xx VOL VIII. LEBANON, OREGON, MARCH 9, 1894. NO. 2. t . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Out tan (If pulil lu u.lv,., i, .o, In 1j pur yet.".) 411 months 1 00 rtireii months M Single ooptea . STATE OFFICERS. !' f ' i ii J .Senators John H. Mitcliell.l Uinpar Hermann Congressman Hylvostor Pcnnnyor Governor George W. Mvttride Hecrclary of Slate Phil Molschan, Treasurer E. II. McBlroy, Bupt. Public Instruction Frank 0. Bukor, Htnte Printer R. 8. Ht-ftlin, i Win. i'. Lord, Supreme Judge It. H. Hoau, COUNTY OFFICEKH. Judge, J. N. Duncan Clerk N. P. Payne Recorder, E. E. Davis Sheriff, 0. C. Jackson School SuiKirintenilent, ....G. H. Wilkes Treasurer, llriee Wallace Assessor, W. F. Dcakins Surveyor, E. T. T. Fisher Coroner .....Frank Farrell ft . iV;n. Itumbaugh Commissioners j , 1,,lg CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR C. R MONT ACUTE. KrXOllDKLf F. M. MIM.Elt. CITY ATTORNEY H. M. GARLAND. TREASURER J. V. HYDE. MARSHAL P. W. MORGAN. f up. kki.i.kn'ukroer, I J. G. IIKHI), nr.rvi'M MirvJ T. I'OTTO.V. S. II. MYERS. 10. W. KICK. City Council meets wn the first and third Tuesday evenings ut' each nuinth. Secret SocletleB. J.KIIAN0N UHXiK, NO. 47, 1, 0. 0. F.-Mocts every Saturday evening- at Odd Fellows Hatl. at o'clock p. m. J. W. MKNZIE8, N. 0. H. M. GARLAND, secl'y. PKAltl, KEHKUCA L01KIE, NO. 47, 1. 0. 0. F. Units at I. 0. 0. F Hall lint and third lVudnos- day evenlufr ul' each mouth. MKB. U. W. CRUSOri, N. G. MISS HATTIE 81MPH0N, Beot'y. .MM 0 Luimc. No, 44 A. . 4 A. M.-MeeU Saturday eveutiur, on or before the full moou In wuia month. X. E. Hamuack, W. M, F. M. MlLl.KB. Bee. Ilimor Loous, No. 38, A. 0, U. W.-Mcou every Tniwlay evonhiK at Q. A. K. Hall. C. A. ZAIIK, M. W. li. Y. KlItKI-ATKICK, ItuC. I'JB'I. MKIUU8 CA1IP, NO. IS, MVOfOUKUU 4oKtoF Vbt's. Muet in U. A. U. Hall, Lebanon, .Or., eriiry Hatlmlny evcnlnc except the third ftaturday of each mouth, inuetliiK the third Fri lay lusntsil. All brotiiers of the Huns of Vet orans and comrades of fbr (:, A. K. aro cortlially invited lo uiuol wllh the Ciimp. C.IJ. Mo Tuna, Capt. A. CbadaU, First tk'gt. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. LEBANON, OREGON. John M. Somers, -Attorney-at-Law Will practice fn all the courts of the stale. LEBANON. OliVaON. A. F, ST OWE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. 'Inll'snfnns kWpii prompt and rareflll attenllon, Will praellcit in all uifi uoliris oi uie sutie. OFI'ICK IN (XIPKTNKV'S BUICK. Lkkanon, Okeqon. Weatberford & Chamberlain, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW ALBANY, OKEGON. W.ll BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ALBANY, OKEGON. J. H. WYATT, Attorney- at - Law ALBANY, OREGON. Be Sure and Call on HOPKINS BROS., " -OE- Albany, Oregon, FOR Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves, &c BE8TGOOD8.f ggSgSSffl PRJ0E9. East and South , THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Go, Express trains leave Portland dally: iBirMrn,0'iirTi7uid. AfrrsiMX j Lv... Portland Ar. Lv... Albany.. ..Ar, 1 Ar.San Francisco Lv I', u. HI; 16 a. H. 4:2.'IA. 7 :( P, M, The above trains stop at all stations from Portland to Albany iw:ltisive;also Tangent, Shedd, flalsoy, Hurrisbnrii, junction City, Irvinp, KuL'nne and all stations from Itoso burg to Abhlanil inclusive. Roseburg maildaily: : aTm. I lAr."I'6rtland Ar, "j 4& r. u. 12:45 p. h. Lv...Albany Ar. 1 12:30 v. u. 6:60 p. . I Ar,,.Roeburg.. Lv. 7:00 A. H. Local passenger trains daily (except Sunday. 20 p. H. ! Lv... Albany.... Ar... Lebanon.. Lv... Albany.... Ar..,Mi&nnii . .Ar. j 10:21 A.M. .Lv. 9:S0 A. H. .Ar. 8:2P. . J.V. 2:.'P. . 2:IIH P. H. 8:10 A. . 0:00 A. H. Dining Cars on Ogdm Haute.. Pullman Bi'fkrt Slef.pkks AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. W-.t Side UIvlMlon. Bktween Poim,ANr a Cobvalus. Mail train daily (except Sunday): 7. SO f I Lv P.tbiiiH Ar. I flar A. If. 12:16 p. M. Ar..,l'orvallis. .Lv. 1 l:00p, M, At Albanv and Cnrvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday): 4:40 p. . I Lv...I'iirtland ...Ar. rl:25 a. h. 7:86 P. H, I Ar.McMinuvilleLv I 6:60 a. v. THROUGH TICKETS I08"1"'"'1" '"tl,e iuniui i) oitiicn, vbii- ada and Euro) can he obtained at lowest races from I. A. IVnuett, agent, Lebanon. K. KOEHLEK, Mftnaper. E. P. IlOOERb, AHt. G. K. & Vhhh. Agt. St Charles Hotel, Cornor Maui and Sherman Streets, LEUANON, OllKCCK BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor. Pirst-Class in all Apartments. Special ul .trillion paid to toni merclal men. Board and Lodnlne, per day, $1 to $'2; per week H50 to 18 BARBER SHOP JJest Sliaveri, Hair Cut or Shauipooat BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO 8T. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths- Children Kindly Treated, Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. Lebanon Meat Market, Ed Kellenberger, Propr. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo. logna, and Ham, igrBacqn and Lard Always on Hand, iUut Strwt, Lsbwes, Or. Miscellaneous Items Culled Frost Our Elclwnc'fis. Candidates for offioe are swarm ing in Kansas. During the past five years 30,000 coupler have been divorced in , France. Five cents is all it costs to attend Puyallup, Wash., entertainments these hard times. A committee for the promotion of international bimetallism has been formed in Boston. An Irishman well described the grippe as "a disease that will keep you sick three weeks after you get well." A class paper states that all but one of the leadinir cities of this country are using the electric rail way system. Numbers of dead fish are coming ashore on the beach at Santa Bar bara to San Diego. It is thought some seismic disturbance has oc curred near the shore. The Boston Aldermen want their salaries raised from $1,500 to $4, 000. More modest thon the San Francisco Aldermen of 1850, who voted themselves .$6,000 salaries. Fred Marshall, a 11 year-old Rneeburg boy, was fined $40, and given ten days in jail besides, for beating a girl about the same age, while going home from school. Three female members of the Tufts College, at Haverhill, Mass., were summarily dismissed and fourteen were suspended for giving an exhibition of high kicking and skirt dancing to the members of the College Glee Club, who were on the campus. It is rumored that the Oregonian is preparing to make another big out in expenses. G. A. Morden, foreman of the composing rooms, is now in the East. It 1b rumored that shortly after his return the office will be supplied with type setting muehines. In Ohio some counterfeiters have taken to making dollars with more silver in them than those coined by the UniteJ States. They can do this and still reap a profit. But the question arises, could they be convicted for being more honest than the government? Sandow, the strong man, was hypnotized by Dr. Mercereau, at the College of Physicians and Sur geons, at New York. Two-pound dumb-bells were made to appear so licavy that tlie strong man could not lift them, and his limbs as sumed and maintained rigidity at the will of the hypcotiter. The friends of May Brooklyn had difficulty in finding a clergy man to conduct the funeral ser vices, but in the entire city of New York finally found one who would say a few words over the remains. It is not known what was the con sideration. Those who refused gave as a reason that the actress com mitted suicide. The following is & eorrect defini tion of grippe: It is a combination of bad colds, several degrees at once, continual headache, sickness at stomach, blind staggers, chicken pox, hives, springhalt, disordered liver, kidney trouble, each bone in one's body trying to ache more than the others, and about forty othpr indescribable diseases. All of these, never lesb, sometimes more, at one and the same time. A Portland correspondent says that Capt. O'Brien is said to be lyin in wait for the democratic nomination for state printer. He is Pennoyer's expert who posses on all the state printing bills and measures up all the thousands of dollars worth of work that is per- lormed by the republican state printer. Being a democrat snd a labor man he has had the scrutiny of all the work done in the office the past eight years and knows just what there is in it. Awarded Highest USPowder Tie only Pun. Cream of Tartar Ponder. No Ammonia, No A lum. , U.e4 in Millions of Hone3--4o Yean the Standi: d. An Oregon young man has just returned to his heme in Silverton, after a tour of the world, lasting seven years. A recital of his ex perience would be very entertain ing. He wandered throughout the old world until the state of his fi nances colled him to a halt, in other words, until he was "dead broke." At this time he was in Judea, where he enlisted in the English regiment and was sent in Central Asia, from whence after many wanderings, he has at last found his way back to Oregon, the land of his birth, which ho now thinks is the most lovely spot on earth. Bank notes were issued in China as early as the ninth century, when the art of printing was un known in Europe. These notes have generally been redeemed, be cause in China when a bank fails all the clerks and managers have their heads chopped off and thrown in a heap along with the books of the firm. And so it happened in these good old barbarous times that for the past 500 years not a single Chinese bank has suspended payment. Now that China is com iug under the sway, of western civilization, we have no doubt it will have the Bame financial troubles as its more civilized bank ing brethren. ; The Populists themselves do not seem to be free from the "ways that are dark and the tricks that are vain," for which tbey claim that only the old parties "are pe culiar," says the Jacksonville Times. W. H. Breese, of Talent, j who came near being elected reure' sentative on the People's party ticket at the last election, in a vig orous article in the Ashland Record claims that the primaries lately held at Talent were "fixed." Verily, it is sad tKfot these reformers of political methods cannot dwell with on another in unity, but must be gin, to revile each other, after' the manner of the wicked republicans and democrats. The Grants Pass Courier says: "A female hobo stopped here a few ! days in 'hitting the road' south ward last week. She camped with five ot the male fraternity in the Company's .woodpile and seemed perfectly at home in her queer call ing. She is about thirty-five years of age and had the appearance of a hard-worked farmer's wife. There was nothing vicious looking about her. When seen by the Courier reporter she was seated inside a square breakwind composed of tics near the S. P. D, & L, warehouse, eating a biscuit she had probably begged somewhere in town. She had an old newspaper spread on her lap to catch the crumbs and when she got through eating she fiBhed out some fine-cut tobacco and proceeded to prepare a cigar ette. She hadn't much, to say. W hen asked where she was going she simply pointed and said 'south.' " Notice of Dissolution. Xotice is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between C. E. Pngli and 8. 0. Wallace, under the firm name of Ptigh & Wallace, is hereby dissolved by mutual agreement, S. 0. Wallace retiring, 0. E. Pugh retaining the entire business. AH accounts due said firm are payable to said C. E. PukIi, he beconung responsible also for the indebtedness of said firm. Done at the oflice of C. 15. Pugh, Lebanon, Or., Feb. 24th, 1894. 0. E. Peon, H. O. Wallace. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the tirro of Pugh & Wallace will please call mill settle same at once, and oblige, C. E. Puoh. There will be services in the Cum berland Presbyterian Church on the second aud fourth Sundays in each mouth, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. W. V, McUke, Pitstor. When you want to buy a suit of cloth ing you will save money by getting ll at Bach's. Honors World's Fair. A Letter From Grants Tats. GBAjra Pss, Or., Mill'. , 'hi. Editob Express The few notes we send may moulder in the waste-basket, and yet we are bound to Inflict our scribbling upon you. We left the land of Mossbacks and Populhts Monday last,' arriving at Wolf Creek Tuesday morning. W. C, Is a mining town of some 150 inhabi tants, a kind of headquarters tor min ing men (and quartz boomers). . An nssay ofliec in doing a thriving busi ness. . Leaving the town and our many friends behind, we look the road for Mt. Reuben. Seven miles down Wolf Creek the road comes to an end at the placer mines of J. C. Lewis. These were a rich And but very spotted and soon exhausted. Striking the Rogue river trail a tramp of 4 miles brought us to the placer claim of Dwight, Rice A Co. This Is a new mine and from all reports a paying one. Gold can be seen lying on the bed-rnck where the piping has been done. We saw two ounces recently taken out of a small spot. . Here we tarried until Wednesday morning, then took the trail once more for the Mt. Four miles brings us to Reuben creek, a coarse gold stream on which are many paying claims. Then came the tug of war, for 4 miles the trail stands at an angle of 45 degrees. At present the lasl 2 miles are covered with 2 feet of enow. Near the summit the camp of H. M. Mur ray is to be seen. This is on claims lo cated last spring by J. D. Bice and a party of Albany gentlemen. Murray has it bonded and is to run a tunnel and develops the mine and if satislied to pay for the same $30,000. He is only working seven men at present, sinking a shaft. Over the Mt. on the Whiskey creek side is located the celebrated Molly Hill ledge, , One shaft is 60 feet, an other 10 and from ten inches at the top the ledge widens to 8 feet. On the dumpgold Can be seen in any piece and is said to be the best free milling ore ever discovered in the state. The mine is being developed by R. A. Jones, of "Green Mountain" fame, who bought or bonded it of the locator, J. D. Rice. Here he has his wife, a charming lady whose nearest lady neighbor Is 6 miles away; but she is perfectly content and Is as enthusiastic oyer mining matters as her worthy husband. Partaking of a bountiful repast we once more took the route for a return, The ascent took hours but the descent was made in 1J hours and the only event of note was when our part ner sailed through air and snow at such a rate as to leave his pipe some 200 feet behind blm in a snow drift, This necessitated some talk and a good climb to get it. Again we spend the night with friend Rice, who bas his wife and two charming daughters with him, The next day we arrive at Lelund only to learn the 8. P. is too poor to afford a dully freight, and as the place is too small to hold three full-grown men over night, we jog along to Mer lin, within 9 miles of Grants Pass, Wishing to send a line to a friend we Inquire for the P. 0. to find It J mile out in the country at a ranche, and his stock in haf consisted of four sheets of writing paper. This is a saw-mill town, and like all placeB of the kind has poor buildings. At night we learned a revival was being hold ill the school building, and thither we went bent on adventure and we succeeded beyond our expecta tions. We took with us a miner who had not beun to church for 20 years, and regretted our choice many times, as we importuned him 35 times togn with us back to the hotel but the fiend seemed to delight in our misery and only shook his head. The meetings are conducted by a former eectiou- hand and a gentleman from Wilder vllle who came out to winter, bringing Ills family and team with him for com puny. One fellow told us he generally brought them to church with him to help. We asked which be brought, the family or team; but he did not seem to relish our attempt at a joke. The audience consisted of 3 women, 7 girls, 8 men, 12 boys, aud was larger than could be expected when we re mark the meetings had been going on three weeks. At last we were kindly permitted to leave, a sadder but wiser man. On Thursday we shook the granite of Merlin, alias Jump-olT-Joe, from our propellers aud boarding the train in a light snow-storm reached Grants Pass. This place has about two times the population of Lebanon is a live town in many ways. The docket for the term of court next week is rather long. Among the class who meet to see the law vlodlcated your scribbler will find many items to follow these to the basket under the desk. 1UIB 1JMO UOVU HU VAUCCUlllljr ivi.gir winter for this section, but it maketh t.hA hpnrt. nf thn mlnpr rplriirv. with great rejoicing and the gold orop will be away above the average. This will make the P. P. sick, but we care not how they are downed so that It It done nouorubly. Speaking of Popull-ts reminds us that we have met only one of the class" since we came to this section. Whether this has anything to do with the good times here witness salth not. There will be at the Baptist church to-night a 15 cent social, but we will not indulge as our bin was filled to overflowing with gospel news last night. Travelkr. Echo Answers "Who? Editor Express: In accordance with your kind offer to open the col umns of the Express to all political parties to discuss the political issues of the day, I see that one "Old Party Crank" has availed himself of this generous offer. The old crank makes a spluttering attempt to be facetious, and how well he has succeeded I will leave the pub lic to judge. There is one thing, however, that I will say In behalf of O. P. C, and I hope he will not take it as flattery. He exhibits a quality of intellect far supe rior to the average of those who still cling to old party delusions. I don't want to accuse "Old Party Crank" of lying, so I will be modest aud call it prevaricating. He offers no argument in defence of his corrupt old party, simply because he has nothing to offer. It is a noticeable fact that the more enlightened of the old parties are ad hering strictly to the principles as taught by our forefathers, while the ignorant are being blindly led on by their old unscrupulous leaders, -intelligence is fast falling In line with the Populists while ignorance is lurking behind, hence the inability of the g. o. p. to cope with the Populists in publio debate. The leaders of the old parties who have command of word or pen, have no arguments to offer except protection aud an honest(?) dollar on one side and an houest(?) dollar and protection on the other. In view of these facts, is it any wonder that they h.ave to resort to lying, blasphemy and sarcasm in order to hold the skeptical of their followers In line? It is not my mission to provoke con troversy on a subject in which my op ponents are so utterly ignorant. Indeed the most illiterate of the Populist par ty can hold their own with the most learned or tne lew who remain wltfi the old parties, with one exception only, and that exception is the inun who, having more gall than brains and sailing under the nom de plume of "Old Party Crank," penned oft' that master-piece of literature which will surely find a place in the columns of every republican newspaper in the land. Oh! but didn't he jump for joy when "Zeke" told him that the "boss es" in Penn. had touched the button and their slaves in answer had rolled up a big republican majority! It was then and there, while under the ex hilarating influence of election news and a paunch full of Bpuds, that the "Old Party Crank" gave birth to the crowning eftort of his life, which will he handed down with pride to his pos terity for many generations to come. Allow me to congratulate you, "O. P, C," upon the sudden greatness you have attained. Kindly present my re gards to "Zeke" poor fellow who, for lack of protection ou "Pall River" industries aud "Oregon Wool," has to attend his Sunday school clothed in blue overalls and a cottonade ooat. . Yes, sir, protection protects, but who does It protect? Echo answers, "Who?" Liberty. School superintendent Stevenson bas finished reviewing the papers of the applicants for teachers' certificates aud finds that out of the 8(1 examined, two obtained state diplomas, 4 first grade certificates, 7 second grade and 18 third grade, 64 failing. The ques tions were pretty hard and failures correspondingly numerous. The re sults here are about the same as iu other portions of the stale. Eugene Register. Pay us the cash and get your mon ey's worth, and don't ask for time, we have none in stock. Oevsoy & Mswws.