V VOL VII LEBANON; OREGON, JANUARY 5,1894. NO. 45 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.' One yosr - ....2 00 (If'pl 111 ndvuioe.il Sueur yees.) 8li ninithi... " Tim moiitl - Ingle oopiak. ,....,.....m. w Council Proceeding. Secret Socletle. Thelty council met Wat Tuesday evening ill peipiltir m.Klu The mil waa railed. ll the members bell present except Coencllman Dal- gleMi. The minute of the pwvtnua mwi MM raid nd approved. ii wenriler. uwtsorer pm tein, tmm rawnmiiwioner and chief of the too department niwAe their final re mrU, all ot which were accepted and rli.rtil ttlacedon file. B. M. Gaflaiwi tendered tits resigna tion a cltv atiwiiwj. On 'tuition Ills gJSvX'o' I On motion "lnre -f t-e city alui. .. - i ,,,. uIkmiI WI1KM1 wan in Hie twrj swirty nveolm at 01 Hlkm Hall, at e clocay la. Jt.A.HnSES.K.0. W.C.TWBKSOIt,Se'y- MliWRF.BWinA WB.'fl. 1. 0.0.'.- J5M?1 uTa r Hll lint una third Wed """ """ TJNmKtS.0. . 0. HNilitK BAf.TMAllBll, Seel' Treasurer. - SO-32 City Attorney....', Recorder - - u w Mnal - ,... .au2.62 tJlOII.OO Aiwtitnt Rec. tor License lMIMg u " Fines n.w 16S4.0 jBdebtedne.1.... 425 W Penaoyer'l Letter Severely Crltleised. I aunt jan. c Hnarliw.la.lB,.'0,T W.-Meettew' c. ;n. R. , ilirtr iifnanhawrt. moiing tblrf art 3! y All llii.-..r tht HMinef imn awl eimiadetrf the i. A. E. are eontwllr ta,Bil.mlIUilte;Oau.p.(o 'A-Oiiiiiiu, riratk'itt. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. Gfc'RLAND, ATTORNEY-.AT - LAW. LEBANflH. OREGON. jJohn M- Comers, Attorneyat-Law- j.khaxox. ohugox. A. F. STOVE, Attorney at Law, TITLES EXAMINED', oa'lmtliiw Btvm aniaiat and eareftit atiUn. Will I aoMitUa- lii .11 tatwiurtj of the rtale. amen la aararY' bkick. L.BHANON, OBKOON. Wealberlord I Chamberlain, ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, ALBANY. OEEGON. W,K BlLl'EV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. ALBANY, OREGON. , J. 12. WYATI, Attorney- at- Law, ALBAKY, OKEtfON. BeBureiid(UMI HOPKINS BROS., K- Albany, Oregon, ioa HeatingStoves, CookStoies, &c. BEST aOODB puICES St. Charles Hotel, Cun' u" ul MmaK' (.UBAJVOf. OHKUOM bank at the time M closed, waa referred tothenewCTtiiwIt It waa ofJeri'H that hfreurter any peraon, wlien fak-d ou'tiy the marnhiii for aaaialmnce in wiaKiKS- uneaiB, anaB be allowed fur IiIb neTvioex. The cimimuwimllon Sf J. T. vVhlllinf waa read and tl the recmnier ordered toai.ewertliereand that on order ha drawn n he treanurer for Has amount of lti WM. Bills o the wiiouutMif S1S8.42 wme read and by ain the rulea were ua pellded, and all were allowed and a warrant otdewd drawn on the treas urer for thetnuae. There being o xnore hufinesa itlie old council tlien adjourned. MAYOR IlllXm'S ADDKEKS. After the old council had trunaui'ted lis rmiiliiH luwiiieiM. Mav ir Miller de livered an iutn-itiii( address. He eave a carefully nreuared biihu- uiary oftliefiiiaiKlul condliion of the city, extracts frou'which are publmmw below: III his review T Hie proceedings K)f the council for IHKi. he observed that the outgoing eouucil had entered upon their duties with ounaideralile indel. edness to face. That the debt hud been paid and the city hud been fut iiklied with a Hmt-class at stem of wa ter works and elestric lights, with 22 new crosswalks and with a better claas of sidewalks than ever before, with her street well graveled and with a fine bridge at the tout h cod of town. That the i-it v is free from contagious diseases, the laws f the city are re spected ana the paople are generally sober and Industrious. That the cltv Is but little in debt nd that about $3K Is iow due the elty from taxes, which can tie collected. ConBlderini the (treat Improvements made iu 1893, the email Indebtedness found and the mobuble resources far Uhis year, the old emtnell deserves the thanks of the city fc- their faithful l- fcora. The mayor gracefully thanked the euincll and city otllnials for their uui ,&irin couitesy to him, and predicted ft the new co'l'uil pleaaantaud suc mamful term. HTATKUUNT OK BKPEN1UTHK1M. CuS (111 -"0 Bleotric lights and water n. Buifles......... Lumber K-l Street work, etc , 148.86 liiauuuiue l'-W ITim dnarLinetlt 29.26 Wisuelluneoue 94.00 Oily election. , 10.00 Benetlt poor , H.W) Priiafii..'. 1690 Nl.jUt watch - c Mr.ntjii7iie. aa mavor. with the Uouncllmeu and officers, being aworn Sn, the new mayor addressea ui oia Lnd newtniembera ill a few well chos- n and wise remarks, delivered In his most graceful manlier. He tell the need, In those universally hard times, of atrlct economy. He was pleased with the actions of the old council and was confident of the support of the new council ill his efforts to guide the nitv aafelv throiiL'h the new year. The mayor were warmly congratulated iiiKin Iheir rjleaslug address. The council waB then called to order bv Mavor C. B. Montague. The roll was called the following couneilnien being present: U. W Ri. Eil. Kellenberger. G. T. Cotton, n. Andrews. J. G. Reed and 8. H. Myers. On motion S. M. Garland was unan imously elected city attorney for the ensuing year. The bonds of F. M. Miller, recorder, J. F' Hyde, treasurer, and P. W. Mor gan, marshal, were presented and on motion wen; approved, accepted, and ordered placed on file t The following standing commiiwes were appointed: Committee on ordinance D. An drews, J. G. Reed and 8. H. Myers. Committee on ways and means 8. H. Myers, O. W. Rice and Ed. Kellen-lierirer. Committee on accounts and current eioenses-S. W. Rice, D. Andrews, G. T. Cotton. Committee ou streets and puhlio property Ed. Kellenberger, G. 1. Cotton, J. G. Reed. Committee on licenses J. O. Weed, D. Andrews, S. H. Myers. Coiuiuitte ou health and police u. T. Cotton, G. W. Rice, Ed. Kellenber ger. Council then adjourned until the next regular meeting. A b.liit meeting of the Salem Board of Trade and citizens of Salem was held at the Hotel Willamette on the 27th lust, for the nuroose of taking some action upon the Christmas letter ad dressed to President Cleveland by the . - f .... 1 ...Lint. 1 WUU governor oi vregun, iu wuiuh stated that about three-quarters of a million of Oregon's population were out of an employment and 100,000 more were In destitute circumstances. At the meeting the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted: Whereas, The governor of the state of Oregon has abused the official posi tion couferred upon him by the people, by addressiug to the president oune United States a letter otntuinmg cer tain Btuterucnt Injurious to the com monwealth and calculated to create an erroneous impression in the minds of those not acquainted with the tacts, thereby deterring those who might contemplate engaging In profluctive Industries here, therefore: Resolved, that we, the board oi trade and business men of 8alem, most era r haticallv deov the assertions of the governor aud brand his statements as false, and aver that notwithstanding the prevailing depression, there is no widespread destitution or actual want In Oremm. and that the eoveruor in claiming two-thirds of our people are without employment wnue one-iniru are without means of subsistence, was guilty of gross misrepresentation and we request our repicsentttiive in-twn--gress to present these resolutions to the President of the United States, and to deny in both senate aud house the truth of the governor's statemeutt. While admitting that Oregou is suf fering from prevailing hard times, we confidently claim that there Is less pov en v here, in nrouortiou to the popula tion, than iu any state In the Union and the prospects for the future are ex cellent." Stale Veal 4 f Enallutloa, Tilt) slate hoard f equuliwiltoii . has r been in nesshtll Iu Hulein fur several ; days, Oh Tuesday the board spaut the entire day with assessments on town lots, and the result of Its labor is the following permanent equalization: Assessment raised 10 per cent In Ba ker, Clackamas, Jackson, Jow phiue, Klamath, Lake, Linn, Polk and V.im hlll, 20 per cent In Clatsop and Wash ington; reduced 10 per cent in Coos mid Marion, IS per cent in Sherman and 20 per cent iu Columbia. i " On agricultural lands the assess!?" ' was reduced 10 per cent in Ma county, raised 10 per cent in MulV man and Washington counties, a,. raised 20 per cent In folk county, in. the remaining counties the assessment was left as arranged hy the county boards of equalization. By this action the assessment of Linn county Is raisedj!15T,022., County Judge Duncan, Assessor Deakins anal others were before the noard and V pointed nut the injustice of raising the ' assessment on town lots in Linn conn- ty, without avail. If those gentlcuen will come un this tvav thev can buy town lots for less than they want them assessed at. A little judgment is re quired of men even to act on the board of equalization. Bltorin'H Wttl.-. Mill, Sbat Down. Orders were received Saturday by the flouring mills at Salem from the mauager, Geo. B. Wilcox, to shut down. Owing to decline of export trade and large surplus BtockB on hand at Portland, Oregon City, Albina and Salem, the mills will be shut down for Through the mayor, Recorder Miller s time. Both the mills iu this city Invited all, both old aud new council men, down to the St. Charles hotel, where an oyster supper wa prepared for them, to which they all did full Justice. Notice. B. I.. Frailer, dentist, with Dr. John Welch, of Portland, Or., will, by re .quest, come to Lebanon on Monday, .Uauuary 15, to remain two weeks, with a view to locating, and will be glad to ee as many of the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding country asi possible duriug that time. He comes prepared to do an valid all work In dentistry. He gives aB references Dis. John Welch, of Portland, and L. S. Skill, ol Salem, Or., both of whom ro well known all over the Btate. will be idle until foreign demuud in creases, or local trade exhausts their niu,ir Tin, ttnlmn flourlnir mills were operated for all but six weeks out of seven months from June 1st, having lain idle only roi nign waier. tue Willamette Valley plant the big mills of North Salem, did not run as long, but turned out more product. The two mills have a pay roll of abou t forty men, and it iB to be regretted that they caunoi run all the year round. This order affects all the export mills In the valley, as we understand it. Salem Journal. Sewing Machines 5 years. For further information call on or write w E. U. Will's music store, Albany, Or. Land Case. It w:ll be highly gratifying to the people of Brownsville to know that the me pure me price oi mm un nTJclor department has approved the I l,,'' bill of Hermann to settle tue title to the land recently filed on BUD TH0IP80I, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments.- Bpeolal attention paid to Com merclal meu. Board and Lodging, per day, $1 to 2; per week HSOtoW Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, id n i ri r1 by one M.,i,k In this cltv. The bill was ill' ', troduced by Mr. Hermann In the In terest of the property nwnon and has been explained In this paper in a pre vious Issue. It is probable that the bill will pass early in the present ses sion of congress, here waa a time when some of the peeple felt rather sore over the maiter, but the Impart Ingofthls knowledge will set their minds at rest once more, and we trust will teach such laud rustlers as the one referred to a lesson. Times. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammouia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stawjari ..... ..J--"? w. In Hta Pimlti! I '.Mirt nf f h ktittu Oregon for the County of J. inn. E. Chamuess, W. H. filoperl and J. E. Sloper, partners do ing iiusmrso uiiiici me 1,1 ui 1 name of Chunuiess & Sloper Bros., l'lalniirts, D. C. Shepherd and Shep herd, liis wife, and the Water loo Developement Company, a Corporation, Defendants. WlTTnR Iu honhu .,;,.,, II,.., k virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the above named .-. In ,1,- ...,:,1.J T :n cuuit., ill me n n,ve ciiiiiEiiiiuifc, wii4p on Saturday, the 6th day of January, lOHJ Ik. fx..... rt,... Il.n d.. la-ra av bile ll.ru. u.nfi 111 me AIUlfef House in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregou, at the hour of U o'clock A. h. of said day, sell at publm auction, for cash In hand, to the high est bidder, all the right, title and inter est of the Defts, D. 0. Shepherd ani Mrs. D. C. Shepherd, his wife, on the 5th day of January, 1898, in aud to the real property In the said execution aad order of sale described, subject, how ever, to the rights of the Waterloo Da- uJiinitmani Pnmnu,,,, an!l .. erty being described as follows, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 5 4 8 in Block 47 in the , town of Waterloo, Linn County, Ore gon, together with the improvement)) thereon. Tha nvniuurlu uclati,.. f.mn, ..1a to be applied, first, to the payment nf the costs and disbursements of eniel suit, taxed at 23 95, mid the costs of and upon sma execution; second, to the payment of the plaintills' claim, Munuullng to the sum of ;.. ill, with ; interest thereon from the nth day of January, 1808, at the rate of 8 ptrceut per annum, ami the tun her sum of f 26.00 as attorneys' fees, and the fur ther sum of 15.00 for making and re cording mechanic's lieu; anil the over plus, If any, to be paid over to the snlil Waterloo Develonement t'umvuniv ua. on the purchase price ol mud hind by tue saiu v. t.. nncpn-ru,; uuo ino re mainder, if any, to the xuiil I). 0. Shepherd, his hi ll's or assigns. Dated tills 4th day of Deot mlier, 03. ' C. 0. Jackson, 'Sheriff of Linn Co., Or. Send your name i and address to Pour! puwk A Co. Albany, Oregon, and mention the Exhetw, they will Notli.e mail you mouth. a fashion iid Having opened a shop In Lebanon, I would auy that I am now prepared to make and repair hoots anil shoes, nf all descriptions. My prices will lie He cording to the limes. I will imtkc Unu sewed shoes of the b at material or $7.50; pegged shoes, fo.OO; men's half soling, 7o ctB.j women's fit) cents. I can guarantee satisfaction and strictly first-class work. ; Hoping to vecelT your patronage, I am, ' Yours truly, JUiiRAlo Preaohfi " i!r,l?n PlHe hotel. evfySuniiayatuI.? Sundry school at 10 J meeting Wclu.t '-W C-I'AMAB, ',8lor. -A' r. I: