The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 23, 1894, Image 2

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    laiion . Express.,
and " Proprietor.
Some statistics recently published
'bvtl.eCincftgo Globe show to what
extent the -foreigners are dominat
ing the polities or this country.
The Globe says: ;
Nine-tenths of nil the elective
offices in Cook county are now held
by nnturaliied citizens.
Tke sheriff was horn in Canada.
The comity treasurer was horn
in Germany.
The clerk of the criminal court
was born in Germany.
The clerk of the superior court
was born in Ireland.
The president of the drainage
board was born in Germany.
The county clerk was bom in
" The county coroner wag born in
The city collector was born in
The corporation council was born
in Bohemia.
is a German-
' Two-thirds of the city council
and all1 of the police force were
born in Ireland.
There is a man in Malheur coun-
ia npvtainlv a philosopher
and 'ho has a better idea of the
cause of the "hard times" than an
. . the calamity howlers in America.
tta tl,l a mrreenondent recently
ilL W1U i -
that the cause of the present strin
.. . i. i...... i;.,..l
goucy was tnai -penpie "
too faat; too nnicb on the outside,
instead of the inside of their iu
comea; that the country needs to
work harder, economize more and
'put on lew dog.' "Ex.
President Cleveland has issued
instructions to the customs officials
of the Pugct Sound district that
hereafter they must earn their
renutation in the department and
not through the newspapers. Con
geqnently the mouths of all cus
toms officials are olosed on matters
of news.
Last Thursday a typographical
error caused The Review to refer
to Smuggler Dunbar ns a "crank."
We ititended to say "crook," and
therefore humbly beg the pardon
of all good cranke. Roseburg Re-
The authorities of Ben Francisco
have notified the people that no
one would be fined for carrying
concealed weiipons, as it is consid
ered necessary as protection against
the great number of thugs now in
.that city.
The railroad companies are again
attacking the system of ticket
real ping, with the intention of do
ing away with it if possible. Like
nm! other questions thoy find it a
difficult one to h.'.ndle.
Nat Blum has given up hotel
life in Washington and lias retired
to his suburban residence. There"
is a comitry-pliice near Salem thai
would about fit Xat. Telegram.
Cleveland ia holding back the
Portland post-office to trade on.
He will want an Oregon senator's
vote some day, and the post-office
will fetch it. Telegram.
Probably Pennoyer celebrated
Washington's Birthday by ' writing
Cleveland that the present presi
dent will never he the father of hif
coun'trv. It has been rightly said: Nothing
is easier than to tell some one els
what to do, nothing harder than to
show him how to do it.
This time Evans will be jugged
to stav.
Russell has been rustled back.
Fay u the cash mid got yi;ur rumi
ey's worth, and don't ask for tiiiic,
wc have noue in stock.
.;. Albany IMMtiM.)
The County Sheriff flow lias tn Ills
possession the sweRauient roll and
warrant fur the collection of statu,
county, city and school taxed. Tne
state and county taxes re for 1808. the
city of Albany taxes for 18W as apt ear.
oa the city records and not for 1898 t
some have misapprehended. Inere, Is
about $3,000 due on the 1693 city Ux.
This will be collected, and the Demo
crat U Informed by the Mayor thai
there Is no question aa to the Tight of
the city to do so. The Astoria case de-
older' by the supreme court applied to
a different point from that Involved in
our case. The warrant calls for the
collection of taxes as follows:
County atid State tax 180,B81 68
Poll tax
2,611 00
18,092 42
255 42
402 02
888 09
77 71
202 61
4,090 41
018 83
69 SO
126 66
102 01
786 83
1,397 06
154 08
332 79
28 80
650 02
83 20
$188241 89
352 00
$157,889 80
City of Albany tax
School Dint. 8
'" 6
" 10
" 17
" 42
" 62
' " . 57 'V
" W
" 75
. " 114
" 121
Lees poll tn$ collected by
Balance -
H. W. GofT, H.J. Hopkins and Dr,
C. U. Chamberlain, by Blackburn
Watson, attorneys, have filed a peti
tion In the circuit court, for the re
moval ef W. 8. Thompson as ussignee
of the Bank of Oregon. It will be
heard by Judge Burnett at the regular
term of court beginning on March 12.
The matter is exciting considerable in
terest, and the proceedings before the
circuit court will attract general atten
tion. A meeting of the depositors of
the bank was held this afternoon tn
consider the situation, At present the
Democrat will not publish any of the
allegations in the matter. The present
line of attack seems to be to secure the
present on unpaid stock, and if possible
secure something out of the building,
on which a foreclosure of a mortgage is
now proceeding, Very little has betfn
collected go far, and the depositors are
dissatisfied with the efforts made to do
so. The hearing itself will bring out
imlh sides, which it always takes to do
justice to so important a matter. Mon
day's Democrat.
While waiting for the mall to be
changed at the Full Creek postoffice,
the carrier's attention was called to
a little boy, that came to the sto.eto
e If he could get a few turnips. He
said his mother was sick and that they
had nothing In the house to est. The
mull carrier, Mr. Tibbets, sympathy
was aroused so he called at the house
ami ascertained'the family's name was
Mulkey, consisting of Mrs. Mulkey
and five children, ranging in aire from
10 years old to an infant one day old.
All there was In the house to eat was
about two pounds of flour and the tur
nips the boy got at the store. Tills Is
thefiimily that was deserted by the
husband and father (if sueh a brute
can claim the title) after "blowing In"
the money earned by himself and wife
nicking hops. A pack horse was sent
from Springfield, well laden with pro
vision for their relief, Friday morning.
Eugene (Juard.
I have just received my spiing and
summer wimples, and will bo glad tn
nave every one call and examine them
before going elsewhere, for I am pre
pared to make clothes to order cheaper
i hmi ever before. Genuine Black Clay
W'orsM suits, from $25 up; businei
.its, fn:in $20 up-, pants, from $fl up.
Fit and workmanship guaranteed.
Don't forget the address, G. Lovbmje.
Merchant Tailor, Lebanon, Or.
Mrs. Emily Thorne, who resides ai
Toledo, Wellington, says she hai
never been able to procure any medi
cine for rheumatism that relieves the
pain so quickly ana effectually a
Chamberlain's Fain Balm and thai
site has also ueil It for Lirue back with
irrent success. For sale by N. W.
.-iinith, druggist.
C. A. Zabn has Just received a sup
ply of orungo cider, from California,
part of which is from blood oranges.
Try the blood orange cider a delicious
How to make the "mighty dollar"
go a long ways Go to Baker's and
boy your 'cots and shoes, that bave
been cut down to hard times prices.
Wesley Davis, editor of the Newport
Times, and formerly fcjundny-sdiool
leucber at Newport, has purchased the
saloon at Tolwio. -
H. Baker is now agent for the cele
brated iJ iiiglse Slii. .,
If you wuut to get olco fresh tread
go to fiiililer's,
Stary of a TTaaltbr Wunu
Confenloa Rntllatloa.
I' heard a little storytoday that makes
ltem conscience, Christianity and self
ajasement are something more than
Inere words, after all, and it Is so nice,
too, to heir such story of distress-,
ingly rich woman. The heroine and
the Is t geunine heroine none other
could do as the did ia the wife of a
magnate whose wealth Is Inestimable,
whose income it. incalculable She lives
in one of the most gorgeous mansions
wf the metropolis and la famed tor her
piety and charity. But the was not al
ways rich indeed she once was actual
ly poor. When the was a girl at board
ing school, the had probably less pock
et money than any of her classmates.
One time a collection was taken up
among the girls for a most worthy and
needy object. Our young heroine longed
to help, and she was to ashamed not to
be able, A schoolgirl's pride is a dis
torted, disproportionate sentiment any
how. So, in a moment of temptation
and weakness, she stole f S from her
ohnm, who Vs the richest girl in school.
I The latter, with the happy careless
ness of a petted child, who has more
than she wants, never even missed the
money at all. The end of the term came,
and the girls all went home. The rich
girl never returned. She became lost
i tq the ken of her former schoolmates
all save one, who remembered her with
agonising and conscience quickened dis-
j tinctness.
Finally, in the course of many yean,
i pur poor heroine had become the wife
or one or America s ncnen men, and
one day she heard that the girl she had
never relinquished the search for was
poor, ill and a widow, with little chil
dren. She hunted her np, invited her
to come to dinner, and without telling
her invited also SO of the friends whose
friendship and esteem she most valued,
ampng them her pastor.
After dinner, to every one's amaze
ment, she bad every servant summoned
to the drawing room. There, before
ber most cherished friends and her paid
subordinates, she confessed her Dett
pilfering of 80 y- tilore md ended
hit confession simply, "But 1 will pay
hack the money tonight." Therewasn't
a dry eye in that stately drawing room
when she finished, bnt only very few
who listened to herself abasement know
that the widowed friend took home fl,
000 for the pilfered $3, and bmidea a
promise of education and subsequent
care for her three little children.
Don't yon think my heroine bad in
her the spirit of the early martyrs or,
indeed, I believe it a higher type of
Hod bless herl Mollle Knickerbock
er in New York Recorder.
The- Hkeltton of Another Tall Alun Reoaut
ly Dlaeovared Men Ucntans.
Fresh discoveries of human remains,
probably prehistoric, were found this
week on the Italian frontier near Men
tone. Two years ago the skeleton of a
man more than 8 feet high was unearth
ed at the same spot nnder tho direction
of an English archaeologist. Workmen
in a cave recently uncovered several
slabs of stono which seemed to form a
part of a dolmen. Tbo earth contained
many hones of animals, broken evi
dently, for the extraction of the mar
row, and there were indications of fire
close by. Several small, pierced shells
which once formed a chaplet and a
ow of stag's teeth were near at band.
The skeleton of a man 0 feet U inches
in height was lying on itn back. The
legs were crossed below tbo knee. The
right arm was extended and bent back
ward toward the head. The hand was
clinched. The left hand was placed
nnder tho head. The same position has
been frequently observed in early neo
lithic burials, A fine crystal of carbon
ate of lime besidA the skeleton was prob
ably a talisman. Further excavations
in the cavern revealed innumerable
bones of animals, notably a tine verte
bra) of a mammoth. Still another find
is a flint implement, which appears to
be of palieolithio age. Paris Letter,
To Ba Triad for Mslllug-Blble Quotations,
A case of nnnsnal interest in which
the United States is prosecutor and An
thony Beerpass is defendant will be
tried soon lu the United States conrt.
Beerpass was violently enamored of (Je
lls Grass by. In a tit of anger and jeal
ousy the lover wrote Celia a very ob
jectionable letter. The girl promptly
turned the letter over to the proper au
thorities, and Beerpass was arrested for
ending obscene matter throngh the
malls. He acknowledged sending the
letter, but claims he cannot be made to
suffer for it, as every sentence in it it
a quotation from the Bible, which be
readily proved. The defendant says that,
as the Bible is mailable matter, be had
a perfect tight to use the mails tor
trsnsmitting a few quotations from it.
Trimble (Tenn.) Correspondent.
Incident BUrrlag.
There was no fuss and flummery
about the wedding of a Portland wom
an last month. She bad a job wasbing
floors at the city ball, and one morning
appeared with bei palls and mops us
usual. Along in the forenoon she sur
prised the janitor by announcing that
the was going out for a tew minutes to
get married, and in just 46 minutes the
was back, the ceremony all over, the
nuptial kiss duly attended to, and re
turned her scrubbing. She probably ap
preciated the fact that sometimes it is
easier to get husbands than employ
ment. Lewiston Journal.
Chans, la th Fi-aooh Language.
The French academy has announced
that 1,200 changes have been made in
the French language. Among others
is the uniform formation of the plural
e. g., materiaux will become mate
riel, voix will be vois. The ph will
give way to f, as in philosophic, mak
ing it Blosofie. These alterations, it is
aid, are to go into tnto force immedi
ately .Journal of Education.
A Man Lost.
One day last week a luun was pass
ing down Moil) Btreet, mid all ut onei
disappeared Into Bilker's Dry Goods,
Boot and Shoe store, where befell lut
Baker's low prices and was lost to all.
O. W. 0. Ilimlmiin, Bherlff of Tyler
Co., W. Vn., appreciates a good tlilhy
and does not hesitnte to sny so. Hi
was almost prostrated with a cold
when he procured a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Ho says: "It
gave lite prompt relief. I find It to he
an invaluable remedy for coughs and
colds." For sale by N. W. Hmlth,
iSuy boots and shoes of Read, Peaeoi It
A Co.
We have aecoiiiiuodated you In the
past and will do so In the future, by
e!liiig you hardware it reduced prices
for cash only, Chi'Son & Mk.n.ies,
Bend your name uud address to
Read Peacock & Co., Alhuiiy, Oregon,
and mention the Vxphkhs, they will
mull you a fashion sheet free eneh
You should remember that the best
place to buy pianos or organs Is ill
Will's music store, Albany, Or. He
uoee not take advantage of people's ig
norance and sell a clump made piano
at the price of a good one.
There will lie a George and Murthu
Washington entertainment given by
the ladles of the Relief Corns, at the
G. A. R. Hall (over pmt-otliit) this
evening Washington's birthday, Ad
mission 15 cts., Including supper.
"Is Your Name
; Mien There?"
Written where? Why, on tho
subscription list of the Lehandx
Express. If you are not a sub
scriber to this paper, mid wish to
obtain reading matter for tho win
ter evenings, now is the timo to
subscribe. Subscription rates, (pay
able in advance) 1.50 par year,
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from your advertisements
Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give the desired results, us it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Linn County.
The nbovflln -lOorr-M plfturnf THBO'tB
GO UMN W ttli.iAnA loo .tti at th
corner of .-1x11. uud U r it ream or tn hi
yen THK U.!w'. JUN n hi It tlie nf d tt
(t new and coin ni'"i ion buiidt it tMnliraaln
all tl0 modem i upciv muo t wltluut; luti
Imprnvnlmiivijl'ivv for iimi-ii? out a m
tr'jii)!iiiin iiBp'F, It tmv Iiuh i'. Hfi i t)ii) tii
Wie wiiota i-'&OittflCo.utma Jiittl)' lenl prim.
Ol Hk It ll CO-MUll) til ill It rill tU'lWlT
Now tlifit Till; O i frt A i it -'ttk. ,
tM uaw limur It tej'it I h l-iiir It inn
frienM a beuftit. h mk ' tltU stwcial off
10 tlioitt wh' renw timir tibi'JFliit o ., or t
bo.o wtio iiiLiMirlbe prior u betttoiaUsHr U'
to Mad the
Ucet(ly Oreoijiai
Thl Mn rim l'iH u tenu of the ynr, TH
OKKOOftUN bnlicvfk a Imiieflt o tiiia Iti
wi.lljit rfi'Qitlr FtuprPO.Hto.l, i Itmti jitl
your tubttrl 1io,i 10 (rm u 0;.h'.. I
rititfiu iAirtMftil yo.i are em:U Uy Invit
to call mi i titko a trip titruuh our u
om siddrtui
VtMllMS). 06.
si -
mUllllllllinilllllimmilli i, , ."IS
iy-;w .ss , mum
Wlio always carries a nicely selected stock of
Clothing. Gents1 Furnishing
goods, grocer
If you do not already give him your patronage try liim,
and you will always trode at his store.
In Courtney's Brick.
Fall Term Began September ntli.
For information, ask for circular at the Tout-office or
S. A. RANDLE, Principal,
LEBANON, - - - - -'.OREGON.
TTT f T TTTTtt t tt Ttttt Tf
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at my
Yard, in the suhurhs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonablt
Rales. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
despatch. D. W. HARDEN.
Great Clearance Sale!
Owing to the genoral stringency of tho money market
and low prico of grain we will make a
Sweeping Reduction
on all goods. We mean business ami will savo you money,
' Buy While Prices Are Low.
Read. Peacock & Co.,
'afer Ianging
What Is the condition of yourt? Is your hair dry,
harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has It !
lifeless appearance? Does It foil out when combed or '
brushed? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? !
Is It dry or In a heated condition ? If these are some of
yoursymptomsbewarnedintimeoryouwillbecomebald. 1
Skookum Root Hair Grower !
lfttthatyounepri. It.nrailTiflllnnlannt.itnMm,M,i,,,
ln?tai)v.,?i S if?.
t, Z, iff,lllL,,t,MK "."
J mHZXtXinK "oath
ies. k
Next Door to
'""'''ililtii LLiSi iii
and Graining.
,,k0"k'"" "miitalinijUmw wlneroUimroln. 11 ,
ba?l'I'T. nnd freo from tri-ltatnit cnmHona. fcr
DflflT HAID fiLArcrj rn
Fifth Avanus. New York. N. Y. "