FRIDAY, Mi. U . I Of fHilMTH II' Ad I JllH. V. N.i MfAdilltlDunl locals on Unit page"Vk Mr. Jon. Leonard In quite ill. Great clearance sale at Read, Pnucoik & Go.'a. Oats, hay, bran, ohopa and all Itlnds of tend, at Peehler's. C. A. Zalm returned home from-Helo Inst Haturdiiy. J. E, Adcox I now agent for the Al bany Steam Laundry. Mrs. Funk whs visiting In the city lust Saturday and Hunday. Fresh plea, cake and bread at Peehler's grocery Htore. Mm. N. W. Hmlth la visiting her parent, at Bherldau, thla week. For gent1 furnishing goods and gro oerlea, go to Pugh & Wallace. We are glad to report 8. O. Wallace able to be out on the streets again. For the choicest groceries at hard timed prices, go to Pugh & W allace.' J. 8. Courtney M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon, Or. Mra. Warner has rented J. A. Rob erta' residence property, and bas moved thereon. , All persons knnwng themselves In debted to M. A. Miller will please onll and settle at once. Theiiioiifeotlnner's art, making oream oandles and other confectionery, la tuugbt at Zuhn's store. Isaac lletijutnin returned boaie from Portland the llrst of the week, but did not bring his wife with him. The best quality drugs, and great care Is used In compounding prescrip tions, at Smith's drug store. ltev. Templetou, of Cottage Grove, passed through Lebanon this week, on lila way to and from Hodavllle. If you want to get value received for your hard-earned money, cull at Baker's and buy your boots and shoea. Anyone having tiny second hand clothes to spare will please leuve them at the pwtufflee for the Dorcas Society. Ilucli Is not selling his clothing at cost, but still you outi g;ot a bettor suit there for less money than anywhere else. C. It. Montague will apeak on the political Issues of the day, in the Inter ests of the Populists, at the court house In Albany, to-night. These hard times wc want to save all we can, but of course we have to eut, still you will save some by getting your groceries at Bach's. F. L. Kenton, of Albany, has made an assignment. His assets are JlKOtt.67; liabilities, f!W0.71. There are about thirty-five creditors. A San Francisco dispatch euys Fore cast Ofllclal B. 8. Paguo will abaudon the weather bureau service and take up the practice of law. Misses Ada Miller and Maud Al drloh left last Saturday for Portland, where they will spend a week or so visiting relatives and friends. C.A.Zubn has just received a sup ply of orange older, from California, part of which Is from blood oranges, Try the blood orange older a delicious drink. Thoro Is no danger of the goat be longing to the A. 0. U. W. lodge, at this place, dying of Inertia, ns the membership of the order Is steadily in creasing. Send your name and address to Bead Peacock & Co., Albany, Oregon, and mention the ISxi'RKSS, they will mall you , fashion sheet free each month. Surveyor Fisher, with khart, tailat and Reed, as eyed but the new pro- v road on the east sine ii loo) last Monday. Couhiy Messrs.' Ilu r carries a complete line lis.. intends leaving soon for Mew York state. A great reduction In prices of goods at Read, Peacm k & Co.'s. Born, to the wife of Joe Hansard, Feb. 1, 1HM, a girl. M. A. Miller now has a complete hue of drugs and stationery. Mrs. Henry Kluin is dangerously III, t her parents' home III tills city. Every customer at Borum A Kirk's barber simp gets a clean tawel. Drugs and chemicals of every de suriptlon, at Smith's l ew drug store. Clarence Morgan and Andy Gutcuelll left Wednesday, for Hood River. Boyd guarantees the photos be makes for $1.50 per doz. never to fade. Please come In and pay up, as I need my money. S. W. Smith.. Take your cash or produce to Pugh A Wallace, and get its equivalent hi groceries. When you wan t to buy a suit of cloth lug you will save money by getting It at Bueh's. Hiram Buker has Just received a large Involoe of bnntt and shoes. Call and examine before buying else wliere. Lurge congregations listen every night to very good sermons at the Bap tist church, Rev. Mr. Waldrop In the pulpit. An agent of the Portland Pubilshing Co. was In Lebanon the first of the week, soliciting advertisements for a register for the St. Charles Hotel. In referring to the proposed flshway at Oregon City, Fteh Commissioner M'-Gulre says the upper Willamette will lie full of salmon before January 1, 18H6. Rev. Joe Waldrop will speak In Mon tague's store building, next Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on the politi cal Issues of the day as viewed from a Populist standpoint. . Mr. Dibble died at his borne in this oity, Tuesday, of erysipelas, aged 56 yeare. Rev. Lamar conducted the funeral service In the Baptist churdu. He was buried in the Masonic ceme tery. You should remember that the best place to buy pianos or orgaiiB is at Will's nnmic store, Albany, Or. He uoes not take advantage of people's Ig norance and sell a cheap made piano at t be price of a good one. A young man at Grant's Pass was recently fined $40 for disturbing a re ligious meeting at the M. E. church. He Hood outside and swore and used obscene language. The fine, though heavy, about suits the offetise. Mrs. W . E. Chandler came over from Cnrvallis Wednesday, and will agalu be In the store of Read, Peacock & Co., of this plaoe, for a few months. Mra. Chandler has many friends here who are glad to welcome her back. We understand that Benjamin Bros, have had a falling out, and that they will now dissolve partnership and divide up the stock. Isaac Benjamin's brother-iu-law oaoie down from Port land to help bim out of the difficulty. There are two assessments In the A. 0. U. W. order, for the month of Feb ruary. Total uumber of members in Oregon, 6,778; total number in the or der on the first day of Dec, 824,276; inorease In the order, for November, 1,186. Ruft'Hiatt brought us a package of pert humous, for us to sample, one day this week. They were sent to Mr. Hi att by bis cousin, Miss Eoline Hiatt, of High Point, North Carolina, It re minded us, as well as Ruff, of old times, to taste persimmons. Jos. V. Keebler, of Oakland, Oreg., was in our city the first of the week, on business and visiting relatives. Jim is still running his Uncle's ranch. He says they hove had only four inches of snow so far, which only lay on the ground a short;tliue. . ' ' i.. J- Have you tiled PurIT W. ..,fbf ..Airquite sick fliV!','"fB' furnishing go4 and 'groceries? itt not, why not? t-' Pugh A Wallace will sell you irro eerles as cheap as any mie n the city. Ti v them and see. ; Buker Is yet In the- lead in low prices nd good goods. Prtees mu-t corre spond with what farmers have to sell. There will be services in the Cum berland Presbyterian Church on the second and fourth Nundavs In eaib. month, at 11 a. m. awl 730 p. m. W. V: McUke, Pastor. The Salvation Army iscn atiiigquite a religious sensation In Pendleton. With their pretty female lieutenants and the clatter andttwng of their horns and drums they are-, as it were, scaring lot of sinners right up to the gates of heaven. Ochooo Bevl w. We are Informed that another steam ship will be plaoeoYon service between this port and Frisco, also that when ever there will be an aggregate of five tons or more for this city the steamer will stop here and discharge the freight. Yaqulua News. The worst knocked out man In the Jacksonville contest was not Choa. Mitchell, but Governor Mitchell. For talking through, bis hat, he la a dan gerous rival of a certain gentleman who spends about two days out of each, week at Salem,. Oregon, The West. Prof. W. 8. May berry has resigned bis position as principal of the Browns ville Public school and has moved t Lebanon. He will occupy bis cottage In the unrthend of the city. The Ex fkehs is glad to welcome Prof. May lierry and bis estimable wife to ur city. No wonder the Chinese are sus picious about the motive of alt this registration business. The Idea of re quiring three photos of each Celestial i enough to suggest the thought that Uncle Sam intended to start an art gallery and use them for decorative purposes. Mr. H. C. Watson, a well known at torney of Albany, bas been appointed referee in the famous case against Sher iff No'and, of Lane county. He is to employ a stenographer, take the testi mony, find the law and facts, and re port at the next term of court on March St h. A gray-haired o'd lady was seen go ing north on the railroad track this morning. She carried two bundles, fastened together with a string and slung' across her shoulders. This woman applied for work at the Crook hotel, ut her habits and conduct were such that Auntie Anderson told her to rustle, and she has evidently rustled. -Salem Journal. The Albany Daily Telescope "scopes" no longer. The editor couldn't find his profits with a telescope. Sunday Mercury. A good many of our ex changes, including thJ Albanv Herald and Democrat, have announced the Albany Morning Telescope as dead. The Telescope comes to us regularly, but as yet has not denied the charge. 0. W. 0. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He was almost prostrated with a cold when he procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me prompt relief. I find It to be an invaluable remedy for coughs and colds." For sale by N. W. Smith, druggist. I have just received my spring and summer samples, and will be glad to have every one call and examine them before going elsewhere, for I am pre pared to make clothes to order cheaper thon ever before. Genuine Black Clay Worsted suits, from $25 up; business s'lits, from $20 up; pants, from $6 up. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Don't forget the address, G. LdVELEE, Merohant Tailor, Lebanon, Or The residents of Lebanon and vicin ity must be pretty hard up At a meeting held In that city bit week resolutions were passed endor-uig Pen noycr's Christmas letter to the proi dent. If it is reullv. ( 't c :( jn he The Oregoiilmi l ! llsUed the following r J. M. Marks Is unc non en the charge of 1 alleged to have stolen purse containing $20, 5 eral ether articles lr( his brother. ThesK covered when the si seareheri. Murks i Insanity will lie Ins e The rasoal reader this paragraph a si, list cause. The Or.V Imeelty toward the; Its leaders is well I, gontan isramlllarw nnt men in the parties of the state hnoored and dislin' In Linn county, am dhe much of the pi of his party. Now not be ignorant t' oar county-man' j , trated the dense k gre.t Oregoniau editor has heard nj populist leader. Tt able that this great' malice aforelhouiih rent news item as ti A ' the eve of a great poll one of the populist leav der bonds for house-" would be bad enough..', tience ceases to be a V, adds that insanity wdl ' Viiefence Oh! shame on you! To yen a p.ipulist leader a burglar anil a Xiinalie. Hut revenge will come tit the abused ami vilified leaders. Before' nianv moons these despised leader w ill lie in power, and then the Oregoniun's assessmeat will be raised lit proportion to Us oonceit. John, and not i. M., Marks Is the party alluded to. Parker Turuidge, son of Jos. Turn idtie, of Lacomh, was taken to Albany yesterday, to he examined before the County Judge, as to his insanity. The lad is about I S years of age. He had been attending some Free Methodist meetings, and evidently got worked up over religion. The young fellow is to be pitied. He 1b the boy who drove the delivery wagon a short time, for his brother, here in town. One day last week Rev. Beattle showed us a model of an invention on which he holds a patent. The appa ratus is for loitering a coffin into the grave, and Is a very neat structure. Any one who bos ever witnessed an accident at a grave, wbile the coffin was being lowered, by a strap breaking or some other caUbe, will fully appre ciate this invention. Rev. Beattle bas refused an offer of a large sum for sev en siate rights. He has sent the model to J. B. Thompson, who is now ut San Francisco, and will exhibit it for Mr. Beattie, It is to be hoped that this in vention will come into use at all buri als in the United States, as it undoubt edly will prevent a large number of exceedingly unpleasant accidents. John Rolfe met with a serious and very painful accident at the brewery last evening. He was varnishing the inside of a huge beer tank, using a candle for a light Instead of the usual lai.lern. Suddenly the inflammable substance caught fire and he was caught as within a fiery furnace. The only mode of escape was a smaif man hole. The bead brewer and Chris. Vandran, who were near by, ran to his assistance and pulled him out as quickly as possible. He was badly burned about the face and hands. Dr. W. H. Davis was called, who dressed Ihe burns, and partially relieved his sufferings. While his injuries are very painful it is thought he will recover from the effects of the accident. Alba ny Herald. A 8cio girl comes into t' ogul,anee of an Oregonian repor "Lena Houston, 17 yea from the Delevan ho Eud, by Officer IV day uiid given au .e tvnnhlr follows Uaken ortb nil . ,,. - ;, dearly - ' . - , ' part of tV : v. are, persoth some. .( . Whatever C Ibanon as a oi the Gospel l - , that witi but one: " - ' an canrti impe.-f : -with as I r . with. v: ,; nable-i y-,''.''; 7V' called i ,'' ty of s used as c into a brife.i ' y 7;y. unworthy ' - porrance IhW - an organize than convertt ... " posed of pers f may boast of tVr but its census u yard, and itB 'gc corpses. The church of Go picket fence of anyt yet it is not true that-, ence what deiiomitia'i to." To save people I sole ghject of every mtv an d ihe organization T individual mosterlicir ' important work is son should connect where he will feel :, "Whosoever slit , . lame is our brotl,1 .. . ' Proselylers sh' . .-i Mr, Kinder and after a fox, and aft succeeded in treeing brought it down. It . of the grey species. Mr. French fs impi slashing and grubbing, t. pour of rain is against aul We are informed that f and many others who hf with la grirpe, are now j The weather is warnij if we had a little suns kinds of vegetation rapidly. Weanticipat W. H. CumniiugB lei & . bing to Mr, Breed, and i acres more to his tillable U,' Died. ' Perry R. Gatchell diet day evening, at bis home of heart trouble, which on by inflammatory rheur Perry was 14 years, 9 mv days of age. He was a $ and was a favorite anion f llev. J. Waldrop pi fuf, sermon in the Hap or. y, hi Mint" n'