The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 08, 1893, Image 1

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Oue yr 92 00
(If imitl lit wlviuice, tl 6u per year.)
Six month - 1 00
Three immtlw .,.. &0
Ingle copies - H...mH Oft
Secret Bool ties.
LKBANOKI-ODftK.KO.41, 1,0. 0. F.-Weetn
every HAtiirdiiy evuf nt Odd Follows Hall, at
o'clock u. u.
PRARLRRHKRRi l-ODOE, WO. 47. 1 0. 0. F.
Meet at I. 0. 0. V Hall flint nd ;t)ilrA WudiUMi
dy oveninirn of tdh month.
Lxba o LoimE, Ho, 44 A,. K. & A. M. MoetH
Saturday evoking, urn orboiore the Ml moon lu
aoti month, .
E. iL Hamuack., W. M,
F. . Miuaca, fteu.
Honor Lmmk, Ntt. 88, A. 0, TT. W. MeetB-OTflry
Tueiutay evening t 0. A. R.Hall.
J.fl.OmJftTNEY, M.'W.
C, A. Zaiik, Hoa
Oit'r- Mkkmm Cimp, No. 10. mv ofOitRon
9on of Vbt(). Meet In 0. A. K. Hull, Lebanon,
Or., every Hattmiay livening, uKcupt tlie third
Baturday of ooh wtnith, muiftinR the third Fri
day liiKtewl. Alt 'brother of tilt: Hons of Vet
eratiK niiti fomnuicHot tlie (i, A. It, are eonlially
Invited to meet wiUi the Uunji.
C. D, Ho Tour, Cupt,
A. Obaoai.l, Ktrsl Betel.
Attorney at Law,
Oollt'ellnns irlvmi prompt nnd enreriil attention.
Will prn!lier. in till tlie iinlil'ls nl tin; statu.
LunANdN, Okkqon,
Attorney- at - Law,
John M. Sumeks,
Will practice in ull the court of the atute.
Hi' Sure and Cull on
Albany, Oregon,
Heating Stoves, Cool Stoves, h.
BEST (iO()BH.ffljr
St Charles Hotel,
Corner Mala and Sherman Streets,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class io all Apartments.
Special attention paid to Com- j
merelal men. j
Board and Lodging, per day, $1 to
t2; per weel; HSU to ill
; Another Latter From feather
WHITTIER, Oil., Nov. 2ft, IfflW.
Editor Express
After reading the extracts from C C.
Hackleman's fetter, I think the only
thing that will eure him Will be about
three weeks' rain, with few days of
Oregon fog and mud uilxed in, and
then he will begin o Ifeel natural
again, and he will take Southern Cali
fornia us it Ik.
I left Lebanon, which Is In the
"grand old state" .erf Oregon, and eame
to this place liiut April, and 1 ara very
well satisfied with Southern California.
I have not seen nich of it, tin I have
been too usy to travel around much;
but of what. I have seen I don't think
the world tj beat it.
He don't like the applet here. If he
will come to Whittier, only 15 mile
east of Log Angeles, I will show hitu as
large, and finer flavored apples than
old Webfoot can produce. And as tor
grapes, plums, prunes, pears, apricots
unci peaches, he must not mention Or
egon the same week. He seems to be
under the impression that this oountrv
is depending on winter immigration to
keep it up. If he could have seen the
amount of fruit and tomatoes that was
put up at the Whittier cannery this
season just cloaca, tie would change ins
mind In regard to this place.
Whittier is a nice place, and Is build
ing up very fust. There bus been it
good demand for laborers of all kinds,
although times are a little quiet now
except building. The lumberyard lias
sold an average of one ear of lumber
per day for the last, sixty days. The
buildings being constructed are mostly
good residences, being built, by people
that have come to stay.
I do not think I he cost of living here
is much greater than in Oregon. Some
things lire higher. I do not think fuel
for u year will cost any more here than
nt Lebanon, as we do not need much
fire only of mornings and evenings.
Mr, H. thinks one cannot live on cli
niiiie and tlowers, I won Id advise him
not to try it . I have tint had to yet. I
don't suppose thereto much show for
getting a position us a clerk in n store.
J quit trying Unit and got a job of
piling lumber for the Kan Pedro Lum
ber Co., so that I can have bread, but
ter and honey to mix with the climate,
and lake it all together it. la first-rate.
There certainly Is a great change in
the temperature of an eveuing and
night, but. ( don't see bo very great a
difference between Mils place and Ore
gon, lint a few utiles here nmkosquite
a difference; here, w are at the foot of
Puoiite Hills, and it. does not eet. as
I cold an in the vulley.
I do not advise anv one to come here
expecting to get steady employment,
as there are plenty of people here to do
all there is to do; but I have done bet
terhere than I did in Oregon. There
Is wiry little teum work to do, and not
mttch to be made renting farm laud, as
rout is high; but if a person hus a few
acres here ho certainly can make a
good living.
T. L. Talbert.
Notice of Dissolution.
Kotice Is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing betweon A. F.
Stmve and John M.-Soniera, under the firm
name and stj le.of Slows & Homers, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
Lebanon, Or., Nov. 10, 181X1.
A." l' Stgivk,
John M. Somtns.
l.tuut (lllliit? al Oi'OKnu I'llv. On'won, I
, , , Nov. in, wns, ;
Notion Ik hereby riven Unit (.!,. Iblloii liiK-imiiiod
itl -lor Iiiih lllml luitliw of Ills Imoiitiiiii u mike
llintl j.nsil lu support of IliK eliiliu, imd thai said
iRHit will lid iiiiKldln'Uire the Comiiy (U.Tlr of I.lun
Cuunty, at Albiuiy, llii., on Jiui, 17, ltM, via:
. D 8. No. 71H7, for the W. N. K. V. unit W
He names the following witnesses to prove his
oniiMtiuuiis resickinoo upon nml nulf ivatlon uf said Fogarty, all of noirv, Oitn,
,,. u. m,i,.v, im;u inrnuii, joilu Haley,
UU.U FniNirt.v. to ill II1111.V Oi.n
Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.
. ,, . v.reura 01 Jarlar roW(ier,No Ammonia; No Alum
ffced i3i Millions of Homes-W Years the Standard
Mrs. Louisa Phelps Is now visiting
at Mountain View. She is a giand
aunt of the genial hostess, Mrs. Cald
well. J. A. Morgan, wife and three chil
dren visited relatives here Thursday
and Friday.
Strangers are coming into this and
other communities, quite frequently.
Mr. and Mrs. Fifzwater, Sr., have had
a number of descendants arrive this
The party at Mr. Gum's, last Friday
evening, was an enjoyable affair. Quite
a number went from here.
Cbas. Cummiuge and family, former
ly or this place ana late of A many,
left the latter place Tuesday, for Oak
land, Oregon, where Chas. goes Into
the cut and shave business.
Hunters and sportsmen are thicker
than ever here, and game getting more
Mr. Rollins and son are busy im
proving their new home across the
Mrs. Wm. H. H. Cummlngs is
the sick list this week.
Wanted, at Mountain View, this
dial., 1 doz. Black Spanish 1-year-old
hens or early spring pullets. Please
give information through the Express.
A Neighbor.
Changed Every Week.
Wheat 42c.
Oau 24c
Hay (tl perton.
Flour $0 90 per sack.
Chop $1 25 per cwt.
Bran ,80c per cwt.
Middlings $1 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 50c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c.
Onions 2e.i
Boo.' Dressed, 4c.
Veal 4foi5c,
Pork .Dressed, 6,
Hams 1517 per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Sides 16c per lb.
Geese $6 per doz.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens $3 004 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Eggs 27jc -)er doz.
Butter 20c per lb.
H ides Ureeu, 2,3c; dry, 6c.
For Lease.
, My farm of 274 acres, whioh Is lc
cated 5 miles west of Lebanon, is fbi
lease for three years, provided the per
son will buy my stock and farming
implements, which I offer at a bargain.
Albert Umphhey,
Lebanon, Or.
A Alan Lost.
One day last week a man Was pass
iug down Main street, and all at once
disappeared Into Baker's Dry Goods,
Boot and Shoe store, where lie fell into
Baker's low prices ajid was lost to all.
Send your name and address to
Read Peaoock & Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the Express, they will
mail you a fashion sheet free each
A great reduction in prices of goods
at Read, Peacock & Co.'s.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Sunday at 11 a. m. ant! 7:30 p, in.
Sundry school at 10 a.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m,
0. R. Lamab, Pastor.
fresn pies, cakes and bread at
reebler'e grocery store.
Elder Waybaek and Latin.
I had just returned from Lebanon,
Friday evening, when Elder Wayhaek
came over. to get ins mall. The Jfilde
was not reeling well, and 1 asked h
to have, a seat bv the fire and .
awhile. ''Well, there is another
tionist after you now, Elder," " ,
"Be there?" sez he, "and whr .", , '
got to say?" "I aint read 'i,
yet," says l, "out mis on' y ,
tionist by proxy, and har ' "-tlX
falutin' words, that do ' 'f ba
thing In English," se- .f ' 5" ay
.,i ii A I- "Like 'em
a i, ser-Nieiuer, .. t . ,
You can't hurt a " j,rinn ,itl, iX
words, anyhow.", r,8tlan long
hS!!Lrt 1 I 1,1 ttnd E1dT.
he listened. J . got along all right, 'til
LSm i ymtheologicum?' when
the Elder 6roke iDi nyfbai kiaA o(
.m 2i" nti lhat' Ezra?" he. I
told hi m the meaning was hardly fit to
be ex-plained in the presence of Mrs.
Clodhopper (but honestly I didn't
kn ow). "I had an idee it was a dirty
fysandinavian lingo," sez he. "What
ails the man? Can't he talk United
States, or is he ashamed of hin coun
try?" sez the Elder. "Why, pa! that's
Latin," sez my daughter, Salrey Ann,
who's been to college and knows most
everything. "Latin?" sez I. "Yes,
Latin," sez she, "and it means hatred
of theologians, "sez she. "Means hater
of tbe'logians, does it?" sez the Elder.
"Well, I am," sez he. "What good
does theology do in the world, any
way? It hasn't ever converted anyone;
il has built up creeds, disciplines, and
churches; It has created dissensions,
discord and persecutions; but it can't
show a good deed to its naino " a h
"Let him blaze away, if he is firiu' at I
me, Ezra," sez he. "But what is ar-
gummlum ad hominyt" sez the Elder.
" 'Argumentum ad Iwminem' is, urgu- i
ment directed to men." translated
Saiiey Ann. "(,'f course my argument
hub uirecieu to men," sez he. "Does
ne tninii i am wntiir for gorillas in
Africa.'" snorted the Elder. But when
Sairey Ann translated "parvenu" lie
cuueiiieu t. i himself. "Thinks I am
like them Lebanon electric lights, does
lie, newiy nstn into notice, eh Well,
1 am a forty horse power arc light,
compared to a 'man that writes hog-
Latin," sez he. " lPeccavi' is T hnvo
sinned,' " sez Sairey, glancing over my
Bnouiuei as i reMii. "ui course 1 nave,"
sez the Elder. "I am not one of those
horse-breakin' sanctified christians,
that he too good to live here below anv
longer. n 'Peine fort et dure,' 'strong
and severe punishment,' " read Sairey
Ann, "What for?" growled the Eider.
i haven't robbed anv widows and
orphans, nor bu'sted any banks, and if
I did vote for Penuoyer, didn't I get
two Thanksgivings just the same as
them democrats that voted for Weaver
to elect Cleveland?" '"God defends
the right.' That is French," said Sai-
rey. " Yes, lie does, and he don't need
a ack-legged lawyer to plead his cause
in dictionary Latin," snorted the
jMoer, geuing wratny again. "Sez my
article is a harmless thunderbolt, eh?"
as Sairey translated "Brutumfulmen."
"I'll give him a thunderbolt that will
knock him higher than Mt. Hood, aa
soon as my geese shed their quills. See
if I don't!" And the Elder brought his
fist down on the table in a way that
made the winders rattle, "He says
you and C'al Jewpepper are a 'noble
pair of brothers' and a 'bridge of asses,'
laughed Sairey as she read, "Par nobile
fratrum" and "Pum rmnoitim." "Sez
i am a orot ner to a Jewpepper, and a
noble bridge for asses," thundered the
Elder. "Dod-gast the blaukety, meas
ly mud-seoop! If I ever catch him
pokin' around Camas Flat, I'll fight
liiui a foot-race from here to Peterson's
Butte! Culled me a sequitur, too, eh?
Does he take me for a walking 'cyclo-
lieuy or a posi to nmg uie dictionary
at? By the great Jloiu-spoon! I'll
make Leb'non too hot to hold him, the
miserable sequeeter! He don't know
enough to pound sand in a rat-hole,
and he has to hide it by using a lingo
that a Cliinauiaii can't understand.
JJrat the pestiferous little centipede.
Just wuil 'til my geee so to roost."
I'll Jiuvi! a quill to answer him or bu'st
a suspeniier. ijrapro nolm, tio em
on me,' Ik Mowed?' And the Elder
grubbed his hat and rushed home to
prepare lor an onslaught against
"Proxy." Tlie Elder is mad enough
for anything and the war-cloud o'er
Camas Flat hasn't even a silver lining.
Yours for Hog-Latin, .
E.ra Clodhopper.
13 Uii'lsimas Presents for 94.00.
From now till Dec. 25, for Ji4 cash I
will make one doz. first-class cabinet
photo's, and hive you a life-size Cray
on Portrait of yourself or friend.
H. J. Boyd, Lebanon. Or.
NO. 41.
Election. ' ,. ; .
Protracted meeting..
Spelling schwls.
The haughty mayor took unto himself a
life partner, Sunday week, and gave Ins
friends a dinner. Worthy Councilman
James Harbin followed suit last Sunday,
and now who will be next? Iloth gentle
men have our congratulations, and also
thanks for cigars. Success and a long life
of happiness attend all parties, is omr ''
earnest prayer.
Election passed off quietly, - votes be
ing polled (a few were too short to polo).
The following are the officers for the ensu
ing year: Mayor, Tie; Recorder, T. L.
Rice; Treasurer, J. H. Turpin; Marshal, T.
M. DeVine; Councilnien, Boner, Robinson,
Butler, Medley. The past has been Ml of '
trials, but the future outlook is good for !
peace and plenty. All are content anil wish . 1
the new officers success.
A. revival meeting has beraui at the n s
church. Mr. H. W. Parker is sergeant-st-arms,
and good order is assured. May the
harvest of souls be plentiful and all ooliMe.1 '
and strong secta-ianism be kept out. '
Spelling schools are in vogue. Old and
youngvietomakc things pleasant for all ' '
participants. The first attempt was near
failure owing to some of the inferior class j
trying to run it on their plan i. e., with '
paper wads for ammunition and live bosjies "
for targets. Older heads took tire starch
out of them and now the best of order nrs.
j vails, and they confine themselves to tear
ing off inoffensive pickets on iheir hornet
ward way. One case before the Itecorikr
will dampen their little proclivities in this ' -line.
, '
There promises to be a lively little case
in the near future, as regards rent for a "
building for school purposes, lust winter.
On Penn's Thanksgiving dujltitting time .
for scenes so sad) a little sociitT "shin-dig"
was given by one of the elite of our town.
One of our young "bloods" harnessed hinv
up in his togs and Bill Nye's umbrella, and -sallied
forth to see the sights. II, niilcinua
did not respond to his soft advances and his
warm southern blood inspired him todceiis '
ol daring, such as throwing his harmless
umbrella around, and homeward he flew
on leaden wings through the mud. Tender
ness of the vital organ is one of tlie charac :
teriBtics of the Waterloo Belle, Mie hasten
ed after and brought him back hi tears. The
sequel is still niore harrowing in its recital; '
In a few nights a rival took said charmer
eight miles to a parly. Youiur HihVfrvn
called in the services of his two henchmen,
on whose upper lips the signs of manhood
uaa developed about as niach as the nan on -
a piece of cotton flannel, and borrowed all '
the "guns" in town, then hied away in pur
suit, through mud up to their knees find
almost necks (of the bottles they carried).
Nothing came of it-no fight; and thus a .!
good item was spoiled. Vloral: Don't fix
your affections on any particular one hi
life, i. e., Waterloo life, but go to the ball
and catcli as catch can, after yon have lost
your milk teeth. P. 8. to moral: Little
girls should talk to little boys and not ap.
propriate married women's property, on the
streets. It not only looks sad, but clisgus
ting, to say tlie least. We trust this hint
will be enough. If you don't want your
name in print, let up. : ,'
C. Rank' :
1 - ' : i
North I.eliation Pi flelnet. V
ojn;er is uie center ot gravitation at
R. Hull and son paid this oonnnuni-
iy a visa last ciunaay. .
Mrs. J. M. Settle is vb-jiing Lebanon
this week.
Mrs. Bartley, who has been quite ill
with a 8ovjr ...l.l :0 ..i '. .
-...j .o 'i, i .uei-eoti i, .
m0, f3M,;ry is bu'Wil " luldithm
...a ,,cii.v coiuuinoious barn. Win
uawci ip uuing mo carpenter work.
G. W. Simonds showed u a turn)
that grew on his ranch, me.urii
wiree leet in circumference; ali an an.
pie that was thirteen and three-quarters
inches around. 1
Geo. Rosb and Win jrit,..j
grubbing for Mr. Allemand Tht'v
nmkegood progress, considering
Mexican Bubuii.
All persons know'mr tlw,na..i.,.., i-
debted to M.A.Miller nil ploaseoaH
and settle at ouce.
.do -V