The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 01, 1893, Image 1

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NO. 40.
One your .. . 00
(If tinlf In iiilviuifc. 91 flu (Kir ytF.;.)
Aht months.,. 1 M)
Tbri'i; minute M
tingle cdiiIcn....,, ... 06
Secret Booleties,
LKUA't,-)N LOHOK. NO.H7. 1.0, fi F.-McetR
etery UN. inlay evening t Odd 'ftiTtiwit Hull, Ht
tftW.. A.A.,lfBEH.K.O.
W.C'ETMRHON, Beftt'y.
PRAtti,REBW.!CA l)WK, NO.-47. 1. O. 0. P.
Mi'Rtu in I. 0. 0. F Hull flr. ami 'third Wi!(liie.
y H. A- NMflflftWON, N. G.
DOU .IE BA I iTM A KHtt, 0Qt')r
IMK 0lIHlR, No.M A.'A. M.-M(H!t
fiaimtUy evening, on or before thi lull moon In
E.K.HttiHACK.W. M,
' t , MlLLKR. 8tC.
HMor IxHNiR. No. M. A, O, "H.'W. Mcotii every
Tufl livy owning 1 !.. H. Hull.
Hu.l.S. Cowtnky, M.W.
C. A. Zaun, Ilee,
if'K'i. Mkkhw fiMip, No. ' TO. mv ufOuiMn
9W4 0I'VKT,M.-5(Wt it; 1. A. It. Hall, I'tmiion,
Or., every Kalnnlay .wtiiinn. -exempt tin; thin!
Saturday tifeacb month, niwftiiift lite third Fri
day llirtt'Hd, JU1 lnrit.icn ill llieKnilh tif Wl
whiin mid cdibtikIcnoi j(h' (i.'A it. ore eurdially
llivili'il to ntw.t will) It- ( iimv
C.'lKMo TciUK, Cupt.
A. Okaiiau., Firl Sfc'ftt.
Attorney at Law.
Oolleetlnlls Kiwi nrnii' and mr-fiil ntttnti,fl.
Will jinwtifv m ,.ll tin- liollilH ni' 1 lit' stale
nnci. i-(uriTTVKV Finir t.
T,::iiam)N, Oiekiion.
Woatberford & Clianiberlain,
w.m niiri'u,
Attorney- at- Latw,
John M. Sowers,
Wall practice in all the cimrumf the "t ulo.
Be Hure and Call on
Albany, Oregon;
Beating StovesJ Cook Stoves, k
St. Charles Hotel,
Corner Mitln ami SIktidhu StrcnU,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments, j
Special attention paid to Com- ;
liicrcinl men. '
Board and Lodging, jCJ' duy, $1 to '
2; pur week $4,011 to $U ''
"A 8lvtliiDlt" By rnixy.
II In iceiiorully presumed Unit th;
person wlm answered Klder Wnyback's
first "MUll" wiib none l In-)- I him the
Salvationist leader himself. This being
Hie case, I oouaider it rlirlit thai koiiic
(iiic of hh frlcudH kImiiIiI mpiiiiHe the
(IIIIIW In ullW'IK't'.
"IW ye nntri'y nnd "In ii 't.'1 In ac
C(iriliiiii:e wllli thin bit of divine Injunc
llun, It In isoiiM'ital that "A rtalvallon
lal" v iih IiihIIIIcu In using Uic laiiKiia)i;e
that he illrt. In defence if "A Halva
tionlxt" I will wiy thai he had otliot
l'eann fur aimwerlnn s lie did. Tti
puMn nf E. W. shiiwwl the elemiiit iin
wlilcn lie moved, hih itdmm twmltfg
if.mii W'jh iliviu, wnd arrMnmtittm
ad Immiium.
I am uware tl;l Mich urttcles are
IiiDviiklngly firoiiy to a (rettt nmn.v,
but (inly create iliriKinn nmniig the
HulvutidiilHlK aind their fnllnWHin. I
concede In E. V. pvrvntu tirit if I
were ill hla .pince I would rxe.lalin
"paiKiiri! and 1 cleHerve pei:rw Jurt et
dure.'' -JKiMrUjfmid le droit, id II to
hiirdly MWHmry for nif to eliumnlon
I the mume of WA Huleulionlnt."
It Ih evident tint;. nucIi uiticleB iih
writ leu by 'filler Way! k'Vmd "Cat
J''ieiwr" are read and af prcriated
by I- lunjurhy of tlir people, -hut thin Ih
iKit iih it Should he. 1 be time waa
when an nrtli'leol',1 wicrilKajoUB nature
4 ppeai'ed .in a ptit.licati'ttu 1 lit. iaue
would tntve heen Hiipptv-rii'd, and it
would lie-a ureal deal iieltii' for (llii-ia-!
liiiiiify (fit were m lodi.r. Unfortu-
iiutely le preMN la llinm wide open
'j to Hie jinviee and prufeawn .mil wilhout
disernninalioo, and ln.iieNUlt ia one a
tlioutrhtt, tire heralded to all mttnUiutt,
whHber they lie ehnstf, aulilime or
otherwise. It ia lo be Imped that aueli
aitiolea aa tlnwe wri t(.ii by "Elder
Wa.vbai;!;" and "Cal Jch pepper"
(eiiriou noin de p!uiim-h, I ruu-t any)
Will be but a Jlriduw. Jnlmim. It 'in
uciierally believed thil lhey are holh
oneirti .l MieHttme; hutifaiu-h ia not the
Ottwihey eerlninly are 1'ar nnhilr fm
tni'tii and a 'ti aiwnuit. E. W.'a
iwtinnition liiht a irreat nie.lorilv of the
I clergy are aenaatlonalita, ia H'yuitttr.
3 trust that toy reiuarka may have
I Uie desired ell'eet, I. e., thai; the Kulva-
tioniwta will know thai lliey have one
ilriend hi'i'e, and K. W. will extract u
valuable leBMon I herefrom, and he will
rovuni the worda "o pro nnli'm," and
Uxp,"Ha hia Borrow Of Si uie omnia.
! In furl her defence of "A Halvatiou
' 1st,- J will any that hia utteraueea were
!imily the rxpnwHituiH of a learned
1 t-oirtieuian, and lie Hid no' uae the
' iictionury in the luntmer aa lutiiuated
S sy E. vv.
j laiiunfthc opinion thill K. W. ia
1 alatMiacholar, and I hope, a gentle,
j mini, aa it would be quite huuiliiatinir
Itn Hud myaelf corumiiiilealiug with
foneiw'ho moved with the eonuuou
ltertl.. A. Hl,VATION'IT,
By Proxy.
The "Rldvr Wylftek" Matter.
I.Eiuao'. Or., Nov. 27, '8S.
EniToit ExritKaa:
Tliera-ia an article in your papor, lotli of
pieaent month, dialled 'Ulder Wayback."
Ailao w lial purports to tie an answer Nov.
R, signed "A" There lias been
a uood dual of coniiaeut iiion theiu; es
IHtually the last one, many tliiiiking it whs
wmltuii by .Mr. Bryans. ov, in buhall of
M c. Ilryiiint tlie guud ciUkciib of heliauon,
and the pub'ii: in general, I want, to any Mr,
Iti'jlana did not u rile IhertfrJcle signed "A
rialwo-tinliist' I liuveil 4ver Mr. Hryana'
aianuure tliu' he did nol r.tilsn In, illr,.i.Li
e wiliiiiK n illolte ai'ove autement "before
iKiUry." But instead .d' .Mr. llrvana .
riliijg it, soii.evtleiiioul;lMld.sliuidcrcrlook
IlijiM nittiuia ot i Innucriuu. Itbu iiiHt. ll
WwImJ Ills going away. II .Uie truth was
U..UW1I Ibe olieiMillt wrote tbt'lrst did the
it irO' Wiirk of the second aiae.
y.eiirs, I'orlie Irutli, beimwy A juatic.
J. 11. 1 ItOMI'SON.
A.gitcait reduction In prices of goods
at I lead. Peace & Co. 'a.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair,
The only l'u,c Cnwiu of Tartar Powder.-No Annuoiiia; No Alum.
,U.s.:d i;i MiJlioas ,of aowf?io Years the Standard.
Changeable weather at preaent, and
farmer are experiencing considerable
dtotiUYMltSgW inward getting their fall
work In shape.
A young SbillVaii appeared at the
home of L, E. LaKue, In the guiae of
a 121 lb. son, and hia papa Is thinking
of putting the youngster In panta at
Considerable sickness In and about
town at nresent. Mr. H. SheeU ia suf
fering from astrokeof paralyais. Thre.
of the family of Mr. Khepley havt ty
phoid lever. Mr. iNeisou s uave aick
baby, und one of the eyas of AVm.
Wolalegel is suffering from partial
paralyais of the lungs. lr. Link later,
of Hillsbnro, Is the attending pliyai
ciau in all of the alww cases.
The"Chur3hofGd" held a series
of lectures In the new church house
recently, ll as aTosult of oiw week,
added lit converts to their flook, all of
whom were iBiwiersed.
Quite u number f our citizens con
te in plate visit to the Mid-Winter
On the 4th of Dec. will commence In
Hillsborothe notable trial of Edwin
Schuteltze, for the supposed murder of
Chas. Munaon, of Sclioll' Ferry, live
yeara ago.
An llitok CeiitRhilVff all the Nnaliy
Lettera for tin. Dollar.
In uuawer It) a general demand from
all purls of the Uniled Klalea, the
Toledo Blade haa published in one vol
ume, cloth bound, all of the "Kitsby
Lettcra" ever written by the late D.
It. Locke, omitting perhaps a few uu
iuiportanl letters on local or forgotten
topica. Only a few of these letters
were ever published in book form.
Everybody ha road aotne of them, but
who haa read all of them' The book
en tains over 500 large pages, and all
the Ivaaby Letters written during a
period of tweuly-Hve years; also a por
trait of D. It. Lot'KE from his last pho
tograph. It would sell at oue dollar
or more, but will never be placed on
sale. One hundred thousand copiea
are now being printed and bound, and
one copy will be sent post-paid by mail
free to every person who this winter
remits ohC'dollar for the Weekly Blade
oue year. Everybody invited to send
for a specimen copy of the Weekly
Blade, wh'eh will give a full descrlp
ition of the book "The Nasby Letters."
The Toledo Weekly Blade is the best
and most popular weekly newspaper
published in this country. It has the
largest circulation of any weekly news
paper, and goes to every State, Terri
teryaud nearly every county of Ibe
Union. Only one dollar a year, includ
ing the above mentioned book free.
Send postal to The Blade, Toledo,
Ohjo, for a free specimen copy of the
jiaper. Send the addresses of y our
frienda also.
Lmid otllcc at Oregon t'ltv, Oregon, I
Nov. 24, isni.
KotU'elx hen'by given tli.Lt tilt- I'oMowiuK-imlnod
se.ltUT tins llltiil nniiei'of liis intention to main,
Unal aupiHirt or his elnUn, and Tluit Miid
proof will uejuude bi'l'ore tin' Coimtv Clerk orianu
Ctsntly, tit Albiiuy, Uttn., oa Jan. t,, 1MI, viz:
JACOtl I'lcrBRSliN',
Pre. I) K. No. 71117, lor the W.i N. E. lt and W.
Jits. JLMee.2l,T. II)SH. 6E.
He uanii'rt tbe following wloiessop to prove his
eoutiiuioiw reakU'iH'e n)inn Rndeultivutiouol'sald
land, viz; .1. L. llerrv, Neil MeKeti, John Pttloy,
JoUu JfoKrtrti .;!! of Herrv, Ogn.
Come in for iob work.
Potato digging ia almost m,..i
here, the average per aer mplel e.i
and now if we re'iye Mn M'l
buahel.many willvl tP wu,
Fair Fronk Brc' "Uhe Mid-Winter
, eh aon K " .Jtww raited on their
ir,,1 Wnllace's fine residence in
tlu'8umjs completed.
r jnk terotlvers are contemplating
P'nt'rtgwme S acres of hops, In the
spring; aiao a. v. Myer a acres, r.
Pley UcKnlglit 2) acres, and Mr.
Crimder 1J acres on the Dave Andrews
The health of the community ia very
good at present, with the exception of
a few who are suffering with the "Sal
vation Army Fever."
Our school is progressing nicely, with
Prof. Hart, tii Albany, plying the rod.
Mr. George Ross, Sr., is going to
build him a fine residence in the near
Dame Rumor has it that Mr. Charles
McKnight fontemplates moving to
Eastern Oregon. He will be sadly
missed as a compositor in "Iheae
wooda," neverthel as our loss will be
their gain in an influential citizen.
Hope his successor will lie appointed
aoon to fill the "space" left "vacant."
rriie C'utK'usi.
At the cane ua held Wednesday eve
ning the following ticket was nomi
nated: Mayor C. B. Montague.
t'ouncilinen Ed Kelleuherger, ti.
T. Cotton, Geo. W. Uice, .1. G. lined,
S. A. Niekerson, 8. H. Myers.
Treasurer J. F. Hyde.
Recorder F. M. Miller.
Marshal R. Tivey.
The above is a good ticket, and the
majority will be elected, and probably
all, Jjul-Uiure-wiU be another ticket,
and very likely two more.
Dr. L. Foley was elected chairman
of the meeting, and W. C. Peterson
Changed Evry Week.l
Oats 24c.
Hay W per ton.
Flour $0 l)tl per suck.
Chop $1 25 per cwt.
Bran 80c per cwt.
Middlings Ifl 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 50c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c.
Onions '2i'.
Bee. Drcased, 4e.
i Veal i(wfu
Pork Dressed, 6.
Laid 17,1.
Hama 1517 per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Sidea 15c per lb.
Geese $(i per doz.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens 3 U0(4 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Eggs 271c 'lerdoz.
B .tter 2()c per lb.
Hides Green, 23c; dry, 6c.
A Man Lost.
One day last week a man was pass
ing down Main street, and all at once
disappeared into Baker's Dry Goods,
Boot und Slice store, where he fell into
Baker's low prices and was lost to all.
of either sex, any age, ia any part of the country,
at the employment wuich we furnish. You need
not be away from home over night. You can give
yourwholetimetothework.oronlj'j'ourspare mo
ments. As capital is not required you run no rlBk.
We supply you with all that is needed. It wilt
cost you nothing to try Uie business. Any one
can do the work, fiegluuers make raouey from
the start. Failure is unknown with our workers.
Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar.
No one who is willing to work falls to make more
money every day than can be made in three days
at anyordinary employment. Scud for free book
oontainlng the fullest information.
Box 880,
Mining notes.
Mr, J. Knifong has made u discovery
that promises to work a revolution of
changes for good here. He i entlv;
discovered "the clay" for making all"
kinds of fancy and useful in tides, on
piece of land iie line reccnlly purcllaaw
ofO. P. Card (Dlle.h DlrK-lor). This'
may pay better than G. Banford'a
"paint mine," us he has the money to
develope the Held with.
One of our esteemed and would-1
miners thought he had located a quartz
claim near Sodaville recently; but on
securing the services of an "expert"
it wiib found lo be coal instead of gold.
The "boy hunter" says It is an old
charred fir root. Friend Pinctis, much
learning or offices hath Hindu thee
"Elder Wayback," we would like to
graap your horny hand. "You are
among a' thousand. When Winters
comes back If you will come up and
write for him, we will huv a lack of
spuds of you. Selah! But where did
your opponent find that w eapon? We
thought Waterloo had a corneron that
kind of concealed weapons.
The guardian angel is hovering near,
i as mi uie sick are on tile menu.
i Vve see the other Waterloo com
jspbndent is still writing. We had
I thought he, she or it, would resign in
i favor of "one who knew it all;" tut no,
! he cornea up smiling, with t funnv say
j iug occasionally. Stay with it,' "old
j hosa," you may yet write snfm-lhicg
I that will be read.
j Sodaville will be lit by the old Leba
non lights. Waterloo w ill not be out
gone, and now it will i.e in order for
; the town council to buy or lea-e the
factory headlights ami n few of the
leiral lights of our town, und- at once
put on city a,rs.
The nominees are in the field. Three
full lickets are eijual to 24 men. There
being only 40 legal voters in town, this
leaves 16 who can rule tiie election, as
each candidate will follow the bid
Waterloo rule (vote for yourself). They
(the 10) wear a 7x0 smile and are Ax
ing their own terms.
The Robinson-Tyler feud is gaining
In proportions. At a "mill" In Albany
recently the battle w as called n draw;
had it been fought according Ui Water
loo rules Borne oue would have been
whipped. Brethren, let us have peace
or a good fight someone hurt and
then peace. These little Green and
Rice fights are no good. Come down
In the spring and have a "soda," smoke
the "pipe of peace" und be good chil
dren. C. Rank.
Work oil The Hide.
Having an extremely 'industrious
disposition, and desirous of being kept
busy all the time, I will use my spare
moments from the watch bench in re
pairing sewing machines, and 1 assure
you I can repair any make of machine
as well as can he done, anywhere in
the state, and at leasonable prices. I
am an expert operator and can tell
when a machine Is in good order.
.1. H. Adcoy,
Tiie Watchmaker A Jeweler
For Leaau.
My farm of 274 acres, which Is Ic '
cated 5 miles west "f Lebanon, is foi '
lease for three years, provider the per
son will buy my stock nod farming
Implements, which 1 otter ul a bargain.
Alhert CTmpiibiv,
L'b'iiion, Or.
N.w Shoe Hhofi.
Having opened up n aboo and repair
shop in Lebanon, I respectfully solicit
a share of your patronage. I warrant
all my work to be flr-t-class, and make
a specially of line work and ladies'
aboes. M. D. Vauciiian.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is here)))-given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between A. P.
Stowe and John M. Somen, under the (inn
name ami style of Stowe Nor,,,. i.i,.
day dissolved by mutual consent.
Lebanon, Or., kov. 16, MB.
A. l' Stowk,
Jons 41, CostfiS.
All persons themselves in
debted to M. A. Miller will plensooall
and settle at once.