The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 23, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
Tbi Populist State Convention
is a thing of the past, hut the
wounds there received have not
healed, though there were doc torn
in abundance. But physicians who
canaotheal themselves are but
, , , ,
poor surgeons for the people. We
are not of the Populist persuasion,
but have always treated that party
... r
fairly. The mistakes of Moses
have been criticized by Ingersoll
and the mistakes of the nartv that
1 -
..,,.,.. 1 1 1
seeES vi lead tne cnuaren 01 men ,
through the wilderness of Corru p-.
tion, may likewise be criticize 1.
r J N
But Moses was inspired by a voice
from on: high, while these latter I
j. , , t .
day saints are jnspired from
voice withm selfishness. The first
succeeded because the motive was '
good, the latter will fail for the
motive is had. But enough of
generalities, particulars we will
have. The Populists of the coun
try in general and of this count;
in particular, have proclaimed, and
the people have believed, that no
populist would seek an office, that
no job would be put up and that
no midnight caucus would . be tol
erated. Never was confidence so
freely given or so shamefully be
frayed. Never before did the peo
ple of Linn county m blindly
follow so selfish a god. Oregon
hassniny populists, Linn county
bts not a few; Lebanon is full of
them. There is not an abler or
better populist in this state than
our Mayor, Eon. C. B. Montague.
We freely admit bis good qualities,
politically opposed to us though
he be. When it was known that
he would not decline the political
honors that, by nature and educa
tion, he seemed so well to merit,
the people of this county, regardless
of party and with unanimity,
named him for Secretary of State.
When it 'became known through
out the state who and What he was,
it seemed to be tacitly understood
that Montague was the coming
man the people's choice. By a
deep laid scheme, conceived in sel
fishness and born in treachery.
(as we are informed) the leaders of
his party in this county contrived
to "fix" the Btate delegation from
this county. This was necessary;
for the noble presence, the con
vincing eloquence and the pleasing
manner of this gentleman would
carry, as by storm, the state con
ventionand Montague would be
secretary of state; and well the
others would be left to suck their
thumbs instead of drawing the
sustaining fluid from the public
pap. Thus rightly reasoned the
bosses of the county. They suc
ceeded in defeating Montague, but
were themselves completely ignored.
The governorship slipped by our
Albany friend without even
iendly nod. The office of secre
tary of Btate, to fill which Monta
gue had been tacitly selected but
which r. v,- . 4jl000 missionaries and native helpers and
wnicn was stolen from bim by the ! mriM. at tu. wi f .w.
treachery of his county bosses, did
Tffot deign to seriously consider any
other Ltnn county man, but went
elsewhere. Even then, had not
Montague's manliness prompted
him to refuse to let bis name be
mentioned, he could easily have
secured the prize. Politically
m , a all f- . 1. . 1
r"" uiuw : planted all along tne seacoasts snd in all
parties that Montague was not ' nations. It may take a good while to
nominated,lorthedemocrats would'1?? Zf "
, , j . . ;Work in one day. They wilt Nations
nave elected him. But enough, are to be born in one day. Bnt just
Let the bosses of Linn county ex-; comeback to Christendom and recogiiize
pltnhf 40 the thir&
andjtell the people why their favorite with evangelical churches as connected
and most talented son did not even themehrei' wi,h th cburcbeein the first
get what his political enemies were , ye"' oloSobooi.
ready ta bestow. ) 80 Christianity is falling back, and the
' : Bible, they say, is becoming an obsolete
t Tu e j . ' book. 1 go into a court, and wherever I
BodThompsohs friends of thi6j8jrf,jna5ge-,bellchor ,clerk., degk j
place are making a strong pull for ! find a Bible. Upon what book could
him for sheriff. ! Um" nttered the solemnity ot an
- josth? What book is apt to be put in the
- Tin 1 k T iiiimW. r - .. f trunk of the yonng man as be leaves for
I)H. i. A. Lakbebson s friends of atjma The Bible. What shall I find
this place are urging him to let his in nine out of every ten homes in Brook
name come before the Republican lyn? Te Bible. In nine out of every
. f, t .ten homes in Christendom? The Bible.
County Convention for represents-; Voltaire pp,, tbat th
tive. The doctor would certainly I Bible in the nineteenth century would
poll a large vote from this part 0f! become extinct The century is nearly
,1 . -f . , . gone, and as there have been more Bibles
the country if nominated.. He is a JbU,bed in the latter part of the cen
stanch republican and well quoli- tury than in the former part of the cen
fied Ell to tk office. tnry do yu thlrik the Bible 1 boxae
1 sxrtnnt In tbraew ati jreers?
mm Sturdy B1.W. at Iuflallty tUligia
Ommi m Un bj ul CmmUbc to Die
By Am Eaavwaftac sMmmbm. my to
Btofit Fate
- o T- .1. - IT .
uiBiimLifi. 111 ui 1 .11 1 11. 111 1 1 in iMun.
,je today Bev. Dr. Talmage preached
a moat eloquent and characteristically
vigorous sermon in ref utation of the oft
nxonolt U-
gum that Christianity it retrograding
,aatbeB;bl6 ito hold upon the
hearts and consciences of men. Thesub-
J6 'he ff announced was
"from Conquest to Conquest, the text
beuig taken from Amos tx, 18, "Behold
the davs come, saith the Lord, that the
0?winan shall overtake the reaper
ricture of a tropical clime, with a eea-
, m prosperous that the harvest reach-
ee clear over to the planting time, and the
m the thick grain almost feeb the breath
of the horses on his shoulders, the horses
hitched to tne plow preparing for a new
crop. "Behold the days come, saith the
Lort, that the plowman shall overtake
the reaper." When is that? That is now.
That thu day, when hardly have yon
acme reaping one harvest Deraretnepiow-
! man is getting ready for another.
I know that many declare that Chris
tianity has collapsed; that the Bible is an
obsolete book: that the Christian church
is on the retreat. I will here and now
show that the opposite of that is trne.
An Arab guide was leading a French
infidel across a desert, and ever and anon
the Arab guide would get down in the
sand and pray to the Lord, It disgusted
the French infidel, and after awhile as
the Arab got np from one of his prayers
the infidel said, "How do yon know there
is any God?" and the Arab guide said:
"How do I know that a man and a camel
passed along oar tent last night? Iknow
it by the footprints in the sand. And yon
want to know how I know whether there
is any God? Look at that sunset. Ik that
the footstep of a man?" And by the same
process yon and I have come to under
stand that this book is the footstep of a
Bat now let as see whether the Bible
is a last year's almanac. Let ns see
whether the church of God is in a Ball
Ran retreat, muskets, canteens and hav
ersacks strewing all the way. The great
English historian, Sharon Tomer, a man
of vast learning and of great accuracy,
not a clergyman, but an attorney as
well as a historian, gives this overwhelm
ing statistic in regard toChristianity and
in regard to the number of Christians in
the different centuries: In the first cen
tury, 500,000 Christians; in the second
century, 2.000.000 Christians; in the third
century, 5,000,000 Christians; in the
fourth century, 10,000,000 Christians; is
the fifth century, 15,000.000 Christians;
in the sixth century, 20.000,00 Chris
tians; in the seventh century, 24,000,
000 Christians; in the eighth cen
tury, 80,000,000 Christians; in the
ninth century, 40,000.000 Christians;
is the tenth century, 50,000,000 Chris
tians: in the eleventh century, 70,000,000
Christians; in the twelfth century, 80
000,000 Christians; in the thirteenth cen
tury, 75,000,000 Christians; in the four
teenth century, 80,000,000 Christians; in
the fifteenth century, 100,000,(100 Chris
tians; in the sixteenth century, 123,900,
00 Christians; in the seventeenth cen
tury, 155,000,01X1 Christians; in the eight
eenth century, 200,000,000 Christians
a decadence, as you observe, in only one
century and more than made np m the
following centuries, while it is the usual
computation that there will be, when
the record of the nineteenth century is
made np, at least 800,000,000 Christiana,
Poor Christianity! What a pity it has
no friends! How lonesome it must be!
Who will take it out of the poorhouse?
Poor Christianity! Three hundred mil
lions in one century . In a few weeks of
the year 1881 2,500.000 copies of the New
Testament distributed. Why, the earth
is like an old castle with 20 gates and a
park of artillery ready to thunder down
every gate. Lay aside all Christendom
and sea how heathendom is being sur
rounded and honeycombed and attacked
by this all conquering gospel At the
beginning of this century there were
only 150 missionaries; now there are 26,-
: century there were only 60,000 heathen
converts; now there are 1,750,000 con-
i verts from heathendom.
There is not a seacoast on the planet
but the battery of the gospel is planted
and ready to march on north, south,
east, west You all know that the chief
work of an army is to plant the batteries.
It may take many days to plant the bat
teries, and they may do all their work in
I ....... 0
I have to tell yon that the room in
which Voltaire wrote that prophecy not
long ago was crowded from floor to ceil
ing with Bibles from Switzerland. Sup
pose the congress of the United State
should pass a law that there should bt
no more Bibles printed in America an!
no more Bibles read. If there are 40,
000,000 grown people in the United
States, there would be 40,000,000 peo
ple in an smiy to put down such a law
and defend their right to read the Bible.
But sunnose the commas of the United
8tates should make a law against the agree on the two or three or four radical cussion in the secular press? Do yon not
reading or the publication of any other doctrines of the Christian religion. They remember a few years ago, when every
book, how many people would go out in are unanimous in regard to Jesus Christ, Pler in the United States had an edi-
such a crusade? and they are unanimous in regard to the torial on the subject, "Is There Such a
Could you get 40,000,000 people to go 1 divinity of the Scriptures, How is it on Thing as Future Punishment?" It was
out and risk their lives in defense ot I the other side? All split np yon cannot the strangest thing that there should be
Shakespeare's tragedies or Gladstone'! find two of them alike. Oh, it makes me a discussion in theseoularpapersonthat
tracts or Macaulay'e "History of Eug-1 sick to see these literary fops going along subject, but every paper in the United
land?" Ton know that there are 1,001 with a copy of Darwin under one arm Status and in Christendom discussed,
men who would die in defense of this book . and a case of transfixed grasshoppers and "Is There Snch a Thing as Retribution?"
where there is not more than one man ' butterflies under the other arm, telling I know there were small wits who made
who would die in defense of any other about the "survival of the fittest," and Prt of the discussion, But there was
book. Yon try to insult my common Huxley's protoplasm, and the nebular t an intelligent man on earth who, as
sense by telling me the Bible is fading hypothesis. 1 the result of that discussion, did not ask
out from the world. ' I The fact is that some naturalists just himself the question, "What is going to
It is the most popular book of the cen- as soon as they find out the difference be my eternal destiny?" So it was in re
tury. How do I know it? I know it just ! between the feelers of a wasp and the fterd to Tyndall's prayer gauge,
as I know in regard to other books. How ! horns of a beetle begin to patronize the About 12 years ago, you remember,
many volumes of that book are publish-, Almighty, while Agassis, glorious Agas- the secular papers discussed that, and
ed? Well, yon say, 5,000. How many six, who never made any pretension to with just as much earnestness as the re
copies of that book are published? A ' being a Christian, puts both his feet on unions papers, and there was not a man
hundred thousand. Which is the more . the doctrine of evolution and says, "I m Christendom who did not ask himself
popular? Why, of course the one that see that many of the naturalists of our the questions: "Is there anything in pray
has 100,000 circulation. And if this book! day are adopting facts which do not bear er? May the citatum impress the Cre
has more copies abroad in the world, if , observation or have not passed under ob- etor?" Oh, what a mighty fact, what a
therearefivetimesaemanyBiblesabroad, nervation." These men warring against glorious fact the secular printing press
as any other book, does not that show
you that the most popular book on the
planet today is the word of God?
"Oh," say people, "the church is a col-
power, ana it is maing oat irom ins
world." Is it? A bishop of the Metho
dist church told me that that denomina
tion averages two new churches every
day of the year. There are at least 1,500 j
new Christian churches built in America !
every year. Does that look as though I
the church were fading out, as though it i
were a defunct institution? Which in-'
stitution stands nearest the hearts of the
people of America today? 1 do not care
in what village, or in what city, or what j
netehhnrhnnd vnn ca.- Which institution
is it? Is it the poBtoffice? Is it the ho
tel? Is it the lecturing hall? " Ah, yon
know it is not Ton know that tin in-
stitution which stands nearest to the ! miles, Ays Twining. How far is the son I Then you notice a more significant
hearts of the American people is the j from the earth? Seventy-six million , if you have talked with people on
Christian church. If you have ever seen j miles, says Lacalle. Eighty-two million the subject, that they are getting dissat
a church bum down, yon have seen ; miles, says Humboldt. Ninety million ified with philosophy and science as a
thousands of people standing and look-! miles, says Henderson. One hundred matter of comfort. They say it does not
ing at it people who never go into a and four million miles, says Mayer only amount to anything when you have a
church the tears raining down their
cheeks. The whole story is told,
an tntpopoLAJt belief.
Ton may taik about the church being
a collection of hypocrites, but when the
diphtheria sweeps your children oS.
J whom do yon send for? The postmaster, divinity of the Scriptures. While they not solace tne trouble and woes ot the
' the attorney general, the hotel keeper, , come np and propose to render their ver- world, and they want some other reli
t alderman? No, you send for a minister I diet, no two of them agree on that ver- Rica, and they are taking Christianity,
i of this Bible reugkm. And if yon have i diet. . j the only sympathetic religion that ever
j not a room in your house for tbeobee- "Gentlemen of the jury, have yon came into the world,
qnies, what building do yon solicit? Do ' agreed on a verdict?" asks the court or Yon just take your scientific consola
nn an. "Give ma the finest rfcun in the the clerk of the inrv as thev come in aft. tiou into that room where a mother has
: hotel?" Do you say, "Give me that '
j theater?" Do yon say: "Give me a place
j in that public building, where I can lay
j my deed for a little while until we say s
! prayer over itr in ou say, "Give
us the house of God." 1
And if there is a song to be song at the '
obseauiee. what do von want? What i
does anybody want? "The Marseillaise' '
I hymn. "God Save tbeQueen?" Our own
1 grand national air? No. They want the
t hymn with which they sang their old
Christian mother mto her last sleep, or
thev want sung the Sabbath school hymn
1 which their little girl sang the last Sab-1
bath afternoon she was oat before she
! got that awful sickness which broke your
! heart I appeal to your common sense,
j Yon know the most endearing institn-
, tion on earth, the most popular Institn-
tion on earth today, is the church of the of the jury, have you agreed on a ver- scientific consolation until yon get to the
Lord Jeeus Christ diet? Then go back for another sublime fact that 60,000,000 years from
The infidels say, "Infidelity shows Us 600 years and deliberate and agree on now we ourselves may be scientific speo
snccessee from the fact that it is every- something. There is not a poor, miser- imens on a geological shelf, petrified
where accepted, and it can say what it 1 able wretch in the Tombs court tumor- specimens of an extinct human race,
will." Why, my friends, infidelity k row tbat could be condemned by a jury 1 And after you have got all through
not half so blatant in our days as it was j that did not agree on the verdict, and yet with your consolation, if the poor afflict
in the days of our fathers. Do you know ! you expect us to give np our glorious ed soul is not crazed by it I will send
that in the davsofonr fathers there were. Christianity to please these men who forth from this church the plainest
i pronounced infidels in public authority I cannot agree on anything. Christian we have, snd with one half
i and they could get any political position? 1 Ah, my friends, the church of Jesus hour of prayer and reading of Scripture
j Let a man today declare himself an tag-, Christ, instead of falling back, is on the promisee the tears will be wiped away,
1 onistic to the Christian religion, and ' advance! I am certain it is on the ad- and the bouse from floor to cupola will
( what city wants him for mayor, what vancc O Lord God, take thy sword be flooded with the calmness of an In
state wants him for governor, what na-! from tby thigh and ride forth to the vie- dian summer sunset There is where I
! tion wants bim for president or for king? toryl , see the triumph of Christianity. .Peo-
' Let a man openly proclaim himself the I am mightily encouraged because I pie are dissatisfied with everything else.
' enemy of our glorious Christianity, and find among other things that while this They want God. They want Jeans Christ.
: he cannot get a majority of votee in any Christianity has been bombarded for: Talk about the exact sciences. There
state, in any city, in any county, in any centuries infidelity has not destroyed is only one exact science. It is not math
ward of America. (me church, or crippled one minister, or ematica. Taylor's logarithms have many
KEUGIOK B bctgics. uprooted one verse of one chapter of all imperfections. The French metric sys
Do yon think that such a scene could the Bible. The church all the time get- tern has many imperfections. The only
be enacted now as wss enacted in the ting the victory and the shot and shell exact science is Christianity the only
days of Robespierre, when a shameless . of its enemies nearly exhausted. j thing nnder which yon can appropriately
woman was elevated as a goddess and I have been examining their annnuni-! write, "Quod erat demonstrandum." You
was carried in a golden chair to a cathe-' tion lately. 4 have looked all through tell me that two and two make four,
oral, where incense was burned to her their cartridge boxes. They have not in I do not dispute it, but it is not so plain
and people bowed down before her as a ; the last 20 rears advanced one new idea, that two and two make four as that the
divine being, she taking the place of the They have utterly exhausted their am
Bible and God Almighty, while in the munition in the battle against the church
corridor of that cathedral were enacted ( and against the Scriptures, while the
such scenes of drunkenness snd debauch-, sword of the Lord Almighty is as keen
ery and obscenity as have never been ; as it ever was. We are just getting oar
witnessed? Do yon believe snch a thing I troops into line. They are coming up in
could possibly occur in Christendom to-, companies, and in regiments, and in bri
day? No, sir! The police, whether of ' gades, and you will hear a shoot after
Paris or New York, would swoop on it I awhile that will make the earth quake
I know infidelity makes a good deal of snd the heavens ring with "Alleluia!" It4
talk in our day. It is on the principle will be this, "Forward, the whole line!"
that if a man jnmp overboard from a I And then I find another most encour
Canard steamer be makes more excite- j aging thought in the fact that the secular
ment than all the 500 people that stay on printing press and pulpit seem harnessed
the decks. But the fact that he jumps in the same team for the proclamation of
overboard does that stop the ship? Does
tbat wreck the 500 passengers? It makes
great excitement when a man jumps
from the lecturing platform or from the
pulpit into infidelity, but does that keep
the Bible and the church from carrying
their millions ot passengers into the
They say, these men, that science is
overcoming religion hi our day. They
look through the spectacles of the infidel
scientists, and they say: "It is impossi
ble that this book can be true. People
are finding it out The Bible has got to
go overboard. Science is going to throw
it overboard." Do yon believe that the
Bitilenoctmntbr ttatbttjrit) bf DftfwUl
be overthrown by infidel scientists who ' to the faot that the American printing
have 50 different theories about the or- press is taking np theseriuous which are
Igin uflife? If they should com up In sol- preached to a few hnudred or a few
id phalanx, all agreeing upon one seuti- thousand people, and on Monday morn
ment and one theory, perhaps Christian!- tag and Monday eveuing, in the morning
ty might be damaged, but there are not and evening papers, scattering that truth
so many differences of opinion Inside the to the millions. What a thought it 1st
church as outside the church. I What an eueourageniem for every Chris
ms fittest st-RVivas. j tian man!
People used to miy, "There arc so many: a glorious fact.
different denominations of Christians 1 Besides that, have you noticed that
that shows there is nothinir In relizion." during the post few years every one of
I have to tell vou that all denominations
each other Darwin warring against La-
niarche. Wallace warrimr umunst Cone.
even Herschel denouncing Ferguson. I
They do not agree about anything.
They do not agree on embryology, do
not asreeon the eradationof theerw-
cies. What do they agree on? Herschel
writes a whole chapter on the errors of
astronomy. La Place declares that the
moon was not put in the right place. He
says that if it had been put four times
farther from the earth than it is now
there would be more harmony in the
universe, bnt Lionville comes up just in
time to prove that the moon was put in
the right place.
How many colors woven into the light?
Seven, savs Isaac Newton. Three, savs
David Brewster. How high is the au-
rora borealis? Two and a half miles,
says Lias. One hundred and sixty-eight
a little difference of 28,000,000 miles! eau cuuu in ine noose, iney wiu leu
AU split np among themselves not yon, when they were sick and the door of
agreeing on anything. They come and the future seemed opening, the only coin
say that the churches of Jesus Christ are ' they could find was in the gospel.
divided on the great doctrines. All
united they are, in Jesus Christ, in the
er having spent the whole night in de -
liberating. If the jury say, "Yes, we
have agreed," the verdict is recorded,
but suppose one of the jurymen says,
"I think the man was guilty of murder,"
and another says,"! think he was guilty
of manslaughter in the second degree,"
and another man savs. "I think he was
guilty of assault and battery, with in-
tent to kill," the judgs would say: "Go
back to your room and bring inaver-
diet Agree on something. That is no
infidelity at a standstill.
Here these infidel scientists have im -
paneled themselves as a jury to decide
this trial between infidelity, the plain-
tiff, and Christianity, the defendant, and
after being out for centuries they come
in to render their verdict Gentlemen
the gospel Every Wall street banker to
morrow in New York, every State street
banker tomorrow in Boston, every Tiurd
street banker tomorrow in FSuadelphia,
every banker in the United States, and
every merchant will have in his pocket a
treatise on Christianity, a call to repent
ance, 10, 20 or 80 passages of Scripture
in the reports of sermons preached
throughout these cities and throughout
the land today. It will be so in Chicago,
so in New Orleans, so in Charleston, so
in Boston, so in Philadelphia, so every
where. I know the tract societies are doing a
ip-aufl and glorious work, bnt I tell yon
Srirt Is MP power no earth today equal
the doctrines of the Bible came under die-
ana tne pulpit 01 tne cnnrcn 01 jeeus
Christ harnessed In the same team!
Then look at the international series
01 Sunday school lessons. Do yon know
that every Sabbath, between 1 and 6
hig the same lesson a lesson prepared
by the leading minds of the country
and printed in the papers and then these
eubgeets are discussed and given over to
the teachers, who give them over to the
children? So, whereas, once, and within
our memory, the children nibbled here
and there at a story in the Bible, now
they are taken through from Genesis to
Kevelation, and we shall have 6,000,000
children forestalled for Christianity. My
oul is full of exultation. I feel as if 1
could shout I will shout, "Alleluia, the
j Lord Ooi omnipotent reigneth!"
scientific consolation.
People are having demonstrated all over
the land that science and philosophy can-
' lost her child. Try in that case your
splendid doctrine of the "survival of the
Attest." Tell her that child died because
It was not worth as much as the other
children. That is your "survival of the
fittest" Go to that dying man and tell
him to pluck up courage for the future.
Use your transcendental phraseology up-
m uun
Tell him be ought to be confi
the great to be," and the "ever
lasting now," and the "eternal what is
it" Just try your transcendentalism
and your philosophy and your science on
1 Go to that widowed soul and tell her
it was a geological necessity that her
companion should be taken away from
her, just as in the course of the world's
history the megatherium had to pass out
of existence, and then yon go on in your
Lord God Almighty made this world
and for man, the sinner, he sent his only
begotten Son to die.
I put on the witness stand to testify
in behalf of Christianity the oburoh
on earth and all the church in heaven
Not 60, not a thousand, not a million,
but all of the church wa earth and all
the redeemed in heaven.
You tell me James A. Garfield waSin
tugurated president of the United States
on the 4th of March, 1881. How do I
know it? Yon tell me there were 20,000
persons who distinctly heard bis inau
gural address. I deny both. 1 deny that
be was inaugurated. I deny that his in
augural address was delivered. You
ask why. I did not see it; I did not hear
it But you say that there were 20,000
persons who did see and bear him. I say
I cannot take it anyhow. I did not see
and hear him. Whose testimony will
yon take? You will not take my testi
mony. You say: "Yon know nothing
shout it; yon were not there. Let ns
bave the testimony of the 20,000 persons
who stood before the capitol and beard
that magnificent Inaugural." Why, of
sourse that is as your common sense dic
I Now, here ire oin men wto sihef I
have never seen Christ crowned in the '
heart, and they do not believe it is ever
done. There is a group ot men who ssy
they have never hoard the voice of
Christ; they have never heard the voice
of God. Thev do not believe it ever
transpired or was ever heard that any
thing like it ever occurred. 1 point to SO,
100,000 or 1,000,000 people who say,
"Christ was crowned in our hearts' af
feotions; we have seen him and felt him
in onr soul, and we hare heard his voices
we have board it in storm and darkness;
we have heard it again and again.
Whose testimony will you take? These
men, who say they have not heard the
voice of Christ, have not seen the corona
tion, or will you take the thousands and
what they saw with their own eyes snd
heard with their own ears?
Yonder is an aged Christian after 50
years' experience of the power of godli
ness in bis soul. Ask this man whether,
when he buried his dead, the religion of
Jesus Christ was not a consolation. Ask
him if through the long years of his pil
grimage the Lord ever forsook him. Ask
him, when he looks forward to the fu
ture, if he hue not a peace, and a joy, and
a consolation the world cannot take
away. Put his testimony of what he
has seen and what be has felt opposite
to the test imony ot a man who says he
has not seen anything on the subject or
felt anything ou the subject Will 70a
take the testimony of people who have .
not flftmi or ttfMmla who hnvft smni?
You say morphia puts one to sleep.
You say in time of sickness it is very
useful. I deny it. Morphia never puts
snybody to sleep; it never alleviates
pain. You ask me why I say that 1 W
have never tried it; I never took it 'IM
. ... ... Mfc
aeuT tnut momma is anv soot nnir to tne 7:
nerves or any quiet in times of sickness.'
I deny that morphia ever put anybody to
sleep, but hero are 20 persons who say '
they have all felt the soothing effects of
a physician's prwrribiug morphine.
Whose testimony v. ill you take? Those
who took the medicine or my testimony,
I never having taken the medicine? Here
is the gospel of Jesus Christ, an anodyne
for all trouble, the mightiest medicine
that ever came down to earth. Here is
s man who says: "I don't believe in it
There is no power in it." Here are other
people who say: "We have found out its
power and know its soothing influence.
It tinu nnn.,1 na " W Iuua u:.,,nn. f 11
you take in regard to this healing medi
cine? I feel that 1 have convinced every man
in this house that it is utter folly to take
the testimony of those who have never
tried the gospel of Jesus Christ in then
own heart and life. We hare tens of'
thonsands of witnesses. I believe yon
are ready to take their testimony. Young
man, do not be ashamed to be s friend
of the Bible, Do not pat your thumb in
your vest, as young men sometimes do,
and swagger about talking of the glori
ous light of the nineteenth century snd
of there being uo need of a Bible. They
have the light of nature in India snd
China and in all the dark placeson earth.
Did you ever hear that the light of na
ture gave them comfort for their trou
ble? They have lancets to out and jug
gernauts to crush, but no comfort Ah,
my friends, you had better .stop your
skepticism. Suppose you are yt in this
orinisi Oh. fatlior. vnnr nhilH ui rirlno '
w hat are yon going to say to her?
Colonel Ethan Allen was a famous in
fidel in bis day. His wife was s very
consecrated woman. The mother In
structed the daughter in the truths of
Christianity. The daughter sickened
snd was about to die, and she said to her
father: "Father, shall I take your in
struction, or shall 1 take mother s in
struction? 1 am going to die now. I
n(.B l.n.,a ,l.iu M ,--..
wiu. uun iuw utatiOT UW.1UOU, JUAb
man, who had been loud in his infidelity,
said to his dying daughter, "My dear,
yon had better take your mother's re- .
ligion." My advice is the same to you "
oh, young man, you bad better take t
your uiuiuor s religion, l ou Know now
it comforted her. Yon know what she
said to you when she was dying. Yon
had better take your mother's religion.
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