The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 23, 1894, Image 1

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    r : W ff f pi w . y -fw jgr
NO. 4.
Onoyear - S2 0
(If paid hi advance, II On per yet:.)
tntmttiH....,.........,.. , 1 W
rhreti mimiht ............... jja
Slittfte cople.. . - 06
J.N. rylph,' Bj , Senators
John II. Mitchell,!
JSinpcr Hermann,..., ..........Congiwisman
Sylvester rcnnoyer,.... Governor
' Oconto W. Mcllride,... Bscnitnry of Suite
riiUMotKhan Treasurer
E. H. NtElroy, Snpt. Public Instruction
Frank 0. Ilakor State Printer
' ' " . 8. Bt-ahn, i ,
H'm. h ImxA, Supremo Jtidgw.
Jt, B. Ilean, )
aH'NTY OKFlf'EltS.
lodge-,. . . '
.. Clerk N. P. Payne
Recorder, R E. lJivis
, flherllt',., , C. (;. Jackson
"W Hebool Superintendent, ...Si. H. Wilkes
Ttmumiot,.,.... HritMB VVaJlaue
lAsaeiiBur.... W. F. Pimliini
tutveyar............ E. T. T. Kudier
4"OT0H0r. Frank t?ttM
Wro. KnmMugb
Commissioners, juh,, pugh .
, MAYOR...:........ ..C.Ii.SIONT.MirE.
RKl!0F.K.;.... Y. M. MILLER.
flin. KKLLKNIlElitlEIt,
J. (i. liKKM.;
1(1. W. LICK.
Cjty Cfliineil nitirU n lin first and third
1 'renin ,? evenings of each month.
Saoret Societies.
t HBAA'PX UHKiK. SO. 47, 1, O. 0. F.-MoeU
eve.? Bat-urAay eve-mug at Mi Follows Hall, at
O'C tack p. m. j fl, jiESZIED, K. Q.
. K.'iAKU'lsD'h",')r-,
PFAI1I ftrunvu WW1K, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.-
d.,eventollofaehn.tbw RWW ..,.
" 1 Beefy
, . . , MA. k.-Mcote
" ,u nam to
Saturday evening, on or before t.
each aumth. . .,
F. a. MlLLlR. See.
w. a.
J Homir IxjlHia, No. SS. A. 0, V. W,-Met eve
. , Tuewlay evening at 0. A. R. Hull.
i , c. a. ziittt, ji. vr.
' : . U. Y. KlRfATHlca, Bee.
OK'l Mrifjos Camp, Ho. lit. div ol'Onuio
mtorVOT'H.-Meel (n(i. A. K. Hull, Loltaiion,
Or., witty Hattmlny ovening. esiept the third
Saturday ufuoti ntuiiUi, niutiting tliu tliird Fri
lay Ituftuml. All ttiutiitTH ul' thc8r.H of Vut
eraiw and mrii(k'Kor tlio Ci, A. It. s re cordially
Invlttnl to meet H iUt the Camp.
K. 0. Cvrr, Cttpl.
A. Tesnby, FintStgi. ;
" John M. Someks,
Will iiractico in all the courts of the state.
Attorney at Law,
tJolleednns petvon proaifff and earefn! arti'iilioll.
Wtll praeliw in all the courts of the stale.
orncs m counTHEVa rkick.
Lebanon, Oheoon.
leatberiord S Chamberlain,
, - J.R.WYATT,
Attorney- at - Law,
. Be Sure and Call on
Albany, Oregon,
HeatingStOYes,, k
-EST G00D8.jrf
East and South
Sonten Pacific Co.
Express rnu'nR leave Portlnnd daily:
:is r. . ; I.v... Portland Ar.
10:28 P. K. ' Lv...AHmiiy.. ..Ar.
10:lo a.m. I Ar.Snn l''raue.lcoLv
:2(U. .
4:'. A. M.
7:0 f. .
The ahin'o trains atop at all stations irotn
Portland U Alhanv inclusivejftlaoTlixnnt,
Shedd, Halwv, HarriKnni'c Junction City,
Irvinu, Ktijioiir and all stationa from Roe
Imrg to Aaliland inclusive.
i :vr ." i
Hoselmrg mail daily: 'Mr-
H:S8 a. at. Lv...Ponlnai.T.Ar. i:20r. u.
12:46 p. at. Lv...Alliany Ar. 12:30 P. .
6:S0rM. I Ar.Jfienir..LvJ7j0nA..
Local iiiuisetiircr Iralna dally (ejcetit
Bnnduy. : , r '
"1:20 e. m. 1 Lv...Alljany.Ar. ,10:21 a..
2:00 r. k. I Ar...Lo!anon....Lv..
S:10 A. M. l.I...AIt.any Ar. S:2S P. .
B:(I0 a. lll,v:'iJ24?,-I,-.?;
Dining Cars ok Ogden Saute.
Puli.mas Bpffet Sleepers
AKII -Second-ClnsB
Bleeping CarB At
tBcln'd to all Through Trains.
. . " r
Went Hide IMvIhIoh.
Mail train daily lexcept Bunday):
7:.'I0 A. H. I Lv...l'ortland ...Ar. j 8:35 A.
12:15 r. . I Ar...Corvalli . .I.v. I 1 :00 r. u.
At Alhanv and Crvalli ronneet with
trainn of urcj-on Pacific railroad.
Expri'Sh train daily (eicept Bnnilay):
4:40 p7m. i Lvr..Portiaiid ...Ar. ; 8:2S A. M.
7:.'I6 p. M. I Ar.Mi MinnvilleLvl 5:60 a. .
thmgit1ets rrrBirtL:":
ada and Eurofpo enn be obtained at lowest
ra from I. A. Bennett, aRent, Lebanon.
R.KOEHLEK, Manager.
E. P. RO0EI1S, Asst. 0. K. Pass. Agt.
Corner Main ind Wiencan BtreeUi,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Clas iD APartIIieilts'
'ou paid to Com
Special atteut. imen.
Dor duy, $1 to
Board and LodginK, ,
12; per week H5UtoW
Best Shaves, Huir Cut 01 BLiauip'io at
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
Meat Market
Ed Kellenberger, Propr. .
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo
logna, and Ham,
KjrBacon and Lard Alwayt on Hand,
Itavln Ulrwt, L?bi)u, On
Miscellaneous Items
Cnllad From Oar Eichanffct.
Some hops are to be Set out as
an experiment in Klamath county.
A Heppner man was fined 160
for disturbing immersion service.
Fifteen young ladies at Vassar
college have joined the Salvation
The last of the Columbian 2-cent
stamps were sold at the New York
PoMtofiice the other day.
: ' Six hundred thousand eggs are
reported as spoiled in a storage
VarehoufC at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
A number of mills in Rhode
Island have resumed work and are
agaiu giving employment to labor
ers. .... t;.;; i ; .
The swiftest vessel in the world
is the new torpedo destroyer, Hor
net. The speed exceeds 28 miles
per hour. ;
At May ville, Ky., when the polls
for the charter election opened on
Tuesday week, there was only one
ticket in the field, and yet before
night all but two of the regnlar
candidates had been defeated by
paster ballots voted by a ijuiet op
position. ; ' 1 f
If a Bland dollar that contains
412 grains of standard silver is
worth 100 cents and a trade dollar
that contains 420 grains is only
worth 70 cents how muck silver
would you have to put in a dollar
to make it utterly worthless? Don't
all answer at once. .
It may not be generally known
that Uncle Sam prints one postage
stamp that is not for sale, i. e., the
second-class matter stamp. This
stamp, new or cancelled, never
passes out of the hands of the
postoffice officials. Postage on pe
riodicals is prepaid by the pound,
in cash, and the receiving clerk
cancels tlieeQ special stamps to the
value of the postage thus prepaid,
and forwards the canceled stamps
to the department as vouchers.' ""
'Js'eaily All Towna Harp
A smart Aleck.
A girl that giggles.
A woman that tattles.
Stock runniug at large.
A neighborhood quarrel.
A man who knows it all.
More loafers than it needs.
Men who see every dog fight.
A few meddlesome old women.
A boy that misbehaves inchurch.
A tall old maid with a short beau.
One cow that opens every one's
oa to
A man who "understands" the'
tariff question.
A young man who does nothing
but "blow."
Several men that make remarks
about women.
One person who always takes
his dog to church.
A man who laughs every time he
' somethine.
sft)L tien-rwckfid lmahand find A
' lecked wife.
roo.8ter't .r who sees no good in
A moth. i u
other people . ,fi .
A bully that VkneWit
can lick if he om , wfc bm &nd
A married couple . Drivatel
coo in public, out tit ' , .
ScoreB of men with t ..
of their trousers worn s. ota M
g'a68- ffnf.B
A girl that chews gum and
to the post-office every time i u
mail arrives.
A high minded woman who al
ways says the wrong, thing when
she speaks in company. "
Several men too stingy to take
'their home paper, but who borrow
the copies paid lor oy tneir neign-
A mnn who smokes and chews
tobacco, but kicks when asked to
furnish his children witu sciiooi
books. Mon who tell vou all about fi
nance and how to run other people's
business, but have made a aismai
failure of their own business. Ex.
Awarded Highest
""heoul Pm. Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia, No Alina.
Uwd iu Milliooi of Homes 4 Years tbu Standard-
A Letter About the Midwinter fair.
San Francisco, Mar. 12, '84.
I arrived at Frisco Saturday, the
10th. We traveled through a continu
al snow storm It never let up snowitiR
till we got near Sacramento, and from
there wc had warm, sunshiny weather.
Everything here looks spring-like;
fruit treesarein bloom, pleasure parties
out on the lawn, etc.
The fair is all any one could expect,
and is very good. To-day was Michi
gan day. 'j It was a lovely day aod a
great tuaoy big guns were here the
goveruora of Michigan and Vermont,
and one frpin Oregon not governor
but from Oregon all the same.
This Is It fast place for Oregon men
and horses. I think we can snare
Oregon Beauty's eyes with a logchain,
when she'starts up Market street; but
she will compare with anything here
in the hoes line, and the people also,
hut the people In this Btate look at Ore
gon people as being back in the brush
pretiy wall. They claim an Oregon
man ahaVcd off his heard here the
other day and taking a stroll through
the fair oame across a large looking
glass and thought he had met the man
before and went to shake bands with j
hiru.and brought his fist uguiust the
glass. -
1 will just say to all my Oregon
friends that the fair is well worth see
log, and a man can live cheaper here
than be can at home.
I am located with one of the Oregon
Wonders, In the '49 mining camp,
which it a mining camp from away
back. The crooked, narrow streets,
log cabins, old stage stations, pack
horeei, mules and every thing in the
packing Hue, gambling halls and dance
halls, were all there. I saw cowboyB,
miners, and women of every nation in
an old Mexican dance saw . them
make one another dance by shooting
at their toes. They had a sad accident
Saturday. There were 35 or 40 women
and men in an old '49 four-horse stage
and got to making a' great fuss, and
driving iu '49 style and upset. It was
a '49 scene 14 badly hurt. I helped
to turn the stage up off of them and
pull thern out. They were a horrible
looking set. Borne one turned in the
fire alarm Instead of the ambulance
and tbe firemen came dashing up, and
altogether it made it a '49 scene.
The bad weather has been holding
back the fair but now it is blooming
out in all its glory. I have had men,
that have seen the Chicago fair, tell
me that this beats it in a great many
things. In the first place the location
of the grounds is the duett in tbe
world, almost; the electric tower is
plead of everything they had in that
line. In fact in every line it is just as
fine as it sould be, almost, and fun for
the boys and pleasure seekerB to beat"
the world side shows by the bun
dreds; every novelty from a Chinese
baby with no head, to a one-legged
A I have only been here a few days
I cannot write much but will write
more the next time,
Kt'FF Hiatt.
Notice of Dlf solution.
Notice la hereby given that the eopartner
ship heretofore existing between C. L Pugh
and 8. 0. Wallace, under the firm name of
Pugh & Wallace, is hereby dissolved by
mutual agreement, S. O. Wallace retiring,
C. E. Punh retaining the entire business.
All accounts due said firm are payable to
said 0. K. Pugh, he becoming responsible
also for the indebtedness of said firm.
Done at the office of C, E. Pugh, Lebanon,
Or., Feb. 24th, 18M.
C. E. Puuh.
8. 0. Wallace.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Pugh & Wallace
III r.iu.aa mill antM.. at nnra
w. " - "
aud oblige, C.E. PufJH.
Pay ti ' tne cas'' sn' 8c't your mon
ey's worth',- ""d don't, ask for time,
we have OL'e In t"Clt. '
Chuson & Menzies.
CASH Is the vrd. No use to say
anything else to us.
Ci:son & Men.ieh.
A line of boili cotton aud woolen
dress goods have just arrived at Itead,
Peacock & Co's. Something new.
Honors - World's Fair
Peoples' party.
Other parties.
Personal mention,
Society news and social scandal.
Our season is mostly the winter sea
son and spring Is. rather timid; the
early garden fiend has to nurse his
sorrow alone as all his friends shout,
"I told you so."
The roads seem to be no worse thun
they can be and the citizens are pre
paring to tender the supervisor a vote
of thanks for the able manner in
which he sunimerfallowetl the high
way during the summer months. One
mile of good graveled road each year
will good road to Lebanon In a decade
or less. Who will be first to make a
start on this line and Instead of trying
to plough the hard road bed and make
of U a permanent exemplification. of
the Ignorance of the community in
general and the "Boss" in particular.
Work one mile good, Bio. Withers.
Try this plan this year and trust to
public sentiment for endoisement.
Since the Albany blow out, there
seems to be an apparent falling from
grace In the ranks of the "only party
in our midst." Some content them
selves by vowing vengeance, while
others smile and say "It is the way in
all new parties." A few vow they
will vote for republican candidates as
they will be all honorable men. , It is
too bad that they should he so "out of
shape," so to speak, In a year when
they might gain great victories. '
The young ladies have ceased to
attend divine service since It was
insinuated that people, not hogB, were
wanted there. This may not be quoted
verbatim but such was the intent told
in our Elder Wayback language.
There are also a few boys whose ab
sence weuld be generally noticed and
appreciated hy the writer if by none
other. The church Is no place for
sinners, we long ago learned that
well, there may be exceptions to the
rule but it would be on contribution
day. But in a church that has no
debt staring it In the face the poor
need not tarry in or around the outer
door. "Go ye out into the highway
and compel them to come In," don't
mean that you Btart skirmishing
around to find a highway in Waterloo
there Is none.
A protest has been entered against
the disposal of the school bonds, and
once more we are compelled to chnm
hleastay in the game. Too bad that
men caunot tell when tbey have been
beaten, but the Waterloo man is
nothing If he is not contrary and we
hope for many rich Items in the future
on this line.
'; H. W. Parker, the Nasby ef this
sink hole of Iniquity, Is suffering from
many complaints. He received no
nomination but this pleased him, but
his old cow In a fit of anger laid down
and died but his loss is the poor's
gain as they can now get cheap beef
a rarity here.
J. B. Glbherdt is not at home but
T. L. Rice and father returned from
Grant's Pass Saturday and contention
among the citizens goes on apace.
Two of our worthy city dads told
eaoh other ef their capabilities to run
for office In Waterloo choice phraseol
ogy a few days since, much to the
amusement of the populace. The only
trouble with the war seemed to be
only one bad studied his piece and the
other, taken at a disadvantage did not
do any damage to the others claim.
Waterloo dances are about played
out. The last one was a dismal failure
for they could not get a crowd at 25c
per head. The boys finally ronted the
hull and hired their own music then
the ball went on, This shows tin
scarcity of silver In our burgh or else
some one has tried to make a mon
opoly of dancing and got left. One
more like the last, and the young folks
will quit in disgust.
School Is progressing and many
manly forms have been rudely shaken
hy the sinewy hand of J. B. Wirt.
Miss Skeels is lonely now but teaches
a good school, C. Rank.
P. S. W will attend to those writ
ers who are getting "funny" next
week. Some one Is tsying to stop our
crank, but will find needs for arnica
when we get done witli him.
The only genuine Simeon pure
C. Rank.
You should remember that the best
place to buy pianos or organs is at
Will's music utore, Albany, Or. He
does not take advantage of people's Ig
norance and sell a cheap made piano
at the price of a good oue,
Hlgh-Prieed Dinners. ' : :
The Brownsville Times: glvoa tha
following account of a trial which oc
curred at that place. ;
Ed Cox, of Sweet Home, and Geo.
Pugh, of l iolley, discarded every man
ly principle, for a time, at least, simply
for the gratification of their stomachs.
The particulars of the case are a fal
lows: Mr. Holm, proprietor of the
Sweet Home store, had business in
Lebanon Monday, and placed a box of
sardines and a few crackers ou a shelf
near the door of his store, which ho
intended to Like with him for a lunch,,
but neglected to do so. Mr. flobn left,
an , old gentleman In charge of th
store, who noticed the sardines, but
supposed they had been sold', and de
cided to watch and see who'took them.
Finally the above named boys' went
Into the store, and possessing a larger
appetite for sardines than they did to
do right, decided to have a feast.
Youug Cox told the Pugh boy to get
them while he watched the old - man,
which he did. ' The old gentleman
who had charge of the store mistrusted
that something was wrong, and asked
Mr. Coxftf they had taken the missing
treasure, and received an answer In
the affirmative, the boy saying tttat
George I'ugh had bought them. When.
Mr. Holm returned and inquired, for
his lunch, he was informed of what
had happened, whereupon he had .
warrants Issued for. their arrest. They
were tried before Squire McDowell and
fined five dollars each and costsy and
In default of payment were sentenced
to two and one-half days each in the
county jail. Constable Chas. McDow
ell conveyed the prisoners to Albany,
but when he arrived there young Pugh
concluded to pay his fine, which he
did, and was released, but Mr.; Cox
served his sentence.. We were told
that the boys were not considered bad
boys, nnd they evidently committed
tiis offense in an unguarded momeht,
not thinking that they were commit
ting so great a crime, . ;.
The regular subserintion nrien nf rhe
EXPRESS is $1.50 a year, and :the regu
lar subscription price of the Weekly
Qreeonlan is SI. 50. . Anv one aiilrrilv .
log for the Express and paying cue
year in advance, can get, both the Ex
press and the Weekly Oregonian one
year for $2.00: All old subscribers .
paying their subscriptions for jne year
in advance will be entitled to the same
Fur, Sale,
I will sell on easy terms very cheap the
following property:
1. My residence properly a good house,
new barn, and 1.9 acres of very best land,
with tine orchard within the -corporate
limits o( Lebanon, Oregon. .
2. A (arm, whh good improvements, of
120 acres, tine and one-half miles from Leb
anon. Finest hop land , iu the county.
3. One house and house lots in .1, M.
Rulstoii's addition to Lebanon., Good houso
and good location.
4. Four head of good horses Two work
horses nnd two buggy horses. Two wagons
and usual farming implements. Ten head
of cattle. ; , ,
All iii. good' condition.. Any man who
wants a bargain can get it from me.
, J. V. Scanlano,
Lebanon, t,)r.
Chaniscrt livery Wcek.'l
Wheat flfic, ' ' '
Outs 24c . . i -
Hay-$9 portou,:
Flour-$0 60(31.15 per sack.
Chop $1 00 per cwt. t .
Bran 75c per cwt.
Middlings $1 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 3o(j.
Apples Dried, flc per lb
Plums Dried, oc.
Onions 2o.
Beef Dressed, r,.
Pork Dressed, 5.
Lard 14. ; . ,
Hams 12J per Hi.
Shoulders Ulc.
Sides lie per lb.
Geese $7 per doz. ' '
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens $2 763 IK).
Turkeys lOe per lb.
Eggs 10c nor doz.
Butter 20c per lb.
Hides Green, lc; - dry, 2c,
Naw Feed Store.
, Notice reduction on Hotirand feed at
the New Feed Store, one door south of
Cruson & Menzies'.
Unod Champion Mill Flour, SO ets. per sack, cuf;h.
Hest " 60 ' '
Bran fin " pur hundred.
Shorts 70 "
All delivered free to any part of the
city. Your patronage earnestly so
licited. G. W. AliDKICH,
The first shipment of spring goods
has arrived at Jtead, PwKnllt ib tfu'a.