imper-, , ana
r,-i : . " I placed In nnmitmri
construction. But the
constitution does not contemplate
mat tne veto power shall be exer
cised in an imperious or autocratic
The effect of the yeto will be dis
astrous to the democratic party,
for it well nigh assures the defeat
r .11 , a
oi au tarin legislation. And if
this congress adjourns without
" having passed a tariff bill, then h
will be a long farewell to democratic
supremacy. The president has'
constituted himself the censor ofi
democratic policies. In effect the
veto Bays to the democratic major
ity in congress, "You are ignorant
oi tlie true condition of national
affairs, consequently you are incap-
oieor administering the govern
ment; I will assume that task mv
self." If there is a spark of inde
pendence or manliness left in the
breast of the democratic maioritv
tuis assertion of autocratic power
will be resented. If there isn't'
enough of that independence "
the party will fall to pi'. ieft,
inherent weakness. .ices from
long survive No party can
breath o' ..nich lives upon the
.one man. Telegram.
nomera u-r.,
placed In nomination. Attv. fltnw
raeeivinor lha omi,..;... i
; a -" "junij ue m iu, uu ino-
uon uuauimouaiy elected.
Mayor Montague read a eommuiiica
tion from J. A. Koberts, ei-city trea.
urer. Mr. Moutague stated that Mr.
Boberta had forwarded to him Slfi in
apply on the balance due the city from
iuuaa in the bank. On ru.iti.ui Jir
Huberts and his bondsmen were re
leaaea trom all obgatiou to the cibj-.
Motion was made to arpoiut a com
mittee of three to draft res'.lutions iu
honor of Becorder Miller, deceased.
The chair appointed Andrewa.
the marahal
Hything to bti,11..f..i ,.,.. ,, ; r ow;urr''e inciaent just,wl.i . ""'related.
"KM Utltll 11
from: then they to see they had
made a uiistalr
iu their expectation
that the pre jnt u.adlei. wou,(, (Unj)h
mans that bin predecessor
uau ua-r iHiimouly knowu among tlie
m "rassle with the hick'ry."
stvni, I. y.,, BnJ Whl. .,,.... j t
.... cii kv imriiru
was iu!itruetii f..i,i... . .
enforce the ordinanru r.UPHi.,.. i.. I cl i1
-B, uuineir
running at large after giving five data
notice. ,
Council then adjourned to meet
Monday eveuing to approve bondH an-
grant lioeuae to the salins.
BUM allowed. ,
The following bills were rtr
motion the rules were sue atHi "" '
warrants ordered drev-i ,icnded anil
ury for the aitiu.. - the trea-
tueir '.espective homes,
'r laiHts agaiiwt the teacher,
.'c.r IlOtuWe Hirxo nnl.l.l.. k. .....,
n. ...-.M.-.t ULUUK
mm ilangford could
petty provocation and when in auch a
state of mind could disenunt the deck
mate of a steamboat at sweariu g. Also
miiire, when disturbed in a
like manner, would utter au "inverted
prayer," that wnuid put to shame the
oaths of a Sunday horse jockey.
The hoys had prepared the messages
for their fathers before thev separated.
so when their oompiaints were com
pared they agreed very nicely.
Jiie two fathers couiiuir tosf.ilu.rl
UIJ . - . i
..c.ui.pirueoconverBatioi. iu which
they denounced the teacher as entirely
unlit for tbe position he beld. rjuuire
ttezenberry said '-it's all true b. k.
my Zep never told a lie in all hi. be
au' he woodn't tell wou ef yer wood
kill'ioj fur et." iZm,' trnih. ,..
11 in negative form and that -i,
the uld squire thuuglit lie told the
iruio at all times.
Having passed jndgreli; on the
"p- concluded tr ,go HDd Bet
u.,eeiun ana ,,roceea , d
Pi8ehim at once.
After ti.M.rii.n i.. .
.""" ""da 'iflnn nud
.tn.a.imiigtne th, .,,.i ,.,....
'""' , u,u,u' -and obedient"
Luc uauiirj o; tf
ing hbaweut tu
ho Uhniilrl t...
thev .ii Put out immediately
... T. . red lo the residence o(
L'rf,i . .where they met the ob-
R.i. i . wrath-Kalph Leu iaton.
ticulars o
I pened, j
lialph met th em with a pleasant good
inoruiili; aiui tb ey seemed to be some
what relieved1 by his cordial greeting.
When school opened tlio boys were
iu their usual plat es, but there waa an
earnestness in r heir faces that had never
been seen then before. After the reg-
U ) M.a. u.ioiiiug ex erenwv nnu iieeu cou
ley Bnierod!,..J..J ...... ...
i uiuuvu iiiv teaci R.V aaiu mat ep ana
oeiore 1 7,.i, .
AottfWll AlXti ha art. miAil nvnfv mui nytuu.nt
fr8,,KTf u,,,k'rj to give close atuintion.
Ab Zep wasibe first tn speak in court
i he was given the leading opportunity
in this case. He walked out manfully,
faced the school a nd said, "schoolmates
yuu all saw how ugly I acted in school
the otner day. . Well, I want to tell
you now, I am aal lat.'ied of myself and
wish I hadu't lieen such afnoL I
waut you to forgi e me IbU) time and
I'll never do it again; Nm Never!
'And now before vou a'l I our
teacher to forgive iue for ci tu ing trou-
'le 111 the school ani alwi fc tr trying to
deceive him and p;lttke him believe I
didn't do it. im swfu , orry for I
was the cauv.. ,,f tiie whole thi'ng."
heads and aU hearts will incline first can,e " rrefdntly with a huge aim-
aii vyw wouiu oe on toe great musician
who created ' II Barhiere de Heviglia. ' "
And then we all filled onr glasses with
armagnacof the vintage of 1811 and
drank the boalth of Koaaini. The old
composer did not rise, but his face broke
oat into voluminous suiiles aa he anouk
the hand of tha author of "La JJar J
Aux Camellias,
ini, it was placed on the gronnd or
uor ui r.on and a lighted mat
touched to it T
As tha firHt fM.hla flmna rmw, fm.
Vi the smoke began to cnrl about .5
egt the horse unbent a little. He turned
; his head, took a calm survey of the sit
uation, and when tbt combustible atnlf
Puiuidelphia Ti-jg, ; hnrst into a big blare he moved forward
I about six feet, in hill poemwion of his
Foupelbui BuabMM Natar. I faculties and withont any unneoessaiy
A nomberof l)nsinessannorJ)cenleilo, haste, and stopped again,
are to be found at Pompei., that brisk I And the elegant buggy was daaaged
little city to whose daily V ie the onergy '25 worth by the Barnes before Hon
or esuvius baa lent a Kind of immor- : urrod to anybody to scatter the blazing
tality. Here we get larjfe number if ' staff.
niiacellancous iniKrir,ti0n dealing with ! And then an old colored man iu a fad
matters of daily lj, announcements of suit of secondhand clothe and a hat
forthcoming gladiatorial vnmtM avlintt. With half thA liri
of magistrates, wine sellers' attempts to spoke kindly to thsbigh spirited ani
mal, rubbed ins nose, patted hiin on tht
neck, climbed into the damaged buggy
and said, "Git along, sonny."
And the burse moved off at a brisk
trot, with head high in the air. Chi
cago Tribune.
(A.,rVUtA Mrtnmn. , . .
r rewards nn lost or
stolen property, booses for sale or to be
let and other things of that sort.
Ws learn from una nnmi.,t
j mat a giaas oi wine cuuld he got for 1 :
o tanumge while for i aasea ,
one could drink real Falernian. Another
inscription informs us that a denarius '
about til pence waa naid f..r ,.sh. I
ing a tunic aud the date, th 18th of
apni, is carefquy recorded bv tb writ
Waataal a Good Faot.
Models are an important Dart of a
culptor't seed. I doubt whether in this
particular t-e diller from our Qnek
er. Whether she waa tne laiiudresa or j predecessors, for we read of choice prta-
the owner of the tunic must U left on
When&p reached this iint becould u-'u?u. out it neemsat least Unit sht
say no the tears were t 'hasing ! 1 i. ' 01 aatkiS "p her
tac11 uer down his cheeks In rapid
TV. .
'- woreiai eucn inscriptions on
e teacher and receiv-
their eonclusiun Jhui
Coxmr's army are Sabboth ob
servers. Religious services in camp
on Sunday is a part of the regular
programme. Hiuce their mission
is to lift congress out of a hole, we
advise them to stick to their
prayers, for there is nobody on
earth that needs more praying for
than the American congress.
The democratic convention was
very largely attended and : was
thoroughly unanimous. The ticket
is very strong and will poll a large
vote. The legislative ticket will
five the g. n. p. and the p. p. some
pretty hard knocks. Lebanon re
ceived1 proper recognition in the
selection of Wallace for assessor.
P. W. '
jr xorgut i2S)m
Ooitn 7 00
Recorder's ',m a m
B. M. 0r'ud 5 00
Cruaonj, jjeuzies 8 3)
Q.h. Alexander 1 35
Elect ric Light aud Water
Con-.pany 1J 00
Tot Sale.
I will sell on easy tcrma very clieaf
loiiowinjrprotierty: '
h My residence property a good home,
new barn, and 19 acres of very best land.
with hne orchard within tlie
limits of Lebanon, Oregon.
i. A tarm, with good improvements, of
tie acres, one and ohe-half miles from Leb-
ai.uii. Finest hop latiil'lu tbe county.
ft. One bouse and house lots in J. M.
Kalstori's addition to Lebanon. (Smii house
anu aooU location.
i. Four bead of good horses Two wort
dorses and two buggy borsea. Two waii
aud usual farming implements. Ten iieaC
of cattle.
Ail in good condition. Any man a'he
wants a bargain can geigtg'roni me.
LetjanoD, .
in " a
Mtrletlr la It. '
When it enmea to aelliiifir poods Tin.
ker f strict ly in it. He carrn a Ian
j and well selected atock and has wl.-ii
! the people wuut, and thev aiwuvs fit.n
Some of the p. p. are disappointed. I ibf price to suit the times. Lull aim
They seemed to be anxious for the '' ',i,u'
"ring" to dictate the nominees, as Vure bluod BroWB leghorns, egg,
they confess the "ring" had die- ' eU'"g" w. CEAWroltD.
Uted tbtir caj4idte. TaUumo.Or.
4d told Mr. Kigdon the par-
t he event just as it ln.d hap-
'ere fure he was coguizuiit of
tllA PHUf U-l.,.n liiu tl,..,.
the ' lx"ir(l Ba" au,T orgnizl and
. plaintiff entered his plea for the
ecn-auts. He said this was tlie first
. 1 time they bad been sent out of school
in ten "year" and he was therefore
certain the teacher bad doue wrou
and ought to "pologizc" and tuke
tbeni back into school witiinut any
further trouble.
lialph was then ei-.iled upon to Mute
his defense i.ftlieau-ptnaioiis. lie did
so in such a cahr, stiuightforward
manner that even Turn fJangfnrd found
himself in that state of iniud which
made bim exclnim "tbut hoy Zeke has
lied to me!" Squire Weseuherry sat
with his mouth tightly shut and bis
eyes dilated twice their natural size.
The hoys in their very attitudes sat
self condemned and when Ralph hud
concluded bis description of their dis
graceful conduct, Mr. Itigdon said,
kindly hut firmly, "boys, do you deny
any of the chargaa your teuclier has
made against you?"
.B'ltb boys guiltily hung their heads
in silence. They were comjuered i.y
Ihe fell instrument of fearless, out
spoken truth.
He til. li said, "your silence verifies
the statements just made iu regard to
your cowardly conduct iu the school
room. And since it has become my
duty to decide this case, I will make
your puuishment as easy as possible.
"You have forfeited your privileges
in school by premeditated deordcrly
conduut. Mow, before vou eon be re
instated and granted the enjoyment of
your fiiriner freedom as scholars, you
must go before the school and publicly
succcjoion and his feelings wcve'eo
,uw use that a few mure words w.iuld
'".ve brought the sovereign relief for
grief or pain cryitig.
As Zep bu.k iiia seat, the teache r
uuiftly nodded to Zeke who came tor
ward and said, "I ton huve been a very
bad boy In school, but I'm Juntas sorry
as I can la? nud I want you ail to fur-
give me, the teacher too boo boo!
Zeke'a feelings were touched by what
Zep had said and he unuld not express
the same wall of this nnrtirnlnr l.r,,,
all dated-the 2(h of April, a tnuio
and pallium) on the 7th of May. an ar
ticle which need not be particularized,
while on the day following two tunics
are acmed Macmillun't Magazine.
Dlsnas tad Platters of Cold.
outs, nich as peacocks, given by Phidias
to nil models, snowing how ranch be
valued them, presumably because it was
difficult tbeb as now to get good ones.
To be a model is a business of itself,
and when we remember the number of
art schools tuere are, even in London
alone, and the many artiste who are en
tirely dependent upon them, it may bt
realized what a large body they must be.
The men are mostly Italians, chiefly,
I am told, from the neiirhhorhnnd of
Naples, The women are, as a rule, Eng
lish and have often sat from babies. To-
chambart and is saido represent a caah
value of faO,000,UOO. Anions- it ia tl,
his tbougbla in words as easily us Zep 1 olden table service made for Ueorge VI,
oould so when be came to the floor bis , r. . ,ur J" UB"" ana contain-
-,ech was cut abort by feelings o. I J?E t
reinorae and shame overcoming his ; ThprB aM m !
self-ciittol and he gave vent to grief; 1, belonged to juu Elizalieth, besides
by ending his coufes ion in the aianner i splendid solid gold vessels from India
just described. Siam and China. The pride of tha col.
A short period of silence elapsing, the lection is a teacup once owned by
teacher said, "acholars, I think vou ' "sxlas Ail and a gold peacock made
will all agree with me when I say we 1 5?r J00" a cost of 40, 000.
are all happy indeed to have thotie ' u "pu"'""
ofournumlwr, who have just confessed A Diflouit TtL
the wrong they did a few days ago, A member of a Houston volunteer fire
take their places among ua once more ! company did not appear at the scene of
with a firm determination to do right, j tue conflagration until after the fire was
and i also wish to know how many nf uuuw control, unecfiief of the firede-
vw ictoris s wondertui set of ta-1 and a well formed foot is almost as im
We furnitnreis kept in two fireproof j possibility among the best of them, ow-
you will promise, with me, to assist Zep
aud Z-ke by ull honorable means iu
their work with us?"
A unanimous vole of raised hands
was the prompt tcsiioiim!.
Thisaution on the part ef scholars ! nearer to the next fire." Taxaa Hi st
and teacher gave the boys new courage I 1b8".
aud tbey went to Work in good earnest
and so harmoniously did all labor tliut 1
had a stranger entered the room a few
partinent roproacbed bim bitterly for hit
neglect of duty.
"It's not my fault," replied the fire
man. "I lirequite a distance from the
That a no excuse. Yon must mom
Very DrllcaLe.
days later be would never have sus
pected that there was satauic villainy
enough in the whole school to disturb
tbe tranouilitv of t.h i,
that worked so faithfully and studious- i ?he nt br messenger boy.
Iv In the ..r f Wa9l"toi Star.
"No. ."
"Bo you proposed to .Miss Jinglebilt?"
"And she refused you?"
"Perhaps It was a hasty answer?"
"ifo. ybe took care that it ahunldnt
i g to tbe long cramping iu boots, but a
irieau once told me that be had a oast
of the loot of an Indian woman that
was as beautiful as the foot of a Greek
Onr English models lack often the
suppleness of figure that distinguishes .
mure aouthorn races, such as the Italian,
which is nartlv aeenuniut r,, n t
hoavy, cumbersome clothes our cliuiatt, (
naceasitatea. But such at they are w' I 1
have to make tbe best of them, and ; )
really good one ia eagerly sought afte. "
Wood Words. '
Tb 'nmb of CaJiL
The early traditions conceinina. tlw :
city of Damascus are curionaand inter
eating, even though untrustworthy and
contradictory. By some of the
j writers it was maintained that the city
"""" o" or near wo site or tbe gardeui
of Eden, and jnst outside there is a:
beautiful meadow of red earth from
which, it is said, Ood took the material
from which be created Adam. Tola
field is called Agar Damascenus, and
near its center there formerry stood a
pillar which was said to n,.rV r t,.
else spot where our first parent was cre
ated. A few miles out there is an emi
nence called the Mountain of A Iwl . .
posed by some to be the nl k...
first two brothers offered their aacrf.. :
ficai, also the spot where the first inur.
der was eommitted. The moat interest
ing spot pointed out, however, ia about
three leagnes from the city, where an.
It ia seldom that a .k;.i. u ! iI ruin is shown which all th.
Zep W'eseiilajrry and Zeke Bangford grown more than 4,000 years before the I J1',6 tobeUl tomb of Cain. The,
are both diligent young farmers now, - Christian era it used in the construction ;tr1'tio,, resjierting this famous spot:
with hemes of their oivn and are of " P"ont day residence, and yet this - ffe nown to n twi"te Christian era.
biglily respected by the community in "f11 iPI,(,n!d "Uj Edinburgh, j J" i,uudl Up to the-
which thev live. f.,r their hnn- ...,i vaw.e "l"11'"1 fashioned from i ""1.. ' T""1 lu "! '"tenor of the
niwl A V. a r.nn . -.
rectitude in all things, vet they never I " mia-
T'p ,"ld ,U K" "'e! The old fashion of using the oandied
grit" of Ralph Lewiston we would petals of the orange blossom in tea
never have been the happy men we teems to be almost foraottun. If a h,
are to-day." of the candied petals be put into tbe tea
Cvkus Blackbi;bn. ' oe,ore it is steeped, tbey give it a flavor
Tue End. - ' "oticeably peculiar, bus once estceaitd
' very fine.
A severe rheumatic pain in the left
shoulder bad troubled Mr. J. H. Loper,
well knowu druggist of Den Moines,
At times
cnfes. that. v., . luwa, lur over ! mnuws.
..... I thp nliin U'ua uit caniiavax H...t U ..i.i
wickedly disobeyed your teacher and 1" , ' " " .:, '""',,
.pi,- i.ii ,,.,,.. r. 'Miunu ue could
Tommy beard his mother call an in
tact that was flying around them ths
darning needle. The next day hs said,
"Mamma, were those funny things we
taw yesterday safoly pine?"
liaturbed tlie school
loleiunly promise to be kind, studious
Tbe title mayor comes from the. If runnh
do he could not get rid of it until be and originally signified "one who keeps
tomb is said to have boon lighted and
warmed by one of the "ever burning"
lamps so commonly mA 1)y tn8 .
dents. St, Louis Kepuhlic.
A Kaw Kind f Ijuiu-juuMh
AgentAh, good morninir. Mr. T.n-
ed-to-death. I've called to see you
about insuring you in my eurapany, I
Mr. Talkod-to-death-Oli, go awayt
I don t want any insurance, r -i
ready "
TbisSLi"' 3,00 l0I',t ond"'.
"Ko, I tell vou! I 'v.. i.. ; ,.
taiicAii : - . -rMnj-
. ...
and sW-ent nu.,!i. .... i ir ' . ",PPea UtiamuerlaiD't Pam Balm. "I p""- oo was me bund steward of a "Aha, bow wo'rn i. ,
,r . - o
iimnm" " f
..leng.iiaoioineni. ' , -,.. B f ,,
"Ou these conditio,. ,.,! ,i ! " nave " Ire -7 .
incuii return to your nlacM. nrouin.-ri I a" Pain." H now recommends it to
1 A.-.d! is vonr ertninnnv?1'
iiitt IDCrsOUSaimlUirlV amiotad. It la ft n.nrh mnM I ' WUV. It insnraa vnn 1.,i.ina U.
Kalnl. a.ld h. m.f.t . .. I ..... - i , ." ' " ..Z" """ "WW la... , A.,'r: XT. ,
. -- - trwHtw um uhmh Mua pir nr , mwmit VMSHEun, imvmwnm j...---I . '
Statistics show that mild winters
J- :Wl to death by iututuM tW&i