The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 02, 1894, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
The return of the property of
Mr-ami Mrs. McKinlerisa good
illustration of a certain ekes of
people in thiB country. Those who
contributed this money evidently
consider it more charitable to give
to the rich than to help the poor.
Judging by the McKinley "raise"
it would be a good idea for Phil
Armour, or any other millionaire,
to first have a bill introduced in
congress raising the duty on some
article so high that the duty and
the goods, too would be totally
out of sight, and then to make a
judicious failure in business. The
class of beings who were o quick
to subscribe money for the truly
christian object of restoring the
McKinley property to its former
owners surely would have no ob
jection to keeping up the good
work, and consequently eueh a pa
triot as we have . described would
not fail of having his immense
property restored to him.
Is it possible that the truth of
the scriptural quotation, "It is
more blessed to give than to re
ceive," holds good in & case of this
kind I ur is it noi more prouuuic
that the scriptural passage referred
to would not apply to this case at
all, as neither of the parties would
have a valid claim on the desired
blessings "
' Truly, "the world do move," but
it may ,not be in the right direction
when money is given to the rich
instead of the poor.'
The Corvallis Gazette Bays: A
number of our exchanges have re
ported that the Amity Popgun has
suspended. According to Mr.
Long, one of the publishers, this
is not correct, The Popgun missed
one issue on account of changes
made in the mechanical arrange-
..f ths nltpf and the Poneun
will continue to pop in future as
in the past. Mr. Lnn is a short
little fellow but has rather lengthy
ideas and not only controls the
Populistic field of Amity and vicin
ity but now sways the rod of so
cinlism over Albany and Eugene,
a new plant having been seut the
latter place recently. The territo
ry of Yamhill, Linn and Lane
counties is rather an extensive
newspaper field to be controlled by
a concern with no better mission
to perform than that of advocating
demo-populistic doctrines in this
serial manner. Speaking of monop
olies, how does this strike the
, avevace calamity howler?
riciiee, Governor Pennoyer,make
no vour mind as to what day you
will allow the celebration tf Easter
in this neck o" the woods. Our old
hen is Browing anxious, and if you
can arrange to have it happen
about the 25th of next month, ail
will he well. Corvallis Gazette.
France has her anarchists and
America has its congress. Tele
gram, -
With this issue the Express
starts on its eighth year.
Ten days loss of time on avenunt of
fickiMns and a doctor bill to pay, is
anything but pleneimt fur a man of a
family to contemplate, whether he is a
laborer, mechanic, mtyelmnt or pub
lisher. Jan. O. Jones, publisher of the
leader, Mcxia, Texas, was sick In bed
for ten days with the grip during Its
prevalence a year or two usn. Later
In the seosou he had a second attack.
Hesuys; "In the latter owe I used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with
considerable success, I think, only be
ing In bed a little over twn days, The
second attack I am satisfied would
have been equally as bad as the Bret
but for the use of this remedy." It
should bn borne In mind that the grip
is much the same as a very severe cold
and requires precisely the. same treat,
merit. When you wish to cure a cold
quickly and effectually civc this reme
dy a trial. 50 oaut bottles for Pule by
if, Vv. Smith, druggM..
Pay us the cash and get your ninn
y's worth, and don't ask for time,--
i liave oou in stock.
Vk Tmgta Dinner Prepared by a Dement.
: v -d RoMlftu oaleer.
A shocking tragedy of a most remark
able character is reported from Vtlua.
Ivan Elakwitz, a customs officer of
highly respectable coaueution, became
convinced .that his wife was in league
with a neighbor to aid the latter in a
lawsuit which was pending against him.
There was apparently no justification
for the charge, The lawsuit was trid
in the local courta last week, and Klult
wit lost the case. Be addressed the
Jndge in an excited manner, and after
making a rambling statement implicat
ing his wife in an intrigue against him
he left the courtroom.
Later in the day, however, he pro
fessed regret to his wife for his baseless
insinuations and hasty temper, and
asked his neighbor and his wife to dine
with him en famills. Thinking it bet
ter that a conciliation should take place,
the neighbor accepted, and a social
evening was arranged for. At dinner
there were present Klakwits, his wife,
his two daughters, aged 19 and 17 years
respectively; a yonng son, aged 11; his
wife's mother and his neighbor and bis
The dinner passed oil very pleasantly
antil the third course, when Klakwitz
rose, and ordering some more cham
pagne to be opened said that he wished
all present to drink a toast to a special
dish he had prepared as a surprise for
this agreeable occasion. Be then left
the room, and within two minutes re
turned bearing in his arms a large dish
covered with a dinner cover, and plac
ing it qnickly on the table he lifted his
glass on high and shouted, "To our
next meeting."
He had scarcely spoken these words
when a dynamite bomb, which had been
hidden under the cover, exploded, and
instantly killed every one in the room
with the exception of the servant girl
and the youngest daughter the latter
living, however, only long enough to
tell exactly what happened. The serv
ant died within two hours.
The unfortunate people who were the
victims of this insane frolic were sim
ply blown to pieces, and the walls ol
the room In which they were sitting
were partly blown out Toe explosion
was heard for half a mile. St. Peters
burg Cor. London Telegraph.
Bccent Investigations Which Hnve Opened
a New Field In Uedlcine.
About 10 years ago a medical scien
tist advanced the theory that, in its nor
mal condition, blood contained an ele
ment that instantly killed many forms
of bacteria. In this healthy state blood
has been injected into the veins of dis
eased persons for this purpose and baB
begtin the work of destruction. The re
suits had not been satisfactory, as the
amount of blood required was so great
as to make cottinnod experiments un
wise. Recent investigations have confirmed
the original idea, and a series of exper
iments of late conducted nt the Univer
sity of Michigan reveal most interest
ing possibilities. The destroying prin
ciple has been separated from the blood,
and with it germs of cholera and an
thrax have been killed. This element,
to which the name of ncuclin hap been
given, Is colorless and transparent The
vital essence of it teems tenauiuos of
life, ss high degrees of heat, even to
the boiling point, do not se tin to dimin
ish its activity. If this discovery does
all that it promises, It marks an incal.
culable advance in medical science. In
jected into the veins of persons Buffer
ing from .many forms of germ poison
ing, it immediately begins Its benefi
cent task of ridding the system of the
enemy. Thus a new field in medicine
is opened, the ultimate results of which
even the most comprehensive mind can
scarcely estimate. New York Ledger.
The New Chicago Bellffion.
We learn from Chicago that the new
Chicago religion is nearly ready for the
market. One of the doctors engaged
in compounding it says it is made of
the choice elements of Moealsm, Chris
tianity, Buddhism, ethical cuiturism.
Mohammedanism, Renanism, Confu-I
nanism and other beliefs, both ancient
and modern. Assurance of its solidity
is given by its compounders, among
wnom aro a Universalis!, a Fopullte,
two liberal rabbis, a Unitarian, a Hin
doo and an agnostic. The extracts have
been made with care, so that it shall be
suitable to every mind in all parts of
ins worm, it has not yet been mar
keted, on account of the difficulty of
getting a good name for it, a descrip
tive name that shall convey some idea
of its elementary principles; and that
shall be attractive to mankind. Why
not end the trouble and struggle at once
and give the new religion a boom by
calling it Chicagoism J New York Bun.
Not pevoted Una band,
Our strangest mistakes are due to of
ficial red tape. A story was told In a
London district court last week of a
man who was unable to support his in
valid wife at home. He secured for her
admission to an Infirmary seven years
ago and paid S shillings weekly main
tenance till a few weeks ago, when be
learned that the woman died a few
days after entering the infirmary, and
he had been a widower seven years.
Instead of finishing his conjugal neg
lect by losing seven years' contribu
tions, the magistrate ordered the au
thorities to repay the full sum.
and by an Ironing Board.
Smoke from the hallway of 216 East
Eighty-ninth street at 4 a. m. yester
day woke Feligo Carnego, who lives
with his family on the gronml door.
The flames prevented egresfi by the door.
Carnego rose to the occasion and passed
bis wife's ironing board from the win
dow across the ares to the iron railing.
Over (bis improvised bridge hie own
end several other families reuohed the
Jiewk in salety. Others tticiiped by
the roof, yew York World.
"Tss, it's a good thing for a man to
refer to the diotioiurry, but this practice
can often be carried to excess," said a
well known magazine writer. "Why,
I've seen a man get so much addioted to
this habit," he continued, "that he could
not write an ordinary letter without
turning to the dictionary three or four
times in order; to ascertain some big
words that h could use. This, I think,
is a very grat waste of time, as he dues
not express his meaning a bit better than
If he had need some shorter and really
English wonls,"
The Ruby m Fruit,
The people of Burmah believe that the
ruby is a kind of fruit which will ripen
If you gtre ft time, They say that most
rubies do not slpen simply because they
are not allowed to do so. If you want to
"ripea" the ruby in your ring, according
to the Bnrtuc-ae idea, you must take your
ring and lay it in the sun for one month
without, disturbing it at all, and at the
end of that time it will be "ripe" and
good tot. New York Jonrnal,
Hunting Lloue.
Among the Arabs, where the lion is
hunted with success, the hunter studies
his beast before engaging in battle. If
he is very tat, thero Is little danger to
pot shots. If he is lean and spry, the
Arab will manenvpv fni- n nim, t ...
tage from whioh he can pour in three or
four shots before coming to close anar
ters. Exchange.
An Infelicitous Speech.
"Why, you're, looking better already,
Sir Ronald!" .
"Yes, thanks to your delightful hos
pitality, I've bad everything my doctor
ordered me 'fresh air, good fowl, agree
able society and cheerful conversation
that involves no strain ontlieintellnot."
Harper's Magazine.
A Lut Retort.
Little Boy I want you to write me
an excuse for being late to school yes
terday. Jeweler Eh? Yon are not my son.
Little Boy If-o, but mamma says I
had plenty of time to get to sohool, so I
guess the clock you sold her doesn't go
right, Good News,
In early times what is now Ireland
was called Scotia, and its inhabitants
were known as Scoti, or Scots. A branch
of this Scotic stock invading north
Britain ultimately gave its name to all
af what is now Scotland.
Golf is spoken, it seems, without sound
infif the "1 " English fnll- null 1
and if we import the game it is only
proper tuat we should import the pro
nunciation. It is a very lazy man who will not
take the trouble to reverse bis cigar
when he finds that he has nut the liirhtul
end of it by mistake into his mouth.
A square copper coiu struck by the
Swedish government in the uxtemith
century is nearly one-half inch thick and
weigns a pound and a quarter.
A Parisian lady wears ball shoes with
tiny watches set in the insteps. Presum
ably this enables her to keep time with
her feet.
India has 50,000,000 of Mohammedauf
a larger nnmber than are found in ti.
entire Turkish empire.
Mrs. Emily Thorne, who resides at
Toledo, Washington, says she has
never been able to procure any merti
eine for rheumatism that relieves the
pain so quickly aim effecluiilly as
Chanibei Iain's Pain Balm mid Hint
she has nleo used It for Initio back with
reat success. For sale by N. V.
Smith, druggist.
I have Just received my spring and
summer samples, and will be glad to
have every one call and examine them
before going elsewhere, fur I am pre
parnl to malic clothes to order cheaper
than ever bef :re. Genuine Black Clay
Worsted suits,, from $25 tin: business
.Its, ff'jiu 520 ap; pants, from 16 up.
Kit and workmanship guaranteed.
Don't forget the address, G. Lovei.ub,
Merchant Tailor, Lebanon, Or.
O. W. 0. Hiiiiluian, Hherift of Tyler
Co., W. Va., appreciates a gmid thing
and docs not hesiliitc to soy so. lie
as almost prostrated with a cold
when he procured a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Iivtncdy. Ho says: "It
gave me prompt relief. I find II to he
sti invaluable remedy for coughs and
nliln. For sale by Ni W. Hmlth,
To Advertisers.
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from your advertisements
, Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give the desired results, us it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Liuii County.
Lebanon to San Francisco
Including FIVE Gate Tickets to tbe Fair
FltOM SAN FRANCISCO to other points
in California will be allowed purchasers ot
special Midwinter Fair tickets atthe follow
ing rouml-trip rales:
UNE-THIHD one-way fare.
ONE-FlFfH one-way Hire.
Fur exact rates anil full information, in
quire of I. A. DENNETT.agentat Lebanon,
Oregon, or oclilress the undersigned.
Gen. Tratlic Man' x'r. lion. Pass. Agt.
Bah Fbakcisco, Cal.
E. P. IKKiKltS. Ass't Don. F't !
Agt., Portland Or.
"Is Your Name
Written There?"
M'ritton whore? Why, on the
subscription list of the Lbbanon
Express. If you are not a aub-
soriber to this paper, and wish to
obtain reading matter for the win
ter evenings, now is the timo to
subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay
able in advance) $1.50 per year.
A Man Lost,
One day lat week a man was pass
lnu down Main street, and all nt once
disappeared Into linker's Dry Quods,
Boot and Hhoe store, where he fell into
linker's low prices and was lost to all.
We have accommodated ynu, in the
past and will do so In the future, by
selling you hardware at reduced prices
for cash only, Cbdson 4 Mknmgs.
How to make the "mlfrhty dollar"
go a long ways Go to Baker's and
buy your loots and shoes, that have cut down to hard times prices.
H. Baker Is now agent for the cele
brated DiUg'as shoe.
If you want to get nice fresh hreuil
go to fcebler's.
Who always carries a nicely selooted stock of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
goods, groceries, Sc.
If you do not already give him your patronage try him,
and you -will always trade at his store.
In Courtney's Brick. Mt Door to Ban!
Fall. Term Began September nth.,
is? .
For information, ask for circular at the Poiit-oflice or
. ' S. A. RANDLE, Principal,
T va n I .ATCfiF STOCK ff BRICK, for Bale at my
Yard, in th e suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at IleaHonaWt
Rates. AlJi kind of mason's vvoik. done with neatnesB and
despatch. D. Vv7. HARDEN.
We Are Here to Stay,
. rT.
- ' ...
7ith the Best. St ock of
Dress Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Ever Brought to Leba mm.
We do not ask you to eomu and buy r m 0,1ty ask J'ou
to come in and get our prices b efore buying elsewhere.
(Highest market price pai d for country produce.)
Very Ruspectfu dly Yours,
Read. Peacock & Co.,
'afer Hanging
"D-mta!" l'oprr. r-Kket
O J(l t( mil r a ,
tan J
Wi ::.t;-M A at lt(.lh. Cut fcwr'
and Graining.
" ' " I 1 I :IUo
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aiHttdi at head
':. ftvory
-riuc only tea
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