VOL VII LEBANON, OREGON, FEBRUARY 23, 1894 NO. 52. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. ilx months............ ' line mouths ,.. . Male copUw ............... ............. ..KOO 100 . 50 . 00 STATE OFPICEItS. Jolin H. Mitchell,! ...Senators ntiifter Hermann congressman By Ivostar Ptiumyw Governor Oeiirnt W. Mcllnde,... Sacreiary of State Phil MoHi'bun,.., Treasurer K. II. MoMroy, ...,8upt. Public Instruction Frank I'.Haker, Htate Prlntor i.H, Scalm, , , , W it. r. Ion), Supreme JuiIkw It. H. llean, I ' East and South ' VIA ' THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Portland daily: 6:16 P.M. 10:23 r. M. 10:15 a. h. l,v,..IWlluml Ar. Lv... A llmtiy.. ..Ar, Ar.Him Frai'diw-nlv 8:20.! 4:L':t a. : 7 on i- COUNTY OFFICIOUS. ), N. Duncan N, P. Payne ;, E. E. Davis J Mud, Chirk, Item inter Blieritr .', C. C. Jackson School Superintendent, ..... H. Wilkes . Treasurer Brk Wallace Askcemir, W. F. Deakins Surveyor E. T. T. Fislicr (.,"mw Frank Farrell (Win. ItuniDatiRu Commlssloni"1'' i" iJuliu l'ligh CITY OF."'CIALS, MAYOR..... Zi.B.OKTAOI?E. :K(;OllDEK F. M. i'UXEU. CITY ATTOKNKY 8. M. OAKLAND. TUEAHUKliR J. F. HYDE. A1WH AL P. W. MOItGAN. EI). KEM.ESBEUOISH, J. fl. HKH1), H11M.H.MEH' ANDItlCHH. 8. H. MY EltB. .CI. W. RICK, tilty Council meets on the first and tliird , Tuesduy evenings of each month. The ahnvo trains m hi utt nwia. h..,. Portland to Alliaiiv iiicluive;alo Tangent, Sliedd, Hulsey, HurrisburB, Junction t'ily, Irvine, kuiiene and all stations from Hose hurg to Ashland Inclllslvo. - KoschurE mail daily: 8:S0 . u. I l,v...Pnrtlond ...Ar. 12:46 p. h. Lv...Alliuny Ar. 6:60 p. H. i Ar...ltoi.pbiir(E.. bv. 4:20 P. a. 12:30 P. M. 7:00 A.m. Local nassengcr trains dally (except Sunday. 1 :20 p. M. ! Lv, ., Albany Ar. 2:00 p. M. Ar...l.clianon....Lv. B:10a. m. I l.v...AIUany Ar. 6:00 a. h. Ar...Uilianon ...bv. 10:21 A.M. t :,MI a. M. :26p. h 2:: V. H. Dining Can on 0den Route. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains, Secret Societies. LkIIANON LODGE. NO. 47, I, O. O. F.-Meets -.very Satunlay evenlua at Odd Follows flail, at o'olnck p. m. I. U. CAKI.ANl), Baot'y. A.A.1 I, N. O. . HL REBECCA LOUOK, HO. 47. 1. 0. 0. . HMts at I ' ' H,U n "d ,hlrt W11M- lay evening -reach month. HKa. U. W. CRUBON, a. O. HISS HATTIE BIMrk1' tOU 0U1XK,R0,44 A, t. A'M'"" uunlay evening, on 4aoh month, r. M. Miun. Sao. I. E. Hahdaok, W. Hokot Losoi, No. W, A. O, V. W. Meet every Tuesday evening at Q. A. R. Hall. C.A.ZAHK, M. W. U. V. KiaxrAtaicx, Rec. ui'l Mtum Camp, No. 19, div ofOaBoo jomorVufs.-Meet In Q. A. K. Hall, '.cbsnon, fir., evarv Saturday ovonlng. except the third Saturday of each mouth, meoilnit the third Fri lay Instead. Ml brothers of the Sous of Vet ransand comradesofthoH. A.R.aro cordially ..'ltd to meet with the Camp. C. 1). Mo tana, Capt. A. Crad First Seat. PROFE'O"11" 8AMU M. OARLANO' ATTORNEY - AT LAW LEBANON. OREGON. Wet Hide Ulvlwlon, BUTWBOI PonTLANB AKD Co.HVAI.LIH. Mull train dally (except Sunday) 7:S0 A. m. 12:16 P. M. I LvPnrtlaml . Ar...l'rvallls. 6:.1S A. , ) :0I) P. M. At Alhnnv and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon PuciUc railroad. ExpreBsJroin dally (except Sunday): 4:40 p. M, I l,v...l'(irlland ...Ar. . 8:26 A. B. 7:S6 p. H. Ar.UcMinnville Lv 6:60 A. II. THEODGH TICKETS I" '"'r'n! ailu and Europe cat: be obtained at lowest rates from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon. B. KOEHLKU, Manager. E, P. UOOKim, Asst. . F. it Pass. Agt. Miscellaneous Items Cnlled From Onr Exohftngea. In proportion to their size spi ders are seven times stronger than lions. Americans are the best penmen in the world, and the British come next. Greece has more public holidays than any other country in the world. Some pessimist, who wants the earth, hs dubbed San Francisco's great mid-n-intor exposition the "nitid-wiiiter imposition. A woninn well known in English society for her lovely neck and arms polishes them, so it is said, for half an hour each night with chamois ' leather. Henceforth all Russian emi grants entering Germany, en route for the United States, must be healthy, and if over ten years of age be possessed of 400 marks in cash. The southern states have formed a plan to eolve the Negro question. A company has boen formed in Alabama, with a capital stock of $100,000, to export Negroes to Li beria, St. Charles Hotel, Corner Main and Sherman Streets, LEBANON, prase C J! BUD THOIPSM, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Bpeoial attention paid to Com mercial men. Board and Lodging, per day, tl to 12; per week H50 to John M. Somers, -Attomey-at-Law- Will practice in all the courts ol the stale. LEBANON. OREGON. A. F. ST OWK, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. .Unctions given prompt and careful attention. O. "in pnidloe til all the courtt of the slate. ' OW10R IB OOUBTSBV'S BRICK. '.RBANON, OREOON. iMNi Chamberlaiii, AT-LAW, ATTORNEYS-. ALBANY, OREGi. W.B BILYEV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. J. B. WYATT, Attorney- at - Law, ALBANY, OREGON. BARBER SHOP Best Shaven, Hair Cut or Shampoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths." Children Kindly Treated. Ladles Hair Dressing a Specialty. Lebanon 31eat Market, Ed Kelleubergcr, Propr. A speaker at a meeting of the unemployed, at London, said if the police struck (the unemployed again the latter were determined to use chemicals and send the police to heaven by a chemical poBt. The French Academy began work upon the first letter of its fa mous "Dictionaire Historique de la Langue Francaise" a little less than titty years ago. A tew years since it bnished this exacting "A." To guard against poisoning, law has been passed in Germany that all drugs intauded for internal use must be put iii'-'iound bottles, and those which are-only used ex ternally must be placed injiexago- nal UoltidB.- A "Conniierciaf 'Museum" is about to be established at Tangiers, Morocco, in which manufacturers and merchants from all countries may exhibit samples of those of their wares which they think beit adapted to the Moorish market," The propsition to" annex the Indian territory to Oklahoma and admit both territories as one state, is being opposed by some of the influential chiefs among the four civilized tribes, whoBe power would be lost should the annexation scheme be carried out, Lives there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath sid, "this night before I go to bed I'll surely pay the printer." It such there breathes go mark him well; for him no minstrel rapture swells, for when he'll die he'll go to well, the place there is no winter. A grocery cleik in New York city was arrested a few wpeks ago for selling two loaves of bread on Sun day, and was held by Judge Voor- hees in delault ol ifiuu Dan, Lr. Parkhurst's agents thereupon in vestigated the same region and found on p following Sunday that 129 saloons sold about 2,000 gallons of beer, but no one was arrested. L. B. Whorton, of Lakeview, has invented a contrivance for a wagon. It is virtually two bars crossed like an X beneath the vehicle an,d at tached to both axles. When the front wheels are turned one way the hind wheels are turned the other way, the vehicle therefore turning i half the' .lioney. He was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, and was exceedingly happy because his head ' was not chopped off. The Oregon supreme court mado a decision recently that owners of dogs should take note of. It was the case of Cameron vs O'Brien, to recoyer damages from the owner of a dog which barked and frightened the plaintilfs horse. The plaintiff was thrown and injured, and nrought suit for 1500 damages. The jury gave him a verdiot for that amount and the owner of the dog apjjealed to the supreme court. The supreme court confirmed the verdict and says in strong terms that the owners of barking dogs are responsible for all damages caused by such dogs, and that the owners keep them at their peril. , John F. Ryan, a submarine diver, claims to have located the ill-starred steamer, Brother Jona than, which went down July- 3, 1865, somewhere near Crescent City, Cal., together with 147 pas sengers, the crew and a large amount of treasure. Ryan says that G. W. Hill, who was assistant engineer and one of the nineteen survivors, assisted him to locate the vessel, which, lies in several hundred feet of water, in apparent good condition. Ryan has a ship bucket bearing the name of Brother Jonathan which he found on the wreck. In the spring he will make preparation to raise the vessel and recover the treasure. ' A drummer is responsible for the following story: A minister once had a swearing parrot, He com plained to a friend and' ihe latter told him how to cure the bird of its profanity. He said as soon as the bird began to swear, to swing the cage around rapidly ten times and then douse a bucket of water on the parrot. The next time the parrot swore, the minister did as directed.. Then after setting the cage down he glanced at the bird, half dazed ftWrrjfrjf its feathers ruffled, arid askeoKv "yVell now, how do you leeu "uti! said the parrot, look- in the Quicksands. Two young women who were driv ing on the beach almve San Francisco, Cal. , narrowly escaped a terrible death not Ions; ago. Extreme low tide, south of the Cliff House, uncovers treach erous quicksands, and travel along the bench is hazardous. The young women, with the horse and buggy, did not know this, and were enjoying them selves hugely, when tho horse began to struggle frantically to get out of the sand that reached almost to his knees. All his strong eudeavois wore vain, though, against the suction, and In a moment,, as his whole frame shook and convulsed In an upward, onward Im pulse, he fell on his side and became more helpless; but he fell toward land. The wagon had, at this time, gone down so fur that the tide, just In the begiuning of the flood, washed over the hubs. TerriUed were the women; but a leap from the vehicle would have only increased the danger. To scream for help was the only hope, but the shouts were lost In the thundering surf. At this critical moment Captain Bush, of the Ocean House, chanced to look along the shore and saw the vic tims. His horse was standing by and he dashed to the rescue, and when he got there the waves were breaking over the buggy box. But he pushed his way to the bttggy and bidding the women, one at a time, jump into his arms, carried them to the shore in safety. They were drenched and bad ly frightened, but otherwise uuinjured. The captain then cut the harness away from the poor horse, and be struggled until he reached 'fjrm footing. The uusoppwireu, -uqe-tue young women were too happy ovor their own escape to care for that. The West. Definitions of II Kiss. Some time ago London Tld-lllts of fered a 2-guinea prize for the best defi nition of a kiss. Seven thousand answers were received. The prize was awarded to Benjamin J. Greenwood, ofTulseHlll, London, whose defini tion is here given: "An inspired and tasteless morsel, which becomes delicious and detecta ble In proportion as It Is flavored with love." The following are selections from some of tho best definitions: What the chimney-sweeper imprints on the rosy lips of the scullerymald when she tells hiiu she favors his suit. The sweetest fruit of the tree of love. The ofteuer plucked the more abun dant it grows. A thing of use to no one, but much prized by two. , The baby's right, the lover's privi lege, the parent's benlsou and the hypocrite's mask, Nothing, divided between two. i A rock on the sea of life on which. the good ship Bachelor was wrecked. . The lover's privilege and the pug dog's right. Contraction of the mouth due to en largement of the heart. Chicago Streets, "Great city," said the stranger re flectively. "Wonderful city! The buildings are magnificent, the boule vards are superb and the hotels are unsurpassed, but but why don't you name your streets?" "Name our streets!" exclaimed the Chicagoab. "Wo Vio. Vou can't find a street in the city without a name." "Well, then," went on the stranger. iniroutof one eye in a quizzical j "why not derive some benefit from it? manner, "I'm all right, but where io the h 1 were you, when the cy clque struck us?" Be Sure and Call on HOPKINS BROS., -OF- Albany, Oregon, Fon HeatingStoes, CooUStoTiis, &c BEST G0ODS.JM ' py&EST PRICES. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo logna, and Ham, ItyBacon and Lard Always on Hand. Mlo Strut, Lebanon, r ' epjca it would other wise. Mr. Whorton bus Applied for a patent, S. Imahashi, a thieving Japuntse, tyos considerably surprised ani ejutod jn the police court in Port land, because ho ws not beheaded in punishment for his crinic. Some time ogo Imahashi entered an Everett street lodgding house and purloined a gold watch and some The Land of Ueit Apples and Bain. Oh, Oregon, beautiful Oregon, The land of red apple and raj"! ' That is bordered on its western coast By the great pacific Btraiu. We can boast f our beautiful country, Because we know 'tis true; ff Oregon wa. not the state for u, What would we Web-foots dot We are proud of our hills and moun tains, And think they are the best, Because our state has beautifully been culled "The Gardeu of the West." Rise up, oh stately country, Do not sleep as others do; For their sleeping will be wakened, When it is too late, 'tis true. Years ago our state was backward; Now we all are proud to say, At the world's great exhibition Prizes were won by Oregon euot) day, Let this grand and noble state Try all others to excel, Both in wealth and education; Time alone Is what will tell.' We are free and high born people, Both In wealth and nientul frame; Aud we are proud to know we live In the laud of red apples and rain. We have summers warm and suuiiy, Aud our autumns are grand and gay; But our winters, they arc rainy, Huring at last does gain the day. Hoping, trusting for the future, That we all may ever be Blessed with all our many blessings Id this country by the sea, KlIEPIlUliUESS. wny stiou Id tnere be any secrecy about It? Why not treat all streets alike? Why put the name of one street on the corner lamppost and not the name of the next? And why not have some uniformity about It?" he contin ued, warming up to his subject. "Why tack the name of one street onto building, put the next on a lamppost, the third half way up an electric light post, the fourth clear at the top of It aud have no sign at all for the tilth?" Chicago Post. G LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Kvcry Week.l Wheat36c. Oats 24o Hay 19 per ton. Flour $0 75 per sack. Chop $1 00 per cwt, Bran 75c per cwt. Middlings! 00 per cwt. Potatoes 35c. Apples Dried, 6c per lb. Plums Dried, 5c. Onions 2c. BeefDressed, 4c, Veal 45c. Pork Dressed, 5. Lard-HJ. Hams 1214 per lb. Shoulders 10c. Sideitllo per lb. Geese $7 per doz. Ducks f4 00 per doz. Chickens $2 758 50. Turkeys 100 per lb. Eggs 12jc oer doz. Butter 20c per lb., Hides Green, le; dry, 2e. An Important Decision. Tt will be remem:ered that the uues- Iftfn'aato whether the money depos ited" with Hamilton, Job & Co. wna' itrust fund or not, was argued several days ugo before Judge Fullertou, who took the matter under dvisemt-ut. A decision was sent, sustaining the plain tiffs demurrer to the several separate defenses set up by the assignee of H. & Co., thereby holding tho county money a trust fund aud giving the enuuty a priority over the general de positors. The College case stands on the same ground aud this decision in effect gives the College the same pri ority. In the set off cases the court made a decision sustaining the objec tions to the set oil's, holding that no set ofls could be alleged. ' The cases -' will be taken to the- supreme court, and If the former is there Histained there will be 20,000 lessto be dis tributed among the general depositors, which will be a hard blow. News, . )' Like a French Duet, Roseburg Review. Funny war In Bruzil! Pop bang Wever kill; uockeo nat, Gold braid; One scar't, T'other 'frald; Fire away, Once a week, Then play Hide and seek; Shoot high; Don't hit; Oh, my! Let's quit! Settle up, Pay the bill; Funuy war In Brazil! Subscribe for the Expkbss now. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Powder The Populist ftlllleuuiilin. No more toil and no more worry, When his bill beoomes a law; All may get tinh In a hurry Out of money made of straw, Uncle Sam is kind and cunning, He has heard his people call; When he gets bis presses running There'll be millions for us all. - Nebraska State Journal, Theoni) Pun. Cieaiu of Tartar Powdcr.-NoAmiuouia.No Alum. Used i;j Millions of Homes 40 Years the Staudari A hobo came In on top of the last Pullman coach on Suturday morning's train. It was bitter cold and he could hardly limber himself up' sufficiently to descend in safety. He tried to shake the snow oft' his garments but it was frozen too stilt'. He heal hlshatagainst the end of the depot, but the snow re fused to budge. He then struck out in the direction of the round bouse aud disepptHwed. Oiuuts Paw Courier. A bold train robbery occurred near Los Angeles last Friday night. The train was wreoked, and two rueu, one a tramp, were killed. The robbers se cured the Wells Fargo treasury, a good many thousand dollars. School Supt. Newell, of Morrow county, who was put oft' the Union Pacific east bound passenger train the night of December 5, has sued the com pany at Pendleton for 120,000. Another attempt was recently mado to burglarize the store of Weir & Bon, at Jordan. Mr. Weir fired in the dark at the point where he supposed the burglar was, but the man was else where and escaped. The Heppner Gazette says: There is au Item afloat to the effect that In a neighboring t"wn is a ledjjo of Farmers Alliance, which meets Monday tiiyhl. There is only one lodge room In the town, and Tuesday nights It is occu pied by Knights of Pythias. The president of one of the sub-alliances came to town Tuesday, and seeing a light In the lodge room concluded he would go over there. He gave the proper knock at the outer doar. The wicket was raised aud an car plaoed to hear the password. "I plow, I hoe, I spade," whispered the alliance man. The ear was replaced with au eye, and in turn It gave place for a mouth, which whispered in reply, "The h you do," and the wicket was dropped with a bang. The Indignant farmer shortly after met a "brother," to whom be told his tale of woe. "Why, dod d u rn it," was the sharp reply of the brother, "them's Knights of Pythias and you've give 'em our password." "Dogged if I ain't," was the response, "but, (brightening up) dura 'eto, I'v gut theirs." i-. J !1: aV.-- I i