r ft . . .. V"" " ' ' , " . ' k- k- .., , VOL VII TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Omjnt ' .....BOO (If paid In aavanofc II 8ti per year.) . Kli monttw 1 J rhree month ...... V 1 I l ooptok " w STATE OFFICERS. I. N. Dolph, ( , 8cnato John H. Mitchell,! Blnter Hermann,... Congremmai Sylveatcr l'ennoyer Governor Oenrw W. McBride -.Secretary ot State Phil Metwhai Treuum E. B. McKlroy, Snpt. Public Inatroctloi Frank il. Baker, it State Printer R. R. Bt-Bhn, I , Wm. f. lord,). Supreme Judge K. S. Beau, COUNTY OFFICERS. indue,....' J-Duncan Clerk N. Py" Recorder - E. E. Davln Sheriff, C. C. Jackson School 8iirintendent, ....0. H. Wilkes Treasurer, Brlce Wallace Ansessor,.. W. F. Doakinn ; Surveyor, E. T. T. Fisher ' Coroner, Frank Farrell , , (Win. Unmbaugh Commissioners jJotm pU(j, . , CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR C. B. MONTAGUE. KKCORDEK F. H. MILLER. CITY ATTORNEY S. M. GARLAND. rREASUKKR J. F. HYDE. MARSHAL P. W. MORGAN. f ED. KELLKVBERQER, J. G. HEED, I1N(:iLMENff;E& IS. H. MYERS. la. w.rice. City Council moeta on the first and third Tues'lay evenings of each mouth. Seorot tooletlai. LkBaNOS . 'tlWllC, 110,47, 1,0. 0. F.-Meeu Willi at Odd Fellows Hall, at .feryHaturnay e o'clock p. m. H. U. GARLAND, Beefy. A.A.KRKS.N. 0. PEARL REBECCA LOOQE, NO. 7, I ' F' oeets at . 0. 0. P Hal) Ural and third " lay evenings of each month. MRS. 0. W. CRU80N, N. G. MISS HAyT&SlMlDON, Beefy. Lrju oLouuJ, NO, 44 A. F. 4 A. IL-MeeU -aiurJny evening, oiuar Wlow the full nous In ,ach month. . , v I, K. HiMKiCI, W. M, t. M. ataxia. Bee. "- Hun Loiwa, No. as. A. 0, 0. W. Meets every riuudaj' evening at 0. A. H. HaU. C. A. ZauK, M. W. il. Y. KlBKPATaiUK, Reo. 'i'l Muooe Cip, No. 19. wv ofOnooo imop ''"""-Mo'" In " A. K. HaU, Lebanon, Or everv ""lr,lll' eveuhig. except the third ' lav Instead ah tolhern of the Suns of Vet- InvMu, meet with the a? A. CBADAI.L, First Begt. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, LEBANON, OREGON. John M. Somers, -Attorney-at-Law- Will practice In all the courts of the state. LEBANON. OREGON. A. F. ST OWE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED, nllectlon. given prompt and careful attention, will practice in all the courts of the state. omra oooanreVi Lebanon, Oregon. Weaftertord k Chamberlain, ATTORNEYS -AT - LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. W.R BILYEV, TTORNEY- AT - LAW, ' ALBANY, OREGON. H. WYATT, --at -Law, Attornej- niaoN. ALBANY, 0. Be Sure and Cull on , , HOPKINS BROS., OF- Albany, Oregon, - FOR EeatingStoYes, CookStoYes. &c. BEST GOODS.jpJ jSTBBST PRICES. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF the Southern Pacific Go, Express trains leave Portland dally: fl:lf. . 10:23 p. M. 10:16 a. m. I.v... Portland Ar. Lv... Albany.. ..Ar. Ar.Snn Krm.cteeo I w 8:20 A. H 4:28 a. m' 7 no m The aUive truius bio,, ut uu Mm. ...a ..... - , ll.n.... l..nL,uiia. .1 ....... . Hhedd, Halsey, Harrlshurat junction City, irvnifr, iiiKvue bihi nil nwiiuns iruin jiuiw burg to Ashland inclusive. . Roscburft mail daily: 8:30 i. H LvPnrtland ...Ar. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar...Rocbury.. Lv. 4:20 p.m. 12:30 P. M. 7:00a.M. 12:46 T. I 6:60 P. Local passenger trains daily (except sunilay. 1:20 p. M. 2:00 p. n. 8:10 A. M. 9:00 A. M. Lv... Albany. Ar. Ar...!jehanon....Lv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar... Lebanon ...Lv. 10:21 A. M. 0:30 A. M. 3:26 p. M. 2:39 p.m. Dining Canon Ogden Route, Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Truine. Went Side Division. BeTWIM FOUTLAMI AD COHVAl.1.18. Mall train daily (except Sunday): 7:30 A. M. j Lv...Porlland ,A. I 6:36 A. M. 12:16p. m. I Ar...('iirvallis..Lv, 1:00 P, M. At Albanv and Cnrvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday): 4:40 p. lit. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. , 8:25 A. M. 7:86 P. M. I Ar.McMiunvilleLv I 5:60 A. M. THROUGH TICKETS To,llpoint,inthe ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest raies from I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon. R, KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. G. K. Pnss. Agt, St. Charles Hotel, Corner Main and Bhencan Streets, C13BA1SOJV, OIIK6C K BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com mercial men. Board and Lodging, per day, l to li!; (r week H.bOtoift BARBER SHOP Beat Bhaves, Htilr Cut or Shumpoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated, Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. Lebanon Meat Market, Ed Kellenberger, Propr. .Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo. logna, and Ham, ff Bacon stud Lard Always on Hand. ' v Main Strwtj Lebanon, Or. LEBANON, OREGON, FEBRUARY 16,1894. A famous humorist once said: "There Is enough advice lying around loose to run half a down such worlds to- this." The more we think upon It, the more truth we realize In this ti Ite saying. It Is a constantly recurring fact to every one In a public position, be he editor, teacher, or minister. It is especially prominent in those cmimunlties that have not outgrown their swaddling clothes, and are yet in an infantile gtuge of development.' Hence hamlets uikJ rural villages are peculiarly sus- ieplllile to Its recurrence, and form Its natural habitat. Thn( Lebanon Is not xerupt fnmi Its effects hus been amply demonstrated. Not a minister of this place, who has attempted work other wise than routine, but has been over whelmed by advice enough to have paid the imtlonnl debt, had It been re deemable In gold coin, and taken at the giver's estimate of Its value. The uatonicuiug part of this remarkable occiirrctict is, that the donors, in most discs, are not only non-sectarian but non-Christian as well.' Undoubtedly the theories of these street-corner re vivalists and suloon-bummer Salvation ists would result in great good If chris tian men and women would only adopt them. A man who has never made a pro fession of religion lsemiiiently(?) qual ified to conduct a revival. We have had the pleasure of hearing several learned(?) discussions, concerning church law and church management, during the pust week; but our pleasure was somewhat marred by the salient fact that the aspiring theologians had had no religious experience whatever. But how can these sugts go on hiding their light? Verily: there is an ahuudance of missionary talent lying latent In Lebanon. It only needs some one to change it from potential to kinetic form and the redemption of Africa is at hand. Where, oh where is the puissant "Elder" at this orltlcol moment? Here, surely, is a field in which even he might labor advan tageously. Away with such baldtldasb! I have no sympathy with that braggadocio spirit which prompts luBng men, or older ones either, to attend divine ser vice for the purpose of creating discord. Mohammed has well said, "There are some who say, 'we believe In God and the luBt day;1 but are not really be lievers; they seek to ceeelvo God and those who do believe, but they deceive theniselvn only." No one is deceived by such flimsy pretext. Do not understand me, that I am seeking to defend the management of the present revival. T am not taking up any such rtsponslblllty. The min ister In charge of the meetings is as sumed t'i understand his own business, and advice from me would be Imperti nence. While I may not approve his management, neither am I at liberty to say how he shall conduct his ser vices. I can at least remain away, and by so dng "no offence oometh." It Is my opinion that bis new con verts are essentially human; hence no better than those of any other denomi nation. They seem to be in most things Methodlsilc, but from ull re ports it s a Methodist revival. Foxglove. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week.l Wheat-8Dc. Oats 24o Hay $1) perton. flour $0 75 persack. Chop--!! 00 per cwf. Bran 76c per cwt. Middlings $1 00 per owt. Potatoes 35c. Apples Dried, 6c per lb. Plums Dried, 5o. Onlops Sc. Beei DresBed, Aa. Veal 4((i)5o. Pork Dressed, 6. Lard-14J. Hams 1214 per lb. Shoulders 10c. Bides llo per lb, Geese $7 per dos. Ducks 14 00 per doz. Chickens-2 608 00, Turkeys lOo peril). Eggs 18c ")er doz. Butter 20c per lb. hides Green, lo; dry, 2c. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, ei ts Brf m m t w ;a k " u Hie nl Pqiv Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes -jo Years the Standard County Court. Ill the matter of petition of D. 8. Thomas et al for county rood, Jas. Pearl, Henry Blakely and Clyde Mc Coy appointed viewers. H. L. Lassell was appointed super visor of district 21; A. Herald, of dlst. 8; 8. C. Millard, of di-t. 261; Oeo. Conner, of dlst. 48; O.Gaines, of dlst. 8; F. M, Hazen, of dlst 27; W., E. Potter, of dlst. 1; Lewis B. Wilson, of dlst. 85; W. A. Trltes, of dlst. 47; W. H. Nick erson, of dlst. 52. Ordered that (J. C. Jacksoa be au IhiiMzed to offer a reward of $160 for the arrest and detention and delivery ofG. F. Russell. ' Ordered that Geo. H. Wilkes be ap pointed to All out the unexpired term of GK F. Itussell as county school super intendent. : . In petition of J. G. Gross et al for county 'road, Put Kester, B. F. Blodgett and Hester Bland appointed viewers, ; Bill of E. Goin, account poor, con tinued. Bill of Dr. A. G. Prill, account poor, $8.50, disallowed. Bill of G. F. Russell, $50 salary, dis allowed in full. . Bill of Ben II. Irwin & Co., $355, disallowed. , BILLS ALI.0WEI). - ' 0 P Cosliow, aid Hull , $ 5 00 G C Cooley, aid Clark 5 00 Mrs P A Henderson, aid self 10 00 W E Savage, aid Cox , " 10 00 G F Crawford, aid Roberts 8 00 C White, aid Presael, Kenworthy 10 00 M Anderson, aid Hochenburg 8 00 Elizabeth Osborn, aid self ; 6 00 8arah Hines, aid self 1 . 6 Oo Moses Parker, sup. dlst 21 ' 50 00 W M Malone, sup dlst 3 21 00 C H Bogart, dist 28 26 00 G W Berchet, dist 48 . 25 00 W J Crabtree, dist 8 ' 44 00 A P Blackburn, dlst 27 : -20 00 B F Craw, aid paupers 23 60 V G M ore, aid poor " ' 12 00 J B Tillotson, acct roads 229 00 John H Lyons, roads and bridges 5 00 I N Brotherton, dist J , - ' 38 00 J B Tilloujon et al, bridges ' S 20 30 R C Rump, aid self 10 00 G UBtanard, aid poor ' " - ' 2 15 Daniel Brady, aid self 10 00 Fees state vs Chas Flesh 8 35 Hayne & Buck, acct bridges 4 00 Chp Fergusson, bounty 1 00 Muston & Davis, sect poor 2 00 H B Moyer, bridges 18 51 8tale vs J Condroy, atty fees 6 00 Water rent . 15 00 G W Keeney, bounty 2 00 Heodley & Miller, bridges 1 60 H C Harness, C H 9 00 Fees, insane, P Turnrldge , 9 00 Stewart & Sox, bridges . 7 50 Smith Cox, sup dist 47 44 00 A G Marshall, roads 6 00 W A Trltes, roads J49 68 Coshow & Stanard, iubo 8 75 G C Stanard, mso 8 00 Henry Lyons, roads 1 80 J B McDowell, mso 8 00 S P Barger, msc 8 00 G W Young, roads 85 56 Fortmlller & Irving, acct poor 15 00 W C Davis, acct poor 2 25 P J Smiley, stationery 29 45 N M Newport, mso 7 00 E T T Fisher, surveying 12 06 ETT Fisher, acct poor 8 00 Lydia L Jewett, aid Hays 11 25 Electrio HgliU 5 00 State vs John Miller , 7 80 State vs Lewis 24 00 O P Card, roads 5 00 Vaugh & Downle, roads 8 55 P C Anderson, acot roads 6 40 John Morrison, acct poor 8 00 S W Moore, aoet poor , 5 00 T J Farrell, mso ' 8 80 W R Huhble, aid poor 15 00 J N Duncan, burial Mrs Kitts 88 90 Ladies Aid society, aoct poor 30 00 J M Ware, aid Henderson family 10 00 TP Barnes, sup dlst 53 . 42 00 State vs Condrey, pre ex 12 25 State vs J H Marks, pre cx 23 55 John Usher, janitor 10 00 Klmsey & Davis, sundries 10 00 H p Payne, county clerk fees 1 119 96 Dr. M. H. Ellis, aid poor . 2 00 Ben C Irwin & Co, tax receipts 21 70 Martin Poulsou, janitor 9 00 Wm Rumbaugh,inileageftuerdiem9 40 J W Pjgh " 15 00 J N Duncan, county Judge 100 00 r i akin owdetr . . Jama on Politics anil Religion, Lebanon, Or,, Feb. 12, '94. Editor Express: I was a thlukin that It wod be a good plan to rite yo a Ieter and glv my vews on a fue subjlcts about the sains and doinsofsomeof thepursons that hav bean writln and talkiu about different Idees and things about here. A good meney persons don't like them methidists, some dont kcre for the babtlsls and some dont like to here Jhe. salyatinsth Now I like the methi dists best of all, because they run the meetln acordln to there own idees, and they hav only one way to get pople in to heven; they want to drive them there and they are havin a hard time of it for the pople in this citty are a contrarry set of pople, and they will not drive worth a sent, nnthcr will they be coaxed, hut a good maney could lie bought or hired to get there. Yo no mr edlter that tims are powerful hard and It takes money to by suger, and yo cant git pople to think about heven when the country is so full of populists. Now If the metliodists would cinvict the popllsts then things would be different, but this is hard to do, for them babtisU Impotred a picacher that talked a hole lot about the popllsts Idees, and this makes It hard on the methodists and also hard on them republicans and them old line dimocrats. Now these poplists have a good windy subjict to talk about and they are not slow in improvln there tlm. Now the best wa out ofthedifl colty would be to stop preehin and go into the bisnens of couvertin the pop lists, Muk them see there eror of there wickid was and then every thing wold be esey. 1 tel yo, mr edetor, if elder wa bak wold com to town he wold be a powr in the land. I want him to bring his diissli hord to figer on. I think ho cold setle this mater in no time. Now that man that cals bim self Cal Jew Peper wold not be safto com to toun for them poplists dont like the jews, for they think that they hav made to much monny by workin for It, and he had bettor be a wanderin Jew than to expos his self to the com biueiwratb of the methodists and the poplists. They wold make it hot for his hyde. No, csl, stay whare yo air and dont risk your life here. The repu'.ilickans had a meeting the other night and thev exklude the methodists and likewise the jues and the poplists. there was a niau got up, a regulalr old time abolitlonsests and wanted to kno who paid the tarlf the man that consomed the goods or the furiner. I tell you that them republl caus made it hot for him. I think that he thought that he would be saffer on the back seat of the methodist meet- in house than whare he was then. kno If eldr wa bak wold of ben thar he wold of helped this old line republican mistime he wold helu his self to naybors smoke house). I wanted to help this man In his troble hut I was afraid that thev would hancr me for bein a spye. Now elder, I have got the grip and pas word, and if yo wll come over we will take in the sho next frida knight. We will have tint to iro to the methodist meetln after the sho is over, I wold advist the republicans to not let so meney poplists in the hal next time aslamaferd of them. Iklnd er think that the renublickanes air on the rite trak but they will have to be kerefull the next time and hav a good died-in-the-flax republlckan for a dor keaper so he wil be able to no a pop list when he sees one. I tell yo, mr ertiter, poloticks and religen are getiu red hot In this town, aud yo had beter make your paper larger Instid of makin It smaller, as yo will have lots things to print about. The oamnane is on and you will not hav to hunt fur for itms to print, cause the pople are beln edlcated on thes Importent sub nets. I wold advise tho taxpayers of this toun to not let there clos hang on the line of nights while the camoaiBlin on for these poplists are not doing aney thing but crie hard tims. Yo might advise the pople to bring in there clos lines for they might want these to hang themselves after the reports come In next June, yo kno that the times air hard for the mayor of waterlou and so in his leter to penoyer, and lebanon pople said that Gov, penoyer nev told a lye in his lite. He said that wold not take the oflea of senator i he less be got It, and I think that he told the truth. . I wll close and will wriirht more the pople think that they want to here from mo again. Yours for truth and lustis, Jerry Jim Jams Hiram Baker has just received a large Invoice of boot and shoes. Call and examine before buylug else where, NG?5L Why Toll too Boll? Several months airo. nromnted bv a sense of justice toward my fcllow- oeings, i made public some remarks In ' regard to the promiscuous rintrinff of church bells, which I considered a torture to the sick and a cruel injustice the nervous. I was pleased to nolo that my remarks did not pass wholly unnoticed, and in more than on chnreh the subject of bell ringing was scussed, and several times the pastor the M. E. church alluded to mv ar. tide, in complimentary terms. felt somewhat timid in nmklnw thia attack lest I should awaken the ani mosity of a few who would say that I was meddling with a sacred privilege. In this, though, I am triad to sav fears were groundless. Consequently I feel bolder in making this, my second, attack. In this I have no fear that r will incur the enmitv of anvo. n the other hand I believe others will " -come to my assistance in pnttlng down . tins orutai and lnnuman practice of '" men i shall speak. A few evenings since. I returner! tn my homo -where I usually find cheer fulness to find my wife in tears. Of t course I knew what .the trouble was, "' tor l, too, nad been told by the tolling of the church bell to look back nnnn the death-bed of our first-born, the lunerai orgies and the brutal accom- pamment-the tolhne of tho ehnwh bell. Buina of a Btrnnror ,,ot,,- r ., u Qv. A viun not moved to tears, but a arl fpoim crept over me to be removed by a feel ing oi indignation mixed with pro found sympathy for our mnrtem i,,i- lizutionwhokeepup the practices of ancient, half-naked barbarians, who inaugurated the practice of bell-ring- iug, oeueving tnst a great noise would drive the devil away and keep his majesty at a safe distance until tbey could get a "corner" on tho they had pictured in their superstitious Drains. Ministers of the of humanity I appeal to you. It lies ' " wimm your power to nut an sort t the harsh grating sounds which con vey ine saa intelligence to the sick chamber, that another aoul iuu - away. In the name of humanity I appeal to you to put an end to this cruel nuisance which awakens bitter memories and causes the poor mother's neart to bleed when she is told hv rt cruel tolling bell to look back Into the ueatn-cnamber where she last saw her oeioyed offspring. Nuisanne. rlirl T say? No, it is a great deal worse.-it is uruiai, oaroarous, murderous. lou say you toll the bell to ahm . speet for the dead, when the dead ( auows not wnat you do. It is hollow mockery and only a torture to the Hv- " ing, aud hastens many to an earlv grave. Did you ever stop to think ? ' that you were unconsciously commit- ting murder, when you order the toll- I Ing of the great church bell? f 111 COUCluslon I Will ask that, vnn 4 look at thia matter in the light of love ana reason. Mention the subject in ' yonr respective churches. Call upon your congregations to vote upon the subject, aud I venture to assert you will not flud a single on who will say j. ueany love to near the tolling of the bell, for it lells me that. Himthci- soul has goue and I know not where." If you can offer any excuse for main taining this relic of barbarism, I will nave uottilng more to say. In the ab sence of a plausible excuse. I shall. In the name of humanity, continue to tight this nefarious practice at the risk of offending a few, believing that I am m sympatny witn many. Humanity. Oh, Populist! Oh, Populist! Oh, Populist! Oh, Populist! They say you have gone wild; So when you argue politics Just give It to us mild. Don't get excited when you talk Of this great nation's wrong, i But deal It gently to us when We've paused to hear your song. Don't call us "robber, thief and knaves," For it will do no good, And while we may be in the mira t You may be iu the mud. ' We may be right, you may be wrong, You can't most always tell; So in this great and mighty fight, Study this question well. And after 'lection time is o'er And we've both sung our song, We'll let the voters tell to us Who is right and who's wrong. So listen now to what wa snjy We'll leave this to a vote , And after 'leotlon time Is o'er i We'll see who'll sink and float. Old Party Oiukk. ..f'e Li', "y; 1 t.- ft J" .1