c J" ' 0 , A NO. 6. VOL VIII. LEBANON, OREGON, APRIL 6,1894 M I - , ,. . ...... TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. jm jear.,.; ' (If ptkl ioxivinM.il to per ye.-.) ..BOO . IN .. 90 . 06 ni nMiniiu....H.M.. rare months.,,,,.. Wiivuj oople..... STATE OFFICERS. J. H. Dob, , ,. , .......jBenatort John H. MitchelM Dinger Hermann Oongreiiman BvlWMHer Peimoyer, - Governor (Jenrge W. McBridr Secretary of State rhil Metwhaii, Treasurer K. R. McRlr'oy, Snjrt. Public Inrtrnoiion Frank f, linker, Bute Printer It. 8. 81 nhii , , , . Win. r. Lord, -Supreme 3ai& K. 8. ltaan, i COl-NT Y OFFICERS. , Judge,. .......J. N. Duncan ' Clerk . N. P. Payne Recorder,....,.:... E. E. Devil Tfesherilf, C Jwkwn chool Superintendent G- H. WilkM Seaiurer Brlce Wallace Jmm ''....-.r. W. F. Deekini ' Surveyor,...: .....E. T. T. Flitaer Coroner - F- Ytmi Wm. Rnronaugb , Commiwonera, jJoBn pugh CITY OFFICIALS, . MAYOR ..C.B.MONTAGCE. rtBCOKDEU F. M. MIIXER. CITY ATTOKNEY......S. M. OAKLAND. TKEASCKER J.F.HYDE. JIARBUAL. P- W. MORGAN. (ED. KKLLKSBEItUEK, J. 0. HEKD, I T (' COTTON. UOUNCILMES WdKKWS. S. H. MYKlttj. W.Rlt'E. Olty CouiHiU meets on tlie Unit and third Tuesday evening of each month. Sort aocletlse. . AtBANOK V006H. SO. 47, 1. 0. 0. T.-UeeU every Saturday evening at Odd FeUowi Ball, at clock p. . ,.W.MENZ,E,1!.0. g. at. GARLAND. Sect'r. PEABLEEhKOCA LODGE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. P. Haeniat 1. 0. 0. F Haw Dm ana luira nmwr lay evening of each montb. , MK8. G. W. CBU80N, N. G. " MI8B HATT1E 8IMf80N, Seot'y. ti Lmw,Ko,44 A. F. A. fc.-Mwtl eatunlay evening, oa or before the full moon In cbnw.tb, i.K.Hliuuca,V7.M, t. U. Hiuu, see. Honor LolMl, No. B, A. 0, 0. W.-Meett every Tnmlar evening at G. A. K. Hall. C.A. Zak,H.W. JL T. KtssPATalcs. Bee u,i. r.Mr Mo. u. mv ofOaiuo , .v.. lnU.A. H.HaU. Lebanon, Or. eveitr Baturdar evening, eicent the third " .,..''.lrMjh miMith. meettua the third Fri- jar lnuead. All brother! of the Boas of - erau and comMdwof G. A. B. are cordially w . ' . ... j . . wiu. uir umii. ' 4 UTiWU W JUCVt I. 0. Cas, Capt. V - A. TixKir, rim 8- 'jr PROFESIONAL. 8AML. M. OAR-AND, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, LEBANON. OKE00N. John M. Somers, -Attorney-at-Law,- WiU practioe In all the oourte of the itate. ' LEBANON. OREGON. A. r. ST0WE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Onlleetloni given prompt and jeareful nllon , wiu practice Inallthecournoftheilate. ornct ik coiiaTxaVi eaiat. , Lebanon, Obeoom. , Weatlierford I Cbamberlaln, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY. OKEGON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEGON J. S. WYATT, Attorney- at - Law ALBANY, OREGON. , Be Bure and OaN on HOPKINS BROS., -OF- . Albany, Oregon, FOB ' HeatingStoYes, CookStos, &c, BEST GOODS. J0 " ; ' ' , East and South VIA ' ' ' THE SHASTA RODTE . OF THE Southern Pacific Co. ExpreM trains leave Portland daily: 8:15 r. . : l,v...I'ortland...Ar. 8:A. -.a a. . 7Ke. M. 10:23 r. . Lv...Alhany.. ..Ar. 10:15 A. I Ar.8an FrancieroLv The above traina atoti at all Itatloiia from mrVIBIKI 11 J1IUBII 1II1;IUBI11I,BIV an.'K. Shedd, Haliey, Harrinburg, Junction City, Irvine, Eugene and all stations from Rose burg to AsWand inclusive, i' Roeeburg mall daily: 8:30 a. H. I Lv...Portlaiid ...Ar. 4:20 r. M. 12:30 P. M. 7:00 a.. 12:i6r. h, Lv...All)any.j....Ar. 6:50 H. . I Ar...Kosetnrg..LV. lyical Tiaasencer trains daily (except DUlHiay. T:20 P. H. j Lv...Albany Ar. j 10:21 A. u Mr. M. Ar...llianon..MLv. 0:30 A.M. 6:10 a. m 9:00 a. M Lv... Albany Ar. Ar...Lctiaiion ...Lv. 3:25 p.m. J:39p.M. Dining Carton Ogden Route. , Pullman Bitfet Sleepebs , , AND Seoond-CUss Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Traiiis. West Bide Division. ' Bmvrrs Poktund akd CoavALUa. Mail train-daily (exoeiit Sunday): 7:50 . M. I Lv.Portland...Ar. I 6:35 A. . 12:15 F. . Ar...Ciirvallie..Lv. I 1:00p.m. At Albanv and Cnrvallii connect with trains of Oregon Pacafic railroad. Exprem train daily (except Snnday): 4:40 p. m. i m ...roniana ...Ar. sva a. m. 7:35 p. M. I Ar.McMinnville Lv I 6:50 a. . THROUGH TICKETS 1!! ada and Euro can be obtained at lowest races from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon. R. KOJSHLEK, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. G. F. tt Paal. Agt. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Main and ghcrman Btreeu, BDD THCMPSOH, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com mercial uieu. Board and Lodeing, per day, fl to $2; per week 14.60 to 6 BARBER SHOP BeatBhaved, Hair Cut or Shampoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. . Elegant Baths. Children Kindty Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. Lebanon Meat Market, Ed Kellenberger, Propr. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo logna, and Ham, ajTBacon and Lard Always on Hand, tiala Btrwrt, LsataWi Or, Miscellaneous Items (Culled from our exchangee.) The populists claim they will poll 1800 votes in Linn county this year. A hog with a face closely resembling that of a human being is owned by a Colquitt, Ga., farmer. ' The Western Washington State Convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held this year in Chehalis in Juno. Ex-City Treasurer Adolpg Krng. of Seattle, convicted of embezzle ment, has been sentenced to seven years at heard labor. Richard Nelson, Treasurer of the Longshoreman's Union at Portland has absconded with 41,100 of the union's money. The gold product of Western Australia last year was double that of the previous twelve months. The prospects for the present year are most promising. Iowa's new liquor law provides that saloons Bhall have but one entrance, and that must open upon the principal street on which the saloon is located, a The expenses of funerals, especially as it concerns the poorer classes is the subject of investiga tion in New York by those inter ested in social problems.. It is said that the French Anar chists, Vaillant, Henry and Pauwel all had insurances on their lives, payable to the Anarchist Propa ganda in London. The blue uniforms of Austrian Army are to be abolished and a sober gray substituted. This is the decision of a committee of experts appointed to investigate and settle tho question of the best color for soldier 8 clothes. A strange disease is affecting the cattle in Osage county, Kansas. The disease starts in the hoof of the animal, creating irritation. The entire leg soon becomes affec ted. The animal grows frantic, gnawing at the part continually, and death results in a few days. The New York Board of Health is making a practical fight against the spread of the tubercular disease. Acting on the belief that consump tion is a preventive disease, in structions have been issued and printed in English, German, Ital ian and Hebrew, giving clear direc tions for proper care and precau tion. 1 The Pendleton Tribune says: It ib estimated that by next batur nay night nearly 150,000 will have been paid for taxes at the sheritfs office. Taxes will become delin- ?Uent after that date. The receipts or this week are expected to reach $35,000. Total amount to be col lected for all purposes is $213,005. The trustees of the Oregon Sol diers' Home have awarded the fol lowing contracts for furnishing the new home at Roseburg: For fur nishing blankets to the Albany Woolen Mills Co.; for mattresses, the Pacific Mattress Co., of Albany, for chairs and bedsteads, the Lee Brown Manufacturing Co., of Stay ton. This speaks volumes for Al bany's manufacturing industries. According to the statement of a leading populistthere are in Ta come and Seattle over 1500 mem bers of the industrial army. Some time ago a man representing him self as an organizer of this order was in that city and gained a large number of recruits. One man who claims he is a member says instruc tions have been received from headquarters that will start a con tingent from the sound cities towards Washington very shortly. The route taken will be over the Northern Pacific and Great North ern railways, Awarded Highest m ' The onlj Pun. Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aqiraonia, No A;um. U(d ta MUliotM of HoBiei 40 Yetui tlta Steutk.i C. H. Enig, a carpet weaver of Hamilton, Ohio, sold a dozen eggs to the family df J. P. Bergin. Upon breaking the shell of one, the eye end of a broken needle to which was attached a piece of thread dropped out with the yolk. The S. P. R. R. have agreed to issue tickets to persons attending the Prohibition Convention at Salem, April 4th for one and one third fare. Pay full faregoingand get ticket for one-third fare return ing. All prohibitionists are invited to attend as delegates. Bradstreet'b review of the state of trade pronounces the outlook very cheering, Consumption is stimulated in nil staple lines. In the New England, and middle states, where general trade was reported barely steady, there are reports of increased sales, and some drygoods houses are working nights in Chicago, to keep up with orders. The Scio Press says: . The popu list( ?) who made the loan a week or twq ago of $100, taking a note bearing interest, due a year hence, of $150 for it, should justly forfeit the whole amount to the school fund. A man who will take ad vantage of other people's necessities has a soul so Bmall that if it were placed in the hull of a mustard seed, would have as much room, in comparison, as would a tadpole in Lake Superior. A dispatch to the Salem Jour nal from Corvallis reads: It is rumored that Mrs. Kenyon, Dr. Applewhite's paramour in the al leged adultery case to come up when court convenes, has made a long affidavit, telling the whole story frombeginningtoend. Herbonds men say they will surrender the prisoner and withdraw boil. Dr. Applewhite is the treasurer of the State Agricultural College and a dromincnt man. , THE POPULI9T. Comfiosed by PFTEa La Foroe. OPopulist! OFopuiist! They say you have gone wild, 8o, when you argue politics Just give it to iw mild. For there are thinirs agoing on here I do not think are fair, For the goldfougs have the money And Cleveland's got the chair. O Farmers! O Farmers I Hard times now have come And if you're not very careful Then you will lose your home. You be a little careful Look out now what you're about, For if you do not pay your taxes, The sherifl will sell you out. For there are things agoing on heie I do not think are fair, For the eoldbugs have the money And Cleveland's got the chair. You can see the women running The street, with a house full of Children, and nothing to eat, Nothing to eat nothing to wear. For the gold bugs have the money And Cleveland's got the chair. You see them running around Gathering up old hags For they are going to make money And make it out of rags. They had better get good strong ones So tiiey will not tear, for they may Have to put on gunny sacks to wear. Hard limes now have come, As you may suppose Alen, women and children Are ail out of clothes Nothing to eat nothing to wear, For toe Goldbugs have the money And Cleveland's got the chair. You will see the preachers running around, Hunting up their church members, And not one to be found. They will go to the sisters Of Are you hurt? And what is the reason That you do not come to church ? 0 this is the reason, It is this, dear brother, 1 haven't any clothes. Oh you must come sister, Now don't say you cant, For Cleveland has a patch On the seat of his pants. Bach is not selling his clothing at cost, but still you can get a better suit therefor less money than anywhere Sewing Machines SSt: fi years. For further Information call on or write to E. U. Will's music store, Albany, Or. Honors World's Fair, Baking Powder: Bold llurglan. Sunday morning about fifteen tramps were dumped oil' the overland at this olty and then spicud Iheiuselvos out over the city after whatever they could capture. In the forenoon during the abaeuceof the fumilic at church a couple men entered the residence of Robert Conn on 6th street and etole about $8 in cash and two koUI rings belonging to lira. MoChesney. The residence of County Recorder E. E. Davis, which is near Mr. Conn's, was also entered. Dinner had been set already for the fumlly on their return from church. This the men took in ternally besides 6o cents In money. In the evening the residence of Mrs. Dana BurmeBter, opposite the U. P, churcb, was entered during the- eveu ng services. Beds were overturned the contents of drawersemptied on the floor, and $13 dollars secured, but other things were left. In each case the bur glare were after money straight. .Chief of Police Lee during the day searched a large number of strangers and grad ually drove the tramp clement from the city after a chase lasting until 11 o'clock' at night. Our citizens gener ally should be careful to keep their windows us well as doors fastened. The large number of trumpsnnw trav eling through the country calls for extra precautions. Democrat. A Surprise Party, ; A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Guy at their home last Saturday night under the manage ment of Mrs. Parker. The guests numbered a round dozen beside the younger ones, all of whose names are not known to the writer. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bilyeu and daughter, Daisy; Mr. and Mrs Bud Thompson, Minnie and Ebert; Rev. and Mi's. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Zaliu Parrish and children, Rev. C. R. Lamar, Mrs. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson and the Messrs. Han sard. It was a genuine surprise to Mr. aud Mrs. Guy. Mrs. Parker wentover early in the evening tc keep Mrs. Guy at home while the guests were collect ing, and Mrs. Guy said Mn. Parker was never known to keep a secret be fore. A splendid social time wns had until 10 0,'clock and then came the grandest part of the evening, which was enjoyed hy all, aud especially the two Revs. It was said the cnue of Rev. Turner's thin appearance was that he ate so much it made him poor to carry It. One op the Guests. 'A. B. Owen, of 4Roscburg, made a curious discovery the other day In an oak tree which proved to be a Bmall leather pouch which had evidently been placed there a long time ago and was almost concealed by a new growth about it. Within this pouch there arc several stock certificates in the "Thir ty-one Union Gold, Silver and Gold Mining Co,," an incorporation owning property in the Gurden Bar district in Placer county, California. This stock aggregated 140 shares of $100 each, tho capital stock of the company being $620,000 and were Issued to J. A. Manter on Nov. 8, 1863 over thirty years ago. Each certificate has at tached to it a 25-eent revenue stamp. The questioti Is, who placed the papers in the tree, and when, and for what purpose? , A delicate and successful surgical operation was performed on the person of Mr. C. J. Hurduian, residing a few miles from Albany, Thursday of last week by Drs. Mastou & i)avis. The operation consisted in opening the abdominal cavity and removing adhes ions that had formed between the omentum and intestines aud removing a portion of the omentum and strnlgh tening the liuesliuea that hud been bound down by adhesions and become knotted. The operation has proven to be entirely successful as Mr. Hurdman is taking nourishment and feeling quite well on this the ninth day Bfter the operation. Ho much for modern surgery. Democrat. Notloe of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between C, K. Pugh and 8. 0. Wallace, under tho llrm name of Pugh & Wallace, is hereby dissolved by mutual agreement, 8. O. Wallace retiring, C. E. Pugh retaining the entire business. Afl accounts due suid firm are pnyahle to said C. . Pugh, he becoming responsible also for the indebtedness of said firm. . Done at the otlice of C. PughlA-banon, Or., Feb. 24th, 1894. C. 10. Pccih, 8. O. Wallace. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Pugh & Wallace will please call and settle same at once, and oblige, C.IC. Puoh. Nw goods at Read, tmmk 4k Co'l. A man In a neighboring town says that when he meets a hog now In tho road he feels like taking off his hat til It. Because, he says, the American hog Is the salvation of this country. When everything else fails, when wheat is low, aud horses won't sell, when the farmer is at his wit's end l know where to got the money to pay his taxes and Interest, the hog cornea to his resque und helps htm out. Long live' the American hog. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer. A practice common at country post- offices, Is for person who have locki il boxes to try their keys in other person's boxes to see if it will flt.or if the box . is locked, very few know that they lay themselves liable to prosecution and flue. This act Is a violation of "Undo Sam's" postal law, and Is puuishablo as such. A case occurred recently where valuable mail was taken from a box in the postofflce by unknown parties. A youtig man was arrester! for the theft, and although the crium could not be proven, it was shown that he was in the habit of opening boxes without permission and he was fined $300 and given one year In the peniten tiary. ' Administrator! Xoticc. Notice is hereby given that 1 have dnl.v filed my final account in the matter of thn estate of Peter Welt, deceased, hi thecounty court of Linn county, Oregon, "d that said court lias set Monday the 7th day of liny 1894, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said lay as the time for hearing all objections Ui . said final account and the settlement oi tho same; therefore all persons having any interest in said estate or having any objec tions Jo said final account are hereby noti fied and required to-appear at said time and have such objections heard and settled by the court. - Dated this 8th day of April, 1894. A. J, Wext. W. K. BiLYixv Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. United States Land Notice- Oregon City, Oregon, 1 March 31, 1S04. I Notice Is hereby given that the ap proved plat of the Survey "of township - 10 South, range 7xeast, has been re ceived from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on May 15, 1894, at 9 o'clock A, M. of said day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry ou and after said date. , Robert A. Miller, Peter Paco.ukt, Register. Receiver. Naw Feed' Store. Notice reduction on flour and feed at tho New Feed Store, one' door sor.tb of Cruson & Meiuics'. Good Champion Mill Klonr, Ml els. ijr sack, cash. Best .. ... go Uriin tto " per hundred. Shorts - 70 " ' All delivered free to auy part of the city. Your patronage earnestly so licited. G. W. Aldrich. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every veck. Wheat-afio. Outs 24o Hay $9 per ton. Flour $0 50.75 per sack. Chop $1 00 per cwt. Bran 75c per cwt. Middliugs $1 00 per owt. Potatoes 35c. Apples Dried, 6c per lb' Plums Dried, 5c. Onlous 2c. Bee.' Dressed, 6c. Veal-45c. Pork Dressed, 5. - .,, Lard-14. Hums 12j per lb. Shoulders 10c. Sides 11c per lb. Geese $7 per doz. Ducks $4 00 per doz. Chickens $2 753 00. Turkeys 100 per lb. Eggs 8c nor doz, ' .. Butter 20c per lb. Hides Green, le; dry, 2o. The first shipment of spring goods has arrived at Read, Peacock & Oo's. J. E. Adcox, agent for the Albany steam1 laundry, Bends washings down on Tuesdays only. A line of liolh cotton and woolen dress goods have just arrived at Read, Peacock & Co's. Something new. The regular subscription price of the Express is $1.50 it year, and the regu lar subscription price of the Weekly Oregonlan is $1.50. Any one subscrib ing for the Express and paying cue year in advance, can get both the F.x press and the Weekly Oregonlan one year for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their subscriptteni for one year in advance will ba eutltled to tutsani otter. v i y- I