The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 23, 1894, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
iiojriL Errosmos DKMRTiUKr
fnaarj areolar Lettar-Ho. B.I
Tbe second mouth of iho California
iUdwinter International Exposition it
fwdiiing very expectation. The at
tendance has boon increasing at rate
toch warrants' the assertion that the
total attendance during the exposition
will exceed the estimate made bv tbe
most sanguine of its projectors. There
it no longer any doubt but that the en
terprise will be a paring one. The best
evidence of this lies in the feet that ap
plication! for concessions continue to
oome in, and concessionaire already on
- the grounds are enlarging their build
inga and developing their entertainmenta
te meet the patronage they expect to re-
ITT Crll I7 " .
T" " "
the price of admurion to 25 cam has
ceased. The exposition imuiagemont
apokemnouncS toneThXar of
keeping the price at M cuts, and pre-
aent mconvertibl. reasons for tai-
lag their ground. The result that
people who were waiting for the re-
derate, are no W hesitating to
Tiatt the fair, and the ooncesaionairea
are perfecting their plans on the Jfrceut
baml In other words the preliminary
oanteris over and the exjlosition ha.
settled down to the regular Vonniag.
Fetedavs are makhis a ratislactorv
impreesion. Vermont Day's success
was duplicated in Michigan Day. which
was celebrated on Monday, Alarch 12.
in this instance Blue Monday became
one of the Red Letter days of the expo
sition, and the gate receipts were very
satisfactory. The number of railroad
coupons presented at the admission
gates is daily on the increase. The rail
road war it proving a gotLend to the
exposition. Excursion parties, formed
weeks ago in different partBof the Eaut,
find their numbers doubled before the
the day of starting comes, and the re
sult is that more people are going to see
California during the period of this
great Midwinter Exposition than have
Tished the Pacific Coast in many years
that have gone by. Thoae who are here
now are sending bock glowing accounts
of their experiences, and the cood seed
eown by those who have been here and
have pine home again is bearing fruit
more than a hundredfold. The effect of
this irflnx of Eastern visitors is Defin
ing to be felt throughout the entire
ctnto. Real estate agena report large
investments m ranch and orchard prop
erty. Special county exhibits are also
having excellent effect, and there is not
a county exhibit at cue exposition today
that has not found it advij.-.bU.' to estab
lish a local bourn boreen hi connection
vith its display.
The next grcr.t fete day of the exposi
tion is to take p!ace on March lu It is
to be St Patrii-k'8 Day in the mornins,
nftsraoonaud evening. Thsre is reason
to bt Jeve that the crowd inside the ex
position grounds on that occasion will
surpass anything since the opening day.
Excursion trains ore to be run all over
the state. There are to be literary and
musical exercises on the grand stand in
the afternoon, and s grand display of
Pain's fireworks in the evening. Special
devices in pyrotechnics have bees pre
pared, and everything about the expo
sition will have the bt Patrick's Day
flavor. The Irish element will be
catered to in all the concessions, in tho
41) Mining Camp the Irish flag is to be ,
hoisted on the top of the panoramic
31. .uut Shasta, the camp dogs are to be j
painted green, and the dancing girls ,
wi bo supposed to wear green garters, j
It is needless tosay that the day will be
a lively one from start to finish, and ar-1
rangemente have been made so that the I
electric lights mav burn laterthan nsnal'l
Toe '49 Alining Camp, by the way, j If you will sit down and figure on tbe
continues to advertise itself in a striking ; subject a little while, you will express
manner, though its last advertisement i less wonder when you hear of how the
was entirely unintentional and came I next "head end collision'' smashed things
near proving very disastrous. It is the ' up. A train running 73 miles an hour
custom of the camp to send its old '49 : moves along at the rate of 110 feet per
stage coach around the grounds several second and exerts an energy equal to 400
times a day loaded inside and out with ' tans. In other words, the energy exert
the employes of the camp, including the I ed h nearly twice as great as that shown
dancing girls and their partners in the by a 2.000 pound shot fired from a 100
fandango. On Saturday evening last ton Armstrong gun! Be. Louis Globe
tlie driver of the coach was a little care-; Democrat,
less in going around a turn on the hill- i t 7" " "
.tu. . .v. I TVh.r. told Soap. Ar. Kara.
stage coach was overturned. There i
were nine girls inside the coach and 10
men an top. These were hurled to the
ground and jumbled into a helpless
mass. Seven out of the party were
badly hurt, and the emergency hospital
of the exposition had its hands more
than full taking care of the injured.
. .
uauiy uiai tnej uau mj w Sllicnea, and
two of the men were injured intirnallv.
rrf serious andlfl the ZT
provea senoas, ana an tne patients are
progressing satisfactorflr toward -
covery. Meanwhile substitotes have
been put on for the injured, and the
pecnUar features of the camp are illus-
trated without cessation. The fact that
one or two of the mole dancers do tbeir i
part on crutches does not detract from '
the show, and may be accepted as a par-
donable advertisement.
i One of the devices which are under
ljuciaiy, nowever, none oi toe injuries
:Wun.uu..uuu ,w f ui uraw-
iWamna.kik.M.i. .
Between a mg gnaiy and one of Boone'a
Sufaian lions. The recent action of the
tcmin rireaaTngthrOTeUacaCTDartirion
and killing a little brown bear has sag-
gested the contest referred to. There is
a big grizzly in the '4v Camp now, the
only one in captivity, and arrangements !
are on foot looking toward the nittine
in una u:g unnes m on improvised
arena around which 100.0W pJbI- a-
be gathered. Such a conteat has never
laaen puice ui ine niSKiry ot tne werld, m,t , . ,
and the sporting element are eu2 , nneh cafl dryacounag
ingly amiuus to tec it c-jiiie off. - bat. rubbu a bare floor with dry
imve ut!(:miiiflsit'Hl vou iti . (lie
pnKi ami trill ilo w, in tlie future, by f
:!. 1 1; you hurdu'uiY at reduei d prices
fufOttn only. Obumjx 4 Jtozua.
About the treniher J
Foreasifr lis. ynu'H .ltiu,
Tonuittff your to wealhar
Than wvntiiw to your miitd.
DoqH oomjilaia '
About utt seraion
And show your Mick of wit,
For. like a boot, a sermott hurts
BooH complain
About your neighbor.
For in your neighbor'. view
Hl. wipbbol" is uc.t fauiUMfr
Tbat neisbbor beutg you.
Faahloua of the Alnna.
A description of the clothing worn I
In cold weather by the hairv Aiuus, those
strange little inhabitants of farther St- I
berui and a part of Japan, is as follows.
The only material of which they er or
hare a complete tuit ifl fislmkin. Snr,n a
suit is touietiniea elaborately tn-oogh
coarsely embroidered. The resem'jhuice
between this embroidery and the t of the
North American Indians is rem arkable.
How the fishskin is prepared is still a i
.. u tTIiZTu
V01 me' .,onh fKt? !
! yer- "? Pitythan
i P0"""8' f
f TJu ?dT?J '
1 " ga"aaUy forms the luung of the .
j 2el. , , , . ,
,e cothia te gl
l,8e' FormhT . eepetnally
I ?L t f J T. 80 , w '
! " ot nffenata b
! iL. For TJ"Tl?
.j ctottong mnch lite that of the
P08 mi to.Kamchatdalea. The
, L T n0t Tf
i ,t8,sb8'w 88 11001 the Tlme,y rf
In one of these Joseph's coat dresses '
were mixed patches of sable, bear, deer 1
j and foxskins, including the tails, in hap
hazard fragments, while behind and he-1
fore there was underneath all these a I
large piece of birch bark. The bark, I :
T ; ,?laen:i
shott from poisoned arrows which the ;evcry 15 V0,e9 tt"d one for frac
Ainus use more in winter than in stun- it,on owr unHlf theiwif cast for
mar in their hunting excursions. i Eiugef Hermann ut the June election
Youth'B Companion. ! 1S02. The committee recommend that
A la-al Piualar.
Curious comments by a jndge, even in
the presence of the prisoner, though ex
tremely rare, are not unprecedented.
Mr. Justice Manle once addressed a nhe-
nomenon of innocence in a smock frock
in the following words: "Prisoner at the
bar, your counsel thinks you innocent; j The county convention of tbe deuto
the counsel for the prosecution thinks eratic party of Linn county, Oregon,
you innocent; I think you innocent. But j will be held at the court houw in
a jury ofyonrown countrymen, in the ; Albany, on Wednesday, April 4tb,
exercise of such common sense as they jiurj , k, 'i.u . , ,.,;,.,
! possess, which does not seem to be much,
have fonnd von guilty, and it remains
that I shaU oast nnon von the sentence
cf the law. That sentence is that von be 1
kept in imprisonment for one day, and
as that day was yesterday you may now
go about your business.''
The unfortunate rustic, rather scared,
went about his business, but thought
law was an uncommonly puzzling busi
ness. London Tit-Bits.
binappoariut Fram Spain. J
jsaiurausis noncea uie gradual
disappearance from Spain daring the
last naif century of certain mammalian
fauna which have long been familiar to
the Iterian peninsula. The porcupine,
which was common in Andaltigja and
Estranuulura 50 years ago, has now en
tirely disappeared from those regions. It
is still to be found in Algeria and Mo
rocco, and the ichneumon, or meloncillo,
which was once so verv common and
was the creat favorite of all SnanianU
before the introduction of tbe domestic
cat, is now extremely rare. The Earbary !
ape, too, which is now only to be fonnd
in Gibraltar, where it is maintained t
with the greatest difficulty, was once i
very common in Spain. London Globe.
Trala ami Cannon Ball ComiNuwd. '
v henever a cld stap visits Port My.
era, far down in subtropical Florida, tbe !
inhabitants, who have no method of heat-:
: ing their houses, comeout into the street i
: and keep warm by sitting around great
nres of wooiL ine cold snaps are rare,
but when they come everybody, even the
uie ij'ja 1. 1 ii u viniMjr. u miyrvuzaiT nn- ;
iYilTifiirfikttlf and rtrai-irfi-illra tntk fan nnJ !
thin mrment. 5
T , n
kIT J - F! Dlr
Jiewton wore as a set m his finger ring
is said to have been capable of raising
748 grains, or about 2M times its own
weightof 3graina,andtohavebeen mnch
admired in consequence of its phenom-
eual power. ,
A poor chance well used is better than
a good chance poorly used. Service, not
size of opportunity, is the thing which
"ill eater into your final reward. Many
A magnet which the great Sir Isaac
m umw ut tusiug inn uiipuriuuitv oy lazily
u,ni-r. .....
iuu uu m.(v we .
The popnlation of what is known tech- i
nitally as tbe "city" of London reaches;
201,384 by day, bat drops to ST.blKl at i
nirbt. Tbe population of "greater" Lon-1
&m S,IVdS,bo6. j
The t,r0 hignest inhabited spots on j
. " a7 aiucupaia, .
mining camps in the Andes. The former i
88 an etevalan of l'."50 feet
brashes is far more effective than might
be imagined.
Qnicitsilver was first discovered with-
In the limiiaof tlie United State in Cel.
If orcit in leSO,
Call for Keunhlf Onavaatloa.
;A . leputilieau , convention for the
comity or Linn, state of Oregon, la
called to meet '.n the city of Albany,
Oregon, on T lursday, the 6th day of
April, 14, t ,t 10 o'clonk A. a. of 'said
day, hir tlte the purpiiee of nominating
candidal! for the various county
office H' ,d tu elect delegates to the
state wn.iveiitlon, and to transact sttr-h
other r ustness as utay pro'ierly cimtej
loeinf the convention. The couveii-
lion will consist ofl36delei;ates, obilsen.
, by the several precincts as follows:
Albany i2
Cra fordsville . 5
East Albany 7
Franklin Butte g
Fox Valley 8
Halsey 10
Jordan li
North Brownsville 8
Is' or th Harrishurg S
North Lebanon 6
Orleans 4
Price 8
Rock Creek "4
Sheild 4
Santiam 4
Soduville . 4
Sweet Home 4
Scio . 2
Siielbunt i
Syracuse '2
South Brownsville 0
South Harrisbutg 4
rjoutli Lebanon 7
Tangent .4
West Albany 10
Waterloo t
Total lSb-
The same being oue delegate at large
fur eaeh precinct atl one delegate for
the pritnariee be held on Saturday,
March 81st, 18W. J. It, Wyatt,
Chairman of Central Committee.
J. A. Wilson, Secretary.
! li Co,u"'' B"Mr,,le Conv.ntlo.
L.jirf. , ... ,' , 'm . i .
!""'"' ,..ccw
! kSl to the democratic slate con-
vention, and to transact such other
business as may properly come before
the convention. Priruary meetings
wiil be held at the usual place of vot
ing in the several precincts (if said
county nu Saturday, March 31st, 1894,
at 2 o'clocc P. M. By a unanimous
vote of the central committee it was
recommended that the viva voce svs-
'tern of voting be adopted by the next
convention so far as it mav aunlv to
tbe imniination of candidates. The
several precincts are entitled to dele
gates as follows:
Albany 9
Center 3
Crawfotdsville 4
East Albany ti
Franklin Butte 4
Fox Valley 2
Halsey 6
Jordan 3
.North Brownayille 5
Kortb Hurrisbsrg 6
JS'ortll Lebanon C
Orleans 2
Price ' 7
Buck ' 8
Hantiam 6
Scio 4
fchedd , 4
Phelburn 4
Kodaville 3
Routb Brownsville 4
Biuth Harrishurg 4
South Lebanon 0
Sweet Home 5
Byraetine 3
Tangent 6
Watrrlnn 3
West Allmny
Total Ji2
All voters in said Linn county with-
out uati ,0 tnnuer political afflUs-
. - . . . , ,
''' of. county, state and
national governments, to as to con
serve the interests of tbe mosses as
' against trusts and monopolies, are cor-
. ..........
'dlal!y ",vlM to J",n "' tak,!1 ,mrt ,D
eolventions. Makt Milleii,
j t"60-w- Wbioht, Chairmau, P. T.
j rjeoretary.
! .
' m tt i r. r..'
! A T CUm
j Al M;X"1i. "'e well-known engin-
! "'h"' few i'1'" "8' rt1(lt'u In
j Harrishurg. ia now holding revival
acrvie iti ouuiiierii v.ainuriim. rtie-
U. ..... - ...
iioubiu was convenea uootti nine
year- ago w bile working between Port
land and Albany. Alter selling out
bis sawmill in this place lie reeuuiud
railroading and pulled tbe West Mlde
passenger train until recently, when
be was transferred to Los Angelt.
He is a religious enthusiast, and dur-
. (u , . Arv.ltjHi
'Ug '..''T .. . f .
considerub'e time to the prrucliing of
his faith, and bus la-en quite sueitss-
ful as an evangelist:
Sewing Machine
o Froru$20to30
guaranteed; for
years. For further iiiforuiatiun call
i on or write to . U. Will's music store,
i Albany, Or.
Albany Steam Laundry
iA.llnnj-, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
j Attention.
Special Rates for
Family Washings
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
' J. E. ADCOX, Agent,
, In Smith's Drug Store.
liebanon, Orouron.
The Yaquina Route,
E. W, Hadley, Receiver, '
' Direct Line Quick Dispatch
! Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Points
; and San Francisco.
Steamer "Hoag" leave Portland, Wedto
day and Saturday at 6 A. 31.
H. C. DaT. Gen. At,
Salmon St. Wharf, Portland.
D. B. Vii obk, lieu. A't,
San Fraucisco, Cal.
C C, Hoara, U. F. ft P. A..
CorvaJlis, Oregoti.
TmihHi. naM m4 torn
pwiiiatkaiiM. latBMAiMam
U r-. Brltfti. pMUM
ai.d MM !, Su
af p MtttanjiHaca. aw Jw. u, Cataataaa, a
Lebanon to San Francisco
including FIVE Gate Tickets to tbe Fair
T'liOM SA K FIU SIJIHC'O te other points
in California .will be allowed purchasers 01
special .Midwinter Fair tickets at the follow-
iM -,,,,.1 mine.
ingrouiid - tnp rates.
ON E-TH 1 1'J) one-way fare.
ONlV-FirrH one-wsy fare.' -
For exact rates and full information, in-0100-
of.I.A iKNNK'i"f,aijonUi UUiion,
Orceon. or adiiress the uiHlersittned.
, Oen. Tratlic Man')!'r. ' Ucn. Fan, Agt.
tiaii FaAKoisco, Ct.
Ti. V. ROOF.K8. Ass't Oon. I"t 4 Pass.
Agt., Portland Or. .
eft ',JW J
noiai'i,outaaeititrtiLiy ciMiMup aim rufrwumig louie.. uy gtimiimtm
the roUWlea, it Mopt jailing katr, own tlnUr and gvonn kaironiml
UT" Rwm tbtf mt
ami lUttmy the hair.
It your driiirftlM caannt nupplTwn (Itreot to in, and n-e win forwart
prepaid, o rt-irrlitul jtclctt. liiMWfX, tl-UU per IwtUa i 6 (or 9&.CU. boi, (Wo.
St Maatk
The RtMt Sknn
for Uw .Leail Moaey,
V 'a. .i - X'i.'V
1 HIS IS IHE KFsriira'W lk.
aV. . : r -"-all. CI aaauilllli- .Tsa,
W " ai, . iv t,
W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are stvlish, eaT fitting, and give bettel
atUiaction at the prices advertised than anr other make. Try one pair and be con
vinced. Tbe stamping of W. L. Donelns' name and price on the bottom, which
Ksrantees their vaiue, saves thouand of dollars annually to those who wear them ,
alers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps
Increase the aales on their full line of goodn. rhor ean afford to sail a a leas r -nn.
and wa baltovn von nan aava aaaner Irv bavins; all jour ftmtwaar of the d.alrr -jVIll'
OaaSDSlsw. Cauaaoave Braa oaaa nppltcaaoa. W. a. UOUtiLaS, BruOf a. r ...
. . FOR
Only 25 cts.
We will Send V
To any Address, 'from Now '
Until July 1st, 1801.
This will give you all the Cam-
pain and Election News
at the Small Cost of
Only 25 cts.
Take Advantage of this Oppor
tunity and send this Paper to Your
menus in tne East. Kemember
it will cost you
Only 25 cts. ,
This offer gives you the Paper
for Over Three -Months, at the low
rate of
Address, The Express,
Lebanon, Or.
What Is the condition of yours? g your hair dry,
harsh, brittle? Does it apllt at the ends? Mas it a
lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or
brushed .- Is It full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ?
Is it dry or In a heated condition V If these are some of
joursymptomsbewornedlntimeoryouwillbecomebald. 1
Skookum Root Hair Grower
tu what yon ttMtl TM pmdiioUrm to not an accident, but thf matte f fflont Iftfl
rtiMiTu. KiiowlfHtRt' of tiio atr nw oi tiic liiUrami kuI Iml tu ihodimjov.
trr of bow tu treat tlifin. "Skwikum "I'lmulus nwuier minoialsoorolla. li
dati. htaitlir. tiid frwfrtrm hrltatliiff urarth.n.. try
Flftk Avanne, Mew Talk, K. V.
M S3 SHOEo&t
85. 84 and 83.60 Dress Shoe.
83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles.
82.60, 82 for Worklngmen.
82 and 81.75 for Boys.
83, 82.50 82, $1.75
CACTIOS. If aa? dra'rn yon w, I.. 1 iiaa
or aaraha baa Ihow will.
ons Lba name MMuitad
aua notioaa, poi mm
am aaaixauu.
25 cts.